#kangaroo meat pizza
jediaxis101 · 5 days
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thefootnotes · 2 months
randomly thought of this so
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savage-rhi · 2 years
Penny for your thoughts on pineapple on pizza 🍍🍕
@astrandofgold you woke up today and chose violence. I'm into that 👀
Alright. Alright. *deep breath*
I happen to enjoy pineapple on pizza. Would it be my first choice? Hell no. However, if given the option of eating that versus nothing, I'd gladly consume it.
Then again I'm a connoisseur of the weirdest fucking foods and drinks on the planet. I mean I've eaten and or drank:
-Raw beating fresh elk heart
-Camel, kangaroo, python and alligator meat
-snake venom shot
-cow tongue and brain
Given ALL THE ABOVE, pineapple on pizza ain't got S H I T on me 😤
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gunjackk · 3 months
couldn't be happier my grate aunt gave me her secret rescipe for Pet Spiced Buttered Chocolate Nutty Spicy Cheesy Hummus Guac Banana Jícama Radish Turnip Horseradish Pine Hazelnut Chestnut Brazil Nut Sweet Tofu Samosa Curry Pound Cake Jam Screwdriver Barbecue Soy Icing Ketchup Mayonnaise Mustard Cheese Meat Tomato Sauce Chili Ground Clam Crab Human Prawn Squid Shrimp Lobster Octopus Mussel Crayfish Cod Tuna Salmon Herring Anchovy Sardine Mackerel Fish Bacon Ham Spam Sausage Burger Patty Horse Chicken Foot Kangaroo Veal Goose Beef Venison Duck Balut Pork Liver Calf Brain Goat Lamb Mutton Stew Jello Pizza Mayochup Mayomust Mustketch Rue Ube Yam Dill Kale Lettuce Cauliflower Watercress Red Cabbage Kohlrabi Bok Choy Brussels Sprout Leek Mashed Pumpkin Chickpea Ghost X Bell Pepper Cayenne Tabasco Habanero Jalapeño Onion Shallot Garlic Peanut Wasabi Cocoa Vanilla Purple Potato Tea Leaf Ginger Root Herb Soybean Coffee Bean Artichoke Seaweed Mushroom White Button Scallion Salad Friends Shepherd's Pie Rice Soda Milkstank
i dunno
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twobillionseconds · 10 months
December 9th - December 17th 2023
Ok a long multi-day post. Let's see how much I remember. What are you gonna do I was on vacation and traveling.
December 9th:
I found out in the morning that our reef tour was canceled. When we went to the counter the lady said that a cyclone off the coast was causing unsafe conditions. Oh well. We booked another tour that wasn't too far out. It was a tour to Green Island. It wasn't too bad. We got to see the reefs and I saw a sea turtle. Freaking large animals. I ran into some people I met at the conference the week before.
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We came back in the afternoon. I went for a run. We got dinner at a pizza place. We then had a drink at a roof top bar. It was great.
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December 10th:
We woke up early to catch a flight to Brisbane to head to Gold Coast. We had to take a train from the airport to Gold Coast. It was a 3 hour long ride. Got cheap dinner nearby the hotel and decided to enjoy our hotel room. It had a view of the ocean.
December 11th:
We decided to walk around and explore the southern part of Gold Coast. We stopped by a breakfast place and got some late breakfast. After we walked through a tropical forest park. It was cool seeing some of the wildlife.
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Then after we decided to checkout a place where wild koalas were living. We got to see couple wild koalas and checked out a wildlife sanctuary.
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After we grabbed a beer by the beach and headed back to figure out for dinner. We decided to get pho. At the end of the day we clocked in 35,000 steps.
December 12th:
Woke up and got breakfast a nearby cafe. We then decided to checkout this place where they had wild kangaroos running around. It was an hour bus ride. But we got to see some wild kangaroos.
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It was pretty cool. I mean growing up in North America you only saw them in zoos, but to see it in the wild was neat. After we checked out the north part of Gold Coast and got a snack. We came back to the hotel and rested up for dinner. We got burgers and then after we stopped by a bar and got a drink.
December 13th:
Had to wake up and leave early to catch the train to catch the plane. It was mostly travel day. We landed back in Sydney and checked out Centennial Park. It was like their Central Park. For dinner we went to Lord Dudley's Hotel. We came back early and watched some Peaky Blinders.
December 14th:
It was going to be a hot day so planned on spending most of the day indoors. I booked a Sydney Opera House tour. It was cool seeing the inside of the Opera house. I've always seen the outside in pictures but never got to seeing it up close and inside. After the tour I figured we should watch a concert so I bought tickets to a Christmas concert for Friday.
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After we got lunch and we headed to the museum of contemporary art. We spent a couple hours there. Then we headed back to our hotel to wait out the heat. After when it cooled down just a bit, we then headed to Bondi Beach. We walked around and just enjoyed the scenery.
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We came back and had a snack and some drinks at the hotel. We then walked over to Harry's Cafe De Wheels. Apparently it's a famous Australian fast food joint. It was ok. They had meat pies or whatever. We came back after and watched some more peaky blinders.
December 15th:
Last Day in Sydney so we decided to checkout their zoo. It wasn't a big zoo so we saw everything in 4 hours. Great views of the city.
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After we came back and got some snacks at a mall food court. It wasn't too bad. We came back to our hotel and got ready for dinner. For dinner I made a reservation at Chiswick Woollhara. It was a place that Anthony Bourdain visited before. it was a nice restaurant.
Then after we headed to the Sydney Opera House for the concert. It was a fun concert and the choir and the orchestra was great. I am glad that we got to see a concert there.
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We headed back to the hotel and started to pack.
December 16th:
Woke up and headed to the airport. It was a travel day. Landed back in SFO around 7AM. Caught my flight back to SD and came in around 10AM. After I unpacked my stuff and rested up. The wife landed around 1 PM and I picked her up and then we picked up our dog. After we lounged around and we went to a holiday party that one of the wife's friend was hosting. Came home and watched more Peaky Blinders.
December 17th:
Woke up around the usual time. Went to church. Had lunch and met someone who was a potential to sit our dog. He wasn't a good match. In the afternoon we walked the dog and lounged around the house. Made some Aperol spritz and probably have a late dinner and watch some Peaky Blinders. Good vacation. now back to reality.
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dan6085 · 1 year
Pizza toppings can vary widely across different countries and cultures, with unique and creative combinations that reflect local ingredients and traditions. Here are some unique pizza toppings that are popular in other countries:
1. Japan: Okonomiyaki Pizza - This pizza is topped with okonomiyaki sauce, bonito flakes, mayonnaise, and a variety of toppings such as sliced pork, cabbage, and green onions, inspired by the popular Japanese savory pancake.
2. Australia: Kangaroo Pizza - This pizza is topped with kangaroo meat, a native Australian ingredient, along with garlic, onion, and a variety of herbs and spices.
3. India: Tandoori Chicken Pizza - This pizza is topped with tandoori chicken, a popular Indian dish marinated in yogurt and spices, along with onions, peppers, and a creamy sauce.
4. Brazil: Banana Pizza - This pizza is topped with sliced bananas, cinnamon, and sweetened condensed milk, inspired by the popular Brazilian dessert, banana frita.
5. Sweden: Kebab Pizza - This pizza is topped with sliced kebab meat, onions, peppers, and a garlic sauce, inspired by the popular Swedish fast food dish, kebab.
6. France: Flambée Pizza - This pizza is topped with crème fraîche, onions, and bacon, and baked in a wood-fired oven, inspired by the traditional Alsatian dish, tarte flambée.
7. South Korea: Sweet Potato Pizza - This pizza is topped with sliced sweet potatoes, corn, and a sweet and savory sauce made with honey and soy sauce.
8. New Zealand: Mince and Cheese Pizza - This pizza is topped with ground beef, onions, and a blend of cheddar and mozzarella cheeses, inspired by the popular Kiwi dish, mince and cheese pie.
9. Russia: Red Herring Pizza - This pizza is topped with smoked red herring, potatoes, onions, and a blend of cheeses, inspired by the traditional Russian dish, shuba.
10. Egypt: Foul Medames Pizza - This pizza is topped with foul medames, a popular Egyptian breakfast dish made with fava beans, along with tomatoes, onions, and a blend of spices.
In conclusion, pizza is a versatile and adaptable food that can be customized to suit any taste or cultural tradition. These unique pizza toppings from around the world reflect the diversity and creativity of pizza lovers everywhere.
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gertlushgaming · 1 year
Peppa Pig: World Adventures Review (PlayStation 5)
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 This is our Peppa Pig: World Adventures Review where New York City is calling – and so are Paris, London, and a world tour of fun places. You and Peppa can make pizza in Italy, walk on Hollywood Boulevard, and much more. Create a home in Peppa Pig’s neighborhood for you, your brothers and sisters, and your grownups. Be a family of cats, kangaroos, goats, or whatever you choose, and make your house dazzling by displaying the souvenirs and items you collect!
Peppa Pig: World Adventures Review Pros:
- Cartoon graphics, the same as the TV show. - 2.21GB download size. - Platinum trophy. - 3 save slots. They are called friends. -  Character creator - male/female, clothes color, animal type, fur color, glasses, and hat. - Voiced menu choices. - The narration of the game is done like in the TV shows. - Opening tutorial. - You can jump in muddy puddles! As you walk out of the puddle you leave paw prints. - You can skip the cutscenes if you want. - Create your family and you get to choose if it's a large or small family. - The game gives out advice and knowledge. - Gives off positive vibes. - Design your own house. - Plays like an interactive episode. - Has all the familiar friends of the show. - Make friends and play with Peppa. - 2D side scroller view. - Interact with toys and play with them. - Simple controls along with on-screen prompts. - Official voices from the show. - Seven places to visit - Paris, London, Italy, Australia, New York, - Choose where you go each time. Peppa Pig: World Adventures Review Cons: - Has no game Options. - The Queen is in it. - Very slow-paced especially the movement. - When you're not doing anything the sound goes and it's all rather flat. - You cannot talk to Peppa whenever you want. Related Post: Super Meat Boy Forever Review (Android) Peppa Pig: World Adventures: Official website. Developer: Petoons Studio Publisher: Bandai Namco Europe  Store Links - PlayStation Read the full article
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alsjeblieft-zeg · 2 years
181 of 2023
Created by xxbieberburnham
You danced today. Your over the age of 14. (long ago lol) You've texted more than 5 people today. It's past 12:00am/pm. (always is) You used to like to play hide and go seek. You're wearing socks. You're not afraid of spiders. You've never counted past 200. You've stole something before. Your headphones are white. Did you know McDonalds meat is made from Kangaroo meat? You don't believe in god. You wear slippers everyday. You have a terrible life. You've never been depressed. You're car is red. You prefer Facebook than Mysapce. You often lie. You've fixed something in the past week. You get on Facebook or Myspace everyday. You've never had braces. You hate getting blamed for something you didn't do. You can't drive yet. You've never broken a bone. You took pictures today. You've had pizza at least 3 within the past 2 weeks. You visit Google everyday. On the weekend you stay up past 1am. You hate the really short surveys. You were in a bad mood today. You've been to a concert. If you see a mouse you scream. Your birthday is in December, June, July or May. You would rather go to New York than Chicago. You absolutly love the Sun Drop commercial. Your favorite number is 12. You can't whistle. You want to see the movie Water for Elephants. You enjoy seeing bloopers at the end of shows. Your favorite color is either blue or pink. Your eyes are blue. You have blonde hair. Your boyfriend/girlfriend/crush has brown hair. Your name begins with the letter A, O, H, J, K, M You've rode on an airplane. You have acene problems. You'd like to be the person for Covergirl. You barely ever cry. You don't wear makeup. You've never been called stupid. You love spring more than fall. Nothing is charging right now. You've danced under the stars. You wear Covergirl makeup. Your graduating in the year 2013. So far this survey is a 5. (5 being the best and 1 being the worst) Your sensitive. You don't read Seventeen magazine. You like Apple products.
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What are your normal deliveries, Charlie? Like kangaroo tails
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"ah yes heres a question alright! a good one too!"
"yes i get my kangaroo tails from @gemnis-trash-fazbenders"
"honestly we buy most of our ingredients for pizza and other food items from local grocery stores"
"though we get our meat ball ingredients from... somewhere secret but local and uh our puppo rings? yeah you don't wanna know"
"our phoenix wings though? i have a pet phoenix named tuffy buffy since phoenix can't die just remove the wings and let them regrow my phoenix grows her wings very fast"
"don't worry she's not in pain besides no pain is worse then burning yourself to a crisp then regenerating everything at once"
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wjbsart · 3 years
A complete, very long list of all GBoard-combinable emojis because I can't find one anywhere.
Ok so for those who haven't seen my stuff (or have only seen my Bionicle posts), I sometimes emoji mashup redraws, with the recent fourth one using GBoard-based fusions. Frustratingly, there's no actual list of fusion-compatible emojis, so I'll attempt to compile them, in a list below the "Read More" thing:
Green/▢ = compatible with fusion Blue/△ = only works with certain emojis Red/◯ = not compatible with fusion
Also, since other people's terms for specific emojis might not match up with mine, I recommend using CTRL+F and then doing this to find the specific emoji you're looking for. This list is in the order presented in GBoard's Emoji menu. Some of them will be generic unicode symbols, I don't know how to change that, sorry for the inconvenience. Also, I won't aknowledge multi-category Emoji.
Smileys and Emoticons
😀Open-mouthed smile▢
😃Wide-eyed smile▢
😄Closed-eyed smile▢
😁Closed-eyed grin▢
😅Sweating smile▢
😙Kissing, closed eyes▢
😚Kissing, blushing▢
😘Kissing, winking w/ heart▢
🥰Surrounded by hearts▢
🥳Noisemaker and party-hat▢
☺Blushing, smiling▢
😏Looking off to the side▢
🤭Hand over mouth▢
😶Nightmare fuel Mouthless▢
😋Licking lips▢
😛Tongue out▢
😝Tongue out, eyes closed▢
😜Tongue out, winking▢
🤪Tongue out, wide-eyed▢
🙄Rolling eyes▢
😡Angry, red▢
🙁Frown but less▢
😳AWOOGA Flushed▢
😰Distraught, sweating▢
😧Distraught, shocked▢
😦Distraught, neutral▢
😮Open mouth▢
😯Open mouth, surprised▢
🤯Your head asplode Mind blown▢
😢Crying, single tear▢
😥Crying, less sad▢
😪Sleeping but different?▢
🌛Left-facing moon▢
🌜Right-facing moon▢
🌚New moon face◯
🌝Full moon face◯
🌞The sun▢
😷Masked up▢
🤠yee haw▢
👽Ayy lmao Alien▢
😈Demon 1▢
👿Demon 2▢
☠Skull and crossbones▢
💫Star with trail▢
🌟Star with bits▢
💢Anime anger symbol◯
💦Sweat Droplets▢
🎉Party popper▢
🎊Confetti ball▢
😺😸😹😻😼😽🙀😿😾Literally all the "cat in different emotions" emojis▢
❤🧡💛💚💙💜🖤Literally all the coloured hearts△
♥Heart suit▢
💘Heart with arrow▢
💝Heart with ribbon▢
💖Shiny heart▢
💗Growing heart▢
💓Beating heart▢
💞Swirling hearts▢
💕Two hearts▢
💌Love letter▢
💟Heart in square▢
❣Heart exclamation mark▢
💔Broken heart▢
👥Two silhouettes◯
🗣Talking silhouette◯
👃👂🦶🦵💪👍👎👏🙌👐Every other body part and hand gesture, seriously this isn't even all of them◯
Seriously, I don't know why none of the people-category emojis are Fusion-compatible. Let's just move on.◯
Animals and Nature
💐Bunch of flowers▢
🥀Wilted rose◯
🌺Hibiscus flower◯
🌸Cherry blossom▢
💮White flower◯
🍂Falling leaves◯
🍁Maple leaf◯
🌾Rice plants◯
🍃Falling leaves again◯
☘3-leaf clover◯
🍀4-leaf clover◯
🌴Palm tree◯
🌳Deciduous tree◯
🌲Coniferous tree▢
🏞National park◯
🌀Tornado symbol◯
🌁Foggy scene◯
☃Snowman (with snow)▢
⛄Snowman (without snow)▢
🏔Mountain with snow◯
🏝Desert island◯
🌅Sunrise/set (water)◯
🌄Sunrise/set (mountains)◯
🌤Sun with cloud◯
⛅Sun and cloud◯
🌥Cloud with sun◯
🌦Sun and cloud with rain◯
☔Umbrella with rain◯
🌙Crescent Moon◯
🌠Shooting star▢
🌌Milky Way◯
🌆City in the evening▢
🌃City at night▢
🌑🌒🌓🌔🌕🌖🌗🌘The moon◯
🙈🙉🙊🐵Monkeys, wise or not▢
🦁Lion face▢
🐯Tiger face◯
🐱Cat face▢
🐶Dog face◯
🐺Wolf face◯
🐻Bear face▢
🐨Koala face▢
🐼Panda face▢
🐹Hamster face◯
🐭Mouse face◯
🐰Rabbit face▢
🦊Fox face◯
🦝Raccoon face◯
🐮Cow face◯
🐷Pig face▢
🐽Pig nose▢
🐗Boar head◯
🦓Zebra head◯
🦄Unicorn head▢
🐴Horse head◯
🐸Frog face◯
🐲Dragon head◯
🐃Water buffalo◯
🐿Squirrel (why does the squirrel of all things have a Unicode symbol?)◯
🐠Tropical fish◯
🐛"Bug" yeah sure ok◯
Food and Drink
🍎Red apple◯
🍏Green apple◯
🍠Sweet potato◯
🍳Frying pan◯
🥚Egg (somehow)◯
🍗Chicken leg◯
🍖Anime meat◯
🥙Stuffed flatbread◯
🍲Pot of food◯
🍤Fried prawn◯
🥡Takeaway container◯
🍚Cooked rice◯
🍙Jelly Donut Rice ball◯
🍘Rice cracker◯
🥠Fortune cookie◯
🥮Moon cake◯
🍧Shave ice◯
🍨Ice cream◯
🍦See above◯
🍰Cake slice◯
🍮Custard mate what kinda custard have you been eating, this is clearly a créme caramel◯
🎂Birthday cake▢
🍬Boiled sweet◯
🥤Soft drink◯
🍼Baby bottle◯
🍵Green tea◯
🍻Beers, plural◯
🥂Champagne glasses◯
🍷Red red wine◯
🍴Knife and fork▢
🔪Kitchen knife◯
Travel and Places
🛑🎡Everything from the stop sign to Ferris wheel◯
🎠Merry-go-round horse▢
🎪🏕Everything from circus tent to campsite◯
🌇City at sunset yes I'm surprised as you are▢
🛤Train tracks◯
🗾Japan is an island by the sea filled with volcanoes and it's beautifuul!◯
🌐Globe with meridian lines▢
💺Plane seat◯
Activities and Events
🧨Dynamite Firecracker◯
🧧Red envelope◯
🎐Wind chime◯
🎏Fish streamers◯
🎎Japanese dolls (that's what the emoji's called, don't @ me with the actual name for them)◯
🎑Moon viewing ceremony◯
🎍Pine decoration◯
🎄Christmas tree▢
🥌Curling stone◯
🛷Rosebud Sled◯
🎣Fishing rod▢
🎽Running shirt◯
🥋Martial arts uniform◯
🥊Boxing glove◯
🧩Puzzle piece◯
👾Videogame alien◯
🎰Slot machine◯
🎴Flower playing card◯
🀄Mahjong tile◯
🎩Top hat◯
🎚🎛🎙📻Assorted audio stuff◯
🎥Film camera◯
🎭Comedy and tragedy masks◯
📱🧻Everything from smartphone to toilet roll◯
🧸Teddy bear▢
🧷🧢Everything from safety pin to baseball cap◯
🎒💍Everything from backpack to ring◯
💄👓Everything from lipstick to glasses◯
🥽📁Everything from goggles to folder◯
🗞🔎Everything from rolled-up newspaper to right-pointing magnifying glass◯
🔮Crystal ball▢
🧿🔓Everything from Nazar amulet to open lock◯
There are no compatible non-repeated Emoji here.◯
Aaaaand none here either.◯
Feel free to let me know if I got anything wrong.
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survey--s · 3 years
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survey by roxy-ryan
If you could buy any type of food what would you buy?   I have pizza in the fridge for lunch later and that just sounds perfect to me.
What colour is your toothbrush?   It’s grey and blue.
If you could be any animal what would it be and why?   Probably an indoor cat because I mean, they have the best lives, lol.
What is one of the things on your bucket list?   Visit Japan.
Who is your favourite super hero?   I don’t have one.
Who do you admire the most out of your friends?   I don’t really admire other people in that respect.
Who do you admire the most in your family?   ....
Do you admire anyone that is famous?   Not really. I mean, there are some people who have done amazing things - David Attenborough, for example, but I know nothing about his real personality. I will be sad when he dies, though.
What is your favourite summer activity?   Days out at the beach that aren’t work orientated, lol. Lazy days, fish and chips, sunbathing, maybe playing in the rock pools, ice-creams - I love it.
What is your favourite winter activity?   Skiing and ice-skating, but we don’t really have either.
If a movie was made of your life, what genre would it be and what famous actor/actress would you like play you?   My life really isn’t interesting enough to be a movie, though I suspect one abou dogs would be quite popular. I’m not sure who’d play me - I like Aubrey Plaza though, so let’s go with her, lol.
What is your favourite flavour of ice cream?   Mint chocolate chip, cookie dough or raspberry and cream.
Who is your favourite cartoon character and why?   Lisa Simpson, Buster (from the Arthur cartoons) and Squidward.
What is your dream job?   What I do right now, which is running my own dog-walking/pet-sitting business. But my dream job changes all the time so I suspect my answer will be different in another ten years time.
If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go and why?   Japan - because apparently it’s just SO different to any western country and I’d love to experience such a huge culture shock. I’d also like to visit Kenya for a safari and Iceland for the Northern Lights.
Are you a morning person or a night owl?   Morning person.
Name one of your hobbies. Horse riding. I have my first lesson of the year next week and I can’t wait! My riding school closes in winter and I’ve missed it :(
What is one thing that annoys you? Drivers who don’t indicate, and drivers that pull out in front of you and then proceed to drive a the pace of a snail.
What is something unique about you?   My DNA.
What is the strangest thing you have ever eaten?   Snails, zebra pizza, shark burgers, kangaroo steak...all sorts of exotic meats really. I used to live near to an exotic meats restaurant and tried all sorts.
What is your favourite thing about someone in your family?   Hmm, I don’t know. I love how good my aunt is at cooking, if that counts?
Describe yourself in three words.   Animal-loving, hard-working, obsessive.
If you could trade lives with someone for a day, who would that be and why?   A zookeeper, so I could experience working with big animals.
Do you talk in your sleep?   No.
Do you sleep walk?   No.
What is the first thing you do when you wake up in the morning? Check the time on my phone, and then either get up for a wee, go back to sleep or roll over and mess around on my phone.
What is your morning routine?   Once I’m out of bed, then I make the bed, get up to pee, feed the cats, let the the dog out, sort the litter trays, vacuum, have coffee and breakfast, wash up, do any laundry, get changed and go to work. At weekends, I have a shower once I’ve done everything and then normally flop on the sofa.
What is your favourite movie?   Breakfast at Tiffany’s.
What is your favourite television series currently?   I’m re-watching NCIS and I also discovered a show called FBI but I can only find the first two seasons on catch-up.
What is one of your weird quirks?   Everything has to be lined up properly or it bothers me and I can’t relax.
Do you find dad jokes to be funny?   Hahah, of course. Dad jokes are the best.
If you could get yourself anything right now, what would it be?   Plane tickets out the country, just for a nice quick little vacation. <--- ooh, yes please. A holiday somewhere warm and exotic please.
If money was not a limit, what would you buy right now if you could have anything?   I would quit my job and open up my own animal rescue.
Ever wanted to visit outer space?   Yes, definitely. I LOVE that it’s possible to visit space now but unfortunately I very much doubt it will ever be affordable to me.
Where is the worst place you could get stuck for 24 hours in your opinion?   Underground. I remember visiting an old mine in Australia and they offered tours underground and there was no fucking WAY you would get me doing that, hahah. My uncle ended up staying on the surface with me and we went gold-panning instead, lol.
Speaking of getting stuck have you ever been stuck somewhere before?   Yeah, in an airport overnight several times due to cancelled flights, and also I got stuck here for an extra week when I was on my year abroad due to that Icelandic volcano and all flights being cancelled.
What would you do with your '15 minutes of fame'?   No thanks.
Where would you go and what would you do if you were invisible?   I have no idea - I’d probably just travel the world for free, lol.
If you had the ability to time travel, where would you go and what would you do? I don’t really know, to be quite honest.
If you had the ability to read minds, what would you do with information you gathered?   No thanks.
If you had the ability to fly, where would you go and what would you do?   Everywhere, lol.
Do you like theme parks?   Not really - I prefer amusement parks to ones with huge coasters.
What do you like most about theme parks?   Nothing much, really. I like ones with amusement arcades and smaller rides, or water parks. They’re over-priced and the food is always rubbish.
What is your favourite rollercoaster/attraction?   I like a good water ride.
What is one thing you own that you wish you didn't? I mean, why would you own something you didn’t want.
Describe the perfect kiss in three words?   Spontaneous, romantic, gentle.
Do you spend much time at the beach?   I wouldn’t say much at all; I’m only at the beach like once or twice a year.
Do you like to go and get pampered?   Nope. I like things like spa days on my own but I hate the idea of someone else rubbing my face or whatever lol.
List three things you love about Nature?   How pretty it is, how it just goes on without us and how strong parts of it are.
Do you like to Travel?   I absolutely love it.
Where is the best place you have travelled to?   Sardinia, Canada, Switzerland, Italy and Australia.
What do you and your friends do when you hang out?   I don’t really have friends.
Do you still have sleepovers with friends?   No. I like my own bed.
What do you do for work?   I run my own dog-walking business.
What is your biggest addiction overall?   The internet, caffeine.
What is your current biggest addiction?   Caffeine.
Have you been wearing a face mask and hand sanitizing your hands during the pandemic?   I wore face masks when I had to but I don’t use sanitiser as it dries my hands out and makes them sore and cracked.
Once the pandemic is eased completely, what are you most looking forward to?   It’s pretty much over here, to be honest. In a couple of weeks they’ll stop testing and isolation, and nobody needs to wear masks or anything anymore either.
What is planned for today? Absolutely nothing which is perfect, lol. It’s my first day off in two weeks and I definitely just need a day to do nothing.
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surveysonfleek · 3 years
1. What’s the last thing you ate? turtle chips in choco churros flavour, a new fave!
2. What’s your favourite cheese? triple cream brie omg
3. What’s your favourite fish? raw salmon
4. What’s your favourite fruit? bananas
5. When, if ever, did you start liking olives? i hate olives
6. When, if ever, did you start liking beer? never lol. i dont mind fruity ciders though
7. When, if ever, did you start liking shellfish? i guess as a kid?
8. What was the best thing your mum/dad/guardian used to make? filipino food
9. What’s the native specialty of your hometown? we dont have anything great here haha
10. What’s your comfort food? a whopper. i know, its bad
11. What’s your favourite type of chocolate? i love lindt lindor
12. How do you like your steak? medium rare
13. How do you like your burger? a bit red in the middle and just the classic tomato, lettuce and onion with a bomb burger sauce
14. How do you like your eggs? scrambled
15. How do you like your potatoes? beer battered
16. How do you take your coffee? i love iced coffee
17. How do you take your tea? i prefer earl grey with a dash of milk and 1tsp of sugar
18. What’s your favourite mug? this cheap game of thrones one
19. What’s your biscuit or cookie of choice? subway cookies! particularly white choc and macadamia
20. What’s your ideal breakfast? a big breakfast - bacon, sausage, eggs,mushrooms, tomatoes and hash brown with a side of pancakes lol
21. What’s your ideal sandwich? tuna salad is good enough for me tbh
22. What’s your ideal pizza: meat lovers
23. What’s your ideal pie (sweet or savoury)? im happy with an apple pie from mcdonalds lol
24. What’s your ideal salad? greek salad
25. What food do you always like to have in the fridge? the usual haha
26. What food do you always like to have in the freezer? idk lol
27. What food do you always like to have in the cupboard? these questions are boring lol
28. What spices can you not live without? salt, pepper, galic and onion powder and of course all the usuals
29. What sauces can you not live without? tomato sauce and bbq sauce
30. Where do you buy most of your food? coles, woolies and aldi
31. How often do you go food shopping? every week
33. What’s the most expensive piece of kitchen equipment you own? fridge
34. What’s the last piece of equipment you bought for your kitchen? knives
35. What piece of kitchen equipment could you not live without? microwave or stove
36. How many times a week/month do you cook from raw ingredients? hmm maybe 4
37. What’s the last thing you cooked from raw ingredients? chicken curry
38. What meats have you eaten besides cow, pig and poultry? i’ve tried moose, turtle, lamb, crocodile, kangaroo
39. What’s the last time you ate something that had fallen on the floor? idr
40. What’s the last time you ate something you’d picked in the wild? haha this doesnt rly count but prob an avocado from our avocado tree
41. Arrange the following in order of preference: Italian, Mexican, Chinese, Indian, Thai, Sushi. sushi, chinese, italian, mexican, indian, thai
42. Arrange the following in order of preference: Vodka, Whiskey, Brandy, Rum. whiskey, rum, vodka, brandy
43. Arrange the following in order of preference: Garlic, Basil, Caramel, Lime, Mint, Ginger, Aniseed. garlic, caramel, basil, ginger, mint, lime, aniseed
44. Arrange the following in order of preference: Pineapple, Orange, Apple, Strawberry, Cherry, Watermelon, Banana. banana, watermelon, pineapple, orange, apple, strawberry, cherry
45. Bread and spread: nutella is my fave
46. What’s your fast food restaurant of choice, and what do you usually order? kfc, fried chicken and coleslaw
47. Pick a city. What are the best dining experiences you’ve had in that city? haha i couldnt choose
48. What’s your choice of tipple at the end of a long day? what
49. What’s the next thing you’ll eat? some sort of snack at work
50. Are you hungry now? no
51. Do you eat your breakfast everyday? nope
52. At what time do you have breakfast? maybe 7am if i have it
53. At what time do you have lunch? 11
54. What do you have for lunch? changes everyday
55. At what time do you have dinner? 7pm
56. What do you have for dinner? changes everyday
57. Do you light candles during dinner? no lol
58. How many chairs are there in your dining room and who sits in the main chair? 6 but we hardly ever have dinner together as a family lol
59. Do you eat and drink using your right hand or the left one? right
61. Mention the veggies that you like most: i legit like all veggies
62. What fruit and vegetable do you like the least? any sour fruits
63. You like your fruit salad to have more: rockmelon
64. You prefer your vegetable salad to contain more: avocado
65. What’s your favourite sandwich spread? nutella
66. What’s your favourite chocolate bar? kitkat or malteasers
67. What’s your favourite dessert? waffles
68. What’s your favourite drink? vanilla coke
69. What’s your favourite snack? idk lol
70. What’s your favourite bubble gum flavour? spearmint
71. What’s your favourite ice cream flavour? hazelnut
72. What’s your favourite potato chip flavour? salt and vinegar
73. What’s your favourite soup? clam chowder
74. What’s your favourite pizza? meat lovers
75. What’s your favourite type of dish? a hearty meal
76. What food do you hate? spicy food
77. What’s your favourite restaurant? theres way too many to name
78. Do you eat homemade food, or food delivered from outside? both
80. Who cooks at home? we all take turns
81. What kind of diet (e.g. low-fat, high-fiber, high-carbohydrate, balanced diet etc.) do you have? i dont follow one
82. How do you keep yourself fit? minimal exercise lol
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babysprouseisart · 4 years
tag game! get to know me
tagged by: the darling Anna @edamamechips​, thank you <3 Sorry, my dear, that I am answering so late, I appreciate your mention, and thank you for not forgetting me!
1. what is the color of your hairbrush? dark blue with black
2. name a food you never eat. liver or fish soup with cod/mackerel (I only accept trout/salmon soup, and it's not because I'm so rich or biased, I just don't like the smell of other fish)
3. are you typically too warm or too cold? if we are talking about temperature of the body, then - too cold, for sure, It’s because I have vegetative-vascular dystonia
4. what were you doing 45 minutes ago? I was taking the English grammar olympiad (contest)
5. what’s your favorite candy bar? Bounty bar or the sesame bar, cause I really love coconut and sesame
6. have you ever been to a professional sports game? no (if only the figure skating is considered a sport, then - yes)
7. what is the last thing you said out loud? ‘fuck it’ (not kidding)
8. what is your favorite ice cream? I like sherbet, fruit ice and a cone with any filling, but more with currant jam or chocolate.
9. what was the last thing you had to drink? had? a whole glass of water (for medicinal purposes)
10. do you like your wallet? I don’t work, don’t have any wallet, only some pocket money
11. what is the last thing you ate? soup and bread with ketchup and tomatoes, I suppose
12. did you buy any new clothes last weekend? nah
13. what’s the last sporting event you watched? Ummm, I sometimes watch F1 (Formula 1) with my brother (he plays it on his phone so fucking loud, so, yeah, here I am again, and I don’t now it is countable, but anyways)
14. what is your favorite flavor of popcorn? sweet popcorn is my favourite 
15. who is the last person you sent a text message to? I rarely send text messages (SMS), cause I have a pushbutton phone right now, and it takes a lot of time to send a text message, but I have messaged my classmate by telegram using computer recently.
16. ever been camping? no (only had been in the forest searching the mushrooms several times and had a quick bite sitting on the glade)
17. do you take vitamins? yes, I often take ascorbic acid
18. do you regularly attend a place of worship? no, just on occasions sometimes
19. do you have a tan? no, why? And it’s weird, cause: 1) It’s autumn and it is getting colder and colder and it is raining sometimes, so no almost sun and 2) I NEVER get a tan, I just immediately get burned under the open rays of sunshine. 
20. do you prefer chinese or pizza? hmmm, I remember trying chinese food and I getting sick after, and I haven’t tried it again, so I am not completely familiar with it, I don't know if I really enjoy it, that’s why - pizza
21. do you drink your soda through a straw? nooo... But fun fact: I love drinking soda with a loaf or with drying with poppy seeds
22. what color socks do you usually wear? I usually wear beige nylon socks (with shoes) or white socks (with sneakers)
23. do you ever drive above the speed limit? I don’t drive by myself at all, but, yeah, my brother and dad do sometimes
24. what terrifies you? a lot of things actually... Like, death of the relatives, upcoming exams, unfairness of life (more like irritates me), poverty, war, the possibility of non-reciprocal love, violence, cruelty, drunkenness and drug addiction of the partner and suffering with a child alone, I do not know, there are other fears, like heights and spiders, but much simpler...
25. look to your left, what do you see? notebooks and telephone
26. what chore do you hate most? cleaning the kitchen and mopping the floor
27. what do you think of when you hear an australian accent? I feel curious and think about australia: kangaroo, coalas, Sydney, Stewart and Meghan (native speakers with whom we sometimes have classes), the tribes, the heat
28. what’s your favorite soda? Duchess, Mojito, Schweppes
29. do you go in a fast food place or just hit the drive thru? 50/50, sometimes I don’t have time to sit inside, and sometimes, when, for example, I hang out with my friends, I go inside and sit there eating
30. what’s your favorite number? I don’t have one and only, it changes every time, let it be 25, my birthday number
31. who’s the last person you talked to? my brother, Alexey
32. favorite meat? beef I think, but I also love chicken
33. last song you listened to? oh, God, grant me memory it was daytime and now it's evening... I think it was “What you do to me” by John Legend
34. last book you read? errr, only school programe, so - “Sotnikov” by V. Bykov”, Russian story about war
35. favorite day of the week? according to the school timetable - monday, and in general - friday
36. can you say the alphabet backwards? ohhh, no, i am so silly, yeah? 
37. how do you like your coffee? I like coffee in any shape, form or whatever, just give me coffee and I am yours... *winks*
Just kidding, I really love latte (with milk)  
38. favorite pair of shoes? actually, I love my autumn boots, they are cute and fit anything
39. time you normally get up? at half past 6am at weekdays or at 11am on the weekends
40. what do you prefer, sunrise or sunsets? sunsets are my love
Just look at this:
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41. how many blankets are on your bed? one currently, cause it’s pretty warm still
42. describe your kitchen plates: ummm, i don’t know what does this exactly mean, but...we have the flat small plates, they are mostly white with a pattern of flowers, or deeper, with a gold border (border) or with a pattern, there are also salad bowls of different colors and saucers for tea or lemon
43. describe your kitchen at the moment: what? okay, there is now soup and stuff cooking, kettle boiling, my brother is washing dishes and so on, we have only one finished part of the kitchen (white cabinets, table), a bit old stove, sink, spices and microwave on the windowsill, some other small things, we have a gas boiler there too...
44. do you have a favorite alcoholic drink? I don’t drink alcohol AT ALL, I have only tried energy drink (with caffeine)
45. do you play cards? yep, but rarely
46. what color is your car? I don’t have a car as I don’t drive
47. can you change a tire? again, for the 29325932 time - no car no problems
48. your favorite state or province? in our country there aren’t states, but I love the silent sceneric places, near the sea or lake, or river, I dont’ know, somewhere like this... Also, if we are considering other places, I love and would like to visit California, Florida, Oregon
49. favorite job you’ve had? to be honest, I haven’t had the job, only was planning to get one
tagging: @hbiccjsblog, @aliciarm, @cs-bh22, @raymondebidochonlifechoices, @aussiejonesandsprouse​, @monia-sprousehart and anyone who wants!
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Trash Fazbender’s Menu!
The Pizza: They serve, Tarantula Pepperoni, Kangaroo Sausage and Green Olive, Cheese, Eucalyptus Leaves Pizza, Cricket and Larva, Wild Boar Bacon, Beast Trio Meat Packed, Mushroom with Purple Olive
((warning you must sign a waver before eating the Eucalyptus Leaves Pizza the owner of the restaurant is not responsible for your death!)
Single slice of pizza: 3.50
Small pizza: 9.50
Medium pizza: 11.50
Large pizza: 15.25
Extra large pizza: 16.99
((Here are the sause choices!))
1: Marina Sause
2: Vegemite
3: Scoopi Slime
4: Scorpion Venom Hot Sause
5: Ant Paste
6: Alfredo Sause
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Here are the other menu items!
1: Emu Drumsticks: 15.50$ 
((the catch is you have to fight the emu you wanna eat with your tables Silverware!))
2: Soda/Pop: 50¢ (small) 1.50$ (medium) 2.50$ (large)
3: 10 Dingo Nuggets 6.25$
4: Fairy Bread 2.50$
5: Cake 12.50$
6:  Lemon Myrtle, served in a cute lil vegan wrap 3.85$
7: Vegan Quarter Pounder Burger 5.99$ 
8: Deep Fried Scorpion Tails medium sized basket 4.50$
9: A Whole Wombat Meat Pie $8.85
10: Camel Bacon Wrapped Cheese Explosion Burger 10.00$
((a burger injected with cheese wrapped with bacon made from a camel and wrapped in more cheese))
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dingyuxi · 4 years
I was tagged by @cuddlybitch​; tysm hannah ❤︎ 
1. What is the color of your hairbrush? wait but I have three...one is a dark wood, the other is silver and the last is blue and white
2. Name a food you never eat. I hate eggs. In all shapes and forms (unless it’s literally baked into something which at that point it’s not an egg)
3. Are you typically too warm or too cold? Too cold. 
4. What were you doing 45 minutes ago? Watching Live On.
5. What’s your favorite candy bar? Heath bars! I love toffee. 
6. Have you ever been to a professional sports game? No...unless you count this really minor league (honestly it’s probably not even considered a league) baseball game. I think they were the Rockcats? lmaooo I honestly don’t even know how I ended up there.
7. What is the last thing you said out loud? I was helping my brother set up his bluetooth speaker, I think I asked him if it was charged.
8. What is your favourite ice cream? Ohh this is a tough one. It really depends on my mood. For basic flavors...strawberry and vanilla. I also like green tea and mint. 
9. What was the last thing you had to drink? Green tea with lemon and honey.
10. Do you like your wallet? I mean it’s fine? It’s useable. Could be cuter lol.
11. What is the last thing you ate? A brownie-peanut butter cookie bar. 
12. Did you buy any new clothes last weekend? Nah. I wish I had money to buy new clothes. But also I have no where to go in them...
13. What’s the last sporting event you watched? I don’t really watch sports. But recently I went down the youtube rabbit hole of dog sporting events. I watched many agility competitions....and then we transitioned to dog dock diving. Don’t ask.
14. What is your favorite flavor of popcorn? Kettle corn!
15. Who is the last person you sent a text message to? My friend Jillian.
16. Ever been camping? Yep! Tent and all. It was on like an official camping ground tho so there were bathroom facilities and such. It wasn’t actually just in the woods in the middle of nowhere. 
17. Do you take vitamins? My doctor said I should take vitamin D (not because I was deficient but just because that’s something people should do)...I did not listen.
18. Do you regularly attend a place of worship? No.
19. Do you have a tan? Whatever limited summer tan I got has mostly faded. But let’s be real it only became a tan after I first burned. I’m pretty pale, probably because I rarely see the light of day oops.
20. Do you prefer chinese or pizza? This is so? Why isn’t it like Italian vs. chinese? I’m gonna go chinese because there’s so much more to choose from to suit my specific mood.
21. Do you drink your soda through a straw? No. I mean if I'm in a restaurant and they give me a glass I'll drink from a straw. But if it’s a can or bottle or I'm just pouring it into my own cup then no. Although we have a collection of metal straws at my house and I use those occasionally when I’m drinking something that I had to mix. 
22. What color socks do you usually wear? Generally white. 
23. Do you ever drive above the speed limit? LOL. I’d like to meet someone who never does. But I'm not a speed demon. I simply follow the flow of traffic. And that usually means 10-15mph over the speed limit on the high way. On inner roads its more 5-10mph over.
24. What terrifies you? All bugs need to stay a great distance away from me. I will shriek like a banshee and jump 10 feet in the air if they startle me. I kid you not. 
25. Look to your left, what do you see? My desk. And it’s messy array of papers, notebooks and folders strewn across it. I really should organize it...
26. What chore do you hate most? Cleaning the bathroom YES. But that’s not really a daily thing. If we’re talking daily I hate doing the dishes.
27. What do you think of when you hear an Australian accent? I’m sorry but it’s just this beach blonde surfer dude. Or kangaroos. There’s no in between.
28. What’s your favorite soda? I like Sprite and Root Beer. 
29. Do you go in a fast food place or just hit the drive thru? Drive thrus stress me. I feel too pressured. I’d rather go in. Also I’m the type to examine the menu carefully before ordering anything. And the drive thru menus are never comprehensive, or they’re shown at the very last minute. 
30. What’s your favorite number? 7
31. Who’s the last person you talked to? My brother
32. Favorite meat? Beef.
33. Last song you listened to?  “Trying My Best” — Anson Seabra according to spotify
34. Last book you read? I was trying to read Kingdom of Sea and Stone but I got so bored I stopped. 
35. Favorite day of the week? Friday or Saturday.
36. Can you say the alphabet backwards? I mean...I'm sure I could if I really think about it. Definitely won’t sound fluent. 
37. How do you like your coffee? Definitely not black. I’m more of a latte, cappuccino type of coffee drinker. Or iced coffee with condensed milk. 
38. Favorite pair of shoes? I’m not really super attached to any one pair. I’ve mostly been wearing my grey keds as of late. But I will start transitioning to ankle boots soon for the fall season.
39. Time you normally get up? If I have no classes or other engagements, 10:30-11am. What can I say? I’m a night owl. 
40. What do you prefer, sunrise or sunsets? Sunsets! There’s no way I’m waking up at the crack of dawn to watch a sunrise. Honestly it’s more likely that I’ve stayed up so late that I see the sunrise and then go to bed. 
41. How many blankets on your bed? Two. A fluffy blanket and a comforter. 
42. Describe your kitchen plates They’re your basic white corelle plates with this green and red floral pattern or a grey-blue floral pattern around the edge. 
43. Describe your kitchen at the moment Uhh It’s clean? The dishes are all in the dishwasher (to dry), the pots are all put away in the cabinets. It’s also 1am right now though, so everything has been put away for the night already.
44. Do you have a favorite alcoholic drink? No, I definitely haven’t tried enough to know. I want to try flavored soju and mixed drinks with it. I’ve had this sweet sake once and that was good. It didn’t even really taste like alcohol. 
45. Do you play cards? I like learning new card games, even if I don’t play often. But this also means I forget the rules because I don’t play regularly. I used to remember actual poker rules but when I play with my fam it’s an abridged version. 
46. What color is your car? White.
47. Can you change a tire? LMAO that would be a call to my dad or triple A stat
48. Your favorite state or province? I like the northeastern states. Maybe I'm biased since I live there. 
49. Favorite job you’ve had? I had a job as barista and that was fun. Plus I always got to have fun with my crew mates. 
tagging @hwanginyeop, @thingskateknows, @kdramaxoxo, @junghaesin, @moonlightsdream, @liveasbutterflies, @jingyans, @therukurals (only if you want to!)
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goldenroutledge · 4 years
get to know me :)
thanks for tagging me @rafeyybabyy and @rosylinn 🥺 ily
1. what is the color of your hairbrush? black
2. name a food you never eat? mayonaise
3. are you typically too warm or too cold? too cold
4. what were you doing 45 minutes ago? eating lunch
5. what’s you’re favorite candy bar? 3 musketeers or reese’s peanut butter cups
6. have you ever been to a professional sports game? yes! stl cardinals games and stl blues games
7. what is the last thing you said out loud? hahah same
8. what is your favorite ice cream? mint chocolate chip
9. what was the last thing you had to drink? water
10. do you like your wallet? ehh kinda i want a new one
11. what is the last thing you ate? raspberries
12. did you buy any new clothes last weekend? unfortunately no 😔 i love to shop tho
13. what was the last sporting event you watched? chiefs vs chargers game like a couple sundays ago
14. what is your favorite flavor of popcorn? i love the cheddar & caramel popcorn mix
15. who is the last person you sent a text message to? my dad
16. ever go camping? nope but i would go to like a cabin or something that would be cool
17. do you take vitamins? yes
18. do you regularly attend a place of worship? no
19. do you have a tan? my skin is naturally tan so yea ig lol
20. do you prefer chinese or pizza? pizza
21. do you drink soda through a straw? i dont drink soda
22. what color socks do you usually wear? black
23. do you ever drive above the speed limit? yes sometimes
24. what terrifies you? rejection🥰
25. look to your left, what do you see? my dresser
26. what chore do you hate the most? vacuuming the stairs
27. what do you think of when you hear an australian accent? kangaroos and hugging a koala
28. what’s your favorite flavor of soda? havent had it in years but as a kid it was sprite ESPECIALLY mcdonalds sprite i drank that shit religiously when i was 11&12
29. do you go in a fast food place or just hit the drive thru? drive thru
30. what’s your favorite number? dont have one lol
31. last person you talked to? my friend
32. favorite cut of meat? dont really eat it that often so idk
33. last song you listend to? belong to you by sabrina claudio & 6lack
34. last book you read? a rafe cameron book on wattpad LMAO
35. favorite day of the week? friday
36. can you say the alphabet backwards? yes
37. how do you like your coffee? def more sweet than bitter, i like the iced white mocha at starbucks. especially w sweet cream & caramel drizzle basic ik
38. favorite pair of shoes? slip on vans
39. time you normally get up? between 6:30 and noon its all over the place
40. what do you prefer sunrise or sunset? both r so pretty i cant pick
41. how many blankets on your bed? 5
42. describe your kitchen plates. white, round and glass nothing fancy
43. describe your kitchen at the moment? a little too cluttered for my liking
44. do you have a favorite alcoholic drink? no because i am not legally of age and i definitely do not drink black cherry white claws. (for legal purposes this is a joke)
45. do you play cards? no
46. what color is your car? black
47. can you change a tire? nope haha maybe should learn tho
48. your favorite state? new york or cali
49. favorite job you’ve had? i used to babysit this adorable little girl she was so fun to babysit, it didnt even feel like a job we were actually bffs
50. no pressure tags: @tempestuousjj @nxsmss @peachydrews @ilovejjmaybank @mxltifandoms06 @drewswannabegirl @obx-slut
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