#kang seungyoon fic
Sleeping With the Enemy Ch.2
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Genre: Realistic Fiction + Kinda Fluffy heehee
Word Count: ~1K
Characters: Kang Seungyoon (Winner), Corporate Bad Ass Reader :)
Summary: You’re a young and successful CFO in a very well known company and Seungyoon is your new secretary, but there’s something you don’t know about him. 
A/N: I’m trying to make my writing a little more concise, or at least shorter cuz I have noticed they are very long. Also that gif has pretty much no relation to this fic but I saw it and immediately screamed so I figured I’d put it up there. 
“Hi,” a raspy voice whispered into your ear. Flickering your eyes open, you were shocked to see that your secretary was really in bed next to you, that last night hadn’t been yet another dream.
“Seungyoon?” You checked if your eyes were deceiving you.
“I liked what you called me last night better,” he stroked the side of your face, a sly smile creeping onto his lips. You raised your tired eyebrows in confusion, although you knew exactly what he was hinting at. “Oh, you remember,” he responded as he rolled his eyes. “Maybe this’ll jog your memory,” he said, climbing on top of you, pressing his hands into the mattress on either side of your shoulders. He lowered himself so your noses brushed against each other. The closeness brought back all your slightly drunken memories from the night before.
“BANG BANG BANG,” your alarm clock screamed at you, jolting you out of the moment. The man on top of you laughed.
“Big Bang? Really?”
“Hey, it gets me up in the morning,” you replied, pushing him off of you and making your way to the closet.
“Ok, second question. Who sets an alarm on a Saturday? You don’t work weekends too right?” He laid above the sheets, never taking his eyes off of you.
“Well, it is later than normal… and also I have a lot to do,” you replied. “And technically, it’s not work. I’m going to play golf with some potential clients and a few other executives from JYPE.”  You could feel Seungyoon’s eyes baring into your naked back as you slipped khaki’s over your legs, but you didn’t dare turn around. Guilt built up inside of you at the thought of leaving him alone the day after you slept together. Especially since he worked for you. So many things about this situation were wrong, and most of them were your fault.
After pulling a shirt on, in no hurry, you finally turned to face your transgression. You sat on the edge of the bed and leant down to tie up your shoes, mostly so you could avoid making eye contact.
“You’re welcome to stay here until I get back. The fridge isn’t exactly full… but I have a delivery service that knows me pretty well,” you looked at him now, only to see him playing with the edge of his boxers, avoiding eye contact with you. You let out a heavy breath. “Look, I’m sorry. It’s just how my life is. I really shouldn’t have taken advantage of you like that, we’re profess” -your words were cut off by warm lips, pressing against mouth. The pressure on your mouth relieved that which lied in your shoulders.
“Y/N,” he pulled away ever so slightly, causing you to panic internally. Your eyes flew open as you looked desperately into his. “It’s fine. I get it,” he smiled and leaned in for another kiss.
The whole time you were at not-work, you couldn’t get images of Seungyoon out of your head. His sweet smile, the way he looked at you when you woke up, the feeling of his lips on yours, the feeling of his body. You wanted to be with him in this moment, not playing a stupid game of golf with a bunch of old men who you had to fight to get a word in with. “Miss Y/L/N, I believe if you make this put you’ll have beaten our client Mr. Douglass’s all-time record,” your boss mumbled to you through gritted teeth, and you got the hint. Business is a game, and you had to play it. You shook your head, trying to get yourself out of the haze your secretary had put you in, and did your best to miss that shot.
You didn’t even notice how eerily silent your apartment was when you finally got home. Apparently golf meant that you’d have to spend an entire day trapped in a country club afterwards, and while the men went off into the sauna, you got to schmooze with the wives, very few of whom shared any common interests with you. You never quite fit in with other women, but it irritated you that the men flat out excluded you. How hard would it have been to pick something that wouldn’t require any nudity? You kicked off your shoes and flopped onto the couch. People were just going to have to get used to you. Hopefully it would happen sooner rather than later. You let your head fall backwards and propped your feet up onto the ottoman. For a few minutes, you thought you’d fall asleep like that, as you had many times before.
Sleep almost overcame you, when the realization that you left Seungyoon in your house alone for over 12 hours without contacting him. “Could he still be here?” you wondered, “There’s no way.” You ran up to your bedroom, only to find the bed made, and his clothes gone from the floor. You knocked on the bathroom door, just to make sure, and received no answer. “Shit,” you thought out loud this time.
“SHIT.” You wasted no time trying to figure out what happened, clearly he got frustrated and left. You didn’t even have the decency to tell him you were going to be late, you just forgot. You left him stranded in place that he wasn’t familiar with. What’s worse is that he worked directly under you. What if he quit because of this? What would that mean for you? For him?
You: Hey, did you go home?
You stared at the message you sent as the loading bar filled at the top of your screen. What did it matter if he went home, he clearly wasn’t here. It was a Saturday so it was plausible that he’d have other plans. You probably weren’t the only woman in his life, especially since he was so handsome. You sighed, and put your phone down. Tonight, your glass of wine would have to accompany you, just like always. 
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suweggeritos-blog · 6 years
i think i'm in love.
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Brief description: Yoon and Rose has always had a crush on each other but they both haven't taken a step further away from being friends. A chance was set upon them when the director decided that both of them would be appearing in the same commercial together (inspired from the adidas advertisement of them recently), though they won't have scenes together. Nonetheless, this set both of them nervous yet excited about finally being able to see each other again after some time due to their busy schedules.
The moment the director shouted "cut", I felt so relieved.
I haven't had a good night's sleep last night because of the shoot today… it's been a while since I've received a chance to be in an advertisement and also, the main reason is because I heard Rose is going to be around on set today. I'm going to be such a nervous wreck when I happen to see her around.
I quickly glance around the set. She doesn't seem to be here yet I guess.
My heart sank at the thought that she might have left already since my part was arranged after hers. Given her busy schedule and recent world tour with her team, I doubt I would be able to even really have a good talk with her.
A sighed quickly left my lips and my manager gave me a nudge on my shoulder.
"Get some rest in the van, you looked rather tired." He said, nodding his head towards the gate where the van was parked directly outside.
"Have you seen- nevermind," I quickly brushed away the thought of asking if he's seen Rose around. He might get suspicious and start telling me how I can't be caught in a dating scandal. "I'll just get some rest. Call me when they resume the shoot okay?" I flashed a smile before making my way to the black vehicle.
Pushing open the door, I quickly settle myself down into the first seat I climb into. I pulled off my shoes and socks and stretch out my arms and legs, shifting myself into a comfortable position in the chair before letting out a loud yawn.
Then I heard a soft giggle from the back. I jumped and turned behind, the first thought was a stalker in the car.
But thank god it wasn't a stalker, it was Rose.
Wait, Rose? Why is she doing here?
"Shit, oh, I mean hi!" I beamed, my hands shot up to wave at her awkwardly. "What are you doing here?" I asked, confused yet excited by her presence.
"Um," she lets out a chuckle. "This is my team's van, Seungyoon."
I feel my cheeks burn that instant, realising that I've made a silly mistake in front of her.
Or was this a blessing in disguise?
I was stunned when a tall figure opened the door and climbed into the van, throwing his shoes off and stretching his limbs. I can't help but to laugh when I realise who that was.
The boy whom I have had a crush on since we first met when we were trainees. Though we were forbidden to see each other and had to train at different floors, there were occasions when we would bump into each other along the way to cafeteria or the recording room.
It was honestly comfortable being around him. We had so much in common and he made me laugh a lot and always paid attention to me in group settings. Then slowly, he starts making my heart skip a beat with his small yet sweet gestures towards me.
But, things were just kept at a friend level and I'm not even sure if he had the same feelings as I do. It's probably a one-sided thing but still, I was so happy when I heard we are going to be on set today! Thankfully, I manage to catch him here before I have to go off for my next schedule.
He quickly flash a smile and an awkward wave, clearly tensed up by my presence in the same space as him. I'm a hundred percent sure he didn't realise I was sitting right at the back all the while.
He started asking me about the shoot and also, my schedule for the day. I can't help but feel a tad sad about leaving the shoot later now that he's here.
"Oh right!" He suddenly exclaimed, his body turned towards me excitedly. "Thanks for all those English consults." He chuckled.
Seungyoon was preparing for Winner's North America tour last month and he approached me to improve on conversing in english and his pronunciation, which I find was really cute. His fans are lucky to have someone so hardworking.
"It's no biggie," I laughed, heat rushing up to my cheeks as his words. "I'm glad to help you. I heard it went really well."
"Yeah, it was really fun. The members enjoyed it too!" He smiled. "How's your tour so far?"
"It's really fun to meet fans from around the world!" I said. "We even performed at Lisa's hometown! Isn't that like a huge dream come true?"
"Yeah that is truly a dream come true!" He grinned, agreeing with my words.
And they say happy moments are often short-lived.
I got a text from my manager asking me to enter for the last shoot before I have to head off for my next schedule.
I let out a soft sigh, hoping that I could really stay longer to talk to Seungyoon more.
"You need to go off?" He asked, sounding rather disappointed.
I'm sure he can tell what's going on from the look on my face.
"Yeah…" I forced a smile. "I guess, let's talk again soon?"
He smiled.
There was a moment of silence between us, as if none of us wants this moment to end.
I opened my mouth to speak, wanting to tell him goodbye before I go off but his words quickly caught me off guard.
"Wait, what?" I blurted out, my mind just couldn't registered what he had just said to me.
"If you have time, let's go grab some food next time." He said rather quickly but I managed to catch it this time.
"Are you asking me out?" I asked.
Shoot, that was supposed to be a question in my mind!
I mentally cursed at myself for my foolish words, praying he didn't catch that.
"I mean… Yeah." He mumbled as he rubbed the back of his neck shyly.
My face was burning at this point and I swear I forgot to breathe.
"Rose!" My manager yelled from a distance.
Without a second thought, I leaned forward and gave him a quick peck on his cheeks before rushing out of the van.
"By that, I meant yes!" I said, or rather squealed before running off to the studio where my manager was.
I think I might be in love.
Her actions caught me off guard. I swear, I stopped breathing when she leaned in so close towards me suddenly.
And that kiss on the cheeks…
I think I might be in love.
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kangmochii · 6 years
Abrupt changes (1/?)
My small drabble became a series and I am not sure if anyone feels good about it. HAHAHAHAHA I decided to give them names since I love WINNERxBTS so much. You have to guess who my WINNER bias and my BTS bias is (kidding!)
Anyway, if someone still likes it. Please tell me. I am still not sure where this goes but I hope it ends well. :) im sorry if its quite short, I just wrote this while I was on the bus. 😊
Pairing: SeungyoonxReader, NamjoonxReader
Genre: angst, fluff?
One follower request: w_n_r0o
You shook your head in disbelief when you saw the new notification in your page. Not knowing what to do you sighed and decided to think about it later, It has been 3 years since he left your house, your life and your child and now you're not really sure what he's up to.
Sure you still follow them around. I mean even though you dont want to theyre almost everywhere. From chart topping songs to tours to variety shows,his group was everywhere. You were happy for him and for the boys since they worked hard for it but the feeling stays the same.. You still dont want to think about him.
"the number your had dialed is either unattended or out of coverage area. Please try your call later" Fuck. You wiped your tears angrily and tried to dial again. Luckily, it rang.
"whats up, y/n? Its fucking 3am in the morning" a sleepy voice answered. He was Joon, your close friend and a doctor. You were sure what youre feeling that night that you decided to call him
"Joonie, fuck. I think the baby is not moving. My tummy is like rock hard and I dont feel good" you said hurriedly
"and you called me just now? Jesus, im coming there. Youre in labor, y/n. How close were the contactions? Did you packed the stuff we bought last time?"
"i dont know I am not sure just please please hurry" you were scared and just wishing that your baby which you named passionfruit that time(you were craving for it for the longest time while you were pregnant) is okay. It was hard being pregnant and alone and when cant tell anyone that you got knocked up by an artist.
Ofcourse Joon came to the rescue. He got angry, he wanted to kill Seungyoon or even just tell him that he got you pregnant but you told him to let it go since you want your child to live in peace he did tried to and tried to be around every time he doesnt have hospital duties. You sometimes wonder why he doesnt have a girlfriend when he is that nice but he just shrugged and said that he was too busy looking out for you when you asked him.
Joon arrived at your place abd touched your tummy "is it still painful? Its too early for you to give birth y/n but we still need you to get checked" he said worriedly
"I know. Actually I dont. Im just scared, Joonie." you cried into his arms
"its fine, y/n. Were going to the hospital and were going to have it checked. Im not an OB-gynecologist so I dont get to decide but Jin is nice. We will plan things when we get there, araso?" he said hugging you.
The road to the hospital was quiet with occassional checks from Joon if you were fine but he kept his hands on your tummy to check the contractions.
Dr. Kim or Jin to you and Joon welcomed you into the ER "has she been crying herself to death again?" Jin asked.
He was also.your friend but more like Joons friend. But since you got pregnant, you guys became close too since was your OB-gyn
"I think so. I kept telling her stop stressing herself about the things that dont matter but she wouldnt. Also asked her to move in with me but she said no"
"Ah Namjoon, what would the neighbors say. They already think you are the father of PF" you chuckled
"Do you honestly think I care? i care more about you than what would the other people say!" Namjoom said annoyed
"Its not the best time to fight about things. Y/n is having pre term labor and I think she should stay here in the hospital for a week until the medicine that I will give her works. After than shes almost due so that should do the trick. Namjoon, I guess you want her in our executive suit?" Jin calmly said.
"I dont have the money for that just put me in a regular ward" you quickly answered. The boys were doing so much for you and you dont want to be a burden financially. Being a Laboratory Scientist doesnt earn much as a doctor but you survive. Youre still not sure on how when you give birth tho.
"shut up, y/n. Were talking about PF so youre going to executive suite."Namjoon quips up. You also know that one of his hidden agenda on why he wants you to put in there so he could sleep there. Poor guy he spends.more time in the hospital than in his own home.
When everything was settled. Namjoon quickly holds your hand and said "I know youre pretty scared right now. But im here. Jin is here. The boys are here. We care about you and PF. So just hold on and not think of him okay?"
That is when you realized that regardless of what happend, people love you and they always do.
**end flashback**
You now work as a Laboratory scientist at the hospital where Joon and Jin works. You were the doctors favorite as well as the patients because you always do your job well and you manage to get blood samples from patients wothout hurting them. PF is now 3 and is starting to go to school with the help of Joons mother, you manage to go to work while someone takes care of her at school. Some times you think if Joon and you were really just friends or theres something more. But you quickly push those thoughts away since you dont want to jeopardize anything you have with him. After all, he became PF's dad.
Thank you @hopetookmysoul for writting me nice things before. Lets be friends, shall we? 😀
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hkeroro · 3 years
ep5 thoughts
inconsistency very much present throughout the episode
i swear if half of the scenes are just fillers there’s no need to keep the 1hr 30mins format
the sudden villain profiling for seokhyeong’s mom?? shinhye accused of stealing her ring (my bet is shinhye was just taking back what was hers - the dowry)
the fact that we get like 20 mins of that w no proper resolution bcs suddenly it’s a timeskip???
i kind of get the point of the whole scene bcs it wants to amplify seokhyeong’s apprehension towards relationships (the whole his family being the in laws from hell trope?) but its like okay thanks for that what are we the viewers gonna do that w that info?
i feel like it merely just adds on to his characterization??
but him not pushing minha away when she confesses and let’s her try again, ok that was CUTE 🥺
BUT OK PRIOR TO TIMESKIP HOW MANY TIMES DID SHE TRY AGAIN?? will it still be a addressed in future eps (feels a bit weird if its bcs it’s been a year hello?) or forgotten huhu
only other standout scene was eunji’s mom and how the parents will donate every year under the name of the heart donor, sooo soo precious and thoughtful uwu
also plss can we get progress on ikjun and songhwaaaaa (i love them tgt as besties or sth more but i wanna see how things are set up for them ACKK)
honestly dunno how to feel abt the gyeoul scene too……..ppl on twt are picking on straws saying her prompt action was correlated to her being in a busive household tooo??? im sorry but seems like a stretch?
personally feel like it wasnt ooc too bcs we’ve seen time a few times of how gyeoul kind of just goes into stuff bcs she feels it was the right course of action at the time? debatable on how we view it as right or wrong (kind of like s1 where jeongwon and ikjun have diff responses to her actions yknow)
but also like i feel her being more reserved abt her feelings (not towards jeongwon but in general) and not opening up as much is gonna be a theme they explore in the next episodes since jeongwon (who’s highlyyyy perceptive) keeps bringing it up
idk its just so weird if it is gonna be addressed bcs it’ll be like, bruh it’s a year and they still havent resolved that issue, kind of thing no?
timeskips if used correctly make up the whole show but like everything else this season that also seemed outta place to me??? i very much welcome a timeskip but maybe a few months later instead since there’s a few things i’d like a resolution on before everyone moves on?? anyways
i’ve been lobbying for kang seungyoon (loml) to be gyeoul’s new GS resident for the LONGEST TIME (seungmin - the oc i created for seungyoon has been a staple in almost all my fics plEASEEEE) and it’s so sad he won’t be there since he taesoon(?) in racket boys
🕯🕯🕯🕯🕯hoping for an OST still 🕯🕯🕯🕯🕯🕯
ending the rant with the fact that im always so close to dropping the show but it always leaves me back coming from more (w the guise of maybe next week’s ep will be better and LEE JONGWON)
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jumoonjae · 4 years
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Notes and warning: The fic that written is purely fiction and made up inside this weird head of mine, some are loosely inspired by movie and some by songs. i rarely proof-read my fics because i have this tendency of adding up things here and there resulting it to be longer and the plot end up getting more complicated than it supposed to be. 
we all have our own battle in life, i do too. i escape from it through writing and reading, it took me places. its like a vacation for my mind and soul. its like my safe haven. i hope you found yours maybe in my writing, i hope you could forget your surroundings for a little while and get lost inside those alternate universe, if not in mine maybe in other fics. i wish you well and i thanked you for spending time reading mine.
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noona-clock · 3 years
33 for the Spotify asks game, 34 if you wanna do two :DDDD
thank youuuuu! 💜
33. skip (featuring wonstein) by kang seungyoon
this song is super upbeat and happy so it would have to be a super happy kind of fic! like, two co-workers who play hooky and go to an amusement park instead of the office and oops they "accidentally" hold hands riding a roller coaster and neither of them want to let go once the ride is over 🤷‍♀️
34. days gone by by day6
i think this would have to be a very nostalgic fic, but also set back in the 80s because this song has an extreme 80s vibe to it. or maybe, like, a couple remembering when they met at the mall in the 80s or something.
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yg-got7scenarios · 7 years
Fluff Drabble Requests Line-Up
Hello guys!  So I carefully reviewed all of the requests so please see the list of requests that I’ll be posting in the next few days:
Yugyeom | First time cooking | Of Dusts and Sprinkles
Mark Tuan | First time he says “I love you.” | Where the Sea and the Sky are the only Witnesses
Kwon Jiyong | First time being parents | Beautiful Cry
Seungri | First meeting | Oh, You Again?
Daesung | First morning after // First fight (happy ending) | The Green-Eyed Monster
Choi Youngjae | First time cooking + First time moving in  | Welcome Home
Kang Seungyoon | First Date in an arcade  |  Really, Really?
Im Jaebum | First sleepover (younger reader)
Choi Youngjae | First kiss (younger reader)
Goo Junhoe | First time meeting the members + First kiss + First time he says I love you (Haven’t decided if I’ll combined the requests or do separate ones; it depends haha)
Kindly take note that once I am done with all the requests - I will delete this post and link all the fics/drabbles to my Drabbles Masterlist ;)
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Tagged Games (others)
Tagged by the lovely @engraved-in-the-moonlight :))))
rules // list 5 or 10 of your favorite kpop boy/girl groups. put your very first bias of each group and name the m/v you first saw the member in.
BIGBANG | Seungri | Gara Gara Go
2NE1 | Park Bom | Fire
WINNER | Kang Seungyoon | Empty
iKON | Song Yunhyeong | Rhythm Ta
GOT7 | Choi Youngjae | If You Do
2PM | Chansung | Hands Up
BEAST | Gikwang | Beautiful Night
Monsta-X | Shownu | Hero
I only just changed my bias in GOT7 from Youngjae to Mark aslkhgdlh but I love that precious lil muffin with all my heart~
your challenge if you choose to accept it, is to shuffle your itunes & write down the first 10 songs. if the majority turn out to be a specific group or person, tell me how you came to know them and love their music.
Bruno Mars | It Will Rain
Lee Hi | It’s Over
BIGBANG | Last Dance
Stacie Orrico | Stuck
Michelle Branch | All You Wanted
BIGBANG | Make Love
BIGBANG | Remember
2NE1 | If I Were You
WINNER | Color Ring
I have first seen BIGBANG towards the end of 2009, when I watched 2NE1′s Lollipop.  Though I wasn’t that interested in stanning them at first and I am just a casual listener of 2NE1, however, when a friend showed me Haru Haru last January 2010, hot damn.  The rest is history.  I watched every single music video, performance, guesting, shows, etc.  I fell in love head over heels with them after that.  I never listened to any other groups aside from them for at least three years, ‘til their hoobaes appeared in the picture~
k-pop/tumblr questions
who was your first bias and who is your current bias? Seungri is my ultimate bias in Kpop but hot damn Mark Tuan is second best and he is destroying my life tbh he is just so hot asdlghlds
why did you get into k-pop? I have always liked Asian Music, prior to listening to Kpop I listen to lots of Anime OSTs and some Taiwanese singers, so I think listening to Kpop is not a suprise..
if you could join any k-Pop group, who would you choose? TBH I never dreamed of being in a Kpop group or be a Kpop artist lol... But if I will be given the chance, I wanted to team up with Lee Hi or Akmu!  I love these YG babies so much and since I don’t know how to dance, I cannot be part of a girl/boy group who dances
if your biases proposed to you, who would you choose? Seungri of course!  He is my ult and he is rich and has lots of businesses hahahaha $$$$
if you could be in any fan fic, what would it be? My Infinity series is one, mainly because it is something that is so close to my heart and tells some of my personal experiences~ There is also this Seungri fanfic I’ve read years back that I love so much that until now I read it hahaha
what mythical creature would you be? I am a werewolf/dragon.. Yeah hahaha
supernatural au or mafia au? Supernatural!!! Kyaaaaaa
which k-pop idol would you want to switch bodies with? I always have a stupid little girly crush on 2NE1′s CL and I admire her body so much lmao so I guess her?
if you could have any idol as a pocket-sized companion, who would it be? I would love to have either Daesung or Youngjae or Yunhyeong~~  The sunshines of their respective groups...
which idol would you want as a sibling? I am curious how Jinyoung treats his siblings, so I guess I wanted him as a sibling haha
if you were to only able to say five words to your bias, what would you say to them? "You are the best, love.” ~~~ awwwwhhh cringy af lashgdlks
Tagging:  @kpopandfitness, @bambamheart, @sm-gd, @got7-texts, @parkjinyoungology I don’t know who to tag anymore but then again you are not required to join if you don’t want to!!
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ao3feed-jensoo · 4 years
by RozettaCrowne
This work of mine was originally written on Asian Fan fics but I finally transferred it over here. Hope you all enjoy it.
Words: 703, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: BLACKPINK (Band)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F, Multi
Characters: Jennie Kim, Park Chaeyoung | Rosé, Lalisa Manoban | Lisa, Kim Jisoo (BLACKPINK), Dalgom (BLACKPINK), Kuma (BLACKPINK), BLACKPINK BLINK(s), BLACKPINK Ensemble, Kwon Jiyong | G-Dragon, Lee Chaerin | CL, Song Minho | Mino, Kim Hanbin | B.I, Lee Hayi | Lee Hi, Kim Jiwon | Bobby, YG Treasure Box (TV) Ensemble, Yang Hyunsuk, Park Sandara | Dara, Park Bom, Gong Minji | Minzy, Choi Seunghyun | T.O.P., Kang Daesung (Big Bang), Kim Jinhwan, Jung Chanwoo, Goo Junhoe, Kim Donghyuk, Kang Seungyoon, Nam Taehyun, Kim Jinwoo, Lee Seunghoon, Ennik Somi Douma | Jeon Somi
Relationships: Jennie Kim/Park Chaeyoung | Rosé, Kim Jisoo/Lalisa Manoban | Lisa, Lalisa Manoban | Lisa/Park Chaeyoung | Rosé, Jennie Kim/Kim Jisoo, Jennie Kim/Lalisa Manoban | Lisa, Kim Jisoo/Park Chaeyoung | Rosé, Kwon Jiyong | G-Dragon/Lee Chaerin | CL, Lee Chaerin | CL/Park Sandara | Dara, BLACKPINK Ensemble/Everyone
Additional Tags: Fluff and Smut, Romance, Sweet/Hot, Alternate Universe, Shipping, Yuri, Girls Kissing, Lesbian Sex, Lesbian Character, LGBTQ Themes, LGBTQ Character, Vanilla Kink, Sex Toys
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ao3feed-jensoo · 6 years
by consistently_inconsistent
[mother has added shiny, god, no1handsome, maknaeontop, handsomekoala, jeongwhoops, mashimellow, dinosaur, awkwardsmile, jihooman, asahoui, doyoungmoney and haruharu to the chat]
ygprincess: jinwhan what the fuck
ygprincess: you added fucking children to the group chat
ygprincess: now i can't fucking abuse
hoe: chanwoos been on this group for years so the presence of children is clearly not stopping you
satan: excuse you i am a mAN
mother: keep telling yourself that sweetie
god: um
god: hi
cozy like rosy: CHILDREN!
Words: 1629, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: YG Entertainment | YG Family, BLACKPINK (Band), iKON (Korea Band), Winner (Band), TREASURE (Korea Band), MAGNUM (Korea Band), Treasure 13
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F, M/M, Multi
Characters: Jennie Kim, Kim Jisoo (BLACKPINK), Park Chaeyoung | Rosé, Lalisa Manoban | Lisa, Kim Jiwon | Bobby, Kim Hanbin | B.I, Goo Junhoe, Kim Jinwoo, Kim Jinhwan, Song Minho | Mino, Song Yunhyeong, Kim Donghyuk, Jung Chanwoo, Lee Seunghoon, Kang Seungyoon, Bang Yedam, Park Jihoon (MAGNUM), Takata Mashiho, Kim Junkyu, Choi Hyunsuk, Kim Doyoung (MAGNUM), Ha Yoonbin, Yoon Jaehyuk, Watanabe Haruto, Hanada Asahi, Yoshinori (MAGNUM), So Junghwan, Park Jeongwoo, it's 3rd gen onwards, like maybe ill add bigbang and 2ne1 later, maybe - Character
Relationships: Kim Hanbin | B.I/Kim Jiwon | Bobby, Jennie Kim/Kim Jisoo, Lalisa Manoban | Lisa/Park Chaeyoung | Rosé, Lee Seunghoon/Song Minho | Mino, Kim Junkyu/Takata Mashiho, Park Jeongwoo/Watanabe Haruto, Goo Junhoe/Kim Jinhwan, Kim Donghyuk/Song Yunhyeong, some ships come in later - Relationship
Additional Tags: Crack, Attempt at Humor, Inappropriate Humor, chat fic, Texting, YG Family - Freeform, Pining, Sexual Humor
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