#kanemoto yoshinori drabbles
tzuyusluv · 2 years
❥ Wires
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genre -> fluff
pairing -> treasure yoshi x reader
warnings -> lots of kissing
word count -> 0.4k
summary -> different types of kisses with yoshi
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[The One Where You Whisper ‘I Love You’]
The boys had recently gotten back from Japan and the concerts there. Smiling at them and occasionally sending a wave, you smile before saying that you’re going to steal your boyfriend for the next week. The other boys only smile and say that you can have him forever. Once you managed to make it to your shared apartment with him, watching as he shuts the door and practically runs towards you. Picking you up in a spinning hug, you grab the collar of his hoodie and press you lips towards his. “Missed you so much baby. Never want to be away from you for that long ever again.” You mumble against him. He just chuckles and nods his head in agreement before pulling you back toward him. “God I’m so in love you with, y’know?” The grin against your lips tell you that he knows all too well.
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[The One Where You Both Pull Each Other Into One]
The morning light hits you right in the eyes. “Why did I ever let you convince me to not get blackout curtains?” You mumble as you turn towards Yoshi’s chest, burying your head in it. You don’t understand the words he mumbles but you love the feeling of his arms wrapping around you, pulling you even closer. “I believe I convinced you with this.” You feel his lips press against your forehead. Laughing at the feeling, you bring your head up and look towards his face. “I like your way of convincing.” He laughs at that before pulling you close to his face. Wrapping your arms around his neck, you bring him even closer. “I think I might need some more convincing. Y’know, to stay in bed a little longer.” You can feel his chest rumble with laughter. “I think I can manage that.”
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[The One Where He Groans Into The Kiss]
Yoshi was pleasantly surprised when you sat on his lap and started to gently peck him. “What are you doing there honey?” He whispers at you. “Gotta show my boy some loving.” You continue to peck his lips before starting to deepen them. Moving your hands from his shoulders to the nape of his neck, you start playing with the hair on it. Yoshi moves his hands down to your waist, gently caressing them. Your hands start to make their way further into his hair. Groaning, Yoshi moves his left hand to your cheek and uses his thumb to gently rub against the skin. Pulling away, Yoshi laughs when he realizes that you leaned forward to start kissing him again. “Baby, if I had the choice between kissing you forever or breathing air, I know I would choose you.”
©️tzuyuluvs | Pease don’t translate, rewrite or blatantly steal any of my content.
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theunnieteume · 2 years
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Not really smut just heavy make out and a clingy Yoshi ehe_
Walking through the busy streets, the lamp posts lit up one by one, a few stars freckle the sky as the sun begins to set. Orange skies and street lights…Ahhh what a sight. Walking up to my house I see my parents seemingly packing up their stuff into their car.
“Mom?” I ask, confused. “Oh sweetie finally you’re here, could you help me with this last bag?” My mom turns towards me, holding up a medium-sized bag gesturing me to help her “uhm yea sure” we hold up the bag and place it inside the back of the car, with a grunt my mom dusts off her hands “now I know this was so sudden but me and your dad are going over your sister’s for a while” my mom guiltily tells me as she places a hand on my shoulder “but what about me??” I ask in visible frustration, can’t believe they’re leaving me all alone! “I’m sorry Y/N but your sister needs help with something and I couldn’t bother you with school, we won’t be away too long, I left some money and some food in the fridge.” Hmph what a way to start the weekend. “Well..have a safe trip, I guess” She hugs me goodbye and enters the car, dad then trails behind and also does the same to me adding a kiss on the forehead “we’ll be back soon” he smiles jogging towards the car while waving me goodbye. They drive off the garage and finally onto the road….I don’t really feel comfortable being alone, especially in this house but I guess I should learn to be independent every once in a while..Staring off the road for a little while I sigh looking at the time. Finally deciding to enter the house as my feet glumly walk down the pavement. I step in and the lights suddenly flicker and so my eyes frantically snap around the room..phew it was probably nothi-
A sudden force pushes my body against the door. I gasp at the impact but barely had time to catch my breath as a pair of lips connect to my own. “MmMmmHmm” I struggle in their grasp, trying to push whoever it was. But unfortunately my efforts were useless. They continued to devour my lips, their tongue clashing with mine as they grab the back of my head, deepening the kiss. Tears started forming in the corner of my eyes but after one last hit they finally let go of me, I catch my breath before slapping them across the face. They hold onto the side of their face in shock, the force also causing them to stumble a few steps back. Giving me an opportunity to finally see this bastard I-oh sht “Y/N that hurt!” Yoshi exclaims, pouting as he holds the side of his left cheek “oh my God Yoshi I am so sorry!” I apologize almost immediately but stopped myself remembering what he just did to me “Wait why am I apologizing when you’re the one who should be!” Arguing back, pointing out how he appeared out of nowhere. And kissed me.. when we’re not even dating or anything….“I thought I should surprise you!” He says still pouting and massaging the side of his face. I sigh at his dumb filled cuteness, finally giving into his charms “fine you dummy” I walk up to him, checking the mark where I hit him “it’s fine” slowly reaching in, he holds my hand, placing a kiss behind the palm of it, slowly embracing me in his arms while trailing kisses on my neck “well atleast .you have .good fight or flight .reflexes “ he says between kisses, chuckling while still holding you. I frown at his comment, but realized something “Didn’t you have like a date a while ago?” I ask as I recall him texting me he had a blind date at 6 p.m. “yea but I ditched them” he replies while detaching himself from me. I eyed him curiously but decided to brush the feeling off. “Oh right. By the way my parents are out of town” Yoshi then tilts his head to the side questionably “really? For how long?” I wish I knew the answer to that question… “I don’t know but they said they’d be gone for a while” I reply shortly after as visible disappointment fills my mood. Yoshi’s eyes light up as an idea came popped into his mind “why don’t I stay over for a while?” He excitingly exclaims while his smile reaches his ears. I stare at him for a while, gosh I love his smile. And I ponder on his idea. Hmm doesn’t sound bad, I walk towards my phone on the counter to text my parents he’s staying over and while waiting for their reply Yoshi walks up behind me, snaking his arms around my waist and places his chin on my shoulder “You’re awfully clingy today” I say, questioning his actions. It’s not that I don’t like it though. But Yoshi is usually not this touchy, which is foreign to me. “I just want to hug my bestest friend is that so bad?” he asks innocently, pouting as he kisses the side of my cheek..friends don’t do these kind of stuff though…a notification was heard coming from my phone and my screen lights up to a message saying;
sure sweetie, it’d be better if Yoshi is there anyway to take care of you
I glare at the message they sent. I don’t need someone to take care of me! Plus Yoshi is only two years older! With a huff I turn my attention towards Yoshi “I guess you’re good to stay Kanemoto”
Turning from my back to face him, he suddenly grabs your face out of nowhere and closes in, breath fanning over yours, his lips part to take mine in his. I slowly kiss him back, wrapping an arm around his neck. Holding onto my hips, he lifts me up to a table nearby. He continues his way down my jaw, then to my neck, all while caressing the sides of my hips. He then stops, trying to catch his breath for a second “you wanna know why I needed to go on a blind date today?” He asks head down pressed against my chest. But I sat there speechless, not knowing what to say… “I was feeling needy…” he says lifting his head up as he faces me and the look in his eyes I couldn’t describe…was it lust? His eyes were hazy, his breath hot, my body tensed at the sight in front of me..a subtle scent of mint of his breath and the usual scent of his cologne washes over my senses..”and I was trying to get you off my mind” he quietly says, placing a kiss on my forehead “but“ then places another kiss to the bridge of my nose “I just” and then to my jaw “couldn’t do it” he pauses, staring at me with those eyes…his face centimeters away from mine and I sat there motionless. Hadn’t really thought he would feel this way about me.. his eyes studying my face and as his gaze finally lands on my lips he does so at it in some type of way..“Yoshi I-“ finding the courage to speak but he instead cuts me off “Be mine” he says nonchalantly eyes still on my lips as I struggle to reply, my heart pacing faster than ever hearing those words leave his mouth.. I’ve been waiting for this moment my whole life yet I sat there frozen..I couldn’t find the words to speak and so decided not to say anything..but instead I reach for the back of his neck , pulling him closer. Closing the gap between our bodies and as our faces inches closer I connect his lips on mine. His movements synced with my own, slow and steady. Savoring the moment and it takes a while for one of us to pull away. But I had to catch my breath, I breathlessly look up to him proudly smiling at me
“I’ll take that as a yes”
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peachisthenewblack · 2 years
synopsis: You were the bad girl. He was ever so faithful. What happens when he’s had enough?
snapshot: 99.9% angst, female reader, boyfriend Junkyu, colleague Jaehyuk, infidelity, drunk, one-night stand, is this a happy ending
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sky says: Here’s a story I wrote a looooooong time ago that I published on another platform, just to serve as a teaser of my writing prowess (>_<) my actual writing skills may have deteriorated though [I hope not!] Also, obviously I tweaked the original so that the story could fit Treasure… if you enjoy this please feel free to send a request! [here’s why]
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◇ The Fight, If It Was Even One
You wipe the counter, missing the sprinkling of crumbs right in front of you. Your eyes are looking straight at it without actually seeing it. It’s the way you usually are these days, ever since the fight. The one that happened right in this very kitchen, if it could even be called a fight.
“Why is he here?” he had asked.
“He was drunk last night and gave my address to the taxi driver. It was nothing,” you had insisted. You had shrugged your shoulders and sipped from your coffee mug.
“It’s not nothing if he spent the night here!” he had hissed at you. How dare he.
“So what if he spent the night? This wouldn’t be the first time...” your voice had trailed off as you realised your blunder. You had bit your lip and glanced at him, wondering how he’d take that in.
He had stood there fuming. The muscles in his right cheek, the side that had been facing you, had twitched from the way he had gritted his teeth.
The person in question had appeared at the kitchen entrance then, only halfway done pulling his own shirt over his head, allowing the two people in the kitchen a glimpse of his well-toned abs.
“Noona, I think I’ll be going now. Thanks for...” he had shot a look at the man still standing motionless near the sink, then smirked to himself and continued mysteriously, “...last night.”
“Wait... aren’t you at least going to finish your coffee?” you had asked.
“That’s okay, I’ve had some. Besides, Junkyu hyung’s here now. I’ll just be in the way.”
“Well, let me just walk you out.”
“Really, it’s fine noona. I can let myself out. See you at work?”
“Oh alright. Yeah, see you.”
Junkyu had waited until he heard the faint sound of the front door click shut before he spoke.
“_______, I can’t do this anymore. Last time I believed you. This time... I don’t know. After what I saw, I just... I don’t know.”
You had looked up then. Am I hearing things? Has he finally grown some balls? Have I really pushed it too far this time? You had cleared your throat and put on your best poker face. “You’ll forgive me. Just like you always do. This time won’t be any different.”
At your words, he had looked resigned. “Are you saying that what I thought happened last night, happened?”
“What do you think?” you had replied, a challenge clear in your voice.
“Then it’s over.” Just like that, he had left.
You waited two weeks for his call: it never came. He didn’t text you to tell you that you were forgiven, like always. He didn’t come by the bar where you worked. In fact, there was no word from him at all. You weren’t worried, not at the time. You knew it would take him time. Another two weeks should do it. You weren’t going to panic and call or look for him. Oh no, you weren’t one to do that. He’d be back soon enough. Meanwhile, there was plenty of other game. You had thought of Jaehyuk then, and felt kind of guilty towards both of them.
◇ The Past, When It All Started
You knew you weren’t pretty, not what people would ordinarily call pretty anyway. Because of that, you made up for it with an aura of confidence that was irresistible to the people around you. You were no stranger to attention. In high school you hadn’t fit in anywhere--partly because you didn’t want to--but you always had a string of boys following you around, worshipping the ground you walked on. Hell, you’d even had a girl ask you out. And although girls really didn’t pique your interest, the way you’re attracted to him might have just proven that wrong. His baby face and full pouty lips. That smooth jawline. Unblemished clear skin. You would’ve thought he was a girl if it weren’t for his school uniform. You did think he was a girl that first time you two met, until he stood up.
“What do you think you’re doing?” you had asked the person you noticed lurking behind the bushes.
“Um... watching you play?” Such a bold answer from someone who’d been trying so hard not to be seen. It had totally taken you by surprise, which wasn’t something easy to do.
“Me, why?” The person had shrunk even lower behind the shrubs at your question. You had waited for an answer but when none came, you had said, “never mind if you’re not going to tell, keep on watching then”. And you had grabbed the ball you came for off the ground and flounced away.
“I like you!”
You had turned around, surprised once again. Twice in as many sentences. He had stood where you could see him, away from the bushes. You had liked what you saw straightaway.
You two had been together ever since.
Four years.
And you had never been faithful.
Maybe it was partly his fault. He kept on being so forgiving. Even when he had found you locking lips with Haruto, the dashing basketball team captain, behind the bleachers in the gym. Even when you had told him you’d be studying at the library, but his best friend Jihoon saw you making out in the art room with some guy. Even when you had broken off your date, countless times over the years, to go out with someone else. Even when he stopped by your workplace, just to keep you company on your breaks from DJing, and you had flirted with the good-looking younger bartender right in front of his eyes.
Always, he would just shrug his shoulders and say that you were just being yourself.
“I love you, because you’re you. You are your own person, and I wouldn’t change that for the world” is what he would say every time you asked if he was angry at you for the things you did.
But that fateful morning he had come to your house to see if you wanted to go get breakfast together, let himself in with the spare key you yourself had given him, found you in the kitchen with that same bartender, who was shirtless and hugging you from the back, had that conversation with you, and something must have snapped in him. For the first time in four years, Junkyu went away.
And stayed away.
The two weeks that you had thought would be enough had turned into two years. You had feared for the worst when he still hadn’t contacted you after two months. Your calls had gone straight to voicemail. You had found out that he resigned from his job. And moved out of his apartment. He had vanished, just like that. Out of your life, without so much as a single word of goodbye.
You had been living with many regrets these past two years. You should have been faithful. You should have treated him better. You should have shown him how much he means to you. You should have explained to him that he’s the only one you love. You should have told him you didn’t mean to hurt him. You were just worried that if you weren’t wanted by other guys, he wouldn’t want you either. You should have realised that you were being stupid, thinking stupid things and behaving even more so.
You should never have cheated on Junkyu. For quite a while you hadn’t intended to. Except when you started work as a DJ at one of the hottest nightclubs around town, things tend to happen. Especially when there’s a private function every other weekend, and leftover booze already paid for by the client gets shared among the staff. When you started working there, you managed to stay relatively sober at first. By the third private party, however, you had woken up the day after in somebody else’s bed. You had been so plastered, you didn’t even remember Jaehyuk taking your home.
◇ The Affair, Unintentional As It Was
Jaehyuk is hot, you had to admit that. And the youngster was really good at his job, which meant he could do those fancy things bartenders do just to show off, like flipping glasses in the air and juggling bottles, all while flirting with customers and fixing their drinks. Which meant he was a performer while being a bartender, and that only added to his hotness factor. He was also very much into you, which he had made clear from the first day you came to work. And although you had been very flattered at getting the attention of a younger man, you hadn’t meant to take things any further, even after you two had slept together.
And then it had happened again.
You hadn’t even been drunk. You had actually been stressing in your head for one whole day over what to get Junkyu for your upcoming anniversary and then, at work, some drunk had jumped up onto your DJ platform and managed to grope you before club security got to him. You had been shaken up by the incident and Jaehyuk had been so nice, giving you a drink to calm your nerves and offering to send you home after work. The two of you had talked during the drive and he had given you some good suggestions for Junkyu’s gift. When you arrived at your apartment, you had been the one to invite him up for a drink.
That time too, Junkyu had come to your house in the morning. He had seen Jaehyuk leaving and asked you about it, and you had lied. Although he looked at you somewhat suspiciously, he had believed you. You didn’t think much about it, until he had opened his mouth later when you were having breakfast together.
“I wouldn’t be surprised if you have something going on with that boy. I swear, those abs can really turn someone’s head.”
Amazed that he had even noticed, you had asked, “and exactly when and where would you have seen his abs?”
“Remember when your nightclub had that new year staff party and I came early with you to help? I happened to come out of the bathroom stall when he was changing his t-shirt.”
You had jokingly asked whether you should start getting worried about losing him to a guy and the two of you had laughed over that. But he had got you worried.
You had worried about being caught cheating on Junkyu with Jaehyuk. That you would get caught was inevitable: you always got caught. But the things you had done had always been one-time stuff. With people you had just met, or people you barely knew or had once known. You had never before been involved with a colleague, or a friend. And Jaehyuk was both. And you had worried whether that would be too much for Junkyu when he finally found out.
You quit your DJ job not long after he left. You couldn’t look at Jaehyuk and not be reminded that Junkyu was gone. Jaehyuk tried to make you stay, to forget Junkyu and be with him, but you stood by the decision you had made about your relationship that same day Junkyu last stood in your kitchen.
Late the night before, you had opened your door to the sound of the doorbell and an older man had stood there, struggling under Jaehyuk’s weight. You had taken Jaehyuk off the taxi ahjusshi, thanked him and put the tipsy Jaehyuk to bed. Of course you had ended up sleeping together yet again. But you had woken up very early in the morning, with an uneasy sense of foreboding. You couldn’t shake it off to go back to sleep, so you had gone into the kitchen to make coffee and breakfast.
You had sensed somebody watching you while you were pan-frying the second omelette. A shirtless Jaehyuk had been leaning against the kitchen counter watching you cook, all the while smiling that sweet smile of his. You had poured him a cup of coffee, and set down the omelette. In your head, you had been pondering how to broach the subject. When Jaehyuk had finished with his food and pushed his plate away to finish his coffee, you knew you couldn’t stall the matter any longer.
“Jaehyuk, I think we shouldn’t do this anymore.”
He had looked up from his cup, dismay all over his adorable face. “What are you talking about, noona?”
“I know you like me, but I don’t feel the same for you.”
“But noona...”
You had grabbed his plate and taken it to the sink. Standing there busying yourself with the washing, you had pondered your words carefully to try to be gentle. “I really hope you won’t make this difficult, Jaehyuk. We can still talk at work as usual. There’s just some things you have to stop doing. Like, you can’t just crash here whenever you feel like it. Like last night. And stop showing up at my door just because you’re ‘in the neighbourhood’. You don’t even live near here. You need to stop doing these things.”
You had flinched a little when you felt Jaehyuk’s arms snake around your waist. He had rested his cheek on your shoulder and whispered, “but noona, I don’t just like you. I love you.”
You had been struck speechless with the thought of causing him agony for that, but the feeling was fleeting. The moment to be gentle had passed. “That’s really too bad Jaehyuk, ‘cause I’ve never been serious with you.”
Jaehyuk had stiffened at your words. “No, noona, that can’t be. You feel something for me, I know you do.”
“Don’t kid yourself,” you scoffed. He had grabbed your shoulders and turned you around then, so that he could look you in the eyes, and that had been when you noticed the other person in the kitchen.
“________.” You become conscious that you’re staring into empty space. It’s almost as if you had really heard his voice. You look at the counter you have been absently wiping and see a few droplets of water among the crumbs. You raise one hand to your cheek: you don’t even realise you have been crying. You look back at the spot where Junkyu had stood two years ago, and more tears run down your cheeks. For two years you have held them away; two years of telling yourself he will be back, he always comes back. Two years of pretending nothing has gone wrong while your heart ached, burning with the emptiness of missing him. Two years of knowing you brought this on yourself and there’s no one else to blame. You couldn’t do this anymore. Just like two years ago, when Junkyu couldn’t deal with you anymore. You break down on the kitchen floor, sobbing uncontrollably, the crumbs on the counter forgotten.
◇ The Lesson, Learnt The Hard Way
Junkyu knows he had gone away for a long time. He couldn’t help but wonder: have you changed? Would you still remember him? Absence may make the heart grow fonder, but being out of sight might also result in being forgotten. He had been trying so hard to stay away, but it had been difficult, and the difficulty had not lessened with each day that passed.
Right now, he is home. It’s true he had ended things, or put them on hold the way he saw it, but deep down in his heart nothing has really changed. You still own his heart, completely and utterly. There’s nothing in the world that can destroy that, not even all your infidelities, and no amount of time will ever erase that fact. He stands in front of your apartment, the first time in two years, and hopes that the scene inside will not be like the last time. He reaches for the spare key in his pocket--he hadn’t returned it when he went away--and inserts the key in the lock.
You are sitting on the floor in the kitchen. Your eyes are dry now, you are silent. Your breathing is no longer wracked with sobs. You feel tired, like you haven’t slept in days. You grab at the kitchen stool near you to pull yourself up to stand, and that’s when you notice the other person in the kitchen.
You look at the man who is standing in the exact spot where Junkyu had stood two years ago. He seems so real. You’re not going to convince yourself he is, though, not this time. Just your imagination gone wild, you’re used to that now. But you do notice that he doesn’t look the same as how you always remember him. He looks… older somehow. He also looks lonely, well that hasn’t changed. He looks sad, that hasn’t changed either. No, despite these little differences you know he’s just a figment of your mind, brought up by your aching need to see him. You shake your head to vanquish the thought, and go to the sink to wash the rag you have been using to wipe the counter.
The voice startles you, you almost drop the rag. It’s almost as if you had really heard it. You continue to rinse the cloth. A part of you is telling you that the voice is real, but you couldn’t bring yourself to believe it. You have waited to hear that voice for two years. You’ve heard it so often in your mind, and you have always been disappointed. No, you tell yourself. No, it’s not real.
You flinch a little when you feel arms snake around your waist. A warm body against your back.
“_______, I’m home.” Warm breath against your neck.
You drop the rag this time. You twist around to face him, still in his arms. That baby face and smooth jawline. Unblemished clear skin. The thick dark hair you love so much. You reach up to touch his face. Warm skin under your hand. He smiles, pulls your hand to his lips and kisses your palm. You have voided your eyes of tears just a short while ago, yet they flow freely again in the joy of this moment.
You throw your arms around Junkyu’s neck and cries for the second time that day. He has come home.
Junkyu hugs you tightly and kisses your hair. His hand rubs soothing circles on your back. He is home.
All is forgiven once again.
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alohajun · 2 years
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yoshi x fem!reader | wc : 1.8k words | content : possible grammar and spelling mistakes, lowercase intended, blind date au, kinda wrong person right time (?), fluffity fluffy fluff, non-idol au | request : hi can you make a yoshi one shot again, any title as long as it is like something that make you feel like you have butterflies in your stomach pleajjeuu... i just miss yoshi so much and i badly wanna read a one shot of him... pleajeu pleajeu pleajeuuu | inspired by : the french conversational activity i got from duolingo
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“but what if he ends up kidnapping me and i never get to see you again?!”
you exclaimed, pausing on your makeup as you turned to your best friend with wide eyes. jinny laughed at your overthinking, grabbing the beauty blender, dabbing away on your face as she shook her head.
“he won't, he’s a studious kid.”
“and? your point is?”
“he has three assignments carrying his final grade due in a week. so in conclusion, i don’t think he has the time to kidnap you,” jinny elaborated, taking a step back as she took in your whole look. “but if you are going to look this good, then i think he might.”
“haha, very funny.” you blankly stared at the female in front of you, heaving a breath as you fixed your outfit. “i told you a gazillion times i didn’t want to go on a date, but here i am — once again — doing something i said i didn’t want to.”
jinny giggled, sticking her tongue out. “you said no to dates, not blind dates. trust me, i told izumi nothing about you, and i didn’t even tell him you were my bestie — so if things go downhill, you can just pretend it never happened.”
“yeah, until he sees me on campus.” you bit the inside of your cheek, contemplating whether you’d cancel the date. “besides, he knows my name, that’s enough to hunt me down or something.”
“shut up. obviously, he needs your name to recognise you. the restaurant you are going to is a famous blind date spot, so there are many dates. if you know each other’s names, it’s easier when you meet.” your best friend playfully punched your arm, threatening to hit you once again if you continued whining.
“what’s he wearing?” you inquired, hoping you wouldn’t mess up your first impression by talking to the wrong guy.
“white tee, plaid shirt, and denim. he said he’ll be there early, and he knows what you are wearing, so you’ll be fine.”
“let’s hope so.”
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you hesitated to enter the restaurant, just walking in circles outside the establishment, waiting for your courage to collect so you could just woman-up and enter. no one with the description jinny gave you came, so you could only guess izumi hadn't come yet.
i mean, why would he? you came to the restaurant an hour early.
as you walked around for the nth time, the door to the restaurant opened, revealing a staff member who had watched you nervously stomp about for the past half hour. the male had a cheerful smile, giving a small wave as his co-worker followed him outside, mimicking the same smile.
“hello.” you waved back, brows furrowed as you wondered why the welcoming staff would come outside to you. “is there anything i can help you with?” you smiled at them, not wanting to sound rude with your words.
“are you here for a blind date, ma’am?” the male staff inquired, walking closer while looking at their desk to check if there were customers.
“yes? how did you know?”
“there are a couple of dudes inside for their blind date too, and you were pacing outside, so we kinda guessed you were here for one,” the female staff spoke, nonchalantly shrugging.
“besides, our restaurant is famous for blind dates too,” the male added, not relaxing his posture as he kept his customer-service image. “do you know his name? or what he’s wearing?”
due to your nervousness, the name didn’t pop up in your brain, but you remembered what jinny said he’ll be wearing. “white tee, plaid shirt and denim,” you recited the memorized information, startled when you saw the staffs’ eyes light up.
“oh, i think we got your guy. one of the blind date tables was wearing the exact thing!” the female staff exclaimed, clapping exactly as her nonchalant attitude left her. “i can take you to him! and of course, i’ll be at the desk, so if things get weird, you can always come to me.” she had seen her fair share of dates gone bad, so she remembered to give the advice.
and that was kinda how you ended up not bailing on the date and met up with izumi.
walking inside, your legs were slightly shaking as you played with your hands. you followed the directions the staff gave you, looking out for izumi once you came to the blind date section.
there were a few tables with just one person, and you could only guess they were waiting for their dates. you scanned each individual table, checking their outfit as you tried to match them to the izumi you had thought of in your head.
jinny hadn't really given you much details because she wanted it to be a proper blind date, but now you really wished you had actually asked for a picture or something.
as you looked over the line of tables near you, you immediately locked eyes with a good-looking guy, making your heart skip a beat. a smile came on his face as he excitedly waved, beckoning you and you looked around before realising it must be you he was calling over. the happy sensation took over you when you saw his outfit, seeing the same white tee, plaid shirt, and denim combo you had imagined.
ah, it’s izumi.
“hey, how long have you been here for?” you tried to break the ice, sporting a cheery grin as you spoke. “i’m sorry if i kept you waiting for long.”
izumi shook his head, mimicking your smile. “it wasn’t long. i wanted to come early to prep myself for the date.” he chuckled, nervously scratching at the back of his neck. “i figured you’d be pretty, but if i knew it was this much, i would’ve practiced a lot more.”
you bit your lip, holding back a laugh as you covered your face. “oh, gosh.” you breathed, gulping, as you moved your hands over your reddened cheeks. “you are really putting me in a spot, and i haven’t even sat down yet.”
“oh, shoot. sorry, my bad. take a seat, please.”
izumi pulled on a chair, seating you before moving towards his seat, bringing a smile on your face with his chivalry. maybe agreeing to this date wasn’t a bad idea. you placed your elbows on the table as you rested your chin on your palm, awkwardly glancing away as you waited for him to start a conversation. izumi copied your actions, his bright eyes sparkling as he looked at you.
“so, ms pretty, tell me about yourself.”
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this might be the best decision i have made my whole life. over the half an hour you spent with your date, those were the exact words that repeated in your head. the two of you had many similarities, and just when you thought it wasn’t possible, your smiles only kept getting wider with each passing minute.
“wait, you study music?” his eyes widened, a child-like excitement evident in them. “no way, i do too! i was going to study at tokyo music academy, but i went to the one in kobe since it’s closer to home.”
“i go to tokyo music academy, no way! and i have family in kobe too!” you placed your glass of water down, as izumi did the same with his spoon. “wah, this is crazy. we have so many similarities.”
the brunet male nodded in agreement, mirroring your shocked face as he thought about the chances. “you might as well be my soulmate, miyuki.” he laughed, picking up his spoon as he continued to eat.
“yeah, i know ri — wait, miyuki?” you frowned, wondering why in the world your date was calling you by a name that wasn’t yours.
“isn’t your name, miyuki? shoot, i’m sorry. am i mispronouncing it?” izumi bit his lip, observing you to see if you were hurt by his actions.
you shook your head. “my name isn’t miyuki, it’s y/n,” you paused for a few seconds, suddenly realising what might be the problem. “are you izumi?” you tilted your head in confusion when ‘izumi’ shook his head, only proving your suspicion right.
“no, i’m–” just as ‘izumi’ was going to answer, a couple walked to your table, and you two turned towards them, surprised to see the female wearing a similar floral-print dress to yours, while the male wore a white tee, with a plaid shirt wrapped around his waist.
oh, shit. you two definitely mixed up your dates.
“hi, sorry to bother you. i’m izumi, and this is miyuki,” the real izumi introduced themselves, a slight smile on his face. “i was supposed to meet someone named y/n, and miyuki was supposed to someone named yoshi. we couldn’t find them, and i couldn’t help but notice we had similar outfits, so i wanted to know if we exchanged dates or something,” he inquired, startling you as you didn’t know what to do.
of course, the right thing was to speak up about the misunderstanding. but you really liked this fake izumi — well, yoshi — and you really didn’t want to leave the date.
“oh? my name is–”
“hi! i’m takata sahi,” yoshi introduced himself, standing from his place as he reached to shake izumi’s hands. “and this is hamada machi. have you guys checked the other tables?” he pretended to be invested in their issue, nodding as izumi explained the situation to him.
“i’ve heard this is a famous restaurant for blind dates and all, so it’s possible you guys probably mix up dates. the staff at the front said it’s quite frequent too.” you tried assuring miyuki, who looked bummed out as she nodded understandingly.
“or maybe we both were stood up.” miyuki looked over at izumi, the two shaking their heads as they laughed at their situation.
yoshi shrugged, slightly guilty as he laughed along with them. “or maybe it’s a sign for the two of you to go on a date,” he proposed, surprised when they agreed, planning to know each other since their dates would not show up.
izumi and miyuki left soon after, and the two of you sat down in your seats, staying silent for the next few minutes as what you did settled into your brain. once again, as you tried sneakily peeking, your eyes met yoshi’s bright ones, and the two of you broke into laughter, finding it absolutely hilarious at how you handled the situation.
“yoshi, we are such bad people. i can't believe we just did that.”
“i don’t know how the date with miyuki would’ve gone, but i’ll be honest … it’s more fun talking to you, y/n.”
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taglist — @kflixnet @neozonenet @ravenori @xiaosimp3 @nanasdream @twntycm @roseky21 @heejojo @jaesvelvet @fightmegirl @koishua @silent-potato @lovethyfandoms2 @kpoprhia @woooooooosh8 @milkybonya @enhacolor @yunho-leeknow @yoshiikore @f4ery @candililac @willdieforbeidou @luvbrie @jun-bug @mui890mew @yogurteume @one16core @soobin-chois @odetoyeonjun @wonluvrbot @augustle0 @acciomylove @idkwatodoanymore @kyufilms @enhatrejor (to be added, please send an ask or dm!)
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acaiasahi · 2 years
✶ second place ; kanemoto yoshinori.
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synopsis. yoshinori chooses you as his 'plan b' after confessing to your sister goes south.
info. angst, non idol!kanemoto yoshinori x gn!reader, 1,390 words
warnings. crying, yearning, unrequited love (?), grammatical + structural errors, smaller text and lowercase intended, proofread-ish (sorry!)
[ now playing . . . ] in my dreams by red velvet.
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second place.
whatever you did, it just — wasn't good enough.
no, never as good as your sister. you almost envied her but there was this small part of you that felt absolute guilt for ever thinking in such a way.
you loved your sister, you truly did but it you could not catch a break because it seemed like everyone just had to put their input on how your beloved sister was always a few steps ahead of you.
whether it was your third grade spelling bee, or getting understudy for your freshman year musical, you never rose to the occasion, always sinking. it's quite safe to say you grew up as a loser, and a sore one at that.
as you grew older, you slowly began retracting yourself from competitive activities and prioritizing ones that cared more about your expression and emotions. you thought that submerging yourself in your art was one hundred times better than groveling within your own pity party.
art was your escape, simple as pie. it helped allowed your feelings to flow wherever it pleased, your heart singing with nothing but pure joy and that says a lot compared to your past competitive lifestyle.
there was a certain point where you allowed yourself to view life as love rather than a competition. okay, it sounds a little crazy to say that your life is love but you were able to surround yourself with loving people, people who cared more about you and less of your cons.
and those certain people — well, person, has to be none other than kanemoto yoshinori himself.
he was your neighbor since a young age, the shy boy always reminding you that he saw you as his favorite star. only being three years younger than him, he tended to treat you like his younger sister instead of a potential lover.
it only became more clear as he slowly falls deeper and deeper in love with your older sister. an absolute slap in the face to say the least and what makes it worse is that she was completely oblivious which aggravated the absolute living hell out of you.
so like every good thing that comes, it quickly goes as you burying your feelings deep within yourself, heart breaking in tiny pieces that too far gone to repair. you bottle up your emotions, moving on and choosing happiness.
was it easy? no, because your happiness was yoshinori — he just didn't know it and you had no intention of telling him.
so you did what any sensible person would do, you moved on. desperately attempting to fall in love with the next best thing you could find and that happens to be takata mashiho.
it was quite surprising to say the least, because you knew the boy way before any romantic feelings arose. he was a friend of yoshi that you had met years ago when you had ran into the two boys whilst out.
"mashiho, takata mashiho." the dark-haired boy says so sweetly. you can't help but smile, grinning like an absolute moron, "y/n l/n."
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"that's really beautiful," a whisper travels through the air. your ears perk up at the all too familiar voice, eyes softening upon seeing yoshinori. he smiles at you, hands stuffed in the pockets of his jean jacket.
you return the grin, cheeks dusted with a soft strawberry hue as you turn back to your sketch.
his grass crunches underneath his sneakers as he draws closer and closer to your picnic blanket. he takes a seat on the soft gingham fabric, leaning back as a satisfied sigh leaves his lips.
as his hands rest behind his head, he takes a look at the blue sky above. your scribbling never ceases as your brows furrow together in concentration and almost forgetting his presence.
he rests on his elbows, wandering eyes scanning along your face. your eyes are quick to land on his, a small smirk gracing his face as he glazes over your features once more.
"what are you doing?" you ask gently, he shrugs a little before fully laying down again, "looking at you."
you scoff jokingly, goofy smile with all your teeth on display as you shake your head. a puff of air is released from your lungs, eyes darting from your sketch back to his calm form. "here," you mutter before practically shoving the sketch of him in his hands.
a chuckle tumbles from his lips, "it's very good," he says before tugging out a past drawing you done awhile a go. he flips it over to show you, "when was this?" he asks you before taking one last look.
"hm, this was at the beach. y'know like when we went with mashi," your voice becomes small towards the end, more specifically when you say mashiho's name.
you watch yoshi's face turn somewhat sour, eyes narrowing, smile completely gone as it turns into a thin line.
he hums in acknowledgment despite the displeased look smacked on his face, "i see. where is he?" he asks in a bored tone. you're too scared to look at him so you opt to doodle around the drawing of yoshi.
"he's uh- been busy with work, should be free soon." your voice is unsure as if you're trying to convince yourself. yoshi nods, shoving his hands back into the warm pockets of his denim jacket. he turns around, walking away before his steps still like he's contemplating staying or going.
he turns back around, still a few feet away from you, "don't choose him," he says in a low voice yet you can hear every single word.
your head whips up to meet his eyes, unsure if you heard correctly, "what?" you say in disbelief. he looks back at you with a gaze strong, "don't choose him," he repeats before dragging his converse-clad feet back to you.
"why?" you ask sincerely, pupils shaking in fear of his next words. "why? you know why." he says as his steps bring him closer and closer to you.
your practically shaking with terror, eyes wide as saucers as you begin shaking your head, "no. no." your voice breaking slightly. yoshi nods, "yes," he says as his hand reaches to you, attempting to stroke your cheek but you slap his hand away before he can even get close to you.
"yoshinori," you say his name sternly, brows furrowed not out of concentration but out if anger, "what?" he responds airily, unsure of what you'll say next.
"you're being mean," you tell him, trying not to raise your voice. "no, stop it!" you try to keep your composure but his absentminded babbling continues to test your patience.
your eyes stare deep into his, a pain so unbearable rises to the surface and begins bubbling over. "i have been second to my sister since day one in everything. i will not be the person you settle for because you cannot have her. i can't do it — i wo-i won't allow it, you say and your cracking voice breaks his heart.
"i won- not when i've spent my entire life loving you."
you drop the sketchbook down onto the blanket, pencil clattering against the crisp pages as you begin walking away.
yoshinori's eyes are pooling with sadness, eyes watching you leave and keeping himself from going after to you in fear that he'll make things more worse than they are now.
you walk away from the man you've loved since day one, heart heavy as if it's made of concrete. out of any words you could've used, you used mean.
many would say that yoshinori's downright cruel, but you use mean. you love him too much to say tell him that he's a monster, he's a bad guy because never has he once been such things.
it's quite the opposite, really. your footsteps take you further and further from him, when in reality, you'd rather run and take refuge within his warm embrace.
but you push those ragged thoughts aside, feet taking you far from the park and back home despite the leaving your belongings.
kanemoto yoshinori was mean. no, not cruel, not inhumane, not vicious, nor malicious, he was mean boy who seemingly took pride in taking your heart with no means of caring for it.
only mean people would do such a thing.
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★ treasure taglist. @kflixnet ... @ficscafe ... @yogurteume ... @tahyunwoo ... @h4chi ... @enhacolor ... @wonluvrbot ... @alohajun ... @minisxng ... @setakdongies ... @ncizen ... @kyufilms ... @saeromiz ... @sunoo-bby ... @dancinginthetaillight ... @seung-scrittore ... @sseastar-main ... @changmin-wrlds ... @hanjisungpark ... @existnesia ... @ily-cuz-i ... @yedamology ... @i-luvsang
[ 🎧 ] jaydi's notes. based off little women... kinda, just scene-ish tho?? sorry im high idk what im saying so tbh i might delete tjis but who knows mayhaps ill like it when im sober but slay
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kyufilms · 2 years
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ㅤㅤ ⌗ treasure ―︎ college life
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wc + genre/trope + cast + warnings ―︎ 3k words worth of slice of life: college au edition. ot12 nonidol!treasure. not proofread. lowercase intended. like, one mention of alcohol & an implication of needles, but i think that’s all?
request ―︎ hey jia 💜 i was wondering if i could request one of those bulletpoint lists for what you think ot12 treasure would be like as college students?
director’s notes ―︎ hi anon! i lost your ask (and numerous others) bc tumblr was being stupid, but i managed to save part of the original draft for this one in my notes app, so ty for requesting this <3 college au’s are one of my favorite tropes of all time, and i love college-centric stuff in general, so i might’ve gotten a little carried away bc i thought about this concept a lot,, even before i got the request :] i tried to use a variety of fields of study when assigning them to members (since i didn’t want to fall back on something music or performing arts related for everyone), though i had a little bit of trouble with deciding how to place certain members since i was still brainstorming while working on this </3 i also kinda cheated with junghwan’s bc it felt kinda hard to assign a field of study to him as he’s younger than me. i’m not fully happy with this because i feel like i strayed at some parts, and i could’ve worded things better, but lmk what you think! hope you enjoy :>
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⌗ choi hyunsuk / 최현석
i could go on for literal ages about my reasoning for this, but i can totally see hyunsuk studying fashion/apparel design.
sometimes he loses his focus in his general classes & ends up sketching out a new idea mid-lecture out of boredom, but he works even harder so he doesn’t fall behind.
at this point, he knows all of his friends’ measurements by heart because he always manages to convince bribe them into modeling the clothes he’s working on, whether it’s for an assignment or something he’s making for fun.
he loves trying out new styles & customizing all of his own clothes. he most likely has an instagram page to showcase all of his fits & his customization work, while his saved posts are organized into lookbook folders & inspiration boards.
if inspiration strikes, he’ll stay in the design studio as late as he can & won’t rest until he’s satisfied with whatever pieces he’s been working on. showing up to the first lecture of the day w/ a cup of coffee in his hand is pretty common for him.
he works part-time at one of his favorite department stores, which benefits him since it means he gets first pick when they get new shipments and he gets an employee discount on his own purchases. he probably offers sneaker customization services to earn extra money on the side too.
⌗ park jihoon / 박지훈
i feel like jihoon would have gotten into college with a sports scholarship or smth but chose to study broadcasting.
in class, he’s simultaneously proactive & serious, asking all the questions he wants to, no hesitation at all. he’s committed to trying his best to stay on top of his studies.
he’s definitely juggling a lot, but he wants to enjoy college life while being dedicated to his future, so he’s trying to find a way to make things work around his busy schedule.
as a member of the soccer team, he climbs the ranks pretty fast. he’s scary good, so no one’s really all that surprised when he gets bumped up to the position of team captain in his second year (or when they find out he has a fanclub 💀).
he works part-time at the shopping center; specifically at a smoothie bar that just so happens to be right across from where hyunsuk works. the two of them usually hang out or annoy one another whenever they’re on their breaks.
on top of the other stuff jihoon’s got going on, he’s also part of the broadcasting club. he always seems to know what’s going on, so if you need the details on something, he’s your guy. he could probably recite the morning announcements with his eyes closed if he really wanted to.
⌗ kanemoto yoshinori / 金本芳典
yoshi’s main focus is studying education because he wants to be a teacher, but he also minors in the fine arts :)
everyone you ask will tell you that he suits his major perfectly. he’s got a perfect balance of patience, care, and drive to work around whatever problems that come his way.
he’s a babysitter in his free time; half because it’s a job where he can be somewhat flexible with his availability so it works w/ his schedule, half because he simply adores kids.
when it comes to balancing his job with school, he sacrifices some of his sleep here & there, but he’s very thorough. he gets shy, but if he needs clarification, he’ll ask for it, and he’s actually pretty good at explaining things too.
maybe it has something to do with his major, maybe it doesn’t, but yoshi’s responsibility isn’t something that goes unnoticed. whether it’s school-related or not, it’s easy to see that he can keep his cool even when in stressful situations.
once in a blue moon, when his friends succeed in dragging him out to a party on a night he’s not working, he’s almost always the designated driver, but he doesn’t really mind it. he doesn’t really like to drink to begin with, so making sure that everyone gets home in one piece is fine by him.
⌗ kim junkyu / 김준규
i can’t really explain how i came to this conclusion, but i feel like junkyu would do well if he was studying psychology.
in his first year he was probably a dorky but adorable freshman with an undecided major. people seem to find that his clumsy, shy personality only adds to his charm, so it’s not surprising that he has admirers.
when he gets a little bit confused in class, his usual choice is to bite his tongue rather than ask a question. junkyu won’t ask for help until he reaches a certain point, he opts to keep trying on his own until it gets too much for him.
more often than not he gets roped into things by his friends. sometimes it’s a party that they want him to go to, sometimes it’s being hyunsuk’s model for new clothes. willingly tags along every now and then when yoshi’s babysitting, solely because the kids are sweethearts.
he’s stealing even more hearts as a resident assistant in his second year. despite his shyness, he’d end up being close with all the residents. it’s hard not to like him; he makes people feel comfortable. most of the time he’s laid back & has a hard time saying no, but he still tries to be responsible & enforces the rules, even if he doesn’t always like it.
ngl, he may or may not have applied for the RA position at first because he’s a homebody & he thought he could use it as an excuse to stay in the dorms since his friends always try to drag him out. still, he’s someone you can always rely on. he might joke around & act like he’s annoyed, but he’s not. he likes to make himself useful if there’s an opportunity.
⌗ takata mashiho / 高田ましほ
in my mind, mashiho would’ve gotten into uni on a full-ride sports scholarship & winds up studying sports medicine while double minoring in kinesiology & culinary arts.
all of his professors are quite fond of him. he’s another one of those students that actively participates in the lessons, and it’s clear he always tries extra hard, especially since he’s at school on that scholarship.
he might not be insanely tall, but don’t let his height fool you, he’s the basketball team’s secret weapon. his skills are insane, & he’s a different person on the court, so each game’s exciting; he always goes beyond expectations.
honestly though, if you thought jihoon was busy, you should see mashi. he might not have a job, but he’s got so much other stuff going on outside of sports & his studies, everyone’s a little bit curious as to how he balances all of it.
popularity check ― somehow, everyone seems to know mashi. he’s campus crush material & he’s got the fanclub to prove it. when he’s not studying or practicing for a game, you might find him with the dance club or the theatre kids.
overall, he just exudes good vibes and confidence, and that’s probably why so many people are naturally drawn to him. when he’s out, he can be the life of the party, but it’s pretty easy for him to have a good time just kicking back with friends. it’s hard to imagine someone not liking him.
⌗ yoon jaehyuk / 윤재혁
this is based off of that one fancall but jaehyuk studies both business administration & economics :)
even before people find out what his majors are, they’d already take a liking to him since he’s such a sweetheart. hearing what he’s studying only impresses others more.
i feel like he’d be part of student government. i could also see him giving the freshmen tours of the campus once he’s in his second year of studies, and he probably continues to do so every other year after that.
he’s got smarts to spare !! i feel like he’s that one person who’s always at the top of his class. he probably doesn’t even need to ask questions for clarification because he reads ahead of the current units they’re working on in class.
im 92.7% convinced he’d be the ultimate favorite student to any, if not all, of his professors. he’d always be prepared when he comes to lectures, and i feel like all the professors would genuinely enjoy reading through his thought process when they grade any of his work.
i could see him working as a student tutor on the side, though idk if it’d be for money or extra credit. it’s an easy but equally convenient way for him to review topics while simultaneously earning extra cash or extra points. even if he wasn’t getting anything out of it, i still think he’d enjoy helping other people better their understandings.
⌗ hamada asahi / 浜田朝光
i had a lot of ideas for asahi, but for simplicity i think he’d study art; specifically w/ a focus in animation.
something tells me he’d be part of the gifted program for fine arts. idk if it’d necessarily work like a scholarship, but i don’t think it’d be an easy program to get into. he’s getting the recognition he deserves for his talent.
when he’s in class he takes simple notes so he gets the general information he needs, but something tells me that he’d go back to redo them later on so that they’ll look nicer. it also helps him study, since he’s revisiting all the materials.
he probably has a bunch of sticky notes with doodles on them in his textbooks, & i feel like he’d doodle on his notes a lot too, but it’s not because he’s bored/distracted, it actually helps him focus & allows him to remember things better.
i feel like college is an even greater self discovery kind of experience for asahi more than any of the others. since he’s so introverted, people probably say that they hope he’ll learn to express himself outwardly the same way he expresses himself through his art. his friend group helps tho, so he’s working on redefining his comfort zone :]
for some reason, i can’t really see asahi having a job while he’s a student. he’d either be so wrapped up in art & studies that his free time kind of blends with them, or he’d keep to himself & his small circle of friends until he falls into a new hobby (which, unintentionally, would be music, but jihoon’s trying to convince him to join the soccer team/club).
⌗ bang yedam / 방예담
the idea of yedam not being involved with music at all feels foreign to me, but i could see him doubling up & studying music alongside communications.
he probably got into college through the gifted program for music, but he chose to study communications as well just to be practical and have some sort of backup plan.
yedam’s the type who stays in the studio more often than his dorm room. he’s always coming up with new song ideas, so his voicenotes app is full of little snippets of things that he came up with throughout the day.
if you happen to see him on campus, you’ll find that he listens to music more than half the time. he’ll always have a pair of headphones on him, whether they’re being worn over his ears or just hanging around his neck.
another popularity check ― the music department’s pride and joy. everyone on campus knows him, mostly because he always performs at events like the school festivals & talent shows. yet another person with a little fanclub behind him; his voice just seems to pull people in.
performs every week at an open mic night that a local coffee shop hosts. he’ll even take requests when there aren’t many people on the performance roster. definitely has a yt channel; sometimes he’ll sing originals while other times he’ll sing covers. half the student body is subscribed.
⌗ kim doyoung / 김도영
i was so dead set on this one pls i feel like doyoung would probably study biology & follow in his family’s footsteps as a pre-med student :]
campus!! crush!! somehow he’s the perfect balance between being a sweetheart & being a huge flirt. his busy schedule tends to have him all over the place, but that’s also how he gained popularity on campus.
probably gets involved with student government because of jaehyuk. he wasn’t really about it first because he already had a lot going on as a pre-med student, but he enjoyed it too much to give it up once he got a taste for it.
doyoung’s prepared for the worst; he’s like a walking first-aid kit & nurse’s office. definitely the person hyunsuk goes to ask for bandaids after accidentally poking himself one too many times while trying to design a new piece.
i’m convinced he’d be a teacher’s assistant. i don’t have an idea of which of his professors he’d TA for, but i know for a fact that he’s charmed all of the other students in the class and the professor themselves. the type to leave give people little hints/tips on what to study for while grading their papers if they didn’t necessarily do so hot.
if you’re ever looking for him on campus and he’s not assisting or sitting in the back of a class grading the papers, there’s a good chance you’ll find him in the library. he’s an assistant there on top of being a TA (and the head librarian always jokes about how they’d never seen so many people come in to study until doyoung became a library assistant).
⌗ watanabe haruto / 渡辺春虎
haruto’s studying music production & composition; he got in through the same program as yedam.
asahi’s roommate. he helps asahi get comfortable around others & is partially the reason why music is now one of asahi’s other hobbies outside of art.
rather than having a youtube channel like yedam, haruto posts on soundcloud for fun. he probably goes by an alias, but the stuff he puts out is semi-popular.
he likes to goof off & work on songs with his friends. at first he’d just mess around by himself & show asahi, but then he met yoshi & mashiho, so nowadays you can distinctly hear four different people in several tracks on haruto’s computer.
he’s not employed while he’s studying atm, but one of his professors mentioned that the campus radio station is looking for people to play songs & fill up the regular slots between the radio programs, so he’s been debating on whether or not he should apply for a position.
that one person who everyone’s unintentionally intimidated by. he does really well academic-wise, but he can be a little bit antisocial, so he doesn’t talk as much around people he’s not close to. others tend to find him hard to approach since he’s so tall istfg his responses can be short & they mistake his blank expressions/rbf as him judging them since they can’t really tell what he’s thinking by the look on his face.
⌗ park jeongwoo / 박정우
jeongwoo has absolutely no clue what he direction he wants to go in, so he hasn’t declared a field of study yet.
roommates with jaehyuk. junkyu’s had to drop by and tell them to knock it off on more than one occasion because they’ll get too loud without realizing it.
he’s on the basketball team with mashiho, but during the off-season you’ll probably find him goofing around on the field with some of the other people in the soccer club.
knows he has to pick a focused area of study sooner or later, but he’s not really sure what he wants. he’s kind of testing things & looking into a new focus every other week to try and find something that sparks his interests.
works part time at is probably on the verge of being fired from a cafe, but he’s usually only taking peoples’ orders, manning the register, or doing dishes. atm, his boss is just keeping him around since he makes up for his not-so-great coffee skills by bringing in a crowd, but he’s trying his best.
a bit of a social butterfly. despite not knowing what he wants to study just yet, the fact he’s made friends in several different departments has helped a lot. everyone on campus, regardless of their major, has probably seen jeongwoo lingering around their building once or twice, and whenever someone initiates conversation he’s always polite.
⌗ so junghwan / 소정환
junghwan’s still in high school & trying to decide what he wants to do in the future.
he’s sort of interested in a few different fields of study, but he wants to see what they’re like before he makes a final decision on what he’ll go into.
all his friends that have already graduated have been pestering him about going to the same university as them when the time comes for him to enroll.
though he’s not done with high school yet, several schools have already been keeping an eye on him & his potential. there’s been buzz about how some places want him in their sports programs; some are even talking scholarships.
he’s a full-time student as of right now. junghwan’s too busy studying for the college entrance exams to be working at the moment, but he’s a bright kid. his teachers are pretty sure he’ll pass with flying colors; they surely won’t hesitate to give him recommendations if he asks.
he’s probably asked jaehyuk or doyoung to help him study for his upcoming exams just to be prepared, but it’s somehow become a group-study thing because everyone else either tags along or invites themselves to the session. still, he’s grateful. they try to help him as much as they can & tell him not to worry so much since he’ll do just fine.
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treasure taglist | @rutowonz @acaiasahi @yogurteume @koishua @enhacolor (fill out the ‘membership club’ form in my pinned post to join!)
network tags | @kflixnet
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© kyufilms | please refrain from copying, translating, or reposting any of my works, regardless of whether or not it’s within or outside of this website. the content that i write is strictly fictional & made for entertainment purposes only.
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oftenjisung · 3 years
How treasure(legal!Line) would react to their s/o asking for a baby
Choi hyunsuk :)
Eyes wide. Like WIDE WIDE. Will ask if your serious or if your pranking him but once he saw the serious look on your face. Oh lord- he wanted to hide under a rock. Stiff as a board.
"Are you sure, love?" He asked, voice all soft, grabbing your hands and rubbing them smoothly. "Mhm" you nodded. He didn't know what to say.
"Lets wait a couple more years bubs. Okay?" He said. He didn't want to make you think that he didn't want kids with you, he just wanted to wait until you were both a little older.
Park jihoon ☆
He smirked. cock mf- anyways.
I feel like he would be full of himself just to get on your nerves. As in, when you tell him, he says
"wow, babe, im so good that you want to have kids with me" that earned him a smack to the bicep. All jokes though :) "I'm just kidding, are you sure though?" He said, grabbing you by the hips. Would agree.
Kanemoto Yoshinori !!
He's not ready. Oh boy-
Would overthink. "Would i be a good dad?" "I don't know how to change diapers!!" "What if something goes wrong!??" Full panic mode on. You would sit him down, rub his arms and tell him "it was just a suggestion, im not 100% if I want to or not" that calmed him down ALOT.
It would take alot of convincing to get him to agree. His opinion and your opinion both matter. He's knows your not trying to rush him or use him for his sperm,,
In the end. He would suggest that you both try baby training, everything that has to do with babies and then have kids :D
Kim junkyu <3
Get yourself some noise canceling headphones. He WILL SCREAM. face in shock. Eyes wide. Stiff. All of it :3
He came home from practice when you popped the question. "Babe, can we, you know, have a baby?" Junkyu dropped his bag and stayed in place. "W-what?" "A baby! Can we have a baby?" You hugged him, looking up and giving him puppy eyes.
He would say no even though he has baby fever himself -_- 50/50. Would want kids but would also question if he's ready for that big step.
Eventually, he would say yes :)
Takata Mashiho ♡
Would immediately say no. He wants to live life before having kids. You know?
"Babe, i said no" he said, putting the dishes in the cabinet. "But imagine, a mini you running around" you said, clinging to his side with a pout.
He turned around, grabbed your face and gave you a peck<3
"Hun, I already said no. But remember, in the future we will, I promise. Let's enjoy our young years right now" he said, staring into your eyes.
"Okay :("
Its a no for mashi.
Yoon jaehyuk ~
Ahh! Don't even get me started with hyuk-ie T^T
Would say yes a million times :(( I'm sad now,, he would have heart eyes<3 "babe, can we have a baby?" You asked him as he was watching YouTube. "WHAT!? YES OH MY GOSH YESYESYES" he jumped up and down. Picking you up and giving you a million kisses T^T
This mf will RUN to the bedroom KSKSNSNDN
All in all, yes jaehyuk wants babies <3
Hamada Asahi T^T
"Sahi, can we have a baby" you said while you were sitting on his lap, in his studio.
"뭐? 잠깐, 아기? " Asahi said, turning his attention to you. You nodded. "Well, if thats what you really want, then okay" a big smile plastered on his face<3 he couldn't wait to show your child his studio :(
Asahi has such a sweet aura, his studio is like an artwork. Its totally his personality and your personality combined <33 (this is based off my personality TT sorry)
But yes, he wanted to show your child the whole world as soon as they were born ♡ so yes :))
Bang yedam >.<
HUGE no for him.
Your both still young and he wants to experience the angst young life 😪
"Damie, can we have a baby?" You asked him.
"Y/n, no. Were still young" simple as that.
No arguments. But he definitely has baby fever <3 just wait a couple more years love :(
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nari-nim · 3 years
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Not every idol trainee gets to befriend AND fuck producer!Yoshi. fwb!au
genre: smut
pairing: yoshi x fem!reader
word count: 613
warnings: car sex, protected sex
nari-note: just testing something out here don’t mind me
“You’re so good,” you cooed, tracing the outline of Yoshi’s lips with your fingers. You both laid panting in the backseat, relishing in the little down time you shared before you both had to return to the YG building for very different reasons.
“I know,” Yoshi let out a little giggle. 
You rolled your eyes at his playful cockiness, but nonetheless smiled at the way his eyes formed crescents. Rolling up to a sitting position, you felt goosebumps graced your arms as your bare chest faced the cold night air filtering through his car window. You shivered slightly, leaning down to grope for your T-shirt pulled off in the flurry of the heated session.
“Wait,” Yoshi murmured, hand reaching to pull yours back towards him. His face ghosted your neck, hot breath fanning against the sensitive skin. “You can take one more, hm?”
You thought about it. Practice doesn’t start for another hour...is that enough for another quick round? 
What the hell, you thought. You turned around and captured his lips again, your breath mixing as you moaned into the kiss. 
It helped that Yoshi looked so hot with beads of sweat decorating his chest and hair sticking to his face from all the exertion of fucking you face first into the car backseat. His hands reached up to cup your face, pulling you deeper into the kiss. He reached down and brushed his thumbs over your nipples as he pressed open mouthed kisses along your neck. He paused to momentarily nibble lightly on your neck before pressing kitten licks against the spots.You moaned at his ministrations, lifting you head up to give him better access.
“So good to me,” Yoshi sighed. His erect member tapped against your stomach as you moved to straddle him. He pumped his cock a few times before quickly ripping open another condom to roll it against his leaking tip. Slightly hovering over him, you let him admire the traces of cum that you failed to wipe off your thigh from earlier.
“Wait,” you said, pressing your palms against his chest. 
He looked up at you in question.
“If I make you cum in less than 10 minutes, do I get first dibs to your new song?”
Yoshi cackled at your audacity. "Friends with benefits doesn’t extend that far, babe. Hate to break it to you.”
You giggled, fully sinking down on him. He leaned back into the seat as he guided your hips. You moaned at the welcomed stretch.
“Fuck,” Yoshi grunted, “Did I not stretch you out enough earlier?”
You groan in response, shifting to adjust to him. He guided you up slowly before helping you sit down fully until he was balls deep in you. Savoring the expression on your face, he groaned, “Still so tight, fuck, you always feel so good.”
You whimpered at his words, but treated that as the green light to start riding him like no tomorrow.
“Yeah,” he groaned, “that’s it, just like that.”
With every other stroke, Yoshi landed a smack against your ass before massaging the pink areas. His hips lifted up to meet yours, snapping deeper than you could reach yourself. The car was filled with the lewd sounds of sex, the humid air clinging to your frames.  
“Fuck me harder,” you whined, impatient for more.
Yoshi’s eyes widened slightly at your words, but he guided you down to lay on the back seat without pulling out from you. Chuckling, he hooked your legs over his shoulders.
“What dirty words for a future idol,” he said through his groans, “But since you asked so nicely...”
You laughed, smacking him lightly on his chest, “Fuck you.”
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okaymybeloved · 3 years
[ 9:20 am ] yoshi
bringing your boyfriend along on your family roadtrip sounded like a great idea, until you stepped into the car. your siblings would constantly keep screaming at each other, fighting over the smallest things. you felt so bad for yoshi, always checking on him while holding his hand. however, yoshi was content. he actually had a great time talking to your parents about his life. to your surprise, he was even getting along very well with your siblings. the entire roadtrip, your head was in his lap while he played with your hair. sneaking little kisses here and there like little high schoolers. this trip was definitely your favorite.
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bloom-bloom-pow · 3 years
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[ vuh-lee-i-tee ]
noun; a mere wish, unaccompanied by an effort to obtain it.
for @heephoria :)
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lyjikyu · 3 years
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「 a queued post !」
[ warning ]: grammar and spelling errors
you didn't have a good experience with reading other people's emotions or feelings. and it wasn't really your top problem for most of your days. so why was it now such a big thing?
"good morning, doyoung" you greet him as you go on and sit down on your seat. doyoung who was talking to one of your classmates, smiles as he observes you. and as the person he was talking to leaves, his attention was now all on you. something you wish happened a little later. "good morning to you as well, you're sounding a bit more cheerful today y/n. I like that." he tilts his head after to take a good look of your face. "well you don't seem to be any different today yourself. I guess I like that as well." you respond making him chuckle and lean back on his chair, his gaze never leaving you.
"i don't think so."
"what do you mean?"
"well, I haven't been this happy to see someone like you in a monday morning. that's different"
you stop from unzipping your bag and you feel yourself getting a little shy. this was why you didn't want to grab his attention early in the morning. the both of you started being friends months ago, and ever since then he has been flirting with you, recklessly. you say that because he just throws compliments at you, as if they were something so usual. which leaves you so baffled after.
"why are you like this.." you ask timidly as you drop your bag down to your chair's side. once again, he changes his position and rests his chin on his hand, still staring at you. "I've told you before, I like you, that's why" ah of course, you remember that day. you saved him from a couple of jerks that he called friends, but little did he know the reason why they were staying with him was because he was nice enough to, and for his money.
but the sudden confession he said when he was walking you home, still left you wondering until now. did he really like you? or was this all a play?
“..I don't buy it, doyoung. do you really like me?”
“of course I do. why would I lie about how I feel towards you?”
badump.... ..badump.. .
why.. were you feeling this way ?
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sorta inspired by the anime my little monster ? also the art is from salgoolulu from instagram !!
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alohajun · 3 years
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yoshi x reader | wc : 1.9k words | content : possible grammar and spelling mistakes, lowercase intended, fluffity fluffy fluff, a lot of cringey pickup lines, one suggestive one too huhu, yoshi being kinda self-depreciating
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school life was definitely hard, but it was the little things that made you get through the day. like the other days, you once again went to your locker, smiling inwardly. you opened your locker, anticipating the piece of light green paper to fall down to the ground again.
you bit the inside of your cheek, trying to stop yourself from smiling. you bent down and picked up the piece of paper and slowly unfolded it.
"hey, y/n! how are you today? i just wanted to ask you, did your driving license get suspended for driving all these guys crazy?"
you let out a laugh at the note and smiled to yourself. out of the corner of your eye, you could see the author of the note standing in behind the wall corner, looking at your reaction.
you always did your best to never look in that direction because you didn't want him to know that you knew it was him. you felt a tap on your shoulder and you turned around with a smile on your face.
"hi, y/n. this is from yoshi," haruto said, showing you his signature smile. you nodded and ruffled his hair with one hand as you took the bar of chocolate from his hand.
"how are your classes so far, ruto-ssi?" you asked, cheekily grinning at the male, knowing very well he didn't like it when you called him that.
"ugh, y/n. please. but they are okay, i guess. so far, so good," haruto replied, turning back and looking at the wall where he used to be. "and, he's gone."
"i figured. anyway, i got to go buy him tteokbokki crackers. i'll see you soon, haru." you nodded and bowed lightly, taking your leave.
"why won't you just tell yoshi that you know it is him?" haruto questioned, stopping you from going away.
“i don't know. these little things are the reason that i am getting through the day. i don't want that to stop, just because i told him i know who he is,” you lamely answered as haruto laughed loudly and shook his head.
“you, y/n, are a perfect match for yoshi,” he stated, still laughing, and bowed before going to his class.
you ran towards the snack dispenser and inserted your money and pushed the button which dropped the tteokbokki cracker packet and stuffed it in your bag before running to your next class which you had. with yoshi, that was.
you made it just in time for your class attendance and took your usual seat next to yoshi. you thought of when you would give him the snacks you got him. he kept on giving you many things and you felt like you were taking a lot from him. and in order to return the favour, you'd always buy him something from the day you got to know it was yoshi who gave you all the stuff.
“oh, yoshi-ah. i got you something,” you whispered as the teacher had already started class. you put your hand inside your bag, taking out the snacks and giving it to yoshi.
"tteokbokki crackers! man, i was starving. thanks, y/n! really!" he replied, bowing in his seat and taking the crackers from you. you smiled at him and rested your hands inside the compartment under the desk. you felt a piece of paper and took it out.
you saw it was another green paper, folded in half with writing in it. "if i received a nickel for every time i saw someone as beautiful as you, i'd have five cents." you smiled as you read the note and shook your head.
"another note from the admirer?" yoshi asked, as he quietly ate the crackers behind his books. you nodded and took out your book and pencil box from your bag, ready to take down notes of the lesson your class was doing.
as you opened your book, you saw another green note. you opened it and read the note, trying your best to hold in your inner fangirl.
if beauty were time, you'd be an eternity.
you held in your laughter as you folded the piece of paper and kept it in the front zipper of your bag where you had the other notes from yoshi. you opened your pencil box to take out a pen and saw another green note.
before you could open the piece of paper, your teacher, who had been watching you the whole time, took the piece of paper from you.
"y/n, what is this?" your teacher asked as he played with the note in his hands.
"ah, sir, it's from my flashcards for the biology test next period!" you quickly said and tried to take it from his hands, but he lifted his hand higher.
"biology, huh? then, let's read your biology flashcard,” he said as the students of your class giggled waiting for your doom. you bit your lip as your teacher cleared his throat.
"glycolysis happens in the cell's cytosol. the next step in cellular respiration, the citric acid cycle, occurs in the mitochondria," your teacher read, causing your eyes to widen. you could've also sworn that you heard yoshi gasp behind you.
the students of the class, however, seemed to be disappointed that it wasn't something that could've been the juicy gossip topic the next day.
as the students went back to their work, your teacher bent down to reach your height and looked at you and the figure sitting beside you.
"both of you have detention today. i'll be expecting to see bright smiles on your faces when you two come for gym cleaning today!" he faked a cheerful tone and smiled before walking back to his place. you groaned inwardly but were thankful that your classmates didn't hear him.
you looked at yoshi, whose face was stuffed with tteokbokki crackers and almost burst out laughing. you smiled lightly at him before turning back to the front and tried focusing on the lesson. even though you already got caught doing the same, you couldn't help but open the note and read what was in it.
i was feeling a little off today, but you definitely turned me on.
you almost choked on the air you were breathing. you looked back at your teacher, who seemed to calmly move on with his lesson, while you panicked hardcore in the last seat. you turned to look at the person who put the note there in the first place and saw that he, too, was having a hard time swallowing the crackers in his mouth.
the most awaited bell of the century finally rang, and you sprung up from your seat and bounced out of the class like tigger in winnie the pooh. as you rushed out of class, you heard your teacher wish you luck for your biology test.
you stopped midway, faking a smile before turning to him and bowing down, thanking him for his wishes. as you walked down the hallway, you could hear your classmates telling the students of the other classes about your and yoshi's detention punishment.
so, i guess they heard, after all.
"both of them got detention together again? really?!”
"does y/n know how i would kill to be in her place? ugh, lucky girl!"
"it's suspicious how they always get detention together all the time!"
"i swear, these two are like the detention couple of our school. totally shipping it!"
"wah, last time, yoshi didn't bring his gym clothes, so he got detention, but later on, y/n also got punished as well. i heard her whining saying that she did nothing wrong at all."
the last one got your mind running in circles as well. why was it always the two of you in detention? even when they were other kids, both of you were always picked out together to do whatever punishment task was given.
"are you hearing the theories the kids are coming up with?" a recognizable voice said, startling you. you looked to your side and saw yoshi walking alongside you with his home science book in his hands, laughing softly.
"what are the theories?"
"well, there were the usual ones. you know, the stupid ones. like, how we must be like some undercover student agents out to ruin this school?" yoshi said, shaking his head, causing you to laugh.
"mhm, i heard that one, too. they also called the two of us the 'detention couple' of the school. wah, these people. don't they have better things to do?" you shook your head, thinking about the other plausible theories your year group's students could come up with.
yoshi hummed, acknowledging whatever you had said. your biology class and yoshi's home science class were right next to each other, and you two had plenty of time till the warning bell rang, so yoshi and you walked towards your classes while talking more about the absurd theories students came up with.
"sometimes, i wish they'd just ask us what was happening instead of jumping to conclusions," you wondered out loud, thinking about the time your older brother almost hit you because he had heard a rumour about you dating a substance-misuser, which wasn't at all true.
"yeah, but sometimes, it's nice to hear them say stuff like that because it helps boost your morale in doing things you've been putting away," yoshi told you, taking slower strides so that you could keep up with him.
"how does that - what is that supposed to mean?"
"i know you know that it's me who gives you those little notes. and you never made a move about it, so i thought i'd continue pretending that i didn't know because i was too scared to ask you out. but now, this new rumour gave me some sort of a kick, you know?"
as much as you wanted to interrupt him, you held it in. you wanted him to continue. you wanted him to confess. you wanted him to ask you out. you wanted him to do all of that so that you can say yes.
"i like you, and that's a fact. but i am not asking, nor am i forcing you to accept it. these feelings and emotions are the products of my own actions and only i am accountable for them,” yoshi stated boldly, puffing his chest out slightly as his tone dropped a bit.
"all i ask for in return is that no matter how this pathetic excuse of a confession turns out and no matter what your answer is, i want that whatever we had to stay the same. i want nothing i say or do to affect this wonderful thing we have between us," he continued, tearing up slightly.
"yoshi, yoshi, don't cry. this isn't something to cry about. please don't cry." you begged him, rubbing his shoulders in assurance.
"i really like you, y/n. and i really treasure what i have with you. i may be confident with my looks and may not falter when i get hated on during our classes, but i know that those don't last forever. and they don't matter to me as much as you do. i want what we have to last forever, even if forever doesn't exist. i want it to be till whatever the end is." he sobbed lightly as the warning bell rang.
"yoshinori, you've spent one year telling me how much you love me. now i think it's time you knew how much you mean to me,” you told him as you clasped his hand in yours and dragged him out of the school premises through the cafeteria backdoor.
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taglist — @kflixnet @ravenori @jensrose @hotgirlsunoo @nanasdream @twntycm @roseky21 @heejojo @jaesvelvet @fightmegirl @koishua @silent-potato @lovethyfandoms2 @kpoprhia @woooooooosh8 @milkybonya @enhacolor @yunho-leeknow @yoshiikore @f4ery @candililac @willdieforbeidou @luvbrie @jun-bug @mui890mew @yogurteume (to be added, please send an ask or dm!)
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acaiasahi · 2 years
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✶ invu ; kanemoto yoshinori.
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synopsis. without saying a proper goodbye to yoshi, he runs after you at the airport and attempts to keep you here with words you've been dying to hear from him.
info. angst, fluff. kanemoto yoshinori x gn!reader. 1,338 words
warnings. none that i can think of... no brain lolz, angst i mean... duh, grammatical and structural errors, proof read-ish, lowercase and smaller text intended!, based off of rachel and ross' finale on friends :3
[ now playing . . . ] invu by taeyeon.
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this was it.
you've said your goodbyes to those you loved. tears have been shed, hugs straying longer than a couple seconds as you leave behind the people you've built your life around.
but in reality, there's one person you couldn't bare say goodbye to, let alone look in the eyes to do so.
kanemoto yoshinori.
your best friend "since the womb" as your mothers like to call it. your lunch buddy, the person you'd call late at night when you had a nightmare. the boy who kissed you under the big japanase maple tree near the park. the one who was the first one to own your heart, and the first one to break it.
you love him, there's no changing that. but to say good bye to him, face to face, eye to eye? no, that will never happen.
so here you are, inside of the airport. passport and luggage in hand as you stand in line to board the plane.
this was it.
you hear an employee on the speaker, flight e378, gate A8, please get ready to board your plane.
sighing upon hearing the cheery flight attendant's voice, you continue walking in your line. one by one, you find yourself slowly making your way to the desk that'll clear you to enter the plane.
as you hand the boarding pass over to the lady, you hear someone yell out your name in the crowd of bustling people.
turning your head, you see yoshi running up to you, pushing people to the side as he apologizes for doing so.
you scoff in disbelief. not a scoff of anger, or disgust, just pure disbelief.
"y/n, y/n please!" you hear him yell out at you. turning away, you attempt to hand over your boarding pass to the confused lady but are soon pulled away.
whipping your head over to yoshi, you pull your hand back to yourself gently. "don't go," he says out of breath.
you push hair out of your face, looking towards the dwindling line being urged into the plane. "what?" you ask, pure confusion written all over your face.
"pl-please stay with me," pure desperation drips from his voice. "i am so in love with you, please don't go."
you place your hand on your heart, your eyes beginning to fill with tears. "oh my gosh," you whisper to him.
he quickly grabs your hands, holding them to his chest and you practically feel his heart beating through his chest.
"i know that i shouldn't have waited till now to say it, but i-i'm, it was stupid, but i'm telling you now. i love you." he grips your hands tighter, urging you to not get onto the next flight out of here.
"excuse me, are you boarding the plane?" you hear the flight attendant ask from behind you, watching from her desk with raised eyebrows. you look at her for a second too long before yoshi pulls you closer, "hey, hey! i know you love me too. please y/n, don't go." he says hopefully.
you continue to watch yoshi as he looks deep in your eyes, tears threatening to fall. "please." he whispers again.
"are you boarding the plane?" you hear the attendant ask once more. you step away from him, arms still linked as you look away.
opening your mouth, you close it before opening it again. "i-i need to board the plane." attempting to pull away, yoshi has a firm grip on you. "n-no, you don't. y/n please!" he croaks out, tears on full display.
you finally free from his grasp, hugging yourself as you look down at your feet. "i'm sorry but they're waiting for me yoshi. i-i can't do this right now, i need to go." your voice breaks as you slowly walk backwards away from him.
"y/n." he says your name one last time in disbelief, "i'm sorry." you say as the flight attendant scans your card and you walk through the doorway leading you inside the plane.
yoshi watches the love of his life walk away before him. tears now streaming down his face as the terminal door closes. he turns his head to hyunsuk who was waiting for him from afar.
the look on yoshi's face breaks the elder's heart as he rushes to him. "i really thought they'd stay." he whimpers, tears steadily falling. hyunsuk's quick to hug him until his tears dry temporarily.
"c'mon, let's go home." hyunsuk whispers to him, guiding him to the exit.
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as yoshi opens up the door to his room, he looks around it and is quickly bombarded with all the memories he's had of you.
trinkets lining his walls and tabletops with stories all behind them, stories of you. he sniffles as he sits down on his bed, elbows on his knees, head in his hands.
how did i let this happen? he thinks to himself, sobs falling past his lips. he's pulled out of his thoughts when he hears his phone ringing in his pocket.
it wasn't any ringtone, it was yours. you sneakily set it to his "my treasure" lines when it first came out and he jokingly kept it for you ever since.
the call screen quickly disappearing and turning back into his homescreen, indicating that he'd missed your call, he attempts to call again until he sees a voicemail notification pop up.
pressing it and putting the volume as loud as possible, he listens to your hoarse voice.
"hey, yoshi. i-i didn't want things to end like that between us. i'm just sitting here on this plane thinking of all the things i should've said and i wi-wis-wish i said them!" you sniffle and clear your throat, "i mean, i didn't even get to tell you that i love you too, because of course i do!" you say defeatedly.
yoshi listens carefully, ignoring the way his heart clenches in pain due to hearing you say the three words he's been wanting to hear back.
"i love you," you say again, "i love you," you say it twice, voice gaining more confidence as you say it a third time, "i love you," you scoff at this, "what am i doing? i love you! i h-have to get off this plane." you say in realization.
yoshi perks up at this, getting up from his bed and checking his screen and sees the 10 remaining seconds left to the voicemail. he hears you rustling on the other end.
"excuse me? i need to get off this plane, please, i need to get off. please let me o-" the voicemail ends and leaves him in a frenzy.
he scrolls the voicemail a couple seconds back, trying to figure out if you got off the plane or not. "no! did they get off the plane?" he asks, leaving his question up in the thick air of his room.
too occupied with his phone, he misses the sound of his door opening as you stand there, unsure whether to speak up or not.
"i got off the plane," answering his question. looking up from his phone, he turns around to see your figure standing in the doo frame. he gasps, blinking and rubbing his eyes a few times to make sure that you're not a figment of his imagination.
you watch each other, before yoshi runs over and hugs you tightly. your cries are muffled as you nuzzle your head into the crook of his neck, leaving a soft peck.
"i do love you, i always have." you whisper. he pulls away, wiping the tears from your face as you do the same for him. "i love you too." he confesses again.
he leans in for a soft kiss, your lips melting into one another before pulling away and resting his forehead upon yours.
"you will always have me, i'm yours. please be mine." he asks, voice barely a whisper.
letting out a soft giggle at this, your face breaking out into a smile as you nod.
"i'm yours, yoshi. always."
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★ treasure taglist. @yogurteume ... @tayhunwoo ... @h4chi ... @enhacolor ... @wonluvrbot ... @byeongsung ... @rutowonz ... @setakdongies ... @ncizen ... @saeromiz ... @kyufilms ... @sunoo-bby ... @dancinginthetaillight ... @sseastar-main ... @seung-scrittore ... @changmin-wrlds
[ 🎧 ] jaydi's notes. this concept was made for yoshi idc idc, argue w the wall!!! i have not watched a friends episode in my entire life but i really like how they portrayed this concept. ik a lot of ppl use it but i've watched a lot of shows where the character goes back w them and i liked how the friends producers made it seem like rachel fr leaves ross for london... slay!!!
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jaesahiluvr · 3 years
Second Button
pairing : yoshi x reader
genre: fluff , angst if u squint a little hard
a/n: hey guys! so this is about the “rumor” that i saw going around on tiktok and i wanted to make a short imagine out of it ;)) hope you’ll like it!!
While i was scrolling through tiktok i saw a video that was about Yoshi. It said that one time at a fan meet he said that he gave his second button on his graduation to a special person he liked before. And Yoshi never told me this? So i waited for him to go back home and ask him about it.
I was watching a movie until i heard a knock on the door. Great. He’s home. I quickly ran to the door and opened it for him.
“Hey love” He says kissing me on the forehead.
“Hey , how was practice ?” I asked letting him in.
“It was great. They allowed us to go home early today.” He says smiling
I noticed he was still tired from practice so i didn’t wanna bother him yet. We went to the couch and watched a movie. This is the time.
“Hey bub , Can i ask you a question?” I said nervously
“Sure. What is it?”
“Well is it true that you gave your second button to the girl you liked in your graduation?” I said. Nervously.
“Huh? Hahaha who told you that?” Him laughing like i said the most funniest thing ever.
“What??!” I whined
“Ooh are you jealous??” He says smirking
“What? No! Nevermind don’t answer the question!”
“Okay. okay fine. Yes i did. But i promise i don’t like her anymore , it was a long time ago. Okay?”
“But..was she your first love?”
“ Uhm..i guess” Welp. That definitely didn’t hurt. I always thought i was his first love. But ofcourse we all had in our past. But hey! I never took anyone seriously except him.
“Oh- Okay.” I faked a smile and went to the bathroom.
God. I shouldn’t be mad or jealous about this. I kind of felt betrayed but i know he doesn’t want me to feel that way so i shrugged it off. I thought I was being too emotional about this. It was just a button.
“Hey babe? Are you okay?” He knocked reassuring me.
“Yeah. Just give me a minute.”
I finally went out and saw him still standing outside.
“Hey bub , i’m sorry i never told you about that. If you’re upset about it , i’m sorry i never wanted that to happen so i never told you. Don’t ever think that i love anyone else but you. Okay? I love you.”
“Heyy! stop you’re making me cry!” He chuckled and gave me a hug and kissed me.
“No matter how many times we fought you always had a solution for everything! How are you so perfect! “
“Maybe i was meant for you ;)”
We sat back and enjoyed the rest of the night talking about something we never told anyone before. Soulmate things :p
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kyuokka · 4 years
24.      NOSE KISSES
41.      BACK HUGS
49.      CUDDLES
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trsrina · 2 years
✧ files 📁 -> treasure
? fluff ! angst # requested = oneshot - drabble + smau ~ wip : series
☽ O1. headcanons
nothing yet!
☽ O2. reactions
nothing yet!
☽ O3. choi hyunsuk
nothing yet!
☽ O4. park jihoon
midnight ?!#
☽ O5. kanemoto yoshinori
teaching yoshi how to braid hair ?-
☽ O6. kim junkyu
nothing yet!
☽ O7. takata mashiho
nothing yet!
☽ O8. yoon jaehyuk
nothing yet!
☽ O9. hamada asahi
nothing yet!
☽ 1O. bang yedam
nothing yet!
☽ 11. kim doyoung
nothing yet!
☽ 12. watanabe haruto
nothing yet!
☽ 13. park jeongwoo
nothing yet!
☽ 14. so junghwan
nothing yet!
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