mushins-world · 28 days
greeetingz everyone who is a Gay
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anteaterisland · 11 months
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[ID: A digital painting, six figures on a green background with orange text declaring VS Art Party, November 2023. Each figure is labeled, and they are all gw2 player characters. Finnegan the Moth has large colorful wings, a red sweater and is holding a tea pot with a paper bag over their head. A friendly face is painted on the paper bag. They are the central figure, and largest, with torso and waist included. The other four main figures are only busts, and are arranged around the center. Kanash Hart is a Norn woman with pale braided hair and a large cowl scarf. Subject O Seven is an Asura wearing a full coverage round helmet. Through the red glass, their scarred face is visible. Ratthew the Vile is a human man with dark eyes and a blood-splattered mouth. Síeun is a sylvari deadeye with a glowing white rifle, white leafy hair, and a cape made of rusted chains. The last figure is much smaller and tucked into the corner. Chlora Phylia is a brightly colored pig emanating mist. She is shown four times, in green, purple, yellow and orange. End ID]
Ratthew the Vile is @twilightdomain
Chlora Phylia is me, @anteaterisland
Finnegan The Moth is @moth-tea-merchant
Kanash Hart, Subject O Seven, and Síeun are all unknown, but if you see a familiar face please let me know and I will tag properly!
‘Twas my first art party and I had a lovely time. I wish I could have drawn everyone but alas, there is only one of me.
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ALTERNATIVE ADVENTURES< wersja demo_ Prozaiczny tekst dotyczy zasadniczo poszukiwaczy populacji dzikich istotżywych i arcynaukowych publikacji. W centrum organizacji ECHL działa centrum monitoringu środowiska naturalnego, antropogenicznego
nadzorowanego przez team, -dziewięciu-dwunastu naukowców nauk o środowisko, przyrodniczych i ewolucyjnych oraz techników  i instruktorów przetrwania. Informujemy o nowatorskich projektach charakteryzujących organizmy żywe, o prototypie androida, robota monitorującego w terenie oraz o pionierskich innowacyjnych technikach badawczych i wiedzy etnicznej, które odkrywane są dla zwykłych ludzi.  Echl obecnie opracowują strategię ochrony wygasających gatunków z refugiów w komorze z ciekłym azotem . <speculative adventures:> Continent Exploric opracowuje strategie zachowania ostatnich przedstawicieli licznej niegdyś megafauny. Informuje się o cyklu opowiadań adventure, Przygody Naukowe na Dzikich Ziemiach. Naukowcy i przyrodnicy z Continent Exploric oraz Environment Challenges League organizowali wiele ekspedycji naukowych na dzikie kaugamskie oraz do afrykańskich biomów na tropach dzikich semi-aquatycznych psowatych ingensa oraz płaziej fauny egejskiej. owe dzikie psowate to speothos na sterydach, czyli lycaon ingens. Wszyscy naukowcy są twórcami Innovative Orient Encyklopedia of Life. Liczą się nowe odkrycia gatunków i trwały rozwój społeczny i gospodarczy. Dzienniki naukowe to projekty naukowców z obserwatorium, w którym oni praktykują nauki odrzucone przez mainstream. Wirgilug, zwyczajny zoolog, który jest litwinem, przez wiele lat mieszkał we Francji, w delegacjach żył na Ziemiach Chińskich, w Rosji oraz w Afrykańskim Zjednoczonym Kraju, tj. wild temki and ennedi. Odkrył ponoć sekret długowieczności na wyżynach kaugamskich czytając sprawozdania Młokosiewicza. W jednym z przewodników dla fotografów czytamy : Konserwationizm biologiczny oraz ewolucja w antropocenie czy istnieją zmiany populacji bezkręgowców oraz czworonogów w kalendarium czasów 230 OOO BC do 2 000 naszych czasów. Gruntowna wiedza o populacji z refugiów, moczarowych i wyzynnych. : Jeffrey Rchay'owski natkną się na archaiczne prace The Explorer's Legacy. Firma logistyczna z Norwegii oraz EuroAirCaft Company dostarcza wehikułów badawczych do centrum oraz wspiera budowę nowego Obserwatorium Observatory of Scientific Inventory. W grotach dzikiego chińskiego zachodu i azji środkowej występują drapieżne, takie jak sierściuchy navy-and-mulatto-oils czyli dzikie psy zwierzyckiego oraz wielkie ropuchy wikingów klasyfikowane do płaźców bezogonowych, niezbadane gatunki i populacje jaskiniowe. Jest informacja o takich zwierzętach jak warany igaryjskie. W jeziorach takich jak Kanash Lake zdarza się tytaniczne Hucho taimen, wielkie ryby będące obiektem badania kryptozoologów. Dzikie psy cuon silvestris wyposażone są w silne organizmy i mocny szkielet przystosowany do trudnych warunków bytowych, zaś warany igaryjskie potrafią pływać i adaptowały się do warunków środowiska wodnego.
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Warany igaryjskie to przekształcone gady podobne do ichtiozaurów. Są to więc zwierzęta kręgowe. Ich odkrycie przez oficjalna naukę to kwestia raczej innego czasu, lecz jest to niebywałe odkrycie naukowe. Występują w wodach okalających, w źródliskach rzek i zbiorników wodnych w dzikiej Azji Środkowej. Dzikie koniowate to tarpany leśne Dybowskiego, lecz jak projekty wskazują te zwierzęta występują na dzikich ziemiach Ongeids-oraz-iGarych. Dzik helifema jest niezbadanym gatunkiem bytującym na dzikich ziemiach. Niewiele wiadomo o tym gatunku, wiemy jednak ze opisywał te rasy biologiczne generał Bronisław Grąbczewski. Dużo osobników dzikich psów przetrwa nawet kataklizmy czy zdarzenia losowe, lecz gatunek raczej wygaśnie w niedalekiej przyszłości tak jak warany igaryjskie z racji wyczerpywania bazy zerowej czy tez zmian środowiskowych. Tworzony jest jednak mega-zwierzyniec i akwarium nieopodal obserwatorium naukowego Observatory of Scientific Inventory w celu ratowania gatunków takich jak dzikie psy zwierzyckiego czy warany igaryjskie i zachowania ich w warunkach wiwaryjnych.  published 04-03_ inwentorium naukowe 2012-2020_ @venszeki, [email protected]_ some right reserved_ prace popularnonaukowe. spekulacje i teorie spiskowe_:wersje technologiczne_etc.
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stuartbramhall · 2 years
The Role of Refugees in Building the Babylonian Empire
The Role of Refugees in Building the Babylonian Empire
Episode 12: Migrants and Old Assyrian Merchants Ancient Mesopotamia: Life in the Cradle of Civilization Dr Amanda H Podany Film Review This lecture mainly concerns the foreign refugees that settled n Mesopotamia during the Ur III period. These included the Eblaites from Ebla (west of the Euprates); the Hurrians (from Assyria); the Gutians (from the Zagras mountains on Iran’s western border); the…
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nannayk · 6 years
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all my trolls, I really do not know what to say here, let's just say that this drawing was difficult :’D
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ktrnmo · 5 years
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accept21rus-blog · 5 years
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Проблемный многоквартирный дом по ул. Дружбы ✓8 . При заселении ,в 2001 году были проблемы , с тех пор прошло уже много лет ,а воз и ныне там. У моей сестры ,в квартире,сырость,плесень( хотя делали ремонт недавно). Требуется ремонт чердачной зоны, межпанельных швов. И так во многих квартирах. Управляющая компания ООО"Дружба" ( директор Маринова Светлана Егоровна) не справляется со своими обязанностями. Жильцы периодически жаловались . "Ремонт" межпанельных швов проводили типа в прошлом году. @gorod_kanash #чувашия #канашгорднаш #канаш #instachuvashia #kanash #снятонаxiaomi #xiaomiphotography (at Kanash) https://www.instagram.com/p/BxCZLr8HU5Z/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=jc9bff6nir12
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krymasik-blog · 5 years
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Sorry 👀
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nantucketupsnott · 2 years
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Vacation Director Kana
She was definetly my favorite npc from the sims vacation. While i was working on my world a couple of moths ago, I thought it would be nice to give some sort of refernce to older versions of the sims franchise and so here she is!
In my theory Kana moved to Briarcliff Harbor after she got retired. :D
Memories of Kana painting by; @kevinvoncrastenburg
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꒷꒦꒷꒦𓆩 ♱ 𓆪꒷꒦꒷꒦ BIOGRAPHY-
Chousoka's name has something to do with being a leader meaning leader. his name was gifted to him by Kyuufu. Signifying that he is the eldest and the leader. (everyone please note that I found these terms combined them into a name as they were fitting, although I do not remember the EXACT meanings- besides that his name means leader)
AGE- 36
BIRTHDAY- December 1st
RACE/ETHNICITY- Japanese, Chinese
OCCUPATION- "priest" also known as the head of the church. Demon hunter.
Husband and father
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APPERANCE- Chousoka is a middle aged man. Though he does look very young making others believe he is in his mid 20s or late 20s. He has semi long hair reaching to about beneath his wings (bone) that he keeps in a pony tail. He is tall and slim a bit muscular as well. He is pale a joke in his church goes around that he might not be human but a snake that decided to turn human. He has a sharp jaw line and emerald green eyes that curve up.
Near the end of HAUNTED DARK BRIDAL where he is first introduced. He is seen to be wearing a tight black turtle neck, with a long black silky coat the end of it coloured white, with something that looks like a half poncho at the sides with a big sorta belt around his waist, and black pants and brown dress shoes.
He also carries around his neck three tooths of his first kills of the wolf, vibora, bat clans. He wears it with pride.
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Personality- Chousoka is a very proud and cocky man. He see's himself as humble and prude but that is quite far from the case, he views himself higher up than everyone and tends to hype himself up quite a bit unless he knows that he is speaking and in the eyes of someone who is higher in level than him. Although that is not to say he isn't completely narcissistic. He does have SOME decency. Chousoka is very proper and has manners tends to speak in almost butler talk.
Chousoka admires his father, ever since he was a child. So he has mastered the art of manipulation, saying Chousoka is manipulative would be a understatement. He enjoys when things go his way and were he has control of a situation, so he will go to any lengths to make sure whatever is happening is under his control.
Chousoka can be seen as sarcastic as well! When he is annoyed or a person is trying to annoy him, he'll simply respond back in joking tones of sarcasm.
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HISTORY- Chousoka is the eldest of the Kanashi family. Making him the first of the new generation of the Kanashi clan (also known as the personage) A year afterwards his younger brother Oroshi was born. He who was often neglected a lot althogh placed such a big burden as the oldest.
Wanting to be a very perfect person as it's a need if he'll be taking on things, in his words. Chousoka really had a big admiration for his father. Doing his best to impress him at every chance he could. This again going back to him wanting to be perfect for Kyuufu. The stress of trying to be good in Kyuufu's eyes caused him to sometimes rip pieces of his hair out as a child. However he could not read between the lines of Kyuufu's manipulation including neglect he did to him through out his whole childhood. His father had told him that he is born for a special reason, however that reason was not here yet so he needed to prepare himself. Most of his childhood he stayed studying.
He sometimes would watch his father and younger brother Oroshi train with each other which is how he became so skilled as a adult. Often over shadowed by Oroshi. It affected Chousoka and Oroshi's relationship as time went on. During the sidelines though, Kyuufu would teach Chousoka the more intelligence part of things, studying with him on there history as Kanashi's on the demon world, this is what caused Chousoka's hatred for the demons world and demons in general.
Chousoka was 18 when Sumire was born, he was pulled aside when Kyuufu had a talk with him about Sumire. Telling him to treat her think of her as his own life source because if it wasn't for her he wouldn't be here. He also told him that he is placing a big job for him to do, because he's older he must 'protect her' 'love her' 'keep her pure'. Even though Kyuufu made all of his sons do this he was a lot more clear about it with Chousoka. This made him believe that he truly was his favourite since his father let him see Sumire and hold her before anyone else could. Or so he thought. He became smothering and grew a obsession with her.
Beforehand, when Chousoka finally moved, he became the priest of a church, completely owning it. Even though he shows no interest in religion at all. Somewhat after that, he found a women married her and has a son. He is seen to not be loving towards either of them.
When he found out about Sumire leaving to live with vampires, he through a massive fit as he wasn't aware of the 'adam and eve' plan. Going to his father demanding he brought her back. After his request was denied he left to go find her immediately.
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Chousoka's relationship with KYUUFU is very unhealthy, same as the most of his sibling, Kyuufu used and very much brainwashed Chousoka. Although in the early staged of life for Chousoka Kyuufu had made it clear he truly didn't care much for him, Chousoka always wanted to stick to his side. It got so bad that Kyuufu finally caved in and let Chousoka stay by his side calling him his 'right hand man'. However that was simply a lie.
Kyuufu manipulated Chousoka throughout his entire childhood, he wanted to make him believe he meant something to him even if he didn't mean much. He made sure just as he did with Sumire he admired him and thought of him as god. Chousoka does in fact admire his father. To the point he completely adapted his personality to be just like his father Kyuufu.
He believed their relationship got stronger when Sumire was born, as Kyuufu began to give him more orders and speak with him on a constant. He felt wanted by him but when he found out Sumire was sent away he was told 'he can't see her anymore' and 'he no longer has any use to him anymore' this caused him to grow upset. For the first time yelling at Kyuufu where they both had a massive argument. Causing their relationship to completely change.
XAING was not a loving mother to Chousoka. They did not have much interaction with each other. Even as a adult he mentions once to Reiji that 'I don't know much of my mother, in fact dare I say I can't call her mother. I just don't know her."
He doesn't think often of her, nor does he have a opinion of her. He neither loves or hates her. Though when he did speak with her and be around her, he thought of her as "a sad women, angry and very annoying". As she would be very distant and insult him sometimes. She pushed him away at a really young age.
He and OROSHI had a very good realtionship when they were young. Oroshi would bring out the big brother in him while also the rowdy and playful side out of him. It wasn't until they got older when Kyuufu had started paying more attention to Oroshi then Chousoka. It caused Chousoka to be angry at him making him distant and separate himself from Oroshi. When he did try to talk with him, he noted the changed Oroshi had, and the more Kyuufu pulled him away. Kyuufu purposely trying to separate them.
The more they grow up the more upset and discouraged Chousoka felt about Oroshi getting more attention and knowing more things about their father. Even though Chousoka was the oldest Oroshi somehow 'surpassed' him in his eyes. So he constantly tries to one up him to get more approval then he gets.
Sometimes, Chousoka will feel himself think about the times when they were young. He won't admit it but he misses them sometimes.
In ENA'S and Chousoka's childhood days, Chousoka is seen to pick on him most of the time. Making fun of how he was more girly then most boys. That still goes to present time and Chousoka still will pick on him. More harshly though. Their relationship with each other grew stale and cold when Chousoka found out about Ena's incest relationship with their father, growing a bit grossed out by him afterwards. He one time punished Ena with only froze their relationship and thoughts on each other even more when he saw Ena through something at Sumire. They no longer speak with each other unless needed.
He and ANZU did not interact with each other a lot. But that was only because of Kyuufu not allowing them to see him till Sumire was born. It was only then that he knew he wouldn't want to see or interact with him anymore. His first sight of him he felt chills down his spine. He will do his best not to speak with him. Not that he has to worry about that much though.
He see's his wife and son in the same way you'd view a dog or a fish. Simply little pets he uses for his own media and appearance purposes. He doesn't care for either of them and is barely home for them to see him. His son however in the end of hdb is heard saying that "I adore my fathers work, I wish he was home more... But I hate him sometimes.. He's mean to my mom. But I want him home".
Chousoka is very stern with is other brothers, he is often seen bossing them around. Sometimes is also seen punishing them when he sees them do something that is not to his liking.
He does not have a good relationship with either of his brothers. He sees them as disobedient pawns that don't listen to their father. He doesn't enjoy when either of them go around Sumire AT ALL. He has hurt his brothers a lot when they did anything to her.
SUMIRE to Chousoka is like life source to him. She is like his own source of air. Koukai mentions that Chousoka gets even more mean and rough when he is forced to leave Sumire. Due to what Kyuufu told him and the admiration he had for him, he always feels a desperate need to keep Sumire with him all the time, constantly smothering her. He once rocked Sumire in his arms when she was young when he couldn't find her. He looked panicked.
That is not to say he was sweet to her, far from it a lot. He manipulated her, quite a lot. If he was seeing her do something he didn't like he would get upset at her and grab onto her. So hard she would develop bruises on her forearms and wrists.
He and Sumire tend to be with each other a lot, because of what he did and would say to her she also felt 'happiness' when she could see him again. She is always seen talking him up. On how much she loves him and that no one could make her more happy. Even though she says that about a lot of her brothers. She speaks of him a lot differently.
His unhealthy obsession with her grew worse and worse when the years past. To him Sumire is his reason for living, and if that's taken away from him he has no reason to be alive anymore.
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Just like his bloodline, Chousoka developed and was born with amazing skill/abilities that are seen to be as similar as the demon worlds clans use. Even as a human he is more the able to crush a human or vampire, wof etc's skull. He has something very close to strength that meets these clans.
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Chousoka has one of the better relationships with the Sakamaki's, or more with Reiji. They normally can get along most of the time. Though most conversations are seen as constant comebacks and sarcasm.
Chousoka church has a big adoption place, it is said to be one of the best and most children are placed there.
Chousoka is right handed.
Chousoka is very texture sensitive.
Chousoka like stated in his history, killed someone from the vibora clan, his second kill was from the wolf clan and then vampire clan. In fact he was the one to kill Reiji's mother. Hence why they get along better.
Chousoka taught Sumire piano, also gave her voice lessons. But his reasoning for doing this was because when he and Ena were younger they both would sing with each other. Sometimes he enjoys doing things that he never got to do anymore with Sumire.
Chousoka speaks english, Chinese, and french.
When he was younger he would sing himself to sleep and rub his own back.
꒷꒦꒷꒦𓆩 ♱ 𓆪꒷꒦꒷꒦
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mushins-world · 25 days
o believe in what am i
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jezebeel · 6 years
look at Nikita also supporting his dad!!!
N-tour/ Krasnogorsk, Moscow Oblast (02/07/2019)
via Mike Kanash’s instagram stories 
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soraavalon · 5 years
Samael: He was a Drow with black hair, I feel like he had it dyed, Drow usually have white hair.
Finale: Uh-huh.
Samael: He had sharp kind of features, like very skeletal, like dude could eat a fucking hamburger, like very skinny dude.
Finale (OOC): I can't believe it was Famine from Good Omens.
Samael: And uh, he kind of spoke with this weird accent like he was trying to sound like one thing, but was actually another. Like you know how some people who like try to sound *Scottish accent* Scottish, put on a really weird Scottish accent and it sounds almost Australian. *normal accent* He sounded like that.
Finale: Don't know those places you talked about, but yes.
Nymera (OOC): DM, where would on the Vastrun map would be fantasy Scottish?
DM: Fantasy Scottish would be like Nu Kanash or Bol Boldor.
Finale (OOC): ~Fanatasy Scotland~
DM: And Fantasy Australia would be Berzalbol because of course the place where all the orcs made a city is fantasy Australia.
Nymera: Mhmm.
Samael: So he was kind of talking like one of the dwarves of Bhol Boldor, but also trying to sound like somebody who came from Berzalbol, like he was trying to sound like that, but also had an Asthathneas accent, you know?
Niklaus: So a local trying to hide his accent?
Samael: Yeah. But not doing a great job.
Niklaus: Please don't use that voice.
Finale (OOC): [In chat] ~Fantasy Scotland, where all your bags have pipes.~
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pozharka01 · 2 years
https://www.avito.ru/kanash?q=%D0%B3%D0%B8%D0%B4%D1%80%D0%BE%D1%82%D0%B5%D1%81%D1%82%D0%B5%D1%80 Купить гидротестер на Авито в Канаш
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nannayk · 6 years
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ktrnmo · 7 years
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