#kanan jarrus x hera syndula
am-i-obsessed---maybe · 6 months
hello!!! sosoosososo sw rebels. gn reader and ezra and reader have a sibling relationship. in my mind its like zeb and ezra but tamer .. if you can somehow fit hurt/comfort into the story thatd be fun!!! but ty for reading and doing this request if you do!!! 🫶🫶
I don't know if this is tamer than Ezra and Zeb but it's kinda like a mashup of Ezra and Zeb and Ezra and Sabine. That being said be ready for my favorite Star Wars ship and the parents of the Ghost family to be very good parents.
Also Hera's voice actress also voices Black Canary on Young Justice and between this and the Shadow Of A Bluejay series I think you can tell I want her to be my mom.
Am I slightly projecting? Is the reader Autistic coded? Who knows but I found myself projecting my own communication issues on Mandalorians so...
Platonic Ezra Bridger x Mandolorian!Reader
Wordcount: 1.6k
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The doors to your room opened but you didn't look up, you were after all very comfortable on your top bunk polishing your blaster.
"You know one micro movement and I can splatter your insides on that wall right?" You asked, still not looking up from your blaster.
"You wouldn't do that" Ezra said confidently.
"I might not mean to, seeing as you keep coming in here without knocking" You told the slightly younger boy. He rolled his eyes.
"I was calling your name" Ezra said.
"And I wasn't listening" You replied.
"Well that's not my fault" He said.
"What do you want anyway shorty?" You asked and that got to him.
"We are the same height!" He exclaimed.
"No we're not" You said calmly.
"It is by half a centimeter, it's the same height" He insisted.
"No. It's not" You reiterated.
"You know what, forget it" Ezra said, storming out of your room.
"Oh come on, you know I'm joking" You said, finally putting the blaster away and going after Ezra.
It had only been a few months since the kid joined, maybe you were a bit too comfortable with your teasing but you thought it was a game.
"Ezra come back here!" You yelled after the little streak of blue hair you saw running out of the open hull of the Ghost.
"What's going on here exactly?" Hera asked, she'd heard yelling and saw Ezra run off.
"He just ran off!" You told her but she raised a brow in question.
"Okay, maybe there was some teasing but he came into my room without knocking. That's against the rules" You told her.
"You gotta let up on him, he's not used to... well to you yet. And you can be a lot sometimes kid" She said. You supposed she was right. She was far from the first person to tell you that.
Still you looked out at the direction that Ezra ran to. You were parked by a mountain with some caves on Lothal, decently far from any major cities and very much in the middle of nowhere so he had to come back sooner or later... right?
Later came and he still wasn't back. It was getting closer to sunset and you were getting worried.
"He'll be back before sundown, don't worry so much" Kanan told you as you paced the hull of the Ghost. He still wasn't back. He must have been really mad at you.
You grumbled, "I didn't mean to upset him so much, really I— I just—"
"Hey" Kanan said, lightly shaking your shoulder, "He'll come back and you'll tell him just that." he said.
Do you really think he'll come back?" You asked.
"It's not like he'd spend the night in a cave" Kanan said. Well nighttime rolled in and Ezra still wasn't back.
"That's it. I'm going to find him" You said, grabbing a flashlight and walking out.
"Aren't you going to stop them?" Zeb asked but Kanan just shrugged.
"They're big kids, they'll figure this out themselves" He said, "Besides when was the last time it was this quiet on here?" He asked, kicking back and laying his feet on the holotable.
Chopper beeped sassily.
"Yeah well no one asked for your opinions chop" Kanan retorted.
You started by going in the direction you saw Ezra run in hours ago but it's been so long he could practically be anywhere.
"Ezra!" You called out.
"Ezra! It's me! Can you please come back?" You yelled out into the mountains and heard it echoing back.
"Great" You grumbled. You kept walking, the flashlight and the stars being the only ones lighting your way.
You eventually found Ezra, sitting in the entrance of a shallow cave carved into one of the mountains.
"Ezra?" You asked and he scooted away from you.
"What do you want?" He asked and you stopped. Every step closer to him you took he kept scooting away on the floor of the cave.
"It's dark..." You said, trailing off.
"Yeah, and what do you care?" He asked.
"Well you weren't back and everyone was worried" You answered.
"So where's everyone else?" He asked.
"Just leave me alone." He said.
"Look, I get it, your mad at me and maybe a crossed a line but can you please just come back to the Ghost? It's dangerous out here" You tried to tell him.
"I'm fine. I made it out here all on my own before and I can do it again" Ezra said.
"Yeah but you don't have to. Come on Ezra, let's just go home and—"
"The Ghost is not my home!" He yelled and it echoed through the cave.
"I get it, you don't like me, you don't have to pretend. Just go away and leave me alone" Ezra said, turning his back to you.
"You know what? Fine! Die alone in a cave for all I care, I'm going back to the Ghost! You do whatever you want" You said and stormed off.
When you came back to the Ghost alone Kanan looked a bit worried.
"You didn't find him?" He asked.
"Oh I found him but if he wants to be a jerk he can be a jerk in a cave." You said, walking past him and straight back to your room.
Hera, who had been sitting beside Kanan looked at him.
"Do you wanna take the moody teenager or the runaway kid?" She asked and Kanan sighed.
"I'll take the kid" He said and went out to find Ezra meanwhile Hera went to knock on your door.
It didn't take Kanan long to find Ezra, still holed up in the cave where you found him, throwing pebbles at the walls of the cave in frustration and grumbling to himself.
"Hey" Kanan said.
"Hey" Ezra replied and Kanan took a seat on the ground o the cave.
"You had us a bit worried back there" Kanan said.
"Yeah well I only go where I'm wanted." Ezra said.
"We want you on the Ghost. You know that" Kanan told him.
"Y/N obviously doesn't" The boy replied.
"Sit down" Kanan told him and Ezra turned around.
"What for?" He asked.
"Just do it" Kanan said and Ezra eventually did, sitting down beside the older Jedi.
"Why do you think Y/N doesn't want you around?" Kanan asked his padawan.
"Cause" Ezra replied.
"Cause what?" Kanan asked.
"Cause they're always such a jerk. I mean, I just wanted to ask if they wanted to hang out and they were—" "Being Y/N?" Kanan asked.
"Well yeah" Ezra replied.
"Listen, I'm gonna tell you something but you have to promise not to tell anyone I told you" Kanan said.
"Why?" Ezra asked.
"Cause if Y/N found out I told you they'd have my head" Kanan replied humorously before clearing his throat a bit.
"Y/N's a bit rougher around the edges than the rest of us, well except maybe Chopper" Kanan began.
"You're telling me" Ezra grumbled.
"But there's a good reason for it. They lost everything when they were really young and the Empire took over Mandalore." Kanan explained, "They survived by being tough. By not showing any weakness and the verbal sparring just came along naturally"
"So they're trying to show me they're tough?" Ezra asked.
"No, they're showing you that they think you're tough and that they care about you" Kanan explained.
"They don't talk that way to people they aren't close to or that they think are weak. And sometimes they take it too far but if anything that's because they think you can take it" He continued.
"So what? All those things are jokes to him? Cause they're not funny" Ezra told him.
"Then tell them that." Kanan told Ezra.
Meanwhile on the Ghost Hera knocked on your door.
"Y/N? May I come in?" She asked.
"Don't bother" You told her but the door still opened and Hera still came in.
"Kanan went to go get Ezra" She said.
"Good for him" You grumbled.
"Do you want to tell me what's going on?" Hera asked and you sighed.
"He hates me" You told her.
"Ezra doesn't hate you, he's upset but he doesn't hate you" Hera said. climbing up to sit beside you on your bunk.
"Yes he does. I went too far again and he hates me" You told her and she sighed.
Ezra didn't reply, he stared off into the dark sky outside the cave.
"They went looking for you when you didn't come back. They didn't mean to go too far" Kanan told Ezra, "And sometimes Y/N doesn't always know how far to take it but trust me kid, they care about you. Heck, they care about you enough to go after you and bring you back. That's not nothing"
"Yeah, I guess" Ezra relented.
"And you care about them too" Kanan said, "Otherwise this wouldn't have bothered you so much so come on, let's get back home"
"Yeah, alright" Ezra relented.
When Kanan and Ezra got back you were awkwardly sitting beside Hera on the couch in the Ghost's lounge. Ezra didn't look particularly confident either as he walked in with Kanan.
"Hey" You said after a decently long silence.
"Hi" Ezra Ezra replied.
Kanan and Hera looked at each other. "Alright, we'll be in the cockpit if you need anything" Hera said, dragging Kanan along with her.
"So..." You said and Ezra took a seat beside you.
"Yeah" He said.
"I'm sorry" You both said at the same time and you chuckled.
"I didn't mean to go overboard on the teasing" You said.
"And I didn't mean to be so mean in the cave" He said.
"It's fine, I kind of deserved it. Besides I didn't actually want you to die alone in a cave" You told him.
"You know we're kind of like the siblings in this weird crew" Ezra told you.
"I've never had a younger sibling sibling before" You told him.
"And I've never had an older sibling before" Ezra said.
"So, siblings?" You asked and put your hand out.
"Siblings" Ezra agreed and shook your hand.
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kalevalakryze · 9 months
Fandom: Star Wars - All Media Types, Star Wars Rebels Pairings: Hera Syndulla/Ahsoka Tano/Kanan Jarrus Characters: Ahsoka Tano, Hera Syndulla, Kanan Jarrus,  Warnings: PTSD,  Fainting, Panic Attacks,  Notes: For @whumptober 2023 Day 3. Just a small thing because of my feelings for ahsoka and her need for hugs, okay? Prompt: No. 3: “Like crying out in empty rooms; with no-one there except the moon. “Make it stop.” Word Count: 1,901 AO3 Link: Here!
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“The Apprentice Lives.”
The Darkness was all encompassing, aching and freezing in a way that hurt just enough to be familiar. Ahsoka Tano was no stranger to the dark side, had been fighting it since the day she stepped off that transport on Christophis, almost three decades before. The familiarity hurt; the feeling of an older brother, a mentor, a guardian, someone who she should have known being so warped and twisted, probing the bonds of a thread of the force and soaking the severed light in his darkness. 
Ahsoka could hear her own screams echoing through her montrals, the overwhelming suffocation bringing a whited out dizziness that had her falling backwards. Consciousness slipped away to the sound of her name being called and arms grabbing her from behind, plunging her in the darkness of that bond and the memories of the man who had taught her everything she knew. 
Ahsoka woke to a cool hand against her forehead and a broad chest at her back, head supported by a light armored shoulder. “Ahsoka?” Kanan sounded worried, like he had on the ship, settled behind her exactly as he’d been when she fell. 
“Are you alright?” Hera came next, a cold, damp cloth in her hand that had been wiping away dried sweat and the remnants of tears. Pushing herself up and off of Kanan’s support, his hands following hesitantly, Ahsoka managed to sit up on her own and rest her head in her hands, knuckles pressing in between her eyes to rub away the headache. 
“I.. yes, I’m alright, thank you,” Fulcrum pieced herself back together as quickly as her shields would allow, muscles aching from the weight pressing in all around her. 
“Do you need a minute?” Hera’s hand on her shoulder was gentle, she hadn’t been treated like something so fragile since before the clone wars, and it certainly wasn’t something she wanted to dwell on. 
“Yes, please,” The Togruta shifted the Twi’lek’s and human’s hands from her arms, pushing herself up on protesting muscles. To cover the trembling at the tips of her fingers, the woman crossed her arms over her chest and cleared her throat. “Could I take a moment alone? I need to gather my thoughts before speaking to Ezra.”
Hera watched the woman with worry, but nodded her head anyways- Ahsoka never gave her a reason to distrust her judgment on anything, and if anyone knew what she needed, it had to be herself, right? “Come on,” Her hand brushed Kanan’s shoulder as he watched the taller woman, brows furrowed as he bit his tongue, clearly wanting to say something. 
Sighing, he turned to the door to follow Hera, second guessing as the door slid open and turning his head back to the woman as she lowered herself into a seat. “Ahsoka?” Waiting until piercing eyes settled back on him, his hand moved to rest on the open door frame. “Trust goes both ways.” 
The door slid shut behind him, trapping Ahsoka in the idly noises of space; the quiet sounds of machines beeping, steel creaking, and her own breathing. Her shoulders slumped the moment she was sure she was alone, the pressure finally caving in around her until she was doubled over in the chair, feverish forehead pressed into her knees as her chest threatened to collapse. 
“Anakin,” She breathed, for the first time in years, fingers pulling and stretching at the fabric of her leggings, nails pressing into her calves at the response she received in the force, just like the day the Republic fell. 
“I Hate You!” His voice radiated so much anger, she could feel it poisoning her blood, poisoning her memory of the Master who’d given her her life back. “Ahsoka, I would never let anyone hurt you.” Was it a childish hope? Was it awful and horrible? What kind of person would it make her, to hope that her Master had died with the others, that the whispers were true; Anakin Skywalker died heroically, trying to save Jedi younglings from a new Sith, a name passed between contacts that had even her bravest of spies stepping away from it all. Darth Vader. 
But the… Thing in the shuttle, the darkness that pursued them, was so uniquely Anakin, in a way no other being in the galaxy could ever replicate. 
Kaeden had taught her breathing exercises, once upon a time; when finding the control to bleed her feelings out into the force came too much, when dizziness struck from the oxygen rushing into her lungs too fast and her vision swam with the effort of staying conscious. She’d seen it happen to clones so often during the war, but it had never become a problem for her until after everything was said and done. 
Her montrals itched with the sounds of her own breathing, unable to focus on the sounds outside the room, or the fleet on the other side of the transparisteel. Fulcrum managed a life where she’d never felt helpless, had become everything she’d needed and more, but she was still, and always would be; Ahsoka Tano, and Ahsoka needed more than Fulcrum could ever allow herself. 
“Make it stop,” She whispered to some unseen force, a child pleading for their Master to make the war end, to stop the suffering, to stop the galaxy as it tried to grind her bones to ash. “Please,” Who could she plead with, when the pressure closing in on her was a cosmic scale? What power could make the reality peeling the oxygen from her body merciful? 
She had to do it alone, it was safer for everyone. For Kanan, Hera, Ezra, Sabine, Zeb, Chopper, and every other lifeform who knew her as she was. Her legacy was one of death and destruction, it followed her everywhere she dared to go, but running… she couldn’t run from this, couldn’t run from the mechanized breathing in her nightmares each night. 
It was the reminder of necessity and the direness of the situation that had Ahsoka focusing her breathing, sucking in fiery breaths into her lungs, allowing each breath to ignite her blood, burning the poison away as she allowed the voices of her vode to echo. How Kix talked her through helping Fives through a panic attack after the loss of Echo, how Padmé had helped her through Anakin’s attacks after Zyggeria, and how Kaeden had helped her. Their voices combined in something comforting, and as her mind cleared, Fulcrum allowed herself to focus on the light their memory still carried in the cosmic force. 
Brushing away gathered tears, Fulcrum straightened until the cool material of the seat was against her back, shoulder blades pressing into the fabric as it warmed under her body heat. Ezra’s probing presence in the force grew near as the woman righted herself. Ezra’s description of the presence was enough to rattle the woman again, though she’d maintained herself rather well, considering… everything. Compartmentalizing the discussion and her personal feelings had the rest of the waking cycle passing by in a blur, passing information and deciding battle plans on autopilot, and pointedly ignoring the troubled looks from Ghost Crew’s ‘certified adults’. 
As Hera settled in to the open pilot’s chair beside her, Ahsoka allowed her attention to turn away from the vastness of the galaxy outside, from the sun’s light reflecting on the moons and planets below. Her head turned just in time to watch as the Twi’lek’s hand moved, hesitancy making her actions seem as if in slow motion. 
Ahsoka reached across the gap, closing her hand around Hera’s. Lightsaber calloused hands warm against the skilled hands of one of the Rebellion’s best pilots curled her fingers around her hand. When the door opened to reveal Kanan, Hera only turned her head to offer a welcoming smile. 
Silence stretched between the three survivors as Kanan settled into the seat behind Hera, Ahsoka could practically feel the gears turning in his brain. When he reached out at last, she turned her hand over, allowing him to cover Hera’s hand between them and for his fingertips to brush against her knuckles. “You’re right about trust, Kanan.” Ahsoka finally broke the silence, her other hand moving to cover his, if not for his sake, than to stop the way her fingers itched to fidget with the arm of her chair. “You have all given me more of your trust than I probably deserve,” 
“Ahsoka, no, that’s not-” Hera started, leaning forward to try and cut the Force sensitive off. 
“You deserve as much as I can tell you, both of you do… and I trust you.” I just hope it doesn’t get either of you killed. Inhaling slowly, Ahsoka squeezed both of their hands before releasing them to fold together neatly in her lap. “The sith lord we encountered was… familiar.” 
“Someone you knew before the war?” Hera’s brows furrowed as Kanan shifted to lean back in his seat, hand raising to scratch at his chin. 
“I believe so, yes. I don’t want to make any assumptions, on the chance I may be wrong, but it was familiar in a way that only one person had ever been… I think that’s all I’d like to say on it,” Her shoulders drooped again, a haunting feeling arching up her spine even as she allowed the name to stay in the shadows. 
“Ahsoka,” Kanan leaned forward again, Ahsoka couldn’t bring herself to look at him. “Is it..?”
“I don’t know…” Her teeth clenched together, muscles in her jaw spasming with the fight to keep her composure. If it wasn’t him, if she was wrong, then she would be ruining her Master’s memory, tainting the legacy of Anakin Skywalker and how good he really was. 
When Kanan’s hand settled on her knee, the weight grew. Ahsoka’s arm moved to cover her face as she turned away, hands clenched into fists. Hera moved first, rising from her seat and stepping into Ahsoka’s personal space. The Togruta’s arm was pushed away, the Twi’lek moving to stand between her legs as Hera’s arms wrapped around her, guiding her head onto her chest. Kanan was quick to follow suit, his hand covering Ahsoka’s shoulder where he settled, until Hera was guiding her to lean into him. 
With Ahsoka’s face hidden between Hera’s shoulder and Kanan’s stomach, hot tears once again spilled over, for the first time in over a decade, however, she was not alone in the sorrow. “Make it stop,” She gasped out again, muffled between the two rebel heroes. 
“In a heartbeat,” Hera promised, her hand smoothing down Ahsoka’s back lek, as Kanan soothed the twitching muscle beneath his hand, rubbing in slow circles. “We’ll do everything we can, Ahsoka.”
“And then some,” Kanan promised, head bowing to rest on the space between her montrals; Mandalorian in tradition, but carried across the battlefield by the clones that had meant so much to her, even with his own justified issues with everything that had to do with the brainwashed soldiers. 
“All we can do is hope,” Ahsoka’s arms finally moved, wrapping around  both Kanan and Hera, grounding herself to them, and the familiarity and comfort of the force extending out to her from the other Jedi. 
Hope was enough, enough to risk their lives for, and enough to soothe the poisonous thought that Anakin Skywalker could have been tainted by something like Darth Vader. 
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