allisonbaelfire · 4 months
Amethyst. - Masterlist
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Hello everyone I'm writing a Fanfic for My Hero Academia, I hope you'll like it.
You can also find it on Wattpad: Amethyst. (Katsuki Bakugo x Reader) - AllisonBaelfire - Wattpad
-> I’ll reblog this post whenever I upload a new part!
Following the attack on the USJ, the public scrutiny intensifies towards the heroes, with particular focus on the youngest pro-hero and daughter of Endeavor. Despite nearly two years of hero work, she shall be attending the UA and will undergo official hero training.
However, she quickly discovers that being a hero was easier than navigating the complexities of a normal teenage life, especially when she finds herself falling for a stubborn, loud, and hot-headed blonde classmate while getting hated by her younger brother. 💠 Bakugo x Pro-Hero! Reader 💠 Reader is part of the Todoroki Family 💠 I don't own any of the Art! 💠 Characters and MHA belong to Horikoshi 💠 Storyline belongs to me 💠 I follow the Manga/Anime - Spoiler warning!
Y/N Information
PART - 1
PART - 2
PART - 3
PART - 4
PART - 5
PART - 6
PART - 7
PART - 8
PART - 9
PART - 10
PART - 11
PART - 12
PART - 13
PART - 14
PART - 15
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underratedmhapoll · 1 month
Let's Do a Companion Poll!
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justagirl-with-aphone · 10 months
Just thinking about Bakugo crushing on Kirishima's Hot older sister...
Not proofread WHATSOEVER (I'm too sleep deprived for that shit)
The funny thing is, Kiri never mentioned having an older sister, but here you are.
The first time Bakugoo sees you he has to do a double take. Kirishima had invited the Bakusquad over to his house for the first time when the group knocked on the door having carpooled there. Pretty you opened the door, standing there all dolled up in your tiny dress, ears adored with gold hoops and a matching necklace.
he thought you were gorgeous.
You do a little huff, stepping to the side obviously waiting for someone else.
"Ejiro, your friends are here!" you call out, only to not hear a response from the redhead.
"You guys can chill on the couch for a little, I'll go get him." You roll your eyes at your brother's behavior before stepping out of the room.
Denki lets out a low whistle, and Sero chuckles in response. The redhead soon joined them, settling on the couch. "Well, I can see where all the good Genes went." Denki cackles.
"Huh?" Puzzled by the comment, Ejiro looks over to the strangely quiet blonde. "What're they talking about?"
"Your sister dipshit. You're dumber than you look you know that?"
Their banter continues for a while while Bakugo gets up to go to the bathroom. Only to be met with you, touching up your makeup in the mirror. Glancing over, your eyes shimmer with a curious glint to them.
"Do'y need something?" You hum, placing your lipgloss down and giving your full attention to the blonde in front of you.
You weren't dumb, you're fully aware of the man in front of you basically undressing you with his eyes. You can't deny the fact that he's attractive. But he's just a little too young for you.
"Eyes up here blondie," You laugh as his cheeks flush a shade of scarlet that could rival Kirishima's hair.
"Give it a few years and maybe we can grab a drink together sometime." You brush past him with a sly smile, leaving him enchanted by your smell.
If on cue your obnoxious brother calls your name, announcing that your friends are outside, and with that, you're gone.
Let's just say that that wasn't the last time you saw the blonde.
I had a random spark of inspo and even though I have class early tomorrow morning, I HAD to put this out~ I had one Idea and I tried to add to it, I am trying to get back into writing fanfic so if it's dog water that's mb ToT
-Should I make this into an actual fic?-
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Just looked through Horikoshi’s twitter and I absolutely LOVE his art. Here are my favourite parts:
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Fucking same dude I always do that with my chin
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Favourite picture of amajiki ❤️
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Poor boy has to much hair
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There so gay (+ Kaminari the third wheel)
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Dekutree and tokoyami turkey
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Brooooo 😭 she’s so cute wtf
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captainjade101 · 3 months
Iida: We need some washing powder
Denki writing a shopping list: Is that a code word
Iida: what... It's washing powder
Denki smirking: It coulda been coke
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armins-main-hoe · 2 years
Please please please Denki Kaminari×twin sister? She and Denki are a sister who is a soul mate, and they're both each other's favorite people.
I'm gonna do headcanons for this, hope you don't mind :)
Ever since you both were kids, you both had been very close. Going through school you had shared friends. Never once did you guys ever get tired of having each other around.
Though you guys would squabble over toys or food, you both had always made up very quickly.
He was your brother and best friend all at once.
When you both became teens she told you about how he wanted to become a hero. You had not really thought about being a hero but you supported him all the way.
You knew that id he were to get accepted into UA then you would become a bit more distant. You thought of applying to be a hero too but you both shared the same quirk. Would the school accept two students with the same quirk? What if you both hold each other back from shining since you both would only be able to do the same thing?
In the end, you applied for the UA general studies course. You really didn't want to be separated from your brother too much so you applied to the same school as him.
When you told him, he was pretty happy and told you that even he was scared of growing distant.
You soon discovered that even going to the same school wouldn't stop you both from growing apart. As school continued, Denki found himself being more and more consumed by his hero studies. You knew that he would always find time for fun even when he had an upcoming test but it seems as though UA had dulled his need to socialise.
You noticed that he would come home, tired and drained. He kept his socialising only to his classmates. He felt as if he was not as good as his classmates and needed to try extra hard to meet their level. You often tried to talk to him, ask him if he wanted to go somewhere on the day off he had but you could tell he was tired and needed rest. So you'd let him rest instead.
You missed hanging out with him. Sure, your school work required your attention too but compared to your brother you had much more free time to spare. You would go out with your friends, laugh and talk.
Though there was a day when you came back home from an after school club and you saw him sitting on the couch watching some show.
A show that you were also watching.
You sat down next to him and began watching the episode with him. He laid his head on you shoulder.
"Was training tough again today?" You asked him.
"Kinda, you should have seen me beat Sero though." He told you, sleep laced in his voice.
"Maybe one day you can show me."
And you did see him, one the day of the UA sports festival. You and your family managed to get seat to see him and you had cheered him on all the way.
You met his eye at one point and you saw him grin and wave at you. You smiled and waved back.
After the festival was over you had managed to to up to him.
"You were pretty good until you got all over confident." You teased him.
"Hey no need to rub salt in the wound."
You also got to meet his friends and he introduced you to a few of his classmates.
"This is so weird, you both literally look the same. Expect Y/n looks better than you Denki."
You laughed and so did he after a while. Though he soon pulled you away from his friends as soon as they began to tell you pick up lines.
Just when it seemed like you both were able to spend more time with each other again, UA created dorms by class after a student got kidnapped. Now you wouldn't see him after school, you couldn't have movie nights or anything.
The only time you saw him was when you would pass each other by in the hallway in school. Since other students from other classes were not allowed to go to other classes dorms unless approved by a teacher, you didn't see him much after school either.
Though that didn't stop you both though. He would invite you to play online games with his friends after he had them swear to not flirt with you. Sero accidently let a flirty line slip once and he now doesn't allow you to play with his friends. Instead you both play together without them.
You don't mind, you weren't interested in his friend anyway, there was someone else in your own class you had your eyes on.
Though when the holidays come around an you can go back to your families, the two of you would have a blast taking ugly photos of each other, annoying each other and going out on family outings.
You soon discovered that in the end, no school or career could ever break this strong bond you have with your brother. He was your best friend through and through. Even as you both grew up, got your own separate and different jobs, soon your own families, he was still your best friend and now your kid's favorite uncle Denki.
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Okay so, I've seen this come up in a couple of fics, but I don't know if it's canon: Is Kaminari's mom a pro hero? Or is that just a headcanon?
So there's nothing properly Canon in technicality.
But one of the movies had this unnamed character in a single fight scene from the opening of the "Heroes Rising"
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Not only is she a Pro Hero with an Electric Quirk, but she has the 'Blonde with black streaks' hair.
I don't know what the intention was with her, but she does seem in some way related to Kaminari. I've seen some people make her his mom or his older sister or even a cousin.
Again. Nothing solidly Canon has been stated as far as I can tell. I can't even find a name for her. But it seems like whoever designed her wanted her to be related to him in some way.
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c0pper0tter · 2 years
If Horikoshi ain't gonna give Kaminari a family ima do it myself
His two sisters Nariko Kaminari (age 22) and Kei Kaminari (age 6)
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Narikos quirk is taser. Anything she touches she can transfer an electric shock into. Her limit is currently 30,000 volts, unlike Denki she doesn't short circuit if she over uses her quirk she just gets really tired. She is an underground pro Hero named Shock
Kei does not have a quirk. She is quirkless
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misssmina · 6 months
Y’all don’t make use of funny character traits enough.
Bakugou is the nosiest kid I have ever seen. Put it in your fics. Make use of him constantly coming to incorrect conclusions.
Midoriya is actually a really violent kid, he just has the patience of a patron saint. The entire world is lucky he’s too sweet to act on his anger. (Go look in his notebook)
Iida is so shady. “One is my friend and the other one is Bakugou.” COME ONNNNN
Kaminari is such a girly pop y’all. Y’all don’t give him enough silly gen z slang. Please go listen to how he speaks in dub. Sounds like he has 6 sisters.
Uraraka is so unreasonably chill. Almost nothing bothers that girl. Please make her more vulnerable to things because she just can’t be assed to care.
Kirishima is a shit talker, and regularly puts people in their place. Y’all keep writing like him like he’s some little puppy. This man is a Doberman.
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crqelsummer · 1 year
making the realization far too late that it was more likely that the iida/uraraka family would have the twin boys rather than the miritama family. oops.
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allisonbaelfire · 4 months
Amethyst - Y/N Information
Amethyst is a variety of quartz that is typically purple in color, its known for its beautiful and calming color, and it is also believed to have spiritual and healing properties.
Read About your personal Info for my "My Hero Academia Fanfiction: Amethyst"
Personal Info / Appearance:
Name: Y/N Todoroki Gender: Female Age: 17 Birthday: Y/B Haircolor: Natural Ombrè (White Top and Red in the lengths) Eye Color: e/c SkinTone: s/t
Height: y/h (the boys are all taller in my mind) Weight: y/w
BloodType: O
General Information:
Occupation: No. 3 Pro-Hero Hero Name: Amethyst
Occupation: UA Student Class 1-A
Close Friends: Hawks, Denki, Kirishima
Speed: 5/5 Power: 5/5 Intelligence: 4/5 Coordination: 5/5 Cooperation: 2/5
Y/N is an extroverted individual who is independent and known for her straightforwardness, which can sometimes come across as cold and unemotional. She is Calm and composed, yet brutal in combat. It's not easy to break down her mental barriers, as she doesn't trust others easily. However, she is always there for people in need, especially for those closest to her, for whom she would do anything. Secretly a softie.
Quirk Name: Ice Flames (Purpleflames)
Explanation: Y/N possesses the extraordinary power to unleash icy lilac flames from her hands, with the ability to control the speed at which these flames freeze. She can also change the flames from a gaseous state, to liquid or solid. When she freezes something, the resulting ice resembles glistening amethyst crystals.
Y/N can also use Cyrokinesis; She's able to control and manipulate existing Ice or Snow.
1. If Y/N's flames remain in a gaseous state for too long, it drains her immense power, often causing her to lose consciousness. Her hands suffer greatly from the cold of her flames, sometimes leaving her unable to feel them for hours or even days.
2. Overheating: Although her flames are cold/frozen, her body temperature can rise if she uses her power for too long or too intensely.
Y/N is the daughter of Rei Todoroki and Enji Todoroki, also known as Endeavor. Following the passing of her older brother Toya, Enji devoted himself to training both her and her younger brother Shoto to become future Pro-Heroes. Unlike Shoto, Y/N did not resist; secretly, she dreamed of fulfilling her deceased brother's dream and becoming a Pro-Hero. Since the incident involving Toya, she has had a strained relationship with her family, especially with Shoto, with whom she was once closest. At the age of 14, Y/N rushed to the aid of Pro-Heroes and assisted in battle, prompting Endeavor to intensify her training. In a remarkably short time, she obtained her Hero license and has since been acknowledged as the youngest Pro-Hero.
She is extremely popular in the Hero world, but due to her rapid rise, she had little contact with people her age and had no semblance of a normal childhood. Three years later, under public pressure, Y/N is now expected to attend UA to receive proper training to become a true superhero.
Klick here for: Amethyst. - Masterlist
This is how I imagine Y/N Todoroki:
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sttm99 · 9 months
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Bakugo understands that he spends a lot of money on you for just being his personal assistant. But he can't help it.
You honestly deserve it. You're smart, responsible, diligent. You're a hard worker with principles, and your work ethic is something he respects.
It didn't matter how many people were against him promoting you from secretary to PA so soon in your career. Your work was top notch, and you kept him organised.
Sure, you were pretty as well, a sight for sore eyes, really. But that wasn't his fault, was it? It wasn't your fault either.
It's not like you came into work every day with full glam, diamond earrings, or elaborate hairstyles.
It had pissed him off at first, when people demeaned you or underestimated your work because of your looks, especially when he knew you worked so hard so you wouldn't be considered some dumb corporate bimbo.
But now? Now he loved it. He loved when he had clients over, and they'd do a double take when he sent for you to take notes or deliver documents to his table.
He'd noticed the modesty with which you'd dressed when you first started working for him, how you tried to dim yourself with drab colours that obviously washed you out, or plain hairstyles.
Not like it stopped anybody from being able to tell how pretty you were.
But after, when you'd started garnering his attention and racking up more bonuses from your diligence, he began noticing you wearing nicer things.
Of course, you had to up your wardrobe once you were promoted to the role of Personal Assistant to one of the biggest heroes in Japan. But that wasn't it.
Bakugo loved seeing you walk in with a new shirt or new shoes or new earrings after he'd rewarded you a bonus or a pay increase. There was a sort of high he got, knowing that you took care of yourself with the money he gave you.
Oh, he spoilt you rotten.
Month end rewards became the norm for you. He just closed a hefty advertising deal? Best believe you were getting a cut out of that. He was given a bottle of champagne as a gift? You're drinking it with him in his office.
Sure, it may have seemed a bit inappropriate to some people; him locking the doors and closing the windows, and having you sit on his lap prettily whilst he poured it out into a flute for you.
Sure, it was inappropriate for him to have his hands up your skirt as you recounted the month end figures for him, but you were comfortable that way. He was, too. Oh, so comfortable with your hands inside his trousers and his teasing at the lining of your panties.
He was just taking care of his best employee.
And maybe he did spend a lot of money on you, but you had to keep up appearances. He needed you looking your best when you were next to him.
It wasn't his fault you were so beautiful that brands reached out to him to get you to model for then after seeing you appear in some pictures by his side.
It wasn't his fault that he couldn't get anyone else to come with him to the Hero Gala. Besides, you're meant to be with him during these things to take notes for him. So having you as his date was basically killing two birds with one stone.
"Your assistant's fucking sexy," Kaminari whispered into Bakugo's ear, both of them watching you go to order a drink for your boss.
Bakugo smirked to himself, his eyes raking over your body, clad in the tight fitting dress he'd bought for you to wear. He'd also bought the earrings you had on, and the shoes and the necklace. Sure, it cost him quite a lot, but he just couldn't help it when you looked so good.
"She's single, isn't she?"
Now, that had him snapping his head in Kaminari's direction. "Don't even fucking think about."
Kaminari whined, "But why? She's your assistant, not your sister or your girlfriend."
"She's my assistant," Bakugo seethed, standing up from his seat. "She's my employee, and I won't have you lowering her efficiency." He murmured as he made his way to where you were.
You smiled brightly as you turned around to see him, handing him the second glass of champagne in your hands. "You look like you'd rather be somewhere else." You laughed softly.
He grinned down at you before downing the drink quickly. "I would," he said before dropping his glass back on the bar. "Come on."
He spoilt you rotten, but he couldn't help it. You looked so beautiful in your tight dress and pretty hair and beautiful face.
Sure, being seated on the sink and having your legs spread before his lips in the bathroom at the Hero Gala may have been a tad inappropriate, but how could he stop himself?
You were quivering for him, thighs pressing down and shaking on either side of his head, and your fingers gripping harshly at his hair, pulling him even closer as you rutted your heat against his lips.
He let out a desperate groan, burying his face deeper into your cunt, eating you out shamelessly, hungrily.
"Fuuck..." He growled into you.
You'd been so shy the first time he had his way with you, refusing to touch him, grind on him, behaving so meek and cute.
Now look at you, so selfish and desperate, almost suffocating him as he feasted. He spoilt you rotten, sure, but you deserved every morsel of it.
"Katsuki..." You whined desperately, your back arching off the mirror, the hand not pulling at his hair tightly gripping the edge of the counter. "Katsuki, I'm so close... I'm so fucking close, baby-"
His hands dug into the flesh of your ass, pulling your harsher into him, your clit pressing against his nose as his tongue made a meal of you. He was always so desperate for it, digging the wet muscle so far into your pussy you saw stars.
And he was messy too, his saliva and your arousal staying your thighs, dripping from the marble counter unto the ground as he ate from you.
Anyone who came in after would probably be able to tell from the smell of the bathroom alone. The cum leaking unto the floor would only solidify it.
But the thought of someone finding out that your boss had his face buried deep in your pussy wasn't exactly what you were thinking about when you came for him, hard and rough, your hips shaking and raising off the counter as you rode out your high.
"We shouldn't be doing such during events, sir." You whispered to him as you both walked down the corridors back into the hall where the gala was being held.
He had his large palm over your ass, groping you just in the dark of the hallway, letting go just as you stepped into the crowded hall.
"Just be a good girl and wait for me to fuck you on the way home, hm?" He smirked at you, a small sheen still visible on his lips.
He never cleaned his mouth properly after eating you out during such events. It was inappropriate, sure, but he just couldn't help himself.
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mmriesoftvat · 2 years
Rei looks quite serious as she stares down at the fruit in her hands, brows furrowed, before looking up at boy sitting next to her. "Kami? What's a 'motherfucker'?" Ah, the words that children pick up on the street--
Kami decidedly does not like Rei repeating the random words she hears on the streets of Sumeru City. Just because it's a larger city and they're bound to run into foul language from time to time does not mean she's allowed to repeat said language.
However, his decision also does not including ignoring her innocent request. Reaching over, Kami flicks her forehead as gently as possible.
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"It's not a word I want you repeating," Kami chides. "It's a very bad one, and little children like you are too young to repeat them." He briefly entertains the idea of giving Rei a crash course in what else she's not allowed to say, but that would mean teaching her more curse words, and Kami isn't ready for that level of responsibility, or for her to develop a smart mouth on him.
"If it has any variant of the part starting with F, you're not allowed to say it. Got it?"
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ahsterism · 2 years
tag drop pt. 3: b.nha
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sumiresou · 3 months
Izuku's Clingy-ness
Izuku Midoriya x girlfriend/fem! Reader
word count: 643 (very short)
warning: clingy!boyfriend izuku, post-war arc, not-canon compliant (i tried, lord help me.), izuku missing his gf :(, someone get this man his gf back!!, sassy midoriya genes, possibly ooc for both kaminari and bakugo but oh well. NOT FULLY EDITED but it's like 4am... so...
a/n: I was reading some of @gglitch1dd 's dilf!izuku series, and i KNOWW I'm very late to the Izuku love but this fanfic idea is currently wrangling me like a bull... so... here! making this in-between 3 unfinished works and one series ideas!!! nice, author, nice.
beta read by my beautiful and unnerving sister.
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Sometimes, It seemed unnerving how Izuku was so intensely obsessed with you. Izuku was just glad it wasn't in a bad way, despite how sometimes he would convince himself that he was such a bad person after the events of the Paranormal Liberation War. You were always there to squash those terrible thoughts that scattered and dug their way into his head, and convince him that what he had done was probably one of the best options left for Tomura Shigaraki.
He missed you today. You weren't in class the entirety of the school day, and he had gotten worried that you slept in; Until he saw your text message about having to suddenly go babysit your niece today due to an emergency involving the sitter not showing up. Everyone who even looked at Izuku's face could see it, how he looked like a kicked puppy who had just gotten every insult known thrown at him.
"Dude, you good? Did Y/N break up with you or something?" Kaminari had walked over, crouching down to rest his arms on Izuku's desk, long after class had ended. He had a slightly worried expression on his face, eyebrows furrowed, making Izuku feel slightly bad at making his friend worry about him. The green haired boy huffed, pouting as he stared down at the matching bracelets he had been fiddling with for most of class when he noticed Y/N's absence. Bakugo chimed in after Kaminari, abrasive as ever. Where did he even come from?
"Get a grip, Izuku. Your girlfriend is coming back tomorrow."
Izuku had at that moment, felt a little dumb. Oh. Oh! He had almost forgot, yeah you were coming back tomorrow. Wait... How did Bakugo know that? Right on cue, did Bakugo squash his thoughts.
"Y/N and I are friends too, calm down. Don't stare at me like that. You look like an offended goose." Bakugo sneered at him, his arms crossing over his chest. Kaminari looked over at Bakugo, his eyes wide and mouth agape.
"Woah! Dude, a little nicer maybe?"
Izuku rolled his eyes, giving his best friend an 'are you fucking kidding me' look. "You act worse when Kirishima is going to the bathroom, shut it." Izuku pouted and pointed at the spikey blond man in front of him.
Bakugo huffed and rolled his eyes, despite his hypocrisy in the situation. The blond was honestly so tired of Izuku moping around in class, and now outside too?
Izuku looked down at his phone, laying on the desk between his hands that kept fiddling with eachother. "Maybe I should call her."
Bakugo's eyebrow twitched. Maybe he should have bullied Izuku more. (not actually, but still.)
Kaminari was shocked at Izuku, no way Izuku was that clingy. "Yo! You should go and relax, go shopping with Todoroki and Bakugo! Todoroki has his dad's card for the day too! Do something instead of moping around all day! C'mon dude!" Maybe he wasn't being helpful, or maybe it was his excruciating single-ness.
Izuku groaned loudly in frustration, he just wanted his girlfriend dammit! Not to be basically kidnapped by his two friends to stop rotting over Y/N being gone for one day. "I don't wanna go out hanging out with everyone else, can't you guys just let me mope over my girlfriend being gone!?" He looked up at the ceiling, leaning back in his chair, hand clutching his hair.
"Not when you make it our problem! Get up! You're going shopping with Todoroki and Bakugo! Shoo! Out!" Kaminari exclaimed.
At the end of the day, he still couldn't help sending you a few 'I love you's and 'Facetime?'. He just missed you too much. When you came back, he was waiting on the UA steps, anxiously tapping his foot, and waiting for you like you always did.
"Day infinitely better."
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want to support a struggling author? Leave a like and maybe a nice comment if you feel like it!
drops this and hides.
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shotorozu · 2 months
ooo i saw your pick me girl hcs from awhile back and loved them! can i request something similar for ashido/kirishima/kaminari but with the reader encountering a “nice guy” instead? thank you <33
characters . . .
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a quick one because i was getting overwhelmed with writing this one request for my comeback 🧍‍♀️ (a lil sneak peek: it’s todobakudeku as ex husbands)
female! reader
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MINA is actually offended that this guy thinks it’s going to work. like.. calling you short (even if you might not be), trying to compare hand sizes with you, the self deprecating humor— she’s actually going to throw up in her mouth… 🤢 though, she already clocked this guy’s tea iykwim… she has interacted with guys like him before, and she knew from the very beginning what he wanted— especially when he tried to replace her. the wicked witch and the audacity of this bitch…
“she’s not gonna pick you… if you’re really that nice, you’d stop being so sad… 😹”
if the advancements didn’t stop, she’d basically do whatever she could to make sure he knew that your ass was a fruitcake and not interested… even if it was laughable on her end.
“let’s go my scissor sister!!”
EIJIROU is an actual nice guy… he doesn’t need to say it for it to be known, so maybe that why he knew exactly what was going on the moment he heard this guy flap his lips… he was ashamed that this guy actually labelled himself as a “nice guy” because honestly it was even starting to confuse him like… what if he’s the one that’s not nice for thinking this way? he’s literally gaslighting himself at this point 😭
but because EIJIROU’s so nice, he’d actually pull the dude aside, speak to him from one man to another man, and tell him that he doesn’t need to do all of this because you’re just not interested (oh, and y’all are dating!!)
“hey man… i’m telling you this because i thought you’d want to know, but she’s not interested. might never be, so like… quit it, dude.”
but when the dude pretends the conversation never happened, that’s when he starts getting visibly angry… he’ll be more firm when it comes to telling him off, and he’ll get in between y’all. if you wanted to tell him off yourself, then he’d be right behind you with his arms crossed.
DENKI laughs because he thinks this isn’t a serious thing at all like… there’s no way somebody actually acts like this, right? this is all fiction. he quickly realizes that this is in fact NOT fiction, and this dude is dead serious— and this is when DENKI starts to panic. he alternates between laughing (because not even mineta is that ridiculous) and being gobsmacked at this behavior. it has him lowkey paranoid, because he wonders if he has ever acted like that towards anyone, even if he meant well.
similar to kiri, DENKI is the type to pull the guy aside and tell him what’s up. except, he’d do it so casually, the guy would probably think he’s joking. now, DENKI’s scared because the guy was trying to rope him in his shenanigans (even though he’d never resort to such tactics!!)
he’ll try to joke that being a “nice guy” is out of style (except he’s not really joking) and because this guy genuinely freaks him out, he’d just focus on creating distance between you and that dude.
“bro was gooning so hard 😭 that was not sigma 😹”
KATSUKI practically implodes, when he first sees it, but it’s such an expected reaction— the nice guy doesn’t even think twice about it. KATSUKI looks annoyed— pissed off, when this rando goes up to you and pats you on the head with his unwashed hand, but after the nice guy momentarily goes away, KATSUKI turns to you and tells you to ignore it. not because he thinks you can’t deal with the problem, nor that it isn’t worth dealing with appropriately, but because he doesn’t want you to worry about someone like him any longer. there are better things for both of y’all to worry about, and this will no longer be your problem.
KATSUKI doesn’t even give the dude the luxury of a warning, the next time he sees him and they’re ALONE?? he’s approaching him with such speed, it has the guy shaking in his boots. the nice guy literally regrets trying to be all nice to you for ulterior motives, and he makes it known— but KATSUKI doesn’t care anymore.
“i was just being nice! can’t a guy be nice anymore??”
“oh so you wanna die—”
“sheesh, okay! fine! i’ll stop. the bitch doesn’t deserve it anyway…”
“… say what.”
KATSUKI did in fact deal with it, and you never had to think twice about him again (excluding the times you laughed about it to him.)
“ngl i can’t believe he thought that’d work.”
“well he’s a fucking dumbass. focus on stretching.”
SHOUTO is so confused, because he can’t understand why anyone would actually act this way, and for ulterior motives too. he can’t understand lying about who you are to get something— especially if that somebody is you, and especially if someone just wants that attention. it’s one thing to have a crush on you, sure (he gets that because he literally does), but it’s another thing to make you uncomfortable in the process of trying to get with you.
SHOUTO looks puzzled— insulted even, when he sees this guy pat you on the head and call you short. not just because he literally touched you and made you uncomfortable, but also because he could’ve been wrong too 😭
SHOUTO wouldn’t try to hide the fact that he’s trying to get in between of you. he’s literally like a sturdy foundation, unable to be moved— even if the guy tried to push him aside (also… that’s certainly a choice..)
SHOUTO is blunt with it. he will try to correct him on your height— even if he doesn’t need to. nice guy probably already knows that you’re not actually that short, but SHOUTO needs to make things known.
“please get it right. she’s not short.” (he’d say, if you’re not)
“you’re quite wrong, she’s not that short.” (he’d say, if you are)
and he’d just watch the color drain off his face with secret satisfaction, and the room atmosphere would go awkward afterwards (but does he GAF, nope…)
“you didn’t have to annihilate him like that,” you’d tease SHOUTO later, and then sarcastically remark, “i thought he was a nice guy”
“they finish last. at least, according to a saying.”
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