lillian321 · 2 days
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This is a child. Not Ham@s. A child. Where was Ham@s in this?
Children are suffering. Yet there are no "innocents" in Gaza? Civilians aren't being harmed?
Fuck you Israel. This is a war against children. Not Ham@s. Children. A 10 year old child.
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lillian321 · 2 months
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And people wanna talk about anti-Semitism.
Let's talk about how your people think it's okay to rape Palestinians. Not just woman, but children and men too. Is this what your book teaches you?
Is this how inhumane you are? And you wanna talk about anti-Semitism.
Talk to me when you condemn what your country is doing. Let me remind you btw.
Bombing hospitals, bombing schools, bombing safe zones, sniping elderly, torturing men, raping woman, raping pregnant woman in front of her family, killing babies in the womb, throwing sharpenels at children, use of sulfur, murdering hostages, raping hostages, using people as human shields, murdering journalists, killing UNRWA workers, killing doctors.... The list goes on and on. It doesn't stop here.
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lillian321 · 2 months
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This is absolutely ridiculous. Calling a woman not a woman and claiming she's is a man, is fucking transphobic. If yt people can be transgender and play in womens Olympics, then why are y'all so angry about this? She is biologically a woman then why are people bashing her? Cuz she ain't white?
A rapist is playing on Olympics but God forbid a masculine woman plays a match, suddenly she's the problem. Y'all are delusional af.
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lillian321 · 2 months
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And people ask "How did the people at that time let the Holocaust happen?"
This is exactly how. By being silent. By seeing the evidence and turning a blind eye.
This is just absolutely beyond disgusting. How can people watch all this and still support a terrorist country like Israel? How?
You Zionist scumbags aren't human. You guys belong in hell.
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lillian321 · 22 days
Say it again and again.
Israel is a war criminal. They are terrorists. Biden is a war criminal. Kamala is a war criminal. Setanyahu is a war criminal. Fucking TERRORISTS. These people are the devils.
They love murdering children. Murdering children and raping pregnant woman is their self defense. Diaper army is so fucking scared that they kill children.
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lillian321 · 15 days
It makes me crazy to think that there are still some people out there who believe that Palestine Genocide is a "muslim problem."
I just can't tbh. Can't even with these people.
Wake up. This is a humanitarian issue. People are dying. Children are dying. Woman don't have enough medical equipments to give birth properly. Newborn infants are killed because there isn't enough oxygen.
So please, before you think this is a muslim issue, just remember, that kids are kids whether white or brown whether it's Ukraine or Palestine, kids are kids. Kids shouldn't be killed.
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lillian321 · 21 days
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What drug is this bitch taking? I'd love it because apparently it makes you so delusional that you start hallucinating and creating your own stupid pathetic realities.
Oh and btw, does she condemn what Israel is doing in Gaza? Does she condemn rape of Palestinian hostages? Does she condemn bombing schools and hospitals? Does she condemn sniping elderly? Does she condemn blowing up kids? Does she condemn Israel starving children? Does she condemn the torture of men in Gaza? Does she condemn murder? Does she condemn the skin diseases and the dirt caused in Gaza? Does she condemn Idf bombing mosques and filming everything? Does she condemn idf raping Palestinian hostages and then filming it? Does she condemn murdering babies?
Oh but let's condemn Ham@s. Ham@s ham@s ham@s. Fuck you. Where is the Ham@s that y'all are trying to kill? Where is it?
Idf has killed over 50000 people but does she condemn that? Does this bitch condemn what they are doing?
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lillian321 · 28 days
Yet again, I'm so sorry for not reblogging many posts and replying to the asks. I'm very busy these days with my studies and job so I barely get time to open social media.
Doesn't mean I don't support Palestine anymore.
Long live Palestine. From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free!🇵🇸🇵🇸 And fuck Israel.
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lillian321 · 1 month
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Kamala herself is a terrorist. All the times she has supported Israel and funded them along with Biden. Voting for her is voting for a genocide. She is a genocide supporter.
It's basically United states of Israel.
These people have the audacity to even talk, they don't even have any shame that 60k+ people have been killed yet they say "Israel is keeping civilians safe."
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lillian321 · 2 months
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This is what your God has told you to do? To rape them? This is what your book tells you?
What the fuck is wrong with you? There is no way a God would tell you to murder men, snipe them, torture them, starve them, murder children, rape pregnant women, murder babies in the womb, bomb hospitals and schools. There is no fucking way.
Zionists are fucking defending rape. Are y'all fucking retarted? Is this what your God had intended?
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lillian321 · 4 days
Every accusation that they throw at us, is a confession.
They said Ham@s raped woman when in reality there was no evidence but Israelis filmed themselves raping Palestinian hostages. They said Ham@s uses people as human shields but there was no evidence, yet there were hundreds of videos of Idf using men and children as human shields. They said Ham@s bombs buildings and with no evidence, yet there are hundreds of videos of Idf destroying mosques, schools, tents etc.
Zionists are liars. They are nothing but delusional and pathetic.
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lillian321 · 11 days
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If a muslim said that, this would be on headlines everywhere. But yt people can say whatever they want.
Remember, Rashida Talib was punished for saying the phrase "From the river to the sea" but a white fat ass zionist can say all the bull crap he wants, be islamophobic all he wants, yell out shit, kill Palestinians or the students protesting, it will be fine. As long as it's a white american zionist, he can say whatever he wants.
The western world hypocrisy is fucking wild.
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lillian321 · 2 months
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This is what zionists are fucking defending. Don't fucking talk to me about October 7th. Even if Israelis were killed that day, what was the number? 10 or 11?
Israel has killed 50,000+ people since and no, it's not October 7th you asshats. It's from 1948. You zionists wanted help from Palestinians yet you're the one's killing them now.
Fuck you zionists and fuck your mentality. I hope you go kill yourself. Y'all don't even deserve to live. I said what I said. If you can watch children's head being blown off and justify rape, then you guys don't even deserve to be alive. Fuck you. I hope y'all go fucking die.
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