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Trump: “Make Israel Great Again”
By Chuck Baldwin September 26, 2024
(To subscribe to my columns at no cost, click here.)
At a Republican rally in Washington, D.C., on Thursday, September 19, billed as “opposing antisemitism,” Donald Trump made several remarks that lived up to his title of “America’s First Zionist President.” Leaving the “Make America Great Again” mantra, Trump promised his audience that he would “make Israel great again.”
With Zionist mega-billionaire Miriam Adelson looking on (Adelson gave Trump over one hundred million dollars for his promise that, if elected, he would support Israel’s purge of the Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank, as she and her late husband, Sheldon, did in 2016 for Trump’s promise to move the U.S. Embassy to Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem), Trump said that the upcoming U.S. election is “the most important” in Israel’s history.
So much for making America great again! It is clear that Donald Trump is an agent of the State of Israel and would use the White House (as he did during his first term in office) as an asset of the Zionist state—even more than did Joe Biden.
As I have said many, many times: There is only ONE party in Washington, D.C., and that’s the War Party. In this regard, the only difference between Kamala Harris and Donald Trump is that Harris would take America to war with Russia over Ukraine, while Trump would take America to war with Russia (and perhaps China and Iran and Lebanon and Iraq and Syria and Jordan and Egypt and Turkey) over Israel.
In Trump’s sycophantic speech on behalf of Zionist Jews, he boasted:
I gave them Golan Heights. I gave them the Abraham Accords. I recognized the capital of Israel and opened the Embassy in Jerusalem. And most importantly of all, I terminated the Iran nuclear deal, which was the worst deal ever made in the history of Israel.
I was there four years, gave them billions and billions of dollars.
Also, during his speech, Trump alluded to one of his social media posts that he wrote in 2022 saying,
Wonderful Evangelicals are far more appreciative of (his Israel record) than the people of the Jewish faith.
Indeed. When it comes to Israel, the vast majority of evangelicals are the most duped, the most deceived, the most beguiled, the most bewitched people on the planet. (Galatians 3:1 - 29)
If any other nation on earth had committed the unmistakable War Crime of exploding 1,500 electronic handheld devices indiscriminately among a peaceful civilian population, resulting in casualties numbering over 3,000 (most of them innocent civilians, including a large percentage of women and children), as Israel did in Lebanon, U.S. reaction—including America’s evangelicals—would be swift and furious. That nation would rightly be called a terrorist state and accused of War Crimes; and the leader of that country would rightly be called a terrorist and international War Criminal.
Well, that’s exactly what the State of Israel and Benjamin Netanyahu are! But Donald Trump and his “wonderful evangelicals” not only say nothing in opposition to Israel’s acts of terror and genocide, but they audaciously support those acts of terror and genocide.
And make no mistake about it: Israel IS a terrorist state and has been since its inception in 1948. On a daily basis for 76 years, Zionist Israel has committed, and continues to commit, ethnic cleansing, genocide and international War Crimes and Crimes Against Humanity.
According to theRome Statute of the International Criminal Court (ICC) Article 7:
Crimes Against Humanity
For the purpose of this Statute, "crime against humanity" means any of the following acts when committed as part of a widespread or systematic attack directed against any civilian population, with knowledge of the attack: [Emphasis added]
Murder; [Israel is guilty]
Extermination; [Israel is guilty]
Enslavement; [Israel is guilty]
Deportation or forcible transfer of population; [Israel is guilty]
Imprisonment or other severe deprivation of physical liberty in violation of fundamental rules of international law; [Israel is guilty]
Torture; [Israel is guilty]
Rape, sexual slavery, enforced prostitution, forced pregnancy, enforced sterilization, or any other form of sexual violence of comparable gravity; [Israel is guilty]
Persecution against any identifiable group or collectivity on political, racial, national, ethnic, cultural, religious, gender as defined in paragraph 3, or other grounds that are universally recognized as impermissible under international law, in connection with any act referred to in this paragraph or any crime within the jurisdiction of the Court; [Israel is guilty]
Enforced disappearance of persons; [Israel is guilty]
The crime of apartheid; [Israel is guilty]
Other inhumane acts of a similar character intentionally causing great suffering, or serious injury to body or to mental or physical health. [Israel is guilty]
For the purpose of paragraph 1:
"Attack directed against any civilian population" means a course of conduct involving the multiple commission of acts referred to in paragraph 1 against any civilian population, pursuant to or in furtherance of a State or organizational policy to commit such attack; [Israel is guilty]
"Extermination" includes the intentional infliction of conditions of life, inter alia the deprivation of access to food and medicine, calculated to bring about the destruction of part of a population; [Israel is guilty]
"Enslavement" means the exercise of any or all of the powers attaching to the right of ownership over a person and includes the exercise of such power in the course of trafficking in persons, in particular women and children; [Israel is guilty]
"Deportation or forcible transfer of population" means forced displacement of the persons concerned by expulsion or other coercive acts from the area in which they are lawfully present, without grounds permitted under international law; [Israel is guilty]
"Torture" means the intentional infliction of severe pain or suffering, whether physical or mental, upon a person in the custody or under the control of the accused; except that torture shall not include pain or suffering arising only from, inherent in or incidental to, lawful sanctions; [Israel is guilty]
"Forced pregnancy" means the unlawful confinement of a woman forcibly made pregnant, with the intent of affecting the ethnic composition of any population or carrying out other grave violations of international law; [Israel is guilty]
"Persecution" means the intentional and severe deprivation of fundamental rights contrary to international law by reason of the identity of the group or collectivity; [Israel is guilty]
"The crime of apartheid" means inhumane acts of a character similar to those referred to in paragraph 1, committed in the context of an institutionalized regime of systematic oppression and domination by one racial group over any other racial group or groups and committed with the intention of maintaining that regime; [Israel is guilty]
"Enforced disappearance of persons" means the arrest, detention or abduction of persons by, or with the authorization, support or acquiescence of, a State or a political organization, followed by a refusal to acknowledge that deprivation of freedom or to give information on the fate or whereabouts of those persons, with the intention of removing them from the protection of the law for a prolonged period of time. [Israel is guilty]
Under Article 8, War Crimes, we find listed (abbreviated):
The Court shall have jurisdiction in respect of war crimes in particular when committed as part of a plan or policy or as part of a large-scale commission of such crimes.
For the purpose of this Statute, "war crimes" means:
Torture or inhuman treatment, [Israel is guilty]
Wilfully causing great suffering, or serious injury to body or health; [Israel is guilty]
Extensive destruction and appropriation of property, not justified by military necessity and carried out unlawfully and wantonly; [Israel is guilty]
Israel has deliberately and with total abandon bombed hospitals, nurseries, schools, colleges, aid shelters, food distribution areas, ambulances, churches, mosques, civilian tent dwellings, houses of journalism, private homes with whole families inside, entire neighborhoods, entire villages, water supplies, food supplies, medical supplies and electrical supplies. Israel has also deliberately and with total abandon destroyed almost all of the agricultural land, which is the primary source of livelihood and life in Gaza.
Intentionally directing attacks against the civilian population as such or against individual civilians not taking direct part in hostilities; Intentionally directing attacks against civilian objects, that is, objects which are not military objectives; [Israel is guilty]
Israel is guilty of this War Crime on a daily basis. Israel’s random and reckless pager explosions among the civilian population of Lebanon were a flagrant violation of this section and is, thus, clearly condemned as a War Crime under international law—and God’s Natural and moral laws, by the way.
Intentionally directing attacks against personnel, installations, material, units or vehicles involved in a humanitarian assistance or peacekeeping mission. [Israel is guilty]
We saw the Israeli War Crime mentioned here on live video when rescue workers were rushing to save a little 5-year-old girl, whose entire family had been killed, as she was hiding in a destroyed vehicle waiting for rescue workers to come save her. The Israeli forces patiently waited for those unarmed rescue workers to arrive and then fired their missiles, which murdered not only the rescue workers but also the little girl.
Intentionally launching an attack in the knowledge that such attack will cause incidental loss of life or injury to civilians or damage to civilian objects or widespread, long-term and severe damage to the natural environment which would be clearly excessive in relation to the concrete and direct overall military advantage anticipated; [Israel is guilty]
Again, the pager bombings, the destruction of civilians en masse, the destruction of the agricultural land of Gaza, etc., are here identified as War Crimes.
Attacking or bombarding, by whatever means, towns, villages, dwellings or buildings which are undefended and which are not military objectives; [Israel is guilty]
Killing or wounding a combatant who, having laid down his arms or having no longer means of defence, has surrendered at discretion; [Israel is guilty]
We have seen the Israeli military commit this War Crime on live video.
Making improper use of a flag of truce, of the flag or of the military insignia and uniform of the enemy or of the United Nations, as well as of the distinctive emblems of the Geneva Conventions, resulting in death or serious personal injury; [Israel is guilty]
We have seen Israeli forces commit this War Crime on live video.
The transfer, directly or indirectly, by the Occupying Power of parts of its own civilian population into the territory it occupies, or the deportation or transfer of all or parts of the population of the occupied territory within or outside this territory; [Israel is guilty]
Intentionally directing attacks against buildings dedicated to religion, education, art, science or charitable purposes, historic monuments, hospitals and places where the sick and wounded are collected, provided they are not military objectives; [Israel is guilty]
Destroying or seizing the enemy's property unless such destruction or seizure be imperatively demanded by the necessities of war; [Israel is guilty]
Declaring abolished, suspended or inadmissible in a court of law the rights and actions of the nationals of the hostile party; [Israel is guilty]
Pillaging a town or place, even when taken by assault; [Israel is guilty]
Employing weapons, projectiles and material and methods of warfare which are of a nature to cause superfluous injury or unnecessary suffering or which are inherently indiscriminate in violation of the international law of armed conflict. [Israel is guilty]
Again, indiscriminate mass bombings of innocent unarmed civilians by Israeli military forces take place every day in Gaza—and now in the West Bank and Lebanon.
Committing outrages upon personal dignity, in particular humiliating and degrading treatment; [Israel is guilty]
We’ve seen plenty of photos of Israeli forces committing this War Crime.
Intentionally directing attacks against buildings, material, medical units and transport, and personnel using the distinctive emblems of the Geneva Conventions in conformity with international law; [Israel is guilty]
Intentionally using starvation of civilians as a method of warfare by depriving them of objects indispensable to their survival, including wilfully impeding relief supplies as provided for under the Geneva Conventions. [Israel is guilty]
This is the Israel that Donald Trump wants to make great? Yes.
This is the Israel that evangelicals claim are God’s chosen people? Yes.
This is the Israel that uses lobby groups such as AIPAC to dominate our U.S. Congress and most state governors? Yes.
This is the Israel that the War Party in Washington, D.C., wants to take America to nuclear war with Russia over? Yes.
Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes!
Israel and Ukraine! Yes!
And if somehow America miraculously avoids a nuclear confrontation with Russia over Ukraine or Israel, the bloodthirsty (and money-hungry) War Party in D.C. will find another monster for the United States to destroy.
I personally believe that the Jewish bankers (Rothschilds) manipulated the founding of Zionist Israel in 1948 at the conclusion of the Second World War for the specific purpose of destabilizing not just the Middle East but the entire world to make sure that perpetual war continued beyond the Paris Peace Treaties in 1947. I further believe that the history of the State of Israel—up to the present hour—substantiates my belief.
Soon after America’s founding, French historian Alexis de Tocqueville wrote that America was “great” because America was “good.”
If goodness is the prerequisite for greatness, Zionist Israel will never be great, because Zionist Israel will never be good.
© Chuck Baldwin
No matter who Americans vote for, they still get leadership that puts Israel ahead of the USA. With Harris she puts both Israel and Ukraine ahead of the USA. Why cant we get at least one party that puts the USA first?
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Tim Walz called Biden ‘fit for office’ after disastrous presidential debate performance
Tim Walz called Biden ‘fit for office’ after disastrous presidential debate performance
Yes, he's fit for office," Walz said July 3 at a meeting of governors at the White House after he was asked about Biden by a reporter. "Three and a half years of delivering for us, going through what we’ve all been through. None of us are denying Thursday night [June 27] was a bad performance. It was a bad hit, if you will, on that, but it doesn't impact what I believe that he's delivering." Harris' campaign told Fox News Digital that Walz stands by his comments. Walz’s office did not immediately respond to Fox News Digital’s request for comment.Biden faced increased public pressure from Democrats to drop out of the race after his shaky debate performance and eventually announced July 21 he wasn’t going to seek re-election. TIM WALZ SLAMMED AS ‘POLITICAL CHAMELEON’ AFTER DITCHING PRO-SECOND AMENDMENT STANCETim Walz with BidenMinnesota Gov. Tim Walz, left, Vice President Kamala Harris’ vice presidential pick, called President Biden "fit for office" last month after the president’s poor debate performance against former President Trump. (Andrew Caballero Reynolds/AFP via Getty Images)The president plans to remain in office, however, until the end of his term. "This is Joe from Scranton," Walz continued. "He talked about building the middle class. He did it. He delivered. And I think this idea that you get in your own head, you get a little bit cycled up on that. What we saw in there today was a guy who was the guy that all of us believed in the first time who could beat Donald Trump and did beat Donald Trump." Biden was pressured to step away from his re-election bid as polls continually showed him behind Trump, and Democrats were worried Biden couldn’t beat Trump again.Biden endorsed Harris for the Democratic nomination after he announced he was withdrawing from the race, and she announced Walz as her running mate Tuesday. WHO IS TIM WALZ?Tim Walz speaking at the White HouseGov. Walz backed President Biden's re-election bid last month at a White House press conference, telling reporters Biden was "fit for office." (Anna Moneymaker/Getty Images)Biden praised the decision Tuesday.CLICK HERE TO GET THE FOX NEWS APP"Kamala Harris has made a great decision in choosing Governor Tim Walz to be her running mate," the president posted on X. "I've known Tim Walz for nearly two decades, first during his time in Congress and as Governor. A husband and father, he's been a school teacher and a high school football coach. He served for 24 years in the Army National Guard and became the highest ranking enlisted soldier to ever serve in Congress. As Governor, he's been a strong, principled, and effective leader."
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Mark Zuckerberg is now the second richest man.
Michael Jordon’s 23x1 Racing and Front Row has sued NASCAR and chairman Jm France, calling them, “monolistic bullies.” This is all tied up in revenue sharing. ** Alex Bowman was eliminated from the NASCAR playoffs after his car did not pass inspection after Charlotte.
Aidan Hutchinson of the Detroit Lions was injured with a fractured tibia.
Fake reviews on line were already illegal but the Government has gotten serious. IF they catch ya, there will be a $50,000 fine for every time the fake review is shown! This could be a deterrent. There is also a ban on fake followers for business.
Melania has a new book out. The reviews are bad but she makes clear that she believes a woman should have a choice with her body. ** She also claims that she didn’t know what was going on with Jan. 6 because she was renovating the White House. This has since been proven wrong. Many in the White House at the time have said she knew everything that was going on. She just did not seem to care. She now lives in NY with Baron. An insider claims she is practically a hermit. In the WH, she and her family spoke mostly in Slovenian and her husband does not know the language. She charges a fee to speak at rally’s, including for Scary Clown 45. Her codename in the WH was Choad.
Harris/ Walz made $28 mil fundraising in California. Yippee- ki- Yay Mother Trumpers. - Colbert ** She has since raised over a billion in all. ** Kamala was President for 85 minutes on Nov. 19, 2021. Time to put her back in the office!!
Steve Bannon is out of jail. ** Jill Stein is a Russian agent. - James Carville
A skull was found in Illinois in 1978 and has finally been ID’d. Esther Granger died in childbirth in Merrilville, Indiana in 1866. Nobody knows why her skull was found in another state but the theory is possible grave robbery for profit. ** Another cold case was solved when DNA proved that serial killer Bruce Lindhall was responsible for the death of 19 yr. Old Kathy Halle in Aurora, Il. in 1979.
ABC: Please keep Will Trent around. The characters are so real and can’t wait for season 3!! ** NBC: Thanx for The Irrational. Luv it!
Saw Andy Richter on an old podcast and he mentioned Andy Barker P.I. OMG.. I own it and pull it out once in a while because it is so fucking funny. I think there should be a movie!! C’mon bring it back!!
I am not so sure that this whole, “Midwest nice” thing applies to Illinois. That is ok.. Illinois is just scrappy!
Days alert: Fiona grew on me. Serena Scott Thomas did a great job and I am surprised things were wrapped up this fast. Or are they?? Suddenly she is out of jail. Xander and Sara had some great scenes too and they are by far, Salem’s best young couple. At least they are great until Xander does whatever the Hell he wants for Sara’s own good even tho she absolutely does not want it. ** Love seeing Steve and Kayla on the case for Chad. Who knew that Constantine’s story would go on? It is so sad that John Black was smack in the middle of this story. ** So glad that JJ is back. Please keep him around!! And I am lovin’ Aaron and Felicity. Can we beef up their roles?? ** So glad that Nancy is back with Joy. It is about time we see Joy!!! Phillip is also back so it is time for Chloe and Parker!
Isn’t it strange that about half the congress do not want to have physically and mentally healthy people in their country? When will we ever get universal health care? ** I mean, we know it is a cult with all the “yes sir” shit et al so why do we give it any air time anymore?? We should not have to listen to lie after lie. Let’s hope that after Scary Clown loses, we only have to hear about court cases and that’s it. I hope the media just shows his clips and makes no comments. He loves to be talked about. Let’s stop doing that for him. He loves to see us outraged, to get us riled up, so let’s not give it to him. ** Do we remember that it was the Trump administration that offered Trans gender affirming care? So R they for or against the Trans community? ** What happens to the Trumpers? I mean, Megyn Kelly has the same wide eyed crazy talk goin as MTG. Were they always this way or do they go thru a process to keep them from understanding sane talking points? And Tucker Carlson is becoming even more unhinged everyday. ** Is it strange that the first time that Trump ran was the same year that we had all the creepy clown sightings? ** At least the unknown comic from the rally will gets lots of work with the rest of the racists. He is probably a hot ticket in that world.
The “Central Park 5” have sued Trump for monetary damages, reputational and emotional harm and punitive damages. At the Sept. 10 debate, he once again waded into this mess that he can’t let go of. Yusef Salaam. Ray Santana, Kevin Richardson, Antron Brown and Korey Wise have had enough. The rest of the country knows they are innocent. Will the lawsuit finally convince the former President?
Eric Trump is now a Deputy Sheriff in St. Lucie County in Fla. ** The Army released its report about the Trump in Arlington Cemetery incident. It is so redacted that it really tells us nothing.
How about a call back to Grace and Frankie doing a crossover with Only Murders in the Building?
Jeff Bezos decided not to endorse anyone for Pres. in the Washington Post. His space co. Blue Origin met with Trump on the day they announced they would not endorse. Why are they all suck pussies when it comes to Trump? Over 200,000 people cancelled their subscription. ** Eric Adams has been sticking up for Trump. Big surprise.
Terry and Candace Stevens of Alabama have grown a 16 ft. 10 in. Okra plant.
Hey.. Let’s slow down the ships out there. It is getting a little dangerous on the ocean. ** Check out Happy Whale.com
North Korea sent about 8,000 troops to Russia to fight Ukraine.
When I see things like Texas law enforcement searching, liberal, possible immigrant homes for evidence of voter wrongdoing, it is mindboggling that we are in America. At least with social media, we now know about these things right away. This is the big plus of the new tech. 100 years ago, they may have hurt, threatened or killed these people and we may never know. I know they want to go back to their, “good old days” but OMG!!! ** Of course, there are many downsides to tech like lone wolves who feel so emboldened because somebody is finally listening. ** And now the Trumpers do not want circumcisions?
I need the kind of Generals that Hitler had. - Scary Clown 45 ** Except for maybe Manson, I don’t think I have seen a man in our modern age who loves Adolf so much. ** Try not to October Surprise yourself. - Stephen Colbert
This election is sort of us playing out the FINAL end to Bobby Riggs and Bille Jean King.
Scissor Sisters is touring next year in the UK and Ireland!!!!! OMG!!!!
Lookin’ forward to the Dark Universe at Universal.
Bob Odenkirk, Bill Burr, Michael Mckean and Kieran Culkin will come to Broadway with Glengarry Glen Ross!!!!!!!
The LA Dodgers won the World Series!!!!!
Support the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact. 17 states (Arkansas, Arizona, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Illinois, Massachusetts, Maryland, Maine, Minnesota, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Oregon, Rhode Island, Vermont, Washington and the District of Columbia) have passed this. End the Electoral college!!
We all have these different IDEAS and different opinions about what’s true and what’s not. -Zachary Levi
Is it strange that Trump pretended to work at McDonald’s and now they are being sued over onions?
The VP debate was somewhat cordial. Walz appeared quite nervous at first but nailed it in the end. JD Vance felt he should give us a little history of his life and not admit that Trump lost the last election. Vance mostly put down Harris and Walz talked too much about Minnesota. It would have been a great drinking game to chug when we heard, “Minnesota.” I was so hoping the moderators would ask Vance about the’ concepts of a plan.’ Walz missed a great chance to call him on the ridic Ohio story. Vance talked about “schools in crisis.” and the Springfield, OH school were in crisis because of bomb threats brought on by their nonsense. ** Walz was much better on Kimmel.
There was a guy killing geese in Clark Co. Ohio. It was a 64 -year old white man.
You can never ban abortion. You can only ban safe abortion.
We will be collateral damage to your rage. - Michelle Obama
Harris had a great interview on 60 minutes. Trump pulled out of his interview, apparently because they would be fact checked. Bret Baier was soft, according to Trump. To me, he was just a rude prick who won’t shut up just like the rest of the Trump team. ** Harris has said she has a Glock. Would Trump even know how to shoot a gun? ** Did Colbert seem a bit whiny that he had to come back for one day during his week off to interview Harris?? All the late nite hosts seem to take a lot of time off. ** I’m not crazy about the way everybody seems to know how Harris should run her campaign. Her team does listen though: They say she should do interviews, she does a bunch. They say she should go to Fox, she does. They bitch about policy, that she has none and they like Trump’s agenda better. Other than Project 2025 that Trump disavows, there is no policy on the republican side. Just bitching and hate and locking up enemies. Harris has made her positions so clear. ** I am not sure about the Julia Roberts/ Harris ad. I do know women like that who are expected to vote the way their hubby tells them. But those women may feel that you are telling them they don’t know their own mind. ** Are we at an impasse in this country? It’s pretty simple: Fascism or democracy?
Trump called Jan. 6, “A day of love” on a Univision town hall. Donnie Deutsch mentioned that it made him think of that Pepsi harmony song. Are we all the enemy within?? ** A new controversy is brewing about all the contests that Trump runs. He has like 40 contests going and after months there is only 1 winner in a single contest. ** And, of course, Musk is giving away a million dollars a day to those that sign his America PAC that supports Trump. It may just barely be legal since it isn’t a direct dollar for a vote but charges have been filed. Musk did not show up to court. The Pa. Judge has decided to see if the Federal court will take the case. Why do they want to make the world such an unhappy place? ** Musk tells us that he is concerned about declining birth rates. He is apparently offering his sperm to friends and acquaintances. ** Word is that if Trump wins, he will put RFK Jr. in charge of the Dept. Of health and or the FDA. What now??
Word is that as the other countries are voting on the outcome of our election, one bet was $30 mil.
Jay Cutler was arrested on Oct. 17 in Tennessee for DUI and illegal possession of a weapon. He tried to flee and offered $2,000 to the other driver that he hit.
Historian Brian Cleary has unearthed an 1890 short story by Bram Stoker. The forgotten story, Gibbet Hill, was found in the National Library in Dublin.
We should have done away with that pesky electoral college a long time ago.
Jennifer Lawrence and Cooke Maroney are expecting their second child.
Nicole Scherzinger is getting raves on Broadway for Sunset Blvd.
Joe Biden gave out the last couple years of National medals of Arts and Humanities. Honorees included Steven Spielberg, Spike Lee, Eva Longoria, Missy Elliott, Bruce Cohen, Aaron Sorkin, LeVar Burton, Dawn Porter, Queen Latifah, Idina Menzel, Ken Burns and Jon Meacham.
Deshaun Watson ruptured his Achilles tendon and is out for the season for the Cleveland Browns.
You must not let the things you cannot help destroy you. Do save your strength and energy for creating- don't spend it on problems and situations you can’t help. - Georgia O’Keefe
If you need a religion to be a good person then you have problems.
Cuba’s power grid failed and darkness surrounded 10 million people. There were already shortages of food, water and medicine.
Pink Floyd has sold their music rights to Sony for $400 mil.
Sexual assault news: Garth Brooks was sued for rape and sexual assault. He has denied the charges. ** Former Abercrombie and Fitch CEO, Mike Jeffries has been charged with sex trafficking and prostitution.
Rudy Giuliani has been ordered to give all his valuables to the Georgia election workers that he lied about. Ruby Freeman and Shaye Moss will receive $146 mil.
Why is anybody still on X? ** Hooray for Jellyroll who left. Next!!
The Transportation Dept. Has been fined $50 mil for breaking Federal laws that protect the disabled.
A Federal judge threw out Mark Meadows request to obtain records from the National archives pertaining to the criminal charges against him. He was charged for his role in the Georgia 2020 overturning election results.
A Federal appeals court upheld trespassing charges against the 1,400 people who breached the capitol on Jan.6.
Jared and Ivanka went to a Taylor Swift concert as Dad tells the world he hates the singer.
Wow!! It took Liz Cheney to tell us of Trump and his crimes so succinctly. She was so factual, so measured and it was a thing of beauty. Listen to the woman.
I miss the 8G Band!!!!!
Gene Simmons was a guest judge on Dancing with the stars. I admit that I do not watch the show. Folks said he was so creepy with his comments about female contestants. People were a bit grossed out. Why is anybody still inviting him on shows? We know what he is like so you shouldn’t be surprised.
The NY Jets have fired the coach. Many say that Aaron Rodgers is responsible. Others say they wish Rodgers would have left instead.
It is debilitating to be any woman in a society where women are warned that if they do not behave like angels, they must be monsters. Patriarchal socialization literally makes women sick, both physically and mentally. - Gilbert and Guber
South Korea’s Han Kang won the Nobel Prize in literature.
Michelle Fiore was convicted on fraud charges. She raised $70,000 for a statue of a Vegas police officer who was shot and killed. She instead used it for her daughter’s wedding, plastic surgery and rent. She never had any qualifications yet was a Justice of the Peace in Pahrump, Nevada. She was charged with 6 counts of Federal wire fraud and 1 count conspiracy to commit wire fraud.
Spirit Christmas? Yes, it is about time. I wondered why this was not a thing already. They should just go full time holiday cuz there is ALWAYS a holiday around the corner!
Jodie Foster will star in Vie Privee’ from Rebecca Zlotowski.
So turns out that Danika Patrick is big on crazy alien nonsense along with other conspiracy stuff and is a big Trump supporter. ** They say the polls show that Trump is big with young men. Who knew that young fertile men were so against abortion. They are ready to raise some babies, I guess!!
Election denier, Tina Peters, already found guilty, got 9 years for a voting data scheme. Judge Matthew Barrett called her, “a charlatan.”
Trump is lawless and she has to be flawless. - Van Jones ** The story of our life, right ladies?? Dancing backwards and in heels, just like always.
45,000 dockworkers decided to suspend their strike until Jan. 15. They will continue to negotiate their contract.
Childish Gambino has suspended his US and UK tours due to upcoming surgery.
Homicide is the leading cause of death for pregnant women.
Nebula has teamed up with Rifftrax.
Does it seem right that we want, legal, fair elections and the police union supports Trump. And changing election rules so close to elections should not be allowed. ** Many Savannah State U college students have had their voting rights challenged. This is so wrong! ** It has always seemed to me that states should have to follow Fed rules in Fed elections.
Scary Clown 45 has been telling storm victims that FEMA won’t help them and they are spending the money on immigrants. It was, in fact, the Trump administration that spent millions in FEMA $ on immigrants. Biden has asked for more funds for those suffering, but Mike Johnson said, “No.” ** In North Carolina, William Parsons has threatened FEMA officials and was arrested. ** Elon Musk made an appearance at a Trump rally. He wore a ‘dark’ MAGA hat. Ok. It is estimated that Musk has given Trump about $75 mil.** Will the fascination with the YMCA song ever end? ** Think of what Trump has put this country thru. - Chris Wallace
Francesca Eastwood was arrested on felony domestic violence.
Family Dollar is closing about 600 stores. Walgreens will close about 1200 stores over 3 years.
Look for Stacey Speaks Up by Stacey Abrams
Jimmy Carter cast his ballot for Harris on Oct. 16.
Abbott Elementary and It’s always Sunny in Philadelphia together?? Oh, Yea!!
In Brazil in 2014, one of the oldest fossils of an ancient reptile were discovered. Details are now being released. The Gondwanax Paraisensis was about 39 in. Long and could weigh up to 13 pounds. It was the precursor to the dinosaurs during the Triassic period.
At Trump’s Coachella rally, his fans say that 20 or so buses took the rally goers to the site. After the event, only about 3 came back to get them and most people had to walk back to the parking lot for 2 hours in the desert. ** People freaked about the racist rants at Madison Square Garden. There should be no surprise that Trump wanted his own Hitler friendly rally in NY. The enemy within is watching this ‘spiritual warfare.’ ** The way I see it, the Christian Nationalists want to make religion so hateful, so racist, so volatile that most of us will turn away?? They sure don’t want us to join in or they would make things more inviting.
Why do the American people want candidates to spend so much money, energy and fuel traveling around the country? We are grown -ups and should understand the saving of resources. Ridiculous!!
Disclaimer seems like a film that has perfect timing.
Harris would like Medicare to cover in home health care. We need that. ** Is it me or do Kamala and Stormy resemble each other?
Trump is to build a $1.5 billion golf course and hotel in Vietnam. ** I instantly thought of the Joker in Batman and his, “Wait until they get a load of me,’ when Trump jokingly asked about a french fry job. ** Trump talks of the size of Arnold Palmer’s junk and we all know how in love he was with Roy Cohn. I think there is something he is trying to tell us. Should we give him a safe space to come out? ** Trump has filed a complaint against the UK Labour party for illegal foreign campaign contributions and interference in our elections. As usual, Trump just has no clue how things work. Foreign nationals are permitted to campaign. It happens in every election.
Woodward has a new book out, War. He mentions that Trump gave Putin a bunch of covid testing machines for his personal use when we were in need of these. ** Jordan Klepper called Scary Clown, the eternal hurricane of the spotless mind. ** The book claims that Lindsey Graham says that going to Mar A Lago is like going to North Korea. ** Some are calling Musk, Elon Dipshit.
How did we let Roger Ailes and Rupert Murdoch change this country so much??
So.. This superintendent in Oklahoma, Ryan Walters, started a whole thing with, ‘classroom holy books’. It was decided that the Bibles must have certain specifications like the Bill of Rights, the pledge of allegiance, the constitution and be leather. It seemed that only the Lee Greenwood/ Trump bible at $90 or the We the People bible, endorsed by Don Jr at $60 were the only ones that fit the bill. Oklahoma public schools are supposed to teach the Bible now in grades 5-12. Over 130 people have resigned or been fired since Walters took office. A dozen school districts have said that they won’t comply. Since this began, Oklahoma has backtracked a bit since there was so much criticism. We will have to see how things play out. ** The Trump bibles are made for $3 and come from China. I guess that is why China is getting our jobs.
ABC and NBC refuse to air that ‘burning in Hell’ ad. Thank you CBS for being there for the Freedom from Religion foundation. ** Religion: The original grift. - Ron Reagan Jr.
Your vibe attracts your tribe.
Turns out the reddest states statistically watch the most Trans porn. Hmm.
Isn’t weaving (besides actual weaving) the ancient art of blending guitars and not this nonsense coming out of Trump’s mouth? Keith and Ronnie’s weaving is a beautiful thing!
One Direction’s Liam fell from a 3rd floor balcony. Again with the falling?? What is going on? ** Israel seems to have killed Sinwar.
Fingers crossed that I never have to write about Trump again after this month except for his court cases.
R.I.P. John Amos, Frank Fritz, Ron Hale, Chris Ciccone, Allan Blye, Ed Wheeler, Greg Landry, Cissy Houston, Minneapolis homeless murders, Gavin Creel, Toni Vaz, John Lasell, Ethel Kennedy, Nicholas Pryor, Lilly Ledbetter, Liam Payne, Mitzi Gaynor, Alvin Rakoff, Mississippi homecoming victims, Pete Rose, Dikembe Mutombo, Gavin Creel, Houston helicopter crash victims, Sapelo Island dock collapse victims, gun shooting victims, Ron Ely, Fernando Valenzuela, Lynda Obst, John Kinsel Sr., Paul Di’Anno, Patti Mcgee, Thelma Mothershed Wair, David Harris, Jeri Taylor, Tecalli the Zebra, Spain’s flood victims, Stephanie Collie, Jack Jones, Phil Lesh and Tery Garr.
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The Completely Unnecessary News Analysis
By Christopher Smart
September 24, 2024
Hey Wilson, you got any children? No? In that case you're not fit to be president — of anything. You see, it's like this: People without children, even if they've adopted a brood, are, well, what's the right word... icky... trashy... scummy lowlifes. They are “childless cat ladies who are miserable at their own lives and the choices that they've made." That according to J.D. Vance, the Republican nominee for vice president. He forgot to mention Taylor Swift is in that category, but he's still got time. It's worse than you think 'cause even though Vice President Kamala Harris has two adopted children she's a lowlife, too, explained Sarah Huckabee, the governor of Arkansas and former Trump spokeswoman. It's a frightening anti-children ideology held by sad, pathetic people. Look at Kamala, Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg (two adopted children), and New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) who run the Democratic Party. No Children. Holy hell. The Founding Fathers could never have imagined it, otherwise they would have put something in the Constitution like this: “We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice and insure domestic Tranquility, do ordain that all people will have children or else...”
People love Utah and aren't leaving. People who used to love Utah are looking for the exits. The Salt Lake Tribune took a look at why some people stay and why others don't. Toxic air, lawmakers, hypocrisy make people want to leave, according to the report. Community, outdoors, climate make people want to stay. The staff here at Smart Bomb determined that we should take a deeper dive on what folks think:
1 – Staying: We just love the gerrymandering here.
2 – Leaving: Skiing and the parks are too crowded.
3 – Staying: We love the fact that this state is a theocracy.
4 – Leaving: We can't take another losing Jazz season.
5 – Staying: We love that the state liquor stores are closed on Sunday.
6 – Leaving: We hate Mike Lee and Burgess Owens.
7 – Staying: Because state government doesn't interfere with the Great Salt Lake.
8 – Leaving: Before the “sports/entertainment” district ruins downtown.
9 – Staying: Because of the “wholesome” people who love Donald Trump.
10 – Leaving: Because of the “wholesome” people who love Donald Trump.
Hey Wilson, did you ever get the sinking sensation that undecided voters aren't exactly the sharpest bunch. Donald Trump and Kamala Harris are about as different as night and day. How could they possibly be undecided. Trump is Mr. Masculine Tough Guy. Harris is a strong, articulate woman. Trump lies like a rug. Harris has to explain why groceries are so expensive. Trump led an unsuccessful coup against the United States. Harris was the California Attorney General and U.S. Senator. Here's what some undecided voters said:
“I like Trump because he tells it like it is, but his ties are too long and his hands are small.
“I like Kamala but she smiles too much. And that laugh. Ugh.”
“Trump was cuckoo for saying Haitians eat dogs and cats but he's a good golfer and we need presidents who can golf.”
“Kamala would bring a woman's touch to the White House but her husband is totally creepy. I don't trust him.”
“Trump is a good businessman but he's gone bankrupt a whole bunch of times.”
“Kamala made the price of groceries and gas go up but she's got much better hair than Trump.”
Sad to say Wilson, but the fate of the country is in their hands. Start packing. They say Canada isn't so bad — and they speak English there.
Post script — That's a wrap for another totally insane week here at Smart Bomb where we keep track of the equinox so you don't have to. Wilson, did you know the ancient Greeks believed that on the autumnal equinox the Goddess Persephone returned to the darkness of the underworld to be with her husband Hades. The pagans called the September equinox Mabon, after the Welsh god of Celtic mythology. According to legend, Mabon was stolen from his mother, Modron, three days after birth, plunging the land into sorrow and darkness. For us Americans and a lot of folks in Europe and elsewhere, the 2024 presidential election threatens to plunge us into darkness — at least that's how it feels. The Nov. 5 election is coming at us like the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. You can say what you want about Stonehenge and the druids but they didn't have nasty, lyin' websites, influencers and two-year election campaigns. In fact, they didn't have elections at all. Trump might like that but he probably wouldn't fit in too well. What would he sell druids anyway, Bibles? Not exactly. They might go for his gold sneakers — the “Never Surrender High Tops.” Any druid could be the toast of Stonehenge with a pair of those babies. Or maybe they wouldn't be caught dead in them.
We don't know about you Wilson, but that pagan, druid stuff sounds kind of cool. Maybe we can just let our imaginations go and hope for some kind of magic spell that will somehow pull us through. So wake up the wiccans in the band and take us on outa here:
Rhiannon rings like a bell through the night And wouldn't you love to love her? Takes to the sky like a bird in flight And who will be her lover? All your life you've never seen a woman taken by the wind Would you stay if she promised you heaven? Will you ever win? She is like a cat in the dark And then she is the darkness She rules her life like a fine skylark And when the sky is starless All your life you've never seen a woman taken by the wind Would you stay if she promised you heaven? Will you ever win? Will you ever win? She rings like a bell through the night And wouldn't you love to love her? She rules her life like a bird in flight And who will be her lover? All your life you've never seen a woman taken by the wind Would you stay if she promised you heaven? Will you ever win? Will you ever win? Rhiannon, Rhiannon Taken by Taken by the sky Taken by Taken by the sky
(Rhiannon ��� Fleetwood Mac)
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Comedy ideas
Slave robots
Price to let me fuck your wife
Dating dos and don’t and questions
Pro-nouns- trans
Crying over your favorite vagina
Women are expensive
Date when I have leverage
Tik tok physically abusive ps
black women giving u add
grieving and gettin pussy
nobody takes light skinned niggas seriously
i hate beige niggas with good hair
the short dude of the beiges
living a lie
gotta know how to fight
i'm over qualified to date
AA meeting
so much so i became a social worker
coworker said i dated white women
waist bead killa
ask your homegirl about the last nigga that scammed her
progressive women
1. the apps (virgos, spelman women, big titty taurus
2. vasectomy before it was fashionable
3. kids have and want more
4. meeting (questions)
5. aids commercials during hulu and chill
6. dog in bed
7. stress and ED
8. being 19 and 40
9. learned all the words women use capacity
10. i got a dick but i got feelings 2
11. munch love myself too much
12. divorce how they really feel
13. dv abd blueface show
14. quantum leap
how many dicks would u suck to get your student loans forgiven
my friends have kids and i dont have stufent loans . latest flex
off and on the apps
only reason im tryin to date again is cuz i heard my upstairs neighbor having sex
dr umar shaking head whenever i swipe right on a white girl
Apache open mic
2friday comedy at 9
tuesday at 8
wednesday 9
Dark Humor. Button up, Buttercup
Hershel Walker hit his wife using his hands.
Raphael Warnock hit his wife with the car and ran over her foot.
Raphael currently has a 48% to 45% lead amongst polled college students in Georgia.
This does not surprise me because today's young students do not support employment using their hands.
emotionally unavailable BW
to women with low self esteem
but too shallow
in 2023 i am giving up emotionally unavailable black women
Waffle house reality show
football now like watching condom sex
africa sex with condom
bag of vaginas to make life easier
interview grandmas that fucked wilt chamberlain
i dare you to ask your granny if she fucked wilt.
moving to ghana off 30k
chlamydia the bv of stds
fucked 3 in one day
them/they pussy
trans vs cis
price of pussy
bag of pussy
quantum leap
tik tok
snow on the bluff
yoga nude
yoga teacher
RIP t-shirt with my dad air brushed
big scarr's funeral. shot a video
dated a bitch 2 abortions
bitch cried during sex
vasectomy . i am the plan b
laughing skull gay niggas
autistic gay phase
trans men
trans women cut ur dick off
gay niggas walk like spike lee movies
booty os
roaches in atl
child support
harvey weinstein had sick dick
3some etiquite
better pussy
retarded brother
fought white boy in 6th grade
tyrone's brother
dating a virgo
being terrified on stage
played sax in the church band
black moms
kamala harris ending unemployment
my aunt was drooling on herself had diabetic dimensia
had maw maw shook
having to ask mom if i could spend the night
cousins house
women hate the truth kryptonite
low self esteem pussy
dad's heart attack/chest pains
dj pauls arm
being a black vet is hard
prisoners get more respect
iraq was like work release abroad
people that watch who follows who
hamlin scam. i need more friends. loner
andrew gillum cau/morehouse grad
cuckold stories. police officer
switching genders
iggy azaela earned 307 k in 24 hours. if inwas a woman i'd never b broke
trans men going thru puberty
Critical race theory should have been called cool race theory
the truth/accountability is pussy kryptonite
walk thru meg/tory kelsey shot meg. who had more of the motive. women lie like dudes. Meg is OJ for Black women
men tell little lies. women tell BIG Lies
ask who is paying child support
how much
dude that made 7.50 and hour paying 1.49 a month
dude that killed his wife
CS a scam
happy wife happy life
i miss my work wife
memphis cops
picking a trauma
bacterial vaginosis for men
asian on asian crime
gook on gook crime
being a husband is like being a post op trans woman
cool race theory
happy wife happy life
Unfaithful movie
SK victims homeless Black women
plotting m*****
plantation game
harriet tubman 360 deals
who got better pussy? (ask women sitting next to each other)
lazy white people
slavery a pretty cool concept
having a white slave in the army
whole skit on asians
y we hate canada y canada hates us
first nigga to die in a chicago winter
eastern and western borders
god b scammin trans people
levels to lgbt self hate
ye and cudi fuckin
dv jokes
got dad's pocket pussy bronzed
next to vet flag
bronze shoes
dad was a shooter
cps stories
fuckin kids' teachers
the trans people of black folks being light skinned
the brotha darkness show interviews with comics
fight haven wheelchair
vday wish i ckuld get somebody pregnant but cant
cjild support but wont pay for pussy
dfcs stories
pet store kid in kennel
broke up white family extended stay
teachers getting beat up by students
Ms. Ringo 7th grade science teacher
teacher killed by school principal
praying grandma
got more respect for the post op trans
uber beats
dabrat pregnant at 48 touch of downs
aint smelled a cig in years. vapes keeping the cancer to yourself
women get to be honest men cant
women live lies
i hate being light skimned. the kind that keeps me alivle
abortion. women fucked it up. covid amazon then war
deaf people doin stand up
aaron rodgers darkness retreat fancy solitary confinement
favorite vagina cry after i jack off
synthetic vagina
dd214 is out paper work
my skin is light but my comedy is dark
church revival
vasectomy like having a slorts car
michael jackson live vocals
domestic violence turns me on
alex murdaugh
xylazine addicts zombie drugs
medical studies
sou sou circle
it's cool to be retarded now
ol girl asked about student loans. should have asked if she would have sucked me off
joined the army cuz i was poor and had a cavity
how do u want to b murdered? true crime hoes
keith lee cholesteral
eating videos
molested by neighbors daughter
have u been molested?
coochie is an acquired taste like beer
reparations what would u b willing to trade?
part white so i look at black people how straights look at the pronoun gang
killing your kids
shamiya hall
cps ptsd
are men softer. evolution
rose party
first pussy i ate
work release abroad
kidnapped in mexico
conjoined twins
pull all the genders
lt dan
dad no indoor plumbing
mom killed autistic son threw in lake
pussy on the block chain put the bitch on the block chain
me too made niggas do an audit of their sexual history
baby holocaust
keepin a bitch happy is stressful
crying on tiktok
chris rocks goal was to keep his daughter off the pole mine is to not see my daughter on reddit
grocery store the special alympics
no relationship no raw
slap fights
do people still get crabs?
alien pussy
gender trades
utah cabin murders
da brat's baby gonna have a touch of Downs
do synthetic coochies get stds
how big of a screen do u watch porn on
roe v wade
cant b gay if u axe throw. no limp wrists
if she's good at axe throwing, she will kill u
ms cleo brand tarot cards
retard beef . downs vs. Non verbal autistic kids
black men got the early trans struggle . django scene cut dick off . we can relate
good blood pressure
levels to the gay
race play
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Marissa Meyer fucked up their ship so bad that she had go back and give us a prequel story in the Stars Above like 😭
BUT YES Mr. Jacin “I only serve MY Princess” Clay in Cress was hilarious & Jacinter was robbed of their relationship-centric book that the three other couples got 😭 #JusticeforJacinter #JacinterRights !!!
Jacinter is my favorite lunar chronicles ship because it has everything. Princess/guard. Childhood friends to lovers. Hurt/comfort (mostly.) “i hate everyone except you.” Grumpy/sunshine. Need I go on
#the lunar chronicles#jacinter#that swirler couple deserved more. they really did#kamala harris and her white husband </3#thats them down to the political ambassador part#I lied Jacinter is everything and I'm writing these tags at 3 am#but Marissa Meyer was so brave for giving us this couple in 2016 THAT was a different time FOR SURE
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People, February 8 -- part 1 of 2
Cover: What Queen Elizabeth is really like

Page 3: Chatter -- Tim McGraw on his initial reaction to Taylor Swift's 2006 breakout single Tim McGraw, Chris Evans on constantly losing ChapStick, Gabrielle Union on husband Dwyane Wade not being a fan of her sex scenes in L.A.'s Finest, Drew Barrymore on her definition of happiness, Dwayne Johnson on detangling the hair of his daughter Tiana, Billie Eilish on feeling kind of stupid for not knowing the cost of everyday items
Page 4: 5 Things We're Talking About This Week -- celebs get in on the Bernie Sanders meme, Kate Hudson offers up a love fern for Valentine's Day, Bridgerton will be back, Drivers License sparks love-triangle drama, Michelle Pfeiffer heads to the White House
Page 6: Contents

Page 7: Editor's Letter
Page 8: StarTracks -- President Biden takes office -- President Joseph R. Biden Jr. and Dr. Jill Biden waved to the public outside the White House which is their new residence after he was sworn in as the 46th President of the United States
Page 9: Kamala Harris is sworn in as the first woman and woman of color to be Vice President, before her swearing in she fist-bumped President Barack Obama, Jennifer Lopez wore a white Chanel ensemble to perform This Land Is Your Land and America the Beautiful
Page 10: Katy Perry closed the day's celebrations with a performance of her song Firework in front of a large firework show over the Washington Monument, tapped by Dr. Jill Biden poet Amanda Gorman became an overnight sensation after reading her powerful poem The Hill We Climb during the Inauguration, Former Presidents and First Ladies -- Barack and Michelle Obama, George W. and Laura Bush, Bill and Hillary Clinton
Page 11: Heidi Klum took a break from filming the next season of Germany's Next Top Model to attend the virtual About You Fashion Week in Berlin, Chris Pratt enjoyed a round of golf before getting to work filming his next movie Thor: Love and Thunder in Sydney, Cardi B wore a see-through dress by designer Pierre-Louis Auvray for a shopping trip with husband Offset in Beverly Hills
Page 12: Stars on Set -- Cate Blanchett wore a face shield while filming Don't Look Up in Boston, Hilary Duff bundled up and covered her growing baby bump with an envelope clutch on the NYC set of Younger, Lily James held a camera while shooting the romantic comedy What's Love Got To Do With It in London
Page 13: Forest Whitaker got into character in NYC while filming Godfather of Harlem, Leonardo DiCaprio and Jennifer Lawrence shared a laugh while on the Don't Look Up set in Boston, Babies On Board -- Country singer Brett Young and his wife Taylor who are already parents to daughter Presley are expecting their second child, MSNBC anchor Katy Tur is expecting her second child a baby girl due in May with her husband CBS This Morning coanchor Tony Dokoupil and the new addition will join their son Teddy
Page 17: Scoop -- Lady Gaga in love on the world stage
Page 18: Teen star Jojo Siwa comes out
Page 20: Heart Monitor -- Kourtney Kardashian and Travis Barker new couple, Bachelor Romance Updates -- Clare Crawley and Dale Moss split, Nick Viall and Natalie Joy dating, Tanner Tolbert and Jade Roper Tolbert happy anniversary
Page 21: Pierce Brosnan's passion for painting
Page 22: A Legendary Showdown -- Patrick Mahomes and Tom Brady are set to battle in Super Bowl LV --a look at how these star quarterbacks match up on and off the field -- Patrick Mahomes of the Kansas City Chiefs vs. Tom Brady of the Tampa Bay Buccaneers (go Bucs!)
Page 23: Rehab Addict's Nicole Curtis -- why I came back, Daisy Ridley on life after Star Wars
Page 24: Passages, Why I Care -- Justin Hartley advocates to support veterans through PTSD-therapy services and trained animals
Page 25: Hank Aaron -- a baseball legend who changed the world -- one of the sport's greatest players Aaron defied death threats and became a civil rights champion -- Famous Fans Pay Tribute -- George W. Bush, Levar Burton, Ken Burns, Lenny Kravitz
#tabloid#grain of salt#tabloid toc#tabloidtoc#queen elizabeth#hank aaron#justin hartley#daisy ridley#nicole curtis#rehab addict#tom brady#tampa bay buccaneers#patrick mahomes#kansas city chiefs#super bowl lv#pierce brosnan#kourtney kardashian#travis barker#jojo siwa#lady gaga#inauguration#president biden#president joe biden#dr. jill biden#kamala harris#barack obama#michelle obama#bill clinton#hillary clinton#heidi klum
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Advice for an aspiring author hoping to write lgbt muslim characters?
Hi, thanks for your question! This is quite the rabbit hole, so I can't cover everything, but I did my best. Some general guidelines and then my own view:
1. Do not write this story unless it is from personal experience or with the direct express written permission from the person it’s based on, and I hesitate with that second one. Like many other experiences, this story hasn’t been told all that often, so unless you’re one of the above, you don’t have many points of reference and will probably get it wrong and, I suspect, as ‘exotic’.
That said:
2. Start by examining yourself. One of my favourite resources is @writingwithcolor, which has many great references for this. At this point, we're asking questions such as "Why do you not want to represent us?" and "Why do you need to tell this story right now?" among others. Do check it out.
3. Please, please don't write an apologetic acceptably assimilated model minority. I don't know where you're from, or where you intend to set the story, but we're all influenced by American media, so I feel it's important to mention. We generally don't have positive feelings towards those characters, let alone relating to them, at least not to the aspects where they're supposed to represent us.
(My personal pet peeve example is Abed Nadir from Community, a Muslim enamoured with Christmas and is an all-around Acceptable Arab... played by an Indian actor. It's extra irking because the show was touted as being Better Than Big Bang Theory, and it seemed okay addressing many other nuances, but when it came to this? Think of it this way: why didn't they cast an Asian actress to play Britta or Annie and called her white? Or, indeed, an Indian actress to play Shirley and called her black? Because clearly they believe the audience can't tell the difference? Arabs are black or white but not brown, guys. Not all Arabs are Muslims and vice versa. Some Muslims are (gasp!) white.)
Anyway, the point is Abed, and others like him, are non-threatening. They reject their own identity and are desperate to be Just Like Us Default White People. While this is definitely the case for some people, 1. it's not the case for most people, 2. it's just a really tired trope especially in current times, and 3. the other side of this trope’s coin is that in order to be acceptable for The West, they have to rebel against their character’s original identity, which is just as tired.
But I digress. You already know by asking this question that it’s controversial. Why not play it straight instead? Pun unintended. Do your research, whatever way you choose to go.
4. Speaking of doing your research, do. your. research! Muslims are a diverse group of about 2 billion people*. There are two major sects and many smaller ones. In the major ones, homosexuality (etc) is a sin, haram, full stop, end of sentence. Any level of presenting like the opposite gender is not only haram, it’s cursed. Yes, there are many people coming up with exceptions and loopholes, or just doing what they want regardless, and if you want to write about them, that's your prerogative, but:
* so Kamala Khan, for example, is completely unrelatable to me. (See: 9)
5. You know what else is considered haram in majority Islam? Extra-marital sex. Pork. Alcohol. Drugs, yes including cannabis, in fact even nutmeg. People do all that anyway! Especially in non-Muslim-majority countries where the laws don’t make it harder for them, or in poorer Muslim-majority countries where people don’t get educated in religious matters, or indeed all over everywhere because not all people of any religion actively practice that religion. It's a non-issue by this point.
5A. The only reason LGBT Muslims is An Issue, and it’s An Issue Now, is because America’s making it one. It’s no different than, say, modern white feminism. They stir the pot, we deal with the mess.
5B. Muslims are people, and people aren't perfect. We know this, and we've addressed it as nauseam… and that’s just it, we’re allowed* to talk about these things because we know ourselves and our experiences. It’s more acceptable coming from us to us because we have a common ground to start discussing things.
* I wrote allowed, but it really depends on the situation. Sometimes you’re not allowed simply because you don’t want to make it an issue, and that’s okay too.
5C. Since you’re asking, I’m assuming you’re not a Muslim yourself, and that puts a layer on scrutiny on you. We don’t know where to begin to talk to you, and it’s worse if you represent us in any controversial way or in any way less than perfect. Less than perfect by whose standards? It depends. Nobody knows! (See: 3)
5D. Examine yourself, research the topic, and know just what you’re trying to say.
6. That said, here’s my personal take on it that I’d love to see someone do, but haven’t so far. I don’t know how people arrive at their sexuality, whether it’s by nature or nurture, but they do end up there one way or another. When it comes to Islam, you’re highly encouraged to (heterosexually, to be clear) marry and reproduce. You’re discouraged from sex outside that framework. If you are unable to marry for whatever reason, you’re supposed to find a way to deal with it. Fasting is often recommended.
And the way I see it, finding yourself not being attracted to the opposite gender is just one reason to not marry. “So I NEVER get to have sex?” Yes, just like your straight brothers and sisters who realize they can never marry for their own reasons. Maybe their health prevents them. Maybe they have family depending on them, especially financially, and they realize can’t add a husband or wife into the mix. Maybe they’re incompatible with the person they wanted.
The West worships Romantic Love (also money, but that’s another thing), but it really isn’t everything in life*. Just see any post here on tumblr dot com discussing the different kinds of love the Romans acknowledged and wrote about extensively. Yes, it’s a powerful drive, but again, it’s not the only thing in life, and coming to that realization is its own journey.
* (Something something Harry Potter)
I am so, so sick and tired of characters who don’t practice their religion (“hi, I’m Muslim/Jewish/Christian/Hindu/Buddhist/whatever, but I will have that pork, that beef cheeseburger, whatever”*), and equally tired of characters who are the personification of their religion (“hi, I’m religious, hear me act out my stereotypes”). Don’t get me started on characters who exist just so the authors can bash that religion.
* a recent disappointing example was the show Crazy Ex Girlfriend. When Rebecca is first introduced, I was excited to learn the show was about a Jewish character, finally a religious character portrayed as practicing! But it was quickly revealed they were focusing on the cultural aspects, and not only is she non-practicing, she doesn’t even believe any god exists. Snore. In contrast, see: Shepherd Book from the show Firefly. Not just a practicing Christian, an actually interesting character in his own right. Not a perfect person by far, but someone who’s doing his utmost to live his life and still maintain his faith.
I want a Muslim character who finds themselves attracted to whomever, someone from the same gender or whatever you want, or feeling like they want to present as not their birth gender, and then proceeds to do what so many of us real-life Muslims do: find ways to deal with it and come to terms with it. Acknowledge it and make peace with it. Make the choice, the conscious decision, to remain faithful to their beliefs and maybe not pursue a romantic relationship with the other person… and instead interact with them like a human being they care about. Help them reach a goal or achieve a dream, keep them safe from harm, something. Maybe focus on the traits of the other gender that are accessible, or fight the toxic effects of the patriarchy, something. Writing like “a happy ending == they end up together”, and any and all other outcomes are Bad and Tragic and Void, is boring and unrealistic.
Just as a black woman being soft and feminine is a rebellion against the mainstream, a religious character sticking to their faith above all else is way more interesting than yet another character breaking the rules.
7. “But Islam is homophobic?” No, Islam has rules against intentionally engaging in specific behaviors. You’re not faulted for having low alcohol tolerance, you’re faulted for the act of consumption. You’re not faulted for being addicted to drugs, you’re faulted for making the decision to try it the first time, or if you were tricked into it, for not trying to get clean once you’re there. However! People, all people, hashtag not just Muslims, often try to enforce rules by creating fear and hatred around them. It’s a convenient societal shorthand, even if the consequences can be different than intended. It’s the same mechanism that leads to “abstinence = zero sex ed” in the US. Abstinence isn’t the issue, people trying to enforce it by making information around sex opaque are the ones causing problems.
So some Muslim people end up homophobic, and some Muslim people go all in the other direction, because the balance is delicate and difficult to find.
8. “LGBT stories aren’t just about sex, what about asexuals, transsexuals, etc?” True, but most LGBT stories tend to go in that direction, and I’m keeping it as broad as I can here.
9. Even if your character is Muslim but not Arab, it’s probably going to come up, in your research if not in your story. Although the most populous Muslim nation is Indonesia and the most famous “Muslim” terrorists are Afghani, the most prominent Muslim sites are in Saudi Arabia and Palestine. The branding is there. With that in mind, required reading is the film Reel Bad Arabs, and any primers you can find on Orientalism, Colonialism, and Imperialism.
Honourable mentions:
Check out the Saudi series Masameer by Myrkott on YouTube, many episodes have subtitles. They recently made a movie and it's on Netflix internationally! You can't escape American Imperialism any more than you can escape British Colonialism*, but we're all way past being enamoured by them. The Emirati series Freej is also in Youtube, sans subtitles, though the DVDs have them, and I’ll leave it at that. Hashtag quarantine let us catch up on shows? Stay safe, stay home.
* she said, in English.
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via Politics – FiveThirtyEight
Signs point to the Arizona Senate special election being a key race in determining who controls the Senate in 2020. On the Republican side of the race to fill the late Sen. John McCain’s old seat, Sen. Martha McSally — who was appointed to McCain’s seat after losing her 2018 bid for the state’s other seat — is expected to run to finish off the last two years of McCain’s term. But she could face a formidable challenger in retired astronaut and Navy veteran Mark Kelly, who announced he’ll run for the seat as a Democrat last month. But Kelly could face his own adversary in the primary, so here’s a detailed look at the possible Democratic primary battle that lies ahead and an early look at the all-important general election.
The Democratic primary could get heated
After announcing his plans to run for the Senate, Kelly raised $1.1 million in the first two days of his campaign, putting him on par with Sens. Amy Klobuchar and Kamala Harris in initial fundraising hauls for 2020 presidential campaigns. Considering Democratic Sen. Kyrsten Sinema spent $24 million to narrowly defeat McSally in 2018, Kelly will likely need a similar budget for the state’s upcoming Senate race, so his early fundraising haul is promising. And Kelly is no stranger to politics. He is the husband of former Democratic Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, who survived being shot in the head during an assassination attempt in Tucson in 2011 that killed six and wounded 13. In the aftermath, Giffords and Kelly founded a political organization to fight gun violence, and in the 2018 midterms, their organization spent nearly $7 million to campaign against Republican members of Congress. But despite being a gun control activist, Kelly has indicated he will embrace a centrist, bipartisan approach, similar to how Sinema positioned herself in the 2018 race.
But Kelly may not have the Democratic field to himself. Rep. Ruben Gallego is also eyeing the race, and his entrance would set up a centrist vs. progressive battle for the party’s nomination. Gallego is a three-term congressman and member of the Congressional Progressive Caucus, a collection of the most liberal members on Capitol Hill. What’s more, Gallego is a veteran, which could help him match qualifications with both Kelly and McSally, who was the Air Force’s first female fighter pilot in combat.
How might a Gallego-Kelly primary play out? Well, if we just look at Arizona’s electorate, Kelly might have an advantage. Although Gallego, like 23 percent of the state’s electorate, is Hispanic, the majority of Democratic primary voters are white,1 which might undercut any edge his heritage gives him in a primary. Kelly might also be able to make an electability argument in a primary race against Gallego: An early general election survey of the race from OH Predictive Insights found McSally ahead of Kelly by just 2 percentage points while she led Gallego by 8 points. Still, Gallego might be able to use Kelly’s voting record against him, as Kelly has voted in a Republican primary and has switched his party identification between independent and Democratic in the past. Kelly has also caught flak for taking money from big companies while working the speaking circuit.
Even more critical is the role geography can play in a primary, as candidates tend to get the most support from their home base. This could boost Gallego, who represents part of the state’s biggest city, Phoenix. Maricopa County, which encompasses Phoenix, usually casts about half or more of all votes in Arizona’s Democratic primaries. Meanwhile, Pima County — which covers Tucson, where Giffords and Kelly are based — casts less than a quarter of the vote. So if Gallego does run, Kelly will have to keep the margins close in Maricopa and elsewhere while performing strongly in Pima to win the primary.
The Phoenix area dominates Arizona’s Democratic primaries
Share of Arizona Democratic primary votes cast in Maricopa County (which includes Phoenix) and Pima County (which includes Tucson) compared to the rest of the state, 2012-2018
Year Primary Maricopa Pima Rest of Arizona 2012* Congress and state offices 47.9% 25.1% 27.0% 2014 Congress and state offices 50.0 21.3 28.7 2016 President 53.5 23.3 23.2 2016 Congress and state offices 50.9 23.3 25.8 2018 Congress and state offices 55.8 21.6 22.7 Average 51.6 22.9 25.5
*There was no 2012 Democratic presidential primary in Arizona. State primaries are held in August; the 2016 presidential primary was in March 2016.
Source: Arizona Secretary of State
Should Gallego run, it’s likely this primary will be competitive, which could make things difficult for Democrats in the general election because Arizona holds its state primaries very late2 — the last Tuesday in August — which leaves roughly two months to consolidate support for a general election candidate.
McSally found herself in a similar situation in the 2018 Republican primary when she was up against former Maricopa county Sheriff Joe Arpaio and former state Sen. Kelli Ward, though McSally pulled away at the end with 55 percent of the vote; meanwhile Sinema coasted to victory in the Democratic primary with 79 percent of the vote against a minor opponent. So if the 2020 Democratic primary proves to be contentious and McSally doesn’t face a notable primary challenger of her own, she could stand to benefit from a heated Democratic primary. But she too could face her own primary — some Republicans didn’t want her to fill McCain’s seat because her performance in the 2018 race raised concerns that she would lose a 2020 race as well.
The general election could be close
Regardless of who wins the Democratic primary, Democrats face a tough opponent in McSally. Although McSally lost the 2018 Senate race, she raised more than $20 million and has experience winning elections in a competitive House district, which she held for two terms until she stepped aside to run for Senate this past November and Democrats captured her old seat. McSally has also received national attention for sharing her experience of being raped while she was serving in the Air Force. McSally’s one of several women in Congress who, since the rise of the #MeToo movement, have spoken openly about their own experiences with sexual assault or domestic violence. McSally’s support of sexual assault survivors may help her cut across party lines and change the perception of the #MeToo movement as a liberal women’s issue.
More broadly, the potential competitiveness of the Arizona contest speaks to the state’s evolution toward becoming a battleground state in U.S. politics. Sinema’s 2018 victory over McSally came on the heels of President Trump carrying the state by just 3.5 points in the 2016 election, the smallest GOP edge in Arizona since 1996, when Bill Clinton won the state — the only Democrat to do so since 1952. So despite its Republican lean (9 points more Republican than the country as a whole prior to the 2018 election,3) Arizona could see a lot of presidential activity in 2020, which could influence the state’s down-ballot elections.
This Senate race will be one of the top-tier contests in 2020 — handicappers currently view it as a toss-up (Inside Elections and Sabato’s Crystal Ball) or lean it toward the GOP (Cook Political Report). As the GOP has a 53-47 edge in the Senate,4 most paths for Democrats retaking the Senate require capturing this seat (and others) because it may be difficult for Democrats to retain the Alabama seat that they won in 2017. So just like in 2018, Arizona will host a high-octane Senate contest, one that could be pivotal in deciding the Senate majority.
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President Biden Tests Positive for Covid-19

White House says the 79-year-old president has mild symptoms and will continue to carry out all of his duties fully President Biden tested positive for Covid-19, as the oldest president in U.S. history was confronted with the latest wave of a pandemic he has sought to move beyond. The White House said Thursday the president, 79, has very mild symptoms and has begun taking Paxlovid. He will isolate at the White House and continue to carry out all of his duties fully during that time. Dr. Kevin O’Connor, Mr. Biden’s physician, wrote in a letter released by the White House that the president was experiencing a runny nose and fatigue “with an occasional dry cough,” which began Wednesday evening. “The President is fully vaccinated and twice-boosted, so I anticipate that he will respond favorably, as most maximally protected patients do,” Dr. O’Connor wrote. First lady Jill Biden told reporters in Michigan that she had spoken to her husband earlier in the day. “He’s doing fine, he’s feeling good,” she said. Dr. Biden said she had tested negative earlier in the day and would stick to her schedule and remain masked per CDC guidelines. Vice President Kamala Harris also tested negative for Covid-19 Thursday, according to a White House official. The official said she was last with Mr. Biden on Tuesday and would continue with her schedule, which included a visit to Charlotte, N.C., as planned. New York Times and The Economist News Combo 3-Year Digital Subscription $69 Mr. Biden, who last tested negative on Tuesday, according to the White House, has been in touch with members of the White House staff and will participate in his meetings by phone and Zoom from the residence. He will work in isolation until he tests negative. A White House official said Mr. Biden’s planned trip to Pennsylvania on Thursday had been postponed. The White House said press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre would brief reporters later in the day and would be joined by Dr. Ashish Jha, the administration’s Covid-19 response coordinator. The president tweeted Thursday, “Folks, I’m doing great. Thanks for your concern,” and noted that he had spoken to a group of Pennsylvania officials, including Sen. Bob Casey, “to send my regrets for missing our event today. Keeping busy!” A photo accompanying the tweet showed Mr. Biden, wearing a blue blazer and an open-collared dress shirt, seated at a desk in the Treaty Room of the White House residence. Mr. Biden is the oldest person in U.S. history to assume the presidency. He is fully vaccinated and has also received two booster shots, most recently in late March, precautions that generally reduce the severity of illness. Economist News | The Economist Digital Save 70% Off Aides have said Mr. Biden plans to run for a second term in 2024. Polls have shown a majority of voters don’t want him to run, with many citing his age as a key factor. Mr. Biden greeted supporters unmasked during an outdoor appearance in Somerset, Mass., on Wednesday, and traveled with members of Massachusetts’ Democratic delegation, including Sens. Elizabeth Warren and Edward Markey. Ms. Warren, who tested positive for Covid-19 in late 2021, is following CDC guidance as a close contact, a Warren spokesman said. Mr. Markey was testing Thursday morning and would remain masked and socially distanced per public health guidelines, his spokeswoman said. A spokesman for Rep. Jake Auchincloss (D., Mass.), who also traveled with the president to the event, said he tested negative Thursday morning. The president traveled to the Middle East last week, shaking hands with officials in Israel and Saudi Arabia, including the kingdom’s 86-year-old leader, and hugging Holocaust survivors in Jerusalem. After he returned to the White House, he remained mostly in private meetings Monday and Tuesday but did greet Ukraine’s first lady Olena Zelenska, presenting her with flowers during her outdoor arrival. Wall Street Journal Newspaper | WSJ Newspaper | WSJ Print Save 30% Off In recent weeks, Mr. Biden has spent more time unmasked in large groups. White House officials acknowledged that the events posed risks, but they argued that it was important for Mr. Biden to project a sense of semi-normalcy as many Americans are opting to leave their homes, return to work and socialize with friends. Officials said they are following Centers for Disease Control and Prevention guidance. The president is tested for Covid-19 regularly, and people who come into contact with Mr. Biden also undergo testing, according to the White House. Ms. Harris previously tested positive for Covid-19, as have several administration officials, including second gentleman Doug Emhoff, Secretary of State Antony Blinken, Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg and Ms. Jean-Pierre. Lower-level White House officials have also contracted the virus, people familiar with the matter said, as people around Washington increasingly participate in indoor social gatherings. Mr. Biden has made combating the pandemic a central priority. He has encouraged the public to follow public health guidelines and he has warned that unvaccinated Americans are at greater risk of hospitalization and death from the virus. More than two years into the pandemic, the president has sought to take steps toward helping Americans return to normal. He has called for keeping schools and businesses open, while encouraging the public to remain vigilant. Mr. Biden, asked Wednesday by reporters about an uptick in Covid-19 cases, urged the public to get vaccinated. “It’s not in their interest or the public’s interest not to get vaccinated. We have the capacity to control it. They should get vaccinated now,” Mr. Biden said after Air Force One landed at Joint Base Andrews. The New York Times and Financial Times Digital Subscription Combo 77% OFF Mr. Biden received both doses of the vaccine developed by Pfizer Inc. and BioNTech SE on camera before his inauguration last January. The president received a Pfizer/BioNTech booster shot on Sept. 27, 2021, days after the Food and Drug Administration cleared the booster for people 65 and older. He received a second booster shot on March 30. During his presidential campaign, Mr. Biden spent weeks at his Delaware home and limited his interactions with voters after resuming in-person campaigning in the summer. He was tested frequently for the virus, a practice that continued once he entered the White House. In recent months, Mr. Biden has traveled regularly throughout the country and around the world, and has often appeared maskless at events. He returned from his four-day trip to the Middle East on Saturday, and traveled to Europe and Asia earlier this year. Former President Donald Trump contracted the Covid-19 virus while in office in October 2020, before vaccines were available. He received treatment, including monoclonal antibodies, at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center. President Trump received a Covid-19 vaccination before leaving the White House. He initially said he was unlikely to get a booster shot, but he later revealed he had received one. Several other world leaders have contracted the virus since the pandemic began, including British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, French President Emmanuel Macron and Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro. Read the full article
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Sunday, February 27, 2022
CDC: Many healthy Americans can take a break from masks (AP) Most Americans live in places where healthy people, including students in schools, can safely take a break from wearing masks under new U.S. guidelines released Friday. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention outlined the new set of measures for communities where COVID-19 is easing its grip, with less of a focus on positive test results and more on what’s happening at hospitals. The new system greatly changes the look of the CDC’s risk map and puts more than 70% of the U.S. population in counties where the coronavirus is posing a low or medium threat to hospitals. Those are the people who can stop wearing masks, the agency said. The agency is still advising people, including schoolchildren, to wear masks where the risk of COVID-19 is high. That’s the situation in about 37% of U.S. counties, where about 28% of Americans live.
Supreme Court Pick (1440) President Joe Biden has nominated Ketanji Brown Jackson to serve on the Supreme Court, the White House announced yesterday. If confirmed, Jackson would replace retiring Justice Stephen Breyer, 83, and become the first Black female justice in the court’s history. Jackson, 51, is currently a judge for the US Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia. Only a simple majority vote is needed in the Senate to confirm Jackson to the Supreme Court, with Vice President Kamala Harris also casting a vote in the event of a tie in the 50-50 split Senate.
Russia hits Ukraine fuel supplies, airfields in new attacks (AP) Russia unleashed a wave of attacks on Ukraine targeting airfields and fuel facilities in what appeared to be the next phase of an invasion that has been slowed by fierce resistance. The U.S. and EU responded with weapons and ammunition for the outnumbered Ukrainians and powerful sanctions intended to further isolate Moscow. Huge explosions lit up the sky early Sunday south of the capital, Kyiv, where people hunkered down in homes, underground garages and subway stations in anticipation of a full-scale assault by Russian forces. Earlier, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky was asked to evacuate from Kyiv at the behest of the US government but turned down the offer. “The fight is here; I need ammunition, not a ride,” Zelensky said, according to a senior American intelligence official with direct knowledge of the conversation, who described the leader as upbeat. Terrified men, women and children sought safety inside and underground, and the government maintained a 39-hour curfew to keep people off the streets. More than 150,000 Ukrainians fled for Poland, Moldova and other neighboring countries, and the United Nations warned the number could grow to 4 million if fighting escalates.
At the Polish Border, Tens of Thousands of Ukrainian Refugees (NYT) Cradling her 3-year-old son, who was gravely ill with cancer, the 25-year-old Ukrainian mother staggered into Poland on Friday. She was now safe from the bombs and rockets unleashed by President Vladimir V. Putin but despondent at being separated from her husband by a Ukrainian order that all able-bodied men stay behind to resist the Russians. More than 50,000 Ukrainians have fled the country so far, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, Filippo Grandi, said on Friday, and the agency believes as many as 100,000 have been displaced. Poland’s border service said that 29,000 people had arrived from Ukraine on Thursday, and many more on Friday, leading to waits of more than 12 hours at some crossing points. More than 26,000 have fled Ukraine into Moldova, and a further 10,000 into Romania.
Russia’s Ukraine Invasion Chokes Food Exports From a Global Breadbasket (WSJ) Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has throttled exports from one of the world’s largest grain suppliers after the country’s ports went quiet and traders halted operations. At stake is the 13% of global corn exports and the 12% of wheat that flow from Ukraine. In threatening those flows Moscow risks disrupting supplies to China while setting off a scramble among customers in fragile Middle Eastern economies at a time when food inflation is already high. Prices for wheat jumped to their highest levels in 12 years, adding to pressure on global food inflation.
NATO leaders agree to bolster eastern forces after invasion (AP) U.S. President Joe Biden and his NATO counterparts agreed Friday to send thousands of troops, backed by air and naval support, to protect allies near Russia and Ukraine in response to President Vladimir Putin’s decision to invade. Speaking after chairing a NATO summit, Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said the 30-nation organization will send parts of the NATO Response Force and elements of a quickly deployable spearhead unit to the alliance’s eastern flank. It’s the first time the force has been used to defend NATO allies. Stoltenberg did not say how many troops would be sent or where they might go, but he did confirm that the move would involve land, sea and air power.
Germany says it's sending anti-tank weapons, stinger missiles to Ukraine (The Hill) German Chancellor Olaf Scholz announced Saturday that his country would send anti-tank weapons and stinger missiles to Ukraine, marking a major shift in policy for the richest country in the European Union. The German leader said that the Russian invasion of the former Soviet state marked a "turning point." "The Russian invasion marks a turning point. It is our duty to support Ukraine to the best of our ability in defending against Putin's invading army. That is why we are delivering 1000 anti-tank weapons and 500 #Stinger missiles to our friends in #Ukraine," Scholz tweeted. The country will also lift its ban on nations exporting German-made weapons, allowing 400 rocket-propelled grenade launchers to be sent to Ukraine from the Netherlands, according to Axios.
Russia threatens ‘military and political consequences’ if Finland, Sweden try joining NATO (The Hill) Russia threatened “military and political consequences” against Finland and Sweden on Friday if they attempted to join NATO. Russian foreign ministry spokesperson Maria Zakharova warned against other countries attempting to join NATO after Russia started a war with Ukraine Thursday. “Finland and Sweden should not base their security on damaging the security of other countries and their accession to NATO can have detrimental consequences and face some military and political consequences,” Zakharova said in a viral clip of a press conference. Finland and Sweden have given significant military and humanitarian support to Ukraine since Russia invaded. One pretext Russia has given for attacking Ukraine is that NATO would not give any assurance that Ukraine would not be allowed to join the intergovernmental military alliance.
India avoids condemning Russian invasion of Ukraine (Washington Post) Since Russian President Vladimir Putin unleashed a large-scale attack against Ukraine on Thursday, the Biden administration has sought to rally allies and partners to condemn Russian aggression and join in trade and financial sanctions. One country that has conspicuously rebuffed Biden’s appeals is India, a rising Asian power that relies on Moscow for almost all its advanced weapons. For years, India has juggled its close relations with Russia—an enduring legacy of the Cold War—with its fast-growing ties with the United States, which has envisioned India as a crucial partner in its long-term strategy to counter China’s rise. While Japan, Australia and the United States all unveiled new export bans against Russia on Thursday and Friday, India—the fourth leg of the grouping known as the Quad—demurred, highlighting a glaring fissure in one of the key American partnerships that Biden has pledged to repair and strengthen.
China turning inward (NYT) The miracle of modern China was built on global connections, a belief that sending young people, companies and future leaders to soak up the outside world was the route from impoverishment to power. Now, emboldened by its transformation, the country is shunning the influences and ideas that nourished its rise. The country’s most dominant leader in decades, Xi Jinping, seems intent on redefining China’s relationship with the world, recasting the meeting of minds and cultures as a zero-sum clash. Education officials are imposing restrictions on English education and requiring that scholars ask permission to attend even virtual international conferences. Regulators have punished Chinese companies for raising money overseas. Mr. Xi has exhorted artists to embrace “cultural confidence” by promoting traditional Chinese literature and art, and has warned against imitating Hollywood. And the government, citing the coronavirus pandemic, is no longer freely issuing most passports, the physical symbol of an interconnected world. Borders are almost entirely shut.
Vaccine profits—and conflicts (WSJ) $79 billion—Last year’s minimum combined global sales racked up by companies, including Pfizer and Moderna, that developed effective Covid-19 vaccines and treatments, according to a Wall Street Journal review of recent earnings reports. / 19%—The share of Americans who say disagreements over vaccinations have caused major conflict in their families, according to a Public Religion Research Institute and Interfaith Youth Core survey. Relatives also have bickered about masks and Covid-19 tests.
Baby boomers are moving in together to save money (Washington Post) Jodi Raffa has been searching for a roommate for over a year. Her husband passed away five years ago, and compounding her loss was a 75 percent reduction in her household income. Faced with escalating home prices and rents in tight housing markets, as well as careers or earnings curtailed by age or the pandemic, some boomers are looking to share their homes. Enter the boommates. “With the boomers aging, you see higher and higher numbers in shared housing,” said Rodney Harrell, vice president of family, home and community at AARP, pointing out that boomers are more open than previous generations to trying alternative solutions to the traditional aging trajectory. As boomers live longer and retire without the financial safety net of employer-sponsored pensions, covering the rising costs of food, housing and insurance become major considerations. Linda Hoffman, founder of the New York Foundation for Senior Citizens, which runs a home-sharing program, noted an increasing number of applications as finances become more of a stressor. “When we started the home-sharing program in 1981, relieving feelings of isolation and loneliness was the primary need,” Hoffman said. “Now, an affordable place to live is the number one need.”
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Who Are The Two Republicans Running For President
New Post has been published on https://www.patriotsnet.com/who-are-the-two-republicans-running-for-president/
Who Are The Two Republicans Running For President

: Andrew Jackson Vs Henry Clay Vs William Wirt
Two Republicans, Nine Thousand Democrats Running for President
Democratic-Republican Andrew Jackson was reelected in 1832 with 688,242 popular votes to 473,462 for National-Republican Henry Clay and 101,051 for Anti-Masonic candidate William Wirt. Jackson easily carried the Electoral College with 219 votes. Clay received only 49, and Wirt won the seven votes of Vermont. Martin Van Buren won the vice presidency with 189 votes against 97 for various other candidates.
The spoils system of political patronage, the tariff, and federal funding of internal improvements were major issues, but the most important was Jacksons veto of the rechartering of the Bank of the United States. National-Republicans attacked the veto, arguing that the Bank was needed to maintain a stable currency and economy. King Andrews veto, they asserted, was an abuse of executive power. In defense of Jacksons veto, Democratic-Republicans labeled the Bank an aristocratic institutiona monster. Suspicious of banking and of paper money, Jacksonians opposed the Bank for giving special privileges to private investors at government expense and charged that it fostered British control of the American economy.
The Anti-Masons convened the first national presidential nominating convention in Baltimore on September 26, 1831. The other parties soon followed suit, and the convention replaced the discredited caucus system of nomination.
: Benjamin Harrison Vs Grover Cleveland
In 1888 the Democratic Party nominated President Grover Cleveland and chose Allen G. Thurman of Ohio as his running mate, replacing Vice President Thomas Hendricks who had died in office.
After eight ballots, the Republican Party chose Benjamin Harrison, former senator from Indiana and the grandson of President William Henry Harrison. Levi P. Morton of New York was the vice-presidential nominee.
In the popular vote for president, Cleveland won with 5,540,050 votes to Harrisons 5,444,337. But Harrison received more votes in the Electoral College, 233 to Clevelands 168, and was therefore elected. The Republicans carried New York, President Clevelands political base.
The campaign of 1888 helped establish the Republicans as the party of high tariffs, which most Democrats, heavily supported by southern farmers, opposed. But memories of the Civil War also figured heavily in the election.
Northern veterans, organized in the Grand Army of the Republic, had been angered by Clevelands veto of pension legislation and his decision to return Confederate battle flags..
Two Republicans One Backed By Trump Head To Runoff In Texas Special Congressional Election
A plane flies across the sky beside the U.S. Capitol dome in Washington, U.S., January 15, 2020. REUTERS/Tom Brenner/File Photo
WASHINGTON, May 2 – A Texas Republican backed by former President Donald Trump has advanced to a runoff election to fill a U.S. House of Representatives vacancy left by the death of her husband, while Democrats were shut out of the contest.
Susan Wright, whose husband Ron Wright in February became the first sitting member of Congress to die of COVID-19, was the top vote-getter on Saturday in a crowded field of 23 candidates vying to represent the state’s 6th Congressional District. read more
Wright was headed to a runoff against another Republican in the Dallas-Fort Worth suburbs, a longtime Republican-held district.
Democrats had hoped to pick up the seat to expand their slim House majority. But they conceded Sunday they had missed the chance.
Wright received 19.2% of the vote, followed by former military fighter pilot Jake Ellzey, another Republican, who drew 13.8%, according to the Texas secretary of state’s office. Just 354 votes and less than half a percentage point separated Ellzey from Democrat Jana Lynne Sanchez, who was in third place with 13.4%.
“Democrats have come a long way toward competing in Texas, but we still have a long way to go,” Sanchez, the granddaughter of Mexican immigrants, said in a statement. “Two Republicans will be competing to represent this congressional district.”
Us Election 2020: Why Republicans Are Fighting In Georgia
The presidential election is over, and President-elect Joe Biden will be heading to the White House in January. But in Georgia, there are two more key political battles still under way.
All of the so-called battleground states have certified their results for the presidency, but next month, the outcomes of two critical US Senate races will determine the upper chamber’s balance of power.
Early voting began on Monday in the southern state for these 5 January run-off races that will shape Mr Biden’s first term.
Here’s what you need to know.
: James K Polk Vs Henry Clay Vs James Birney

The election of 1844 introduced expansion and slavery as important political issues and contributed to westward and southern growth and sectionalism. Southerners of both parties sought to annex Texas and expand slavery. Martin Van Buren angered southern Democrats by opposing annexation for that reason, and the Democratic convention cast aside the ex-president and front-runner for the first dark horse, Tennessees James K. Polk. After almost silently breaking with Van Buren over Texas, Pennsylvanias George M. Dallas was nominated for vice president to appease Van Burenites, and the party backed annexation and settling the Oregon boundary dispute with England. The abolitionist Liberty Party nominated Michigans James G. Birney. Trying to avoid controversy, the Whigs nominated anti-annexationist Henry Clay of Kentucky and Theodore Frelinghuysen of New Jersey. But, pressured by southerners, Clay endorsed annexation even though he was concerned it might cause war with Mexico and disunion, thereby losing support among antislavery Whigs.
Enough New Yorkers voted for Birney to throw 36 electoral votes and the election to Polk, who won the Electoral College 170-105 and a slim popular victory. John Tyler signed a joint congressional resolution admitting Texas, but Polk pursued Oregon and then northern Mexico in the Mexican-American War, aggravating tension over slavery and sectional balance and leading to the Compromise of 1850.
Us Ambassador To The United Nations
For more information on Haley’s tenure as U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, please visit: Nikki Haley .
President Donald Trump announced Haley as his nominee for U.N. ambassador on November 23, 2016. On January 24, 2017, the Senate voted 96-4 to confirm Haley as U.S. ambassador to the U.N. Sens. Bernie Sanders , Chris Coons , Tom Udall , and Martin Heinrich were the only senators to vote against her confirmation.
On October 9, 2018, Haley announced that she would resign from the position at the end of the year to take a break from public service. She formally resigned on December 31, 2018.
Whos Running In Georgias Us Senate Election Runoffs
Georgia will hold two special elections Jan. 5, with the results ultimately determining which party will control the U.S. Senate.
In the southeastern state of Georgia, a political candidate in a primary or general election must earn more than 50% of the votes. If no one in the race meets that threshold, the top two vote-getters enter into a runoff election.
One runoff race features incumbent Sen. David Perdue, a Republican who received 49.7% of the vote on Nov. 3, and Democratic challenger Jon Ossoff, who received 47.9%.
The other runoff race is for a seat vacated by retiring Republican Sen. Johnny Isakson. Sen. Kelly Loeffler, a Republican who received 25.9% of the vote on Nov. 3, will face the Rev. Raphael Warnock, a Democrat who received 32.9%.
Republicans need to win just one of the elections to retain control of the U.S. Senate. Democrats need to win both seats to force a 50-50 Senate. Vice President-elect Kamala Harris would then be needed to cast tie-breaking votes when needed.
Here is a look at the candidates:
Kelly Loeffler
David Perdue
Jon Ossoff
Raphael Warnock
: Ronald Reagan Vs Jimmy Carter Vs John B Anderson
In 1980 President Jimmy Carter was opposed for the Democratic nomination by Senator Edward Kennedy of Massachusetts in ten primaries. But Carter easily won the nomination at the Democratic convention. The party also renominated Walter Mondale for vice president.
Ronald Reagan, former governor of California, received the Republican nomination, and his chief challenger, George Bush, became the vice-presidential nominee. Representative John B. Anderson of Illinois, who had also sought the nomination, ran as an independent with Patrick J. Lucey, former Democratic governor of Wisconsin, as his running mate.
The two major issues of the campaign were the economy and the Iran Hostage Crisis. President Carter seemed unable to control inflation and had not succeeded in obtaining the release of American hostages in Tehran before the election.
Reagan won a landslide victory, and Republicans also gained control of the Senate for the first time in twenty-five years. Reagan received 43,904,153 popular votes in the election, and Carter, 35,483,883. Reagan won 489 votes in the Electoral College to Carters 49. John Anderson won no electoral votes, but got 5,720,060 popular votes.
: William Henry Harrison Vs Martin Van Buren
Trump Campaign Running Two Candidates For President In Wisconsin | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC
Aware that Van Burens problems gave them a good chance for victory, the Whigs rejected the candidacy of Henry Clay, their most prominent leader, because of his support for the unpopular Second Bank of the United States. Instead, stealing a page from the Democratic emphasis on Andrew Jacksons military exploits, they chose William Henry Harrison, a hero of early Indian wars and the War of 1812. The Whig vice-presidential nominee was John Tyler, a onetime Democrat who had broken with Jackson over his veto of the bill rechartering the Second Bank.
Studiously avoiding divisive issues like the Bank and internal improvements, the Whigs depicted Harrison as living in a log cabin and drinking hard cider. They used slogans like Tippecanoe and Tyler too, and Van, Van, Van/Van is a used-up man, to stir voters. Harrison won by a popular vote of 1,275,612 to 1,130,033, and an electoral margin of 234 to 60. But the victory proved to be a hollow one because Harrison died one month after his inauguration. Tyler, his successor, would not accept Whig economic doctrine, and the change in presidential politics had little effect on presidential policy.
: Thomas Jefferson Vs John Adams
The significance of the 1800 election lay in the fact that it entailed the first peaceful transfer of power between parties under the U.S. Constitution. Republican Thomas Jefferson succeeded Federalist John Adams. This peaceful transfer occurred despite defects in the Constitution that caused a breakdown of the electoral system.
During the campaign, Federalists attacked Jefferson as an un-Christian deist, tainted by his sympathy for the increasingly bloody French Revolution. Republicans criticized the Adams administrations foreign, defense and internal security policies; opposed the Federalist naval buildup and the creation of a standing army under Alexander Hamilton; sounded a call for freedom of speech, Republican editors having been targeted for prosecution under the Alien and Sedition Acts and denounced deficit spending by the federal government as a backhanded method of taxation without representation.
Although the Republicans in the same election had won a decisive majority of 65 to 39 in the House, election of the president fell to the outgoing House, which had a Federalist majority. But despite this majority, two state delegations split evenly, leading to another deadlock between Burr and Jefferson.
: George Washington Unopposed
George Washington was the first president of the United States.
The first presidential election was held on the first Wednesday of January in 1789. No one contested the election of George Washington, but he remained reluctant to run until the last minute, in part because he believed seeking the office would be dishonorable. Only when Alexander Hamilton and others convinced him that it would be dishonorable to refuse did he agree to run.
The Constitution allowed each state to decide how to choose its presidential electors. In 1789, only Pennsylvania and Maryland held elections for this purpose; elsewhere, the state legislatures chose the electors. This method caused some problems in New York, which was so divided between Federalists who supported the new Constitution and Antifederalists who opposed it that the legislature failed to choose either presidential electors or U.S. senators.
Before the adoption of the Twelfth Amendment, there was no separate ballot for president and vice president. Each elector cast two votes for president. The candidate with the largest number of electoral votes won the presidency, and the runner-up became vice president.
‘americans Will See The Current Two Options Are Not The Choice’
Jade Simmons is a multi-hyphenated woman. A former beauty queen, professional concert pianist, motivational speaker, rapper, mother, and ordained pastor.
As she puts it, she is an unconventional candidate, “but these are unconventional times”.
“This seemed to me to be a time when we couldn’t afford to do business as usual,” she says. “I’m the daughter of a civil rights activist, and the way my father raised me was that if you see voids, if you see injustices, you need to ask yourself if that might be you that needs to be leaning in.”
She says her goal is to create equal access to opportunity, through economic, educational and criminal justice reform. And in that spirit, she’s aiming to run “the least expensive campaign in the history of our nation”.
“We think it’s abominable that it costs now almost a billion dollars to run for president when the qualifications are that you are 35 years old, a US-born resident, and have lived here 14 years,” says Ms Simmons. “We’d rather spend that money on helping people.”
Full coverage of the US election
While the Republican and Democratic nominees will be on the ballot in all states, independents must meet an array of state deadlines and access requirements.
“I know it sounds wild, given the history of independents! We believe that if we stay standing long enough, there’s still some more disruption coming in – that most Americans are going to see that the current two options are not the choice.
: Franklin D Roosevelt Vs Alfred M Landon

In 1936 the Democratic Party nominated President Franklin D. Roosevelt and Vice President John Nance Garner. The Republican Party, strongly opposed to the New Deal and big government, chose Governor Alfred M. Landon of Kansas and Fred Knox of Illinois.
The 1936 presidential campaign focused on class to an unusual extent for American politics. Conservative Democrats such as Alfred E. Smith supported Landon. Eighty percent of newspapers endorsed the Republicans, accusing Roosevelt of imposing a centralized economy. Most businesspeople charged the New Deal with trying to destroy American individualism and threatening the nations liberty. But Roosevelt appealed to a coalition of western and southern farmers, industrial workers, urban ethnic voters, and reform-minded intellectuals. African-American voters, historically Republican, switched to FDR in record numbers.
In a referendum on the emerging welfare state, the Democratic Party won in a landslide27,751,612 popular votes for FDR to only 16,681,913 for Landon. The Republicans carried two statesMaine and Vermontwith eight electoral votes; Roosevelt received the remaining 523. The unprecedented success of FDR in 1936 marked the beginning of a long period of Democratic Party dominance.
: Donald J Trump Vs Hillary R Clinton
The 2016 election was unconventional in its level of divisiveness. Former first lady, New York Senator and Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton became the first woman to be nominated by a major party in a U.S. presidential election. Donald Trump, a New York real estate baron and reality TV star, was quick to mock fellow Republicans running for the nomination as well as his democratic opponent.
In what many political analysts considered a stunning upset, Trump, with his populist, nationalist campaign, lost the popular vote, but won the Electoral College, becoming the nation’s 45th president.
Popular Vote: 65,853,516 to 62,984,825 . Electoral College: 306 to 232 .
Former Un Ambassador Nikki Haley
Haley gets a lot of buzz, and she has been actively courting attention since leaving the Trump administration almost two years ago. Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump even considered pulling her in last summer to replace Vice President Mike Pence on the 2020 ticket to help with Trump’s ailing numbers among women a move the husband-wife White House duo fervently denied.)
Haley moves up a notch based on consistent exposure since June, a prime speaking slot at the Republican National Convention on Monday night, and a strong showing of 11 percent support in the most-recent 2024 poll.
The former South Carolina governor can stake claim to being popular among the world of Washington pundits and professional political types, many of whom were interviewed for this story and spoke very highly of her. But she has also been dinged by some operatives as more of a media creation than a serious contender for 2024.
“Leaving the job was hard, but putting family first was more important. And I think now it’s about taking it a year at a time,” she said earlier this year during a meeting of the Federalist Society.
Abortion Rights Drinking Age Drugs And More
At present, Weld is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations. Self-described as strongly pro-choice when it comes to abortion rights, he is also said to believe that drug use should not be considered a criminal offense. He feels the drinking age should be lowered but has not stated at what age it should be set.
When it comes to matters of the military, Weld also draws a conservative line. He feels that America should withdraw its troops from foreign engagements and that the countrys efforts and resources should be refocused on domestic issues, in order to prosper. According to Aljhazeera.com, Weld previously supported bans on assault weapons in the US.
Democrat Jon Ossoff Declares Victory In Georgia Senate Runoff Election
Could compromise be on the way for 2 Republicans running for Senate seat?
Democrat Jon Ossoff declared victory over Georgia Republican David Perdue in a Wednesday morning speech to supporters in Atlanta, calling for unity to defeat the COVID-19 pandemic. No major news outlet has projected a win for the Democrat yet.
It is with humility that I thank the people of Georgia for electing me to serve you in the United States Senate,” Ossoff said.
Raphael Warnock is the projected winner in Georgia’s other Senate runoff race last night, meaning that if Ossoff’s win becomes official, Democrats will begin President-elect Bidens administration with control of both the House and Senate.
Ossoff currently leads Perdue by about 16,000 votes.
Perdue has not conceded the race. In a statement released last night, the campaign said they believed Perdue would still be victorious in the end.
Nicholas Wu
Wild Card: Donald Trump
Don’t forget the Grover Cleveland scenario.
Should Trump lose in November he’d likely dominate the political spotlight until he lets it go. And that has Republicans contemplating the fallout as an ex-president Trump gets peppered with questions about trying to join Cleveland in the history books by running again in 2024 with an aim of serving non-consecutive terms as president.
“At the very least, he’ll threaten to and f— with the field to get attention,” said one Republican strategist.
A former senior Trump White House aide predicted Trump if booted from office would taunt Biden daily while toying with the notion of getting back into politics, especially if the 2020 race ended with controversy. “It’d be day by day,” the person said. “It’s not in his DNA to lose. He’d want to be vindicated.”
Other people close to the president doubt he’d run again. “I think he walks away from it and that’s kind of that,” said Paul Winfree, a former White House deputy chief of staff on policy.
What Is A Voter
The Top Two Candidates Open Primary Act, which took effect January 1, 2011, created “voter-nominated” offices. The Top Two Candidates Open Primary Act does not apply to candidates running for U.S. President, county central committees, or local offices.
Most of the offices that were previously known as “partisan” are now known as “voter-nominated” offices. Voter-nominated offices are state constitutional offices, state legislative offices, and U.S. congressional offices. The only “partisan offices” now are the offices of U.S. President and county central committee.
Reasons Why So Many Republicans Are Running For President
The GOP presidential field for 2016 may be the largest-ever in either party, with eight formally-declared candidates and another eight widely expected to enter the race in the next few months. Here are seven reasons why there are so many Republicans seeking the White House:
1. The Fame Game
To put it simply, running for president can make a person famous, rich, deeply influential or all three, even if they lose. Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee was a serious candidate during his 2008 run, winning eight states. It’s unlikely he entered the race simply to gain fame.
But his unsuccessful campaign helped him get a show on Fox News. It’s hard to imagine he would have received such an opportunity without having run for president and become a favorite of the most conservative Republicans.
Read more from NBC News:Indictment taints former speaker Dennis Hastert’s reputation
After his unsuccessful campaign in 2012, Rick Santorum was tapped to run a company that makes Christian-themed movies. Herman Cain was a virtually unknown former businessman who is now popular among conservative activists after his campaign four years ago.
Sarah Palin didn’t actually run for president, but she’s perhaps the perfect example of how a national campaign can change a politician’s life. Her vice-presidential run turned into a book deal, a tv show and both fame and money that she never could have achieved as governor of Alaska.
Read More Ex-House Speaker Dennis Hastert indicted on federal charges
: Grover Cleveland Vs Benjamin Harrison Vs James B Weaver

The Republican party in 1892 nominated President Benjamin Harrison and replaced Vice President Levi P. Morton with Whitelaw Reid of New York. The Democrats also selected the familiar: former president Grover Cleveland and Adlai E. Stevenson of Illinois. The Populist, or Peoples party, fielding candidates for the first time, nominated Gen. James B. Weaver of Iowa and James G. Field of Virginia.
The main difference between the Republicans and the Democrats in 1892 was their position on the tariff. The Republicans supported ever-increasing rates, whereas a substantial wing of the Democratic party pushed through a platform plank that demanded import taxes for revenue only. The Populists called for government ownership of the railroads and monetary reform, confronting these issues in a way the two major parties did not.
Cleveland, avenging his defeat of 1888, won the presidency, receiving 5,554,414 popular votes to Harrisons 5,190,801. Weaver and the Populists received 1,027,329. In the electoral college Cleveland, carrying the swing states of New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, and Indiana, garnered 277 votes to Harrisons 145.
Withdrew Before The Primaries
The following individuals participated in at least one authorized presidential debate but withdrew from the race before the Iowa caucuses on February 1, 2016. They are listed in order of exit, starting with the most recent.
The following notable individuals filed as candidates with FEC by November 2015.
Additionally, Peter Messina was on the ballot in Louisiana, New Hampshire, and Idaho.Tim Cook was on the ballot in Louisiana, New Hampshire and Arizona. Walter Iwachiw was on the ballot in Florida and New Hampshire.
What Makes The 2024 Presidential Election Unique
The lead up to the 2024 presidential election is different from past years because of former President Donald Trump. Hes eligible to run for a second term, and has publicly toyed with the idea while also weighing in on other Republicans he thinks could be the future of the party. If Trump does run in 2024, hed start out with unparalleled name ID and massive support, but if he doesnt, the field could be wide open for other Republicans hoping to win over his supporters. President Joe Biden said recently he expects to run for reelection in 2024.
Golden Trump statue at CPAC 2021 was no graven image, according to the artist
This early on, wannabe candidates must raise their profiles, show their commitment to the party, and raise money, one Republican strategist said, to get on peoples radars even when your candidacy is in a holding pattern.
Some of the most visible 2024 presidential candidates will surely flame out long before the Iowa caucus, and theres always the chance that the next Republican nominee isnt yet considered a serious player . Theres a million and one things that will happen between now and then that will shape the race in ways we cant now predict, but the invisible primary that comes before any votes are cast has started.
Heres your very early guide to some of 2024s Republican presidential candidates, based on early polling, interviews with Republican donors and strategists and results from online political betting markets.
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Welcome to October 7th.
(cough cough)
Where we are today:
After spending the weekend at Walter Reed Medical Center for treatment of his COVID-19 infection, President Donald Trump returned to the White House yesterday afternoon, where he is expected to continue treatment under quarantine.
The slim hopes there were that Trump would calm down and take his current situation seriously--and yeah, I know, but some people are just born suckers--were exploded yesterday when Trump's first full day out of the hospital was highlighted by an almost incoherent tweet storm, followed by a declaration out of nowhere that long-stalled talks over a second stimulus package were dead until after the election, and everyone had been instructed to dedicate their undivided attention to the Supreme Court nomination. The response was instantaneous: one spur-of-the-moment tweet shaved 600 points off the stock market before closing.
He walked back the stance slightly later on, saying he'd be willing to sign off on just the personal stimulus checks, part of a piecemeal approach that Democrats have repeatedly said was a nonstarter. For those who were depending on extended unemployment relief or waiting for a federal lifeline for their small businesses (or even larger ones, in the case of the airlines), the message from Trump and his party, with 27 days until the election, is what it's been all summer: Help isn't on the way. You're on your own. Please suffer quietly while we play confirmation games in the Senate.
The above would appear to demonstrate that the President’s emotional state is even more unhinged than usual, and the speculation (not to mention a certain style of headline) has been zeroing in on the manic episodes that are a known side-effect of the steroid treatment Trump has been taking. The impression is that there’s still a lot that’s being kept from us, and the main thing the West Wing has been open about since the President’s diagnosis is that they have no intention of being open about anything related to the current state of affairs.
Physician to the President Dr. Sean Conley maintains that Trump’s recovery is continuing in a positive direction, but the memorandum begins with the one line that has been casting a long shadow over any hope of honesty:
“I release the following information with the permission of President Donald J. Trump.”
In 2015, Trump’s personal physician Dr. Harold Bornstein released a hyperbole-laden assessment of the then-candidate’s health status: “If elected, Mr. Trump, I can state unequivocally, will be the healthiest individual ever elected to the presidency." Like Conley’s status report, there we no real negatives. The main difference was that Borstein’s letter sounded a lot like a Trump-penned press release.
Borstein later revealed there was a reason that letter sounded so Trumpian. "He dictated that whole letter. I didn't write that letter."
Folks, this could be some hard-earned paranoia talking, since there’s no major reason to assume that a Borstein level of hijacking is happening with Conley, apart from his Walter Reed declaration that he was intentionally skewing towards optimism over the weekend while dodging (and sometimes backtracking on) a lot of key questions. But if some of us feel like we smell a rat in a sunshine-and-rainbows status report, it’s because that rat was caught in this particular corn crib once before.
HIPAA rules entitle every American citizen to a certain expectation of privacy when it comes to medical records. If you want to allow even another member of your family to be able to talk about your condition with your doctors, you have to sign off specific names. That means the onus of allowing transparency in the case of Donald J. Trump, a man whose health (for better or for worse) has international implications, falls on the full consent of Donald J. Trump himself. But since Borstein’s revelation came days after members of the Trump Organization seized his Trump-related medical records in what he characterized as a “raid” on his office, it’s safe to assume that’s not going to happen....not until it’s too late, anyway.
The Trump/Pence team continues to openly mock the medically-recommended safety measures that, had they been applied consistently, would've kept the President out of the hospital. Trump is still making the claim that COVID-19 is no worse than the flu, which by any metric is demonstrably false and highly dangerous, while Pence and his team made a last-minute attempt yesterday to flex on the previously agreed-to plexiglas guards in front of the podiums. His debate with Kamala Harris is scheduled for tonight.
Since Trump loves Citizen Kane, while not necessarily understanding that Kane isn't the hero of the movie, let's end this wall of words with a quote that he probably hasn't figured out yet either.
“You're the greatest fool I've ever known, Kane. If it was anybody else, I'd say what's going to happen to you would be a lesson to you. Only you're going to need more than one lesson. And you're going to get more than one lesson.”
Will Trump's next lesson come from the disease or the electorate? Either way, we're in for a long, dark October. Stay warm, everybody.
First Lady Melania Trump, who did not join her husband at Walter Reed, continues to rest at the White House during her recovery.
Other confirmed positives for COVID-19:
(This is not intended to be a complete list, and is based on news reports concerning those who are known to have been in contact with other infected individuals in connection with recent events. Status changes and additions since yesterday’s megapost will be listed in bold. Updated throughout the day as new information becomes available from the CNN, NBC News, and CBS News live update pages, supplemented by other sources.)
White House
Hope Hicks: Began showing symptoms on Wednesday, tested positive on Thursday morning. Was not in attendance at Judge Amy Coney Barrett’s nomination event on September 26th.
Nicholas Luna, personal assistant to the President: Luna is a “body man”, whose duties require him to be in close proximity to the President at all times.
Kayleigh McEnany, White House press secretary: She was not aware of the Hicks diagnosis when she addressed the press on Thursday.
Stephen Miller, Senior Advisor to the President: Was already working remotely and self-isolating, announced positive test on Monday. His wife, Katie Miller, is Vice President Pence’s director of communications, had coronavirus several months ago.
Chad Gilmartin and Karoline Leavitt, members of Kayleigh McEnany’s staff.
Assistant White House press secretary Jalen Drummond: Another McEnany staffer who tested positive Monday morning
Unidentified staffer: Military personnel directly assigned to support the President in the Oval Office and residence, diagnosed over the weekend per CNN.
Three initially unidentified members of the White House press corps and an unidentified staffer who works with the media. Per the White House Correspondents’ Association president Zeke Miller: Individual #1 attended a Sunday briefing and tested positive on Friday after exhibiting symptoms on Thursday. Individual #2 (later confirmed to be Michael Shear of the New York Times) was part of the press pool which traveled to last Saturday’s Pennsylvania rally; also exhibited symptoms on Thursday and tested positive on Friday. Individual #3 was in the press pool for the Barrett Rose Garden event and also travelled with the press pool on Sunday. #3 exhibited symptoms on Wednesday and tested positive Friday afternoon. The press at the Barret event were confined in a crowded “penlike enclosure” behind the invited guests (per Washington Post).
Campaign personnel
Chris Christie: Attended the Barrett nomination event and was part of Trump debate prep. Christie, whose asthma puts him in a higher risk group, checked himself into Morristown Medical Center as a precautionary measure.
Kellyanne Conway: Attended the Barrett nomination event and was part of Trump debate prep. The initial news came in the form of a string of snarky Tiktok posts on Friday from her daughter Claudia, followed much later by a confirmation from Kellyanne herself.
RNC Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel: Isolating at home since September 26th, tested last Wednesday.
Bill Stepien, current Trump 2020 campaign manager: In the White House on Monday, in Cleveland for Tuesday’s presidential debate, traveled with Trump and Hicks aboard Air Force One afterwards.
US Congress
Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI): Per CNN: “Johnson was not at the Amy Coney Barrett ceremony because he was quarantining from a prior exposure, during which he twice tested negative for the virus, according to the spokesperson.” He was exposed ��shortly after” returning to Washington.
Sen. Mike Lee, (R-UT): Attended the Barrett nomination event.
Sen. Thom Tillis (R-NC): Attended the Barrett nomination event.
Admiral Charles Ray, Vice Commandant of the US Coast Guard: Recently attended several meetings with the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Nearly all the Joint Chiefs of Staff, including chairman General Mark Milley, are in precautionary quarantine.
Gen. Gary L. Thomas, assistant commandant of the US Marine Corps
University of Notre Dame President Rev. John I. Jenkins, CSC: Attended the Barrett nomination event. Jenkins was told that he didn’t need to wear a mask to the event after he and other guests tested negative at the White House.
Thirteen employees at Murray’s restaurant in Minneapolis: Catered a party attended by President Trump on September 30th, although none of them were in close proximity to the President.
Confirmed negatives:
(Because of the nature of COVID-19, this list is subject to change.)
Mike and Karen Pence: The Pences have been testing daily since the announcement of the Trumps’ diagnosis.
Secretary of State Mike Pompeo
Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin
Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner: Recently traveled with Hope Hicks
Barron Trump
Eric Trump: At debate.
Lara Trump: At debate.
Donald Trump Jr.: Flew on Air Force One to Cleveland debate, did not fly back.
Mark Meadows, White House chief of staff
Pat Cipollone, White House counsel
Dan Scavino, Deputy Chief of Staff for Communications and Director of Social Media
HHS Secretary Alex Azar
Attorney General Bill Barr
Defense Secretary Mark Esper
WH Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany
Justin Clark, deputy campaign manager
Rudy Giuliani: Was in Trump debate prep.
Jason Miller: Was in Trump debate prep.
Alice Marie Johnson: Flew on Air Force One to Cleveland debate.
Judge Amy Coney Barrett: Barrett and her husband had coronavirus earlier this year and recovered, per AP News.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, (D-CA): Tested out of "an abundance of caution” because of Steve Mnuchin meeting earlier this week.
Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH): Few on Air Force One to Cleveland debate, did not fly back.
DNC Chairman Tom Perez: In front row for Tuesday’s debate.
Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO): Attended the Barrett nomination event, was seen there without a face covering.
Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX): Precautionary quarantine because of close contact with COVID-19-positive individuals.
Sen. Ben Sasse (R-NE): Precautionary quarantine because of close contact with COVID-19-positive individuals.
Sen. James Lankford (R-OK): Precautionary quarantine because of close contact with COVID-19-positive individuals.
All of the Democrats on the Senate Judiciary Committee.
Status unknown as of Tuesday midday:
Kimberly Guilfoyle (at debate)
Alyssa Farah, White House Director of Strategic Communications
Robert O’Brien, national security adviser (tested positive for coronavirus in July)
Tiffany Trump (at debate)
Derek Lyons, Counselor to the President
Sen. Chuck Grassley, (R-IA), Senate pro tem: Declined to be tested, claiming physician’s advice as his reason; attended a meeting Thursday with Sen. Mike Lee.
30-50 donors who were in close contact with President Trump during an in-person event held at Trump’s Bedminster golf club on Thursday night. According to the official story, the event was held hours before President Trump’s positive test came back, but Hicks’s positive came back immediately before he left (although for a variety of reasons, the validity of that timeline is up in the air).
And because they’re stuck in this story, too:
Joe and Jill Biden: negative, committed to regular testing on all campaign event days.
Kamala Harris and her husband Doug Emhoff: negative
Previous megaposts, in case you’re a masochist: October 2 3 4 5 6
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People, August 31
Cover: Brandy -- what really happened to me

Page 3: Chatter -- Cardi B on her drive, Orlando Bloom on taking a break from acting to raise his son Flynn, Sterling K. Brown on his son’s reaction to his two 2020 Emmy nominations, Rob Lowe on his two adult sons moving back in with him and his wife during quarantine, Maya Rudolph on Kamala Harris whom she impersonates on SNL running for Vice President, Jamie Lee Curtis on her obsession with acquiring toilet paper early in the pandemic
Page 4: 5 Things We’re Talking About This Week -- The Crown casts a new Princess Diana, Patrick Star lands his own series, The Fresh Prince scores a reboot, the last Blockbuster becomes an Airbnb, Dennis Quaid adopts a cat named Dennis Quaid
Page 7: Contents

Page 8: StarTracks -- stars get back in the game -- Serena Williams at the Top Seed Open in Kentucky, her husband Alexis Ohanian and their daughter Olympia cheer her on at an earlier match
Page 9: Rob Gronkowski and Tom Brady hit the practice field during the Tampa Bay Buccaneers training camp in Florida, Los Angeles Lakers players LeBron James and Anthony Davis celebrated their win over the Denver Nuggets
Page 10: Black-ish actor Anthony Anderson celebrated his 50th birthday with a socially distanced drive-by party, pregnant Gabby Barrett and husband Cade Foehner, Prince Charles and Camilla Duchess of Cornwall attended a memorial service marking the 75th anniversary of V-J Day
Page 11: Stars in the Sun -- Andy Cohen and son Benjamin on the beach, Gavin Rossdale went for a shirtless stroll on the beach in Santa Monica, Alessandra Ambrosio plays volleyball, Simon Baker caught some waves while vacationing in Sydney
Page 12: Armie Hammer and Gal Gadot in Death on the Nile, a bearded Adam Sandler worked up a sweat playing basketball, Kevin Hart with pregnant wife Eniko and kids Kenzo and Heaven and Hendrix
Page 13: Stars’ Best Friends -- Lenny Kravitz and his dogs Leroy and JoJo Dancer, Patrick Dempsey snuggled with his pup, Reese Witherspoon and her dog Lou, Liev Schreiber and girlfriend Taylor Neisen walk their dogs on the beach in the Hamptons, PLEASE ADOPT, DON’T SHOP
Page 15: Scoop -- Chrissy Teigen and John Legend surprise baby news
Page 16: Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt’s new divorce dispute
Page 18: Heart Monitor -- Ben Affleck and Ana de Armas birthday bliss, Kendall Jenner and Devin Booker new couple?, Becca Kufrin and Garrett Yrigoyen breakup buzz, Madonna and Ahlamalik Williams going strong
Page 19: Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s move to Santa Barbara -- celeb neighbors include Oprah Winfrey and Rob Lowe and Katy Perry
Page 20: How Miley Cyrus is moving on from her split with Cody Simpson
Page 21: Bindi Irwin’s pregnancy joy, Nikolaj Coster-Waldau life after Game of Thrones
Page 23: Passages, Why I Care -- Chance the Rapper created an organization to help give back to the youth in his hometown of Chicago
Page 25: Stories to Make You Smile!
Page 27: People Picks -- The Vow
Page 28: Project Power, Love in the Time of Corona, Tim McGraw -- Here on Earth
Page 29: The One and Only Ivan, Tesla, Pure
Page 31: Books
Page 32: Cover Story -- Brandy’s rhythm and blues -- back with new music after nearly eight years the onetime teen sensation opens up about success and struggles and how depression nearly took her life
Page 38: Joe Biden and Kamala Harris -- this is who we are and this is America -- the Democratic running mates open up about the audacity of their partnership and the modern family ethos they’ll bring to the White House and the 4-letter word they’ve both banned at home
Page 42: Russell Crowe -- the highs and lows of fame -- 20 years after Gladiator the star reflects on what he’s learned and why he’s happiest on his farm in Australia
Page 46: Matt Mauser -- mourning after a tragic crash -- he lost his wife in the helicopter accident that killed Kobe Bryant and now the musician is raising their three kids and honoring her memory
Page 50: A Rise in Hate Crimes -- murdered for being transgender -- statistics show an alarming increase in violent deaths among transgender women -- inside 6 of the chilling cases
Page 54: Gloria Estefan -- what I know now -- the queen of Latin pop reflects on her historic career and her 41-year marriage and the near-death experience that changed her life
Page 58: August Alsina -- All I can do is tell the truth -- eager to move on from his entanglement with Jada Pinkett Smith the R&B singer opens up about healing after loss and addiction
Page 60: Holland Taylor -- I’ve been really lucky -- the Emmy nominee is busier than ever but all she’s feeling is gratitude for her life and her relationship and her maturity
Page 64: Joe Manganiello -- this is the real me -- he’s known for his sexy roles but beneath the rugged exterior beats the heart of a Dungeons & Dragons nerd
Page 66: Raising 10 children with 6 adopted with fetal alcohol spectrum disorders Alicia and Josh Dougherty rely on patience and faith and the healing power of family -- they all bring so much joy
Page 70: Suze Orman --this was a journey to hell and back -- the personal-finance guru undergoes emergency spinal surgery and learns a powerful lesson about prioritizing her health
Page 73: Kate Walsh -- what my life’s really like -- her vacation turned into a move to Australia and the Umbrella Academy star shares how she’s staying connected down under
Page 75: The search for a COVID-19 vaccine -- Dr. Tom Frieden one of the nation’s top infectious-disease experts answers your questions about the race to stop the coronavirus
Page 77: Beauty -- New Products You’ll Love -- 25 best Fall buys for $25 or less -- Catherine Zeta-Jones
Page 78: Skin-care essentials -- Rihanna
Page 81: Healthy hair finds -- Tracee Ellis Ross
Page 87: Second Look -- Jonathan Majors and Jurnee Smollett in Lovecraft Country
Page 88: One Last Thing -- Tim McGraw
#tabloid#tabloid toc#tabloidtoc#brandy#brandy norwood#tim mcgraw#joe biden#kamala harris#russell crowe#matt mauser#christina mauser#transgender hate crimes#gloria estefan#august alsina#holland taylor#joe manganiello#suze orman#kate walsh#covid-19 vaccine#dr. tom frieden#chrissy teigen#john legend#angelina jolie#brad pitt#prince harry#meghan markle#bindi irwin#miley cyrus#cody simpson#nikolaj coster-waldau
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