hoennsgeologyboy · 2 years
les salopes diront "oh je veux apprendre le kalosien parce que la langue est jolie et que lumiose city l'est aussi :)" dis ça à moi et aux autres connards de kiloude city je te défie.
Oh dear me. I did have to use groovyle translate for this. My Kalosian (Kalosien?) is very rusty. Though, I must say, I appreciate you askers helping me to pick it back up! This makes for great practice.
Lumiose is a very beautiful city, and yes that is why I picked up the language at all. I'm not familiar with kiloude city, but I take it that it's a rather rough place.
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r4zzberry · 2 years
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Blue: “yeah, im basically fluent in Kalosien 😼”
Calem: “im pretty sure i just got hate crimed”
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✤ - a memory that involves romance/love //
Clavell absentmindedly flips through a rack of shirts.
This store isn't quite his style, per se--then again, he was pretty sure he forfeited any sense of style he had claim to when he bought his first orange suit. (Or was the purple one a worse crime against fashion? No, definitely the orange.)
Luckily, the 'old' man wasn't shopping for himself today, so he figured all he had to do was give a hearty thumbs up and a "that looks great, dear" to whatever Deveraux walked out of the fitting room wearing. Or at least, that was the advice he'd received from a joking Salvatore.
"Un Kalosien. Well, maybe he'll have more fashion sense than you, Directeur. Even if he is un fantôme..."
As many grumbles as Clavell had about the language teacher's half-assed blending of Kalosian and Galarian, he supposed the man was right. Whatever Deveraux came out of that room wearing--Clavell was pretty sure he'd taken half the store's inventory in with him--he was surprisingly excited to see for himself.
It was a strange feeling, that realization. How many years had it been since the last time someone stole his breath away with a 'hello'? He could do the math, but it felt a bit depressing, now. And besides, no point dwelling on lost time.
He was here, and even though he played Deveraux stepping out of the dressing room in some new outfit over and over and over again, the spirit stole his breath away the moment he opened the door. Over and over and over again.
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GASP!!!!!!!!!!!!! ANOTHER DESSERT FAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Bonjour from Kalos!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Bonjour, Mlle Rosie! Je connais un peu le Kalosien, en fait! Mais ça fait longtemps.
It's always nice meeting another "sugar enjoyer," as Iono puts it!
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pokemontrainerjay · 10 months
camarade kalosien ! tu as l'air sympa ! :333333
Enfin une chance d'utiliser Kalosien
Sorry if I'm a bit rusty with my Kalosian Ava doesn't speak it so I haven't had much of a chance to use it lately but my mère is helping get me back into it!!
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blueflare7pkmn · 1 year
Coming in to check on you now Flare!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How are you???
Euh plutôt bien je suppose !!! Un anon me fait parler le kalosien pour 10 demandes, ce qui est bien, je suppose !!!
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pouvez-vous parler le kalosien ?
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the-looker-bureau · 1 year
(@sneasedtomeetyou) Forgot to specify! Questions are for both of you, if you want to answer them
Ooh! I'll also answer then!
26. Pokéblocks, Poké Puffs, Poffins, Poké Beans, Curry, or Sandwiches?
Poke Puffs, obviously. Kalosien et fier!
34. Do you have a Pokémon that refuses to evolve?
Nope! Mimi really admires Calem's Meowstic so she's really hoping to evolve!
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pouvez-vous parler le Kalosien ?
I can... guess what that means without a translator? I know that and steak-frites.
...Sorry, I'm better with Paldean. Maybe a little Kantonian.
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kalosianseelkie · 1 year
F: Fun 1. what do they do for fun?
B: Basics 3. how tall are they?
L: Lemons 1. what is their favorite fruit?
Un peu de Kalosien pour changer, merci pour les questions!
F1. En général pour m'amuser soit je nage avec mes Pokémon soit je fais de la muscu, souvent en m'entraînant avec mon oncle, le Champion d'Arène de Auffrac-les-Congères. Ou bien je joue avec mon ami Mammochon! C'est drôle de faire la course
B3. 1m80 et fière! Surtout vu que je fais 5cm de plus que Gordie donc je peux le narguer avec ça >:)
L1. J'aime beaucoup les melons, ceux de Paldea sont super bons!
Translation just in case
A bit of Kalosian for a change, thanks for the questions!
F1. Usually to have fun I either swim with my Pokémon or work out, often with my uncle, Snowbelle's Gym Leader. Or I like playing with my Mamoswine friend! Racing is fun
B3. 1m80 and proud! Especially since I'm 5cm taller than Gordie, I can tease him with that >:)
L1. I really love melons, the ones from Paldea are super tasty!
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oh-shinx · 1 year
Bonjour Gwendolyn!
Je m'appelle Sitrus. Je parle Kalosien un peut, donc je peut vous parler sans utiliser l'Auto-Rotom-Translate. Comment ça-va?
- @pokecomics
Je suis très bon! J'essaie toujours de m'habituer à tout, cependant!
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slainfury · 5 years
over a once lively home now spread an unnerving quiet -- the halls, once full of laughter, of life, now devoid of anything even resembling it. children remained, yes, but more as prisoners now, not residents, no matter how their captors may try to twist it to appear otherwise. “ -- what’s to happen to us now, you think? ”
we  were  but  children  then  /  and  now  we  are  fickle  creatures  of  grief
HE  ENVISIONS  THE  SPECTRAL  OF  HIS  MOTHER  NOW.  promise  me,  she  would  ask  of  him  with  gentle  hands  of  ivory,  without  ash  and  without  the  cold  of  death  nor  heat  of  unforgiving  flames,  cupping  his  face.  a  morbid  thought  of  coping,  as  though  this  were  a  natural  ordeal  of  time.  as  if  enough  time  has  appropriately  passed  and  this  were  more  of  a  deathbed’s  final  calling  of  an  elderly  queen  as  opposed  to  the  vicious  martyrdom  of  a  matriarch  uninvolved  in  the  petty  affairs  of  another’s  war.  if  he  closes  his  eyes,  he  will  see  the  shadow  of  her  back  before  him  in  place  of  a  spectral,  being  consumed  by  fires  intended  for  him.  the  ghost  remains  a  necessity,  his  only  source  of  comfort  and  retention  of  sanity.  be  a  good  and  just  king,  she  asks  of  him. 
  how?  he  would  ask,  lip  quivering  and  feeling  younger  than  a  boy  of  ten - and - six.  how  can  he  be  a  good  and  just  king  when  he  knows  so  little  of  how  to  simply  be  a  king?  tenebrae  needs  him.  the  people  depend  upon  him  now.  and  here  he  sits,  nursing  his  wounds  and  imprisoned  in  his  own  castle  as  though  a  child  sent  to  their  room  without  supper  for  throwing  a  tanturm.
  but  she  does  not  answer.  she  is  only  a  depiction  in  his  own  mind,  and  so  this  version  of  his  mother  cannot  supply  any  much  needed  advice  anymore  than  he  can  think  a  solution  for  himself.  be  good  to  your  sister,  she  asks  of  him,  protect  her.  this,  she  asks  of  him.  as  if  he  can  protect  himself.  but  he  must  remember,  must  no  longer  think  of  himself.  they  will  come  for  her  like  coyotes  circling  outside  their  door,  scratching  and  begging  to  be  let  in.  they  will  come  for  her  magic  and  drain  the  life  of  her  for  it.  with  her  death,  hope  falls.  (  he  is  king  /  he  is  disposable. )  she  is  indispensable.  above  all  else,  she  is  his  sister.  he  cannot  lose  her.  he  cannot.  
    ❝   i  don’t  know.   ❞  he  answers  honestly.  there  is  so  little  he  can  give  her  now.  but  he  owes  her  this.  he  will  not  create  facades  for  her,  even  though  she  deserves  the  preservation  of  innocence,  something  tells  him  that  doing  so  is  akin  to  a  death  sentence.  she  must  survive,  above  all  else.   ❝   they  won’t  kill  us.  we’re  too  vauluable.  but  we  aren’t  invincible.  we  have  to  be  careful  now,  always  keep  close --  ❞
  he  had  reached  out  to  her  to  place  a  hand  on  her  shoulder,  but  this  triggers  a  sharp  reaction,  and  he  hisses  midsentence  in  pain.  his  arm  stings  still,  despite  the  treatment  given.  if  anything,  he  wonders  sourly,  perhaps  he  has  purposefully  been  given  a  botched  job.  perhaps  they’ll  let  an  infection  fester  and  take  his  arm  from  him.  they  have  already  robbed  him  of  his  home  --  what  is  the  cost  of  an  arm  and  a  leg  now,  too?  but  he  cannot  share  these  upsetting  sentiments  with  her.  he  must  be  honest  with  her,  but  he  mustn’t  vent  to  her.  he  steadies  himself  with  slow,  exhausted  breaths.
   HE  PRAYS  TO  THE  GODS  FOR  A  SPELL.  /  LET  THE  BOY  OF  SIXTEEN  BECOME  A  WISE  AND  WELL - EQUIPPED  MAN  NOW.  as  if  lightning  will  crackle  down  from  the  sky  and  turn  him  into  such.  as  if,  in  an  instant,  he  will  become  a  lionheart  and  all  will  follow.  it  does  not  happen,  of  course.  but  it  never  hurts  to  want,  never  hurts  to  ask.  there  is  unnerving  silence  from  the  gods,  even  now.  but  surely  there  is  a greater  purpose  beyond  all  that?  he  surmises  his  mother  would  say  something  like  that.
  he  kneels  down  to  her,  at  eye - level  now.  he  is  ashamed  of  circumstances  beyond  his  control  and  how  little  he  can  give  her.  he  cannot  create  a  happier  world  for  her  nor  shield  her  from  the  horrors  of  this.  a  frightful,  pessimistic  part  of  his  mind  is  warning  him  now  that  things  will  worsen.  but  hopelessness  and  helplessness  will  do  little.  and  then  he  realizes,  that  while  he  cannot  create  a  facade  of  the  world  for  her,  he  can  compose  one  of  himself  for  her: a  fearless,  all - knowing  brother.  
     ❝  we’re  going  to  be  alright,   ❞  he  assures  her.  a  spark  comes  alive  in  his  eyes  as  he  speaks  a  feverish  vow.   ❝  and  they’re  not  going  to  get  away  with  this.  the  people  of  tenebrae  will  never  forget.  and  their  king  will  never  forgive.  ❞
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spidaeyaunt-movedd · 5 years
no offense but i love ren and avery so much... these funky little lesbians deserve to have their tuition paid and every time someone makes a billy account....... somEBODY better pay up..
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kuhatoarchive · 5 years
when r they gonna hold hands mary
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   they’re  holding  hands  as  we  speak  babey  !  
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stormlit · 5 years
PIPPA CALL / @kalosien
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        ❝ aye, i’ve been in a fight before. well, there’s been a few punches. i can definitely handle myself. you do not need to worry. ❞
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theirwarmth · 5 years
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      THE  MASTER  FROWNS  slightly  as  her  gaze  drifts  to  the  woman  beside  her  to  the  landscape  beyond .  there’s  something  indistinguishable  in  her  eyes  now  ---  guilt ?  sadness ?  who  knows  at  this  point ?  when  she  speaks  her  voice  is  slightly  soft  yet  holds  no  sign  of  fragility .  
      ❛    IT  MUST  HAVE  BEENN  AWFUL ,  the  things  you  went  through .  i  can  only  image  what  it  would  be  like  to  have  your  home  forcibly  taken  from  you .    ❜  yes  aqua  technically  did  lose  her  home  for  a  great  deal  of  time  it  was  done  by  her  choice  &  hers  alone .  she  would  not  take  back  her  actions  if  it  meant  protecting  ventus  all  these  years .
 @kalosien //  ♡’d
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