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Kallangú Geek (Geek Kallangoo) Português --------- Para reforçar o lançamento de sua nova coleção, a Havaianas anunciou que está dentro do jogo Fortnite, da Epic Games. Com a iniciativa, criada pela agência Cheil, os jogadores vão poder conhecer a ilha de verão Havaianas, desenvolvida usando o modo criativo do jogo. English ------- To reinforce the launch of its new collection, Havaianas announced that it is part of Epic Games' Fortnite game. With the initiative, created by the Cheil agency, players will be able to get to know the Havaianas summer island, developed using the game's creative mode. -------- K A L L A N G E E K Ú T V ------- #kallangutv #kallangugeek #fortnite #fortnitebr #fortnitebrasil #epic #epicgames #crossplay #crossplayer #havaianas #havaianasbrasil #havaianascustomizadas #ilha #fortnitegameplay #brasilfortnite #lançamento #launch #ps4games #xboxones #pcgamerbrasil #pcgamerbrasil #geeknews #geekbrasil #geekgirl #geekbr #geektech #geekculture #geeknerd #nerdnews #nerdices #geeklife https://www.instagram.com/p/COX633wjRRG/?igshid=1llvnf78xx9qf
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Kallangú Geek (Kallangoo Geek) Tudo está perdido! K A L L A N G Ú T V #verdansk #allislost #tudoestaperdido #warzoneclips #warzone #actvision #playathome #playstation4 #kallangutv #kallangutwitch #kallangugeek #warzone #warzonebrasil #warzonecod #warzonebr #warzonebrasil #crossplay #crossplayer #ps4games #xboxones #ps5 #xboxonex #pcgamerbrasil #pcgame #pcgamer #pcx #pcmods #pvp #megapvp #battleroyale #battle #battleground https://www.instagram.com/p/CN7mdJFjUBN/?igshid=1jqm4ujgv97ji
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Kallangú Geek Neymar deve ganhar um personagem em Fortnite. A empresa de jogos Epic divulgou no Twitter, um pequeno teaser com vários ícones e, um deles, é a camisa 10 usada pelo brasileiro. Neymar should win a character in Fortnite. The game company Epic released on Twitter, a small teaser with several icons, one of which is shirt 10 worn by the Brazilian. K A L L A N G Ú T V #epic #epicgames #fortnite #fortnitebr #fortniteclips #kallangugeek #geeknews #geeky #geeks #geekbrasil #temporada2021 #games #gamerman #gamergirls #gamerlife #gamerpop #crossplay #crossover #crossplayer #ps4 #xboxones #xboxone #ps4pro #pcgamerbrasil #pcgame #mobilelovers #mobilelifestyle #juazeiropetrolina #juazeirodonorte #juazeirobahia https://www.instagram.com/p/CMecB6uDe1u/?igshid=16qd16iczfccq
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Kallangú Geek PANDEMIA MUDOU A INDÚSTRIA DE ACTION FIGURES Segundo dados da NPD Group, em 2020 a indústria de brinquedos disparou em vendas, superando em 16% os números do ano anterior. PANDEMIA CHANGED THE ACTION FIGURES INDUSTRY According to data from the NPD Group, in 2020 the toy industry skyrocketed in sales, exceeding the previous year's figures by 16%. K A L L A N G Ú T V #geek #kallangutv #kallangugeek #kallangu #geeknews #geeky #actionfigures #pandemia2020 #pandemia #pandemic #newyork #juazeiropetrolina #juazeirodonorte #juazeiro #juazeirobahia #juazeiroba #nerdgeek #geeks #geeky #slzma #slzmaranhao #fortaleza #brasilgeek #geekbr #brgeeky #economia #mundo #superherois #heroes #herois #culturanerd https://www.instagram.com/p/CLrXE84jLTj/?igshid=148l9oq4u27r1
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Kallangú Games Days Gone K A L L A N G Ú G A M E S #kallangugames #kallangutv #kallangutwitch #kallangugeek #kallangu #daysgone #ps4 #zombie #estrada #busca #games #videogame #videogames #gamerman #gamergirls #gamerpop #gamerlife #gamerlifestyle #apocalipse #apocalipsezumbi #apocalypse #juazeiropetrolina #juazeirodonorte #juazeiro #juazeirobahia #petrolina #petrolinaemdestaque #gonedit #twitchprime #twitchstreamers https://www.instagram.com/p/CLRZDS0jO1p/?igshid=1bder3cypgdn1
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Brawlhalla So, we have a great fight with 8 players, bots and humans... Come and see this mess. Bom, temos uma luta e tanto com 8 jogadores, bots e humanos... Venha ver essa bagunça. #Kallangutv A L L A N G Ú Twitch.tv/kallangutv V #kallangumemes #kallangutwitch #kallangumobile #kallangugeek #kallangugames #juazeiropetrolina #gamerman #hamer #gamergirls #gamerlife #ps4games #crossplay #crossover #brawlhalla #brawlhallamemes #wushang #petrolina #slzma #slzonline #twitchprime #twitchstreamers #twitchtv #afiliados #twitchbr #brasilgamer #games #brgamer #hatashi #temporada2021 https://www.instagram.com/p/CLF3TMNDi4e/?igshid=1f12sx18gzm2g
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new studies prove that violent games have nothing to do with aggressive behavior . . . . .. . #kallangugeek #kallangu #kallangutv #estudos #geek #gamer #agressividade #gamerman #gamergirls #gamer #juazeiropetrolina #juazeirodonorte #juazeiro #petrolina #slzma #brasilgamer #gamerpop #pesquisa #pesquisacientifica #gamerguy #play #nerdices #nerdpride #pop #videogame #videogames #playing #world #2021 #happy #newyear https://www.instagram.com/p/CJhIVonjiEP/?igshid=18w14e4l74xho
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Kallangú Geek O KFC, rede de fast-food famosa por seu frango frito, decidiu entrar na disputa pelo console de jogos mais querido de 2020. Assim como a Sony fez com o PS5 e o Xbox com o Series X, o KFC anuncia o KFConsole, um console que frita frango enquanto você se diverte jogando. O eletrônico é feito em parceria com a fabricante de hardwares para desktops Cooler Master. Ainda não há informações se o lançamento também incluirá o Brasil. KFC, a fast-food chain famous for its fried chicken, decided to enter the competition for the most beloved game console of 2020. Just as Sony did with the PS5 and Xbox with the Series X, KFC announces KFConsole, a console that fries chicken while you have fun playing. The electronics is made in partnership with the desktop hardware manufacturer Cooler Master. There is still no information as to whether the launch will also include Brazil. . . . . #geek #kfc #kfconsole #fastfood #rede #consoles #console #consolegaming #consolegamer #kallangugeek #kallangu #kallangutv #newsbrasil #novidades #reportagem #brasil🇧🇷 #juazeiropetrolina #juazeirodonorte #juazeiro #juazeirobahia #juazeiroba #juazeirodonortece #petrolina #petrolinaemdestaque #petrolinape #brasilgeek #geeky #geeks #geektech #tecnologia https://www.instagram.com/p/CJIxtC5DemH/?igshid=kteqg6tznuo2
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Facebook anunciou que vai se juntar à Epic Games no processo que coloca a produtora de Fortnite contra a Apple. Facebook has announced that it will join Epic Games in the lawsuit that pits Fortnite's producer against Apple. . . . . . . . . #facebook #epic #markzuckerberg #marketingdigital #apple #kallangugeek #kallangu #kallangutv #processo #briga #nerd #geeknews #geeky #geek #geeks #geekmobile #redessociais #juazeiropetrolina #juazeiro #juazeirobahia #petrolina #petrolinaemdestaque #petrolinajuazeiro #slzma #slz #fortaleza #fortnite #forthnight #nerdgeek #nerdgeek #brasilgeek https://www.instagram.com/p/CJBDUWfDS-M/?igshid=a0i3vqqihm0h
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Kallangú Geek Imagina só acessar e todo mundo tá tendo acesso a sua privacidade... Check it out, your access viewed by everyone around and looking at your privacy... #geeknews #geekstuff #geeky #kallangugeek #geekygirl #nerdgirl #nerd #nerdstuff #apple #appleglass #appleglasses #tech #tecnofobia #future #hitec #thefurureisnear #glasses #shotoniphone #brgeek #geekbrazil #geekbr #geekbros #nerdices #access https://www.instagram.com/p/CC3ej-qDK-t/?igshid=qot86n661lry
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Kallangú Geek Cada vez mais próximo do seu lançamento. E as espectativas? #kallangugeek #samsung #samsunggalaxynote20 #agosto #lançamento #produtividade #geeknews #geekstuff #geeky #nerdgirl #nerd #nerdstuff #tech #hitec #galaxy #nerdices #geekstyle #geeklife #geekbrazil #geekculture #ansiedades #oficial https://www.instagram.com/p/CCyN_14Dw3m/?igshid=1jlr8nz4nagef
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Kallangú Geek Pra aqueles que gosta de produzir conteúdo e uma capacidade de fazer coisas que ninguém acredita possível, este é a escolha. Samsung Galaxy Note 20. #samsung #geek #galaxy #note20 #samsunggalaxynote20 #ultra #geeknews #geekstuff #kallangugeek #spen #galaxys20 #linhanote #geekstuff #geeky #geekygirl #geekbrazil #geekculture #nerdgirl #nerd #nerdices #android #processamentodigital #produtividade #nerdbr #nerds https://www.instagram.com/p/CCw7eP5jX8O/?igshid=9nd2n7z70ruj
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