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fastcardotmp3 · 11 months ago
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“Kali, what did she mean?” Nancy insists. “What are the last three names for? Who are they?”  Kali’s powers hum in her blood, the energy brimming with something old and angry, but Kali laughs breathily and wetly when she meets Nancy’s curious and worried gaze.  “They’re the last three people I promised to kill.”  OR: Sex, Murder, & Rock 'n Roll - Femslash Week Style (@strangerthingsfemslash prompt: Women's Wrongs)
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Rated E // KalixRonance // 3 Chapters
Additional Tags: Kali Prasad Character Study; Established Ronance (which Kali wants in on); Vigilante Murder; Semi-graphic Violence; Smut; Coping with trauma by killing the people who wronged you; Past Abuse
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ihni · 5 years ago
Two things!! 1. Your art is absolutely B I T C H I N' 😤😤❤❤ 2. Buckleway (heatherxrobin) or kobin (kalixrobin)? Idk why but this is very important to me :)
1. THANK YOU2. Buckleway all the way. (I’m not dissing kobin, but I think that Heather and Robin could be awesome and cute together, and possibly make for hilarious lesbian situations, while Kali can be badass and deadly all on her own and don’t need someone else to be so.)
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fastcardotmp3 · 1 year ago
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“It’s because, dear Eight, you are me,” he grins, blood on his teeth staining his lips. “All that anger? All that violence? Oh, I can die comfortably knowing that my legacy is upheld, you monstrous little thing.”  “My name is Kali,” she growls, stomach turning.  » KalixRobin // Rated T // Post-S4 // 2.1k » Febuwhump #5: Bees & Killing in Self Defense » Febuwhump Masterlist
read on ao3 // preview under the cut
“Don’t stand there and pretend like you planned this,” she sneers, hands curling into fists at her sides, reaching inwards for an energy in her powers that has been fading for the hours and hours it has taken her to reach far enough past his walls to reach this. Him. “This is the end of the road. You’ve lost.” 
One smiles at her. He’s young here, the version of him which she remembers so clearly, but the kindness she had once seen in that smile has turned to something toxic, dripping with condescension and hatred. 
Dripping too, however, with a bone-deep tiredness in which Kali relishes. 
They did that. Her and El and Will and Max– those of them capable of existing within this space– and that is the thing which will win this for them. Just because she’s the only one standing here now, just because he’s managed to lock the rest of them out, doesn’t mean she doesn’t still have backup. 
Doesn’t mean he doesn’t know it.
“Perhaps so,” One steps forward, unsteady and clearly pained. “But can I tell you how I knew it would be you? In a dying man’s final words?” 
Kali stiffens, but she doesn’t retreat on his approach, just continues gathering her strength, waiting for enough of it to bloom in her chest in order to do what needs doing. 
“It’s because, dear Eight, you are me,” he grins, blood on his teeth staining his lips. “All that anger? All that violence? Oh, I can die comfortably knowing that my legacy is upheld, you monstrous little thing.” 
“My name is Kali,” she growls, stomach turning. 
“And you are going to make me so proud.”
“What I did was justice!” she exclaims, a step forward, a burning at the center of her power. “What you did was cruelty, was murder, but I got even. We are not the same.” 
“Justice, perhaps, but for what purpose? Still for personal gain, still self-serving at the end of the day–”
“I did it for all of us!” she cuts him off, hating the crack in her voice, but also maybe not. Hating the tears in her eyes, but also maybe feeling relief at them, because the difference is– “I felt all of it, did you know that? Everyone you killed after I got out, everyone you hurt, everything you did, I mourned for those people and I felt guilt for surviving because I loved them. I love, and that is the difference between us, because that’s where my anger comes from, and yours is just— pointless.” 
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fastcardotmp3 · 1 year ago
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» all of my Febuwhump one-shots collected in one place (full series on ao3)
#1 ⁝ aching with freedom (kissing the damned)
» Ronance; Solitary Confinement; Helpless; Hurt/Comfort » cover art & preview
#2 ⁝ strange but not a stranger
» Steddie; "Bite down on this"; Obedience; Kas!Eddie » cover art & preview
#3 ⁝ this town (rips the bones from your back)
» Steddie; Rope Burns; "You lied to me"; pre-S4 relationship » cover art & preview
#4 ⁝ I’m worse at what I do best
»Stobin; Suffering in Silence; "Why won't it stop?"; Hurt/Comfort » cover art & preview
#5 ⁝ I never wanted trouble (but I sure get enough)
» KalixRobin; Bees; Killing in Self Defense; Post-S4 » cover art & preview
#6 ⁝ dancing barefoot
» Chronance; Time Loop; Semi-Conscious; Non-Linear Narrative » cover art & preview
#7 ⁝ good men through the ages
» Jargyle; "You weren't supposed to get hurt"; Blood-Stained Tiles; Gunshot Wound » cover art & preview
#8 ⁝ mind our mouths (and beware our talk)
» Ronance; "Who did this to you?"; Came Back Wrong; Vampire!Nancy » cover art & preview
#9 ⁝ for I must be traveling on now
» Steddie; Hostage Situation; Too Weak To Move; Medieval AU » cover art & preview
#10 ⁝ to come in from the cold
» Ronance & Stobin; Truth Serum; "Please Don't"; Apocalypse AU » cover art & preview
#11 ⁝ your body is an anchor
» Nancy&Barb; Nancy&Steve; Unresponsive; "You weren't meant to be there"; S4 Missing Scene » cover art & preview
#12 ⁝ living reflection (from a dream)
» Steddie; Presumed Dead; "I'm doing this because I care about you"; Wrongfully Imprisoned Eddie » cover art & preview
#13 ⁝ I’m so much older (than I can take)
» Mike & Nancy; "I love you"; "Help them"; Sibling bonding via violence » cover art & preview
#14 ⁝ shelter from the storm
» Ronance; left for dead; “no…not like this”; not allowed to die; Immortal!Nancy; Dragon!Robin » cover art & preview
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fastcardotmp3 · 1 year ago
[back to main masterlist]
.gen fic
◌ I'm worse at what I do best (2.3k, T, stobin)
Febuwhump prompts: Suffering in Silence & "Why won't it stop?" In which Robin knows Steve carries the fight and the hope, and so she decides she'll carry the rest, no matter the cost. [cover art]
◌ I'm so much older (than I can take) (2.3k, T, Mike & Nancy)
Febuwhump prompts: "I love you" & "Help them" In which Mike watches Nancy get hurt and finally, inevitably, sees his sister in place of a soldier. [cover art]
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◌ covered bridge love (2.6k, T)
[+ podfic by @n0connections @hullomoon @sunlightsymphony Aheada_Lettuce dairaliz] Steve is injured in a fire. His ex-boyfriend gets a call. It was supposed to be easier this way. (angst with a happy ending) [cover art]
◌ Unreliable Narrator (5k, T)
[+ podfic by @n0connections] Nancy Wheeler writes a horror novel, asks Eddie to read it for the book on tape, and shows him a bit of truth about his own character arc in the process. [cover art]
◌ strange but not a stranger (2.2k, M)
Febuwhump prompts: "Bite down on this" & Obedience In which Eddie is starving and Steve makes him eat. [cover art]
◌ this town (rips the bones from your back) (2.3k, T)
Febuwhump prompts: Rope Burns & "You lied to me" In which Steve survives Starcourt, but he still has to survive Eddie's questions. [cover art]
◌ for I must be traveling on now (2.1k, T)
Febuwhump prompts: Hostage Situation & Too Weak To Move In which Eddie is the son of a King but not his heir and Steve is locked in the dungeon. [cover art]
◌ living reflection (of a dream) (2.4k, M)
Febuwhump prompts: Presumed Dead & "I'm doing this because I care about you" In which Eddie Munson was convicted of murders he didn't commit seven years ago. Who is he when he breaches the other side of those walls? [cover art]
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◌ aching with freedom (kissing the damned) (2.2k, M)
Febuwhump prompts: Solitary Confinement & Helpless In which Nancy is imprisoned for knowing too much and Robin brings her home. [cover art]
◌ mind our mouths (and beware our talk) (2.4k, M)
Febuwhump prompts: "Who did this to you?" & Came Back Wrong In which there's a regular at the bar where Robin works and she never sips from her drink. [cover art]
◌ to come in from the cold (2.4k, T)
Febuwhump prompts: Truth Serum & "Please Don't" In which the monsters came when Robin was eleven, her parents are killed when she's seventeen, but safety can still be found amongst the right people. [cover art]
◌ shelter from the storm (2.8k, T)
Febuwhump prompts: left for dead, “no…not like this” & not allowed to die In which Nancy makes a deal with a faerie and gets more life than she bargained for. (But at least it means she's around long enough to meet an equally endless girl.) [cover art]
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◌ dancing barefoot (2.1k, M)
Febuwhump prompts: Time Loop & Semi-Conscious In which Chrissy has died innumerable times, and it hurts to remember. [cover art]
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◌ I never wanted trouble (but I sure get enough) (2.2k, T)
Febuwhump prompts: Bees & Killing in Self Defense In which Kali gets to kill Henry Creel once and for all (and then kiss a pretty girl about it). [cover art]
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◌ good men through the ages (2.1k, T)
Febuwhump prompts: "You weren't supposed to get hurt" & Blood-Stained Tiles In which Argyle gets shot and in which Jonathan grapples with an unending guilt complex. [cover art]
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.ensemble/ multiship
◌ your body is an anchor (2.3k, M)
Febuwhump prompts: Unresponsive & "You weren't meant to be there" In which Nancy takes a detour during their trek through the Upside Down and faces the reality of closure. [cover art]
◌ ticket to anywhere
A collection of ficlets and meta analyses that I am archiving for safety’s sake (but you can read them too if you like) see also on tumblr
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