#kaleido star leon
thequietkid-moonie · 1 year
Leon Oswald, Sora Naegino, Ken Robbins, Haruhi Fujioka, Tamaki Suoh, Hitachiin Hikaru how do they react when the reader kisses them and runs away?
Reader kiss them and run away
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[ SCENARIO ] [ Leon, Sora, Ken, Haruhi, Tamaki, Hikaru ]
[ Kaleido Star ] [ Ouran High School Host Club ]
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I don't know why but I feel like I had recived a lot of requests like this one (not complaining tho), mhhh... Is because i write it good or because is a cute prompt?
My first time writing for Leon!! Yeeeeey :D thank u anon!! I really love him, his character development and all that he has behind, his history and sadness!! He truly is an amazing character!!
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Leon Oswald
Leon has created a very bad reputation for how he had treated his past teammates, however that is not exactly how he is, in reallity Leon is really caring towards the one he loves and care (he just doesn't show it)
When it comes to how open he is with his love and how affectionate he is it would depend on if you two are in a relationship or not, if not he isn't too open with it but there are some hints that make it obvious but if you two are already together he will be more obvious with his love
Even when Leon is open with his love he does it in indirect or subtle ways, holding your hand or even holding you (sometimes he rests his hand on your back like trying to support you), or also being physicaly close to you all the time he can, he is more by showing it by subtle ways and he isn't shy with the affection, however when it comes to kisses he prefers to keep it in private, there is no need to be showing off like that
Leon finds kisses as a rather cute gesture, it doesn't surprise him (even if you try to surprise him it won't surprise him much) so he react immediatly when you run away, still he just looks at you run for a moment before laugh softly and go after you (not exactly running, and only if it isn't because you wanted to give him a little kiss before getting busy, like a good luck kiss)
However, if is the case that you two aren't a couple yet he will be kinda confused and troubled by your gesture, even a little anxious since you had run away, he doesn't want to asume or feel like if you were just playing with him, he will go after you (again, without running) and when he found you he confront you about it (he could seem mad but he isn't). In the other hand, if this is the first time you two kiss he will feel a little anxious when you run away (it kinda bring him bad memories), he goes after you and isn't able to properly calm down until he catch you
Even when Leon doesn't exactly runs after you it doesn't take him much time to catch you in a hug before saying how cute you are and giving you a soft kiss on the head (however if there is too much people around he probably would be more suble). If you had run away out of shyness he find it even more cute and will tease you a little without even having the intention, if you had did it for being mischievous he just laughs at it
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Sora Naegino
Sora is so friendly and expressive that is just part of her nature be open with her love for you, however when you two aren't a couple yet she tries to be subtle with it
Sora can be pretty affectionate and touchy if you are comfortable with it, she gets a little shy when it comes to be romantic with you but that doesn't stop her (she is already used to romantic stories for the Kaleido's presentations), still she isn't exactly the cheesy type, she is more the type to be your best friends and girlfriend
She doesn't mind much being physicaly close to you and small touches, like hands holding or even hugging (she can get used to it pretty quickly), as well Sora isn't easy to make flustered so it isn't too much trouble for her to recive physical affection, however a kiss is something more intimate and that is what will make her a little nervous and flustered
It actually take her a while to get used to kisses (specially on the lips), every time you kiss her she is surprised and flustered for a moment before trying to brush off her nervousness, but when you kiss her and then run away is something even more unexpected
Sora stay quite for a moment, processing what happened before running towards you (pretty flustered and blushy), Sora is asking you to please stop while running towards you and it doesn't take her much time before catching you, when she does she take a moment to breath before bombarding you with questions, letting go her nervousness with it. Sora take it pretty well and even jokinly, she may want to kiss you again and properly this time but she is nervous about doint it (specially if you were embarrassed of what you have done)
If you had run away out of shyness it take her a second to realice it and she will laugh at it, she isn't trying to make fun of you is just that he find it pretty hilarious and cute! If you have done it for being mischievous Sora will be dumbfounded and blush a little more, but will try to cover her flustered state while try to joke about it
If you have done it when you two aren't dating yet Sora will have troubles to follow you, so is more probably that she doesn't do it, instead she softly touches where you kissed her with a blush and think about it, when she finally put his mind in order she go after you to be able to talk about this and make clear her feelings for you too
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Ken Robbins
Ken can be pretty shy and clumsy when it comes to romance, what can lead him to be pretty open with his love even when is still just a crush, but other times he shows how caring and supportive he is by other ways (not exactly being an accident this time)
When it comes to show his love and being affectionate Ken rely more on words and indirect actions, his love for you is stronge but he is too shy to show it in a more physical way, even just little touches like holding hands can turn him into a flustered mess (even when in a relationship)
Ken would be lying if he says that he doesn't want to kiss you, but is just something too direct for him, he is already pretty shy when it come to romance and a kiss can be pretty overwhelming (he prefers to wait a while to do it)
When you do kiss him is something that it take him by surprise (even if your intentions where obvious it would still surprised him), he barely can react when you start running away, Ken become a flustered mess at the moment your lips touched him so when you run away he doesn't had fully process it yet, and without doing it he just get worried of you, so when he finally can react (at least enough) he ask you to wait and start running towards you
It would take him a while and there is a posibility that he doesn't manage to catch you (still he won't stop looking for you), when he does find you he immediatly ask you why you had run away while trying to catch his breath, he is kinda worried that something had happened, is like in his mind he doesn't fully get it that it was for the kiss
If you had run away out of shyness he can understand it pretty well, and he tells you that with a nervous smile, getting all flustered again, and yet he tries to help you (or the two of you) calm down. In the other hand, if you did it for being mischievous he gets flustered again, thinking that you will something like that it makes his heart skip a beat
If is the case that you two aren't a couple yet he will be hesitant on going towards you, so is more probably that he waits a little to think about it before looking for you, and when you two see each other again he will ask you about it, flustered and all nervous but he still want to know what you meant with that gesture
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Haruhi Fujioka
Haruhi is a more calm person, even when she falls in love she never lose her calm and mature personality, is something that it will be expressed on her feelings too. She isn't too obvious with her feelings but she doesn't has problems with admiting them
Haruhi isn't always directly affectionate (or in a physical ways), she is more the type to show her love by actions and sometimes words, however she doesn't mind being physicaly affectionate (but she will prefer to show that on the relasionship rather than before)
Haruhi had no problem with showing or receiving physical affection, as well she normally doesn't do a big deal out of it but that doesn't mean she doesn't like it, she isn't easily flustered not even with kisses (but she prefers to keep that to when being in private). When you kiss her it could surprise her if you do it out of the blue or for the first time, otherwise she isn't too surprised and even giggle at the affection (everytime you kiss her on the lips she corresponds)
How she react about you running away will depend in other factors, if you two aren't dating yet she will follow you almost immediatly at when you start running, even asking you to please stop, she wants to be able to ask you directly why did you do that and if that means you have romantic feelings for her, if you two are already dating is more likely that she just let you run away and confront you about it until you two see each other again, calling you silly for running away and laughing softly. In the case this was the first time you two kiss she will run after you too, it is a little unfair that you just run away so she will try to catch you to ask you why you had run away (being kissed in a rush like that isn't exactly her ideal so is probably that she kiss you again but properly this time)
If you had run away out of shyness she can understand your reason but still doesn't see why do it, still she finds it rather cute, if you did it for being mischievous she just sighs at it before smiling, she is already used to this kind of mischief on behalf from the hosts but didn't exactly expected it from you (unless you had already done something like this before)
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Tamaki Suoh
Tamiki is always really flirty and romantic for being a host, but he himself tent to be that way too normally, aside from being pretty extrovert and childish, he is pretty obvious with his love and yet he doesn't get it for a long time
When it comes to be affectionate he has no shame with doing it, he is affectionate with words and actions, and that just increase when he accept his feelings and more when you two start dating
As romantic and flirty Tamaki is he actually can be pretty shy when it comes to something so personal to him as the person he loves, so he usually is flirty and romantic but with when you are directly affectionate to him he quickly gets flustered, that is why he will be incredibly nervous when it comes to kisses, it isn't like he doesn't want to is just something a little overwhelming for him
When you do kiss him is something that will shock him for the first times (it will take him a while to get used to it), he becomes a blushing embarrassed mess so quickly that he is unable to react, he can't even say something so when you run away he is even more surprised
He feels like this is like a scene out of a fairy tale, thinking that you are probably too shy and embarrassed by it (something that it flustered him even more), in his mind he should go after you like a gentleman, catch you in his arms and tell you how cute you are teasingly before having a romantic kiss but that isn't going to happen since he isn't able to do anything, his flustered state doesn't leave him to move, so he has to wait a while until you two see each other again
If you had run away out of shyness is how he thought it was, he finds it extremely cute and, now that he isn't complety flustered he is able to tell you how cute you are, however if you have did it for being mischievous Tamaki get flustered again, this isn't the reason he thought of why you had run away (it isn't like he dislike it though)
Is more probably that he go after you if you two aren't dating yet, is something so unexpected but he loves it, Tamaki tries to ignore his embarrassed state to follow you to be able to ask you that if that means you like him back
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Hikaru Hitachi
Hikaru isn't too open or obvious with his love, specially if you two aren't dating yet (still his brother can easily notice his feelings), however he tent to show jealousy and a little possessiveness from time to time
Hikaru isn't exactly affectionate, he is more the joker and teasing type, specially if you two aren't dating, also he tent to feel embarrassed and flustered for his own feelings so that is why he tries to cover them, if you two are already together he will be more affectionate but mainly in private, when he feels emotional or tries to make it seem like it isn't a big deal
Hikaru has some troubles while showing affection (even when he shows otherwise), he prefer to take things slowly while he gets used to it, so a kiss it would be a little too much for him, specially if is unexpected
When you do kiss him it would surprised him a lot, he just stand there while you kiss him because he is unable to react, when you start running away Hikaru is still unable to react, he watch you run while being a flustered blushing mess, but when he finally get back into his senses he is immediatly running after you
Hikaru feels frustrated and irritated for what you have just done, mainly because he feels like if you were playing with him (he isn't mad for being kissed by you, what irritated him is the fact that you had run away), specially if you two aren't dating yet, if is that way he is even more frustrated because you had made him a flustered mess, for not explaining anything, for running away, but, more important, because he want you to clarify the meaning of your actions, he doesn't want to get excited over something that is just a joke for you
When he finally catch you (because he won't give up until he does and grows more frustrated as more time pass without being able to catch you), he make you look at him directly, he seems mad but his inmense blush contradict him
If you had run out of shyness Hikaru becomes really flustered once again because he find it really cute but he tries to calm down (when he finally calm down he wil teasing you for it, you won't hear the end of it), however if you have done it for being mischievous he is completely flustered in a whole different way, he was supoused to be the one who do those kind of things not you, and yet he can't help but love it and wonder it you would do something like this in the future again
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spacevixenmusic · 11 months
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this is the single most intimidating attack I've ever seen any anime character execute
Source: Kaleido Star
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landofanimes · 7 months
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Kaleido Star 20th Anniversary Music Festival (2024)
Merchandise: Kaleido Stage Performance Postcard Set
They turned the in-universe performance posters (on and off-Kaleido Stage) into postcards! I'm surprised they included Theatrical Camp but not The Princess and The Fool (1st OVA) but this is really cool!!!
From Season 1:
Romeo and Juliet
Golden Phoenix
Rosetta, The Princess of Diabolo
The Mermaid
The Arabian Nights
Theatrical Camp
Ultimate Illusion
From Season 2:
Monkey Heaven (Journey to The West)
Salome in Vegas
The 30th International Circus Festival in Paris
New Romeo & Juliet
Swan Lake
From the 2nd OVA:
Legend of Phoenix
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milimaaa · 9 months
Leon x Sora - Better than I know myself
(reupload of my old video from youtube)
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popcorn-an-artist · 10 months
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I needed to draw the two girls Leon got paired up with, because how he was towards the two was so different. Like he was the vampire king with the cold heart most of the time, but with Sora he had his kind moments that I loved.
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sigmaufo · 1 year
Has there ever been a Leon Oswald/Ken Robbins fanfic?
Perhaps I should write one.
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henryhenrietta · 2 months
The plot point that made Kaleido Star memorable for me was at the end of the Angel's Manoeuvre arc.
Spoiler below:
Both Yuri and Leon have by this point spent most of the season trying to become the "demon who raises an angel", only to realise that Layla and Sora had it handled.
Layla was as generous with her love for Sora, wishing to see her thrive and grow as a performer, as she was ruthlessly competitive. Sora knew she had to give it her all to even hope to stand a chance against Layla.
Layla was the demon raising an angel all along.
Something about that made me feel perfectly adequate; enough.
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0jamajos · 7 months
for some reason I was thinking of kaleido star, specifically of the first episode of s2 and it is very funny actually... like first of all, in this universe circus acrobats are the most famous and important ppl ever, which, god I wish. like the general public doesn't go see performances cuz there's one specific performer who retired and we can't have that, like, who cares we have 20 other people standing on their heads and doing like 15 turns mid air, no one wants to see that cuz it's not Layla Hamilton... But then also, Leon leaves mid performance cuz he feels like it, sure, and our dear main character decides to do a whole show by herself and ppl revolt and basically boo Sora cuz Leon's not there like... First of all you cannot convince me that from your dark far away seat you'd be able to see a human flying through the air in a super extra costume and be able to tell if it's Leon or someone else, and again, the public does not care whatsoever that you have a human doing insane tricks in gorgeous costumes and gorgeous lighting, give us our 1 (one) famous acrobat or else ... It's a though crowd in this universe man
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buckera · 1 year
get to know me EVEN better 🫣
I was tagged by @forthewolves thank you lovely mwuah 💛
I'm gonna drop it under the cut cuz its a bit long~
also I just answered some of these in the other post, so pay no mind to the 2 copy+pastes uhhh
three ships: (I'm gonna give three different ones here though, it pays to be a multishipper hehe) chanoey, hilson, spideypool
first ever ship: I wanna say... Hiei x Kurama from YYH?? Or maybe Leon and Yuri from Kaleido Star?? idk I was like 12 it's gotta be one of these 🥲
last song: The Moon Will Sing by The Crane Wives
last movie: still Barbie... you gotta understand that I watch TV shows all the time, but I can't make myself sit down and watch a movie that I haven't seen before, more than once every 3 years
currently reading: I am shamelessly rereading all things bright and beautiful by @forthewolves because of feels™ and because the last time I read it was just before I actually started watching the show 🤭
currently watching: you know it already and it's probably gonna be the same for the next couple of months because I'm hooked 🥲
consuming: can of diet coke ✌️
currently craving: validation and motivation ugh
nicknames: okay so I have sooo many, mainly because I used to use my first name and then my middle name for 14 years each, before I changed my name lol but also because I've been in fandom since I was like 12 so I accumulated a lot of character names that I was associated with at the time, I listen to anything at this point... that being said the ones I'm actually willing to give here are: newbs (which is 10/10 btw) and newbster haha
zodiac: pisces 🐠
fav music: goood so many but uhh indie/alternative stuff mostly, slavic electro folk, drum and bass, electro swing, newschool rockabilly/rock 'n' roll, anything good tbh, not techno though
followers: 1365
following: 273 (I've been going out of my way to follow more blogs that post stuff that I like, but I had a big cleanup there like 3 months ago)
do you get asks: sometimes, mostly about buddie lately which allows me to ramble on about them even more 😭 though I get the occasional rude asks from stupid people, but I just delete those lmao
amount of sleep: 6 hours I think??? Actually maybe less...
what are you wearing: black baggy pants with a waist string and a sinched bottom, a stripey crop jumper (white base, yellow, pink, blue and purple stripes), Looney Tunes socks
dream job: I mean, it used to be making cartoons, that's why I studied animation, but now I'm training to be an actor so wish me luck guys 🫡
languages: english, hungarian and what miniscule amount of german I still have left rattling around in my brain from school
random fact: I changed my name legally last December and I was struggling to pick a middle name for months, and as some of you may know already newbie is a nickname that Dr Cox calls JD in Scrubs and I have been using it for over a decade, so I thought if I was fine with that for so long, then I might as well give a subtle nod to the character irl too and I won't tell you what it is, but that's exactly what I did 😌
aesthetic: depending on the day; skater boy, dark academia librarian or insta mum 🥲
no pressure tagging: @daffi-990 @jesuisici33 @ladydorian05 @excuseme-greentea @yelenasbuddie @icecreampotluck @notnowtobey @hawkinsleather @disasterbuckdiaz and anyone who wants to do it of course! ✨
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fighting-these-demons · 4 months
I'm not gonna put even an ounce of effort into it but hey, I liked the thought so now it's a Post:
Resident Evil 4 Kaleido Star!AU
I just want to see Leon and Louis happy and swinging on trapeze and bouncing on trampolines.
Chilling in the California Sunshine (Tattoo Kiss starts playing)
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thequietkid-moonie · 2 months
Autistic!S/O stim by looking them perform
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[ HEADCANONS ] [ Yuri, Layla, Leon ]
[ Yuri on Ice!! ] [ Kaleido Star ]
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I have to admit it, I watched Kaleido Star at least twice because i stim a lot with the performances, wich lead me to follow quite some accounts of acrobats, I just love it too much alright???
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Yuuri Katsuki
No matter in what part of his life he is, were he couldn't even make a good performance or after start getting trained with Victor, what matter is that you are there for him and love him just as much as he loves you, you alone represent a great comfort for him, something that also motivate him to become better in skating
Even when Yuuri can feel quite flustered by your relationship that doesn't stop him from being close to you and being affectionate, and, honestly, the fact that you are autistic has never bothered him at all (but it does make him self-concious sometimes since he is too worried by wanting to avoid upseting you or even overwhelmed you)
By the moment Yuuri learn that you are autistic he imediatly tried to learn about autism, dating or not you are someone he cares about so he wants to make sure he knows all he has to know, and as time pass and you two grow closer he just want to learn more and more, finding it quite interesting, but he is more interested on knowing how it does affect you and what he can do to help
Guide by his love Yuuri tries to adapt his own life and rutine to your comfort, he doesn't really mind changing a few things if those make you uncomfortable, and, honestly, his parents are so happy that you two are together that they are also incredibly supportive (there are high chances that her mother learns how to make your favorite/comfort food, happily willing to cook it for you anytime you want to eat it)
Yuuri wants to avoid overwhelmed you at all costs, so most of the time he ask your opinion and is highly valuable for him, with each new perfom he is preparing he always ask you what do you think (even if you dont know nothing about skating he likes hearing your opinion), also he ask your opinion of his costumes, he always tries to make it with colors and a desing that wont overwhelmed you nor make you uncomfortable, but if it he does he will try to change it to one that is more appealing for you
Once Yuuri learns about stiming he will take a while to fully comprehend the concept and more to get used to seeing you do it, sometimes it still take him of guard and even make him nervous when is too vocal or visual (fearing that something may be bothering you), but over time he just get used to it and he even encourage you to feel free to stim all you want when you are with him or his family (he will not admit it out loud, but sometimes find your stim quite cute and even stare a little)
As much as Yuuri says that he doesn't mind having you around whenever he is practicing the skating he is clearly flustered by the idea of you wanting to see him and it even take him a moment to calm his nervous (probably failing a few times on his practice until he manage to calm down)
Yuuri is already flustered enough by the idea of you liking seeing him perform but knowing that you like it so much that you even stim by looking at him perform is going to flustered him way too much (and is quite evident for his inmense blush), he has background of doing so bad performances that he has never was able to even reach a good rank on the competition until Victor came to train him, but you liking seeing him perform this much is incredibly comforting for him, making him feel even special!
Although, he is still quite self-concious of himself, as much as he loves the idea of you loving his performances he knows that he has to improve, so the idea of you stiming by watching him perfom become one of his greatests motivation to improve, to be able to show you a performance worthy of such honor
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Layla Hamilton
Layla, one of the most reconized acrobats from the world, the star from the Kaleido stage, admired and loved for much, the one who's permorfances are always passionate and perfect, managing to always move the audience is not strange of being acclaimed and praised from all her fans, and yet the fact that you, the person she love the most, find her performances beautiful and mesmerizing enough to stim with them is one of the best compliments she has recived ever
Despite being most of the time quite strict and not easy with people she apreciate a lot the people she has close relasionship with, and of course you wont be an exception, Layla is sure that he does love you before even thinking on starting a relationship, as well she isn't someone who discriminate nor underestimate you, the fact that you are autistic has never being a problem for her and since the start she has always treat you as an equal
Layla is really respectful over you and expect others to be too, she doesn't make everyone else around to change and completely adapt to you but at least to have an amount of respect for you, just like she doesn't accept any insult towards the Kaleido stage she won't accept it towards you
In all honesty, is until she start to catch feeling for you that she start to investigate more about autism, also she learns a lot by being with you so she just gets used at whatever you do and learn to adapt the things she has to adapt to don't bring you problems and upset you
It take her a little to fully comprehend concepts like stiming because she really want to fully understand the concept, is probably at first she gets taken a back if you are loud or move much but quickly get used to it, although is until she learn the importance of stiming for you that she stop herself from thinking that is sometimes weird or troblesome (mainly in public or whenever she is too stressed)
After learning the importance and meaning of stiming for you when you admit to her that you like to visually stim by watching her perform or even practice Layla is quite flustered and even flattered, deep down she was hoping that you would like what she does but hearing that you even stim by it is giving her a new feeling, one that she likes, and she doesn't even waste time before thanking you for telling her and how happy she is by it
Honestly, knowing this give her motivation to keep giving the best of her and making sure everything is perfect, as well from then she likes to talk more about her practice and the new shows the Kaleido stage is working on, wanting to know your opinion on the matter more than ever (it doesn't matter if you don't say much about it but if you do she will heard you with a loving smile in her lips, a quite cute but rare scenary to look at). If there is something that you don't seem to like much or can find uncomfortable to look at Layla will try her best to change it enough for you to be comfortable with it, if she can't change it or not enough she will apologize profusely
It isn't too obvious but knowing this makes Layla being even more excited to perfom, everytime is time for the show she remind herself that you like it and she is doing this for you too (even if you don't assist that day at the performance she still thinks on you). Because of this you have always an sit just for you, either in the crowd or in backstage, wherever you feel more comfortable
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Leon Oswald
Despite having a reputation of being someone quite cruel and of someone who just cares about himself Leon is really caring and loving towards his partner, once he is sure about his feeling for you (and, most important, those are reciprocated) then Leon will always keep you close and make sure you are safe and happy
Leon is already quite protective, the memories of his past make him being scare of the posibility of losing you so he is always keeping an eye on you in case you need anything, and, honestly, the fact that you are autistic it does afect him quite a lot, but not because it bothers him but because it bothers you, even if you are at peace with it that doesn't change the fact that your autism will affect your life from how you percive the world and live your life, so is that what leads Leon to always take in consideration your autism
Since the moment Leon undestand how important you became for him he started to investigate all he could about autism and paying closer attention to you, genuinely wanting to learn more about the topic and how it does affect you, he is really smart and observant and, honestly, he learns quite a lot by just watching you, so with the time he spend paying close attention to you it was only matter of time for him to learn enough to make sure you are comfortable around him, to know when is safe to take a step close or when to give you space
Leon has no problem with adapting his life to you, you are the person he loves and the only one he is willing to let get close to him and his heart, so, for him, is only right to make you feel comfortable and safe around him just like how he feels around you, besides, he doesn't really mind much having to adapt a few things if it is for you
Leon will not have much troubles with learning important things such as being overwhelmed and the importance of stiming, this is a really important part of your life so he wants to fully understand them (besides, when he feels completely comfortable with you he will have less problems to ask you about it), so when knowing the importance of stiming and how it help you he will even indirectly encourage you to do it and will never say something bad about it
Adapting himself to your comfort also include his performances, always making sure that non of his costumes can be overwhelming and that you can enjoy seeing his performances without a problem, even before knowing that you stim with it. By the moment he gets to know that you do enjoy his performances to the point that it is useful to stim (either by you telling him or he noticing) Leon will feel quite flattered and even prideful of himself, he knows he is good at what he does and his looks helps a lot but knowing that he can help you and even make you happy by performing is more meaningful that anything else, he thinks that this may be the true meaning behind a good performance, the meaning Sophie used to see in the stage
Leon will express how happy he is that you like his performances once you two are alone mainly because this is something quite personal (since it will be expressed with words of love towards you too), and, honestly, after he gets to know this he will be more motivated to make the best performances he can offer and every single one will be adapted at your comfort (he is willing to threaten to quit the job if they refuse to change something that make you uncomfortable, he knows that with his high reputation he can do what he wants anyways)
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spacevixenmusic · 1 year
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mom the divas are fighting again
Source: Kaleido Star
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landofanimes · 7 months
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Kaleido Star
DVD Boxes 3 and 4
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kaleidostaranime · 4 years
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source: https://www.deviantart.com/arashi-matoi/art/Leon-833018700
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popcorn-an-artist · 1 year
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I recently rewatched Kaleido Star. Thinking I would like it the same as I did when I saw it last time. And I did. It turns out I did not lose interest in watching everything happen in it plus I still ship these two. Even though I knew which couple had more chance, but hope is still there, right?
Also fun fact (for me fun): I had the drawing on paper first, then thought why not and digitalized it for fun and it looks way better.
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ravenclaws-student · 3 years
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‘𝕯𝖗𝖆𝖈𝖚𝖑𝖆’ Performance - Kaleido Star (2003)
One of my favorite shows ❤
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