#kakshi x you
honeybeedrabble · 8 months
Dangerous Desires (ix) - Home Coming
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CW: spanking/brat taming, hair pulling, biting, licking, breast play, marking, unprotected piv (dont be stupid), rough sex, slight fingering, degradation, choking, cream-pie (DONT BE STUPID), probs some shit editing, LMK what i missed !!
word count: 10K 💀💀
18+ MDNI !!!!!
You stood in front of the hokage, heart beating out of your chest. You were nervous, that much was obvious. However you couldn’t wrap your head around why you were summoned. Lady Tsunade finished writing her last few words into her notes, stapling them together and setting them aside to address you.
“You must be wondering why I’ve sent for you,” she started, sitting up in her seat. Her face was somber.
“I can’t say you’re wrong.”
“What I’m about to tell you is something only a very select few know about.” Tsunade started, hands clasped together on the desk. “We’re about to go to war.”
You were shocked- was Kakashi really telling the truth?! Was he right all along?! Your emotions were everywhere and it was evident on your face.
“I know, I know it’s a lot to take in. I myself am not sure if I’ve taken it in yet.” She seemed stressed, you could see the worry behind her soft brown eyes.
“Lady Tsunade… who are we at war with?”
“My dear who aren’t we at war with?” She sadly laughed to herself. “Truth be told we’re fighting against a greater force than we know. I hate to say this but we’re looking at a fourth great ninja war.“ Your eyes widened, body filled with anxiety.
“A fourth great war? Are you serious?”
“I’m as serious as death. In fact, there’s going to be a five kage summit soon and I’ll need to attend to talk about said war.”
“So… The war isn’t with the other nations? I mean… if there’s going to be a summit with all five nations, doesn’t that mean neither is the threat?” You asked, still confused.
“Then who’s the threat?”
“I can’t discuss that with you.”
“Then why have I been summoned Lady Tsunade? If you can’t tell me who the enemy is tell me what I’m here for.” You were starting to get angry, worried for what you’d been told previously.
“You need to fight in this war.” Tsunade said plainly. “With medical jutsu like yours we would be idiots not to use you. I’m telling you now that we’re not asking you to enlist, but rather we are drafting.” Kakashi was right.
You couldn’t believe him, it was impossible to. How could this be happening? It wasn’t long since you’ve been here and already you’re being drafted in the war. It was exactly how Kakashi had told you, no denying it. This is your job, what you were sent to do, the only thing you know how to do, so damn right you’re going to use your blessing to help all you can.
“I’m well aware of my capabilities my lady, and in fact I find it a great honor to be drafted by you personally.”
“You’re taking this a lot better than I thought you would, I must thank you for that.” She sighed a relieved breath, hand clutching her chest.
“I have no other choice but to. This is what I signed up for when moving to Konoha. I decided the day I learned my first medical justu I would help the world become a better place. If you hadn’t drafted me I would’ve signed up myself. It’s my duty, this is my home.” Your words moved Tsunade, she smiled softly at you. Her face dropped suddenly.
“I’m glad you believe that, and I’m glad to have someone like you be so ready for whatever is to come, really I am. But because you’re going to be in the war I need to to preserve your chakra. Because of this, I forbid you from working at the hospital.” She looked away from you, knowing she didn’t want to see the determination wash away from your face in real time.
“Are you… are you firing me?”
“I’m afraid so. I cant have you waste any of your precious chakra on a few sick patients when we are going to have armies full of injured shinobi on the front lines. We have enough medical personnel at the hospital already, so with you being as high ranked as you are we must save you for the battlefield. You understand don’t you?”
“Lady Tsunade what more do I have other than my job? How long will it be until we are in war? I-I can’t be out of work that long.”
“I’m sorry but my hands are tied.” Her voice was almost as sad as yours, she worriedly watched as your eyes started to well with tears.
“Please my lady. Don’t do this to me.” She got up from her desk and walked over to you, hugging you tightly against her.
“It’s going to be alright, I promise. I just need you to rest up. We’ll be destroyed without you, please just trust me.” You hugged eachother until you could calm down, you wiped any tears that fell and stepped aside.
“Lady Tsunade I have a request to make.”
“What is it dear?”
“I want to go home. Back to my village and see my parents one last time before I go to war. I think it’s only reasonable to see them one last time, as me coming home alive and well is uncertain.” Tsunade stepped back and looked at you, a hand draped softly on your shoulder.
“I accept the request. How long will you be gone?”
“Probably under a week.”
“Then so be it. You’re dismissed.”
You walked out of the office and back home with an intense sadness inside of you. You gave up on Kakashi because you loved your job. Now your job has been stolen from you and it was all for nothing. Everything that had given you value- that had given you purpose- is now gone. You wondered if you should even return home or not.
You decided it would be a good idea if you told your friends Machi and Gale you’d be gone for the next few days, back at home until you decided you needed to come back. They understood and wished you well on your journey.
Kakashi was a mess, thinking about how poorly he treated you during your sexcapade, saying he hated you and fucking you so roughly he wasn’t sure if he had hurt you or not. Who care if he did? You hurt him worse. You hurt him in a way nobody else has. How could you treat him like he was somebody only to leave him like he was nothing? At least, that’s how he saw it.
Business at The Poison Sandwich was slow today, maybe the sadness was in the air. Kakashi ate his BLT, thoughts of you racing through his head. Even up until he heard your name uttered by the two girls you held dearly as friends.
“So she went back home.” Gale said to the cook behind the counter.
“I’ve been thinking about visiting a few of the sandwich shops in her village for a while now actually.” Percy smiled from behind the counter.
“Wait… she went back?” Kakashi interrupted, unsure if he heard right.
“Yeah, yesterday. Said she’s be back in a few days.” Machi said, looking over at Percy. “He said he was going to go the her village pretty soon to try out the food there.”
“Is this true Percy?” Kakashi asked his friend, who nodded as he discarded his white apron.
“Yeah. Why?”
“Can I come?” Kakashi asked, cursing himself. What was he thinking?
“Well as long as you don’t have any other plans for the rest of the day, I see no problem. I’m heading off now, so get ready.” Percy said, untying his apron and tossing it on a nearby countertop. “Ladies, you don’t mind closing shop for me, do you?”
And of course, as enamored with the man as they were, had zero issue and took care of business as he and Kakashi took off.
Kakashi was shocked to see the strange motorized bike that Percy had built, looking it up and down in shock and awe at the mechanism.
“What is this, if I may ask?”
“Well I’m not a shinobi like you so getting around to long distances isn’t easy for me. I built this myself as a way to make the trips easier.” Percy said, tossing Kakashi a black helmet. Kakashi caught it and reluctantly adorned it, his silver hair peeking out from underneath.
As Percy started the machine Kakashi sat in the back behind him, pondering why he had felt the need for such an impromptu visit to your hometown. He didn’t know why he felt this way, especially after the way you had treated him. Once again he felt alone, abandoned by your heartlessness and eager mindset to go fight off in a war that he felt would mame and kill you the second you had your back turned to the enemy.
“Kakashi… what’s been going on with you?” Percy asked, snapping Kakashi out of the trance he found himself in.
“I’m sorry?” He asked, puzzled at his friends sudden questioning.
“Listen... Gale, Machi, and I all know about your secret affair. And we don’t care- we support it honestly. But ever since you two have had a falling out… we’ve noticed a change.” Percy’s voice was somber as he drove throughout the thick forest, focused on the destination while his heart was stuck in the conversation. Kakashi was silent a moment, his mind was racing. Was it safe to tell his friend the truth? To let the secrets of his beloved lay out in front of someone who was only watching from the outside?
“I’m not sure I understand,” he replied monotoned. His outside demeanor was cool, but anyone who really knew what was going on inside his mind could tell the intricacies of his tone, picking up the way his voice would lilt anxiously as he declared this inquiry.
“Well I’m sure you do, so don’t play dumb with me Hatake,” Percy snapped, he wasn’t playing games- Kakashi was sure of this now.
“Well what do you want me to tell you? Sometimes people don’t work out the way they meant to, we don’t have control over these things. All you need to know is that me and her are… we’re complicated.”
“Bullshit.” Kakashi was taken aback.
“What are you talking about?” The wind was blowing through his hair, headband threatening to blow off his eye. He held it tight, looking at his thighs for avoidance.
“I’m talking about your seriously psychotic desire for control. You’ve wanted her from the moment you met her, haven’t you?” Percy asked, revving the engine of his bike.
“More than anything…” Kakashi admitted, vision still remained on his thighs.
“And ever since then, what have you done?”
Kakashi thought about it for a moment. What had he done? He had fucked you on his desk, broken into your home and stolen your underwear, touched you while you slept, fucked you at work, fucked you on missions- gods... the list could only go on.
“I’ve done all I could.” He clutched his fists, hating how horribly his stomach churned. “And yet it still wasn’t enough.”
“What do you mean?”
“I mean that my love for her has consumed me, my body, brain, and soul. She’s all I think about- ever. She’s everything, and everywhere. No matter what time of day or night, I can feel her down to the very air I breathe. I’ve tried for what has felt like forever to have her all to myself.”
“Why all to yourself?”
“Because the thought of her with anyone else makes me violent,” Kakashi said, regretting his words the very moment they spilled past his lips.
Percy remained quiet, Kakashi wasn’t sure if it was so he could talk more or not. He stayed silent for a while too. He wondered wether Percy was judging him, then again he didn’t care too much, it wasn’t him who was worried about public appearances.
“Sometimes I can feel my blood boil when I see another man talking to her. She makes me feel at peace, not just in my mind but in my soul. I love that woman down to the marrow in my bones and to think that some other man could see her and only see her for her beauty, only see her for something to use makes me sick. I can practically feel the bile in my throat just thinking about it.”
“So she makes you feel calm?” Percy didn’t seem to be turned off by the way Kakashi spoke of you, it was as if they were having a conversation so casual it was comparable to one about the weather.
“It’s beyond that,” Kakashi felt his heart flutter as he thought of you, his mind running with excitement just at the opportunity to talk about you.
“Sometimes I think about my past and all the people who have left me. Some of them chose to, some of them didn’t. Regardless, whenever I’d get attached to someone they’d leave, I didn’t have any control over it. Maybe it was because I was weak, or too young to have any real say in the matter. But now it’s different. I’m stronger and I’m older, no matter how you look at it I’m ten times the person I was all those years ago.” Percy remained silent, listening intently to his friend. Something he wouldn’t do to much of as Kakashi wasn’t the type to open up easily.
“When I met her, I knew instantly I loved her. It was a fact just as true as the sky is blue. I don’t think about all the horrible things from my youth whenever she’s around, not when all I can think about is the possibility of my old age spent with this wonderful woman. And the only way to have a future with her is if she doesn’t leave. I’ve grown beyond a simple lust for her, I've realized I can’t escape these feelings. I learned about her past, her favorite flowers and I’ve showered her in as much affection I can show without being too much. I’m sure I’ve crossed that boundary already but I can’t help it, I have too much inside to not let go of.”
“So you want something serious with her?”
“Why call it quits now? After everything you’ve gone through, why give up?”
“Because she’s going to leave me,” He ran a hand through his silver hair, holding back a tear that was heard through the slight crack in his voice.
“She told you she doesn’t want to be together anymore?” Percy asked, wondering if what his girlfriends told him about you was true or not. He remembered hearing how you liked Kakashi too, but was afraid of ridicule, yet still craved his love beneath it all.
“She wants to fight in a possible deadly battle. I cant disclose much but that’s all I can say.”
“But she’s strong isn’t she? Plus she’s a medic, so wouldn’t she be able to heal herself if anything happened?” Percy asked, unsure about the severity of this “battle”.
“You don’t get it,” Kakashi sighed, leaning his forehead against Percy’s back. “I can keep her through affection and intimacy, that’s one thing we both know we have for each other, it’s apparent. But I can’t keep her from getting herself killed. Death is around every corner for people like me and her.”
“Shinobi, you mean?”
“Exactly. I don’t want to be in love with someone and yearn for them every second we aren’t together just for them to leave and die. It’s not fair to torture myself like that. I’d rather call it quits early before I’m doomed to live a life of suffering. I couldn’t deal with it.”
“Kakashi, you already are.” Percy didn’t care to tiptoe around the fact, he was tired of all the beating around the bush. Kakashi sat there a moment, his head still resting against his friends back.
He closed his eyes, occasionally catching himself to hold onto the bike better as they jostled over small rocks and bumps along their path. Kakashi didn’t have much to say about that, but it did prompt a lot of thinking, not that he could do much with Percy being such a chatterbox.
“You need to hear me out with this, okay? Love is like a sandwich-“
“Good gods, spare me the metaphors…”
“I’m going somewhere with this trust me!!” Percy yelled defensively, his volume mostly washed out by the breeze blowing by. “You can have all the amazing fillings you want: intimacy, shared experiences, passion, romance, all that is great but without the bread that keeps it together it’s just a bunch of things slopped together. What makes a sandwich a sandwich is the bread that keeps it together- a solid foundation, trust. And sure, it’s going to be messy at times, but that just comes with that delicious journey we all sign up for.”
“Is there a point to this analogy?”
“Obviously, dumbass. You have all the makings for a great relationship except for the bread… the trust. The bread you’ve got is thin- real thin. Meaning it’s not able to keep all that great stuff inside. The only way that meals gonna end is with everything falling out. Do you know why your bread is thin?” Percy asked, dodging a large rock in the middle of the path.
“Because of my insecurities…” Kakashi admitted, his face heating up.
He sat with this realization, mostly because he was metaphorically eaten up alive by one of his best friends. That aside, he looked at the bigger picture. Was he really that insecure about his trust in you? He knew you were strong, but was he actually just insecure you would rather die than be with him?! Was he really that codependent on you? That wasn’t possible, not with war being such a great threat. Percy didn’t know that though, so that’s another thing to factor in. Regardless, there still was valid food for thought presented to him.
“Well how far away are we now?” Kakashi asked, looking around at the new environment.
“Wont take longer than a few minutes, bud. Relax, we’ll be there in no time.”
Percy was right of course, only a few minutes later and the two were parked outside the large wooden gates. Sounds of children’s laughter and music could be heard just beyond, as well as the smell of amazing food clouding their senses. Kakashi and Percy walked in, delighted by all the new sights and sounds, it seemed like a festival was taking place, although they had zero clue what it was for.
While it did seem magical at first glance, Kakashi knew the truth behind this villages facade. When he truly looked around beyond the vibrant colors and fun attractions, he saw very sick people lurking around the streets, some even begging for spare money. He sighed to himself, judging all the men who walked by with their expensive robes who were laughing at the sick and elderly.
“Kakashi! Over here!” Percy called to him from beyond the crowd.
Kakashi looked over to where his friend was and saw a small shop next to some sort of brothel-esque building. He tilted his head in curiosity at him, raising both arms in a shrugging position.
“No- come over here! This is the place I came here for!” Percy called louder, holding open the shops door to signal he was about to enter.
Kakashi jogged over there, still overwhelmed by all the excitement going around. When he caught up with Percy, he suddenly felt something very familiar. It was that calmness in his soul he had described to Percy earlier. He spun around, trying to see what it was and if he could follow it.
“Something the matter?” Percy asked, shutting the door.
Kakashi turned his head and saw a small staircase on the outside of the establishment that led to a second story door. He furrowed his brow looking at the door, feeling a strange calling towards whatever was just beyond it.
“No… I guess it’s nothing.” He said, turning towards Percy as he opened the door and walked inside.
It was a small restaurant, a few tables here and there as well as a large island that a middle aged man stood at.
“Hi, welcome in fellas! Take a seat anywhere you want, I’ll get you both a few menus to look at!” He said cheerily, ducking behind the island to grab two menus.
Percy sat at the island in front of the man, Kakashi followed and took the seat next to him. The older man gave them their menus and went in the back to give them some time.
“Are you hungry at all?” Percy asked, skimming the drinks side.
“I could eat,” Kakahi responded, suddenly craving a sandwich more than anything.
There were quite a few options to choose from. Some vegan options, some vegetarian, and some sort of dessert types with various different fruits, custards, and cream fillings. Kakashi was in the mood for something more traditional and hearty, deciding he would ask for a grilled chicken sandwich.
The man reappeared with a small notepad and pen, leaning against the countertop.
“You two ready to order?” He asked, looking at Kakashi first.
“Yeah, may I please have the grilled chicken sandwich?” He asked, pointing to the menu. The man wrote it down and then asked for Percy’s order.
“I’ll have this breakfast sandwich,” Percy said.
“A little late don’t you think?” The man laughed, taking both menus.
“Well you know… breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Why not have it anytime of day?” Percy laughed. The man furrowed a brow and Percy grimaced, embarrassed by his joke falling flat.
Kakashi couldn’t help but feel that comforting aura getting stronger around him. He looked around, maybe it was the environment? Just then it became much stronger, as if all this muscles had relaxed in just that moment. It felt less like an aura and more like a chakra. He quickly looked behind the man and towards the curtains that led to the back. What he saw he couldn’t believe.
You emerged from beyond the curtains, holding two cups of water in your hands. When you looked up you immediately locked eyes with him. You must’ve felt the same muscle relaxation as Kakashi, you suddenly dropped both cups catching the eyes of the room.
You had arrived to this hometown of yours not too long after you left Konoha. You watched as children ran around happily through the village with their prizes from games going on throughout the streets. You sighed, walking down the paths of the place you once called home, knowing the happiest of people were just tourists in this living hell your family and community was trapped in.
You approached your families restaurant, smiling at the nostalgic feeling it filled you with. You grabbed the handle and walked in, your father standing just behind the island. He called you name excitedly, rushing over to you to hold you in a tight hug.
“You’ve come home! What are you doing here? You didn’t get kicked out, did you?” He teased, letting you go to get a good look at you. You nervously laughed.
“No, it’s not that.” You said, rubbing the back of your neck.
“Well whatever the reason is, it’s nice seeing you again.”
“Um… can I talk to you upstairs for a moment? There’s something I need to tell you… it has to do with me being here actually.”
He nodded and held the curtain for you to walk through. Beyond the kitchen in the back was a small door that led to a staircase, that staircase led to the small flat you and your family grew up in. When you both had settled down in the living room, you had assumed your mother would be there, however she was not. Puzzled, you two sat on a nearby couch and you faced him to ask.
“Did mom go out somewhere? I mean… I didn’t see her in the restaurant or kitchen and it’s a little late to still be in bed…” Your fathers face fell, looking at the carpeting.
“Your mother is uh… well there’s no easy way to say this. Your mothers in the hospital.” You felt your heart drop.
“What’s wrong with her? Why didn’t you send a message?! I could’ve come home to help her- what’s going on dad?!” you asked, voice shaking.
He sighed deeply, rubbing his temples with one hand anxiously.
“We aren’t sure what was wrong with her but… we knew that with the big move and that new job of yours you’d have some real stress. We couldn’t put that on you, so we made the decision to send her to a nearby hospital to get her checked out.”
“Fuck…” you sighed, holding your head in your hands. “You need to take me to her, I can heal her… or fix her or… something- anything! Gods dad, what the hell?! Why wouldn’t you tell me?”
“Sweetie it’s fine, your mothers going to be okay-“
“Dad that’s a lot of money! For crying out loud, how are you going to afford the hospital bills?”
“We’ll be fine! as long as you’re okay we’ll be just fine.”
“Here, let me see if I have any extra money on me,” you reached into your pockets for your wallet. Your father quickly nudged your arm away.
“Please don’t, you have enough on your plate already. Why don’t you tell me what you needed to say earlier, okay?” He asked, putting on a small smile.
You frowned.
“Well, since we’re getting everything out in the open…” You took in a deep breath, letting it out with a shaky breath. “I’m going to war.”
You felt your heart shatter the way you watched your fathers face drop again. It was as if he was being told his only child was about to be killed right in front of him.
“Dad, I know how it’s sounds but I don’t have any other choice. There are people who need me, I signed up for this- this is my job.“
“I understand.” He said softly. You frowned, pulling him into a hug.
“I wanted to see you and mom one last time before I left… I know it’s a worst case scenario but… if anything were to happen, I wanted to tell you both goodbye.” You heard your father sob in your ear, holding you tightly. You couldn’t help yourself from crying either and wept with him on the sofa.
“I know you’re strong, and I know you’re valuable, but I’m still so worried,” he sputtered, you patted his back to comfort him but it did next to nothing.
“I know, but I promise you I’m not going down without a fight. I swear to you and mom I’m not going to let myself be weak.” You said sternly, almost as if you weren’t choking back a rivers worth of tears.
After a few more minutes and you and your father had calmed down, you sat there and discussed the situation of war. What it meant for you and your family. You said that with the money you had, it’ll all go to them if you died and they’d be able to move far away, to a better village and have a good financial place for themselves. Your father wasn’t pleased to hear about this and almost cried again. To get his mind off of it, you told him about your job and all the people you met at Konoha.
“Machi and Gale, huh? They sound quite nice! You even have your own students, sounds like you’ve adapted pretty well,” you dad smiled, tears drying on his cheeks.
“I have,” you smiled back, a blush forming in your face when you remembered Kakashi was one of the first you grew close with, even if it started out so riske.
“What’s that look for, hmm?” Your father asked, teasing you for the small blush across your face.
“It’s nothing,” you replied, putting a hand to your cheek and feeling the warmth on your skin.
“Don’t lie to me, I know that look pretty well. You must’ve met someone who isn’t just a friend or a student to you, so tell me!” He laughed, playfully swatting you on your arm.
“I mean, yeah there is someone,” you smirk, shortly after your face fell.
“Um… is everything alright?”
“Yeah, It’s just… things are complicated right now.”
“Oh,” you father said sadly, crossing his arms.
“But he’s a really great guy!” you perked up.
“He?” Your father asked. You nodded. “Does he have a name?”
“He might.”
“He might? What might it be?”
“It might be Kakashi.” Just the your fathers arms uncrossed, his eyes widening.
“As in Kakashi Hatake?”
“Oh great,” you sighed, hating this conversation immediately. “Yeah, why?”
“Because that’s the famous copy ninja! I’ve got to say I’m impressed.” You groaned, holding your knees to your chest now.
“Please stop embarrassing me.”
“I’m not trying to, I’m just suprised that a man like that can be in a relationship with you.” Immediately you grew defensive.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Your brows furrowed.
“Woah, I didnt mean it like that! It’s just… he’s known for being such a hardened shinobi. Who knew there was a heart beneath the mask?” He nervously laughed.
“I knew.” You added. Your father frowned, nervously fidgeting in his seat.
“I’m sorry, " you sighed. "I didn’t mean to be so snappy. It’s just that we’ve spent a lot of time together and he means a lot to me. I’ve seen a lot of his sides and even though he drives me crazy I can’t help but love him regardless. He makes me feel seen, and appreciated. No matter how bitchy I am he keeps trying, nobody else has ever been this patient with me. And what makes things even crazier, is that I feel so drawn to him. It’s like my whole life has led up to the moment we’d meet. Oh, what am I saying? This is starting to get weird, I’ll stop while I’m ahead,” your face felt extremely hot, you avoiding looking at your dad.
“No it’s fine, I get it.” He said, patting you on the back.
“Yeah, thanks.” Silence.
“So what makes things so complicated?”
“‘What isn’t complicated’ is a better question,” although you knew that answer was something entirely too inappropriate to say.
“It’s that bad?”
“Yes and no. It’s a long story, I couldn’t get into it.”
“Well whatever the case may be, you sound like you really love him. In fact, I caught onto you saying that,” he smirked.
“Please stop.”
“Fine.” he raised his hands defensively, then stood up from his seat at the couch. “Now we can sit here moping all day or we can spend time together like we used to. What do you say?”
“Moping sounds good but we can’t afford that right now so let’s work the restaurant like we used to.” You smiled, following him down that stairs.
So that’s what it was, it was you all along. He should have known better. Kakashi stood up, uttering your name back to you. You weren’t sure what to do. Truth be told you didn’t forgive him for putting you out on the spot like that, but you also knew there was no real reason for him to forgive you either.
“I’m sorry but would you excuse us for a minute?” Kakashi asked Percy as he motioned to speak to you outside.
“No.” Percy said, fidgeting with his napkin. Your father shot you a concerned look, finally putting two and two together. You patted him on the back reassuringly.
“It shouldn’t take long, we’ll just have a chat upstairs.” You reached into your pocket for a set of keys, walking out the front door of the establishment, Kakashi on your tail.
You two walked out in silence and he followed you up the outside stairs, staying quiet as you unlocked the door and stepped inside. He looked around and it appeared to be your old bedroom, posters and ribbons hanging on the walls. It felt homey to him, more so when he noticed preserved flowers laying on your desk, jasmine to be exact.
“So did you follow me here or did you-“ he cut you off with his lips against yours. Your eyes grew wide in shock. But the moment he put his hand on the small of your back you felt entirely different. Your eyes closed softly and your hands tangled in his hair. You felt a familiar fire burn in your chest, your heart fluttering as his beat in tandem with yours.
“Kakashi,” you sighed, his grip on you becoming tighter. He pushed you against the door, keeping his grasp on you impossibly firm. “Now’s not a good-“
“Stop talking, damnit.” he huffed, his breath hot against your skin. Immediately you shut your mouth, only opening it again to allow his tongue to brush up against yours.
You locked the door while you were still up against it, then resumed pulling on his hair. You also pushed your body against his firm chest, feeling your loins flutter as his breathing became heavier and his kisses more desperate. Kakashis tongue prodded into your mouth, caressing your own as if it lost it, rejoicing in the feeling of finding it again. His body language spoke the same dialect, his arms tense while they wrapped around you, legs locked in place as they cornered you against the wooden door.
You grabbed onto his vest, yanking it off of him and it was only for a moment when his arms left your body. His vest sliding off of him and landing on the floor, he swiftly kicked it away and then resumed his primal grip against your body. He pulled you into him, a breath of air escaping your lungs the moment he ripped your body off the floor. Your legs instinctively wrapped around his waist, head falling to your shoulder while his teeth sunk into your neck, you let out a small grunt from the pain that you couldn’t welcome enough.
“Kashi?” you whispered heavily. He cut you off with another sloppy kiss, the rough smack of his lips against yours had you digging your nails into his back through his body con long sleeve. “What are you doing-“ another kiss “here?”
“What does it look like?” He huffed, hands sneaking past your shirt as he caressed your back with his long fingers. Your breath hitched at the feeling of him touching your bare skin, hair on the back of your neck raising while the tickling sensation of his calloused fingertips roamed your skin.
“I know what you’re doing, but why?”
“I needed you,” he rasped, fingers digging into your skin, his own nails now dragging down your skin. You shuddered in his grasp, thighs clamping down tight around his abdomen. “Must I need any other reason?”
“No…” you knew this was rhetorical, but the gratification you gained from answering him regardless heightened your arousal, giving into him just like you always did. “Needed me for what?” you asked, your chest rising and falling as you struggled to gain your composure.
“I just needed to see you,” Kakashi muttered licking the slight teeth marks that curved along your neck. “I missed this… the way things were before. Y’know I thought about inviting you over the other night?”
“To your apartment?” You were suddenly curious. He nodded, his hands now rubbing down your back, causing you to shiver once again. “What would we do?”
“I don’t even know. I was just so empty without you, even you being in my presence would be enough for me. However, I’m sure we’d find ways to entertain ourselves,” He leaned in closely to your ear “Wanna know how exactly?”
When he said this he thrusted himself into you, his hard package pressing right up against your clothed cunt. You moaned, grinding down on the new stimulation the moment you could, completely void of embarrassment or shame.
“Y-yeah,” your heart was practically in your throat now, however you felt the heartbeats much, much lower.
“Well, I had something in mind,” he hummed, his hands now on your asscheeks, gripping them harshly.
“Ngh- Like what?”
“I was thinking about how bad you’ve been lately,” his breath was almost burning the skin of your neck, you wanted him to so badly rip your clothes off of you and take you to bed. His hair smelled so good, you kept digging your fingers inside of the fluffy mass, gently pulling at it while it tangled between your fingers. He grunted slightly.
“Just like how you are right now,” it came out a purr, vibrations coming up from deep inside his chest. “You’ve been a bad girl. Sometimes I can barely recognize you.”
You didn’t know why you felt so ashamed about his words, a wave of regret crashing hard against you.
“I’m sorry,” you whisper, unsure why the apology came so easy.
“So you admit you’ve been a bad girl?” he asked with amusement in his tone, his voice hoarse as he spoke deep into your neck.
“I’m as bad as they come,” you admitted, legs wrapping around even tighter. He chuckles softly.
“Oh? Well then I think we both know what that means,” his cock twitched underneath his pants, you had to sink your nails into your palms to avoid getting handsy. “I think you need to be punished severely.”
The hair on the back of your neck stood up, goosebumps rising on your skin immediately. He carried you over to your bed, tossing you down on it. You crashed against it, a loud squeak echoing through the room. You blushed, hoping to whatever god there was that nobody downstairs could hear.
“What are you going to do with me?” You asked, your hands rubbing where he bit you on your neck.
“You want to know your punishment?” An amused smile spread across his face. You nodded. “Well that’s for me to know and you to find out.”
You felt frustrated, already wanting him to lash out on you, it felt like torture the way he stood over you, patently keeping his hands to himself.
“Please?” you whispered, one of your hands moving south of your body, he watched as your sunk your hands under your waistband, eyes blowing wide when your mouth fell open.
He grabbed your wrist and yanked it back out, pinning it down and above your head.
“I think you need another spanking.” You bit your lip, trying to hide your excitement, your panties already wet when he increased the pressure of his hand.
He sat down next to you, letting go of your wrist and instead using his hand to grab your hair into a tight pony tail, causing you to sit up.
“Should I bend over your lap?” it came out as a mewl, your desperation evident on your face.
“How funny that you just want to jump straight into it,” he smiled in your face, shiny teeth gleaming back at your from beyond his perfect lips. “Sweet girl, maybe you do know how to behave,” he kissed you softly, then had you bend over his lap.
With one hand still firm in your hair, the other pulled down your pants, your panties coming down with it. You clenched around nothing as the cool air hit your wet cunt, a shiver was sent up your back.
“Such a slut, excited for her spanking.” He caressed your soft globes, you hummed excitedly, almost moaning at the delicate touch. “If I hadn’t done this previously I would’ve assumed you didn’t know what this was. Is that true? Are you a stupid girl who doesn’t know what a spanking is?” he cooed, his hand grabbing you hip harshly, fingers digging into your skin.
You grunted, knowing with this much pressure he would leave bruises along you skin for days, weeks even.
“It’s not pleasant, at least not the way I do it, remember? It’s gonna hurt, way more than a few soft taps.”
“I’m hoping for it,” you replied back, surprised by your own response and enthusiasm.
“Oh yeah?” he also seemed surprised, pleasantly surprised. A wicked smile was plastered on his face, searching your eyes with his own. “How long have you been wanting this for? I mean, you’re so obedient. I cant help but assume you’ve fantasized about this ever since last time,” his grip of your hair tightened, you smiled up at him devilishly.
“I’ve been wanting this since I last saw you.”
“Good answer,” he smirked. “Are you ready?”
You nodded quickly, arching your back as the tension builds up in your body.
“An even better answer." his fingertips glided againsty the curve of your back. "I don’t care if you scream or cry, in fact it would make this more enjoyable,” he hummed, pulling on your hair. “Now sit still.”
Kakashis hand came down hard on your backside, a loud slap echoed in your ears. You let out a depraved moan, biting your lip as the stinging starting to settle on your asscheek. He took a moment to take in the look on your face, ogling the flush of color across your cheeks. Quicker, and much harder this time, he struck you again with his ever-so-firm hand.
You whined, squirming in his lap until he spanked you again. After his next, you dug your nails into the mattress beneath you, huffing deep breaths in and out. Kakashi laughs softly, watching your soft ass turn a bright pink as he punished you.
“How many can you handle? You want me to get creative?” he asked happily, softly rubbing circles on your abused skin.
“Y-yesss…” your voice was trembling.
“If you say so. But it makes me wonder… how much pain can this pretty little ass take?”
“I deserve it, we both know I’ve been bad,” you mutter, nails coming out of the mattress as you slowly began to get less tense with each rub of Kakashis hand.
“Yes you have,” Kakashi exclaimed amused. “Do you know how bad? Answer me.” He smacked you again, and all you could muster was a string of whimpers and groans, no real words coming to your mind.
“Answer me properly. I don’t want to hear your little moans. I want a real answer. Tell me what you’ve done.”
“I… I’ve kept you a secret…” you whispered, your hand stroking his knee. “And the worst part is I’ve been fantasizing about you this whole time.”
“Interesting. For how long, give me a number.” He pulls your hair, tilting your face upwards so your eyes are locked.
“8 weeks,” you confess, looking away to avoid his strong gaze.
“8 weeks? How filthy have you been? What’s the most inappropriate thing you’ve fantasized about me doing?” He pulled your hair tighter, forcing you to look back at him.
“I’ve thought about you defiling me.” Kakashi raised an eyebrow.
“That’s all? I’m not going to lie, I expected more from you.” His hand move from your ass to your hip, once again squeezing it tightly. You winced.
“I-I’ve thought about you waking me up just so you can use me to get yourself off,” you blurted out. Kakashi perked up, much more interested.
“Anything else? You’ve had 8 weeks,” clearly he was having fun toying with you. It felt like torture dumping your fantasies onto him, but you couldn’t help spilling your guts.
“I’ve thought about pleasuring you.”
“Go on.” His grip became looser, yet still firm.
“I’d use my mouth.” He smirked.
“Is that all?” You wanted to melt into his lap, escape his massive presence.
“And my hands…”
“Well, don’t you have a plethora of talents,” he teased, bringing his hand back and quickly down his to your ass. You flinched, but before he could make contact he stopped himself, laughing softly. Your face burned hot.
“Anything else? I mean, 8 whole weeks is a looong time,” he raised his eyebrow again, looking directly in your eyes.
“Spit it out, don’t be a tease. I know you can say more.” His words made your skin tingle.
“I’ve thought about how mad you were at me, ignoring me all the time at the office. So I thought about trying to rile you up, get you even angrier. Just so maybe you’d snap and use me without holding back.” He loosened his grip on you.
“You really want that? For me to take my frustration out on you?”
“Yes.” You gripped his knee tighter.
“You really are a bad girl, aren’t you?” He smirked, grip getting firmer in your hair again.
“I am.”
“Do you have no shame? Ass in the air, panties off, pussy soaking wet, and looking me in my eye while you tell me about all the filth you’ve imagined about me. Sweet girl, you’re more perverted than I thought.” He pulled your hair back further, his mouth connected with your more a quick kiss.
“I bet you’ll say anything at this point if it’ll make me happy, huh? You’ve completely given yourself to me, isn’t that right?” With lidded eyes you nodded looking up at him.
“Are you mine to use?” Amused curiousity lingering in his voice.
“Yes.” Right after you confirmed this, another rough smack was right up against your ass. You yelped, once again digging your finger into the mattress.
“You like that, don’t you? You like getting hit by me.” You nod. Another rough smack. “Say it.” he practically barked.
“I- I like it! I like getting hit by you!” You wanted to curl up in embarrassment, once again hoping nobody could hear you. Kakashi had a wicked look on his face.
“I wonder how many times can I hit this ass of yours before you cry? Are you a tough girl?” He asked condescendingly.
“Yes…” He hit you harder, producing a loud moan out of you. He laughed.
“Are you tough or what? You seem to be enjoying this more than I expected,” this time he struck you lower, so that his palm was right up against the back of your thigh. You desperately squirm again, breathing shakily. He hits you there again, smiling to himself.
“Oh? Am I hitting a sensitive spot?” You almost shrieked when he smacked it again. “So I did find a sensitive spot,” he leaned down closely so that that he was almost in your ear.
“I’m going to keep smacking you, riiight here until your crying and begging me to stop.” And that’s what he did. Over and over again, watching as you rubbed your legs together, slick coating the feverish in-between of your legs.
“How many more spanks can you get before you cry? 10? 20? I know you can take it,” he kept spanking you, each one lighting you up until your ass was red. As he spanked you, he enjoyed watching your eyes roll back, your whimpers echo softly in your room, and your body spasm after each moment of contact.
“You must nearly be at the edge, huh?” Your eyes rolled back to normal, welling with tears. “Awww, is that it? Is that all you can take?”
He delivered the final blow, you moaned loudly, tears flowing down your cheeks. You felt lightheaded, pain and pleasure circulating inside of you. The erotic sensation making it's way up your spine, the hairs on the back of your neck stood up.
“Aww… did I do that? Did I make the tough, pretty girl cry?” You nod, unable to verbalize a single thought. “Such a good girl, taking it like a champ. I have to say, I admire how well you kept your composure… well at least most of it.”
He pulled your hair back, your head coming closer to him and he placed a soft kiss on your forehead. You shut your eyes and bit your lip, your heart melting at his sudden tender affection.
While still having a good grasp of your pony tail, Kakashi slung you over to the side, trapping you against him and the bed. He had you pinned, your wrists above your head. When he towered his large form over you his lips brushed against yours, his scent was everywhere. You closed your eyes again, and felt how his eyelashes fluttered against your cheek as he bent down lower and licked up your neck.
You smirked, a sudden tickle causing you to slightly spasm, Kakashi laughed softly when he saw it. He instead turned to biting you, the feeling of his teeth in your neck filled you with the most euphoric nostalgia. You sighed, legs bending so your knees could squeeze his waist. He rutted his hips into your core, and you shuddered as the wet juices pooled in your cunt and trickled down your legs.
Kakashi looked up at you, lips curled into a cocky smile, pressing softly against your own. You parted your lips, his soft tongue dragging along your plump lip, before his teeth gently trapped it and he bit into it possessively. You never started the day thinking he'd be showing up at your old home, about to fuck you senseless into the mattress you've spent countless nights on. It seemed to you like Kakashi's fate was to always appear, and so was your passionate desire for him.
Kakashi's kiss could make your loins ache like a wildfire, yet it could also make your breaths slow and your heart melt. Maybe it was fate?
I am safe here. His arms are open, his tongue is tender, and I don't need to struggle anymore.
Its all you could think about, really.
Two fingers circled your drenched clit, Kakashi watched your hole clench around nothing. He licked his lips watching your pretty cunt swallow his didgets shortly after, curling up as he pumped in and out.
“She’s so pretty…” he hummed, his knuckles now shiny with your arousal.
Your toes curled the more he pumped you, his fingers working fast. You roughly grabbed his wrist, stopping his movement. He looked up at you, a single brow cocked.
“Something wrong?” his voice was smooth, eyes soft as they watched you with adoration.
“T-that’s not what I need…” You murmured, breathing in and out as if you’d pass out.
“Tell me, what do you-“
“Cock. Yours.” You demanded. Kakashis eyes grew wide, a sinister grin plastered in his face. He retracted his fingers from your cunt, a silent moan escaped your lips when he moved.
“I never thought I’d have you so needy, sweet girl.” Kakashis hand traveled to his waistbands and pulled them down, hard cock slapped against his body con shirt, precum making his tip glisten.
“I can’t help it.” You admitted, your eyes breaking away from his to stare at his erection. Your legs spread wide, and you wriggled excitedly.
Kakashi ducked down to kiss you, cupping your cheeks as he rutted against you, his length rubbing up and down against your clit. You moaned into the kiss, a smile on your face as your pleasure spread. You wrapped your legs around his waist and your arms around his neck, getting even closer as you two enjoyed eachothers embrace.
Kakashis tongue made its appearance in your mouth again, the soft tip of his tongue swirling with yours, just to retreat and wetten your lower lip.
“Don’t tease me…” you whispered, breaking the kiss only to resume it quickly. He laughed gently, his hand moving south to grab the base of his cock and align it with your entrance.
“Well, aren’t you one to talk?” With one swift motion he went balls deep inside of you again, a shiver running up his back as he bottomed out, his public bone flush with your clit.
You both grunted, then began to lock lips as his hips drilled into you. You both knew you didn’t want to waste any time, each time he bottomed out you grounded down on him further, feeling his warm precum coat your walls as your own arousal spilled out and onto the sheets.
“Always wet for me…” he smiled, kissing down your jaw.
His cock was heavy, stretching you perfectly and throbbing each time it hit that tender spot inside of you that made you digs crescents into his back with your nails. He loved watching your lashes flutter when your eyes rolled back, and he devoured your lips whenever they opened to produce a guttural moan.
“I love you…” Kakashi cooed, a finger of his now playing with your clit.
“Love you- haaah- too…” you replied with a whine between words.
Kakashi pulls your shirt off of you, then quickly grabs both your wrists in one hand. He pins you down, and you’re unable to move. He retracts his hand from your clit and presses his forearm under your tits, pushing them up and drooling at how pretty they sit. He ducks down and sucks a nipple, his soft tongue spreading hot spit over your sensitive tits. He moans, cock throbbing as you pulse around him.
He looks up at you, your face red and forehead slightly sweaty. Fuck, you look so sexy. He groans your name, biting your tit, sucking a hickey into the soft flesh in his mouth. You’re seeing stars, vision blurry as your orgasm comes washing over you. You’re whimpering his name, shaking and yet unable to move under his massive presence. He lets go of your tit in his mouth and watched over you. You were his own personal porn star, cumming for him- cumming on him. Whimpering his name as you choke his girthy cock and take him while he resizes your cunt.
“Filthy… you’re making such a mess.” His pace was quicker now, your cries of pleasure louder as he beats your pussy into the mattress. “Bad girl…” he hums low, almost a growl.
You can’t fight back the violent euphoria, your poor cunt wants more of him, regardless as to whether or not you can take it.
“S’ good…” you mewl, erotic and soft squelches filling your ears as he continues to stuff you with his member, his own orgasm on its precipice.
“You really are a slut of this cock, huh?” he teased, thrusting hard, keeping his dick stuffed deep inside you as he pressed his pelvis against your clit. His nails dig into your wrists, your fingers try to grab onto him but you just can’t reach.
“No more playing games,” he grunts, a hand letting go of your wrists to wrap around your throat firmly. You gasp, your air running thin. “You want me?” His hips retreat, then slam harsh inside of you. You wince, eyes snapping shut when you moan.
“Tsk tsk, look at me.” you follow his order, your brows knitted tightly together, looking up at him through your lashes. His teeth glimmer as he grins mischievously, his grip on your neck tightening. “Nah, you need me.”
You feel like you’re about to pass out again, legs shaking viciously and you felt light headed.
“My body always misses this pussy… fucking made for me.” He nips at your jaw, railing you at the one pace he knows you and he both like it. “Mine.”
He wants to mark you up, leave you purple for everyone to see. So when he notices how hard it is for you to breathe he lets go, and takes delight in how you choke for air. He sucks deeply at your neck, throbbing inside you when he imagines how it’ll look after.
“M’gonna cum again…” you almost plead, hips tilting up to meet his own, welcoming his gorgeous cock back inside of you where you knew it belonged.
“I bet you want me to cum inside you,” he mutters, letting go on your sensitive skin before he sucks another purple bruise into your neck.
“Please.” Is all you manage, your slick now running down your ass.
“Always a slut for my cum…” He bites your shoulder, his tongue licking at the red skin underneath. “Can’t fuck you once without you begging for a creampie.”
You cum for a second time, begging for his hot cum to fill you up and pour out. Kakashi complies, a few more rough thrusts and he’s pumping you full of his burning seed, you feel impossibly full as you throw your head back. Kakashi moans heavily, still pumping you with his cock, loving the way you squirt on him with your own spend.
“You can play with yourself thinking about this tonight,” he says low, kissing you hard while he continues to shoot ropes into you. You twitch, legs spasming as your orgasm refuses to subside.
“N-no. I wanna be with you tonight! I wanna do it again!” You beg, wrapping your legs even tighter around him. His eyes widen and he licks your neck playfully.
“My sweet girl, if I bring you home with me tonight I won’t stop until the sun comes up.”
“I’m prepared to lose a few hours of sleep if it means I can spend them being your whore.” You respond shamelessly. He lets go of your wrist and you grab the back of his head, fully making out with him as you play with his silver mess. “I love you. I don’t care anymore.”
Kakashi hums in delight, pulling out of you, your shared cum sticking to his own thighs now.
“You mean you’re all mine?” He knew the answer.
“Mmhmm… And I’m sorry about the way I was acting before…” You admitted, hands running in his hair.
Kakashi rested his face against your tits, his arms wrapped around your waist.
“What do you mean? I should be sorry. I shouldn’t have been such a scummy person to make you choose me or your career, especially when I knew how much you love it.” His voice was soft and somber, you kissed the crown on his head.
“We both messed up, yeah?” You slightly giggled.
“Yeah,” he laughed back. “If you’re sure about going into this war with me I want you to know something.” He picked his head up, towering over you again. His palm rested against your cheek as his eyes looked deep into yours.
“I don’t care who we’re facing or what we’re up against. I don’t care who’s getting hurt but I do know one thing,” His brows furrowed. “I’m not leaving your side once. I’ll cover you, I’ll fight for you, I swear I’ll kill for you- I already have and I will again if I have to.”
He softly kissed the tip of your nose.
“That goes for me too,” you sighed, one of your hands caressed his shoulder. He grabbed that hand and kissed the back of it, then pulled you off the bed.
You two got dressed, although you chose to change into a turtle neck, and went downstairs. The restaurant was more packed and there was chatter all around, the nerves you may have been heard upstairs disappearing completely.
Percy turned around when Kakashi approached the seat next to him and reclaimed his seat. You walked around the counter and began to wipe it down. Your father came out from behind the curtain that led to the kitchen.
“Here’s that sandwich,” Your dad said, handing your boyfriend the plated food. “Enjoy, son.”
“Son?” Kakashi asked, taking a look around to see if people were watching him. When the coast was clear he quickly lowered his mask for a bite, then put it back on.
Nobody could see the smile underneath he had while he chewed, but you noticed the crinkle underneath his eyes.
“Not bad,” Percy said, polishing off his meal. “What’d you think, Kakashi?”
“Yeah,” he looked up from his plate, watching as you walked around the restaurant, taking orders and handing out drinks. “It was good.” It tasted like home.
A/N: after a much needed break/hiatus i’m finally back RAAAAHHHHH !!!!!!! for everyone asking if i plan on continuing the mafia AU yes i do but i feel like it’ll be a small mini series.
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titanialev · 2 years
Gojo and Kakashi on their way to your heart
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4K notes · View notes
Help to Sleep
Kakashi Hatake x Reader, SMUT. MDNI 18+ only. Ao3
6.8k words, kind of a shorter one but im trying to be more concise. also this one won the poll but the Higuruma fic and the Jiraiya fic will also be posted soon! thanks to everyone who voted and I hope you enjoy. tags: thigh fucking, biting, a lot of talking about smell, kakashi is tired and desperate and loves you so much.
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When you met Kakashi he wasn’t a sound sleeper. He would get up periodically throughout the night and excuse himself from bed to sit in the living room reading or cleaning, trying to lull himself back to sleep through monotony. As years removed him from the prescient danger of working in the anbu and moved him to a technically safer position of teaching, he found himself able to sleep feeling safer, sleeping harder, dreaming more, unafraid of being caught unprepared. He could still rouse himself at the slightest shift or change in your shared home, but these days, you would find him sleeping so peacefully, so still, that you felt compelled to check under his exposed nose to see if he was still breathing. He always was. He would often then be awoken by your approach and take your trembling hand in his and press a soft kiss to the heel of your palm, touched by your concern for him. Sleeping next to him was like sleeping next to a large, warm dog, slobber included. As selfish as it was, sometimes you wished he would keep his mask on during sleep, just to have another barrier between you and his drool. His bare, strapping arms would wrap around your shoulders, holding you tight to his warm, broad chest and not release you until he had woken the next morning, pulling you with him in every readjustment and every toss and turn. You would never admit this to him, but he had recently begun to snore, a soft, rattling breath inhaled and exhaled in little huffs. You knew he would take it as an example of his rigorous assassin’s training slipping away from him as age and direction had led him down another path, so for now it was a secret only for you. And you were honored to know something about him so intimate, so private, something he, himself, didn’t know. 
You had never known bliss like being held in his arms, pressed right up against his naked torso. Kakashi never slept with a shirt on, citing his own body heat became overwhelming for him if he did. Once you two had gotten more comfortable as a couple, sharing beds over and over, he began sleeping with nothing on period, encouraging you to do the same, again blaming his body heat. You were happy to oblige, slipping between the sheets with him completely bare, his hands glued themselves to your soft, exposed skin. They were rough, his gloves did their best to protect the thin skin of his hands from callusing and blistering, but they could only do so much. His long fingers were textured and bubbled in places, the palms themselves bearing small nicked scars from the wayward kunai or shuriken, but they felt like butter on your body, sliding so smoothly down your side, from rib cage to hip. Tonight was one of these nights, where his hands grabbed you freely, squeezing every curve of flesh he could reach, his lips ghosting over the back of your neck. 
“So beautiful…”, he would whisper before sliding his tongue up the outside of your ear. 
By this point you could feel him becoming harder against your ass, you pressed your hips against his, rocking slightly to stimulate his growing erection. Kakashi was a grower, starting contained and unimposing but expanding and lengthening into a wondrous, full staff that never left you unsatisfied. His hands would get hotter, press harder, squeeze tighter, as you pulled this transformation from him, bruising the outer part of your arm, your hip, your breast, wherever he was using for leverage to rut his cock against you. You raised your arm to cup the back of his neck, wanting to have as many points of contact as possible with him. He continued kissing your neck, up to your ear and down to your shoulder. 
You wanted to be concerned about how late it was, he had gotten home only thirty minutes ago, after being away for four days. You knew he must be exhausted, you saw the fresh healing bruises on his arms and torso when he disrobed earlier. You wanted to help him relax however you could, allow him to turn off his busy genius’ brain for a while and just feel good. You lifted your top leg slightly, his now engorged cock slipped against your other thigh, and closed your legs again, encasing him between your legs. Kakashi shuddered a groan out against your neck, burying his head further into the juncture between your throat and shoulder. 
“Thank you.” he mumbled, so grateful to be understood so wordlessly by you. 
He hadn't even had to ask but you had read his mind. He wanted the mindless, thoughtless expressions of intimacy that he had only ever known with you. Acts so primal that they held no space for thought or distraction. It gave him a break from how loud his mind usually was, his hips moved on their own to slide against your dampening pussy. Your slick was coating your outer lips and inner thighs, giving him a perfectly lubricated gap to fuck himself into. You loved him like this, so mindlessly desperate for you. You may be the only person in the world to have ever seen him like this. You blushed at the thought. He whimpered and grunted against you, moving his hips faster between your thighs. You felt every inch of his shaft sliding against your slit, his fingers clenching the flesh of your hip; clean, trimmed fingernails leaving crescent shaped impressions in the skin. 
“Baby please…can I? Please, love?” His voice was husky and rough, his lips dampening the skin of your neck. 
His nose was filled with your smell, your hair was in his face, your legs were so tight and wet around him, he needed to cum so badly. His every thought was about you, how good you were to him. How lucky he was to find someone like you. How much he loved you. He was becoming drunk on the feel of you, the smell of your perfume, your shampoo. He could smell himself on you, his laundry soap, the earthy soap in your shared shower.  Feeling you nod finally, Kakashi bit into your pulse point, his long canine teeth burying themselves into your flesh. You gasped at the sensation, your back arching pressing your ass back to meet his thrusts. His movements were becoming frantic and jerky, his building orgasm turning his brain to mush. The build erupted on itself, his teeth bearing down on your neck even harder, long white ropes of cum spurted from his cock, coating your legs and the sheets in front of you. He had been so pent up, it seemed that he would never stop spilling out. A pool of his cum gathered in front of you, you fought down the sense of jealousy, longing to have his cum buried deep inside of you rather than spilled on top of and beside you. But you’d have your chance soon, he needed this. And you were happy to be what he needed. 
Kakashi stilled his hips, releasing his clamp on your neck and he licked the raw spot, already starting to bruise. He should feel apologetic, but he couldn't bring himself to feel anything but pride, the way you panted in his arms, supporting his shivering body. You had been so good for him, so generous with your body, your time, your love. He loved you so much, his heart stirred in his chest as he struggled to catch his breath behind you. 
“I love you.” You sighed, gripping his arms as they wrapped around you, pawing at your breasts.
“I love you, too.” He brings his face around to where you can turn back to reach and kisses you deeply, sliding his tongue against yours, reveling in the feeling of your mouth so hot and wet for him. 
Taking his time to kiss you, relaxing after his efforts, Kakashi finally roused himself to change the bed sheets and you cleaned your legs up in the bathroom. By the time you returned to the bedroom he was covering the bed in the comforter once more, tucking it in the sides and pulling it back so you could get in. He slid in next to you, still naked, the new sheets cool against his flushed skin. You laid on your back, Kakashi opting to lay his head in your chest and wrap his hands around your waist. Every once in a while he would press wet, open mouthed kisses to the outer flesh of your breasts, or the space in between. His mind (and balls) finally empty, he could feel sleep descending quickly as it always did when he was with you. Your hands moving through his silver hair were a tactile lullaby, pulling him deeper and deeper into his dream. You started to nod off above him as well, his heart beat syncing to yours. Tomorrow morning there would be work and reports and lessons and reassignments, but tonight there was just the two of you. 
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kakashi-addict · 6 months
little skit...
part-1 part-2
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no warnings pure fluff...
plot: team 7 teasing Kakashi by performing his character in their skit.
word count: 350 aprox.
As the training session progressed, Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura couldn't help but notice something unusual about Kakashi. He seemed a bit flustered and was blushing more than usual whenever he interacted with you.
Curious and mischievous as they were, Team 7 decided to investigate further. During a break in training, they snuck up to a hidden vantage point where they could observe Kakashi and you without being noticed.
From their hiding spot,
Naruto whispered excitedly, "Do you guys see that? Kakashi-sensei is blushing like crazy whenever Y/N talks to him!"
Sasuke nodded in agreement, a small smirk playing on his lips. "Looks like Kakashi-sensei has a soft spot for Y/N."
Sakura, always observant, chimed in, "I've never seen Kakashi-sensei act this way before. It's kind of cute."
As they continued to watch, they saw Kakashi stealing glances at you, his cheeks turning a rosy hue whenever you laughed or teased him. It was clear that Kakashi was behaving unusually, and Team 7 couldn't resist the urge to have a bit of fun at their sensei's expense.
The next day during training, Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura decided to playfully tease Kakashi about his behaviour. They planned a skit where Naruto would mimic Kakashi, blushing and stammering while asking for a kiss.
As the training session progressed, Naruto, in his best Kakashi impression, approached you with a shy smile and asked, "Um, Y/N, could I, uh, maybe, um, have a kiss?"
You couldn't help but burst into laughter at Naruto's exaggerated imitation of Kakashi. Meanwhile, Sasuke and Sakura played along, pretending to be shocked and amused by Naruto's antics.
Kakashi, who was initially confused, soon caught on to what was happening. His cheeks turned a deeper shade of pink as he realized he was being teased by his own team.
"Very funny, Naruto," Kakashi said, trying to maintain his composure but failing as a smile tugged at his lips.
Naruto again tries to break Kakashi composer by taking on Kakashi's persona, dramatically exclaimed, "My dear Y/N, your words are like a jutsu, leaving me defenceless. A kiss, you say? I cannot deny.
The skit continued, with Naruto persistently asking for a kiss while Sasuke and Sakura added playful commentary. Kakashi couldn't help but join in the laughter, his embarrassment turning into amusement as he enjoyed the light hearted moment with his team.
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abs-2020 · 2 years
Hey hey hey y’all- so uhm. I KINDAA MAYBE SORTA started writing a Kakashi Hatake fic that I’d probably gonna have multiple parts.. aaaannndd I was wondering if thats anything Some of y’all would want to see??
I just needed a break from “Monster”
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Aftercare Kakashi x Alpha!Reader
Kakashi comes home from a rough mission
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You can smell distress as soon as you opened the door to your apartment. It doesn't take long to find Kakashi aggressively scrubbing his hands in the kitchen sink.
“Kakashi, baby…” you approached him slowly. He had been gone for over six weeks, and you started worrying about him. “Baby, look at me.”
Kakashi didn't respond. He jumped when you placed your hand on his back, spinning around in attack mode. You grabbed both his hands and pinned him against the wall with his hands above his head before he could hurt you. You scent him before he freed his arms and Kahashi sank to the floor. “I’m sorry, Alpha, I’m sorry.”
“None of that, baby boy,” You kneeled down beside him. You hated seeing Kakashi like this. You knew what he needed though. “I’m going to need you to be extra good tonight for me. Can you be good for me tonight?”
Kakashi nodded. 
“Use your words, baby,”
“Yes, Alpha,”
“Good, undress and kneel by the shower.” you got up and went to the cabinet you kept medical supplies. Kakashi never liked going to the hospital and after you two bonded, he refused as what was the point when you were a medical-nin. You found him right where you told him to go. You started the shower and gave him an exam, cleaning all his cuts. “Alright, in the shower.”
Kakashi quickly got in the shower and you followed him in. You washed him thoroughly, knowing he would rub his skin raw if you let him wash himself. “Raise your arms, that's a good boy, now rinse your hair out, good, you're being so good, spread your legs.”
Kakashi followed your instructions as you washed him. You entered a finger into him and started stretching him. “You're being so good so I’m going to give you a treat. Do you want that?” 
“Yes, Alpha, please~” Kakashi moaned. 
“Hold on to the bar.” you continued stretching him out. You installed a shower bar and got an extra grippy bath mat shortly after Kakashi moved in with you and it had been more than worth it. Kakashi did as he was told as you thrusted in without warning. “Remember the rules?”
“Ask before I come… don't let go of the bar..” Kakashi gasped. “Safe work is pug…”
“Good.” you pulled his leg up to give your better access and thrusted harder. Kakashi had his eyes squeezed shut trying to lose himself. “That's a good boy, you're being so good for me.”
Kakashi slowly relaxed. “C-close… can I.. Ah~ cum, please,”
“Not yet Kakashi,” you hummed into his ear. “I want to cum with you,”
Kakashi whined. You chuckled. “None of that, You're being a good boy for me tonight. Are you going to be a good boy?”
“Yes~, I’m going to be good~” Kakashi moaned. 
“You're doing so well. I’m so proud of you. Just a little longer.” you cooed at him. Your thrusts became more erratic as you got close to your own release. “Okay, you can cum now.”
Kakashi came and you let his orgasm squeeze yours out as well. You bit down on his neck as your knot inflated in him, Kakshi’s knees buckled and you held on to him tight to make sure the two of you didn't fall. 
“So good, you’re so perfect, ‘kashi,” you whispered into his ear, causing Kakashi to shiver at your words. The water was cold by the time your knot deflated so you quickly cleaned the two of you up. “Knee on the bathmat.”
Kakashi did what he was told and you grabbed the two of you towels. You dried off quickly before drying Kakashi off. “Do you want your collar, baby?”
“Yes, please,” Kakashi purred. You obliged him and set the collar around his neck. 
“That good?” you asked and Kakashi nodded. “Go kneel in the kitchen.”
Kakashi hurried out and you followed behind him. You dug through the fridge for something to eat. Kakashi was the one who normally cooked and you mostly survived on takeout when he was away from the village. You found some takeout from yesterday and threw it into the microwave. 
“Open,” you stood in front of Kakashi. He obediently opened his mouth and you thrusted into his mouth. Kakashi gaged for a moment before relaxing around you. You grabbed his hair and started thrusting into his mouth. “Your mouth is so good Kakashi. You're such a baby boy, letting your alpha use you however they want. Do you like this?”
Kakashi hummed around you and you felt your knees start to weaken. You were already sensitive from early and his mouth was so warm. It only took you a few minutes before you were about to cum again. You pulled out enough for your knot to not inflate in his mouth before cumming into his mouth. 
“Swallow,” you stroked his hair. Kakashi obeyed, panting and dazed. “You're doing so good, ‘kashi. Go sit by my chair.”
You grabbed the food before sitting at the table. Kakashi settled between your legs and laid his head on your thigh. “Open,”
Kakashi whimpered when you placed the food in his mouth. 
“None of that, baby. You need to eat.” You stroked his hair. You fed Kakashi a small portion before eating your own. Kakashi never handled large meals well after long missions of surviving on meal bars and nutrient pills. After, you went to grab your bag. Kakashi whimpered as you left him. “I’m just grabbing my bag. I need to grade some papers.”
You sat back down and stroked Kakashi’s hair as Kakashi nuzzled into your lap. “Can I cockwarm you alpha, please?”
“Baby, how can I say no when you asked like that.” You teased. Kakashi greedily swallowed your limp member and laid his head in your lap. His breath was steady and hot on your crotch.  You struggled to focus on your work as you graded papers. You only had a small group of trainees at the hospital but you had been putting off grading because you had been too worried about Kakashi. Kakashi was well into subspace by the time you decided you were done for the night. “Hey, baby, it's time for bed.”
Kakashi just hummed. You chuckled and guided him off of you. You wiped up his drool and carried him to the bedroom. You laid him in his nest and picked one of his books. You laid with him and wrapped the two of you up in one of his favorite blankets before picking up, reading where the bookmark was left. The two of you had read the books so many times it didn't really matter where you started. 
Kakashi curled up to your side, his eyes following along as you read to him. 
“Go to sleep, ‘kashi.” You sighed as Kakashi was struggling to stay awake. “I’ll be here when you wake up, I’ll protect you from any nightmares.”
“Thank you…” Kakashi hummed and quickly fell asleep.
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saudade-mayari · 3 years
Luuuuna baby! Congrats on 500 followers, you deserve it! 💕 can I request a fluff piece where Kakashi comforts his s/o with playful teasing and kisses after she comes home from being made fun of by her friends? Iykyk lol 😭
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❀ warnings: teasing, domestic fluffs
The anticipation you had for the silver-haired shinobi's warm welcome after the tiring and grumpy day was crumpled when you saw no single shadow of him. Maybe he's still in his D-ranked missions with Team seven. You thought while heading in the kitchen for an attempt to make dinner for you and Kakashi, but to your surprise, there's a portion of food placed on the table with a sticky note intended for you.
I hope you had a great day, y/n.
You immediately rushed to his bedroom, and there you find the silver-haired shinobi wearing his classic navy blue trousers and turtle neck. You smiled at the view of it. The way the moonlight shines by the windows like it's reflecting from his hair looked so magical and serene. Finally feeling your body physically and mentally breaking down, you recklessly snuggled yourself to his body, making him grunt in surprise but finds himself hugging you back. An evident smile and a loud chuckle came out of his lips that you find so alluring, so tempting. Kakashi placed a kiss on your head then his fingerless gloves lifted your chin, making sure he sees a clearer view of your face. "How's your day, love?"
Your relieved look turns back to a grumpy one, remembering the events that had happened during your day. "Bad. Terrible. Appalling."
This time he kissed your lips, gentle but still inviting, while feeling him smile in between. For someone like Kakashi, who's not even used to receive any affection, you still find it surprising how gentle and sublime his caresses could be. You closed your eyes, welcoming the sensation of his soft caress and kisses. "Tell me about it then."
And so you did, you both sit on the bed while he hugged you from behind, resting his chin to your shoulders while you endlessly rant about how horrible your day is, about how your friends made fun of you, and how you find other things offensive. Kakashi chuckled at your various expressions.
The way your eyebrows move, your tone raises and decreases, or how your hands unconsciously swing whenever you talk a lot makes it ten times better for him. He grazed his lips over yours in a ghost kiss, then slightly brushing his lips against yours, and then he quickly pulled away with a giggle, like an excited kid who got a kiss from his crush. “I'm sure they're just comfortable to you. You know them y/n."
You frowned and faced Kakashi. Many thoughts suddenly clouded you. Is it okay to be this petty? He's a full-fledged shinobi. Having stupid and petty rants like this would be irrelevant for a man like Hatake Kakashi.
"You're not thinking that I think you're too sensitive, right y/n?" He said seriously, still hugging you from behind, but his other hand craned your neck, lovingly caressed your jaw, your cheeks, and pinched the tip of your nose.
"I am. That's what you think, Kashi."
He chuckled and went back to kissing your cheek. His fast reflexes shifted a quick peck at your lips and immediately went down. It was as if he's lingering at the sensitive spot between your neck and shoulder. His kisses felt so intoxicating, and Kakashi feels so addicted by the thought of kissing you. It was as if he could do it endlessly, anytime and any moment at all.
"Love, if you think it's too much, then you can talk to them and you’re not sensitive okay.”
You looked away, slightly feeling embarrassed. "What if they say something about me?"
Kakashi kissed you again, this time deeper and intense but the playful smile... or rather a smirk is still evident in his lips.
"They're your friends. They'll understand. They're just so comfortable to you, just like Gai and I, but none of it affected our friendship."
You finally shifted your entire body to him, seeing Kakashi's playful smile turned into a wider grin as you pushed yourself in his lap. You knew there was just something glistening in that mismatched eyes.
"Are you even aware how much of a sweet talker you are..." You answered, placing a gentle kiss on his little beauty mark then up to his lips. Kakashi did not let the chance go; he instead pulled you more closer to him, still chuckling by your embraces, and just the way he giggles a lot whenever he's with you felt so vibrant and soothing.
"My lips could do something even better than that though..."
You pressed yourself harder to him, slightly feeling his semi-hardened shaft. "Really? Show it to me then.."
Kakashi took all his self-control to lightly push you away from the little scenario he had created which made you grunt in annoyance. He chuckled again as he kissed your forehead, down to the tip of your nose, then finally to your lips. So addicting. Like a vice he never wants to get over with.
"I would love to, but I'll reheat your dinner first, then I'll show it after. I could come with you tomorrow so you could talk with your friends, what do you say?" He offered cautiously, thinking that he may change the mood if he mentions the topic.
"You helped a lot already. I love you."
"I love you too."
You smiled and gave him one final kiss before he heads out of the bedroom. Despite being a shinobi, the way those calloused hands caress you feels so gentle and delicate.
And the way he smiled and chuckled back just took out all the negativity you had felt this day. Like a happy pill, definitely a vibrant sun in your life.
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Requests for 500 followers event status: CLOSED
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translytherins · 3 years
*Naruto and [Y/n] flirting and Kakashi just watching from the side while Sakura and Sasuke looked at him with a dead panned look on their faces*
Kakashi to Sakura and Sasuke while making hand gestures: Baby I'm not even here... I'm a hallucination! Move away now! Move away now around me!
Sakura and Sasuke: (-_-)
Sasuke: You know sometimes i wonder how you're our sensei with a brain like yours that's only useful in combat and/or life threatening situation...
Sakura: Agreed...
Kakashi: (;´༎ຶٹ༎ຶ`)
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wing-ed-thing · 3 years
Kakashi Hatake x Petite!Reader Headcanons
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I have a feeling that this one will be controversial. 
💕Probably won’t make a difference to Kakashi overall, but...
💕Let’s be real, Kakashi used to be real stuck up when he was younger.
💕With all of his issues with his father, in his younger years Kakashi most definitely had superiority issues. If he didn’t think that you looked competent, then he’d let you know.
💕People tend to forget that Kakashi is pretty cutthroat and that he’s extremely psychologically damaged
💕He’s not soft with everyone like he is with Team 7 and even then, it took him a lot of time and a lot of pushing from others to be able to open up with his students
💕So he was prone to a lot of more harsh ideologies in ANBU
💕Consider his whole friendship with Might Guy. Early on, Kakashi made his judgements about Guy’s inability to use ninjutsu and vocalized it explicitly. He did not regard Guy as a true equal until he got to know him
💕Clearly this changed in adulthood, but
💕There’s different stigmas in the shinobi world having to do with who is more valuable based on their combat power. If you’re anything less than a muscular man, you have your work cut out for you and that’s a general thing
💕It’s likely the same with any physically demanding, dangerous job
💕Kakashi has lead enough teams to know that appearance means nothing
💕But he takes his leadership roles very seriously. Early in his career, he’ll most definitely make judgements and wouldn’t be afraid to tell you about them
💕Most team leaders will make subconscious decisions. After all, missions tend to be life and death when you’re Kakashi’s rank
💕So when you roll around and you’re significantly smaller than everyone on the team, it’s likely that many people there will assume that you’re a liability. Especially if you’re pretty
💕Kakashi feels the need to see your potential or your skills first (which is BS)
💕You’re used to people not taking you seriously at your size and you take immense pleasure in showing off your skills
💕You’re small in a field dominated by larger players, so you’re not afraid to take the lead. You put a lot of effort into strategy and are creative when executing your jutsus
💕That’s something that will gain the respect of your teammates. 
💕A younger Kakashi would likely take some time to adjust to you. He saw the world a certain way and believed wholeheartedly that he was right
💕But as he grows older and is more open to more people (through Team 7, really), he comes to terms with his judgements from his past.
💕He becomes less rigid in the best way and whether you’re important in his life later, you were one of the people who took a part in tipping his world view upside-down.
Thank you to all who liked, reblogged, followed and otherwise supported. Your support means so much and is greatly appreciated.
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titanialev · 1 year
Beach day with Kakashi and Gojo
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silverhairsimp · 3 years
Always: Chapter 3
Summary: Mission complete and post mission events. More alone time with Kakashi. Actions upon feelings. First kiss with Kakashi.
Warnings: Kissing, words of affirmation, grinding, dry humping, fluff, all the emotions, I hope this chapter makes you all happy <3
Word Count: 3,680
Ch.1 // Ch.2
Chapter 3
The next morning you wake up feeling more exhausted than usual. Probably from all the overflowing emotions you had last night You need to snap out of it and prepare for the mission. You need to be on top of your game. Everyone else starts to wake up around the same time as you do.
Once all your gear is packed, you’re ready to head out.
Formation is all set and you head out, hiding high in the trees above the hideout. Kakashi’s team goes in first, as planned. They are able to fight off the enemy while your team goes in after them. You’re able to locate the hostages and use your medical ninjutsu to tend to the wounded. All minor injuries, some cuts and bruises from being roughed up by the rogue ninja. Everything seems to be going off without a hitch.
You and one other squad member evacuate the hostages and get them to safe grounds. Kakashi’s team is able to locate Orochimaru and they battle head to head. They have him in their grasp and the whole time, they were fighting a snake clone. The real Orochimaru is nowhere to be found. Once all of the other ninja are restrained, you aid the hostages in returning to their own villages. The two members from Genma’s team question the Rogue ninja as planned. The mission was not as intense as you thought it would be, given the fact that Orochimaru was not actually here. Honestly, you all should have expected that from him.
Since the main purpose of this mission was to free the hostages, capture and question the rogue ninja, you’re pretty much done here. Once the interrogation is done, the ninja are taken away and your entire team starts to head back to the village. You’re in the front of the pack with your teammate Keqin. She's got long dark hair that she keeps in high double braids. She’s a sensory user, her skills are incredible. Very similar to the second Hokage, Tobirama Senju. She can place her hand on a surface and locate any enemies around her. She can also detect the type of chakra nature those have around her within a 50 kilometer radius.
Since you were two of the only females in the Anbu, you became really close. It was exhausting being surrounded by obnoxious men all the time, so the two of you took a liking to each other. Started doing more things outside of the Anbu, you had actually become quite close over the last few years. The two of you make small talk about the mission and about what you’ll do when you get back.
Keqin also sneaks in questions about you and Kakashi.
“So what’s up with that anyway? Seems like the two of you are getting along rather nicely” she says as she nudges you with her elbow. You blush and peek over your shoulder, looking at Kakashi and Genma leisurely walking a good distance behind you.
“Ugh… is it that obvious?” You say, looking at the ground and kicking a small pebble across the dirt.
Keqin laughs innocently. “I mean it kinda is… but hey! Nothing to be ashamed of. Besides, he's HOT. He’s got girls across the entire village drooling over him and he seems to have eyes for you. You ready for all that competition?”
“I mean.. I don’t want to get my hopes up. He’s NEVER been seen with anyone. I don’t even think he’s ever dated anyone before. And like you said, he practically has a village full of options… why would he choose me?” you say with a frown.
“Do I need to slap you y/n?” Keqin shouts. Everyone looks at you and you laugh. “Nothing to see here everyone…” You say, turning around and making eye contact with Kakashi, he gives you a gentle smile under his mask and it relaxes you.
“I mean come on y/n! Did you just see the way he looked at you?! There's obviously something there! What have you guys been talking about these last few nights when you sneak off alone?!”
“First of all.” You say. “We haven’t been sneaking around. It’s not like we were hiding it, anyone could have come out to join us. Second of all… we just talked. He opened up to me about a lot and I did the same. We’ve talked about our pasts. Our childhoods. Almost everything we have gone through. It was really nice. Really comforting.”
“Y/n, that’s huge. I have known Kakashi for like 6 years and I don’t think I’ve gotten him to willingly open up to me about anything. This is your first mission together and he’s already talking about his childhood with you?! That's real.”
“I mean I would be lying if I said I didn’t have feelings for him… how could I not?” You say sheepishly, looking over your shoulder again, looking at Kakashi again.
“Well, I think you should totally go for it. You guys would be perfect together.” She says smiling at you.
Now you’re lost in your thoughts. Is she right? What if he doesn’t feel the same way? I would look so stupid throwing myself at him after this. Ugh.
You look back at Kakashi and Genma again. Wondering what they’re talking about. His eyes come off the ground and connect with yours. You blush and quickly turn around to face forward. You can still feel his eyes on you.
“So, Kakashi, can I ask you about something?” Genma says.
“Hmm? Sure, what is it?”
“Is there anything going on between you and y/n? I mean not that I care. I just… I just want to make sure she doesn’t get hurt. Not that I think you’ll hurt her or anything. It’s just… we’ve been really close, for a really long time. Practically like family. She’s lost a lot. I just don’t want to see her go through anything like that again. She’s truly an amazing person and she deserves so much more than the world has given her.” Genma sighs, he realizes he’s been rambling. “Sorry, I just feel responsible for making sure she gets what she deserves.”
Kakashi takes a second before responding. Understanding that you truly have been through a lot. And he agrees with Genma.
“I agree, she deserves the world. More than that even. I know she’s been through hell. Losing her parents and all. I think that’s why I’m so drawn to her. We have such similar stories, we bear similar burdens. I guess I thought I wasn’t even worthy of her attention.” He says, eyes still locked on your figure walking comfortably in front of him.
“What do you mean?” Genma asks. “Why wouldn’t you think you were worthy?”
Kakashi thinks about his response for a second. How vulnerable is he going to allow himself to be right now? Has he already said too much? Was he over stepping talking about you like this to his friend? Your friend - no, your family? Or was Genma the perfect person to talk to about this?
“I just think she deserves someone who can give her exactly what she wants and needs. She should have someone to take care of her every single day. An-“
Before Kakashi can say anymore Genma cuts him off. “And you don’t think you can give that to her? Or are you afraid of letting yourself feel that same happiness too? Feeling like you don’t deserve that same happiness?”
He fell silent again. Maybe that was it for Kakashi. He felt as if he wasn’t deserving of love from someone like you. He had done some horrible things in his past. He had a lot of burdens he was bearing. And he didn’t want you to have to bear them either. If you were having this conversation, you would tell him the same thing he told you. You’re not a burden and you never will be. Let me help you, just like you helped me. You are worthy of happiness.
Everything about you was so pure to him. So wholesome. The way you carry yourself. So confident. The way you care for others. So selfless. Everything about you was so… perfect. Kakashi couldn’t help the way his heart skipped a beat when you smiled or when he heardhe heard your laugh. The way his heart had pulled on his chest when he saw you crying. He wanted to do everything he possibly could to make you smile again. Because you looked so beautiful when you did.
That night you fell asleep on his shoulder and he carried you in his arms. The way you trusted him. You made him feel so worthy. And he was. He’ll always be worthy.
Kakashi walked alongside Genma in silence. Thinking about that last question. Did he deserve to be happy? What kind of man would he be if he strung you along only to make a promise he couldn’t keep? These questions were eating him alive.
Since you, Genma, Kakashi and Keqin weren’t in a hurry to make your way back to the village, the four of you decided to take one more night before heading back. The sun is starting to set and the remaining five of your teammates had no interest joining whatever it is this was. So they sped off quickly, returning to the village to travel throughout the night. You could care less about the repercussions you might receive for splitting up, but this is for one more night to be next to Kakashi before you might never have the chance again. And it was worth whatever might happen.
You and Keqin come across a river in the middle of the forest on your way back to the hidden leaf. You all decide to set up camp there. It’s peaceful, well covered and has plenty of shelter. You’re drawn to this area specifically because of the view of the sky you’d have sitting on the riverbank with your feet in the water. Something about this brings you so much comfort.
Genma sets up the fire, you and Keqin catch a few fish to cook for dinner and Kakashi works on getting some more shelter set up, making sure everyone will be protected overnight. Just in case.
The fire is crackling in front of you and your three comrades and the heat is perfectly comfortable. There’s a slight breeze, cooler than it usually is, but it’s expected for being next to the water. You, Keqin and Genma all make small conversation, but Kakashi is quiet. You can tell there is something stirring in that beautiful head of his. Keqin gets up to move closer to Genma on the other side of the fire, leaving you and Kakashi in awkward silence.
You get up to move closer to him, a comfortable distance away but still close enough to show that you care. “Everything okay Kakashi?” You ask.
“Oh, yes, sorry. Everything is fine.” He forces a smile but you can tell he’s hiding something behind it.
“Come on, come with me.” You say, standing up and offering him a hand. Like he has done to you since you’ve been on this mission with him.
He looks at you hesitantly. But nonetheless, he takes your hand. His larger one engulfing yours. He gets up and you start to pull him toward the water. Grabbing a blanket on the way, never letting go of his hand. He squeezes your hand gently, taking a quicker step to walk closer beside you instead of slightly behind.
You look back slightly over your shoulder to Keqin. Genma’s arm slung around her, she shoots you a wink and you smile back at her, turning around to face the water again. You pick a grassy spot right next to the water, there is a lot of rocks piled up in the middle of the river, causing water to trickle down in between them. The sound is so soothing. You sit down first, pulling Kakashi down next to your left side. You spread the blanket out and throw it around your shoulders. Offering him the other side. He pulls it around himself, bringing the two of you closer than before.
“You want to tell me what’s on your mind, Kakashi?” You ask, looking up at him. He gets lost in your eyes as the reflection of the moon is shown sparkling back in them.
“Actually I um… I’ve been meaning to say something.” He says hesitantly.
“Okay… What’s going on?”
“I uh, well. I’ve been meaning to tell you something. And I… don’t really know how.”
“You know you can tell me anything right?”
“I know it’s just that… I don’t really know how to.”
“Try me.” You say over confidently. Offering him a small smile to ease the tension.
His shoulders relax a bit and he leans into you. Taking a deep breath.
“I’ve been watching you, y/n.”
You laugh, “well that’s something isn’t it.”
“No.. I, uh. Shit. I didn’t mean it like that. I mean… I notice you. I’ve noticed you for a long time.” He pauses, “Your talent. Your hard work. Your beauty.”
You blush and lock eyes with him quickly. You can tell this is hard for him, but why?
“Okay,” you say.
Before you can continue Kakashi cuts you off again, you can see the tension forming in his shoulders again. He’s gripping his hands tightly in fists.
“Y/n, listen… I’ve been watching you, admiring you from a distance. I've been falling for you without even knowing you. Knowing the real you. And now that we’ve spent this time together, I’m sure of my feelings.”
“Please, just wait.” He takes another deep breath, “I know this probably sounds crazy, but it’s been so hard. I've never had to deal with feelings like this. I've always shoved down and closed off any emotions I’ve had. It was so much easier. After losing my best friend as a kid, after losing my dad. I never had to confront those emotions. Until I met you. Seeing you so vulnerable with me, trusting me so much even though you barely knew me. It made me want to be better, not just for myself. But for you.”
Tears start to fill your eyes. “Wait, please don’t. I- I uh, I’m sorry. Did I say too much?” He says, concern taking over his voice.
“No, it’s okay. I just… I need to tell you something too... I’ve been doing the same. Admiring you just the same. Falling for you. Hoping that you’d notice me, but I never thought I’d ever be good enough for you.”
Kakashi looks at you, bringing his left hand to your right cheek, gently rubbing his thumb in circles. “Why would you ever think you’re not good enough for me?”
You let out a breathy hmph and pull his hand down from your cheek. Rubbing your fingers over his clothed knuckles. “You can’t be serious can you? I mean look at you.” You’re searching his mismatched eyes. “Look at all the things you have accomplished. You’re such a talented ninja, you’re crazy intelligent, everyone respects you. And not to mention you’re probably the most eligible bachelor in the village.”
He laughs and shakes his head. “You wanna know something? I had this same conversation with Genma earlier about how I thought I wasn’t good enough for you. I didn’t think I deserved to be with someone like you. You’re incredible. In every possible way. You’re perfect…” he pauses, “Perfect for me.”
“Kakashi.. I,”
“Y/n, can I kiss you?” He asks sweetly.
Before you can even respond, he’s pulling his face mask down, eyes looking into yours, you close them, giving him permission. His lips finally meeting yours. He tastes so sweet. His lips are so soft, so gentle pressed up against yours.
When you both finally pull away from the kiss, you lock eyes again, you expect him to pull his mask back up, but he doesn’t. He sits there, letting you admire him, the same way he is admiring you. He’s so beautiful. So handsome, more than you could have imagined. Part of you is thankful he keeps that pretty face of his covered. If he didn’t, he’d surely have even more women after him.
“Sorry, I just, I couldn’t wait any longer to do that.” He says nervously. Rubbing the back of his neck.
“No, it’s okay! I, um.. I’m glad you did. And I wouldn’t mind doing it again sometime.” You blush, lowering your head.
“Oh, uh, really?!” Kakashi responds enthusiastically.
You meet his gaze again and nod your head sweetly.
“Okay, good. I’m glad.” He smiles and leans back in for another kiss. This one is hungrier than the last. He pulls the blanket off of his shoulders and sets it to the side. His lips are still on yours as he reaches over and lifts you up by your thighs, pulling you into his lap. You let out a small gasp as you’re now straddling him. He pulls away and grabs the blanket, draping it around your shoulders.
“Is this okay?” He asks, rubbing his hands up and down the fabric of your thighs.
“It’s perfect” you respond. Lips crashing back onto his, your fingers tangled in his hair, your tongues dancing around each other’s mouths.
Everything about this moment has you both in absolutely bliss and you can hardly believe that this is actually happening. You never want it to end.
The two of you kiss each other with so much passion. You're slowly rocking your hips on his lap. He’s kneading at your hips, a firm, but gentle touch. Kakashi pulls you in closer to his chest, placing one elbow behind him. Holding the weight of both of you up. He slowly leans back and you’re on top of him now. Hips still grinding against him, chest pressed up against his. The smallest amount of fabric separating the two of you.
You can feel the heat growing in between your legs and Kakashi's hands start to wander curiously. Slowly slipping his rough, rigid hands under your shirt, pressing his palms into the small of your back. Pulling you in tighter. Aching to have you closer to him. The coolness of his hands and the breeze coming off the riverbed sends a chill through you. You gasp at his touch and he pulls away.
“Too much?” he asks sweetly.
“Just enough” you say with a smile. Leaning back down to kiss him. First on his lips, then you make your way down. Tenderly kissing his sharp jawline. Lower. You start to drag your tongue in circles. You can tell this is doing something to him, the way his hips slowly rut against your core. If he presses up against you any tighter, you’re sure you’ll leave a wet spot on his crotch from the slick pooling under you.
You start sucking softly on his neck, a small moan leaves his mouth and you swear you’ve never heard something so sexy. You want to hear it again. Sucking on his neck, sure to leave a mark as you continue to draw out those sounds from the man under you.
Your bodies are moving in synchrony. Chests heaving against each other. Sounds of arousal pouring from your lips. As you’re still having your way on his neck, Kakashi starts to mumble through his breaths.
“Y/n… I’ve wanted you.. For so… so long”
You smile into his neck and sit up. Your hands are on his chest, snaking their way up to his face. He sits up as you lean back. You’re sitting just how you started. He’s supporting himself on his hands as they're slightly behind him. Your hands admiring every feature on his face. Sitting softly in his lap.
“I’ve wanted you too, Kakashi, for a long, long time. But I was always too scared to do anything about it.”
He leans into you closer, wrapping both of his large arms around your waist.
“There’s nothing to be scared about anymore. I’m all yours. If you’ll have me?”
Tears start to well up in your eyes and your words get stuck in your throat. Did he really just say that? You think to yourself.
“Of course I’ll have you. But only if you’ll have me too.” You say to him, hands still on his face as you’re staring deeply into each other's eyes.
“Of course I will, nothing would make me happier.” He places a gentle kiss on your lips, savoring every second the two of you have spent together so far. Kakashi turns you around and helps you get situated in between his legs. Your back pressed into his chest as his arms wrapped around your shoulders. Your fingers are interlaced with his and your head is resting against his chest. Eyes closed, drifting off to the peaceful sound of his heartbeat echoing in your ears.
Kakashi enjoys the simple, intimate moment right here with you wrapped in his arms. He can’t help but look down at you in complete adoration. Watching your chest rise and fall against his. Lightly dragging his thumb across your fingers as your hands are still intertwined. He leans his head against yours and you stir slightly. He gently moves out from underneath you, laying you down gently.
He walks back toward the fire, where Keqin and Genma are asleep in each other's arms. Kakashi can’t help but smile at the sight of his friends peacefully asleep next to each other. He grabs a few more blankets and a bag to use as a pillow and makes his way back to your sleeping figure next to the edge of the river. He makes up a bed and pulls you in next to him once again. You subconsciously nuzzle your head into his chest as he wraps you in his arms and drifts off to sleep next to you.
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kakashi-addict · 5 months
Plushie ^.^
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no warnings. just fluff...
word count: 430
S:- so I just thought about Kakashi being annoyed of your plushie infront of you but cuddling it feeling your scent on it when you are away...
It's a lazy Sunday afternoon, you decides to shop for some ingredients for the dinner leaving Kakashi at your shared place. After a while when you enters the cozy living room, you spots Kakashi napping on the couch, his silver hair mussed from sleep. A soft smile tugs at your lips as you notices his book covering his face, and beside him, a small plushy toy clutched in his hand. Unable to resist the urge to capture the adorable moment, you quietly takes out your phone and snaps a picture, already envisioning Kakashi's surprised and playful reaction when he wakes up.
Y/N: 𝐶ℎ𝑢𝑐𝑘𝑙𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑠𝑜𝑓𝑡𝑙𝑦 Oh, Kakashi... you're too cute for your own good.
𝑐𝑎𝑟𝑒𝑓𝑢𝑙𝑙y a𝑝𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑎𝑐ℎ𝑒𝑠 𝐾𝑎𝑘𝑎𝑠ℎ𝑖 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑔𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑙𝑦 𝑟𝑒𝑚𝑜𝑣𝑒𝑠 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑏𝑜𝑜𝑘 𝑓𝑟𝑜𝑚 ℎ𝑖𝑠 𝑓𝑎𝑐𝑒, 𝑟𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑎𝑙𝑖𝑛𝑔 ℎ𝑖𝑠 𝑝𝑒𝑎𝑐𝑒𝑓𝑢𝑙 𝑒𝑥𝑝𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑠𝑖𝑜𝑛.
Y/N: 𝑊ℎ𝑖𝑠𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑖𝑛𝑔 How am I supposed to resist taking a picture of this?
𝑆ℎ𝑒 𝑡𝑎𝑘𝑒𝑠 𝑎 𝑓𝑒𝑤 𝑞𝑢𝑖𝑐𝑘 𝑝ℎ𝑜𝑡𝑜𝑠, 𝑡𝑟𝑦𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑛𝑜𝑡 𝑡𝑜 𝑑𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑢𝑟𝑏 𝐾𝑎𝑘𝑎𝑠ℎ𝑖′𝑠 𝑠𝑙𝑢𝑚𝑏𝑒𝑟.
Y/N: 𝑆𝑒𝑛𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑎 𝑡𝑒𝑎𝑠𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑚𝑒𝑠𝑠𝑎𝑔𝑒 𝑡𝑜 𝐾𝑎𝑘𝑎𝑠ℎ𝑖 𝑤𝑖𝑡ℎ 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑝𝑖𝑐𝑡𝑢𝑟𝑒 𝑎𝑡𝑡𝑎𝑐ℎ𝑒𝑑 "Caught you napping like a little kid. Can't wait to see your reaction when you wake up! 😜"
A short while later, Kakashi stirs from his nap, blinking sleepily as he notices his phone buzzing with Y/N′s message.
Kakashi: 𝑅𝑢𝑏𝑏𝑖𝑛𝑔 ℎ𝑖𝑠 𝑒𝑦𝑒𝑠 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑚𝑒𝑠𝑠𝑎𝑔𝑒 𝑤𝑖𝑡ℎ 𝑎 𝑔𝑟𝑖𝑛 Ah, she got me again... always finding ways to tease me.
Kakashi sends a playful reply
Kakashi: "You're lucky I look adorable even when I'm asleep. 😉 Next time, I'll make sure to hide my napping spots better."
Y/N: 𝐿𝑎𝑢𝑔ℎ𝑖𝑛𝑔 Looking forward to it, Kashi. But admit it, you secretly love these little moments.
Kakashi: 𝑆𝑚𝑖𝑟𝑘𝑖𝑛𝑔 Maybe I do... just a little bit.
you sets the photo as your phone's wallpaper. While spending time at the training ground with Kakashi and Might Guy, Y/N receives a call and excuses herself briefly. As she steps away, her phone lights up with the wallpaper visible to Guy, who can't help but notice the cute and teasing picture of Kakashi.
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Guy: 𝑃𝑙𝑎𝑦𝑓𝑢𝑙𝑙𝑦 𝑛𝑢𝑑𝑔𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝐾𝑎𝑘𝑎𝑠ℎ𝑖 Hey, Kakashi, have you seen Y/N's wallpaper?
Kakashi: 𝐶𝑢𝑟𝑖𝑜𝑢𝑠 No, what's on it?
Guy: 𝐺𝑟𝑖𝑛𝑛𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑚𝑖𝑠𝑐ℎ𝑖𝑒𝑣𝑜𝑢𝑠𝑙𝑦 Oh, just a certain someone caught napping with a book and a stuffed animal. Looks like our cool and composed Kakashi has a soft side too!
Kakashi: 𝐵𝑙𝑢𝑠ℎ𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑠𝑙𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡𝑙𝑦 Really now... Y/N has that picture as her wallpaper ?
Guy: 𝑇𝑒𝑎𝑠𝑖𝑛𝑔𝑙𝑦 Yep, and it's adorable! Who knew our fearless ninja leader could look so innocent and cuddly?
𝑌/𝑁 𝑟𝑒𝑡𝑢𝑟𝑛𝑠 𝑡𝑜 𝑓𝑖𝑛𝑑 𝐺𝑢𝑦 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝐾𝑎𝑘𝑎𝑠ℎ𝑖 𝑐ℎ𝑢𝑐𝑘𝑙𝑖𝑛𝑔, 𝑘𝑛𝑜𝑤𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑒𝑥𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑙𝑦 𝑤ℎ𝑎𝑡 𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑦′𝑟𝑒 𝑡𝑎𝑙𝑘𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑎𝑏𝑜𝑢𝑡.
Y/N: 𝑆𝑚𝑖𝑙𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑖𝑛𝑛𝑜𝑐𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑙𝑦 What's so funny?
Guy: 𝑆ℎ𝑜𝑤𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑌/𝑁 ℎ𝑒𝑟 𝑝ℎ𝑜𝑛𝑒 Your wallpaper says it all, Y/N! you Captured the elusive Kakashi in a vulnerable moment, huh?
Y/N: 𝐿𝑎𝑢𝑔ℎ𝑖𝑛𝑔 It was too cute to resist! Besides, Kakashi looks adorable no matter what.
Kakashi: 𝑃𝑙𝑎𝑦𝑓𝑢𝑙𝑙𝑦 𝑟𝑜𝑙𝑙𝑖𝑛𝑔 ℎ𝑖𝑠 𝑒𝑦𝑒𝑠 Thanks a lot, Y/N. Now I'll never hear the end of it from Guy.
Guy: 𝐶𝑙𝑎𝑝𝑝𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝐾𝑎𝑘𝑎𝑠ℎ𝑖 𝑜𝑛 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑏𝑎𝑐𝑘 you know me too well rival.
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Kakashi x Reader: Make out paradise.
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After a lengthy mission with Kakashi the two of you headed to a hot spring and he gets to live out one of the scenes from his favorite book series!
You and Kakashi tiredly made your way to a hot spring to check in for the night after a long mission.
“One room please.” Kakashi stated to the clerk.
“and a private hot spring with a giant jug of sake!” You chimed in.
“Right away!” The clerk handed Kakashi the key to your room. “Room 256 and you have your own private hot spring right outside your room.”
“Oooooo that’s fancy!” You giggled.
You trudged your feet down the hall as you and Kakashi made your way to the room. He unlocked the door and you flung yourself on the bed.
“Oh man I’m so tired I could sleep for a week straight.” You wiggled your hips making your butt jiggle as you nestled into the bed.
Kakashi couldn’t stop gazing at your perfect ass. “I just want to take my hands and smack that amazing ass of of hers.” He thought to himself. “Why is she such a tease?” He sighed.
You looked up when you heard Kakashi sigh and noticed his eyes were fixed on your back side. You let out a quiet chuckle as you wiggled your butt more. You peeked back up and saw him captivated as he stepped closer to you.
Knock, knock! “Did you order sake?” Asked the voice from the other side.
While Kakashi was drawn away you snuck off to the bathroom so you could change out of your clothes and into a towel. You made your way out to open the screen, so you could quietly slip outside.
Kakashi heard the screen slide open, he turned around to see you in a towel sneaking outside. He walked to the open door to see your towel fall and just a splash as you leaped in the water. He blinked a few times to make sure he wasn’t seeing things. “Did I just see what I think I saw?” He asked himself as he stared lingering for you to surface.
You surfaced on the far end of the hot spring with your back turned to Kakashi. You stood up and all you could see was the silhouette of your unclad body through the mist in the moonlight. “Kakashiiiii you coming in?” You beckoned to him.
“Is this really happening right now?” He asked himself. “This is just like one of the chapters in Make Out Paradise.” His mind wondered as he played out the chapter in his head. He felt the heat rising on his skin and his pants started to get tight around his crotch. He went to go change and calm himself down. “Okay don’t get over excited, this might not even play out the way I want it to.” Kakashi quickly got undressed, draped a towel around his waist and came out to a vacant hot spring. “Huh? Now where did she go?” He stepped closer to look but you were nowhere to be found.
You peered out from the shadows and snuck up behind Kakashi. You completely caught him off guard and swiped his towel.
“Wh-what? (Y/N) what are you doi-"
You cut him off rolling your body to his back as you reached around gently stroking his member. “Shhhhhh I’ve seen the way you stare at me Kakashi…. I know you want me…. Well here’s a surprise.” You leaned in close to his ear your breathing was heavy. “I want you too Kakashi.”
As soon as those words left your lips Kakashi pounced on you like a feral animal. He pinned you to the ground and began grinding against you. “I want you so bad (Y/N).” He leaned in and kissed your neck, whines of pleasure fled your lips as he huddled his body closer to yours. “I’m going to rock your world.”
“Ah- ahhhhh Ka-Kakashi.” You moaned out as his length rubbed against your thigh, the excitement was soaring in your core. You jerked your hips making his member rub against your clit, earning a groan of delight from Kakashi.
“Wait can you take that stupid mask off?” You reached up to take it off and he didn’t stop you. You pulled it over his head, your jaw dropped as you gazed upon his gorgeous face with that cute little mole. “Kakashi you’re so handsome!” You blushed. “I’m keeping you all to myself. You’re mine!” You giggled.
“Mmmmm I like the sound of that (Y/N).” He leaned in and kissed you, you opened your mouth permitting his tongue entry.
Grabbing the back of his head you assaulted his lips biting, nibbling, sucking them. You broke the kiss and bit his neck, moaning as he grinded up against you.
“Eager aren’t we Kitten?” He cooed.
“Mmmmmhmmmm very much Kakashi.”
He leaned into your ear as he gently inserted his throbbing member. “Very well Kitten.”
You moaned out as he thrusted his hips. “Ohhhhh Ka-Kakashi.”
“That’s a good girl look how nicely you take my dick…. How well he fits inside you.” He cooed as he pounded you harder and harder. In and out in and out he went deeper with every push, your body wildly thrashing beneath him.
You fastened your legs around his abdomen as your back arched your walls clamped around him as you released your first orgasm.
“Mmmmm that’s a good girl cum for me, Kitten.” He cooed as he plunged deeper into you.
“Ohhhhhh Kakashi I-I love the way you’re fucking me right nowwww!” You wined as your body crashed against his.
“How much do you love it?” He asked as he gently choked you.
“I-I don’t ever want you to stop!” You wailed out as you gushed all over the two of you.
Kakashi pulled out and went down on you to lick up the juices. He attacked your clit with his tongue making you squirt again.
Your body quivered as the juices leaked out of you, rolling your head around his tongue was driving you bonkers. “K-Kakashiiiii!” You yelled out in pleasure as you felt another orgasm creeping up.
He plunged two fingers into your pulsing hole just as you climaxed. “That’s my sweet girl now, get on top.” He laid back, you took him by surprise as you went down on him. “Ohhhh K-Kitten.” He let out a low howl as you licked is length gently fondling his balls. His body twitched as you licked and sucked. “K-Kitten you’re driving me nuts right now…. I love the way your mouth feels on me…. Your tongue is a weapon of pleasure.”
You continued to please Kakashi as you took his entire length down your throat. You released yourself from his member and crawled your way up his body positioning your soaking entrance at his tip. “Ohhhhhh Kakashiiiii!” You wailed out as you came down on him with such force it echoed.
“That’s my good Kitten! You take my dick like a champion!” Kakashi grunted as he spread your cheeks to go deeper. He gripped your ass tighter as he pounded into you, your walls clenched around his member as you came again. “(Y/N) I’m going to cum.”
You looked at him with a serious face. “Then cum…. Give me your babies.” You whispered into his ear, that sent him over the edge and he let out a loud moan as he exploded inside you.
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angelanika · 4 years
Kakashi x Reader 
Genre: Angst
Warnings: Cursing, mentions of kidnapping, mentions of drugging (nothing graphic) 
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The heavy wooden doors of the Hokage’s office flew open with a ferocious force as if they weighed nothing. 
Kakashi, however, barely looked up from the papers on his desk to acknowledge the interruption. 
“Where the hell were you?” you snarled while storming into the office. 
Ah yes, it's the love of his life. 
He neatly placed the papers into a stack on his desk before smoothly strolling over to you with a gentle smile, “I’m glad to see that you’re all well, my love.” 
His strong arms charmingly snaked around your waist, pulling your body into his but you abruptly stiffened up and attempted to break away.
Before he could question your resistance, two ninjas appeared at the door panting wildly. 
“We’re sorry Lord Sixth..ha..ha..when we returned to the village, we were going to carry them to the hospital for a check up-,” the first one attempted to explain but was all too busy trying to catch his breath.
“But...but they slipped away from us and bolted over here,” the second one finished. 
Kakashi turned to you with a stern look, but you only glared back at him ten times fiercer so he promptly looked away from your cold gaze and dismissed them.
As soon as the two ninjas, whom you have yet to learn the names of, shut the door behind them, you ripped out of your boyfriend’s grasp and jabbed a finger into his chest. 
“Where were you Kakashi?!?” 
“Y/N, you know you should’ve gotten your check up before coming here.”
“That’s not what I fucking asked you!”
You were fuming.
The memories of the events earlier that day swarmed your mind. 
You remembered entering the small shop near the outskirts of the village in total awe of how you had never seen that cute, little store before. 
You remembered the employee who was all too eager to help you. 
You remembered smelling a sample of what he claimed to be their latest perfume.
And suddenly, you didn't remember anything immediately after that.
However, you remembered waking up in a cold, dark room surrounded by unfamiliar men.
You remembered how they teased, taunted and threatened you.
You remembered being absolutely terrified - you weren’t some highly ranked ninja. You didn’t have any super cool powers...but you did have connections and that’s why they wanted you. 
You remembered trying to convince yourself to stay calm and keep a brave faced but as the time ticked by, you remembered starting to lose hope. 
Finally, you remembered a group of ninjas sporting the Hidden Leaf headband barging into the hideout and the wave of relief that washed over you. 
You remembered how your tired eyes frantically searched around the room for any sign of your boyfriend, the Hokage, Kakashi but...he wasn’t there.
Hot tears which you so desperately tried to hold back, began to fall. 
“Kakashi…,” you seethed, “I was kidnapped...and you weren’t one of the people to rescue me. All you did was send some other guys after me!”
When you heard the words that fell from your own lips, you started to wonder if you just sounded like a brat.
 At least I was rescued right? At least they didn’t take more than a day to find me right? Nonono, I have every right to be upset!
“I was held hostage for hours and you, MY OWN BOYFRIEND..you weren’t there to save me!!” you choked, “I was so scared, Kakashi...where the hell were you?!”
Kakashi let out a deep sigh as he ran his hand through his silky, silver hair. “I understand why you’re upset and I’m sorry that I didn’t go to rescue you but I have duties here. I can’t just up and leave.” 
Suddenly your tears stopped and your brows furrowed, “What…”
You turned your face sharply to his, eyes wide and serious, “So rescuing me isn’t one of your duties?”
Kakashi flinched slightly under your intense gaze but spoke up in a steady, low voice. “Y/N, listen, you were kidnapped by some no-name, low life group of delinquents who held a petty grudge against the village. It was nothing for the Hokage to go out and deal with. I had other things that needed my attention-”
“It's not about them Kakashi! It's about me!”
You hated how obnoxious you sounded but you were struggling to find better words with all the spiralling emotions. “It's about my life being in danger and you not doing shit to help! That’s what it’s the fuck about!”
With all your cursing and yelling, Kakashi too was now starting to get a bit fed up. “I did what I needed to. I organized and issued the rescue mission team using ninjas who fit the ranking. I was worried about you! Of course I was! But as Hokage-”
“Heh...clearly you weren’t worried enough,” you scoffed under your breath.
Kakashi rolled his eyes.
Before he could try to say something else, you spoke out once again, “Well I’m sorry that my safety isn’t in your rank, Lord Hokage.”
His facial expression dropped and his voice immediately became softer.
“Y/N, babe, you know I don’t mean it like that...”
The sound of footsteps venturing further away from him fill his ears and his chest starts to feel agonizingly tight as he watches you head for the door.
“You know, before I think of you as Kakashi the Hokage, I think of you as Kakashi, my boyfriend but I guess I should fix that.”
You whip your head around to face him one last time, “No! Don’t bother. Get back to whatever the fuck you have to do. Those duties are more important right? Those duties are what actually deserve your time and attention right?”
Kakashi remained silent.
That’s not what he meant. 
That’s not what he meant at all.
Of course you were more important to him...more important than anything…
He felt as if he had just been stabbed in the chest repeatedly. 
His feet moved before he could even think about it, instinctively rushing to be at your side.
If only he was this eager to be with you earlier, maybe he could’ve avoided hurting you like this, he thought. 
He reached out for you but you swiftly exited the room before he could get to you. Leaving him standing alone with one last painful sentence.
“I’m sorry I’m such a burden to you.”
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saudade-mayari · 3 years
💜Heeeey Luna, congratulations on the 500 followers🎉🎉🎉 you are incredibly talented and deserve much more🥰🥰🥰, well i would like to know if i could get nsfw 4,10 and 23 from the prompt list 3 for my baby Kashi, please?
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Stop being a Brat
Kakashi x fem!reader [NSFW]
warnings: 18+ content, mentions brat and slut, voice/size kinks, spanking, possessiveness, pwp, unprotected sex, dirty talks, choking and please minors dni
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He did try to maintain all the composure he can, but he knew he couldn't. Not anymore. Kakashi furiously held the grip of his dango in a manner that you would notice how mad he is. You are talking to your so-called coworker, and he must have been saying jokes as you never stopped laughing. His eyes widened in response when your hand brushed against his thighs. It was his cue. He couldn't take it anymore and started dragging you out of the premises.
Every step Kakashi did was filled with anger. He couldn't and wouldn't rule your life with his possessiveness. When you both reached his apartment, he slammed the door behind him, throwing himself onto the couch as he stared at the ceiling—trying his best to compose himself.
"What was that?"
No answer. Just the deafening silence of his apartment.
Still no answer from the man. Annoyed and frustrated from the tension you and Kakashi aren't used to deal with.
"You know what, stop being a brat! I've got no time to deal with your cold shoulders, Hatake."
In an instant, a pair of solid arms pushed you by the wall; it was not exactly painful, but the aggressiveness is entirely evident in his sudden actions. A smirk formed in his masked face, his mismatched eyes filled with anger and possessiveness.
"Me? A brat? Why don't you stop being a brat y/n. Stop flirting with him, stop laughing at his jokes and stop touching him like he goddamned owned you."
Your hands snaked up to Kakashi's tensed shoulders, looking at his clenched jaw while his eyes were constantly fixed to yours. "Make me."
The lump in your throat disappeared when his belt unbuckled. A clang was heard as it fell onto the floor. Your skirt was hiked up around your waist while his hand slid between your legs. Moans left your mouth the moment his fingers caressed your clothed cunt.
In an instant, both of you are in the bedroom half-naked. He bends you down, making sure Kakashi has full access to your ass. He traced the laced panty you wore while he bites your butt cheek. He's profoundly rough today, and you can't even say you dislike the idea of it. Kakashi destroyed your undies with the kunai hidden under his pillow, shifting the position and making sure you're under him, feeling his bare length teasing your entrance.
One grasps your hand in a painful grip, and the other slides around to pinch your clit. "Kakashi..." You cooed, hearing your voice completely enthralled him but just as he wanted to listen to your erotic moans, your neediness to hear his groans near your earlobes doubled the frustration. Kakashi worked on your entrance, pushing his fingers in and out while he aggressively bit your earlobe. "You want to hear me, kitten?"
You nodded in desperation, but Kakashi gave out a more possessive bite in your neck, going back to your earlobes as soon as he hears no answer coming from your mouth. "Say it, kitten. Be clear."
"I need you already, Kakashi."
"You're going to cum in my cock then"
He stopped thrusting his fingers and never gave you a chance to have your first release. Your hands wildly held the headboard when his shaft entered your wet entrance, and a loud moan escaped in your mouth, definitely a music to Kakashi's ears.
"You like that, y/n? You love my cock taking and owning your pussy?"
You nodded in response, resting your forehead to his shoulders, but Kakashi never allowed your frustrated nods to escape. “Answer me, kitten.” His hands held your waist and gave out one soft thrust, making you scream in both pain and pleasure, feeling your cunt being suppressed for your first release. "Yes. Fuck.."
At your admission, Kakashi's thrusts become harder. He loves it when you submit to him. With the ego enhancement he had, his hands leave your waist, your core begins to spasm, and his hand tightens on your neck. The way you exploded while he keeps fucking you hard through it was beyond pleasurable, and when you finally came, he slows his thrusts and releases your neck. He sits back on the bed at your side and immediately pulls you back to sit on his lap. 
Kakashi’s hands were possessively on your hips as he spun you around to face him. Catching you in his arms and taking your lips with his, owning them, owning you while you feel his cock ached to be touched and fucked...anything.
You felt an aggressive bite on your lip when his fingerless gloves smacked your butt cheek. The first impact always stung the most. You breathed through the pain. With the second impact, your mind began to focus on the stinging sensation, and by the third impact, you're able to slowly drift away, immersed and lost within the pain. The red marks on your butt cheek were clearly evident. Kakashi licked your earlobes as his freehand caressed your neck, slightly putting pressure but enough to give room for your erratic breathing.
"C'mon y/n show me how much of a brat you can be."
And so you did, slowly entering his shaft, more profound and completely feeling his entire length. The deeper it goes, the tighter he held your grip, releasing a hard grunt that only you get to hear. Mustering your strength, you grind harder, pushing yourself up and down while his face rested on the headboard, wholly enticed by the feeling of riding him this way. You leaned closer to his toned body. Your hand caressed his unruly silver locks while you licked his earlobe.
"Is this what you wanted, Kakashi? Come home angry, throw your brat down, and fuck her? Tear half of her clothes like a slut and dump your cum into my pussy."
You whispered in your most sultry tone as possible, once again enticing Kakashi with your bewitching voice. He guided your hips up and down, making your paces faster while he caressed your h/c locks.
Your core automatically clenches, wanting to give him what he wants. Kakashi's hard grunts made your body convulses as the most intense pleasure jolts through you. The pleasurable moan rushing through his ears is loud, and you can barely hear him anymore.
Lights and stars flash behind your eyes, and the world just stopped. His own release filled up and ran down your cunt. There's always so much... So much of him and as soon as both of your breathing slows down, he pulled you to a one passionate kiss.
"You're mine. All mine y/n"
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jennyverse · 4 years
Prologue to Without You
Writers note: Sorry, this has taken me a while to upload! I had promised last week to myself and just never got it done. This seems a bit more like backstory so I titled it Prologue, but it could technically be part 1 to the story! Also I am still debating the title of this whole series, its been going from Without You to New Beginnings to whatever else is in my head so it may change.  I hope you guys like it!
Word count: 878 (short chapter)
Summary: You and Itachi are promoted to ANBU, and a little party is thrown for you both. Towards the end of the night, you and Itachi get away to talk a bit but more things are left unsaid than answered.
Pairings: Itachi/reader, Naruto/reader (platonic, eventual Kakashi/reader
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On your 11th birthday you were asked to join the ANBU, following Itachi who had joined months back when it was his birthday. Of course, this was a cause for a big celebration in the Uchiha clan, they had two of the youngest people to ever join the ANBU. You two were considered prodigies of the Uchiha, you excelled in pretty much everything you did. It seemed as though whatever Itachi accomplished, you followed soon after to everyone’s delight.
Ever since children, your parents made fun of the both of you, saying you would get married one day. Of course, as children it was all fun and games, but as you grew little by little, you began to develop actual romantic feeling for Itachi. You were never sure if Itachi had the same feelings, he was always sweet and kind to you, but were those romantic smiles that he threw? You were only 11, maybe it’s just some infatuation for your friend.
A party was thrown for you both, celebrating not only your birthday but the achievement you and Itachi had accomplished.  Everyone from the clan joined together and celebrated you both. Of course, you brought Naruto along, he was someone you wanted to celebrate with. Of course, you and Itachi were the center of attention, your grandparents told you both to stay together throughout the festivities, to make it easier for people to find you and congratulate you.
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Although you were enjoying yourself, you did feel an emptiness and sadness. You noticed Itachi zoning out throughout the night and you knew it was for the same reason. You both missed Shisui. It had been a little bit since Shisui had died. It was a bit after Itachi had joined ANBU, something still fresh in both your minds. You didn’t understand how Shisui could have done that to himself, he was like your older brother, his presence absent tonight struck a chord deep inside you. You thought he would always be with you. You tried to ignore the feeling, opting to believe that he was with you, celebrating with you.
Towards the end of the night, the music is fading down and people are starting to head home. Sasuke’s sprawled out on his mother’s lap, tired from the night, your grandparents are chatting with Itachi’s. Naruto had fallen asleep after playing around with Sasuke and you had taken him to your room to sleep at some point in the night.
Itachi and you are walking around the party, both pretty tired from the nights festivities.
“Want to sneak off to the training field” Itachi asks you. You look at him and give him a quick nod.
Arriving at the field, Itachi takes a hold of your hand and guides you over to a patch of flowers. Picking one out he hands it to you, giving you his best eye smile, although it seems a bit sad.
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“I don’t know if I’ll be able to protect you” he whispers but of course you hear it
Confusion is evident on your face, what is he talking about, protect you from what?
“what are you talking about Itachi”
“ANBU isn’t something you want to be a part of, the secrecy, the lies, the eventual loss” Itachi says looking at you with sad eyes
“Is this about Shisui” this causes his eyes to widen a bit, something no one else but you would notice. His silence makes you question him again.
“Itachi, do you know something about Shisui” this time, he does speak up.
“No, I don’t. Now don’t bring him up again please, it’s too painful for us both.” Of course, you knew it had to do with Shisui, what other loss would he be talking about. You see him lie down and look up at the stars, opting to drop the subject you follow suit.
“You don’t have to protect me Itachi” you say quietly, mostly to yourself
“I want to” he whispers back, turning to look at you. Without turning to look at him you smile up at the sky, a small blush forming on your cheeks. You both stay in silence, looking up at the stars.
In the distance you can hear your grandparents calling for you and Itachi, you notice it’s gotten quite dark, how long had you been staring at the sky? Turning to see if Itachi had heard them, you see him fast asleep. You take a second to look down at him, noticing the little bags that have formed under his eyes. You wonder what has caused his worry, his lack of sleep. Is being in the ANBU that perilous, something you can’t manage, so much so that Itachi brought it up tonight. Shaking your head, you throw those thoughts away, your Itachi’s equal, you’ve always been together. Whatever it is, you’re sure you can face it head on and manage.  You aren’t scared, you’ll always have Itachi there, right? With you together, there isn’t anything you can’t face.
Waking him up, you tell him your families are looking for you both. Helping him up, you both walk back to the party. You bid each other goodnight and head to your houses, you ready to start your ANBU duties tomorrow and Itachi dreading it.
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