#kakihara masao x reader
Idk if you still do Ichi the Killer requests but 😭 if you do movie Kakihara x injured reader? Ichi gets to reader and injures them if that makes sense? I like angst and I love your writing ! Keep up the amazing work!
I've gotchu sis <3
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The city streets were dimly lit, the neon signs casting a sickly glow over the alleys. It was a night like any other in the depraved city where the law was Yakuza, where shadows hid unspeakable deeds. Kakihara Masao, the S&M freak of the Anjo gang, had been out dealing with a rival gang, as per usual. Few things could get a kick out of him, and finding new ways to torture traitors to death was one of them.
As he returned to his new home - The traditional villa which belonged to his wife, the daughter of their ally gang's boss, he felt a nagging unease. Something was off, but he couldn't tell why.
Ever since he left the house that day, with a departing kiss as was the daily routine, he had a gnawing feeling eating away at his brain, sinking his heart with worry.
He cared little what happened to him, or to anyone else - The only thing that mattered in his life anymore was to keep his beloved angel happy - And very much alive. She was a fantastic businesswoman, and the gang's designated medic, owning a whole chains of successful private hospitals - Which only put a huge target on her head. How could she sleep at night so peacefully Kakihara could never understand.
Was it her unshakeable trust in him, the husband her father wanted so desperately to tie to her? Her childhood crush, her teenage craze, her adult soulmate? Or was it the numerous bodyguards patrolling the house perimeter in a 200m radius in all directions at any given moment?
This girl was more guarded than the Emperor or the president, and yet...
Pushing the door open, he was greeted by an eerie silence, not by his wife's dolcetto voice, her warm embrace and sweet kiss. His heart pounded in his chest as he called out for his angel, but there was no response. The house was dark, and a sense of dread washed over him. He flicked on the lights and froze. The scene before him was a nightmare he's had many times before. The result of his failure.
Y/N lay on the floor, blood pooling around her. Her body was covered in slashes, the unmistakable work of that psychopath bastard, Ichi. Tears of pain stained her porcelain cheeks and her face was twisted in a petrified expression. Even unconscious, she was terrified and in pain.
Y/N hated pain. She was as vanilla as could be; Masao could never understand her; How she'd cry from the littlest amount of pain, when his euphoria came from a place of excruciating agony. A princess, she was an angel, of course she'd be delicate like a fragile little snowdrop, whilst he's a demon, a vulgar devil, corrupting and tainting the Heavens around her.
Kakihara's mind raced as he rushed to her side, dropping to his knees. She was still alive, but barely. Her breathing was shallow, and her eyes fluttered open when she felt his presence.
"Masa..." she whispered, her voice weak and trembling. "Ichi is looking for you."
He gently cradled her in his arms, his usually apathetic scarred visage contorted with guilt and rage. "Stay with me, angel. I’ve gotchu. Just hold on."
Kakihara wasted no time, carefully lifting her in his arms, bridal style just like he loved - Just like on their wedding - Yet now, she looked like a broken doll; His heart was breaking at the sight of her injuries. Once outside of the house, he yelled at the useless bodyguards who allowed this mess to happen - None of them saw or even heard anything. That bastard was too good.
Ironically, they drove to her own hospital which was nearby, though the road felt eternal and every second that ticked by was filled with the fear that he might lose her.
The doctors quickly took her in for emergency surgery, and Kakihara was staring after her as she was swiftly rolled on the bed, to the sterilised room; His mind was a storm of fury and worry. He couldn't stay there, not while Ichi was still out there. His blood boiled with wrath, a primal need for vengeance driving him.
"Princess L/N is in critical condition, but she will make a full recovery." the head doctor informed Kakihara. "She will need to take it easy and rest at home - No effort whatsoever - And for a while, some assistance." the old man continued; He looked left and right, then spoke in a hushed tone. "Was it that son of a bitch, Ichi?" Masao grunted affirmatively.
"Not for long." he sneered under his breath. "I'll be back." his voice was cold and steely.
With that, he left on his hunt to rip that fuckass apart, his mind singularly focused on one thing: finding Ichi and making him pay for every little scratch on her skin, for every second of agony, and for every nightmare she'll have from then on.
He reached out to his contacts, scoured the streets, and left no stone unturned. The hunt was relentless, driven by his love and desire to protect the only sun ray in his bleak, dark world, the burning hatred for the man who had hurt her. No living being was allowed to approach her with any mal intent, let alone actually commit such a vicious act against an angel. That fucker will rot.
He hadn't slept, hadn't eaten, hadn't drunk until he found him, but finally after so long, in the dead of night, Kakihara cornered Ichi in a dilapidated warehouse. The killer stood there, his face twisted in a sickening grin, clearly enjoying the chaos he had caused - Yet at the same time, his visage was twisted in a troubled look; This bitch was fucked in the head, he was out of his mind. His brain wasn't wired properly, even by Masao's standards.
Kakihara wasted no time. "You little fuckass!" he roared, his voice echoing through the empty space. "You dared to touch her! My angel! You took the one reason I had to stay alive!"
Ichi barely had time to react before Kakihara launched himself at him. The fight was brutal, both men driven by their own wicked desires and madness. Masao's rage gave him an edge. He didn't hold back, inflicting as much pain as he could, relishing in every scream that tore from Ichi's throat. That bastard couldn't even raise that sickle leg of his to slice him off - What a pussy ass cunt. He dared mess with his angel, without thinking of the hell he will receive back.
Ichi was easily subdued, bloodied and broken. Kakihara stood over him, his eyes wild with fury. "Look into my eyes and despair, you fucking freak." he snarled, before delivering the final blow. The life drained from Ichi's eyes, and Kakihara felt a grim satisfaction wash over him. "I love overkill."
He stood there, watching all the blood drain from his pathetic body, kicking it every once in a whole, hoping to vent out his remaining rage before he appeared before his sweet girl. There was only one place he needed to be, and that was by his angel's side.
Covered in blood, he returned to the hospital - Thankfully, one of her bodyguards had a spare shit for him to change in; He couldn't possibly embrace an angel while he was painted red with her assailant's filthy blood.
The doctors informed him that Y/N was awake and stable, but still exhausted. He entered her room quietly, his heart aching at the sight of her frail, broken form, leaning down on that white bed, wrapped in white sheets. White looked good at her, but colours were her favourite. The hospital room was too lame for her.
"Y/N." he whispered, sitting beside her on the edge of the bed, taking her hands in his and kissing her fingers. "Fucker's dead, and my arms are all yours to sleep in, angel." he said, laying down and gathering her carefully in his embrace. "No one's ever gonna dare mess around with my girl." he kissed the top of her head.
She opened her eyes, tears welling up as she looked at him. "Masa..." her eyes were gleaming with pure love and admiration. "You're my guardian hero."
He gently cradled her in his arms, nestling her like a little kitten in his clothes, holding her close and whispering soothing words. "I'm here, angel. I'm always here. I won't let anything happen to you ever again. I promise."
Kakihara felt a sense of peace; He had avenged his wife, rid the world of a useless scum, and now, all that mattered was Y/N's recovery. He would stay by her side, protect her, and ensure that no harm ever came to her again. In that moment, as he held her, he knew that no matter the darkness of their world, he will remain alive, to protect her from the evil surrounding her eden.
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bucklovesyou · 1 year
i dont typically like asking 4 requests but is there anyone in the ichi the killer fandom that wants an x reader fic please im on my hands and knees send me a prompt or smth idfk. i write 4 manga and movie kakihara and movie ichi 🙏🙏🙏
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kimhargreeves · 5 years
Stitches-Kakihara Masao x Reader (Ichi the Killer)
(Based on the Japanese movie: Ichi the Killer from 2001)
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I threw my final punch at him and satisfied smiled wide, "Next time you don't report to me I'll beat you up again." I spat at the young man known as Kakihara Masao the henchman to one of Japan's most famous yakuza. Kakihara fell down to the floor in a small puddle of blood and looked up at me while I got dressed and cleaned up my wounds.
I grinned back at him knowing he enjoyed the pain I caused him. "You hit just like the boss." I scoffed knelt down toward him, "And I know how much you love it." I whisper and held the back of his neck and kissed him roughly.
"Get dressed before they arrive." Kakihara could only nod and follow my orders. He was putting on his red checkered jacket when the door flew open and his men came rushing in. I put on a stern face and stared at the men.
"The boss is missing!"
My heart froze for a second when one of them told Kakihara who turned around and focused his dark eyes on the man. "Gone? We'll find him. I'm sure he's somewhere attending some business."
"Kakihara. The boss isn't like this to have left us without informing you or me that he was going out. Isn't it you're job to follow him around?" I smirk and he glares at me.
"Isn't your job the same as mine? Last time I checked you were busy with yourself." One of the men behind me scoffed to which I glared and pointed my katana at him, but seeing him almost peeing himself I held back from killing him and sighed out loud.
"Let's go then." I ordered and the men began to follow me and Kakihara. Before we left I grabbed his arm "What if we don't find him?"
"He always shows up."
I stare at Kakihara and see him all serious looking back at me then our men. "He's my father. I know him and he would've been back by now-"
"Shut the fuck up (Y/N) he'll be back. " he place d his hand on my back and pushed me so I'd follow the group. Since I was a young teen I joined the yakuza even if my father refused at first since I could get hurt and only men are allowed. I swore to also find and kill the man who killed my mother.
Kakihara was a pain in my ass when father introduced him to me. He was just a blonde weirdo at first with his glasgow smile but soon we started a relationship. He enjoyed inflicting pain on people, he's a sadist and masochist. While I enjoyed and got fired up from seeing him in pain and hurting myself. It was a thing we both enjoyed from one another.
No one else knows of what goes between us. I could feel the pain from the scars I did to myself on my thighs while I was with Kakihara. I feel the crowed around us looking at us weirdly especially since I normally always carry my weapon with me.
Few days went by and Kakihara and I enjoyed each other's company but I could sense him going insane in finding where Ichi is. The man who killed my father. I felt my feelings to myself but Kakihara was losing it, I touched his shoulder and wrapped my arms behind him from the couch, "Once we find Ichi..I'll let you take pain in killing him." He grunted and moved away from my touch.
"I miss him.." I frowned and slapped him hard. "Get a grip, Kakihara-" before I could finish he wrapped a hand around my neck. I glared at him but giggled even if I was running out of air. Kakihara scoffed and turned his back to me and laid down on the couch and stared up at the ceiling.
"Useless." I muttered and touched my neck. I buttoned up my school uniform shirt and fixed my tie and began to leave when Kakihara called my name. "What do you want?!" I snapped.
"Where the hell do you think you're going?"
"Out. I can't stand seeing you so useless."
"Take another step out of this room and I'll cut you up myself." He says holding up a few needles he took out of his purple jacket so I'd see them.
"Impressive." He mutters and with his needles picks up an intestine and shows it to me. I turn around quick ready to puke at any second, I've been in the yakuza for years but guts still mal me wanna puke. Not to mention that I did puke when Kakihara began cutting the tip of his tongue and he began to bleed and walk around like it was no big deal..
I was about to take my katana out when there was a knock on the door and some of our yakuza team came rushing in, "He's here! Ichi." He announced mostly at Kakihara who jumped out of his spot and turned to me. Without another word we followed the three men and went to a room soaked in blood.
With guts splattered across the walls making the entire place a bloodbath. I covered my mouth and clench my fists when I saw my men dead. "I swear I'll kill that fucking Ichi dude." Kakihara nods and inspects the place.
"Take that away from my sight." I mutter when I felt his tease me from behind. I heard him chuckle and throw the organ in the puddle of blood, "Don't be like that sweetheart." He whispers and holds my hips tight from behind him.
He was leaning in to kiss me till on of the three men shouted at Kakihara to come since another on our team was recently killed and Ichi was looking for us. Kakihara looked back at me so I grabbed him and kissed him roughly before I pulled away, "Go I'll be right behind you." With that he began to follow the man and I was left alone, I took a deep breath and began to run away to the closet place with a phone and called up the rest of my men I had from another yakuza group.
I adjusted my katana's behind my back and hid a blade inside my knee high socks and began to run upstairs to the rooftop when I saw Kakihara following Ichi. As soon as I got up he and Ichi began to fight. I took my tie off and adjusted my skirt and glared at the young man, "Ichi!" I shout and saw the man tremble when I shouted his name.
I furrowed my eyebrows and stared at him weirdly when he began to cry and whimper, "You killed my father and my mother. You killed her when she was just passing by, wanting to come home to me but you took her life a way you bastard. Now you're gonna pay."
I took both my katana's out and took my position ready to fight. "(Y/N), Don't kill him! I want to enjoy the pain in doing so-"
"Shut up!"
Ichi stared at me and began to shake but in a second began to run towards me, I ran forward and started swinging my weapons at him which he shielded with his armor and began to kick in the air trying to cut me with the back of his sharp boots, I back flipped and rolled to the side and with one of my katanas cut him at his side and he yelped.
"So you think it'll be easy to kill me?!" I shout and he pierced my leg and cheek drawing some blood from me. I stood still and slowly touched the cuts and began to laugh. I heard footsteps running to me and saw the rest of my team with daggers in hand, Kakihara was oblivious at what was happening.
I gave order for them to klll Ichi but just seconds in they were all sliced in half. When Ichi was admiring his work I kicked his back and began cutting his back till he began to cry like a baby, "I fucking hate your guts. You killed everyone I loved now it's your turn to die-" I held both my weapons up but grew annoyed when he wouldn't stop crying.
Kakihara and I exchanged looks and confused stared at the man on the ground. Kakihara cautiously walked closer and shook Ichi's arm.
"Come on you bastard fight me!" He shouted. Ichi continue to cry even when Kakihara helped him to his feet but he let himself fall back again.
"This stupid kid has issues." Kakihara looks at me confused as hell and stands by my side. "So much for the fight of the century huh?" I tease knowing up much my dear Kakihara wanted to fight him.
I look at my side and grabbed the side of his face and smiled, "Let's just get out of here, this is all over, he won't even try to kill us." I whisper seeing his cold eyes staring back at me. Without a word he turns his back to me and begins to walk away, confused I look back at Ichi who was inched away from me ready to pierce me in half.
I grabbed my katana again and successfully stabbed him in the chest multiple of times and felt his blood soak my white shirt. "I said I was gonna kill you, you bastard." I wipe the few blood off my face and exhausted started walking down the stairs.
When I reached a few steps down I looked ahead of me and saw Kakihara look back at me, without any emotion on his face or excitement in his eyes he turned to me and I felt my heart stop when I realized he was leaning against the fragile bars preventing anyone falling down.
I whispered his name and started running towards him with my arms stretched to grab him. My vision became blurry fearing the worst but it was too late. Right when I made it to where he was standing he jumped off the railing and I looked down to see his body on the last floor. I shouted his name and began running down, two, three, four stairs down but broke down and fell to my knees.
I've lost everyone I've loved...
Slowly I got back on my feet and felt the cold breeze hit me when I did. I wiped my tears and closed my eyes...one..two..three.
I leaned my back against the railing and pushed myself back, feeling the cold breeze passing through my hair. I took one final look at the bright sky above me before it all went dark.
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hannibal-abo · 4 years
Horror Icons x Male Reader PWPs
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2W7Ow1f
by KindListener
[Requests: ✅]
Click here for info!
Words: 1387, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Evil Dead (Movies), Candyman (1992), Skinner (1993), Hannibal (TV), Re-Animator (Movies), Friday the 13th: The Game (Video Game), Koroshiya Ichi | Ichi the Killer, Psycho (1960)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: M/M, Multi
Characters: Ash Williams, Candyman | Daniel Robitaille, Dennis Skinner (Skinner 1993), Hannibal Lecter, Herbert West (Re-Animator), Jason Voorhees, Kakihara Masao, Norman Bates
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2W7Ow1f
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Kitsune-Hime ~ Kakihara Masao x Reader
I can’t not write for Masa anymore, okay? I can’t. So, this is a fic where Reader is the daughter of the leader of a yakuza gang that is friendly with Kakihara’s gang. Reader created her whole persona to revolve around the trickster spirit kami - The Kitsune - Through her imagine ( hair, looks, make up, clothes, weapons )
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Shinjuku - One of Japan’s most beautiful cities - It’s always so lively. During the day, everything is colourful and vibrant, tourists shop everywhere, people chat over beverages at cafes, there’s tons of shopping bags carried every, and lots of chatter and laughter among groups of friends.
At night, however, is when the fun truly begins - Shinjuku, the heart of Japan, the city with the best Nightlife, where everyone comes to have fun. All buildings are illuminated so bright that it blinds you, and then the clubs - Only by going inside, you feel the haze of mesmerizing drunkness from the drugs and depravation.
Naked women everywhere, lewd, and displaying free ahegao faces to anyone willing to pay, and tons of slimy, disgusting lechers that are desperate for attention and good fun. The better the pay, the better the depravation, and it went so deep that the police wouldn’t even dream of touching that place.
This depravation, this nefarious lifestyle, the underground dens of drugs and lust...
This was Yakuza’s domain.
A beautiful, vintage tea house by day, and in the basement, the ravest club in all Japan - It was known as Sakura - Chosen by the Y/N, the daughter of the Yakuza boss who had this place done. His daughter was going to one day inherit this illicit business, and with time, she will be the future Yakuza boss that everyone will fear and respect.
This Club was Y/N’s 15th birthday gift, and her father let her decorate it however she wanted - And she chose pink - A lovely cherry blossom pink, and tons of pink lights that would make your brain go haywire and shortcircuit as soon as you had your first drink or line snorted.
All drinks were spiked, everything was drugged, everything was fun, and safe for all the girls who said in advance they just want to have fun without being harassed or abused.
Y/N was a woman of integrity, and she knew just what everyone truly needed from a revolutionary place like Sakura.
A beautiful night of April, a blond man with scars and piercings, wearing a glittery pink suit, with his shirt half-unbuttoned and several men around him, entered the Club and let himself slump down in the corner, on the red and black couches. Looking to the wall  next to him, he remarked a beautiful young woman painted as a 9 tailed Kitsune. He often heard about the story of this place, and wondered if this woman was the same Kitsune as the Boss’s daughter.
Hours passed and Kakihara was pretty out of it - All that booze and drugs got him hazy with pleasure and he felt as if he was flying. He popped another one of those pink Fox-Pills - They were all the rage in Shinjuku - And let himself grin, wanting more and more.
His beautiful black eyes could only gaze, completely unfocused, but still trying, at the new group that entered the club. Attractive young men wearing black shirts with rolled up sleeves, all of them having tattoos, and wearing katanas and shades, protectively surrounding two petite figures - Must be women, Kakihara thought, in his dazed out mind, as he could only look at the mysterious one.
She was very thin and frail, he thought - He could almost look through her, but she didn’t look skeleton-like, as Karen is, it seemed to fit her. And she wasn’t tall, but not short either - Yet the big platforms of her black leather boots made her much cooler.
She was wearing a black crop top, with a fox’s face on it, and high-waisted black pants - And all that would be pretty basic for many girls, but she was wearing a long haori, worn loosely over her shoulders, black with red and pink petals, and a kitsune mask on the back.
And the best part was... The way her Rapunzel-like red hair glowed in the hectic lights... Or maybe he was too fucked up from all the things he took, and the flashing lights. Like an epileptic attack. He wanted to fall to her feet and let her stomp on him.
The girl’s hand slowly raised to her waist, resting gracefully over the handle of the katana she - Beautifully embellished with golden swirls and a red pendant with a jade fox hanging from the handle... And that manicure... Those long and sharp black claws...
And the Kitsune mask she was wearing...
Kakihara wanted her more than he wanted death - At least at that exact point in time, when he may not even be aware that he was staring creepily and that he was high and drunk in a club as well.
As if all his prayers have been answered, the girl elegantly prowled towards him like a stunning panther stalking its prey, and then, she was right in front of him, looking down at him and tilting her head slightly. The cute little ribbon and bells hanging from the mask’s ear were dangling with a soothing, yet unheard chime, thanks to the deafening, booming music blaring through the speakers.
The mysterious woman bent to Kakihara’s ear and said “You are in my spot.” and straightened up, waiting for an answer. She got only a stare.
Her voice was as mesmerizing as he expected, but being spoken into his ear like that made the hair on the back of his neck raise up with excitement, and he could only grip, biting his tongue and unintentionally showing off that tongue piercing of his, along many others.
The men from around the two opposing couches immediately shot up and tried to get their blond boss to get out as well - “Boss, this is The Kitsune, we have to leave!” and “Boss, she kill anyone who dares sit in her spot when she is around!” followed by “Boss, this is her Club, leave her be, don’t provoke her!”
But it was all left as good as unsaid, as Kitsune raised her leg and slammed it onto Kakihara’s shoulder, pinning him back onto the couch’s back rest, her katana already glued to his neck, so dangerously that the blade already pricked his skin, letting a necklace of red fluid trickle unceremoniously down his chest.
“Are you going to leave on your own, or do I have to cut you in pieces and throw you out in the trash can?” Y/N threatened in a low, dangerous voice, which made the man in cause get up and, putting his hands on her shoulders, he got very close to her masked face. “Why don’t you take me out yourself and cut me in as many pieces as you want?” he grinned euphorically, which made the girl scoff and drag him out by the scruff of his shirt. “If you want to die that badly, then go ahead. I’ll end your suffering. But don’t make me attack you when you’re fucked in the head so badly and have no weapons.” finally outside, she didn’t need to shout anymore to be heard through all that loud music. “Don’t worry, missy, I’ve got my weapons at me all the time!”
And, making the girl’s eyes widen in shock at what she was seeing, the blond yakuza extracted the two long needles from the edges of his mouth, and let his jaw hang, showing off his creepy glasgow smile.
“Dude... What the hell. You’re, like... Straight outta horror movies. Actually no, never mind, I guess it’s pretty neat.” the girl was at a loss of words, not sure whether she should be horrified or impressed with the sight in front of her.
The man didn’t talk, instead, he stumbled on his feet, hurrying to the girl’s side, as she used the scabbard of her katana to parry the needle slashes, and hit his wrists, and thus, she was easily able to get into a crouching position and sweet the feet from under him, stepping roughly on his stomach and pointing the tip of her sword down on his throat.
“Go home. The Kitsune doesn’t kill drunk people who spent money at the Sakura club... I don’t kill my clients. But take this as a warning... I won’t be merciful a second time you decide it’s a wise decision to make me your enemy.” the Yakuza fox stepped away from him, sheathing her sword, ready to go inside the club once again. “Enemy? You’re wrong... I just wanted you on top of me.” the girl stiffened up on the spot, unable to come up with any reply to that. So bold and forward of him! What the hell was in your hazed up mind anyway? “Kitsune~! Are you done with that weirdo? Come on, dance with me! Let’s have fun!” the red haired girl’s friend made her appearance from inside the club and dragged her silent friend to have fun together. “Did anything happen?” “...No, it’s cool. Change the music to something more violent and trashy, also, I want some B52 shots. Maybe 5 of them at least.” the boss ordered her friend who merely grinned and mock-military saluted her, skipping away to the usual routine, as the fox girl slumped down on her couch, in her own spot, absent-mindedly looking at the kami-like painting of her from the wall.
For the next days, Y/N’s thoughts lingered on the blond freak with the cut up grin - How the hell could he be so bold and serious saying that?  She’s met enough lechers so far, but none had this... Allure, for lack of better words.
No matter, she thought - He won’t step again in her club anyway, he will just cower in fear and -... But would a guy with a glasgow smile and needle in his face really cower in fear? That guy doesn’t seem like someone to give up easily. What a freak.
Weeks passed, and Y/N hasn’t seen or heard any news about the mysterious blond drunk guy, so she let it go. One day, she was walking with her bodyguard gang towards another club, to inspect it and its facilities. As she was talking on the phone, she suddenly hear multiple gunshots at once that took out all of her bodyguards, who were surrounding her in a shielding circle. And now, she was alone to fend for herself.
Several gang members, no doubt enemies, she thought, as she readied her sword - It was ride or die - As some would say.
“Ah, the little fox of the yakuza, how fare you? You’re all alone, in a sea of men ready to take away your lovely coat and make it into neck-warming fur.” she recognized this voice... It wasn’t an enemy Yakuza gang.  “Uncle? Why are you doing this? Are you rebelling against father?” the girl gasped in realization as she saw the older man step towards the light from the alley, making a grand, villainous entrance. “I have nothing against you personally, my darling. I’ve watched you grow from the little Princess to this lovely and witty young woman. You even finished such a tremendously difficult University, and yet, your father still keeps you forced as a meek bride to wed you to some other yakuza boss so he can hold onto his own gang much longer, and expand his territory. You know that, don’t you? You were never the true heir - He was. By killing you, I’m doing you a favour - You shall be a free woman! No more pain or responsibilities, and you shall be a caged bird no more! You can sing to your heart’s content and spread you wings to travel all over the world -... In the after life.” the uncle spoke in the fakest sympathetic voice he could muster, making the girl sneer in anger.
How dare he? Who is he to dictate the fate of her life? Only she alone can do that! It is her life and her own choices! Although... He isn’t entirely wrong, per se. She finished University out of sheer ambition and hard work, spent so many years out of her life, dedicated to this, and hopefully, to be able to get out of the mafia and work a cute and peaceful job that she earned with her own forces...
Only to be forced into marrying some messed up old dude, or now, the other given option, to get killed by her own uncle.
Y/N took a deep breath an, with the flick of her thumb, she grabbed the black and red handle of her sword and swooshed forward, decapitating one of the enemy gang members and using his body as a meat shield. She continued further on, until, from the other end of the place, she heard more screams of pain and... Was that fear?
“Kakihara! Boss, it’s Kakihara! We must retreat at once!” the subordinates cowered behind their boss like little cockroaches. “...You! You’re the guy from the club! What are you doing here?” the woman shouted in shock. “Ah, mystery girl. So you’re the reason for this carnage. Very well, I’ll help you out. At least I have a reason now.” his behaviour was so aloof now, completely different from the hazy man who slurred lewd things weeks ago. “Much appreciated!” with a more cheerful tone in her voice, Y/N felt it easier to go into battle knowing she had the most feared reinforcement.
A bloodbath ensued in the remote alleyway, only for a stray gunshot to hit the girl - It was unlucky it ways, but lucky in others, for it only grazed her mask, making her fall to the ground with a painful thud and a ground... And her famous mask was broken, flying away farther away from her, on the wet, red ground.
She didn’t realize at first what happened, and got up lethargically, messing up her hair in an attempt to get her head straight again, but then, she felt the fresh air slapping her face directly, and the bright light, hindering her vision... And she gasped with a yelp, hiding her face with her hands. 
“DAMN IT!” her voice was nothing like her Kitsune persona - It was almost as if Kitsune and Y/N were two different people altogether. Y/N, without the mask, is simply Y/N. And she’s timid, and afraid of the people and the harm they’ll do to her. It didn’t matter that her whole face had a beautiful and mystical Kitsune-like make up... The mask was everything, and now it’s gone.
In a surge of anger, the girl picked up her sword and menacingly stepped towards her uncle, her head hung down, covered by her long, vivacious hair. “You’re dead, uncle, and with your death, your gang is mine. Don’t blame me, nor my father for your unfortunate miscalculations... Blame your own self for thinking you can kill me and go away with it. See you in hell.” her voice was so soft and feminine, in almost startled Kakihara hearing her speak, especially with the antithesis of how dark and menacing the words were.
Not to mention, the way she ended her uncle’s existence with one, single, swift movement, and then went to pick up his head, kicking his body roughly. “I have defeated your Leader, therefore, you are all under my command! If anyone dares to disagree, you may go with my uncle in hell, and I will give you a first-class ticket... Personally.” and with a footballer kick of her huge leather boots, she sent the head flying away, watching the subordinated bow to the ground in front of her and swearing their allegiance.
“So what is your name, mystery woman?” the blond man stepped in front of her, looking down at her, only now realizing the height gap, even with the platformed boots she was wearing. “You know me as Kitsune, therefore you should continue that way.” she spoke with some resentment, before clearing her throat and looking away. “Anyway, you saved my life, so we are even now... I guess. Kakihara... Was it?” the man felt so awkward seeing how very different this version of the woman at the club was, that it took him a few seconds to answer. “Yeah, that’s me. It was luck I was around, but I am from a gang that’s allied with your own. What were you doing on the enemy turf anyway?” he asked as they both left the place for the subordinates to clean up. “I was supposed to formally inspect a new club in the area... But I guess it was all a scheme made by my uncle to do me in. Pity.” she shrugged non-chalantly, as they got to a black car. “Anyway... Thanks, I guess. Next time you come around my club, tell them Y/N said all your consummation is on the house. And you can stay in my spot too. That’s the only way I can show my thanks. This is my car... So, uhm... I’ll see you around, Glasgow. Bye.” and with that, she didn’t wait for an answer - The atmosphere was too awkward - And she got in the driver’s seat and went back home.
She knew she was going to get scolded, without a doubt, after all, she got all her people killed in a heartbeat - Not that she wanted to, but she was still responsible for her subordinates, so it was, indirectly, her fault they died.
Unfortunately for her, these deaths meant the end of a bet... Or an agreement, rather. And she’s lost in. She was to remain unmarried until her first subordinate death. She managed to keep it up until now, when she barely turned 27, but... There was no turning back from this.
It didn’t even take a weak until Y/N’s father made her make all the preparations to meet her future husband, and she had to behave like the most gracious Princess. It wasn’t that it was too difficult for her - Rather, it came naturally - But if it wasn’t something she wanted to do, she had problems doing it 100% well.  This sucks.
She dressed in a beautiful, pink, flower-patterned kimono with a long, purple and gold haori, and had her hair up in an intricate bun, along with a simple yet lovely flower hair accessory on the side of her head. Her make up was soft, yet feminine and it made her even more innocent and pure than ever.
She and her father waited in silence, patiently, in front of the kotatsu table, and when the clock beat 6 PM, the door was opened and a man walked inside. As soon as Y/N raised her head to see the ugly, old bastard that she was forced to marry, her demure face contorted with shock and disbelief. The man’s eyes - Usually peering into your soul, and lifeless or bored... They were now surprised, but he said nothing. He had no idea this was going to happen.
Y/N turned her head to the side and lifted her pointer finger to her mouth, making sure Kakihara doesn’t let it slip that they met before, and under what circumstances - Sure, her father trusted her with the management of the club, but she didn’t want him to be told what she was doing. Not that it was bad, but she was just too embarrassed.
Kakihara owed a debt to her father, and he could only pay it by marrying his daughter and joining their gangs together. It was unfortunate for the both of them, but that’s how it was. The Yakuza was ruthless, in all the wrong ways.
Her father had the, after a few sake drinks, to go to her room and get to know each other better, for the wedding, very small, will be held in less than two weeks from now on. Wonderful.
The two sat in a tense silence, at the opposite ends of her room - The girl trying to be small and hide herself, or magically disappear, while the man could only look at her with mild disappointment and boredom.
“Where’s your sister.” he grumbled, letting himself slump down on her desk chair. “Sister...? I’m an only child.” Y/N turned to him with a confused frown. “Then someone was impersonating you. You’re not the woman who almost killed me in front of her club, nor the one who killed her uncle. You’re meek, and boring and silent. I don’t like you.” Kakihara spoke, very bored, playing around with a lighter. “...If you don’t like me, go ahead and kill yourself. It will save the both of us a rather unhappy marriage, don’t you think?” she sneered at him, looking out of the window. “...Oh? You’re starting to sound like her.” he titled his head to the side in mild interest. “Stop fooling around. I am that same person. I don’t know what kind of weird... Psychopathic, lewd, fetishistic images you had in your head when I was Kitsune, but that’s my persona. I’m the boss’s daughter, I have to be strong and make an impression. That’s not me. That’s who everyone wants me to be. If you don’t like it, I’ll just slash your throat and be over with it.” Y/N rolled her eyes, crossing her arms to her chest as she threatened him in a calm voice. “And who are you, then? Some submissive girl who does anything daddy tells her to?” his eyes harshly peered into her gentle, doe-like ones. “I don’t see you doing any better. Marrying some stranger girl, being Daddy’s little bitch and doing anything he says to keep him happy. Look at yourself first, before you judge others.” despite glaring at him, Kakihara could see the pooling anger and sadness deep inside her soul. “Maybe you’re not so bad. This is your apartment, isn’t it? Yours alone? We’re going to be living here together for a while. Anything interesting around?” he asked, putting his ankle over his knee and rotated in the chair left and right, analyzing her room. “Sorry to inform you, but there is no hidden sex dungeon. I’m as vanilla as can go. If you want that kind of entertainment, the whole street is full of that, anything you desire. All I have here are my musical instruments, the small garden I have on the terrace, an arcade and dance ring apartment above, and the penthouse which serves as a kendo dojo. Oh, and my cars and motorcycles are in the garage. I bought everything with my own, working money.”  she spoke nonchalantly, looking at her beautiful claw-like nails with great interest. “So daddy’s little girl isn’t as spoiled as I thought she was. Why don’t you show me your weapon collection... If you even have one. Also... Nobody is truly vanilla. Everyone has a kink of two of their own, they just don’t want to admit to it, or haven’t found it out yet.” Kakihara got up, heading to the door. “Just because you get off on having a plane fall onto you while you’re burning alive and voluntarily drank a poison that makes you writhe in pain, all that while you’re hanging by hooks stuck in your skin and have spiky ropes around your wrists and ankles, doesn’t mean everyone is into that.” and thus, with a glare and a nod of her head, she went to open the biggest drawer in her room - Revealing an impressive array of katanas, and some spare kitsune masks - And she took the black and red one, passing it to the blond man. “Open the handle and look what’s written inside.” “...Oh? Nobunaga Oda?” Kakihara’s eyes widened in genuine surprise, tracing the name engraved inside the sword’s handle, along with the blacksmith’s own name. “What else you’ve got there?” “The blue one is Masamune’s. This one is Ieyasu’s... Ah, and this is Minamoto Yoshitsune’s. Hijikata... Okita... Oh! And this is Tomoe’s! She was amazing... I’m really happy I managed to get my hands on this one. Wasn’t easy. Women samurai were few and it’s an infinite times harder to get your hands on their weapons. Well... Nobunaga’s is still my favourite katana, along with Masamune’s. I still need to get Kenshin’s, Shingen’s and Mitsuhide’s, but that’s for the next auctions, I guess.” and with that, Y/N closed the wardrobe - Kakihara’s plebeian eyes stared enough at such priceless wonders. “You are half my size - Or else - And yet, you handle the weapons of the most famed and feared warlords as if it’s the most natural thing in the world. Maybe you’re not as boring as you seem to be. Guess all I need is to discover your kinks.” he spoke so shamelessly that the girl could only look at him in disgust and snatch away her sword from him. “Take your filthy hands off my sword, you stupid plebeian. And get out of my house. I don’t care if we’re going to get married, you’ll sleep outside on the mat.”
Although she said that, her father didn’t let her act as she wished. The two had a small, traditional wedding, but had to kiss for the camera, and at the end of it, they had to spend the night together... Not only one, but the rest of their days and nice as well.
However, as soon as they got home, Kakihara didn’t even look towards the bedroom. Instead, he threw his shirt off and threw himself on the couch... And fell asleep. Y/N could only look at him weirdly, but said nothing. Instead, she got a blanket and put it over him, going to sleep in her own room, happy and unbothered by the world.
It sort of became a routine after a while - Since Masao didn’t spend the days at home and only came there to sleep, while the girl was most of the days at home, or outside, having fun - But neither of them missed the other.
That is until one night when, instead of crashing down on the couch, Kakihara slumped into a chair in front of Y/N, and looked at the girl who was very patiently and attentively writing various papers. He extended his arm towards the fridge and got the sake bottle, put two glasses on the table and poured in both of them, albeit, shakily, as he was already pretty wasted.
“Drink.” he said, but the girl didn’t even look at him. “I hate sake.” she replied simply. “Let’s get drunk. I want to have a talk with you.” he explained, making the girl frown lightly, averting her gaze towards him. “We don’t need to get drunk to talk, you know? It’s actually not advised to have serious talks while drunk.” she spoke, very confused. “The most honest conversations are when you’re drunk. Trust me on this.” he said that, and yet, he saw the skepticism and hesitation from the girl. “I... Never got drunk. I don’t know...” she trailed on, looking to the side shyly. “Tipsy’s fine too. Just do so. Trust me, I’ll take care of you and I won’t take advantage of you. It’s important.” despite the weirdness of the request, Y/N exhaled, finally giving in, and carefully put all the papers in her dossier and sat back down at the table, downing down a glass... And then a second and a third one. “So... What is it? If you want to run away from here and live in hiding, I won’t turn you in.” she chuckled lightly, but she noticed the blond just look at her - Directly at her - And she felt so uncomfortable, as if she was watched under a microscope. “Honestly... Masa, what is it? You’re kinda creeping me out when you look at me without blinking.” Y/N muttered, pouring herself another drink and playing with her fingers. Kakihara’s eyes seemed to absorb her altogether - But, after a while, he finally opened his mouth to speak. “Why do you wanna die so badly?”  “I...Don’t? What makes you think I want to die?” the girl had to pour herself another drink, to deal with this. “You’re faking. You’re depressed. You’re caged. You’re not allowed to be who you want to be, and you barely find any joy from the hobbies you used to have. Don’t tell me you’d come back as a vengeful spirit if you were to die right now.” it almost felt as if he was interrogating her. “Well, aren’t you the same, then? You want to die so badly that you clinged onto the image of Kitsune who almost killed you, but then, she spared you, and you wanted more, but all you got was me, a huge disappointment? Nothing excites you anymore, nothing makes your heart beat, nothing makes you happy. Everything is numb and boring and there’s no worth in going on with the same, disgusting routine every day. You think being a masochist will make you feel something other than that void in your heart. It won’t.” she was harsh when speaking, yet this harshness made the man chuckle lightly. “Perfectly accurate. The only thing is... I found something that sparked my interest. That’s you. I am interested in you and the enigma surrounding you. We’ve been living together for months and I still know nothing about you. I want to know what’s gotten you so afraid of living that you had to hide in an impenetrable shell.” he leaned forward, almost as if he wanted to be closer and closer to her. “We haven’t been doing much talking lately, why are you surprised you know nothing about me. Actually, we barely even saw each other in this time spent ‘married’. It’s not rocket science, it’s common sense.” The girl eyes the blond with a careful expression, almost as if she was scolding him for his obvious negligence. “We are talking now.” He provoked her, yet he realized that this deflecting was merely a defense mechanism. And she poured one more glass. “Do you like swimming, Masa?” she asked randomly, looking away with a dejected expression. “It’s fine, I guess.” He raised his eyebrow carefully. “Imagine that you are a child, and you don’t know how to swim, but you are at the beach and it’s very beautiful and fun, and you want to learn how to swim and the person you trust to teach you swimming throws you in the deepest water, just as some huge waves come by. You’re afraid, and you almost die, but somehow, despite how exhausted you are from breathing water and flapping around your arms, you manage to survive. You are afraid of water now. But you get to the beach again, and you long to swim, even though you are afraid. It’s so hot outside, everyone around you is in the water, and happy, and you are shackled alone, on the beach…Until you are not. And someone teaches you how to swim… But, this time, they promise to give you a life jacket… And they don’t. You’re too tired to even try to get yourself to the surface, so you just let yourself be taken by the current. But then…One last time… You see a saving hand. And you take it…But this hand grips you tightly, and they dive down, down…So down…That you don’t see anything but a dark abyss everywhere around you, and you’re drowning, to the point of no return. I’m at the point where, if I see water again, I know I won’t be able to struggle anymore, and the next hand that will pose as a helping hand will go around my throat and watch as the life leaves my eyes completely.” She sighed, downing quickly another sake glass…Until there was none in the bottle anymore. “Anyone would be afraid of drowning at that point. You’re ashamed of your fear, but you don’t have to be. The next helping hand will be your last. Because that is me, and I intend to get you out of that water and teach you how to walk on it.” Kakihara got up from his chair, but as soon as he stepped towards her, she unintentionally retracted back in her chair like a cat cornered by a rabid dog. “I-I don’t… I can’t… I… I told you I’m not into your weird things! I don’t care if you can’t find some chick to beat you up properly, I’m not gonna do it! So don’t try to bother, it won’t work!” she stumbled over her words nervously, trying to inch away from the man’s touch so much that she almost fell off the chair. But Kakihara caught her, and knelt by the chair, showing her that he won’t bring her any kind of harm. “I don’t want that. I want to find meaning.  A purpose. To be reminded that I’m alive. Maybe I can live through you somehow. It’s the last thing I can think of that can keep me alive. I don’t want to kill myself, but if I get desperate, I’ll do it.” He spoke, almost as if he was desperately pleading to her to let him do it. To trust him – To allow herself to trust one last time. It was their last chance of being alive, and they either lived together, or they died together. “You must first learn to gather the courage to look at water. Then, to touch it. To not be afraid of getting your hands wet anymore. It takes a lot of work to get back the strength to sit in the rain without crying. You have no idea what you’re getting yourself into, Masa. Just give up already. It’s a hopeless case.” She looked away, feeling her hand being taken in his. “It is not.” And then, Kakihara got up, taking off his shirt, and carefully, took the girls hands in his own. “You said – Get the courage to look at the water. Then, look. It’s me, not someone scary. I won’t move from this spot. When you’re drunk, you get courage. Get that courage. Look at me. Touch me. Don’t be afraid to live anymore. It doesn’t have to be today, or tomorrow, but don’t die with such pitiful fears. That means you let those low-lives get to you. Kill them.” His encouraging was weird, but in its own, freaky way, they were… Pretty convincing.
As soon as he let go of the girl’s hands, he watched her demeanour. She wanted to do it, but every time she’d extend her hands to touch him, she’d retract them back to her chest immediately and look away, her eyes glimmering with tears and mixed emotions.
She wanted to. She wanted to. She wanted to. She wanted to. She wanted to.
In the end, she got up, went to the fridge and looked for the other bottle of sake – It was already half finished – Definitely by Kakihara, and downing it down, she slammed the fridge close and turned around to look at the blond yakuza. Biting her lip to keep herself from cowering again, she fidgeted with her fingers as she examined every inch of his chest, and his neck, and his arms and his face and his hair. Every little part, every chisel, every vein, every artery, every muscle, every bone – In her mind, she named them all – She was a medicine graduate after all – And this scientific approach somehow made it easier to deal with it – Making it impersonal, as if it was research – Rather than something emotional and intimate.
However, after standing there for a while, she started biting her lip harder and harder, and instead of looking at his body, she thought back at his words, and the impact they had on her. Kill them? Dominate them? Take back your own life into your hands and live…Live. Learn to live again. Learn to feel again. Learn to…Learn to not only exist, but to actually live and be confident, smile and have no more regrets.
Take back your own life into your hands.
With one last spur of bravery in her heart – Bravery, desperation, anger, rage, hatred – She threw herself at the man in front of her, her arms trembling, but it took only a few seconds for her to completely wrap her arms around his torso, her head resting on his chest, hearing his heartbeat and his body heat…And somehow…Slowly calming down herself.
They sat in silence for a while, but for the first time since they’ve known each other, it was a comfortable silence…A comforting one. “Can you…Can you…H-Hug me…Too?” despite the awkwardness and nervousness she felt opening her mouth and speaking, she felt that it was safe to do so. “You’re stronger than you think. Even if it’s the alcohol acting, it is true.” As he muttered that, he put one had on the back of her head and the other on her back, keeping her closer to him, feeling her trembling. She was vulnerable and crying, but it wasn’t a cry of self-pity, but one filled with raw emotions and desperate need of revenge. “Will you help me kill all of them?” Y/N asked, her voice shaking with a dark hatred and rage. “I won’t turn down an opportunity to kill.” The man mused, a small smile of satisfaction on his face.
Finally, things were getting fun, and the little red kitten was turning into a rabid fox with pointy fangs and sharp claws.
Since then, the girl’s main focus became training more vigorously and fueling her wrath, while having her men track down the people who wronged her so she could make the perfect schemes and get rid of them in extreme fashion, and at night, she would get shitfaced drunk with her husband and learn to not fear the whirling, raging sea.
And that’s how the red haired girl finally got her revenge on the destructive helping hands that ended up drowning her. Torturing them, or letting Kakihara have his fun with them, having all the weirdest, yet innovative methods of bringing hellish agony for others. She didn’t want to admit it, but Y/N was actually really enjoying seeing these people writhing with pain and shrieking their throats raw and bloody.
It was truly the most fun she’s had in her entire life and she didn’t want to give it away for anything in the world. She felt as if the weight of the world was not on her shoulders anymore, and her heart could finally feel at ease – At least a little bit – And with a more clearer conscience, the shackles of the past were beginning to slowly, but steadily get melted off with acid.
That is until one day when, as she was blasting loud music on her dance station, along with having her headphones on and she was dancing her heart out – The only workout she truly loved and made her cheerful – She was so stuck in her own, fantasy world, that she didn’t hear the intruder getting in her home until she felt a rough textile material choking her and there was nothing she could do. She had no weapons at her, nor did she have the physical strength to throw the man off her, and she saw nothing more than dark spots before her as everything went dark and her head was hazy and fainted.
When she came to, she found herself in a dimly lit look, only a singly lightbulb, dangling above her head, provided any source of light around the place. As she blinked away the dizziness, she realized that… She actually knew the place, which made her freak out even more.
“I know you’re there, just get out. We could’ve been here without having to go through all the trouble of kidnapping me from my own home, you know? It’s a bit barbaric, even for you.” The girl didn’t even try to struggle, she knew where she was and she knew who did this to her. She was either super dead, or super in trouble. “Glad to see you remember the place where you saw your first interrogation and execution. I see you’ve been doing really well, lately. So well that you even went against my rules of interfering with the outside world. You killed so many people and even dragged Kakihara in with you. I’d almost say you became some master manipulator, but I’m pretty sure he just pitied you enough to go along with your plans so you wouldn’t get killed, otherwise he knows the consequences of you dying.” The man then got out from the shadows, revealing a mocking smile. “You’d be surprised how nice he’s been with me. Pity or not, I got to respect Masao, not only as a loyal husband, but as a supporting person as well. Regardless, we’re not here because of what Kakihara did, but for what I did. You want to punish me or what?” the girl asked her father with a rather bored tone, rolling her eyes impertinently at him. “Well, darling, I’m sure you remember what that useless uncle of yours told you before you killed him and took over his gang, right? He wasn’t wrong, and truly, your death there would have been a blessing for you. Now that you are married and are on such great terms, I can take over both your and Kakihara’s gang, and I just need to kill the both of you…Beginning with the easiest target.” Her father hummed villainously, only to see her smirk and shake her head. “You honestly killed my men to get inside my house and kidnap me just to say this ridiculous monologue, when you could have come over and put poison in my drink or something. You’re ridiculous, how did you even make it this far anyway? Even if you kill me, you can’t kill Masa. He’s a hundred – No, a thousand times smarter and stronger than you can ever dream of being.” She chuckled mockingly, letting her head back, only to feel her jaw grabbed roughly and then getting slapped. “I should have disciplined you much better when you were little, you became such a brat now. Maybe I should do now what I should have done 20 years ago, and only then get rid of you.” The sadistic grin on his face as he grabbed the whip made the girl gulp and look away, realizing she was in…Big shit.
Time was meaningless and it felt as if it stopped altogether. It hurt and it sucked. She hated it. However, all she could think about was – How the hell could Kakihara get off on this?! – What the hell is wrong with his head? No wonder he couldn’t get any satisfaction, nobody could possibly give him the proper kind of mix between pain and sexual meaning.
She could only chuckle through the pain, thinking of her masochistic husband and the dejected look on his face whenever he’d get home and muttering how pissed of he is that all women who try to inflict pain onto him do so only half-heartedly and without any proper intent, and he’s so exasperated with them that he almost gave up.
Somehow, thinking of Masa, the pain wasn’t that bad anymore – It was, but she didn’t focus on it anymore, but on him, as he always made her laugh with how different they were, but in the weirdest way, pretty similar as well.
And then, the resounding loud noise of a gun shot was heard through the room, and her father was sent flying to the ground with a terrible groan. Looking towards the door, Y/N’s widened eyes saw the very man she was thinking of getting inside the room and stomping on the boss’s hand hard enough to make him wail out in pain. Masa had his people restrict the leader while he snatched away the whip from her father and he crouched down in front of her, taking out the knife from his pocket and cutting off her restraints.
 “Did he do this to you, Y/N?” he asked as he cupped her face, looking deep into her eyes, trying to keep his voice calm when talking to her. “Can we kill him?” she nodded, putting her hands over his, squeezing them for comfort. “It won’t end with just that.” He reassured her, kissing her forehead and helping her get up. “Have fun, Glasgow babe. I like watching. But make sure you go all out on this. After all… He has to pay for years of being a jerk to me.” She hummed in fake happiness, seeing the man widen his already cut grin.
He gestured to his men to bring him his torture instruments and had his fun as Y/N smirked in satisfaction, sitting like an Empress in the chair she was previously beaten on, and cheering on her husband.
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“You know, after today, I truly can’t understand what you like so much about receiving pain like that. But I can see the appeal of watching this unfold, especially when you hate that person so much.” She whistled with a smirk on her face, but the man could only look at her face – A fox-like, mischievous grin, her eyes sparkling with a peculiar kind of sadistic glint. Was this Y/N, or was this Kitsune? Or truly, were they the same person all this time, but she was just too afraid to be herself without that mask on?
Masa  went straight in front of her and bent down, cupping her face for a second time and crashing his lips to hers, surprising her, but at the same time…That was hot. Her hands slowly went up to his face, only to grab him and pull him closer to her, not wanting to let go of this short euphoria she was feeling.
The now ex-Yakuza leader was completely forgotten altogether as he was quickly killed and the two went back home and let the magic take over them. This spur of braveness was unknown to her, but she just went with the flow. She was living her own life and not accepting any regret. The feeling of Masa’s rough, calloused hands tracing her soft skin as he tried to be careful with her, but was still lost in the moment, the cold and metallic tongue piercing going up her neck and the shell of her ear, the way she felt no more fear or embarrassment being exposed in front of the man who was holding her in his arms, as her claw-like nails were going up and down the lean muscles on his arms and back.
Y/N let her head down, allowing room for more passionate kisses and marks, going down and down and down, as she could only let out soft exhales and moans of pleasure, feeling her whole body burning in flames. She heard many times her friends saying how many with piercings were something else when giving pleasure, but to experience first hand, it was an euphoric feeling.
He was the devil in all kinds and senses, and she loved every bit of it. Kakihara Masao was her devil, and hers alone, and if anyone dared try to approach him with any devious intention, there will be hell to pay, by her own hand, with the sword of the Demon King of the 6th Heaven. If they thought the Sengoku era was bloody, she will replace her Kitsune mask with an Oni one and show them what a true blood bath really was about.
From that night on, a special bond created between those two, and every time Kakihara went out to interrogate, kill or torture some enemy, he’d think of Y/N and get inspired. He saw her getting her finger pricked by a needle when doing embroidery, and that’s how he came up with the idea of hooking hooks into a man’s skin and hung him, inserting long needles into his face.
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And then, one day, as he was puffing onto a cigarette, smoke going out from his split cheeks, he watched the girl fry some tempura at the grill, and decided to drip boiling water on another man as he interrogated him.
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Not only that, but as soon as he went to a matron for information, with Karen’s help, he realized she was going to say nothing unless he decided to pay for a quick and meaningless fuck, so he broke all of her fingers, pulling them backwards until they loudly cracked and hit the back of her hand, making her shriek her lungs out.
One man, stuck in a broken television, crying, tied up – A man who cammed up and mic’ed up the torture rooms, also stole the money from boss Anjo – In a room full of pillow feathers… A man with extensive plastic surgery done on his face, who told them this Ichi was going to kill him next, and all he did was clean up. He was in deep trouble. Kakihara pulled down the girl with him down on the fluffy feathers that flied everywhere around them, only to take out one of his needles and proceed to make this Kano into a pin cushion.
Something similar also happened to a Chinese pimp, tied up on a chair, and as Kakihara interrogated him, he split his long needles with Y/N and played darts with his face and body, grinning and laughing at his pain and his lack of responses, and, by the end of it, he got a pair of scissors and sliced it anxiously fast in front of his fast, scaring him enough to piss his pants – And then he sliced off his dick, making fun of him – A pimp unable to fuck anymore, how ridiculous!
- All that while the girl was watching from the corner of the room, giggling and having way too much fun – It almost seemed as if Kakihara was going all out with the torture to entertain her, judging by the way he grinned and would occasionally turn his head to her, as if to laugh together.
But then… He had to pay for all this torture he did, on the wrong person and, in front of everyone, did something so shocking  - He cut his own tongue off.
Dressed in that glamorous purple suit and trenchcoat, he went in front of wife and took off the green scarf from around her slender neck, where his hand, lips and tongue found their place so often, then took the short sword – Wakizashi – From the small scabbard that resided at her waist, just next to her katana, and went to kneel in front of the desk.
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“I really like sweet things, like my wife. And this piercing as well. At night especially, it’s very useful.” He spoke in his usual monotone, yet somehow borderline playful tone, making the fox girl hiss at him for being so crude. “So what?” the man who wanted ransom for the shit Kakihara pulled looked at the blond with a weird expression on his face. “I’ll cut off the part that can taste her. What a pity.” And thus, as the girl had to grit her teeth in anger and embarrassment, Kakihara put the scarf around his neck and, sticking his tongue out by that very piercing he used so often, he stared deep in the boss’s eyes as he sliced off half of his tongue with painful grunts, splashing and spitting blood everywhere, handing his own tongue to the man. And then, he got a phone call from Karen and left the room, gesturing for Y/N to follow. “You’re a huge idiot, you know that, right? I have to stitch your tongue, or you’ll bleed to death or something. Stupid, masochistic freak.” She sneered at him, dragging him away and, when they were out of the building, she got him to a remote alley, pushing him down on the ground as she stood down on his lap as if it was the most normal thing in the world. “You’ve gotten bold, foxy fox.” He grinned stupidly as he grabbed her thighs, pulling her closer to him. “And you’ve gotten stupider. Speaking like that in front of those old farts, saying embarrassing things, and even that stunt you pulled? Have your forgotten? Your life is mine. Your body is mine. Your everything is mine. Who the hell do you think you are to do something like that, in front of me, nonetheless? You’re lucky you have pretty eyes, otherwise this needle would have gotten right through that hole in your eye.” She growled at him, feeling his fingers digging deeper into her flesh, getting more and more excited. “Too bad we’ve got a long day. I really wanted you. Right now.” He wanted to grin wider, but the rough grip on his jaw and the stabbing of the threaded needle came as a sweet punishment that surged and lit up the blood surging through his veins. The grunts of pleasure and pain were embarrassingly loud, but he knew he had to keep quite or things will get bad with her. But he couldn’t. “You’re being a very naughty brat, Masa. It’s almost like you’re asking for it. You aren’t, are you? You truly wouldn’t want that.” The bittersweet poison that latched her every word made the man close his eyes and tense up even more, an exhale of pleasure escaping his mouth. “You’re making it very hard to resist you when you’re being like this.” He panted with an ecstatic expression on his face. “I have no intention of killing you, nor to bring you pain, Masa. The most I will do is chain your hands together and tease you even more. You owe me. You owe me big time after that shit you pulled today. That tongue you gave away so freely was mine. And this… This neck is also mine. I could snap it very easily if I get pissed off, but I won’t. Your life is mine and I won’t allow you to give it away for anyone or anything. Only I get the right to take your life, got it?” the girl traced her hand gently on his neck, as if it was its rightful place there. “Got it. I’ll pay back my debts very, very soon. “ he was looking at her and grinning like a needy child in need of a candy fix.
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 And, lucky him, he did as he promised, and the reward was as exemplary as expected. All that teasing throughout the day, all the expectation and thoughts that were swirling not only through his mind, but also though his body, like a fever of lightning-like shocking pleasure – Something that ignited in him the sole reason – The only thread of hope that he so desperately hung to, as his last ray of hope and life.
Her hand on his throat and her nails down his skin, the gripping of his hair, the way she’d bite into his shoulder and how he gets pulled down on the bed, the burning of his wrists from the rope, and the agony of getting denied every step of the way, only for then to experience the Little Death at her mercy.
The sole thought that he wasn’t allowed to live, or breath unless she said so, that his life was hers and that her blade digging at the skin on his throat, the blood trickling down, just like that night, when she gave him one of his infamous scars… The thought that if only her wrist flicked down a bit harder, in the spur of the pleasure he was giving her, flick that would ultimately bring his demise… Or that hot tongue going up his jaw, or her teeth tugging at his piercings…
Heaven was a place on earth with her and her alone.
However, in a desperate shock of disappointment, when he finally for Ichi on the roof of a skyscraper, only for that infamous killer to be nothing but a disgusting piece of shit that wallowed and groveled on the ground in self-pity and lame sobs… Kakihara was on his knees, ready to kill himself as he took out his needles and pointed them towards his ears – If he doesn’t die now, there was going to be hell to pay from Y/N, he thought with an amused smile of resentment. He would be leaving her all alone in this world, but she was a Queen, and she would get the whole Shinjuku Mafia this way, so there was no need to be worried about her life, at least.
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But, as he closed his eyes, chagrined, ready to insert the needles inside his head, a voice that he never expected to hear called out his name with desperation, rage, anger, wrath, agony and many more mixed feelings – And he felt himself getting punched roughly in the face, falling backwards into the protective walls of the roof so that he wouldn’t fall down.
“YOU FUCKING IDIOT!” he managed to open his eyes, staring in shock at the wet doe-eyes that were staring at him with such anger, for the first time since he met her. “HOW COULD YOU DO THAT TO ME?! HOW COULD YOU EVEN THINK OF BETRAYING ME?! IF YOU DIED, YOU’D BE JUST LIKE THEM! DIDN’T I FORBID YOU FROM TAKING YOUR LIFE?! YOUR LIFE IS MINE! MINE! NOT YOURS! YOU SELFISH BASTARD!” and with that, she continued to punching him with all her might, unable to control her emotions anymore. But Gods, did he love it. This violence, this aggressiveness, it was all he ever wanted. Violence and love. A reason to live, the thrill given to him from someone who almost literally has his heart in her hands and could squish it with a single move.
His nose was broken, his lips were busted, his cheeks were swollen and his eyes were black. And he loved it. He loved it so much, he almost thought he jizzed himself on the spot. The euphoric, orgasmic face he had on his face, that stupid, shit-eating grin only pissed Y/N more as she continued to punch and kick and slap and claw at the man, almost as if she was mauling and ripping him apart like a tiger would her pray.
“I love you, Y/N! I love youuuu~!” he knew his confession, albeit heartfelt, would stir even more emotions from her – A truly emotional woman who put heart in everything she did – Especially the passion of her heart. She wasn’t afraid to show what she felt anymore, and boy, was she enticing as hell – So much that any succubus would be jealous on the power and effect he has on this enchanted man who could only see Heaven before his very eyes.
After what felt like an eternity of bliss, Y/N fell to the ground, panting heavily from exhaustion, cursing him and insulting him with every breath she took. But she was already too tired by now, and she could only see the slumped man looking at her with a dazed lust and love expression… Just like the first time he saw her, at the Sakura club, when he was all high and drunk. She truly was, in all aspects, the only thing that could keep him alive and ablaze.
“That was the hottest thing I’ve ever experienced in my life.” Kakihara chuckled weakly, watching the pissed frown turn into a disgusted grimace and a roll of her eyes. “If you dare pull that shit on me again, I swear I will chain you to the wall and never touch you again. I’ll just let you rot there, alone, in your own agony. That would be a much worse fate for you than simply killing yourself or something.” She sneered at him, only for that Glasgow smile to split his face even more. “I love it when you threaten me.” He praised her, as he always did. She was a sucker for getting worshipped and praised, while he loved the pain and domination given to him. They were weird in their own way, but they knew how the other worked too well. Y/N got up and extended her hand towards the blond Yakuza, helping him out, then went to the wailing man on the ground and, taking out her katana, she repeatedly slashed him, rendering him nothing more than a sack of useless meat for the flies to claim. In her rage, she kicked off every slab of meat down the rails, falling unceremoniously on the ground and splattering the whole place with blood and minced meat, along with his ridiculous black armor.
“Ichi the Killer, huh? How stupid. There’s only place for two important people in Shinjuku, and those spots are already taken. Kitsune-Hime and the Masochistic Freak rule Shinjuku and everywhere you see in the horizon with your own eyes. As if that pathetic pervert could even attempt to best us. Not when you’re wearing the pink glitter suit. This is my favourite shirt of yours, I couldn’t have you ruin it.” Despite patting his chest – Or his shirt, rather – She grabbed the neck of it and brought him down to her, looking at him threateningly. “What do you say in your defense?” “You’re the boss of Shijuku’s Yakuza and I will obey you and you alone. My life is yours and I won’t do anything that will put my life – Which is yours – In danger.” He grinned at her cheekily, earning a huff from her. “And~?” she trailed on, waiting for the magic words. “And I fucking love you, Y/N.” he muttered that as if he was put under a spell by her stunning eyes. “That’s my good boy.”
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