sentientsky · 5 months
j’ai oublié que le 7 mai est le jour de « parle votre langue ». alors, considérez ce post comme ma contribution tardive
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traduction en dessous de la coupure (translation below the cut)
i forgot that may seventh is “speak your language day”. consider this post my belated contribution
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fire-gift · 1 year
I finally watched ep 1 of the newsreader and i loved it so much! I hope this show doesn't get cancelled after s2 😭
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rod1on · 2 years
moral dilemma: help
me escribió el profe que me tomó hoy el final me dijo que me entendió mal y penso que mi nota de cursada era 7 pero que en verdad era de 9. Y que por ende mi nota final es en verdad 9, la que me queda en las actas. el tema es que mi nota de cursada si era un 7 onda me entendio bien pero no se si es que en las actas figura otra cosa.
(my prof just emailed me telling me that he got confused about my average, thinking it was 7 when it actually was 9. so that changes my final mark which would be a 9 and not an 8. but my average was 7 like it's true! but i dont know if my mark was actually a 9 and i was the one that messed up)
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tinyhawks · 1 year
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henrysfedora · 2 years
sam's betrayal foreshadowed by him sharing the same haircut as morello
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justtrashperson · 2 years
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Also!!!!! The guy from the dream I had
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dynamightty · 2 years
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rayroseu · 8 months
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These lines are making me spiral a bit LOL what does he mean that Lilia purposefully taught him how to survive on a "deserted island"???
It might be because Lilia wants Malleus to be independent ofc, 😆but I'm also thinking the term "deserted island" might foreshadow to Sage's Island's demise once that chimera/Grim overblot occurs... It destroyed the entirety of Sage Island which turns it into "a deserted island"... And Malleus, as the strongest mage here, will be the only choice/left alone to fight that *theoretically*.
Plus he even said "even without magic, I'm still powerful" If he'll help us after his overblot for Book 8, then this might mean that Malleus will be up against the chimera with a weakened state (less magic) since he overblotted first before Grim(?).
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This line is way too funny for me lol Malleus, you're speaking wayyyy too soon 😆😆😆 You have one glaring weakness in being at a deserted island... YOU'LL BE LEFT ALL ALONE😭😭 without anyone to talk to!! (I'm imagining its about those types of island where there are barely any animals so he can only hang out with the fishes ig)
I loved this vignette, he's such a prideful person KAJDJWS but watch him get desperate to go home after weeks on an deserted island because one: he doesnt know how Lilia and his knights are doing JSJAJS It would be way too lonely to be at a deserted island...😔😔😔 That's his weakness... (unless stitch randkmly pops up idkkk)
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Also this part makes me go both 🥺🥺🥺 and 🤣🤣🤣 Ohhh so he's willing to alter OTHER dorms because they're occupied and not abadoned BUT HE WOULDN'T CHANGE A THING ABOUT RAMSHACKLE because he just likes it the way it is....🥺💚✨ Maybe the other dorms should try being abandoned for a while... Maybe Malleus wouldn't redecorate it 🤣🤣
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LILIA WAS SO RIGHT, MALLEUS HAS SUCH A CUTE SMILE...🥺🥺🥺💚💚💚✨✨✨ I remember that voiceline from Grim where he outright declared to Malleus, he'll never be afraid of him, and Malleus just loudly laughed at him KAJSKAJ I imagine this is his expression 🥺🥺💚✨✨😭😭😭 Having fun being in the present and not being saddened by the future that he'll be alone... 🥲🥲🥲💔 Happy Malleus will cure me frfrr
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julianalvarez9 · 2 years
miscommunication, pt. 2 / christian pulisic
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summary: the silent treatment continues. two certain players try to bring you back to your senses, but you’re still not convinced. maybe you need to talk to certain american to clear it all to you.
author's note: pleasantly surprised at the positive reaction part 1 had! one last part left, this one is kinda enzo x reader centered but we'll get the talk next!!
warnings: the translation is not word-for word accurate, i tried to make it make sense in both languages so sorry if it confuses you kajskaj
word count: 1.1k
“what happened here?” was all you could mutter up. enzo hadn’t quite catched upon what you had perceived, so once you elbowed and reprimanded him for continuing to giggle at whatever media was still ongoing on his phone, he questioned the guys too. “you should ask your boyfriend here” said mason, staring down at christian. without saying another word, not even waiting to hear what his american friend had to say, he picked his stuff, ready to go home after the training journey had ended.
safe to say that things between christian and you got quite… difficult, after that afternoon. 
in fact, they were worse than they had ever been. he was, without a doubt in mind, evading you every chance he got, making it difficult to fulfill your job, which was taking photographs of everybody on the team, and certainly, the one player everyone wanted to see: the one that wore the number 10 on the field.
you had tried to talk to mason about what he meant when he referred to christian as 'your boyfriend', thinking that maybe he was mad with you for not denying it, but he just laughed it off. above all, mason was a good guy, so he gave you an apology for making you feel uncomfortable with the joke. the truth was, that the quip hadn’t pissed you off, quite the opposite indeed. instead, it was the american's reaction that made you angry. or maybe, his lack of.
two months had passed and you still didn't know for sure what you had done to make christian resent you that much, since he didn’t dare to speak to you. the most difficult part about losing a best friend so suddenly and without a warning was that you missed your jokes, your coffee talks, him hiding in your office when he wanted to avoid the coach on a special hard day at training. you started doubting every move or thing you said before the fallout. had he noticed how you looked at him? it’s certainly different from how you saw his teammates. had he noticed it too? had mason joked about it because he knew?
“¿cómo están saliendo las fotos?” (how are the pics turning out?) asked enzo, in a clear attempt at putting a smile on your face. today was being particularly hard, and due to this, you were zoning out too much, not concentrating enough on the task at hand: film little snippets of training to make a little video for the team’s socials. you only nodded, not changing the seriousness in your face, and it wasn’t appreciated by the argentinian that his powers of making you laugh clearly weren’t doing the job today.
"¿qué pasa entre ustedes dos?" (what’s going on between you two?) he insisted, having to jog a bit to catch you since you had continued your path while he stayed behind. you didn’t understand who he meant, or tried not to assume, so he tilted his head signaling at the american player that was just coming into the training pitch after changing on the lockers. you tried to dissipate his question, shooting another one at him. "nada, por qué?" (nothing, why?)
he just laughed, like you had said the funniest joke, and you furrowed your brows in confusion at his reaction. he explained, shrugging his shoulders while doing so. "no parece ‘nada’. cada vez que me acerco a vos, siento que quiere arrancarme la cabeza" (doesn’t seem like ‘nothing’. every time i get close to you, i feel like he wants to take my head off).
you nervously laughed, shaking off his assumption. "estás viendo cosas. no me quiere de esa forma" (you’re seeing things. he doesn’t like me like that). enzo raised his brows in question, like he knew something you didn’t. "yo le preguntaría" (i’d ask him). you were now walking off the pitch, having enough content to edit for the video. kepa, one of the first players that had reached up to you when you arrived at chelsea all those years ago, was listening to the exchange and wanted to contribute his two cents to the cause. pointing to enzo, he said "tiene un punto" (he’s got a point), and you huffed at his remark. "vos también?" (you too?).
smiling, the goalkeeper raised his hands, trying to hide the mischief that was dancing on his features away from your interrogative eyes. "yo le preguntaría si fuera tú" (i'd ask him if i was you). enzo kept pushing you too, knowing that you just needed a bit of courage before confronting the american player. "tenés que hablar con él, aclarar las cosas. no pueden seguir así" (you have to talk to him, clear shit out. you two can’t keep going like this). feeling like the two chelsea players were blaming you for the fallout didn't quite feel right to you, knowing that you weren't at fault for whatever shit that was going on in christian's head. angrily, you spoke. "no le debo nada. no fuimos nada nunca. aparte, por qué yo? por qué no puede hablar él?" (i don't owe him nothing. we never were a thing. also, why me? why can't he speak?).
kepa, who thought that at least one of the two was coming to his senses, rubbed his hands on his face, trying to shake the frustration away. "you better than anyone should know he never talks about his feelings". enzo looked at him like the goalscorer had said something horrifying. pointing at him, he asked you, "¿qué dijo?" (what did he say?). you only giggled, knowing that you had been in charge of teaching enzo the basics of english, and that's why you two had gotten so close since he had arrived to the club: he was better now, the language barrier not as strong as before, but clearly still present. "deberías entender esa frase, otherwise i'm doing a shit job" (you should understand that sentence).
christian clenched his fists while seeing the interaction, even if he was far away and couldn't tell what you two were saying: seeing you smile like you did when you were with enzo, brighter and louder than you ever did with him, made him furious. he was aware of kepa’s presence in the conversation, but the difference in your behavior with the two guys was enough proof for him that there was something different between you and the argentinian player.
mason had told him that this couldn’t go on any longer, and even if he never wanted to agree with his fellow teammate, he knew he needed to do it. and if he wanted to understand why he felt the way he did, christian needed to talk to you about it.
still doubtful, he made his way across the pitch to the three of you, where you still were all joking around, clearly blocking the way back to the lockers. since christian hadn’t even looked your way lately, you thought that you were in his way, and hurried the boys to get out of his path. “that’s not what i’m here for” he said, awkwardly moving his weight from one foot to the other, clearly nervous. “can we talk? please?” he tried again, in a low tone, trying to avoid the other two players from hearing, even if they had given you two a bit of space since his arrival. enzo was looking attentively at the exchange, wanting to make sure you were alright with the interaction. you nodded, part to answer to what christian had asked you, and part to assure the argentinian that you were okay with this.
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vannyqwea · 8 months
Escogí al Vaticano porque representa a la gente religiosa a nivel mundial (siento que en ese país debe haber un chingo de extremistas sinceramente, solo por esa percepción lo coloque en el vídeo xD)
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De lo que estaban hablando / concepto de personalidad ♥️🇨🇱🇲🇽♥️.
Le cambié el corte de pelo al México por referencia al Pedrito en LH. Algo parecido a lo que hice con chile, solo que el Mullet viene del benjamín (LH chile2p).
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También este bocetito, en dónde estoy haciéndole más ajustes a Pedrito y Manolito, esto tiene lore, jsjsjs porque Manuel era un palito, literalmente y con ojeras, hecho pichula, pero ese es un manu teniendo 18.
El contexto es en un futuro donde ya tienen consolidada una relación estable, Pedro ayudo mucho a Manu y lo alentó a hacer ejercicio más seguido, como también silenciosamente trata de que fume menos.
Manu es muy protector con Pedro, lo mima, es desagradable con todos menos con el, lo consiente de sobre manera xd, ayuda a tranquilizar a Pedrito cuando se trata de problemitas de salud mental, también trata de darle su espacio cuando es necesario, eso, pa Manu, Pedrito es como su wawita💕. No aplica el "nadie me ro'a la calma" porque si molestan mucho a Pedro, le da su arranque. (aunque este wn del Manu también los tenga pero en este contexto está un poco más estable que el Manuel anterior).
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Dibujito antiguo de los primeros que hice cuando entre al fandom kajskajs.
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natt-w · 2 years
Trate de hacer perspectiva kajskajs
La escena si le queda
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sentientsky · 5 months
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forgot i made this kajskajs
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jovenshires · 9 months
the latin made me think the secret history dark academia spommy au KAJSKAJS
@baflegacy also guessed this!! i will neither confirm nor deny but Very good guess!
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dankgrass · 1 year
VZ es de Chub
Igual eventualmente los haré todos pero es pa ver cuál primero kajskaj
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maochira · 1 year
I've grown an ick towards reading Manga online, I can't even tell why kajskajs
Like, when I was in my manhwa phase, I could read those well. But. Not Manga for some reason
I read like 1 volume of a manga online back in 2019, besides that I'm not much of a manga reader in general sbdndndn only a handful ones catch my heart!!
Blue Lock was the first manga I completely read online tbh. Reading Ao Ashi rn and I WISH I could buy the mangas. But there's no German versions and idk where to get the English ones (apparently they're only distributed in some countries in Asia?) So I'm stuck reading fan scanlations for now😭 praying for the day Ao Ashi gets sold in Germany
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ayyy-pee · 2 years
The way this particular scene plays on loop in my head daily. This man is so fucking sexy pls tell me to focus I promise I will kajskajs
i’m on my knees
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