chaoticstrata · 1 year
Kaishan Commission
Ok, I here's the finished commission of my FFXIV character! Kaishan Buduga! And first and foremost again, shouting out the artist for this commission before I start gushing over it. Artist: Rav Tumblr: @daddyschlongleg Twitter: @daddy_rav Link to Commissions Post Rav is an absolute gem to work with! He answered all the questions I had and this is the second commission I got from him. If you’re looking to commission an artist, I highly recommend him! 10/10
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Eeeee!! Look at him! He's so pretty! Those eyes! That hair! -floats away- Again Rav has hit it out of the park with my bois! ;-; Here's the first commission I had done for my SWTOR character Aketho. For comparison, of course...not me showing off my pretty bois...nope, not at all.
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moumoze · 1 year
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vasheden · 1 year
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~Playing with my characters like dolls~
Here’s Kaia and her twin brother Mjara! They’re split up as teens, and he gets presumed dead a few years later after a nasty run-in with some forest beast. That was the main catalyst for her leaving home. He was rescued by another Warden who found him bleeding out, and they left the forest together. He and Kaia meet back up post-HW when he ambushes her on a trip back to Gridania, after hearing a rough description of the Hero of Eorzea and hoping it was her.
Mods are here and here, modified slightly to make everything line up better and adjust expressions a little.
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charlottedabookworm · 2 years
making a new oc like 'hmmm it's been a while since I've made an orphan'
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dracomidnight · 1 year
I don’t remember where it is anymore now but I remember seeing a post that talked/asked about what made your WoL stand out.
And for Kaishan? They don’t stand out on their own too much, they look like an adventurer or traveler from the East whether that be Othard or Thavnair depending on their garb as they’ve been to both countries before coming too Eorzea. They’re tall sure but a Roegadyn can stand taller than them and they typically are soft spoken and don’t draw attention to themself to begin with.
What makes them stand out is their chocobo. Their absolute menace of a bird. The blood thirsty creature that looms at their side and will sell you to Zodiark for a gysahl green or better yet a sylkis bud. Delta is a 9+ fulm tall destrier and draught chocobo cross with none of the calm destrier temperament and all of the size and strength from both breeds but the nasty attitude that draught chocobos are known for. Delta is banned in almost all chocobo stables due to 1. His size, 2. His temper and the fact that he has bitten and almost taken hands off of keepers who have tried to handle him (Kaishan has warned people to not touch him but), and 3. The fact that Delta is extremely smart and knows how to open gates/doors and can break locks with his beak. If he can’t? Well he can always just kick the door to pieces. This on its own would be enough but he then also goes and releases the rest of the birds too. Delta is one of few chocobos allowed to follow their owner into cities due to the few times that Kaishan has tried to leave him outside the city only to come back to find a decimated wildlife or beast population and quite a few guards staring at the large bird staring right back at them. Needless to say, Delta has a very poor reputation in Gridania and has come to be recognized as the Warrior of Light’s guard.
Delta does not let many people get near him let alone near Kaishan. It took years for Kaishan to train him to not try and snap or kick at people who do get close as Delta is a bit of a rescue case but also just… is like that.
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jttwconfessions · 4 months
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I like Tripitaka's story, but I feel like many LMK fans don't know it. In his past, is where all the differences he has with Xuanzang are noticeable. They are not the same person. He was not born in the same year (important because the Xuanwu Gate incident is a canonical event in JTTW). And they did not travel West in the same year or under the same circumstances. Tripitaka traveled with permission from the emperor, Xuanzang traveled illegally as his documentation was not authorized by Taizong. Sanzang's mother is the daughter of Yin Kaishan, a historical general who had no children and was not related to Xuanzang. There are so many differences that it is difficult to say that they are the same person. Their names are spelled differently in Chinese and even Wikipedia says so. But I think people skip that episode. One last thing, it's a nice episode to read and has interesting concepts that could be used in fanfic or for research.
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Chapter 9 Recap: Guangrui, going to his post, meets disaster; Monk River Float, avenging his parents, repays his roots
Before the Bodhisattva Guanyin and Moksa come to the city of Chang’an, we are told that the emperor Taizong of the Great Tang dynasty had been ruling for thirteen years and that the whole land was at peace. Because of this, his prime minister Wei Zhen recommends that the emperor holds civil examinations “so that we may invite worthy scholars to come here and select those talents who will best serve the work of administration and government.” Taizong agrees, and issues a summons for those who could, regardless of rank, potentially pass the exams.
Eventually the summons reach the ears of a man named Chen E—courtesy name Guangrui—who tells his mother (maiden name of Zhang) that he wishes to try. His mother gives him her blessings, and Guangrui not only manages to travel to Chang’an in time for the examination but takes first place in all three sessions on administrative policy. This gains him the title “zhuangyuan” and a celebratory procession in which he is led through the streets on horseback for three days. It is during this public celebration that the chief minister Yin Kaishan’s daughter Wenjiao (nicknamed Mantangjiao i.e. “A Hall of Loveliness, also known as Lady Yin) sees Chen Guangrui passing below. Knowing that he possesses an “outstanding appearance” and that he was the recent zhuangyuan of the examinations, Wenjiao takes the opportunity to throw down an embroidered ball which is used to select a spouse and manages to hit Chen Guangrui. Immediately, musicians, maids, and serving girls run down from the chief minister’s tower and lead Guangrui inside to hold a wedding between him and Wenjiao with the chief minister and his wife presiding. Everyone feasts merrily for a whole evening, after which the new husband and wife “walked hand in hand into the bridal chamber.”
The next morning, Emperor Taizong makes Guangrui the governor of Jiangzhou and orders him to leave for his new post without delay, which he does so in the company of his wife. On the way over, Guangrui pays a visit to his mother Lady Zhang and the happy family—Guangrui, Wenjiao, and Lady Zhang—decide to head to Jiangzhou together. Yet they had been on the road for but a few days before Lady Zhang falls ill and asks to stay at the Inn of Ten Thousand Flowers for a few days. Guangrui obeys, a decision that gives him an opportunity to buy a golden carp for his mother’s dinner before realizing that the fish, as it was “blinking its eyes vigorously,” is no ordinary creature. He lets it go back in the Hong river where it was caught, an act, as “It is a good deed to release living creatures from captivity,” that greatly pleases Lady Zhang. Yet as the “imperial command is an urgent one,” Guangrui decides that he must leave tomorrow in spite of Lady Zhang’s ongoing illness. Husband and wife agree to give her some funds and to rent her a house to stay in during spring and summer, and that they would return for Lady Zhang in the autumn when it’s cooler and she could travel more comfortably.
After making their leave, Guangrui and Wenjiao soon reach the crossing of the Hong River, where two boatmen, Liu Hong and Li Biao, give them a lift. Yet as it happened “that Guangrui was destined in his previous incarnations to meet this calamity,” Liu Hong, noticing the beauty of Lady Yin and being stirred “at once to cruelty,” forms an evil scheme with Li Biao. They punt the boat to an isolated area and wait until midnight, upon which they kill the couple’s servant and beat Guangrui to death before pushing both bodies into the water. Lady Yin tries to escape, but is caught by Liu Hong. She’s threatened with death unless she "submits" to him and, unable to think of a better plan, she agrees. Liu Hong then turns the boat over to Li Biao, while he himself “put on Guangrui’s cap and robe, took his credentials, and proceeded with the lady to the post at Jiangzhou.”
As for the real Chen Guangrui, his body sinks to the bottom of the Hong River. A yaksa on patrol reports this to the Dragon King, who has the body brought to him. Recognizing Guangrui as the man who saved his life when the dragon was in the form of a golden carp, the Dragon King manages to get the man’s soul into his possession as well as prevents the body from deteriorating by putting a preservative pearl in his mouth. Yet body and soul are not yet reunited, and the Dragon King has Guangrui enter his Water Bureau as an officer.
Lady Yin, for her own part, despises the bandit Liu so much “that she wished she could devour his flesh and sleep on the skin.” Yet as she’s pregnant she has no choice but to obey his demands. Liu Hong also manages to fool all the officials and seamlessly enters Guangrui’s place as the governor of Jiangzhou. Him having to leave on official business, however, means that Lady Yin is alone when she falls unconscious and gives birth to a son. While she’s insensate, she’s further visited by the Star Spirit of the South Pole which tells her as a disembodied voice that her son was sent “by the express command of the Bodhisattva Guanyin,” and that “one day his name will be known far and wide.” Yet the bandit Liu is sure to try and hurt her child, and so she must do what she can to protect him. Lady Yin is also told that her husband was rescued by the Dragon King, and that in the future their family will surely be reunited. Waking up, Lady Yin is desperate to save her son but can think of no plan to do so. She is, however, able to convince a returned Liu Hong to not immediately drown her son in the river.
Liu Hong is called away by urgent business the next morning, but Lady Yin knows her son is doomed if he’s still there by the time the bandit returns. As such, she decides to “abandon him now to the river, and let life or death take its own course” but in the hopes that Heaven might take pity on her child and let him be rescued and raised by someone. Fearing that she wouldn’t be able to recognize her son if he does survive and they manage to reunite, Lady Yin bites her finger and writes a letter in her blood detailing her family history and the reason she abandoned her son. She also bites off his little toe “to establish a mark of his identity.” Wrapping her son in one of her own inner garments, Lady Yin takes him to the river and, bursting into tears, ties him to a floating plank and lets him drift away.
The current carries the baby along until it comes to a standstill beneath the Buddhist Temple of Gold Mountain. The abbot of this temple, Monk Faming, soon discovers the wailing infant and, after reading the letter written in blood and learning of the child’s origin, gives him the name River Float. Abbot Faming also arranges for someone to nurse and care for the child while he himself keeps the letter hidden safely away. Time passes swiftly, and upon reaching his eighteenth year River Float’s head is shaved and he's asked to join the monastery as a monk. River Float agrees and is given the religious name Xuanzang. He proceeds to pursue the Way “with great determination.”
One day in late spring, a “feckless monk,” having been “completely outwitted by Xuanzang’s questions” about the fine points of their religion, calls him a “damnable beast” who is “ignorant of your own parents.” This rebuke drives Xuanzang to tears and before his shifu, where he begs Abbot Faming to tell him his parents’ names. The abbot finally shows Xuanzang the letter and the inner garment he was wrapped in as an infant. This compels Xuanzang to fall weeping to the floor and makes him determined to seek his mother. Abbot Faming encourages Xuanzang to take the letter and the inner garment and to travel as a mendicant monk to the private quarters at the governor’s mansion of Jiangzhou, where he could meet his mother. Following his shifu’s advice, Xuanzang makes his way to Jiangzhou and, begging for alms at the governor’s mansion, is invited inside by his mother for a vegetarian meal. Lady Yin notices that Xuanzang bears “a remarkable resemblance to her husband” and, asking the monk to tell of his origins, soon learns that he is indeed her child. Mother and son embrace and weep.
Immediately afterwards, Wenjiao tells Xuanzang to leave in fear that the bandit will kill him, but they conspire to meet again. Telling her “husband” that she had made a vow to donate one hundred monk shoes to one of the Buddhist monasteries, Lady Yin is able to visit the Temple of the Gold Mountain. There, she’s able to see Xuanzang is indeed missing his little toe, and, after embracing her son again, she gifts him an incense ring. She further tells him to go to Hongzhou so that he might find his grandmother Lady Zhang. She also gives him a letter to take to her father Chief Minister Yin so that he might get the Tang emperor “to dispatch men and horses to have this bandit arrested and executed, so that your father may be avenged. Only then will you be able to rescue your old mother.” She leaves soon after, fearing the bandit’s wrath if she returns late.
Weeping, Xuanzang returns to the temple, tells his shifu everything, and leaves immediately for Hongzhou. There he finds out that not only had his grandmother gone blind but that she’s been living in a dilapidated potter’s kiln and surviving through begging. Xuanzang finds and relates everything to Lady Zhang, who is left weeping not only at her son’s fate but from having finally learned the truth after living for so long thinking her son had abandoned her. Xuanzang then cures his grandmother of her blindness with a prayer and by licking her eyes. He further rents her a room at an inn and leaves her some money, promising to return in a little more than a month’s time.
Leaving his grandmother and going straight to Chang’an, Xuanzang makes his way to chief minister Yin’s house where, after being invited inside, he falls weeping to the floor before handing over his mother’s letter. Chief Minister Yin and his wife join him in weeping when they learn of their daughter’s life. Chief Minister Yin brings this case before the Tang emperor, who becomes “exceedingly angry” at learning of this evil and “immediately called up sixty thousand imperial soldiers and ordered the chief minister Yin to lead them forth.” Soon reaching Jiangzhou, this force quickly overwhelms Liu Hong and takes him prisoner. Lady Yin is overcome with shame seeing her father again to the point where she wanted to hang herself, but Xuanzang rushes in and manages to save his mother, crying “If mother were dead, how could your son possibly remain alive?” Chief Minister Yin further reassures her that there’s nothing to feel ashamed for, as she was forced by the bandit to submit. Son, mother, and grandfather then go to the execution ground, and watch as both Liu Hong and a newly captured Li Biao suffer gruesome executions. This ends with Liu Hong’s heart and liver, which had “been gouged out from him live,” being offered as libations at the bank of the river. As essay eulogizing Guangrui is also burned.
Alerted by their sobs, a yaksa brings the essay in its spirit form to the Dragon King. After reading it, the Dragon King summons Guangrui and, congratulating him, lets him return to life and gives him many treasures. And this was just in time, as after this libations Lady Yin tries to kill herself through drowning and is only prevented from doing so by Xuanzang clinging to her desperately. The two are “struggling pitifully” when they see Guangrui’s dead body floating toward the river bank. Seeing who it is brings Lady Yin to further tears before the body comes back to life. And so the family is reunited and then further reunited when Guangrui meets his mother once again and the group travels back to the chief minister’s residence in Chang’an to see Chief Minister Yin’s wife.
The next morning Chief Minister gives his report on these events to the Tang emperor. Chen E is promoted to Subchancellor of the Grand Secretariat and Xuanzang is sent to practice austerities at the Temple of Infinite Blessing. As for Lady Yin, some time after this she commits suicide after all. Xuanzang then goes back to the Gold Mountain Temple to “repay the kindness of abbot Faming.”
We’ll have to wait for the next chapter to learn what happened next.
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the-monkey-ruler · 1 year
Monk Tripitaka Saves his Mother (1957) 唐三藏救母
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Director: Zhou Xujiang / Bai Ke 
Screenwriter: Han Zhe 
Starring: Xiao Wen / Su Su / Wang Wei / Lu Hong / Zhu Yulang / Pun Dou / Tian Pao Zhi 
Region of Manufacture: Taiwan, China 
Also known as: Monk Tripitaka Saves his Mother
Type: Retelling
The number one scholar, Chen Guangrui, married Yin Wenjiao, the prime minister's daughter, and went to Jiangzhou to take office after marriage. Liu Hong, the boatman, killed Chen Guangrui and changed his name to Chen Guangrui to serve as an official. Yin Wenjiao endured the humiliation and gave birth to her son. She let the maid put the baby into the river and attach Yin Wenjiao own blood written letter with him.
The baby was rescued by a monk, converted to Buddhism, and was named Xuanzang. At the age of twenty, his master showed him the blood written letter, and only then did he know his life experience. Xuanzang finds his mother, and Yin Wenjiao instructs his son to ask his grandfather Yin Kaishan for help. Yin Kaishan orders Liu Hong to be arrested.  Yin Wenjiao's vengeance was complete, and she wanted to commit suicide for her husband, but was rescued by Yin Kaishan. Xuanzang has gone deep into Buddhism, bid farewell to his mother and went away to preach the Dharma. 
Source: https://movie.douban.com/subject/26611565/
Link: N/A
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chaoticstrata · 1 year
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Well, I guess it’s time to show off my Warrior of Light! Meet Kaishan Buduga. <3
I have a story I’m writing for him. I’ll post a link to the first four chapters at a later date. :)
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animeworld0712 · 1 year
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vasheden · 1 year
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~Playing with my characters like dolls, part 2~
This is Kaia’s adoptive brother, Kaishan, and his partners Nym and S’yrah. They’ve got a lovely little house in the Shroud that Kaia helped get for them, and three kids between them all. Kaishan is a carpenter, Nym is a botanist, and S’yrah is an alchemist. Their house isn’t home for Kaia, but it’s the closest thing she has prior to settling down post-EW. She kept them secret from everyone except Aymeric up until the world was ending in Endwalker, to try to keep them safe, but lobbied the Forum for a spot on the ark ship for them and the kids. Now that everyone knows about everyone else, the Scions are fantastic aunts and uncles.
Mod here, modified to make the hands fit and change some positioning and expressions.
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charlottedabookworm · 2 years
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not me deciding to create three separate alts and speed them through the valentiones event before it ran out
anyway meet Z’rihnn (xir/xir, top/middle left), Marielle (she/her, bottom two) who both are from me going ‘i’ll just fuck around in the character creator, nothing will come of this’ like a liar
also Kaishan (he/him, top/middle right) is finally in the game as something other than Ren’s retainer
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kaishan · 2 years
Role of Screw Type Air Compressor in Industries
At Kaishan, we offer Screw Type Air Compressors that have a screw mounted within a cylindrical case that rotates within a fixed casing. There are many advantages to using a Screw Type Air Compressor over any other type. Due to its low maintenance requirements, it is suitable for industries with fixed assets. Click here to read more…
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kaishancompressor · 2 years
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mirascrafts · 5 years
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#kaishan #carpet soft and silky touch. Available in #mirascarpets #stores . Come and feel the new arrivals this of this season. #carpetdealersinbangalore #carperstore #mirascarpet #miracrafts #bangaloredesigner #bangalorearchitects #bangalorenews #bangalorefashionblogger #bangaloreinteriors (at Bangalore, India) https://www.instagram.com/p/BwTqZV7HYO9/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1hw9gazrnrgzr
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dracomidnight · 4 years
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Bond between Chocobo and Rider
I am still around, just more active on twitter and only rarely occasionally here. Sometimes.
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