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pink-lemonade-rose · 9 months ago
"Thinking about the special quality of the Kairos moment, I want to offer a new word for the practice of navigating by synchronicity. The word is kairomancy. Translation: divination by special moments. Alternative version: making magic by seizing those special moments. […] To become a kairomancer, you need to learn to trust your feelings as you walk the roads of this world, to develop your personal science of shivers, to recognize in your gut and your skin and in free-floating impressions that you know far more than you hold on the surface of consciousness. You need to take care of your poetic health, reading what rhymes in a day or a season. You want to expect the unexpected, to make friends with surprises, and never miss that special moment. The kairomancer understands that the time is always Now, except when the time is GO."
Robert Moss, Sidewalk Oracles
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kd-bzh · 5 months ago
🟠 Minimal Tech Beats 002 🟠 All Tracks By Bosphorus Underground Recordings Alberto Rizzo, Steve Kid, PRT Stacho, Alessandro Grops, Aiho, Luigi Peretti, Angelo Dore, Dgtalsystem, DoubKore, Mason Bach, Lorenzo D'amario, Ende, Lucent, Mark Dekoda, Morgan J, Patrik Soderbom, Tony Kairom, Waveback Luke & Zareh Kan
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keysandmirrors · 20 hours ago
Academy Inferno DR Magic
This intro post is going to talk about the magic that witches in my DR harness. There is a separate post about the world and I’m going to make a final post about the school I’m going to be attending.
Awakening Magic
Magic is something that witches are born with however it doesn’t fully start to manifest until a person is about 18 years old. When it does start to awaken the magic is going to be a bit finicky as the witch adjusts to having it. This adjustment period normally lasts about 2 years before finally leveling out enough for more advanced magical learning. It’s entirely possible for a witch to take a shorter or longer time to level out depending on the innate strength of their magic.
Types of Magic
Y’all okay I’m so fucking excited for this because while it’s possible for a witch to learn all kinds of magic there is one type that is basically in their blood. There’s no sorting ceremony like Hogwarts where people get told what their magic is, it’s more like Tinkerbell where a person is just drawn to their magic. That said there are eight types of magic one could be drawn to (keep in mind no magic type is innately stronger than another, it all depends on the witch).
Pyromancy: Starting strong with a very typical “fire magic”. Pretty simple to explain but if a witch is drawn to pyromancy they’ll have an easier time performing magic that has to do with high temperatures. A pyromancer would most likely find it easier to use magic by harnessing their emotions and using them as a catalyst for their spells, just be careful to not get reckless.
Hydromancy: We go to the opposite side with “water magic” next. A hydromancer not only controls water easier but also handles colder temperatures well. The witches with this magic could also use their emotions to their advantage when casting spells but they’re more the type to “go with the flow” and might find it hard to maintain strong emotions.
Floramancy: Not only do floramancers find it easier to control plant life, they can also manipulate things like rocks, dirt, sand, etc. It doesn’t have to be green for them to be attached to it. A floramancer also works closely with life force and may harness their magic by finding ways to connect with life.
Necromancy: Again, going opposite from the previous magic type. Necromancers don’t just have the power to kill things though, they also happen to work very closely with life force. Yes, they can summon zombies and whatnot, but they can also use their understanding of the life cycle to manipulate their own magic in ways other witches might struggle to.
Kairomancy: Similar to pyro and hydro, kairomancers can use their weather magic to control temperatures. They don’t stop there though as they might also find it easier to connect with their environment in order to create the perfect weather to aid them in their goal.
Isomancy: This magic is tricky to really explain as it’s connected to a kind of obscure concept of karma. Isomancers will find meditation and other ways of connecting to the universe around them in order to bring their magic to its full potential.
Solarmancy: Light from the sun is an important aspect of how people view the world around them. Solarmancers can use their magic to manipulate that light and infuse it into their own spells.
Lunarmancy: The light from the moon, although a reflection from the sun, is powerful in its own right. A lunarmancer in turn can connect to the magic from people and things around them in order to harness it themselves.
These concepts are kind of hard to explain if you don’t experience them yourself so once again, if you have any questions about it send me an ask and I’ll do my best to help! I mentioned before but yeah on the surface you might think “this magic is better than that one” but they all have their strengths and it really depends on a person’s personality. I tried to add examples of what the magic could do or what type of person might have what magic so I hope it came across well.
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yourmorgani · 8 years ago
a little bird told me
a little bird told me
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I pulled into my driveway after a hike with my dog. For a minute or two I sat there as I pondered the enormity of a particular problem I’m dealing with today. “What do you think I should do, Scott?”, I realized I had said this out loud. No sooner said than something caught my eye. A teeny tiny bird had landed on the outside of my rolled up car window. It looked in at me and tapped on the glass.…
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miezmiez · 5 years ago
What I like, 11/10/2019
giving tarot readings 
doing telepathic animal communication 
the feeling of being very well organized 
Berlin, my biggest love, the love of my life so far 
hot yoga 
being inspired 
inspiring people 
when they play music that I love at cafes 
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neo-nemo · 6 years ago
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Streaming the mind of me. The me: A mystical street philosopher, Certified Trickster, and a Kairomancer. All of which is to say, I have a unique take on the world.
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tomasorban · 6 years ago
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ashenartstuff · 6 years ago
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for my clown child Kairom
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crnagorakraljevina · 5 years ago
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Dana 10. 01. 1072. osvojeni je grad Palermo - Sicilija, ušle su snage normanskog vojskovođe Roberta Guiscarda. Palermo je bio pod vlašću Arapa, a normansko osvajanje tog grada značilo je gašenje Sicilskog Emirata. Sicilija bila je arapski emirat tokom više od 240 godina – od 831. do 1072. godine. Glavni grad tog emirata bio je Palermo, koji je pod arapskom vlašću procvjetao i postao jedan od najsjajnijih gradova u sredozemnom području u rangu sa Kairom. Palermo je početkom 11. vjeka bio i među najvećim gradovima u čitavoj Europi, veći od Pariza i Londona! Normanski vojskovođa Robert Guiscard rođen je u sjevernoj Francuskoj, a porijeklo od vikinških osvajača koji su se nekad naselili na području Normandije. U 11. vijeku Normani su osvojili velik dio južne Italije, a Robert Guiscard postao je vojvoda od Apulije i Kalabrije. Nakon što je osvojio Palermo, Robert Guiscard imenovao je svog brata Rogera, Grofom od Sicilije. Rogerov sin Roger II. dobio je kasnije i titulu kralja Sicilije.
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balkantimes · 4 years ago
Što slijedi nakon bolnog diplomatskog poraza SAD-a i odbijanja produljenja oružanog embarga Iranu
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Zoran Meter
Američku rezoluciju nisu podržali čak niti europski saveznici
Radost Izraela, nakon što je prije dva tjedna pristigla vijest o postizanju mirovnog sporazuma i međusobnog priznanja židovske države i UAE, uz snažno posredovanje Trumpove administracije, nije dugo trajala. Naime, iz New Yorka je već istoga dana, 15.kolovoza, stigao „hladni tuš“ i po  Washington i po Jeruzalem. Vijeće sigurnosti UN-a odbacilo je američku rezoluciju o produljenju embarga na izvoz oružja Islamskoj Republici Iran, koji istječe 18. listopada ove godine. Usprkos snažnom osobnom zalaganju američkog državnog tajnika Mike Pompea i uvjeravanja kako će taj embargo biti produljen – dogodilo se posve suprotno. Za rezoluciju su glasovale, vjerovali ili ne, svega dvije države – SAD i Dominikanska Republika, što predstavlja pravi fijasko američke vanjske politike u odnosu na Iran, a koja je gotovo u cijelosti sinkronizirana s istom politikom izraelske države. Sliku poraza američke diplomacije ne umanjuje niti činjenica da su protiv rezolucije SAD-a glasovale samo Rusija i Kina, dok je ostalih 11 članica VS bilo suzdržano. Jer suzdržanost po ovakvim pitanjima, i u ovakvim globalnim geopolitičkim okolnostima, kakve su sada, ne znači ništa drugo nego neslaganje.
A kada je to tako, stvaraju se uvjeti za novu diplomatsku krizu s obzirom kako SAD ne namjeravaju odstupiti od svoje strategije „zaštite svijeta“ – bilo od iranske, bilo od kineske ili ruske ugroze, kako se to obično navodi u političkim strukturama najmoćnije zemlje svijeta. Tako je Washington, nedugo nakon ove vijesti, najavio povratak (starih) međunarodnih sankcija protiv Irana zbog, kako je kazano, njegovog neprovođenja obveza iz sporazuma o iranskom nuklearnom programu iz 2015.g. Onog istog, iz kojega su se SAD jednostrano povukle u svibnju 2018. godine i odmah potom samostalno vratile stare sankcije (ukinute nakon iranskog potpisivanja spomenutog sporazuma) i nametnule nove – vlastite, koje više-manje mora uvažavati i ostali svijet iz straha da će i sam doći pod udar američkih sankcija. Nakon američkog povlačenja iz nuklearnog sporazuma Iran je upozoravao svijet kako će, ako ovaj (zbog straha od američkih sankcija) ne bude s Iranom gospodarski surađivao (prije svega oko izvoza iranske nafte) biti primoran početi s postupnim obogaćivanjem urana prema maksimalnoj razini koja je dozvoljena sporazumom, jer nema nikakvoga smisla da se Teheran sam pridržava odredbi toga sporazuma dok ostale zemlje-supotpisnice ne žele izvršavati svoj dio obveza koje iz njega proizlaze.
VS odbacilo i drugi američki prijedlog o Iranu
Međutim, 26. kolovoza Vijeće sigurnosti odbacilo je i ovaj drugi američki prijedlog (o vraćanju međunarodnih sankcija Iranu), smatrajući, kako su Sjedinjene Države samostalno napustile nuklearni sporazum i sporazum o zajedničkom planu djelovanja prema toj zemlji, i da zato nemaju zakonsko pravo predlaganja ovakve inicijative. Udarac po ugled SAD-a bio je još veći nego u prije navedenom slučaju, s obzirom kako su protiv američkog prijedloga, osim Kine, Rusije i Južnoafričke Republike, sada glasovale i Velika Britanija, Francuska i Njemačka.
Ali ovom prilikom zadržao bih se samo na embargu na izvoz oružja Iranu, koji istječe za cca mjesec i pol dana, jer je on u sveukupnom geopolitičkom kontekstu daleko najvažniji.
Čitava bliskoistočna koncepcija američkog čelnika Donalda Trumpa temelji se na osiguranju vojne dominacije Izraela u regiji, kao glavnoj pretpostavci njegove fizičke tj. državne opstojnosti. To se, osim po formiranju same strategije djelovanja, najbolje ogleda i u precizno dociranom izvozu američkog suvremenog naoružanja arapskim zemljama – partnerima SAD-a, ali i savezničkoj Turskoj, kojoj SAD već pune tri godine ne isporučuju oružje upravo iz tog razloga – da ne dođe do pariteta između turskih i izraelskih vojnih snaga (ovdje se, dakako, ne misli na nuklearno oružje, iako Turska ima tajne ambicije da njega i dođe). Koliko je to važno, svjedoči i prošlotjedno oštro protivljenje Izraela razgovorima između SAD-a i UAE, započetih gotovo odmah nakon vijesti o postizanju mirovnog sporazuma te zemlje s Izraelom (kojeg se još mora pretočiti u pismenu formu), o prodaji američkih najsuvremenijih zrakoplova 5. generacije F-35 toj bogatoj arapskoj monarhiji. To, zapravo, najviše govori i o krhkosti umjetno stvaranog izraelsko-arapskog prijateljstva, koje se temelji na obećanjima izdašnih beneficija financijske i gospodarske prirode koje će te zemlje zauzvrat dobiti od Washingtona, dok je u stvarnosti to (ne)prijateljstvo snažno opterećeno gotovo nerješivim  problemom palestinskog pitanja.
A upravo normalizacija odnosa između Izraela i bogatih arapskih zaljevskih monarhija i Egipta predstavlja temelj nove Trumpove bliskoistočne strategije, koja te zemlje želi postaviti na zajednički front prema Iranu s ciljem sprječavanja njegovih regionalnih ambicija i utjecaja u regiji, koji je tradicionalno velik. Pritom SAD namjeravaju postupno povlačiti svoje vojnike iz regije i fokusirati se na prodaju suvremenog oružja partnerskim zemljama, kao i na pružanje kvalitetnih obavještajnih podataka (prije svega satelitskih). Vojske tih zemalja trebale bi jamčiti sigurnost na terenu nakon povlačenja Amerikanaca.
Poljuljani američki planovi
Jedna od najvažnijih „poluga“ u operacionalizaciji spomenute strategije je sprječavanje naoružavanja Irana suvremenim oružjem, što je najbolje jamčio spomenuti međunarodni embargo, koji uskoro istječe. Osim što će Iran, nakon njegovog skorog isteka, moći nastaviti s razvojem svoga raketnog (ne nuklearnog!) programa, prije svega vezanog uz razvoj balističkih raketa, Teheran će moći, nakon niza godina, početi i s nabavom najsuvremenijeg naoružanja, prije svega za svoje zračne i pomorske snage (nove zrakoplove, brodove i podmornice), što on ovih dana slavodobitno i najavljuje. Iako u tehničkom smislu zastarjela u odnosu na najsuvremenije vojske svijeta, iranska vojska još uvijek predstavlja respektabilnu vojnu snagu, barem kada je riječ o svom okružju, prije svega – o Perzijskom zaljevu. Osim toga Iran je sve ovo vrijeme uspio očuvati vlastitu vojnu industriju koja nikako nije za podcjenjivanje, poglavito ako znamo da s razvojem svoje vojne industrije još itekako problema imaju ključne arapske zemlje (suparnice Irana), više-manje potpuno ovisne o inozemnim isporukama oružja i vojne tehnike.
Dakle, u tim i takvim okolnostima, očekivano vojno jačanje Irana predstavlja ugrozu po američke i izraelske strateške ciljeve. Izrael se pritom ne boji (barem ne u srednjoročnom razdoblju) iranske vojne moći s obzirom kako raspolaže (neslužbeno ali definitivno) s vlastitim atomskim bombama, od 1 do 80 komada, prema različitim izvorima, koje je spreman uporabiti u slučaju masovnog iranskog napada (do kojega nikada neće doći jer i Teheran zna dobro zn posljedice eventualnog takvog čina, koji njemu niti ne treba bez obzira na neprestane međusobne prijetnje uništenjem, što je samo dio ukupnog bliskoistočnog političkog folklora, gdje je na riječima svatko spreman svakoga uništiti). Ono što najviše zabrinjava Izrael i SAD je mogućnost da Teheran, nakon isteka spomenutog embarga, dobivši najsuvremenije oružje isto počme prodavati po regiji i isporučivati svojim saveznicima – bilo političkim, poput predsjednika Bashara el-Assada u Siriji, ili Iraku, bilo paravojnim šijtskim organizacijama od Libanona do Jemena, pa čak i Afrike. To bi usložnilo sigurnost Izraela i  prijetilo obnovi tzv. protuizraelskih država u njegovu okružju – kako je to bilo u doba prije svrgavanja iračkog čelnika Sadama Husseina i, kasnije, libijskog vođe Moammera Gaddafija ili u doba kada je Sirija bila respektabilan suparnik pod vodstvom Hafeza el-Assada. Pretvaranje Libije u novi protuizraelski hub upravo se događa pod okriljem i sponzorstvom Turske, odnosno panislamskog pokreta Muslimanska braća, zbog čega i raste mogućnost za egipatsku vojnu intervenciju u toj zemlji koju bi Izrael snažno podržao s obzirom kako s Kairom ima potpisani mirovni sporazum još od 1979., a što je još važnije, slične energetske interese u Istočnom Sredozemlju – potpuno oprečne turskima.
Brojne reakcije na diplomatski poraz SAD-a
Nakon neuspjeha američke inicijative u Vijeću sigurnosti, državni tajnik Mike Pompeo izjavio je kako Vijeće sigurnosti nije uspjelo ostati „privrženo svojoj temeljnoj misiji“ o potpori miru i stabilnosti, i da je „nesposobno djelovati odlučno“ u tom cilju. Naveo je kako će SAD nastaviti djelovati s ciljem ometanja „teokratskom režimu“ slobodno kupovanje i prodaju oružja, koje „ugrožava srce Europe, Bliskog istoka i svijeta u cjelini“.
Problem po Pompea je u tome što, sudeći prema rezultatu glasovanja, takva razmišljanja s njim očito ne dijele i njegovi europski saveznici. Nešto je realniji bio savjetnik predsjednika Trumpa za nacionalnu sigurnost Robert O’ Brian, koji je izjavio slijedeće: „Mi smo pretrpjeli poraz, ali to još nije kraj.“ Nepružanje potpore SAD-u od strane Francuske, Njemačke i Velike Britanije „razočarava, ali i ne čudi“, dodao je.
Ali ako će Washington, s obzirom kako je u međuatlantskim savezništvima političkog i vojnog karaktera on ipak „stariji brat“, možda i uspjeti spriječiti suradnju ključnih europskih zemalja i Irana – s Rusijom i Kinom stvar je posve drukčija. I jedna i druga zemlja pod snažnim su političkim i carinskim, a Rusija i gospodarskim i financijskim sankcijama od strane Washingtona, pa kroz suradnju s Iranom one nemaju što izgubiti, a  mogu dobiti jako puno. O tome svjedoče i mnogi događaji posljednjih tjedana, ali i izjave kineskih i ruskih političara i analitičara.
Ruski veleposlanik u UN-u Vasiliy Nebenzya izjavio je kako Rusija postojano glasa protiv želje za nametanjem zabrana Teheranu te je pozvao partnere u Vijeću sigurnosti na pažljivo proučavanje Putinovog prijedloga o provedbi on line summita o Iranu.
Kinesko Ministarstvo vanjskih poslova naglasilo je kako „bilo kakva nastojanja za stavljanje svojih interesa iznad zajedničkih“ predstavlja slijepu ulicu. Kina će i dalje, skupa s međunarodnom zajednicom, štititi nuklearni sporazum s Iranom.
Strateška os Rusija – Kina – Iran, kao izazov američkoj hegemoniji
Kineski analitičari, iz tamošnjih utjecajnih istraživačkih, politoloških institucija, smatraju kako se formira strateška os Rusija – Kina – Iran, koja ne može ne zabrinjavati Washington. Oni se slažu u mišljenju kako se radi o nikada viđenom izazovu američkoj hegemoniji. Razmatrajući perspektive dugoročne suradnje triju država, ocijenili su je kao javni signal vanjskopolitičkoj koncepciji, razrađenoj u Bijeloj kući, i kao jasni izazov hegemoniji SAD-a u svjetskom poretku kojega nastoji izgraditi Washington.
Ovdje bih podsjetio i na prije cca mjesec dana postignut kinesko-iranski načelni sporazum o strateškoj suradnji između dviju država u idućih 25 godina, kojim se omogućuje aktivni kineski investicijski ulazak u tu zemlju, uključno i u njen energetski i infrastrukturni sektor, što za sobom povlači i ulazak kineskih vojnika na iransko tlo. Vezanje uz Peking po Teheran je bitno s pozicije osiguranja isporuka prije svega svoje nafte Kini u uvjetima američkih sankcija, dok je ta suradnja Kini bitna jer uza se veže jednog važnog svjetskog energetskog izvoznika „crnog zlata“ ali i predstavlja svojevrsnu „odskočnu dasku“ za daljnji kineski prodor prema Africi.
Istodobno s postizanjem toga sporazuma, diplomatski aktivni Teheran ulaže velike napore za produljenje ugovora o strateškom partnerstvu s Moskvom, koji završava iduće godine. U odnosu na prethodni, potpisan 2001.g, zbog dramatično promijenjenih geopolitičkih okolnosti u svijetu novi sporazum o strateškoj suradnji trebao bi biti puno ozbiljniji i sveobuhvatniji.
Kada sve ovo uzmemo u obzir, navedena promišljanja kineskih analitičara izgledaju itekako realna. Jednostavno rečeno: u zadanom vremenu i zadanim okolnostima interesi Moskve, Pekinga i Teherana se podudaraju više nego ikada ranije, a razlozi su sve manje pragmatični i sve više idu u smjeru strateških. I nije tu samo riječ o zajedničkom nazivniku kada se govori o njihovom ključnom globalnom suparniku (blagi termin). Trojni „pakt“, koji se namjerava izgraditi, puno je više od toga i imat će globalno značenje. Nije mali broj onih zemalja u svijetu, a ne treba se sramiti reći – niti unutar EU, koje dijele mišljenje sa spomenutim zemljama (makar se s njima politički i ne slagali), kada je riječ o nužnosti završetka američke hegemonije.
I još nešto bitno: geografska blizina Irana Rusiji (s njim graniči na Kaspijskom moru, a nedavno je preko Irana Moskva prebacivala novo suvremeno naoružanje u Armeniju, na vrhuncu nove armensko-azerbajdžanske krize, jer to ne može činiti kroz Gruziju koja je pod patronatom SAD-a), a isto tako i Kini, sve više utječe na njihovo vojno približavanje s Teheranom. Tako su još prije godinu dana počele, ne velike ali simbolički itekako značajne, zajedničke vojne vježbe triju država u Arapskom moru i Hormuškom tjesnacu – donedavnoj isključivoj zoni sigurnosnog nadzora američke i britanske flote zbog tokova nafte koja iz Perzijskog zaljeva tuda prolazi za čitavi svijet. Sve su to jasni i važni signali u kojem se smjeru kreću odnosi triju država i kakve posljedice oni mogu imati po SAD i svijet u cjelini.
Vojna dimenzija prestanka oružanog embarga
Iran, danas, usprkos dugogodišnejm embargu političkog, gospodarskog i oružanog karaktera, posjeduje arsenal preciznih raketa različitog dometa, relativno dobre podmornice i vojne brodove, kao i višenamjenske bespilotne letjelice, tenkove i dobru protuzračnu obranu, dok je kadrovski potencijal – tj. vojnici, njegova ponajveća snaga. Postoje informacije o tome kako su se Rusija i Iran već faktički usuglasili oko prodaje ruskih zrakoplova 5. generacije Su-57, kao i suvremenih višenamjenskih zrakoplova 4++ generacije Su-35 Iranu. Osim toga Rusija toj zemlji planira isporučiti i protuzračne sustave S-400, koje je već ranije isporučila Kini, Turskoj i Indiji usprkos prijetnjama američkim sankcijama zemljama-kupcima, s obzirom kako je ruski državni koncern “Rosoboronexport” (preko kojega se izvozi rusko oružje) i sam pod američkim sankcijama. Ako to nije smetalo jednoj Indiji ili Turskoj, zašto bi onda i Iranu, koji se nalazi pod golemim američkim sankcijskim pritiskom, s otvorenim ciljem omogućavanja smjene ne samo režima u Teheranu, već i cjelokupnog teokratskog državnog i društvenog ustroja te zemlje, uspostavljenog nakon velike islamske revolucije 1979. godine. Osim toga Moskva Teheranu planira isporučiti modernizirane tenkove T-90, i jurišne helikoptere KA-52 „Alligator“
Ukoliko dođe do realizacije ovih namjera, Iran će postati regionalna sila, koja će moći ne samo odbiti bilo koji pokušaj agresije na svoj teritorij, već promijeniti i ukupan odnos snaga koji Iranu sada ne ide u prilog. Ta nova ravnoteža snaga ozbiljno će utjecati na spomenutu izraelsku regionalnu vojnu dominaciju – kao zadanu konstantu, a definitivno i dugoročno bi učvrstila ruski i kineski položaj i utjecaj u regiji.
Sve ovo navedeno nije plod nikakvih hipoteza, ili nečega što bi se eventualno jednom moglo dogoditi, a još manje pukih želja, već se radi o realnom prikazu onoga što će uslijediti slijedeće godine, kada nas mogu o��ekivati brojna iznenađenja. Sjedinjene Države sve ovo jako dobro znaju i njihova sadašnja nervoza, poglavito nakon spomenutih teških diplomatskih neuspjeha u UN-u, nikako nije bezrazložna. Možda bi Washington uistinu trebao razmisliti i o spomenutom Putinovom prijedlogu za održavanje summita o Iranu – kao najbezbolnijem načinu za  pronalazak rješenja nastalog problema, u koje su se SAD same dovele. Ali to je za unutarameričko shizofreno političko stanje i washingtonski establišment postao presklizak teren, upravo zbog njihove totalne demonizacije Rusije i Putina osobno. Washington će, bez obzira tko iduće četiri godine bude sjedio u Bijeloj kući, prije ili kasnije (a bolje prije) morati spoznati da gubi svoj prijašnji globalni primat i da će ga morati dijeliti s ostalim globalnim igračima. To nikako ne znači kako SAD i dalje neće biti najutjecajniji globalni igrač – upravo suprotno, ali nametanju isključivo svojih interesa, kao po svih obveznih – definitivno dolazi kraj.
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record-super-chart · 7 years ago
VA - Techno Maison (2017)
Genre: Techno Tracks: 25 Format: MP3 Size: 381 MB Tracklist: 01. Steve C - Why so Serious 02. Alberto Feria - Passion 03. Dj Kape - Scared 04. Dzumur D - Cannon 05. Silencikickhiena - Thefoster 06. Tony Kairom - Rikki Tikki 07. Uriel Lakost - Mini Woody 08. Anascole - Cannibalizm 09. Deep Hazex - Endless Journey 10. Denmal - Moon 11. Hissachi - Viva Mexico 12. Ian Mart - Local 13. Mrs Minimal - Zombie 14. Sami - Da Da 15. Ali3nz - Zombi3z 16. Cryptonight - String Theory 17. Fonick - Dimemcional ... Читать дальше »
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kd-bzh · 1 year ago
Mix Techno Minimal - Minimal Tech Beats 002
Dj Set Minimal Techno
Alberto Rizzo, Steve Kid, PRT Stacho, Alessandro Grops, Aiho, Luigi Peretti, Angelo Dore, Dgtalsystem, DoubKore, Mason Bach, Lorenzo D'amario, Ende, Lucent, Mark Dekoda, Morgan J, Patrik Soderbom, Tony Kairom, Waveback Luke & Zareh Kan mixed by KD
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gayatri001 · 8 years ago
The Art of Creating Synchronicities: The 12 Keys to Experiencing Mystical Reality
An excerpt on synchronicity is from Sidewalk Oracles: Playing with Signs, Symbols and Synchronicity in Everyday Life ©2015 by Robert Moss
The Twelve Rules of Kairomancy: How to Experience Synchronistic Reality
Kairomancy - the practice of navigating by synchronicities. Divination by special moments. Alternative version: making magic by seizing those special moments.
1. Whatever You Think or Feel, the Universe Says Yes Before you walk into a room or turn a corner, your attitude is there already. It is engaged in creating the situation (and potential synchronicity) you are about to encounter. Whether you are remotely conscious of this or not, you are constantly setting yourself up for what the world is going to give you.
What attitude am I carrying? What am I projecting?
“ideas are projected as a direct result of the force by which they are conceived and they strike wherever the brain sends them by a mathematical law comparable to that which directs the firing of shells from their mortars.” - Honoré de Balzac
synchronicity is ultimately a reflection of our own consciousness and perception.
“We are magnets in an iron globe,” declared Emerson. If we are upbeat and positive, “we have keys to all doors…T he world is all gates, all opportunities, strings of tension waiting to be struck.” Conversely, “A low, hopeless spirit puts out the eyes; skepticism is slow suicide. A philosophy which sees only the worst… dispirits us; the sky shuts down before us.”
2. Chance Favors the Prepared Mind
“creators actively court chance. They’re always ready to notice and amplify with insight some accident of their environment virtually everybody else thinks is trivial or fails to notice. This capacity is, in a deep sense, what makes creators creative.” --John Briggs
“The writing of a book gets under way when the writer discovers that he is magnetized in a certain direction… Then everything he comes across — even a poster or a sign or a newspaper headline or words heard by chance in a café or in a dream — is deposited in a protected area like material waiting to be elaborated.”   --Roberto Calasso
3. Your Own Will Come to You
“I found that every intense imagination, every new adventure of the intellect [is] endowed with magnetic power to attract to it its own kin. Will and desire were as the enchanter’s wand of fable, and they drew to themselves their own affinities….One person after another emerged out of the mass, betraying their close affinity to my moods as they were engendered.” -- George Russell on the law of spiritual gravitation
What we feed our minds and our bodies attracts or repels different parts of ourselves as well as different people and different classes of spirits.
4. You Live in the Speaking Land
As Australian Aborigines say, we live in a Speaking Land. How well we can hear depends on how we use our senses, both inner and outer. How much we can use and understand depends on selection, on grasping what matters.
Spirits of place include the spirits and holographic memories of humans who have lived and loved and struggled on the land before us.
5. Grow Your Poetic Health
“The bottom of the mind is paved with crossroads,” -- Paul Valéry
Kairomancers take care of their poetic health by developing a tolerance for ambiguity and a readiness to see more angles and options than the surface mind perceives.
Pay attention when the same theme, or symbol, or image comes up again and again synchronistically, just as you might pay attention to recurring dreams. When a theme or situation comes at you again and again in dreams, that is often a signal that there is a message coming through that you need to read correctly — and that, beyond merely getting the message, you need to do something about it, to take action. It is the same with rhyming sequences and repeating symbols in waking life.
When you begin to notice a repetition of a certain situation in life, you may say, “Okay, we’re going around the track again. Maybe I want to make sure that I’m not just going around and around in my life in circles of repetition, but that I am on a spiral path.” Which would mean that each time life loops around to where you think you were before, you’ve risen to a slightly higher level, so you can see things with greater awareness and, hopefully, make better choices.
There is a whole education in the art of poetic living in Baudelaire’s poem “Correspondances”:
La Nature est un temple où de vivants piliers Laissent parfois sortir de confuses paroles; L’homme y passe à travers des forêts de symboles Qui l’observent avec des regards familiers.
Nature is a temple whose living pillars Sometimes let slip mysterious messages; We walk here through a forest of symbols That watch us with knowing eyes.
Baudelaire, the urban dandy, has it exactly right: we are walking in a forest of living, synchronistic symbols that are looking at us. When we are in a state of poetic health, we understand that “the imagination is the most scientific of the faculties, because it is the only one to understand the universal analogy, or that which a mystical religion calls correspondence.”
6. Coincidence Multiplies on the Road
This refers both to outer movement and to inner transitions, especially when either carries you outside your normal rounds. You’re not just going through the constant rounds of your life. You’re out and about. You’re going somewhere new.
Nonetheless, unless you’ve changed your eyes, you won’t see the new things. You have to have different eyes in order to see different landscapes. Even so, it is generally true that when we are in movement, not in the familiar rut, we are more likely to notice and to generate and experience coincidence.
The bigger side of it is that when we are in motion in terms of life passages, including challenging passages, when we are falling in or out of love, falling in or out of relationships, when birth or death is in the field, coincidence and synchronicity tends to multiply not just in our perception, but in objective reality. It multiplies because everything is astir. Things are not constant. They are themselves in motion.
“If I think that my life is linked to the dramas of other people in other times and that I have inherited karma from what they did or did not do, maybe I can reach back to them, launching from the moment of Now. Maybe my thoughts and actions now help or hinder in their own time — which is also now — and may be more helpful as I rise to greater consciousness of how all this works.”
It is possible to operate with these two seemingly contradictory visions of reality: linear karma in Chronos time and the simultaneity of synchronistic experience in the multiverse in a spacious Now. It is like the observation in physics that something can be both a particle and a wave, and you will see it one way or the other according to how you observe it.
7. By What You Fall, You May Rise
When we are seized by terrible emotions of rage or grief in our own lives, we can choose to try to harness the raw energy involved and turn it — like a fire hose — toward creative or healing action.
You will want to remember that on the path of transformation and synchronicity, you reach a point where you break down or you break through, and sometimes the breakdown comes before the breakthrough.
Sometimes a fair amount of Chronos time is required to appreciate what Emerson called “the compensations of calamity.” He wrote that such compensations become apparent “after long intervals of time. A fever, a mutilation, a cruel disappointment, a loss of wealth, a loss of friends, seems at the moment unpaid loss, and unpayable. But the sure years reveal the remedial force that underlies all facts.”
8. Invoked or Uninvoked, Gods Are Present
“Coincidence is God’s way of remaining anonymous,”
In the Odyssey, as in ancient Greek society, dreams and visions are the most important mode of divination and signposts of synchronicity.
Consciously or unconsciously, we walk on a kind of mythic edge. Just behind that gauzy veil of ordinary understanding, there are other powers, beings who live in the fifth dimension or dimensions beyond. To them, our lives may be as open as the lives of others would be to us if we could fly over the rooftops — and nobody had a roof on their house, and we could look in and see it from every possible angle.
A kairomancer is always going to be willing to look for the hidden hand in the play of coincidence and synchronicity, and to turn to more than one kind of oracle to check on the exact nature of the game.
9. You Walk in Many Worlds
Part of the secret logic of our lives is that we are all connected to counterpart personalities — Seth calls them “probable selves” — living in other times and other probable universes. Their gifts and challenges can become part of our current stories, not only through linear karma, but through the synchronistic interaction now across time and dimensions. The dramas of past, future, or parallel personalities can affect us now. We can help or hinder each other.
In the model of understanding I have developed, this family of counterpart souls is joined on a higher level by a sort of hub personality, an “oversoul,” a higher self within a hierarchy of higher selves going up and up. The choices that you make, the moves that you make, can attract or repel other parts of your larger self.
The hidden hand suggested by synchronistic events may be that of another personality within our multidimensional family, reaching to us from what we normally perceive as past or future, or from a parallel or other dimension.
10. Marry Your Field
“The poet marries the language, and out of this marriage the poem is born.” --W. H. Auden,
What is your field? It’s not work in the ordinary sense, or what your diplomas say you are certified to do, or how you describe yourself in a job résumé — although it can encompass all of those things. Your field is where you ache to be. Your field is what you will do, day or night, for the sheer joy of the doing, without counting the cost or the consequences. Your field is the territory within which you can do the Work that your deeper life is calling you to do. Your field is not limitless. You can’t bring anything into creative manifestation without accepting a certain form or channel, which requires you to set limits and boundaries. So your field is also the place within which the creative force that is in you will develop a form.
And out of this constancy — through tantrums and all — will come that blaze of synchronous creation when the sun shines at midnight, when time will stop or speed up for you, as you will when you are so deep in the Zone that no move can be wrong. Depending on your choice of theme and direction, you may find you are joined by other creative intelligences, reaching to you synchronistically from across time and dimensions in that blessed union that another poet, Yeats, defined as the “mingling of minds.”
When the sun no longer shines at midnight, when you are back on clock time, you won’t waste yourself regretting that today you’re not in the Zone. You are still married. You’ll do the work that now belongs to the Work.
11. Dance with the Trickster
The Gatekeeper is one of the most important archetypes that is active in our lives and is one of the keys to calling in more synchronicities. He or she is that power that opens and closes our doors and roads. The Gatekeeper is personified in many traditions: as the elephant-headed Ganesa in India; as Eshu/Eleggua in West Africa; as Anubis in ancient Egypt; as Hermes or Hecate in ancient Greece.
Trickster is the mode the Gatekeeper — that power that opens doors in your life — adopts when you need to change and adapt and recover your sense of humor. If you are set in your ways and wedded to a linear agenda, the Trickster can be your devil. If you are open to the unexpected gift of synchronicity, and willing to turn on a dime (or something smaller), the Trickster can be a very good friend.
The Trickster will find ways to correct unbalanced and overcontrolling or ego-driven agendas, just as spontaneous night dreams can explode waking fantasies and delusions. Our thoughts shape our realities, but sometimes they produce a distinctly synchronistic boomerang effect. The Trickster wears animal guise in folklore and mythology, appearing as the fox or the squirrel, as spider or coyote or raven.
The well-known psychic and paranormal investigator Alan Vaughan tells a great story against himself about the peril of taking synchronistic signs too seriously. He read that Jung had noted a perfect correspondence between the number of his tram ticket, the number of a theater ticket he bought the same day, and a telephone number that someone gave him that evening.
Vaughan decided to make his own experiment with numbers that day in Freiburg, where he was taking a course. He boarded a tram and carefully noted the ticket number, 096960. The number of the tram car itself was 111. He noticed that if you turned the numbers upside down, they still read the same. He was now alert for the appearance of more synchronistic reversible numbers. Still focused on his theme of upside-down numbers, he banged into a trash can during his walk home. He observed ruefully, “I nearly ended by being upside down myself.” When he inspected the trash can, he saw that it bore a painted name: JUNG.
It was impossible not to feel the Trickster in play. Alan felt he had been reminded — in an entirely personal way — that the further we go with this stuff, the more important it is to keep our sense of humor.
A title of Eshu, who is both Trickster and Gatekeeper in the Yoruba tradition of West Africa, is Enforcer of Sacrifice. He is the one who makes sure that the gods receive their offerings. The price of entry may be a story, told with humor.
12. The Way Will Show the Way
Caminante, no hay camino, se hace camino al andar.
Wayfarer, there is no way, you make the way by walking it.
Make it up as you go along Make it up as you go along Make it up Make it up The way will show the way
Make it up Shake it up Fake it up Bake it up The fox may know the way The star will light the way The dream will show the way The heart will find the way The way will show the way
Creating Synchronicities: The Oath of the Kairomancer
Twelve rules for the kairomancer, and one OATH, which will help us to remember the heart of the practice. To navigate by synchronicity and catch those Kairos moments, we need to be:
1. Open to new experience;
2. Available, willing to set aside plans and step out of boxes;
3. Thankful, grateful for secret handshakes and surprises; and ready to
4. Honor our special moments by taking appropriate action.
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diana-rajchel · 9 years ago
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For #photo365 - boyfriend and I did a soundproofing project and it resulted in this slice of life. #pagan #witchy #kairomancy (at San Jose, California)
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kaialtair · 9 years ago
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My flight is delayed and I don't care. #traveler #dreamer #kairomancy #JFKsnuggletime
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