#kaily rambles
a9saga · 1 year
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i don’t remember leaving this answer on quora over a year ago
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tugboatringo · 6 years
reblog if technological advances really bloody get you in the mood
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shimmertails · 7 years
Rick Riordan is coming to my city to do a talk in October so I’m getting hyped rereading pjo and having a real good time doing it
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bugzmilk · 5 years
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Ignore how dumb my comment was but yall..... she liked my comment aaaaaaa
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annathesillyfriend · 4 years
I always see you on my dash because you keep reblogging so many fics with all your comments and on behalf of everyone I’d like to thank you for that! I’m not a writer but I just know this must mean the world to someone who put this much work into creating something!
I’m quite new to tumblr and I was wondering if you could recommend some of your favorite Fics, especially for Tom? :D
Hello darling! You’ve just made my day!! I am so afraid people are annoyed by my constant rambling so it’s always so nice to hear that someone enjoys that!
Okay, okay so Tom fic recs...
The first to writers that come to my mind are the loves of my life, H and Nancy
H @duskholland (here’s her Tom masterlist) doesn’t have to always go so hard but she does. Every single thing she writes leaves me breathless and in need of a cold drink 😂 The series called ‘the fama game’ has been my motivation to live through the week just so I can read the new chapter on Friday night. And her oneshots? That shit slaps so hard you get backlash. She also does so many amazing aus as well, she even made me kinda into sports!au and that says something. I highly recommend her Peter fics as well!
Nancy @peeterparkr (here’s her masterlist), this girl’s writing style is just so poetic that no matter how hard the plot of the story kicks you in the stomach, reading is just like honey to your heart. Her serieses (is that even a word?) are out of this world good, each one better than the last. The first one I read was ‘limits of desire’ I think, and it made me fall head over heels in love with Nancy’s work. But her talent jump out the most in ‘perdify’ and its sequel ‘perennial’ that is curently in the progress. And let me tell you, it’s not over yet and it has already killed me on so many levels but it’s so worth it! Nancy writes for other people and characters as well, I especially recommend her Harry Styles fics and the series she’s currently wiriting for Anthony Brigderton!
Okay, another person that’s been giving me reasons to live lately is B @touchmethomas (here’s her masterlist) she really fucks me up in the best way possible. She has some serious talent, that girl... her series ‘heartstring’ that’s currently in the works (it’s tom x reader x harrion) is the best and the worst thing that has happened to me in a while. It’s so full of emotion and it hits you right in the heart and even though you read it with tears streaming down your face, you have to go on and just want more cause it’s so damn good. So yeah, thanks for ruining my life babe 😚
Then we have Ava @greenorangevioletgrass (her masterlist). My gosh, Ava’s fics are just fucking amazing, man. I don’t even know what to say, you’re gonna love every single one of them. Her specialty are actress!reader fics and they no joke make me want to drop out of med uni and try acting 😂
Oh lord, now M @peterbenjiparker (her masterlist) okay, so she writes for Tom as well, but first and foremost I have to recommend peter series ‘invisible string’ that’s curretly in progress and making me have a breakdown after breakdown. That girl really goes staright for the kill and just fucks us up everytime. It’s 3 chapters in and I can already tell you it’s gonna be one the best peter fic on this hellsite
My darling Laura @lauras-collection (her masterlist), I love all of her work so much!! She’s so amazing, oh my! ‘two lies and a truth’? Incredible. ‘paint the grass green’? phenomenal! and her haz series ‘beyond being friends’ that has brother!tom is currently making my friday nights and giving me life
Kaili @wazzupmrstark (here’s her masterlist) and her series ‘breaking curfew’ has really made my mind go 🤯🤯🤯 She has a series called ‘instead of you’ currently in progress that I also love quite a lot. And her oneshots are just incredible as well!!
If you like shorter thing I highly recommend Ellie @multiholland (here’s her Tom masterlist) who writes amazing blurbs for Tom as well as Haz and Harry. You know, I am a simple gal - I see Ellie’s blurb on my dashboard, I stop what I’m doing, read it and love it so much!!!
Chloe @strawberrytom (her masterlist) is a fucking champ, you can’t go wrong with her fics. they’re golden, every single one!
B @worldoftom (her masterlist) such a talented girl that one. So many amazing fics, ‘riding my’ is just 🔥
Sophie @spidey-sophie​ (her mastelist) her Tom one shot are, who to put it? So fucking hot!! Don’t start reading without a glass of water next to you!
Other memorable mentions are:
@stuckonspidey (’i only feel you’ is just 🔥🔥), @spideyyeet (the full bibliography is out of this world), @marvelouspeterparker (phenomenal, professor!tom is to die for), @kelieah-deactivated202201248 (AMAZING!!), @uglypastels (INCREDIBLE!!), @blissfulparker (💙💙💙),
And last but definitely not least a very important peter fic recommendation. The cherry on top, my lord and saviour, the queen herself @hey-marlie (her masterlist). This girl... if talent had human form, she would be it. The way she writes, it’s just pulls you in comepletly and doesn’t want to let you go. And it’s okay cause you don’t want to go anyway. Both, the ‘far from you’ trilogy and ‘just out of reach’ that is gonna have a sequel in the future are the best fics i have ever read. period. She literally is unable to write something bad, it’s just not her style. Once you jump in, you won’t ever want to stop reading. And I could not not recommend her self-published book (like a real life, paperback book that’s casually sitting on my bookshelf rn!!!!) ‘novelty’ becasue it’s no joke the best ya novel I have ever read. And I read quite a few of them, let me tell  you
I would like to finish this by saying thank you to all of you amazing authors (not only the once I mentioned, all of you!). Thank you for creating your beautiful stories, thank you for sharing them with us, thank you for making our lives better. You have no idea how many times your work has managed to make a hard day better. I could never repay you for what you do, so just know that I love and appreciate every single one of you! You deserve the world! ✨✨
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sluttywonwoo · 2 years
hi kaili!
last message I promise! i think that was bachelorette anon, and ofc i completely understand!!! i was gonna say that it's absolutely fine if you're not comfortable with my age, and also 🧷 anon is still out there somewhere waiting for you hihi <3
and thank you kaili for letting us even start a conversation through you <3 you're doing such a good job with your blog even if we're a little too much sometimes <3 i hope you're having fun with it too though, because it is your blog after all! augh im just rambling but yeah, thank you for doing what you do, love you <3
💟 anon
you're too kind :(( thanks for being so interactive and engaged with my content!!
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sofhyuck · 7 years
How tf did tumblr know to suggest a golden child blog for me I literally haven't even made a post about them
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royal-babey · 6 years
What if?
This is an au for what if the dales never fell ^^ featuring my Nico Mahariel, Aya Tabris, Zephyr Velaille, Solavellis Meloriel, @marquis1305 ’s Kaili Tabris, Marcus Exieron, and Bioware’s Tamlen Sabrae
They’re kids!
To clarify ages;
Marcus; 17
Tamlen; 13
Aya; 13
Nico; 11
Zephyr; 10
Kaili; 10
Vis; 6
It was a sunny evening in the dales. Prince Nico had snuck out to the fields after supper to bask in the warmth. He had been stuck inside his palace for a week straight already, another sickness having wracked his frail body. He was feeling much better already though, and despite the nurses protests, he wanted fresh air for once. No one would notice anyway! His mother barely paid attention to him as it was since his father died. The only person likely to notice would be his care taker Ashalle. And...
His ears twitched at the sound of his voice being called suddenly, and he sat up. Turning around, he was greeted by the sight of his closest childhood friend Kaili approaching. Along with her elder brother, baby brother, and friend Zephyr. Who if he recalled correctly, was the child of a maid who worked in Kaili’s father’s mansion.
Though he may not have shown it much, he was truly happy to see her. He rarely got to these days, and her always grinning face brought a small shy smile to his own. He hadn’t saw her for a while...As soon as their eyes met, she dived at him, knocking him flat on his back again with a loud ‘’Oof!’’. Kaili seemed apparently un-phased though, and absolutely refused to let go even as Nico tried to shove her off. Eventually, he gave in with a defeated groan, and let his arms flop back down to his sides.
‘’Careful there sis. Don’t want to break the poor thing.’’
Aya‘s voice game from out of view, though he sounded amused. Kaili squeezed Nico tightly one last time, before eventually getting up and climbing off of him with a small huff. Nico sat back up, before getting up and stretching. He barely got a break though, as moments later he had a six year old Solavellis firmly attached to his left leg, and Zephyr hanging off of his neck. He glared lightly at them both, but didn’t make any move to get them off. His friends were just...Very cuddly...
He opened his mouth to speak, intending to ask how they found him, when he heard a familiar voice yell his name. A voice that made him freeze up and immediately dart to hide behind Aya.
‘’Nico! There you are!’’
Nico peaked his head out from behind to taller elf, to see a certain human prince approaching. Marcus Exieron. He was kind to Nico, and to a lot of the other children that hung around the palace. He and his family were visiting from their kingdom for a month or so, and he had kept Nico company a lot for the week. Reading him stories, bringing him pencils and paper, teaching him to carve, bringing him water when the coughing fits would start, wiping his brow when the fever left him bed ridden, Nico almost felt like he had a big brother.
He also felt like he had a big blonde nuisance following after him clucking like a mother hen.
‘’What are you doing out here?! It’s getting cold you could get worse again!’’
Marcus shrugged off his cloak, and attempted to walk around Aya, likely to try and cover Nico with it. Nico’s purple eyes widened, and he managed to get out of the way with a short cry of ‘’No!!!’’
Kaili immediately jumped to his defence, standing in front of him and pulling out her toy wooden dagger, waving it wildly at the human who was looked equal parts bewildered and defeated. Aya had picked up Vis again, and was balancing the child on his hip to stop him from attempting to climb up Marcus’s leg.
Nico meanwhile though was hiding behind Kaili, gripping onto one of her arms. It was one of those times he was glad she was a few inches taller than him, despite him being older. She giggled and jabbed out the dagger ever time Marcus tried to approach, declaring loudly how she would ‘’Protect the prince!’’
Suddenly, Zephyr yelled ‘’Attack!!!’’ Out of nowhere, and managed to jump right onto the humans back. The force of her small body knocking into his own caused Marcus to lose his balance, and suddenly he was falling forward.
Right on top of the Elven children, save for Aya and Vis, who were safely out of the way and laughing as their friends got squished beneath the large human teen.
Nico yelled out a loud curse in Elvhen from the impact, s omething that would have Ashalle scalping him around the ears for. Kaili also groaned, and punched the humans shoulder lightly. Zephyr had rolled off of Marcus, joining the other two in laughing profusely until she was on the ground in tears. Marcus pushed himself up, rubbing his torso from where Kaili’s toy dagger had dug in. He then began quickly apologising, his cheeks turning red as he moved out of the way.
Kaili was the next to get up, and she pulled a slightly dazed Nico up with her, brushing off his clothing and fixing his hair, tucking a stray piece behind his ear. He slapped her hands away, his cheeks heating up slightly as she giggles and sticks her tongue out at him playfully.
He turned to give Marcus his wrath next, as little as it would be in his tiny body, but he never got the chance. Because Tamlen came sprinting up the hill.
Right into Nico.
Who screamed ‘’WHY IS EVERYONE OBSESSED WITH KNOCKING ME OVER TODAY?!’’ Until Tamlen began rambling about how worried he was and how Ashalle was having a fit over finding Nico’s bed empty that is. Afterwards, he just sighed in exasperation, and resigned himself to his fate.
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britneyshakespeare · 7 years
i havent talked about this on tumblr but im so FUCKING EXCITED for boy band to premiere on abc this thursday like im gonna do it im gonna watch one of those reality tv singing competitions finally, for the first time since the 2008 season of american idol, but this time they’re gonna intentionally form a BOY BAND guys im so ready
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kayplustwo-blog1 · 7 years
My life as a mom is... well it is a bit crazy, but of a shit show and very crazy and busy. But mostly, it's just perfect and I wouldn't trade it for 1 million big bucks $$.
My name is Kaily. I am 22 years old. I have a 2 year old and a 2 month old. I am married and we are slowly just trying to figure out this thing called life.
My days are usually filled with sleeping, eating, changing shitty diapers, going to the park, cooking cleaning and some fun stuffed in there somewhere.
Actually, I quite enjoy cooking and cleaning. I feel it's what a women's role is (sorry, I do believe in gender specific roles in a family household.) I enjoy slow cooked meals in particular as they are easy, quick to put together and make my house smell delicious all day long.
Anyways, enough rambling. This is me. This is who I am. If you wanna get to know me, follow me, like my stuff and subscribe to watch my videos on YouTube. I just started it so give me a break. I'm new to all this social shit. I will try to upload my videos daily.
--> LINK BELOW <--
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a9saga · 1 year
Something about YG losing up to $130 million if gdragon doesn't renew puts a smile on my face. I feel some kind of supreme warmth and comfort.
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tugboatringo · 6 years
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alex turner, our beloved dumb fuck
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shimmertails · 7 years
I almost wanna start making weekly videos and just go for it, but I know as soon as school starts I’m gonna be immediately overwhelmed and slack on it a whole bunch, so I don’t want to create the expectation for that and then let people down. I think...at the very least, I can post like 2 or 3 videos in August. 
And maybe once I get into the swing of things at my new job, maybe in that time just before school starts, I can pre record stuff for September and go from there. Idk. I have a year of school left and it’s gonna be tough to juggle classes and homework and the like 5 student orgs I’m still in plus fencing and dancing, and a job and still squeeze in time to record and edit. I could barely handle all that minus the job this past year...which is why I’m dropping from like 8 student orgs to 5, lol.
I’ll do my best to put stuff out there, but realistically, it’s difficult to fit into my life after this point. I can be a real youtuber in like 10 months from now after I graduate.
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a9saga · 1 year
Had a dream last night someone was listing neopronouns for their alters and listed all i and j values, as in horizontal and vertical vector components accounting for their direction in space.
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a9saga · 2 years
tbt - the academy is... - we’ve got a big mess on our hands // bitch fuck yeah! 🔥💯
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tugboatringo · 6 years
“i don’t like meg white”
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