escinsight · 1 year
Changing Eurovision's Delicate Balance Between Jury And Televote
Changing Eurovision's Delicate Balance Between Jury And Televote
The system for allocating points in the Grand Final of the Eurovision Song Contest has been more-or-less stable since 2016. In that year, the points allocated by televoters and juries were split, with each country’s jury and televote awarding 1-8, 10, and 12 each, rather than having them combined. The televote and jury vote was equally weighted. The introduction of a televote from the rest of the…
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erregent · 6 years
kaiinos replied to your post: i’m retiring the cowboy hat for now but never...
oh thank fuck
y’know what. just for this i’ll bring it back
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whiskeyedlullaby · 6 years
kaiinos replied to your post: hank vc: fuck you, the get along shirt is a...
ares vc: fuck you and the get along shirt, wear it yourself
hank vc: don’t make me come over there you little shit.
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upgrcded · 6 years
ares puts his c––– carrot in his mouth
shove something in rk900′s mouth | accepting
 Giving a slow blink of greyish-blue,  RK900′S brows pulled together in a perplexed frown as the peeled vegetable is placed into his mouth. Bemused. The cool weight of it pressing against a synthetic tongue. The android’s gaze not shifting from that of his counterparts. Expression smoothing out, turning into what some might label as sly….despite how the blue eyes remained bright and open. 
Letting the flat of his tongue drag along the smooth underside, RK900 scraped his teeth along the upper surface of the carrot. Leaning forward slightly so it slowly slipped a little further into a synthetically warm mouth, pulling back equally slow before leaning forward again, repeating the move before moving forward once more and….sinking his teeth straight into it. Biting clean through the carrot with a sharp, crisp snap. 
Pulling completely back, he slid the bitten off end of the carrot out of his mouth with a mild hum. Examining the synthetic saliva coated vegetable, closing the distance between himself and the other android. Reaching down take hold of it’s hand and turn it palm up. Placing the bitten carrot half into it. Using two hands straighten Ares’ jacket, offering it a small pat.  ‘ You’re welcome.’
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buildaconnor · 6 years
A dull nail scrapes down the rk800's neck, Ares' pale eyes fixated on his finger travelling down the other's back. His hands find a comfortable hold on the android's waist and pull him closer. Quietly, the rk900 rests its chin on the other's shoulder. "You're far nicer like this," he hums, "When you're not constantly talking back to me with that horrible mouth of yours."
Sinday Shit | @kaiinos
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         Ares had him virtually cornered like this, his systems were barely out of low power and his joints were hardly reacting to his own commands. Why was he touching him? Why was he so close? Coin’s chin lifted as that nail grazed it’s way slowly over his throat, that lovely realistic adams apple bobbing as it passed, Coin swallowing thickly at the feeling. He didn’t like it. He was certain of that.          That Ares rubbed him particularly wrong with how in his space he was.          But soon there were hands on his hips, and a stuttered sound bubbled up in his throat, a protest perhaps? Certainly not a favorable sound, he couldn’t admit to that... Especially as that chin settled against his shoulder and those words fell out like daggers.  That horrible mouth? A scowl affixed itself to his features, as one hand managed to stiffly raise and connect to Ares’ hip, the other hanging loosely at his side.          He wouldn’t stay silent, even if his audio drivers had yet to warm back up. Head dipping slowly, pressing against the other android’s, there was a moment where it might seem as though he were about to nuzzle into him -- But no, instead, his nuzzling only found him purchase to bite into synthetic flesh, lips pressing flush as connection was made and flesh gave way to white damaged material on the lower half of his face, forcing Ares’ own to shift.          Interfacing in that moment, he let his thoughts spill into the mind of the horrible machine that held him in his grasp. I don’t like you. I don’t like you. Don’t touch me. Get away from me. Get away. Get away. STOP. stop. s t o p. Don’t let go. Stop touching me.Please be gentle I’m scared.D o n ‘ t t o u ch m e.
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iimposter · 6 years
@kaiinos liked my s.c. 
                ---- What a face!
                                                       Look at that face!
A strong, stoic jaw, a full rosy pout, and a pair of stern, earnest eyes that look colder than the merciless ice of the Devil’s very soul -- and, if that face wasn’t plucking at enough heartstrings, there’s that little, delicate flop of brown hair that curls just perfectly over the forehead. Intimidation and innocence combined. 
If Hunter didn’t know any better, he would think that this is what humans mean by art.
“If only I could detach your head,” he wistfully tells him. The heinous things he could get away with, if only he had those clean-cut looks and that unnerving stare. Humans would never dare to interfere. “If you weren’t looking, I would steal it this very moment.” 
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goddamnitconnor-a · 6 years
Even in the days when he hated androids, Hank was never exceptionally violent towards them. Sure, Connor caught the sharp edge once or twice—but he was always around, it was just a matter of time. But since the epiphany he had in that dark alleyway, the lieutenant hadn’t had the urge to so much as look nasty towards them. He doesn’t particularly care for them any more than he cares for anyone else ( not much, even by his improved standards ); it’s a comfortable neutrality.
Of course, that changed immediately when the RK900 entered the station.
It’s not that the android’s attitude tipped him over the edge ( although it’s nearly enough ), but he’s too stark and obvious of a reminder. There’s pain hidden in the way he treats the new office eyesore, but it’s not as if he’s looking for comfort. Just relief. Something to make him feel better. Even he’s surprised outright, nearly unprovoked violence, is the solution he arrives at, but it works and he’s not about to fix it.
Why bother stopping? It’s a common thought that runs through his head whenever the machine gets on his bad side. Not even most of the other officers and detectives ( still with a chip on their shoulder, no doubt ) are bothered enough by his behavior to speak up. And so he continues.
“I’m sick of your shit!” He knows the thing’s name, but he’s certainly never said it. It’s an imitation. An impostor. He feels it’s deserved when the back of his hand meets cleanly with an unfeeling, cold cheek. He won’t hurt it, but it still gives him momentary satisfaction.
“I don’t want to hear you were too busy to do it. What good are you if you can’t do your fuckin’ job?” His fingers curl into a fist for the next assault, driving straight into a stomach of wires and panels.
He’s worked himself up enough that his breathing is visibly labored, but it’s mostly the adrenaline. He gets so unbelievably angry just seeing the model walking around. As if it’s okay.
“Get the shit done or you’ll be going back to CyberLife in a matchbox. Got it?”
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detidgaf · 6 years
@kaiinos mentioned you in a post
@detidgaf​ winks with both eyes,,
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erregent · 6 years
          he feels weird standing next to it. 
          after three and a half weeks, you’d think gavin would get used to the hulking android standing over his shoulder at any given moment of the day, but fuck-it-all if the detective ever wants to get used to it. apparently, this upgraded connor prick had a lot to learn about personal space. fuck what fowler said, he doesn’t need anyone over his god damn shoulder. he doesn’t need a partner.
          “for the last time, i don’t need you to walk me home, you piece of shit,” he snaps as a light rain trickles on the sidewalk. his hair mats to the back of his neck. uncomfortable, but ignorable. they’re incredibly close to his apartment building and the rk900 won’t fucking leave.
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          “i’m a grown man, a cop, i don’t need a fuckin’ chaperon just cause it’s dark out.” 
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whiskeyedlullaby · 6 years
@kaiinos from x
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“Half wrong. Definitely attracts assholes, only explanation for Gavin Reed. Alcoholics,” and yeah, he’s willing to gesture to himself. He knows there’s no point denying it. “Job tends to turn us into it.”
“As for being kept around? The fuck if I know.” Hank frowns, though. He’s not a fan of this... thing. “Who’re you to be passing judgement anyway? You don’t know how this force works. You’re only here because higher ups caved to your goddamn company.”
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usurperr-aa-blog · 6 years
          head swims, vision failing the android as he stumbles into the professor’s frame - blue trickling down pale features as the android offers wesley a confused look, head tilting and led not wavering from its chosen red. a grey gaze lingers for a moment too long before the rk unit’s moving on, somehow finding his way to the men’s bathroom of the precinct. but not before he’s offered an unconvincing smile and a shaky “hello, wesley.” to the human. 
          he knows he doesn’t need to use the bathroom like a human would, but perhaps the straight lines of tile and cleaned surfaces were calming to the rk unit. maybe richard just needed to be somewhere with less people around - somewhere private to try and lower his stress levels from dangerously high ranges. 
           if wes chooses to follow the android into the bathroom, he’d enter to find richard hunched over a sink. entire frame trembling through the effort exerted in gripping onto the porcelain as hard as he’s physically able to in this condition. there’s blue staining both the sink and the android’s frame as synthetic skin flickers over damaged plating. chest heaves with breaths that the android doesn’t need as blue blood tickles from his frame and stains his clothes. 
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          “there--there’s nothing to worry about... here. wesley. you can--can carry on with your day--” // @kaiinos // a starter for u too bb
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313hunter-blog · 6 years
[ 𝚌𝚘𝚗𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚞𝚒𝚗𝚐_𝚜𝚎𝚚𝚞𝚎𝚗𝚌𝚎 for… ] @kaiinos
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❝ tch -- ❞
connor curled his lip slightly, knowing very well that he was not getting out of this one that easy. the newer model had a sight edge over him, though deviancy allowed the other android to learn via emotion and empathy. not just simply by his defaulted programming.
❝ you’re obedience will eventually be your demise. whether you deviant or deactivate -- ❞ he rakes his fingers through his dark hair, narrowing his gaze. ❝ and i’m staying right where i’m at to watch it all happen. ❞
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buildaconnor · 6 years
kaiinos replied to your post: “Don’t bite me, that’s rude.” / dabs
i hope you dislocate a shoulder while dabbing
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ofsnnshine · 6 years
kaiinos replied to your post: ray, sadly:     why wont gavin kiss my ass
because he’s busy kissing mine ;)
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erregent · 6 years
kaiinos he's so petty,,, i swear
erregent petty mayonnaise
kaiinos kjnkjnc stahp
kaiinos  a disgrace
erregent gavin: rk900 register your new name, petty mayo ares: i will murder you
kaiinos but he can't not do IT because especially before he's fully deviated there are some things he still has to obey like thatso "my name is petty mayo" while he looks like he's gonna snap gavins neck
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