notarie37 · 4 years
Another night alone?
ok, so Cinder had to go for her last late night work session, or at least that is there hope, (in other words, I might make another story regarding her late night shifts, not sure yet) So, this is what it must feel like for Kai...
Story Time~
The bed was a lot colder than usual, maybe he was just saying that because he missed his cuddles with Cinder. He rolled over and was- almost creepily, hugging her pillow, only out of comfort of course. He snugged his head into the pillow and twirled his fingers around, as is he was fidgeting with her hair. “i’ve gone crazy”, he mumbled while turning over for another time. Then, while he was lost in his train of thought of thinking of Cinder, knocks sounded at the door. “Torin, go to bed, i know your worried but she’ll be back tomorrow”, he expected Torin at the door once more, but a little voice was actually there,”dada?”. He sat up,”Lyneia?”, he went over to the door and at the bottom was little 2-month year old Kaitlyn chewing on her blanket, Lyneia, who was clutching her little minion stuffie, and Jaiden, who was holding onto little Kaitlyn’s hands. He sighed, but with a smile. “so, what’s the problem?”, Lyneia grappled onto Kai’s pant legs and mumbled,”can we all sleep together, mama isn’t back yet”. He paused,”Lyneia-”, she gave him the puppy dogs eyes, so did Jaiden, and surprisingly  Kaitlyn, but it was probably because her face was always so innocent. 
He sighed and scooped Kaitlyn into his arms, while the twins did a little cheer and hopped on the bed. Kaitlyn was snug in the middle of them three, and Kai had his arms wrapped around all of them. They fell asleep peacefully, and after a few hours of sleep, Cinder arrived. She sluggishly dragged her feet into the room and laughed to herself. She took a quick photo and squished herself onto their bed. Although it was a king sized bed, they were all cocooned in the middle, a lil happy family, of wholesomeness. Don’t worry, she didn’t forget to give each of her little children a kiss, including Kai 💖
Is it weird that I thought of this- during school? Ah, my life~
now, you, have a good day my fren- have a cookie 🍪
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