#kai hawkins — threads.
oculiaperticlausi · 11 months
the pearl — open
Kai notices someone stumbling. He somehow is able to close most of the distance between them as they trip. "Woah, woah..." He gently holds them in his hands. "You good?"
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littlelightningbvg · 1 year
@swiindlerfox continued from here!
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“No… I - ” She didn’t know what a Boogeyman was, but it didn’t sound like a very good thing. What if there were men that were boogey’s behind the door? She’d never seen one before, but she also didn’t know very much about what the other kids did during their experiments.
Kay’s gaze cut from the stranger, to the door and then back again, her mouth opening and closing. The man sure said a lot of funny words, none of which she understood, and she felt herself shrink a little, and wondered why the hallway was so empty all of a sudden. Had everyone gone somewhere? Were they both alone?
“I – I don’t know what a demon, ghost or… krip - kriptoids are, but I – I just meant that they usually want people to go in to rooms with other people. They always have the guards take us in places, we never go alone.” She never went alone, which was why it was so unusual for her to be roaming free. “I – I think in there is a lab room… do you have a key for it?”
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heartofasoldier · 10 months
kai's place of residence
w/ @oculiaperticlausi — kai hawkins
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It was instantaneous, the moment the door swung open to his apartment she was reaching for him, launching herself into his arms as the grief continued to roll over her in waves. The first few nights after the death of her best friend had been the hardest yet the moment Atticus left their home, she found herself uncomfortable in the silence. Throwing her shoes on she walked for what felt like hours before she ended up at the address that had been perhaps a little too easy to track down. Whatever words escaped her parted her lips in a strangled sob, as she clung to man that had once been her anchor whenever the sea grew treacherous.
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lucrezia-thoughts · 2 years
From Here to Eternity
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Chapter Twelve: Let Me Love You...
Pairing: Eddie Munson x f!reader
Warning(s): sweet & caring Eddie, goofy Eddie, Eddie pretending to be a dog (not seriously), Eddie being compared to a dog, Shakespearean comparisons, Steve having feelings, tension with Steve, Dustin being very confused about said tension with Steve, a possible relationship altering revelation...
Series Summary: You’ve just moved to Hawkins from Philadelphia in the middle of your last semester of senior year. On your first day, you end up enthralled by the freak of Hawkins High School…
Chapter Summary: Now that you’d managed to make it through the night without alerting Dustin to Eddie’s presence in your room, you still had to keep him blissfully unaware until you could get both of you ready for the day... but what’s gonna happen when Steve unexpectedly shows up?
☆Previous Chapter☆ |☆Bonus Chapter☆**| ☆Next Chapter☆
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The sharp beeping of the alarm from Eddie's watch cut through the quiet early morning peace of your bedroom and had you blindly swatting lightly at your boyfriend's wrist in a sleepy attempt to silence the sound. You couldn't help but smile when you felt his hand clasp yours and bring the back of it to his lips as the incessant beeping finally ceased. "You've gotta stop swatting at me, princess-" Eddie chuckled playfully as his lips pressed kisses against the skin of your hand- "that's assault, you know."
"Uh uh," you mumbled as you stretched leisurely before wrapping your arms around his neck as he wrapped his around your waist to pull your bodies closer together. "A one... one-handed slap that leaves no injury isn't enough to constitute assault- I learned that yesterday," you explained sleepily as you leaned forward to brush your lips softly against his in a gentle and loving kiss, "mmmmm... good morning.... I love you."
"I woke up with you in my arms this morning, baby, it's so much better than just a 'good' morning aaaaand I love you too, princess," Eddie quietly proclaimed with full sincerity before welcoming your kiss as his thumbs rubbed gentle circles along the sleep warmed skin of your back. "Oh, that's right-" Eddie grinned after accepting the subsequent quick pecks you bestowed upon him before you got up to gather his discarded clothes from your floor and pick out your own for the day as he laid back to watch you; clasping his hands together behind his head so he could rest against them on the pillows- "I almost forgot; my girl is a total badass who'll defend my honor from the villainous acts of scoundrels like Jason Carver."
"You're damn right I am," you quipped, tossing his clothes from yesterday unceremoniously into his lap as you wrapped your robe around yourself and laid your chosen clothes out on your bureau. Walking over to your bedroom door, you made sure Eddie had at least gotten up and pulled his pants on before you unlocked the door and peeked out into the hallway. Finding it, blessedly, empty, you hurried over to Eddie and threaded your fingers through his. "Come on, we've gotta hurry before Dustin wakes up," you whispered, tugging him behind you as you dashed out of your room, across the hallway, and into the bathroom. Quickly shutting the door behind you, you made absolutely certain to lock it before you set about getting a spare toothbrush for Eddie to use. 
The two of you had only managed to brush your teeth before you heard a hesitant knocking at the bathroom door. "Hey, Kira? You... you almost done in there?" Dustin asked voice still heavy with sleep. 
Turning on the shower as fast as you could, you called back through the door, "I actually just got in the shower, Fizz! I'll... I'll come get you when the bathroom's free, just... just wait in your room ‘til then, 'kay?"
"M'kay," he mumbled in response, and you pressed your ear against the door to listen for his shuffling steps back to his room and the sound of him closing his bedroom door before letting out a sigh of relief. 
Turning around to let Eddie know the coast was clear, you barely managed to bite back your surprised giggle when you found him curiously popping open various soaps, lotions, and scents, sniffing each one thoughtfully. You watched as he made his way down the line of products until he found one that made him do a double take. "You wanna smell like... kiwi lime kiss, babe?" you teased quietly as you walked up to wrap one arm around his waist and reach out with the other to turn the bottle in his grasp to face you so you could read the label.
"Actually, yeah, I think I do-" he grinned and turned towards you to burrow his nose into your neck and sniff at you obnoxiously- "it's clearly the one you use, princess, and I wanna smell like you all... day... long..."
"Eddie!" you gasped and giggled as quietly as you could manage with his curls tickling you as he nuzzled his face against your neck and punctuated his last three words with soft kisses along the column of your throat. 
"Princess!" Eddie teased, pressing a quick final kiss to your neck before he pulled back to start stripping down. "Come on, let's get washed up." Eddie climbed into the tub before you and held his hand out to help you in once you'd undressed. 
Doing your best to stay as quiet as possible, neither of you were entirely successful once you grabbed a bottle of conditioner and squeezed a dollop into your hand before reaching out towards Eddie’s hair. "Uh, princess? Just hold on a second there, baby... what're you doing? What is that? What're you putting in my hair-ooooh…" he all but squeaked out in fear, but it turned into a garbled moan when you scratched your nails gently along his scalp.
"It's conditioner, baby-" you whispered into his ear, biting back your laughter at his reaction as you carefully worked the product through his unruly curls- "it'll help keep your curls nice and soft and not so frizzy."
"Mmmm-" he practically purred, melting into your touch until your words finally registered in his head- "wait, frizzy? You think my hair is frizzy, princess?" Turning towards you, he gave you the saddest little pout as you quickly guided his head away from the stream of water to let the conditioner soak in.
"Frizzy isn't bad, Eddie, but the conditioner will help make your curls smoother," you soothed your boyfriend's ruffled feelings gently, maneuvering yourself so that you could finally wash the soap from your body. "Just trust me on this, okay?"
"It's not a matter of trust, baby-" he argued, pulling an errant curl in front of his face to get a look at what you'd put on it- "you just insulted the Munson curls. Think of how upset Wayne will be when he finds out! That kind of slander demands action, princess," Eddie insisted, lifting his hands to rest on either side of your hips ominously before he began to tickle your sides. 
"Nooooo, stop it, Eddie! I didn't insult them!" you argued right back between giggles, turning around again in his hold to shuffle Eddie back under the spray of water once more. 
"Hey!" he sputtered out indignantly when you turned the temperature too cold for a brief second before setting it back to warm as you urged his head back under the spray of water and combed your fingers through his hair to make sure all the conditioner was washed away. 
"Hey nothing! You said I insulted your curls when I absolutely did not and then you tickled me, and you threatened to tell Wayne! You totally deserved that," you insisted with one final gentle scratch to his scalp. "Besides, if anything, I'm helping you finally do them justice," you reasoned as you turned off the water. Stepping carefully out of the tub, you grabbed two extra towels from the closet along with Eddie's discarded pants and passed them to him before grabbing your towel from the hook on the wall and quickly dried off before wrapping your robe around yourself again. Quietly unlocking the bathroom door, you peeked out into the hallway to make sure it was still empty. "Okay, the coast is clear."
Threading your fingers through Eddie's, you tugged him back across the hall and into your bedroom before warning him to stay in your room. "I'm gonna grab us some pop tarts from the kitchen real quick. Please just... sit... and stay," you pleaded, barely managing to contain your giggle when he raised his eyebrows at you as he sat down on the edge of your squeaky bed. 
"Seriously, baby? I'm not a dog," he chuckled as he tucked the end of his towel around his waist and started to rub the other towel violently over his hair before you grabbed it from him and tossed it onto your bureau right next to the clothes you’d set out earlier. "Uh, princess, can I have that towel back? I've gotta dry my hair."
"You’re gonna make your hair all frizzy if you dry it like that and all that about the conditioner would have been for nothing. Besides, it's better for your curls if you air dry them," you explained before shutting your door carefully behind you. Tiptoeing into the kitchen, you quickly grabbed two pop tart packets and shoved them into your pocket before making your way back towards Dustin's room. Knocking on the door, you called out just loud enough for him to hear, "Fizz? The bathroom's free." 
When you didn't hear any movement from the other side of the door after waiting a few minutes, you tried to turn the doorknob and found the door to be unlocked. Opening it slowly, your heart swelled with love and your eyes filled with tears when you saw your brother fast asleep in the middle of his bed and curled up around the well-loved bunny stuffie you'd given him on his fifth birthday. Quietly waking over to his bed, you carefully sat down next to him and gently brushed some of his sleep ruffled curls away from his forehead. "Hey sleepy head, it’s time to get up."
Slowly blinking his eyes open, Dustin yawned before smiling sleepily up at you, "bathroom finally free?"
"Uh huh, it's all yours Fizz," you assured him and eagerly accepted the hug he gave you as you pressed a kiss to his sleep warmed forehead before you both got to your feet. Entering the hallway, you made certain to wait to open your bedroom door until Dustin had shut himself inside the bathroom. 
Slipping back into your bedroom, you couldn't help but smile when you found your boyfriend behaving just like a good little puppy; having remained seated exactly where you'd left him. "Aww, good boy, Eddie!" you cooed playfully. 
"Do I get anything for being such a good boy for you? Like... you gonna rub my belly, baby?" Eddie smirked at you as he leaned back on your bed, letting his towel hang enticingly low on his hips.
"Uh uh, not while Dusty is awake, babe... but... how about a good brushing?" you offered, fully aware that wasn't what he'd meant as you stepped over to your bureau to pick up the discarded towel and your detangling comb before holding it out for Eddie to see. Eddie's responding pout quickly morphed into a teasing smirk as he slid down onto his hands and knees on the floor and pretended to wag an imaginary tail as he head butted your thigh when you walked over to him. "Eddie!" you giggled his name out in surprise as he tried to nose his way under your robe. 
Holding the garment closed with the hand holding the towel and your brush, you used the other to push his head away from where he'd managed to part the fabric and was steadily kissing his way upwards from your knee. "Oh my god, you're so bad!" you laughed as you stepped away from him and sat down on the edge of your bed. "Alright, come on; let me brush your hair pretty boy." You didn't miss the tinge of pink that bloomed on the apples of his cheeks at your comment, but you refrained from commenting on it in favor of carefully drying his hair before you set about detangling his curls and letting your mind wander. 
It wasn't lost on you just how bashful your usually ostentatious boyfriend became any time you referred to him by a pet name or praised him. In a way, he really did remind you of a puppy; a pound puppy – a sweet little pup to which life had unfairly dealt a difficult and almost tragic hand. He was full of bravado and just enough eccentricities to make people keep their distance; but it was all just a self-preservation tactic. Deep inside, he craved to love and to be loved...
"Princess? Still with me?"
Eddie's voice pulled you from your musings as you felt the warmth of his palm sliding up and down your calf. Apparently while your thoughts had been spinning, he'd turned to face you and you couldn't help but lean down to capture his lips in a sweet kiss at his display of concern for you. 
"Not that I'm complaining, but what was that for, baby?" Eddie asked when you broke the kiss, eyes searching your face for any signs of what had been going through your head. 
"I... I just love you," you answered honestly and knew immediately it was the right response when a bashful smile bloomed on his quickly reddening face and he leaned forward to capture your lips in another kiss. 
"I just love you too," he murmured against your mouth. 
The sound of the bathroom door creaking open dumped a cold splash of reality over your bedroom and you and Eddie practically leapt apart to start really getting ready for the day; knowing that both Eddie and his van had to disappear before Dustin was done his morning routine. Pulling the pop tarts out of your pocket, you passed a packet to Eddie before ripping open your own as you set about getting yourself dressed.
With the looming threat of an unexpected appearance from Dustin hovering over both of you forcing you to move as quickly as possible, it wasn’t long before you were carefully tugging open your bedroom window so Eddie could climb back out. Tossing both his leather jacket and his battle jacket out the open window and onto the front lawn, Eddie cautiously climbed out of your bedroom. Both of you cringed slightly when his handcuff belt buckle scrapped loudly against the window ledge; but after a tense moment of waiting to see if you’d been caught, he finally managed to set both feet on the grass.
“Princess-“ Eddie smirked as he pulled on his jackets and turned around to face you- “I think we did it.”
Biting your lip as you looked back into your room to make sure you didn’t hear anything from the hallway, you were unable to suppress your excited giggle when you turned back around towards your boyfriend, “yeah, I guess we did.”
Taking a step closer, Eddie reached up to cup his hand around your cheek and gently brush his thumb along your cheekbone. “You know… this kinda reminds me of some Shakespearean shit right now.”
“Seriously?” you chuckled out, subconsciously nuzzling your cheek into Eddie’s hand, “just… how? How can any of this possibly remind you of Shakespeare?”
“I mean… I’m at your windowsill… we’re in love… and, like, your best friend’s guy is kinda like my sworn enemy…. so, it’s a little forbidden… it’s a little like Romeo and Juliet,” he explained, letting his hand fall away from your face as he scuffed the toe of his Reebok nervously against the ground. “Right?”
Leaning forward, you gently pressed your lips to Eddie’s in a soft kiss before whispering against them, “okay, yeah, it’s a little like Romeo and Juliet… but promise me you won’t go doing something stupid and get yourself killed, my Romeo.”
You could feel Eddie’s smile grow against your lips, “I promise, my Juliet, but only if you promise me, you won’t ever make me live without you.”
Pulling back far enough to look him in the eyes, you reached up to cup your hand around his cheek, “I promise.”
Leaning forward for another kiss, you froze when you heard the sound of gravel under tires swiftly approaching. Looking over Eddie’s shoulder, you felt your stomach churn uneasily as you watched Steve’s car pull into the Henderson’s driveway. “Shit… Eddie… baby, you’ve gotta go… like right now.”
“What? Why?” Eddie furrowed his brow at your sudden change in demeanor, turning to look around until his eyes laid on Steve who was in the process of getting out of his car. “Harrington.”
“Eddie, please… I’ll see you in first period… just, please… please go…just for now,” you pleaded.
With a huff, Eddie tore his eyes away from Steve, who had fully exited his vehicle and was now leaning back against it as he stared at you and Eddie with an indiscernible expression. “I love you, princess,” he vowed, kissing you quickly before talking off in the direction of his van.
“God damnit,” you cursed under your breath as you hastily shut your window. Picking up your sweater and backpack, you darted out of the house to confront Steve before Dustin could get to him. “Steve, what are you doing here?” you asked, slightly out of breath as you exited the house, making certain to shut the door behind you.
“Good morning to you too, princess,” Steve huffed.
“Don’t… don’t call me that-“ you warned, feeling a flare up of anger that he’d used one of Eddie’s endearments for you, but you did your best to force it back down- “and good morning… now will you answer my question?”
“Really, sweetheart? Don’t try to act like I’m the guy who wasn’t supposed to be here this morning,” Steve chided you, inclining his head towards your bedroom window.
“Keep your voice down,” you whisper-hissed, stepping closer to him to take a hold of his arm and lead him further away from the house. “I’m serious. Why are you here? I have my own car, Steve. I don’t need you to drive me to school, and Dustin doesn’t need you either while I’m around,” you tossed over your shoulder until you were far enough away, missing the look of hurt that crossed Steve’s face when you said neither of you needed him.
“Dustin’s the one who asked me to be here,” he finally answered you, looking pointedly down at where your hand was still gripping his bicep. “I answered your question, so you gonna let me go now?” You dropped your hand from his arm immediately. “Wow, you’d think touching me burned you or something,” he mused with a chuckle, but there was no mirth to be found in his voice.
“N-no, it’s not that… you just…” you began to stumble over your words but stopped before you lost focus. Shaking your head, you started questioning him again, “don’t deflect, Steve. When did Dustin ask you to come pick him up?”
“Last night, while I was driving both of you home because your new boyfriend got detention and couldn’t-“ he spit as he crossed his arms in front of his chest- “you were right there when he did it.”
“Well forgive me for missing one freaking thing, I was a little preoccupied when you drove us home last night, Steve,” you defended yourself.
“Yeah, sweetheart, I gathered as much,” he said bitterly. “Jesus, your whole world just revolves around him now, doesn’t it?”
“What? No!” you replied hastily, mind spinning as you tried to figure out where all Steve’s sudden hostility was coming from.
“Could’ve fooled me,” he mockingly echoed your words to him from the previous night.
“Seriously?” you asked incredulously. “What happened to you trying to not be a jerk about Eddie? I mean, what is your problem, Steve?”
“Just forget it, it doesn’t matter…” he sighed, unfolding his arms to run an exasperated hand through his hair as you saw some of the wind leave his sails.
“’Just forget it?’ No, you don’t get to just-“ you started to argue, but Dustin’s voice had both you and Steve turning back towards the house.
“Hey Steve!” Dustin called brightly as he exited the house until he took in the two of you; Steve with his hair disheveled, hands resting on his hips in frustration and you, body inclined towards Steve with your hand out, ready to jab your index finger into his shoulder. “Uh… is… everything okay?” Dustin asked, brow furrowed.
Both of you were quick to readjust yourselves and plaster on smiles as you made your way back to Steve’s car. “Of course, Fizz, everything’s just fine! Stevie-“ you could see Steve flinch out of the corner of your eye, and you fought to suppress your petty grin of satisfaction- “was just reminding me that you asked him to pick us up this morning. After everything that happened yesterday, I completely forgot… since, you know, I usually just drive us, I wasn’t expecting to see him.”
“Well yeah, but remember? My mom said she was gonna need your car today, ‘cause she’s gonna try to get your mom to go out of the house,” Dustin explained, and you could vaguely remember something to that effect having been discussed during Sunday night’s dinner. “And I figured you’d wanna spend some time with Eddie after school since you didn’t get to yesterday, so if Steve drove us you wouldn’t have to worry about dropping me off,” Dustin added innocently, and you brought your heel down on Steve’s foot to keep him from making a comment when you saw his lips part out of the corner of your eye.
“You’re right on both counts, Fizz, I do want to spend some time with Eddie since I didn’t get to yesterday-” you turned to toss a glare at Steve before you walked over to where Dustin was standing near Steve’s car- “and now that you mention it, I do remember your mom saying she’d need my car.” You playfully ruffled his curls before you tugged open the door to Steve’s car, tossed your bag onto the empty back seat, and got in; slamming the door shut unnecessarily hard as you willed yourself to calm down.
“Actually-“ Steve began, and you felt your stomach flip in fear that Steve was about to blow your cover, but instead he just shook his head as he got into the car and motioned for Dustin to do the same- “never mind. We’re fine... everything’s… fine. Let’s just get you to school.”
The tension in Steve’s car as he drove both of you to school was suffocating, and you knew Dustin felt it too. When Steve pulled in front of the entrance to Hawkins High, Dustin manually pulled open the door lock and left his lunchbox on the floor of the passenger’s seat in his haste to get away from the car.
The sound of Steve pressing the unlock button echoed around the car in the resulting silence. “You should go… you don’t want to be late.” His voice was completely hollow, and you could see him staring pointedly ahead from his reflection in the rear view mirror. You’d spent the entire drive to school wracking your brain for any reason why Steve, one of your best friends, was acting so cruelly towards you and then all at once it dawned on you… what if he had feelings for you?
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TAG LIST: @ruinedbythehobbit @crazyworldofsiani @urallidjits
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the-book-queen · 2 years
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Hide your wallets, it’s that time again! #TBQsBookDeals
Your Saturday thread of #romancedeals is ready, FREE to $1.99. Happy shopping! 📚❤
  FREE ✦ Not By Sight by Kay Lyons
Both are blind. He was only recently blinded during his time as a soldier, she's been hired to help him get used to everything.
Contemporary Romance (MF) | https://amzn.to/3EkVfKG 
FREE ✦ His Christmas Bride by Merry Farmer
Second chance. Ten years ago, she left him at the altar. Now he's a Reverend in Wyoming and she shows up as his mail-order-bride
Historical Romance (MF) | https://amzn.to/3hVxTnm 
$0.99 ✦ Up in Smoke by Kate Meader
Single dad who runs an engine crew has a 1NS, only for her to turn out to be the new rookie starting at the firehouse.
Contemporary Romance (MF) | https://amzn.to/3gl9QxI 
$1.99 ✦ A Princess for Christmas by Jenny Holiday
Princess visiting the US asks the hero, a cab driver, to be her personal driver for her trip.
Described as Hallmark-y but with heat.
Contemporary Romance (MF) | https://amzn.to/3EJ11XH 
$1.99 ✦ To Catch a Highlander by Karen Hawkins
After her father gambles away the family estate, she makes a scandalous plan to challenge the hero to another card game, with her virtue as one of the prizes.
I enjoyed this one
Historical Romance (MF) | https://amzn.to/3gp6ERz 
 Putting these lists together takes time. If you appreciate this content, please consider buying me a Ko-Fi. http://ko-fi.com/danielletbq 
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kyujosha · 3 months
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hello and welcome to my blog !! i'm kay ( twenty+ , she/her/hers , mst-07:00 timezone ) and i am super excited to roleplay with you ! my blog hosts characters from fandoms such as disney , dreamworks , and twentieth century fox as well as video games ! this blog does participate in dd:dne ( dead dove : do not eat ) and dark + mature themes . do not interact if you are under eighteen years of age . this is mainly for your safety .
carrd !! ;; interest tracker !! ;; thread tracker !!
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affiliated with ;; @palidinus // @pompedia // @seachant // tba .
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where to find me ;;
multimuse ( you are here ! welcome ! ) keith kogane ( @leadveined )
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currently active muses ( updated 06/22/24 ) ;;
jim hawkins
sarah hawkins
ariel nielsen
melody nielsen
eric nielsen
aladdin amari
belle dumont
rapunzel hanover
anna olsen
hiro hamada
tadashi hamada
cass hamada
mirabel madrigal
angel brown
dimitri sudayev
anya romanova
cale tucker
joseph korso
sinbad anvari
marina kamali
takashi shirogane
lance diaz
hunk garrett
katie holt / pidge gunderson
matt holt
sam holt
adam walker
james griffin
veronica diaz
landon kogane
krolia kogane
jack frost
alex chen
chloe price
sean diaz
sam giddings
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trackers ;;
inbox - 23/25 !!
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yikesharringrove · 4 years
Hmm what about Omega!Steve who plays around with all the Alphas. He loves the attention they give him, the need for them to have him, but yet they can’t. But it all changes when Billy comes around and not only him being the new kid, he’s also an Alpha and Steve’s so turned on by him. There’s a party that night and Steve puts on the slutties outfit he has and makes his move to Billy. Billy acts all hard to get, but still ends up having his knot in Steve that night (pls some filthy smut!)
I’m gonna combine this with this one:
Omega!Steve letting all the Alphas fuck him from his school and he’s known by that, but never lets them knot him for a fear of getting pregnant. So what about when Billy comes to town, who’s an Alpha, he wants Steve right away. And Steve feels the same. So when they fuck the first time, it’s so good for Steve that he lets Billy knot him and it’s also his first time getting knotted, so he’s so overwhelmed by it, but also really loves it. 
+ I always write male omegas as having intersex bodies, in case any of y’all have forgotten.
Billy’s first day at Hawkins High was complete ass.
At least all the hicks flocked to him, could smell the strong city alpha on him, knew he was leader material.
But he guesses there was one thing that was okay.
One thing by the name of Steve Harrington.
Billy had never seen such a perfect little omega, all big eyes, and pale skin and soft hips.
Billy saw him in the hallway between classes, saw him pressed up against one of the piss poor excuses for an alpha this town had. He was batting his dark eyes at the guy, was smiling so demurely.
And Billy wanted.
“Who’s that omega?” Billy was tracking his movement through the cafeteria. He was hanging off an alpha’s arm, a different alpha from earlier.
“Steve. He’s kind of a fucking slut.” Tommy was talking through a mouthful of meatloaf, Carol wrinkled her nose at him. “And I can say that, he’s my best friend.”
Billy was still watching as Steve pressed into the other alpha, smiling all pretty and sweet as the guy paid for his lunch.
And then Steve grabbed his tray from the guy’s hands, and made his way to the table, settling across from Billy. The guy looked fucking gobsmacked.
“Stevie, one of these days, one of those alphas is gonna get pissed that you did that.” Steve shrugged.
“I do it every day. If they don’t realize that by now, then that’s their fault.” Steve trailed his eyes up Billy, smiling all pretty when he reached his face, just the way he smiled at the other alpha. “Hi, I’m Steve.” he made his voice go all fluttery.
“Leave Billy alone.” Steve smacked Tommy’s arm.
“I was just being nice.” Tommy rolled his eyes.
“Stevie here, has a bit of a knack for getting alphas all wrapped around his finger.” Steve smacked his arm again.
“Literally, not my fault alphas only think with their knots.” Billy stifled a laugh. Steve smiled brightly at him.
“He’s got a point.”
Steve reached across the table to grip his wrist, and that’s all it took,
For Billy to be completely fucking smitten.
Billy idled outside the party.
Well, more like idled down the street a ways. He didn’t want any fucker to mess with his baby.
Steve had invited him, gotten all close and told him that Tina was having a Halloween party, and he’d love if Billy came.
Billy sighed, turning off the engine and making his way down the street, lighting a cigarette in the cold.
He’d always been a fan of a good sexy costume, but it was fucking freezing here, even in his jeans and jacket.
He pushed his way into the sweltering heat of the party, looking for anyone he knew.
He spotted Tommy, dressed as the fucking Cobra Kai, probably completely unaware that he was technically the damn villain of that movie.
Carol was all done up as some Madonna something or other.
Tommy clapped him on the shoulder and pushed a drink into his hand.
“Steve’s on the prowl tonight. Watch yourself!” He winked at Billy, pushing past him to dance with Carol.
Billy just watched the party for a bit, not seeing Steve anywhere.
And then, and then,
Steve was pushing through people, making his way over to Billy.
And he was wearing a fucking Hawkins High Varsity Cheerleading uniform.
“Hi.” He hugged Billy tight, made Billy nearly choke on his scent. “You look good.”
“Thanks. You too.” Steve pulled back, looking at him demurely.
“It’s Carol’s. She let me borrow it. Did my make up and everything.” He bat his eyes at Billy, made him realize he had dark shadow dusted across the lids, big long eyelashes.
“Nice.” Billy figured this is what Steve does, toy with every alpha that comes in and out of his periphery. He’d toy with him right back.
He took Steve by the hips, pulling him closer, smirking at him.
He noticed the way Steve slouched a little, made himself smaller than Billy. He doesn’t know if it was all part of the act, or a genuine omega submission.
“You look real good tonight, Pretty Boy.” He leaned closer. “Smell even better.”
And that did the trick. Steve’s scent when a little deeper, a little sweeter. A little more like slick.
“You know, I can barely hear you complement me. You wanna find someplace more quiet?”
“Nah. I just got here.” He reached down to pat Steve once on the ass, moving past him to join the party.
Steve was never far from him throughout the night.
He would hover in Billy’s vision, watching him darkly.
And Billy knew he’d end the night buried deep in the little omega, but he wanted him to know, that Billy doesn’t let little omegas play games. He has them when he wants them.
And when he wants them, he takes.
He was waiting for Steve outside the bathroom.
He had noticed him slip away and followed him up the stairs.
Steve’s eyes were wide when he opened the door. Billy just pressed inside the small bathroom, looking over at Steve when he noticed he hadn’t budged.
“In or out, Sweetheart. I gotta piss.” Steve bit his lip, closing the door behind them, locking the two of them in.
He had to make sure Steve still wanted him, give him the option of getting away now.
He undid his belt, so aware of Steve still watching him.
He grinned when Steve audibly fucking gasped at the sight of his cock.
He was big, bigger than most alphas, even. And here, in a shitty hick town where the biggest knot was probably half the size of Billy’s, he knows he’s got a lot to offer.
Steve was flat against the door when Billy finished up, tucking his dick back in his jeans.
The small bathroom reeked of slick. Billy wouldn’t be surprised if Steve was already leaking through the little shorts underneath the tiny skirt. He washed his hands, staring at Steve in the mirror.
“You want a ride home?” Steve licked his lips. His voice was shaky when he spoke.
“You good to drive?”
“Only had one beer.” that wasn’t a lie. Billy wanted to stay sharp.
“Then sure. Take me home.”
He led Steve out of the party with one hand on the small of his back. He dipped his thumb just slightly into the waistband of the skirt, just enough for Steve to feel it.
He opened the passenger door for him, went as far as to buckle Steve’s seatbelt for him.
He smiled to himself as Steve leaned into him, took a deep inhale.
He drove them out of the neighborhood, one hand on Steve’s thigh as he directed Billy to his house.
He walked Steve to the front door, wanted to see how Steve would invite him inside.
“You know, I don’t know about you driving him.” Steve pressed close to Billy. “What with that one beer and all.”
“I think you’re right, Sweet Thing.”
“Could just sleep here.” Steve wrapped his arms around Billy’s neck. “You can share my bed.”
“I don’t know, Princess. You’ve probably got lots of bedrooms in this place.” Steve kissed Billy’s cheek deliberatley, moving closer to speak low into his ear.
“Sure, but I’ll be in my bed. And I tend to sleep naked.”
Billy wasted no time, lifted Steve up and took him inside.
“Upstairs, to the left. You’ll know it when you see it.”
Steve was panting, and Billy could feel the slick leaking through his shorts.
“So wet for me, Baby.”
Steve pushed his hips closer to Billy, moaning in his ear.
Billy knew which room was his immediately.
Everything was soft pastel colors, delicate and omega.
The bed was huge, and covered in pillows and blankets and stuffed animals. A giant nest.
Billy tossed Steve down in the center of it, pressing his body over Steve’s.
Steve threaded both hands into Billy’s hair, kissing him sloppy, all tongue and teeth. Billy pushed Steve’s little skirt up, toying with the edge of the shorts.
“How mad would Carol be if I fucked you in her uniform?”
“I’ve already gotta get it cleaned. Ruined the shorts.” Billy huffed a laugh, fingers drifting between Steve’s legs, rubbing at the wet spot there.
He pulled back to slide the shorts down Steve’s legs, taking off his own jacket.
Steve spread his legs, trailed one finger up the underside of his little cock. He sighed, his eyes fluttering closed.
“Bet none of the alphas at that school know how to treat you. Bet they just knot you and leave you wet.”
“Don’t let ‘em knot me. Never taken a knot before.” Billy stopped for a moment, looking back up at Steve.
“Wait, you’ve been fucked before though, right?”
“Of course, I just make them pull out. I’m not on birth control or anything.” Billy blinked at him.
“So you want me to pull out?”
“I can do that.” He settled himself back between Steve’s legs, going for his neck, sucking and biting with he pushed two fingers into him.
Steve moaned, and Billy was uncomfortably hard in his jeans.
He was perfect, hot and tight, and so goddamn wet.
He began trailing down Steve’s body, mouthing at the strip of stomach under the uniform top. He settled on his stomach, pulling his fingers out.
“Wait, what are you doing?” Steve went all breathy on the last word as Billy licked a long stripe up his cunt, up his cock. He flicked his tongue when he came up, winking at Steve.
“What? Nobody’s eaten you out before?” Steve shook his head. “Shame. You taste like fucking Heaven.”
He stuck his tongue inside Steve, licked him up and down, rolled his cock between his lips, made Steve shudder and gush and cum, all over his face.
He wiped his face with the back of his hand, grinning as Steve panted.
“You like that?”
“A lot.”
“Told you the other alphas didn’t know what they’re doing with you. Knot hungry fuckers.” He was undoing his belt, letting his cock free of his tight jeans. Steve choked.
“How is it bigger?” Steve was staring at his dick with wide eyes. “i honestly don’t know where you’re expecting to put that thing.” Billy laughed, stroking himself slowly a few times.
“Just relax. I’ll make it good for you.” He kicked off his jeans taking his spot back between Steve’s legs. “You trust me?”
Steve nodded, and spread his legs a little more.
Billy grinned.
He started back with two fingers, Steve already relaxed from cumming on his tongue. It didn’t take long for Billy to push a third in.
He spread them, pushing through Steve’s slick, making him whine out.
He put one hand on Steve’s lower stomach, pushing down as he jabbed up with his fingers.
Steve nearly fucking screamed as he came like that.
Billy kept going like that, kept on until Steve was batting him away, eyes hazy.
“Want you.” His voice was shot. Billy pulled his fingers out, using Steve’s slick to coat his dick, lining up.
“Tell me if it’s too much. We’ll stop.” He pushed in slowly, reminding Steve to breathe when he clenched up around him.
He was fully seated, was gonna lose his mind if he didn’t fuck into this perfect heat soon.
But Steve needed a moment to adjust. He was taking slow breaths, his eyes closed.
He opened them, studying Billy’s face for a moment before a barely audible move.
Billy went to town.
Steve eyes were wide as Billy fucked him, rough and dirty, their bodies slapping together. He was holding around Billy’s neck, just trying to hang on.
The sheets were soaked under his hips when he came around Billy’s cock.
The most an alpha had ever gotten him to cum was twice and here’s Billy, got him at three and hurdling towards a fourth.
Billy’s thrusts were getting rougher, falling out of rhythm. He detached himself from where he was sucking bruises onto Steve’s neck to grunt in his ear.
“Gonna cum. Gotta pull out soon.”
Steve could feel his not beginning to grow.
His mouth watered.
“Don’t pull out. Wanna take your knot.” Billy groaned.
“Baby, are you-”
“I’m so sure. Want your fucking fat knot, want you to split me open, wanna feel you cum in me-”
Billy growled, shoving his knot into Steve before it swelled up, catching and punching the breath out of Steve’s lungs.
His vision went fucking white as he came, being stretched on Billy’s knot, being fucking filled with cum.
It made him feel sloppy and dirty and used.
He fucking loved it.
Billy was a dead weight on top of him when he floated back into his body.
“Oh my God.” He could barely move without the knot tugging, making him whine.
“Is that a good Oh my God?”
“It’s a fucking amazing one.” Billy huffed a laugh, one hand slipping between them to play with Steve’s cock. “Billy, I’m, I don’t-”
“Wanna get one more outta ya.”
“I don’t-” His voice had gone all breathy again.
“I know you can do it. Come on, wanna see.”
It was a small orgasm, just enough to wipe any energy Steve had right out of him.
He melted into the bed.
“How long do they usually last?”
“Few minutes.” Steve hummed.
“I like being knotted.” Billy pushed up in his elbows to look at him, smiling gently as he pushed Steve’s hair out of his face.
“I mean, just say the word, and we can do this again.”
“You think Carol’ll lend me this outfit again?” Billy laughed.
“No chance in hell, Pretty Boy.”
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handfulxfhearts · 3 years
So I was having a think. Obviously most of the muses on this blog are OCs, but I just wanted to make a big ol’ list of stuff I’d be interested in RPing as I realise I don’t really have any info on my page about what fandoms I’m in, or what kinds of things I like to RP. I used to have a whole verses page, but the more muses that formed in my brain, the more confusing that page got, so I decided to just dump it, and now this list can act as that page. Does that make sense? I dunno, the heat’s driving me crazy, man.
So here are the things I’d be more than happy to RP/have verses for:
- Cobra Kai - Death Note (NOT the Netflix adaptation, get that shite away from me) - The Haunting of Hill House - The Haunting of Bly Manor - LOTR/The Hobbit (not just for Thrandy, I’d love my other muses to get a chance to do a Tolkien verse) - Most Disney (obviously I RP Jim Hawkins from TP, but this goes for all my muses) - Harry Potter - Madoka Magica - Pretty much any and all horror themes/movies - particularly things like SAW, IT, Scream, Halloween, any ghost stories, things like that - Zombie apocolypse style threads - Vampire/Werewolf/Supernatural creatures... obviously I have two vampire muses but I’d enjoy some verses with my other muses - RESIDENT FUCKING EVIL - The Witcher (books, games or Netflix series) - Marvel - Doctor Who (full disclosure, I’ve not seen any of the new Doctor yet) Honestly, my interests are so VAST, this is just a small list, so please feel free to come at me any time you fancy doing anything like this. 
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chromium-siren · 4 years
Tagged by @vaderiisms who saves me from boredom
game → answer 30 questions about yourself, tag some friends.
Name/nickname: Alicia, my nicknames are Ali, A, and Jazzy for my love of vintage stuff
Gender: Female
Star sign: Libra
Height: 5′1
Time: 5:33 p.m.
Birthday: October 2nd
Favorite bands: The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, La Santa Cecilia, Selena y Los Dinos, Los Lobos, Blondie 
Favorite solo artists: Madonna, David Bowie, Selena, Yumi Arai, Meghan Trainor, Harry Belafonte
Song stuck in my head: Man Smart, Woman Smarter by Harry Belafonte 
Last movie: Girl Happy. The Elvis Presley Cinematic Universe is pretty formulaic
Last show: Cobra Kai
When did I make this blog: November 2016
What I post: RP threads, ask memes, random stuff
Last thing I googled: is loss of focus a period symptom
Other blogs: A blog for Hux @general-gingerbowie a Poe @spaceboy-dameron a cat blog @purrst-order and Finn @wxndu-finn
Do I get asks: Yes, but not often
Why I chose my url: it’s how I describe Phasma
Followers: 515
Following: a thousand ish
Usual hours of sleep: 7-8
Lucky number: 7
Instruments: Guitar, used to play violin
What am I wearing right now: gray shirt; pink, blue, green, and gray striped pants, pink robe, and yellow socks
Dream trip: Paris!
Favorite food: pizza, cheeseburgers
Nationality: American
Favorite song: Como La Flor
Last book read: Knits for Nerds
Top 3 fictional universes: Star Wars, Pepperland, Hawkins
Favorite color(s): Pink, silver, blue
Tagging: @traitoriisms @betweenthesinnersandthesaints @smallbeanfromspace @conniidel and whoever wants to do this
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heartsfought · 3 years
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introduction  ...
hi  ,  and  welcome  to  heartsfought  !  i’m  kay  ,  twenty-three  (  23  )  years  old  ,  i  use  she/her  pronouns  ,  live  in  the  gmt-7  timezone  ,  and  i’ve  been  roleplaying  on  tumblr  for  well  over  five  years  !  i  can’t  wait  to  start  interacting  with  you  all  !
please  do  keep  in  mind  that  while  i  am  technically  active  ,  i  do  have  stuff  in  my  personal  life  that  may  prevent  me  from  being  on  here  twenty-four  /  seven  like  before  .  i  ask  that  you  be  patient  with  me  regarding  this  .
all  my  muses  are  on  the  lgbtq+  spectrum  and  canon  divergent  ,  btw  ,  bc  fuck  canon  !
important  links  ...
rules  +  muses  +  muse  birthday  chart  +  interest  sheet  +  thread  /  ask  tracker  +  mains  /  exclusives  interest  sheet  .
trackers  ...
asks  ;  014  /  030  . drafts  ;  009  (  starters  )  .
muse  birthdays  (  december  )  ...
jim  hawkins  ...  dec.  22  ! sinbad  anvari  ...  dec.  23  ! cale  tucker  ...  dec.  30  !
update  :  from  the  22nd  to  the  24th  ,  i  will  be  going  on  vacation  to  disneyland  with  my  family  ,  so  sinbad’s  and  jim’s  birthdays  will  be  delayed  ‘til  the  26th  and  27th  !
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oculiaperticlausi · 11 months
fright fest w/ open
Kai can barely hear anything through the act but the altercation is one he can spot easily since he breaks them up practically every weekend at the club. "Hey," he shifts his way through the crowd, muttering excuses me until he reaches the person starting to yell. "It's not worth it. Come on, let's go."
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littlelightningbvg · 1 year
@athrecs gets a semi-plotted starter!
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Four knew she’d really done it this time. Her protest against using her abilities on Matt had left the guards to use brute force, and one in particular had taken it upon himself to up the ante for results. They knew they had certain limits and restrictions with Matt, but she was fair game, her parents signed her over, she belonged to the lab, and the people that worked there, didn’t care too much.
When she’d failed again to ignite a spark, arms crossed tightly over her chest, he’d made his move, swinging the butt of his gun at her face. The action wasn’t new, but the force in which it struck was. She heard the crack, and watched as the world went black before she fell. Waking up, she realized the world was sideways and figured she was on the floor. A searing pain screamed below her eye, swelling already starting, and the sound of a high pitched hum and muffled voices came in and out of focus. She could see through her one good eye that one of the guards had moved in front of Matt, just in case he tried to interfere. The other stood bending over top her, shouting and spitting commands, but not getting closer.
Shakily she put a hand out, and saw the blue sparks raging between her fingers, and knew right away why the guard was keeping his distance. It was the same conflicting reason she didn’t want to be in a room with people, despite how much she wanted to see Matt. The guard was scared of her powers, knew the damage they could do, maybe even seen it firsthand. Forcing herself to sit up, she swayed in her half-seated position, head pounding and vision blurry, her eye now completely swollen shut, blood dripping from both a cut where she’d been hit, and her nose.
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“Matt - ” Another noise erupted over the speakers, this one drowning out everything else, but not helping her aching head.
The guards reacted to it, and the intercom buzzed as they ran toward it, listening as they were given instructions, and soon they left with a quick word to them that she didn’t catch. Body trembling she lifted her hands up to her ears to try and muffle the sound, and looked helplessly at Matt. “Wha – What’s – What’s happ – happening?” she called out over the noise. The guards had left, but she couldn’t stop the worry that it had somehow been caused by her. They always said problems were.
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heartsfoughtmoved · 3 years
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introduction  …
hi  ,  and  welcome  to  heartsfought  !!  i’m  kay  ,  i’m  twenty-three  (  23  )  years  old  ,  and  i  live  in  the  gmt-7  timezone  .  i  have  been  rping  on  tumblr  for  over  five  years  now  ,  and  i  can’t  wait  to  interact  with  you  !!
this  blog  is  an  independent  ,  private  ,  +  mutuals-only  multimuse  featuring  muses  from  disney  ,  dreamworks  ,  and  other  franchises  !  all  of  my  muses  are  a  part  of  the  lgbtq+  community  !
important  docs  …
rules  +  muses  +  interest  sheet  +  thread  /  ask  tracker  +  mains  /  exclusives  interest  sheet  .
current  status  ...
inbox  ;;  016/025  (  not  incl.  birthday  asks  )  . drafts  ;;  000  .
muse  birthdays  (  july  )  …
belle  -  july  1st  . dimitri  -  july  5th  .
most  active  muses  -  as  of  july  12th  ,  2021  ;;
amelia  smollett
jim  hawkins
sarah  hawkins
ariel  nielsen
melody  nielsen
belle  dumont
hiro  hamada
tadashi  hamada
dimitri  sudayev
anya  romanova
joseph  korso
akima  kunimoto
cale  tucker
sinbad  anvari
marina  kamali
teddy duncan
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lordofthenerds97 · 5 years
Hey there! Can I request a ship pleeeeease? I'm 20, tallish, short, curly hair, and sometimes wear glasses. I love cartoons, art, and reading. I'm super OCD and have a lot of anxiety. I can be super awkward but also outgoing. I'm extremely sarcastic and have a short and explosive temper. I'm extremely protective of my friends and family. I love being outside and anything to do with nature!
Of course you can, hun!
I ship you with...
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You were on your way to visit your Uncle Jim. You were supposed to stay with him and your cousin El for three weeks 
He hadn’t been answering his phone for the last couple days, but nonetheless, you were on your way to Hawkins. You didn’t have anything to worry about. Right?
The top to your Camaro was down as you drove the sunny roads, letting the wind blow through your curly hair as you hummed to the mixtape your brother made you
You took your eyes off the road briefly to grab your cherry slushie and push up your aviators
When you looked back up, you let out a scream and slammed on the brakes, dropping your drink and whipping the wheel around
When you finally stopped, there were skid marks all over the road and your car was then turned sideways
You had a white knuckled grip on the steering wheel as you sat there, breathing heavily and trying not to panic
“What the he**?”
You heard your door being ripped open and you felt a hand on your arm 
You looked over to your Uncle, who looked a little worse for wear
“Uncle Jimmy?” you choked
He pulled out of the car and into his arms where you let out a sob, hugging him tightly 
“It’s okay, Y/N. I got you.”
He shushed you and began threading his fingers through your curls, something he knew calmed you down when you were on the verge of losing it
You hugged him tightly and let your tears stain his floral shirt
He turned slightly at the sound of Joyce’s voice
“Y/N? What are you doing here?” the woman asked as she rushed towards you. She took one look at the scene and then glared at Hopper
“That’s a good question, Joyce,” he said. “What are you doing up here, kiddo?”
“I...I was supposed to visit...you and El...” you managed to squeak
He let out a frustrated sigh and ran his hands through his hair, cursing under his breath
“Did you forget?”
He let out another curse which made you smile softly, still being held by Joyce 
You sniffed and wiped your nose on the sleeve of your rolled up flannel before taking off your glasses that were now askew. “What are you guys doing out here?”
The panic was slowly subsiding and you were able to think rational thoughts
“My jeep broke down...the engine might have exploded.”
You rolled your eyes at him
“Would you mind giving us a ride?”
You nodded and gestured to the car. “Go ahead. I don’t think I’m going to drive for a while.”
“Good. Smirnoff! Get over here!”
You winced at how loud his voice was and almost let out a yelp when another man emerged from the woods
He was handcuffed and wore a small frown as he approached
His eyes settled on you and his expression changed completely. “Is she hurt?” 
Hopper rolled his eyes. “You know I can’t understand you.”
“Hurt?” he tried again, his voice slow and unsure as he gestured to your shaking and tear filled form
“No, she’s okay.” Joyce said before Hop could answer
“Who’s this?” you asked nervously, hugging your arms around your middle
He took a few steps closer to you and inclined his head. “Alexei,” he said
You grinned. “I’m Y/N.”
“A pleasure, Y/N.” he said with a smile 
And that was how you were cajoled into helping them get to Illinois
Joyce gave you the rundown as Hopper drove. You were sitting in the back, content with Alexei while you dug your sketchbook out of your purse
It was something that always helped to settle your raging mind
Alexei watched curiously as your hand moved across the paper
After a few moments of him staring, you shifted a little closer so he could see what you were doing
He watched for a few more minutes before he spoke up. “Pretty...”
You grinned at him while Jim glared at you both from the rearview mirror. “Hey, Smirnoff, quit trying to flirt with my niece.”
When you finally got to where you were going, Jim tossed the keys back to you and led your small group up to a warehouse. After introducing yourselves and Hopper telling the man to open up, the door opened with a bang
You let out a screech at the gun that was suddenly swiveling between you and Alexei
You let out an annoyed growl soon after, placing your hands on your hips
“Listen here, son. I don’t know who the he** you are or where the he** I am. What I do know, is that I’ve had a rough day. I almost ran over my uncle, had a panic attack in the road, spent the afternoon dealing with the sexual tension between those two, and now, I have a freaking gun in my face. I’m certainly not in the mood for this s***, and I don’t need this kind of energy. So if you kindly get that gun out of my face, I will consider not breaking your arm in three places.”
Everyone looked at you in surprise. You had walked towards the man with the gun as you let out an angry rant, even shoving your finger in his chest when he was pressed up against the wall
He looked between you and the other two, raising an eyebrow. “I like her. Come in.”
You crossed your arms as you followed the group into the warehouse that he apparently called his home
“What’s your name, kid?”
“That was a he** of a speech, Y/N. Did you ever consider joining-”
“Leave my niece alone, Murray.”
About an hour passed and Murray set you and Alexei in front of the TV, which was playing Looney Tunes. You were happy to oblige until he opened his mouth
He had to make a snarky comment
“Have fun kids. The adults need to have a conversation.”
You raised an eyebrow. “Then you might want to stay here, Murray. I don’t think Uncle Jim would take too kindly to you eavesdropping on their conversation.”
He let out a snort and ignored you as he walked away. You, on the other hand, smirked triumphantly
You had found a bobby pin in your purse and quickly undid the cuffs that held Alexei, to which he was grateful
The two of you got to know each other as best you could, despite the language barrier
But when Hop tried to get him to talk, Alexei wouldn’t open his mouth. Without a few demands being met, of course
And you were perfectly happy to put your order in
An hour later, he reappeared with some slurpees, and food from Burger King. You happily began sipping on your own drink before taking out some fries
As soon as Alexei took a drink, he scowled, making you laugh at his expression
“It’s strawberry.” 
Murray quickly translated and Hop tried his best to stay calm as he explained, “There was no more Cherry. Y/N got the last one.”
And with that, you glanced over at Alexei as Murray translated. His features softened, but you took the drink from him and replaced it with your own. You took a sip and broke into a smile. “Good thing I like strawberry too.”
And that was it
From that moment on, Alexei was smitten with you
Anything else they asked him to do, as long as you were around, he willingly did it
He did it because he knew you cared. You did your best to accomodate him, even if it wasn’t exactly to your advantage. You listened to what he had to say and Murray was rather helpful when it came to understanding each other
You learned a few Russian words along the way, your favorite being придурок, which meant dork
That evening, Murray was dividing places to sleep. “Joyce, you can have the spare bedroom, Hopper, you can take the living room, and Y/N and Alexei can share the pullout.”
You raised an eyebrow at the connotations Murray was suggestion, to which he just grinned
You huffed and grabbed your duffel from the car, knowing you had some pjs with you. Alexei probably wasn’t going to be comfortable in slacks and a button down shirt, so you threw him a pair of large drawstring sweats
He looked at you in surprise as you walked out of the room to change
When you got back, you tapped on the door, waiting to hear his quiet voice
You stepped back inside, your baggy shirt covering the short shorts you wore
He was standing in front of the couch, trying to figure out how to get the bed out
You laughed at his confused expression before walking over and pushing his bare arm to get him out of the way
You pulled the bed out of the couch and he watched in what you would call wonder
He grabbed a pillow. “You take the bed. I’ll sleep on the floor.” 
Though you didn’t understand what he said, you knew what he meant when he began to make a small bed on the floor. You rolled your eyes and grabbed his hand, guiding him back to the bed
“As long as you’re not a bed hog, we can share.”
He grinned at you as you made yourself comfortable before settling down beside you. “Goodnight, little one.”
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screensirenfic · 5 years
Black Leather - Chapter 39
What happened next was so fast, I barely had time to register it.
Steve was on the floor; Billy throwing punch after punch down on him as he forced him to fall further into unconsciousness.
I was standing shell shocked, shotgun limp in my hand at my side, because after all this time; I still couldn’t do it.
I still couldn’t shoot Billy.
Then out of nowhere, Max sprang to action, snatching up a needle of Will’s sedative from a side table, and plunging it into Billy’s neck without a seconds hesitation.
Billy’s head spun to see what happened; his hand rising to pull the syringe from his neck.
“The hell is this?” He asked; already breathless and slurred, although I couldn’t tell if it was kicking in already, or it was just exhaustion.
He rose unsteadily to his feet; all thoughts of Steve abandoned in favour of confronting Max, only to stumble on the first step.
“Max— what— the— hell’s— ths—“ He slurred, only for him to fall to his knees, before collapsing on his back on the floor.
His eyes began to flutter; his consciousness fading, and I could feel my stomach clenching; guilt and fear and worry bringing nausea bubbling in my throat.
Max had no such reservations, snatching up Steve’s forgotten nailbat and wielding it over Billy’s limp form.
“From here on out; you’re gonna leave me and my friends alone. Do you understand?” She ordered; the same wild look in her eyes that he had just five minutes ago.
“Screw... you.” Billy managed to slur from the floor; the curse sounding weak compared to his usual profanity.
Max swung the bat, embedding the sharp nails in the floor inches away from Billy’s crotch.
“SAY IT!!! SAY IT!!!” She screamed, and it scared me how much she sounded like him.
“O—Kay” Billy mumbled his eyes struggling to focus on the very implement that nearly ended his womanising ways for good.
“I couldn’t hear you...” She continued; wrenching the bat from the floor to wield as a threat again.
“I... I under— understand.” He slurred; his eyes barely staying open.
“I... understand...” He managed to repeat, before falling unconscious completely; his eyes falling closed.
Max dropped the bat to the floor; exhaling with relief as if she didn’t know she had that in her in the first place.
To be honest; no one did, the shared mood of astonishment and perhaps even approval still buzzing in the air.
Not me though.
I was still frozen solid; my hands shaking uncontrollably at my sides as I found myself unable to tear my eyes away from the unconscious blonde on the floor.
Then I heard a groan; my eyes shooting across to a still knocked out Steve laid out flat on the floor.
“Shit!” I cursed, throwing my shotgun to the floor, before rushing over to him, falling to my knees at his side.
“Steve... Steve; wake up—“ I pleaded; my hands reaching up to grab his bloodied cheeks, fingers stroking blood slicked hair away from his face.
“Steve; come on. You can wake up...” I continued to beg; hands shaking as they stained red with his blood, tears starting to fall down my cheeks.
He didn’t wake up.
He didn’t wake up; goddamnit!
But I could still see him breathing through the rise and fall of his chest; the gentle sighs and moans of pain as we attempted to carry him to Billy’s Camaro.
Max had wasted no time in snatching up his keys from his jacket and beckoning us out the front door.
We may be one man down, but my dad and El still needed us, and one close call tonight was already enough.
We’d piled into the car; me having done a slapdash first aid job on Steve’s injuries, which mostly consisted of cleaning away the blood and some micropore tape.
I probably should’ve insisted I drove, but my nerves were honestly too frayed to have to refresh myself with gear shifts, and really; I just wanted to be with Steve.
I knew he was gonna be alright; that he was just pretty beaten up and he’d heal, but I felt guilty.
Maybe if I hadn’t of been there, Billy wouldn’t have taken it so hard on him…
Maybe if I’d just shut my mouth and did what Billy asked; this never would’v—
No; I couldn’t be thinking like that.
Billy was a manipulative, controlling asshole, and he’d hurt Steve, and goddamnit!
Why did the idiot have to be so fucking noble?!
Couldn’t he have just let me take my beating like a man just this once?!
“Mhmmm— Lo—Lola”
I could feel him stirring against my leg; the position probably a little more incriminating than preferable, but it was the only way we could keep him suitably horizontal in the car without risk of further head injuries.
His cheek was pressed to the inside of my thigh; a thin trail of drool spilling out of his mouth and onto my leg, but I didn’t care; I’d just tease him about it later if he got better…
When he got better.
“It’s okay; Steve. I’m right here…” I cooed, gently threading my fingers through his thick hair, and trying to ignore the sticky sensation of the blood that clotted there.
He moved his head, nuzzling further into my thigh as one hand reached up to meet my own, fingering at the deep gash Billy had left there.
“Lo—“ He groaned, shifting to sit up a little more on the Camaro floor.
“Shhh, shhh.” I soothed; my hands reaching down to brace him as he moved to sit more firmly against the cushion go my seat.
“Take it easy, buddy. You took quite the ass kicking back there.” Advised Dustin from the seat next to me; a can of gasoline sloshing in his lap.
“What— What happened?” Steve mumbled, rubbing his hand insistently at the back of his head, only to pull it away and find it bloody.
“It’s okay; Steve. Just keep still.” I comforted him, gently stroking his hair in a bid to get him to relax.
He really didn’t need to see that there was a thirteen year old behind the wheel; let alone that she couldn’t reach the pedals without duck taping books to them.
Steve panicked enough without the added stress of a head injury, and I really needed to keep him calm if we had any hope of seeing this plan through.
“Okay, you're gonna keep straight for half a mile or so, then take a left on Mount Sinai…” Lucas instructed Max from the front passenger seat, and already I knew all hopes of it going unnoticed was lost.
Steve’s eyes shot to the two preteens sat in the front of the car, one of which was driving it with the same sort of tense hesitation that came when you went out on the open road for the first time.
“Don’t worry. She’s driven before—“ Assured Dustin, but to Steve it must’ve seemed anything but reassuring.
“In the parking lot…” Mike unnecessarily added; still not over the fact that despite my apparent panic, I still hadn’t let him drive.
“That counts—“ Lucas countered, taking his eyes off the spread map of Hawkins in his hands.
“Oh my God—“ Steve groaned, reality dawning upon him and panic setting in.
“Steve—“ I warned; really not needing him to freak out right now, when Max was stressed enough as it is.
“They wanted to leave you behind — But me and Lola said you’d be cool—“ Dustin tried to explain, but only succeeded in winding Steve up further.
“Oh my God!” Steve openly panicked on the floor of the backseat; his position and the bumps in the road leaving him unable to do anything but complain.
“Steve—“ I tried to get his attention again, but it really was no use when he was in full blown panic mode
“Stop!!— stop the car; STOP THE CAR!!” Steve yelled, struggling as if to stand, but clearly being unable to in the moving vehicle.
“I told you he’d freak out—!” Whined Mike; his attitude really not helping in the situation.
“Steve; calm down—“ I instructed; more firm this time, because the last thing we needed was Max to crash the car because of his screaming.
“STOP THE CAR!” Steve continued to yell; all thoughts of calm abandoned in the face of sheer panic.
“WOULD EVERYONE SHUT UP I'M TRYING TO FOCUS!!” Yelled Max, taking her eyes off the road for a second to glare back at us.
“That’s Mount Sinai—“ Interrupted Lucas, drawing all our attentions back to the front of the car.
“Turn left — LEFT!!” Yelled Lucas, just as we were about to miss the turning.
Max spun the wheel to a hard left; the tires squealing as the car fishtailed into the turning, whipping wildly from side to side.
My stomach lurched, and I could hear Steve screaming as we drove straight through a mailbox, before swerving back onto the road.
It didn’t take long for us to reach the pumpkin patch; Max’s driving, reckless but fast, much like her brothers.
She revved the car into the near barren field, driving straight over the “Pick Your Own Pumpkin” sign, before emergency braking to a halt mere metres from my dad’s tunnel.
She turned the engine off and we all breathed a collective sigh of relief, pleased to finally be stationary after what had been a hair raising ride.
Well; all of us, except Steve, who currently looked like he was gonna upchuck all over the Camaro’s upholstery.
“Whoa!!” Exclaimed Dustin; an exhilarated smile on his face.
“That was—‘ Began Lucas with that same thrilled grin, only to be interrupted by Steve flinging open the passenger door and racing outside.
Steve puked all over the dirt outside, falling to his knees as he hurled up what must’ve been what’s left of this morning’s breakfast.
I climbed out of the car after him, reaching his side to put a steadying hand on his shoulder as he continued to heave and retch over his pool of vomit.
When I was sure nothing more would come up, I reached into my pocket, pulling what I was thankful was an unsoiled grease rag and handing it to him.
“Thanks…” He mumbled, wiping his face with the rag, before going to hand it back.
“Uhh… you can keep it—“ I declined, and I meant it!
There was no way I was taking Steve’s vomit home with me; no matter how many times he saved my ass.
I offered him a hand and he took it, before pulling him to his feet with a mighty heave.
He smiled at me; one of those grateful closed-lip smiled that made me melt inside.
I was so fucking thankful he was okay.
If something had happened, and it was my fault; I honestly don’t know what I’d—
“We should probably get back to the kids… Make sure they stay out of trouble…” He said, jolting my attention back to the mission at hand.
Gratitude could wait until later. We had rugrats to wrangle.
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ethereumhq · 2 years
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With so many new characters added since the last, we are BACK with a new voice meme. As always, participation is not mandatory but those who wish to play can post directly to the discord server in the voice meme thread. Without further ado:
 tell us where you’re most eager to travel in the world, or a favorite place you’ve already visited.
what is the best thing you’ve read this year? a book, a fanfic, a news article, a poem, anything that was unforgettable enough that you just need to share.
please let us know your favorite song of the year so far! if that’s too difficult, feel free to give us a few. no one would mind.
is there anything you’re looking forward to in the final four months of this year?
top film/show you’ve watched recently that you NEED to talk about with someone. like please please watch this i have feelings and they need discussed. 
name your emotional support villain/side-character/unsung hero of a series. 
alright pals, it’s time. read the entire character list. good luck. peace be with you. see you on the other side.
Yseult Cai
Howell ‘Howie’ Dalloway
Asher Kennedy
Orpheus Simms
Priscilla Flores
Nehir Aydin
Kai Pak
Zyrynd Spector
Alasdair Lambros
Hilda Santos
Sylvia Pak
Henry Lovell
Lysander ‘Lys’ Andora
Dusty Marsh
Xireli Silks
Birdie Baker
Elba San Luis 
Flint Mahoney 
Lee Packett
Gabriel Sato
Nadia Cattaneo 
Fenrik Skullglade 
Elisa Salaliphus 
Tristan Ward
Orlaith Rose
Lixin Zhou
Elias Velari
Rose ‘Ro’ Hawkins
Alexander Ives
*if we missed or misspelled anyone send us a DM! 
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