#kageyama tobiou
fym-daichi-dies · 4 months
kageyama, that closet is either made of glass or made in china because oh my god.
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THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR WRITING THESE MASTERPIECES 😭 these are my fav fanfics in the world i'm so serious. i really loved the way you captured their relationship, it's really realistic to me. IT MADE ME FEEL CRAZY FOR WEEKS. I'M STILL CRAZY. Hinata and Kageyama agreeing to prioritize volleyball is CANON. kagehina decade old situationship is CANON. anyway thank you for changing my life ily i always recommend them to everyone
Ah thanks for enjoying it as well! I don't even remember how I made them. I hyperfocused on it for 2 years and I haven't made anything better thus far. I'm sure it's because I read LN 12 and went ???? Over their relationship and felt dissatisfied until I wrote a whole analysis of it and felt satisfied.
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saint-oleander · 7 months
Writing patterns (tag game)
Rules: list the first line of your last 10 (posted) fics and see if there's a pattern!
tagged by @mari--lace - i'm going to go with a medley of recent work and my most recent translations, even if the stories were way older, sorry ^^'
I'm also skipping over my drabbles because those sentences are like, one third of the story
i. The thing was, there was a Cold Maiden that manifested in their neighbours’ house. [All the pins inside your fretted head]
ii. Oh, how he hated them. [Behind the counter]
iii. He put up his dark curls in a half-assed ponytail, rolled up his sleeves and picked up the broom. [Hauntings are our business]
iv. Back in Prague, tetička Pauline used to tell them about the golem. [Like silt in a pond]
v. Hinata Shouyou caught cheating on boyfriend Kageyama Tobiou: is the age of #kagehina over? [Trending topic which, as a social media au is an outlier and probably shouldn't be counted]
vi. “May I help you?” [All these words are sweet and meaningless]
vii. Ciri ricordava poco del suo arrivo a Hogwarts, dopo che la nonna era morta. [Ranuncolo e fiordaliso]
Ciri remembered little of her arrival at Hogwarts, after her gradma's death.
viii. Con la sua parte di eredità, Vanya aveva comprato un minivan, di quelli arredati per viverci. [Per evitare la fine del mondo]
With her share of inheritance, Vanya had bought a minivan, one of those set up for living.
ix. - Strega? [Quello che è rimasto]
x. – Mmh. [Write me well]
it appears that I mostly like my openings a bit snappy and dry, and also that I should get down to archive my stuff on ao3 definitively. also maybe that I should finish my wips
meanwhile, @fauna-a my sweet darling, if you want...
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wanderer-stan · 3 years
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kittynoah · 3 years
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my lonliness is killing me~ and IIII~ must confess~ I STILL BELIEVE~~ anyways here
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johzenjei · 5 years
Can I request a fic where s/o is a figure skater and hurts themselves at practice, and Kageyama has to go pick them up because their parents are busy? And he helps take care of them. Gn please and thanks!
Anon you can have the sun and stars too, this ask gave me the giddies
1,573 words
Kageyama Tobio
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How could this have happened? You couldn’t help but wonder.
Everything had started fine that day. You ate a good breakfast and left your house on time, you had aced a test in your English class, and your bus ride to the rink had been quiet and uneventful. It had been your best day in a while, so what caused it to turn south?
You had been on the ice, practicing your routine for a far-off competition. You had jumped and spun without any hesitation, without making a mistake. Your movements were smooth and calculated to the most minute detail.
‘Next is a salchow…’ you thought to yourself, though it hardly mattered. You moved on muscle memory alone, as you went into your jump. It was over as quick as it started. You landed it perfectly. “Nice, (s/o)!” A fellow skater yelled to you. You might have smiled, had you heard them, but you were so deep in concentration that all you could hear was the scratch of your blades on the ice, and all you could see was the smooth, cold, glassy surface beneath you.
Next was a quick turn. You pivoted your feet to glide into it when a sudden pain exploded in your right ankle. With a yelp, you toppled over onto your side, sliding a little ways before you were stationary, lying on your side, with the freezing ice delivering a painful chill to your exposed forearm.
It took you a moment to realize what had happened. A few other skaters came over to check on you. Questions on your well-being rang out around you, but you were still trying to process the turn of events. “I’m okay. I think I just turned too quick and too hard. Did something to my ankle. I’ll be fine.” You assured them.
You braced your feet to stand, and pushed yourself up off the ice, only to fall back down, hissing at the now throbbing pain in your ankle. “Or maybe not.”
Another skater helped you to your feet and across the rink, taking you off the ice and situating you on a bench. “Do you need anything else?” They asked kindly.
“No, I’m okay now. Thank you so much though. I’m just gonna call my mom.” You assured them. They left you to practice, and you dialed your mother. You held the phone with your shoulder, swinging your leg up over the other to untie your skates.
She didn’t answer until after a few rings. “(s/o)? What’s up hon?”
“Hey mom, I twisted my ankle during practice today. I can’t walk. Could you please come pick me up?”
“Oh my gosh, (s/o), are you okay? Does it hurt? Which ankle?”
“My right, it does hurt, though not as much as when I try to stand on it.”
“Oh honey, I wish I could come get you, but I have a meeting in ten minutes, I wouldn’t be able to get there, home, and back to work in time.” She said, and papers shuffled on the other end. “Have you called your dad yet?”
“That’s okay mom! I’ll call dad, it’s no problem. Good luck with your meeting!”
“Thank you, hon. I hope you feel better. I’ll see you later tonight!”
“Bye mom, love you.”
“Love you!”
The call ended, and you pulled the phone away from your head. “I’ll just call dad, then. No biggie.” You mumbled to yourself.
You pressed call, and waited. He didn’t pick up.
“What the heck dad?” You said, before it hit you. Tuesdays at the store were always understaffed, he must be really busy. He probably wouldn’t pick up the store’s phone either, so you gave up on calling him all together.
‘Who else would be free right now?’ You wondered. After a minute of thinking, you checked the time. Your adorable boyfriend would be out of volleyball practice right about now. “Couldn’t hurt to ask.”
You pressed the button. He picked up after the first ring.
“Hey (s/o)!” He sounded cheerful. Practice must have been good that day.
“Hey, Tobio. Sorry to bug you, but are you done with practice?”
“Yeah, I just left the school. Why?”
“So, funny story…”
You explained what had happened to him, short and sweet. You reached down to touch your ankle, but pulled your hand away when it stung. “Yeah, ow.”
He was silent for a second, before he spoke. “I’ll be there soon.” And then he hung up.
What does that mean? How soon is soon? Was he going to take the bus? All pointless questions to have, because even if you called again he probably wouldn’t pick up. He tended to lazer-focus on one thing, especially when it came to you. And you knew this well.
You tried to quell the pain in your ankle, to no avail. All you could do was scroll through social media and try to ignore it. You trusted Tobio would come, you weren’t worried.
You also weren’t worried about your injury much. There was no way you could have broken anything, and the competition was a ways away. You’d have time to recover, and plenty to practice afterwards. Besides, now you had time to study. Yay.
Around twenty minutes later, the doors to the rink slammed open violently. One girl under-rotated a jump in her surprise. You almost dropped your phone.
In the doorway, panting slightly, was your boyfriend. He scanned the benches along the sides of the rink until he spotted you. He hurried over to you.
His coach followed him in. “Jeez, Kageyama. Calm down, you’re disrupting their practice.” He said, which Kageyama ignored.
“(s/o)! Are you okay?” He asked, picking up your bag. He offered you his hand, which you took. “I’m better now that I can get home. How was practice, Tobio?”
“I’ll tell you later. Here, put your arm around my shoulder.” He said, shifting you to lean against him. He assisted you in hobbling to the door, where his coach still stood.
“Hi coach Ukai, nice to see you again.” You smiled at him, as he walked beside you out of the rink. “Hi (s/o), nice to see you too. Would be nicer if you weren’t banged up. What’d you do to it anyways?”
“I twisted it going into a sharp turn. I’ve never heard of anyone doing that before, which is embarrassing but also impressive.”
“You impressed yourself?”
“Yeah, a little.”
Ukai grinned. You weren’t one of his pupils, so you didn’t see him often, but he enjoyed talking to you when you were around. “Well, I’m driving you home, so you’ll have to give me directions.”
“And I’m staying with you until your parents get home.” Kageyama announced, looking over at you. You blinked once, before grinning. “Aww! You’re gonna take care of me? Tobio, how sweet!” His face flushed red. ‘He might explode.’ You thought. “Yeah.” Was all he could seem to say. ‘Is that cute? Is it weird? Do boyfriends usually do stuff like this or is this abnormal?’ he wondered. You could almost see the little gerbil in his head running double time on it’s wheel.
When you got to the coach’s little yellow car, Kageyama helped you into the back seat, before climbing in beside you.
The car ride was as uneventful as anything. You told him where to turn right and where to turn left, and he listened. You held Kageyama’s hand the whole way, your interlocked hands resting on the seat between you. Whenever you adjusted your grip slightly, he would tense, just a little. He was so cute.
When you got to your house, Kageyama helped you to your door. Ukai got out and leaned against the side of the car, making sure you both made it inside safely. Before you went in, you both bowed and thanked him. “No problem, kids. Don’t stay up too late. We still have morning practice tomorrow, Kageyama.”
“Right.” He said, with a small nod, before helping you inside.
The door closed behind you, you both stopped in the doorway to take your shoes off. As you did, you heard the coach’s car start and drive off. Kageyama all but carried you to the couch, before immediately leaving to go grab an ice pack and some painkillers.
You took the pills without complaining. Kageyama sat down on the couch by you, pulling your legs into his lap. He paused in between movements, to make sure you were still comfortable. He held the ice to your ankle, wrapped in a cloth. The ice felt so stupid good that you sighed at the contact.
“Sorry, did that hurt?”
“Quite the opposite.” You grinned. You were glad he was there for you. It meant a lot.
You reached over your head to grab the remote, before giving it to him. “Here, put something on. Whatever you want.”
The rest of the evening was quiet, aside from whispered jokes, and soft giggles. Eventually, you fell into a dreamless sleep. Dealing with the pain and walking as much as you did had exhausted you. Kageyama glanced over at you, almost wanting to get up and plant a kiss on your cheek. But he still had your ankle in his lap, and didn’t want to move it.
When your parents came home, they would find you both asleep on the couch, looking quite comfortable. They probably wouldn’t wake you, figuring you both need the rest.
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natsukitakama · 4 years
Headcanon : Karasuno plays at Animal crossing
Author note : don’t look at me I can’t explain it, I just woke up and thought it would be a good idea. Don’t judge me. Animal crossing is a good game, Haikyuu is good manga so it’s going to be good right ? *blush* I would gladly do some pt 2 about another high school : what about a series ? 
i do not own those gifs credits to owners 
Warning : nothing / Headcanon below since it’s pretty long
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Daichi Sawamura 
He wasn’t interest on the game to begin with 
it’s not like he doesn’t like video games but he wasn’t a big fan of the franchise 
I picture him to be a Sims’ person 
One day he studied with Sugawara who told him about the game especially the craft thing how he has to manage his island blabla
Next day he bought it 
One word : Perfectionnist. He wants everything to be symmetrical otherwise he gets stressed. 
He named his island from his favorite location 
he chooses his hemisphere since he didn’t see the point of lying 
Every resident get a personalized’s garden : all garden are supposed to represent each resident’s personality 
He loves atheltic resident but also one with a sibling personality 
There no much flowers on his island : just originals 
Terraforming a lot : his island doesn’t even look like it used to 
It took him time to get his full house cause he spends every coin on furniture for his island 
his decorative are pretty simple : he got a rank A only because he coordinates his furniture 
his native fruit is apple and he’s pretty proud of it 
He got five starts quite easily 
he always take care of his resident if they’re sick he will craft medicine for them 
if he got a letter from a resident he always make sure to answer with a gift 
He loves letting people visiting his island : he always helps them if they need something to craft something or even give them the furniture they need
He doesn’t buy much clothes he got the same clothes since the very beginning 
he works hard to complete the museum but still miss couple of fish : he never bought art cause he knows shit about it he needs to find aid on internet 
he always help Hinata by sending him item he needed 
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Koshi Sugawara 
Don’t tell me he’s not a fan of Animal crossing 
I picture him to play at it since the very first game 
managing an island ? Being a mum to his resident ? Should I give you another argument ? 
He loves it and tries to convince everyone to play at it 
You see those gorgeous pictures on Pinterest ? He is litteralye president of the compagnie 
his island and his house are PERFECT 
a lot of flowers and patterns 
Like Daichi he terraforms a lot so he could manage his island likes he wants to 
defiantly built a residence for his people with a good garden : he tries to make everything symmetrical cause he finds it good for eyes 
he definetly tries to have hybrid flowers especially cosmos 
he loves cosmos : he puts them everywhere on his island 
His house is a piece of art : he coordinates every room, each one has a theme. You definitely need to check his kitchen it’s awesome. 
His house is rank S+ 
When it came to his island : same energy. He’s the first one to get five stars on his island. He has literally created a city on his island 
he bought so many clothes : he got a very stylish character 
He wanted to have only sibling resident but couldn’t force some of them to leave : he felt so sad about them 
he got many arrogant resident but he’s fine with it 
He got a peach as his original fruit : he is so proud of it 
He always has medicine on his picket so he could give it to anyone who need it resident or friends who visit his island 
speaking of friends he loves visit his friends’ island to give them advice or to complete his furniture / cloth collection 
He helps Tsukishima to finish his fossil’s collection 
His museum is full of butterflies but he barely fish since he always have sea bass
He has Raymond on his island and tries to kick him out since he wanted to have Deidre but he felt sad about it
When he found some good outfit on his shop : he always sent a picture go them to his friends so if they are interested by them he would buy it for them (so precious) 
Asahi Azumane 
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That sweet boi 
he literally cares so much about his resident : always make sure to talk to them at least twice a day 
he got a lot of arrogant an athlete resident which he’s fine with it even if he felt sad cause arrogant resident are pretty rude sometimes 
His island and house are pretty simple he does not have much imagination 
he puts a lot of flowers and trees especially lily cause he likes them 
He got orange as a first fruit and always have orange whenever he traveled into special island : so he asks his teamates to get all the fruit
he got three stars pretty easily but still stuck at fourth stars and doesn’t know what to do to get his last star
he has crafted a big volley-ball ground with markings : it took him hours to do so 
Like Daichi when he got a letter from his resident he always made sure to sent them a gift 
he doesn’t make a residence but every people got gorgeous flowers around their house
he took too many screenshot : always trying to make a good caption with his resident or with his friends who visit him 
Nishinoya got into his island everyday for advice or just to chill with his friends while being on the phone with him 
He buys a lot of think : cloth, furniture, item and stock them just in case he would need it though he doesn’t have an outfit he just puts cloth 
his house got a rank A : like Daichi he is lucky he got coordinate his furniture cause his house is pretty empty 
His museum is pretty empty too he didn’t know he had to fish and catch insects during some months so he missed a lot of them 
like Suga he always give his fossil if it’s a duplicata
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Yu Nishinoya 
The only reason he played at it was because Kiyoko plays at it : he wanted to helps her and getting her attention 
he basically didn’t care about his debt or anything as long as he can help Kiyoko Yu is an happy boi
Well at first 
then he kinda became addict to that game : his own goal is to make the bigger sport complex on his island 
so yeah he terraforms a lot his island has one river and that’s it 
he barely got trees too 
there no space in his island : he completely full them with sport’s furniture  that’s how he got five starts 
His museum is full of fish he gives all his stuff to Kiyoko if he knows she might need it (same for furniture) 
He & Tanaka made a cool Karasuno flag for their island and everyone used it 
Like Asahi he got orange but he is super excited about it cause it reminds him himself 
When it came to his house he tried to made a replica of his own house : he got rank A 
He gets the habits of always being stung by wasp cause he didn’t know he could catch them 
he barely catches insects got it scared him (even in game) 
Suga always sent him medicine cause Yu won't heal himself (he claims he is super cool with it) 
He got an island full of athlete resident and he loves them : he always bought them sport’s furniture 
one day he found a gorgeous kimono and he bought it for Kiyoko but also for Hitoka 
Tanaka got to his island like 24/7 
Asahi visited ofently too 
he barely take cares of his flowers so he got plenty of them everywhere until Kiyoko told him about it 
he bought 5 scooters cause he thought he could use it 
there is apool in front of his city hall : he was supposed to move it like 3 months ago but it’s still here 
One day he caught a turtle and put it on his house : he was so happy to see it move (even if the turtle don’t walk) cause it was like his own pet 
He designed his own Karasuno shirt and wears it all the time 
Daily wrote something for his resident on municipal board : it’s always something to motivate them 
he got a crush on Isabelle he finds her so cute especially when she talks about her family when you’re expected information 
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Ryunosuke Tanaka 
Like Yu the only reason he bought the game it’s because he heard Kiyoko talked about it with Hitoka : he thought it could be a great way to get along with her 
he works 24/7 on his island so he could have a lot of furniture for her : basically his island was a mess until he realized he was supposed to work on it 
then he tried to stylish his island without terraforming (he was afraid he might fail) 
Unlike Nishinoya his island got a good amount of trees and flowers (he could thank his big sister for that she used love animal crossing so she gave him some tricks)
He got a pear as a first fruit he couldn’t careless : Kiyoko didn’t need it so
He’ll give his pear to all his friends though : he is not afraid of sharing 
He got Roses and he did everything to have all hybrid flowers so he could offers them to Kiyoko 
He is one of the first to pay all of his debt and unlock the full house yet he barely decorates it cause he knows shit about it : again he asks his sister for help 
He got rank B
Day-dream about having a date on animal crossing 
The only thing (besides flirting with Kiyoko) who excite him is the museum : his goal is to have It full (especially fish) 
That dude failed to chose the good hemisphere so he chooses the south one and got plenty of sharks : every teammates got to his island to fish sharks (except Hinata) 
Teases Tsukishima because he asks him his help to finish his tyrannosaurusaurus but gives it to him anyway 
Despite his lack of taste when it came to decoration his island is pretty good : He craft a big theme park / a municipal pool and a theatre 
His island is 4 stars (he needs more fence according to Isabelle)
his beach are pretty cool : he puts a lot of deckchair and ballons everywhere (to mimic a beach volley ground) 
He bought a lot of cute dress and kimono for Hitoka and Kiyoko 
Despite his hair being shaved, his character got pretty long hair 
His sister got a character but barely plays 
On his east island : he wrote with pattern “Hello motherfucker” he tbought it was funny 
Pretty lazy when it came to weeds : he got plenty of them but never took them off 
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Tobio Kageyama 
The only reasons he got to play at it was because Hinata told him about it : he claimed he will make the better island than Hinata 
So basically he bought just to fight him 
People were kinda shocked when they learned he plays at that kind of game cause they fought he was only interested on volleyball which is true 
but he heard Hinata praised about his volley ball ground and how his island is going to be the next volley ball’s island : it just clicked on his mind, Kageyama needs to buy it 
At first he was kinda disappointed he expected something which was volley ball related 
Then he saw all the things he could craft, all the think he could design, the power he has on his resident : he literally loves that 
He got cherry as original fruit and tulip as his first flowers 
Him and Hinata started a race to know who would be the first to have the full house, who would be the first the have five starts, which one got the better rank : everything was about competition. 
Kageyama worked hard on his house and island, he evens check on tumblr and Pinterest to got some good ideas / inspirations 
He even texted Suga about it since he was the first to complete the game 
Like Tanaka he didn’t terraform a lot just a couple of things so he could manage his island on a better way : he basically destroyed all of his cliffs to gain some grounds 
He built a residence for his people and tried to custom their garden 
He failed at making hybrid flowers so he just bought a lot of them and puts it everywhere 
I said everywhere : you couldn’t even walk without hitting a flower and seeing him write on caps “MY FLOWERS”
He got the better rank : Rank S 
but he failed to pay his debt, he is still currently working on the last one 
his island got 4 stars and he didn’t know what to do to have the last one 
He craft a huge volley ball ground with marks he puts chair everywhere to mimic rows : it looks real 
his beach is deserted since he put nothing of it 
he bought the huge Godzilla and craft the big robot because he is nerd (fight me on this) Tsukki used to be jealous about his Godzilla 
He barely cares about his resident : barely talks to them. 
So when they ask him if the could leave his island he is like : yeah ??? whatever dude but feel disappointed
He hates athlete resident cause they speak too much and too loudly he doesn’t know to behave with them. Besides he already has to work with Hinata.
he is a sucker for normal and childish resident 
One day he got a visit from Oikawa Toru and he visits his island as well : definitely the worst day of his life (let’s say Tobio hates lose especially on a “easy” game) 
He decided to start a race with Hinata about filling the museum : he was angry at himself for not being able to fish a stark while Hinata got plenty of them 
He got a lot of sea bass : he hates them 
He never got sting by a wasp : he is super proud about being able to catch them all the time 
He sucks with turnip he always had a low rate so he lost a lot of money but keep buying them cause Tsukishima made a lot of cash because of it (and he’s pretty proud of it) 
He never answers at any letters he got : resident, friends doesn’t care he only send a letter to Oikawa cause he teased him in the first place
He plants a lot of coin to have coin tree : Hinata was so impressed by it (+100 ego boost) 
Won’t admit it but love going into his teammates island while being on the call : he loves how easily he could talk without being ashamed or something 
Plus it gives him a way to tease Hinata even more 
Still sad of not being able to buy milk or yoghurt 
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Hinata Shoyo 
His mum thought he could be a good thing to have game to play with his little sister 
he doesn’t mind since it seemed cute it reminds him cartoon 
he doesn’t get the whole point of playing a game which seemed to be an adult life simulation (true Hinata) : then he saw the whole craft thing and how he could do everything on his island 
Then he was into the game 
He got peach and Cosmos as first fruit and flower 
He chooses Southern Hemisphere 
he played a lot with his sister but she just talks to their resident fish and catch some bugs 
He talks about the game with Suga and then convinced Kageyama to buy it just to fight him 
He was the first one to payback Nook thanks to his sister who fish a lot so she has a lot of money and just helps her brother (so cute) 
He tried very hard to have a good house’s decorating but he can’t order different color together he just bought everything he found cool : TV, Sports furniture, Video games. So his house hasn’t got a style. 
He got a rank C much to his dismay 
He made a lot of cash thanks to sharks
he tried to buy turnip but he travelled through times and they were wasted : he never tried to buy it since 
He terraforms his island a lot : so they have 4 parts, each one got a theme. 
He was super hyped by theme park so he decided to make his own one but was super disappointed to not being able to play with it 
He built a huge volley ball ground, he bought a ton of balls 
He puts all of his resident on a big part it’s not a resident though he just gathers them with a big parc so they could sit (it was his sister’s idea) 
finally he got a big part for his house so he could craft his own volley ball ground with a pool and deckchair and his big Godzilla (don’t look for logic there no logic here) 
He has only four stars cause he need to buy more furniture according to Isabelle : nonetheless everytime he found something good he bought it to put it in his house 
he barely bought clothes but will buy some cute kimono for him and his sister (she offers him a hero suit he wears it all the time) 
he used a lot of emotes 
he has a tone of hybrid flower thanks to his sister
he loves athlete resident and he tried to have a bunch of them 
he wrote cute letter and word on municipal board for them 
Him and Kageyama started a race to fill the museum : since he and his sister played at it it was easier 
He loves visit his friends’ island he even asks help time to time
he’ll gladly craft something for his teammates 
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Tsukishima Kei
He was the last one to buy the game : he found it childish, he doesn’t get the whole fame about it. To him it was just Sim for children 
Yet he bought it for two reasons : One because he wanted to be a part of the karasuno’s call (won’t admit it but he felt like he was left aside) Two because Yamaguchi told him about the fossil 
You see it coming : His numero one goal was to full the museum with fossils AND to have his own collection (such a nerd) 
He loves the museum and how they present dinosaur : he definitely craft a paleontology’s class 
He got pear as his original fruit and he is SUPER disappointed he expected strawberry until Yamaguchi told him he won’t have it. Definitely about to write a salty mail to nintendo like you could design a coconut (who’s ever wanted that anyway ?) but now a strawberry tsk 
Unlike Hinata, Kageyama he doesn’t feel like he has to prove something : he didn’t take part of the competition between those two but definitely teases them. 
He uses is intellect to predict good rate for turnip : he praised about how he made cash easily and how quickly he paybacks Nook. 
Not joking the dude has a lot of cash : like 4M thanks to turnip
Like Suga his island and house are very organized : each room as a theme yet his are more simple than Suga. He got a rank S for his house 
When it came to his island : it’s incredible how he linked all of his island, he craft some roads so people won’t get lost, each part of his island has a theme as well : He built a marketplace, he got his paleontology’s class, he got his sports’ ground, he got a playground, a gorgeous garden with a ton of hybrid, he even thought about an orchard. It’s very pleasant
He got his 5 starts quite quickly : again unlike Suga he doesn’t put a lot of pattern cause he thinks he doesn’t match quite well with the ground 
He is super proud about his beach’s restaurant
He likes chilling on his island with Yamaguchi or on Yamaguchi’s island : he will give him tips or advise if Yamaguchi asks for helps 
Like Kageyama he never gets stung by wasp cause he’s quickly enough to catch them 
He was so jealous about Kageyama having a Godzilla statue especially when he saw we could interact with it : He definetly bought it and puts him on his beach 
He bought a lot of clothes cause he has styles and doesn’t get the point of having the possibility of buying clothe if we don’t buy cloth 
He tried to act like he barely plays : but it already has 200h on it 
He got Raymond on his island and got along with him quite well : he received a lot of letter from him 
Basically he got along well with Arrogant resident but he loves normal and sibling resident though 
He’s not a fan of athlete resident so everytime he got one of his island he does everything to kick him out 
Won’t hesitate to check on internet so he won’t have any athlete on his island : it reminds him too much Hinata that’s a big no he already has enough with one
His character looks like him : it’s 100% a replica of him it’s very strange at first but his teammates were impressed
One day he bought a crown and sent him to Kageyama just because he wanted to tease him 
Like Nishinoya one night he fish a Turtle and put him on his living room cause it finds it cute 
On his birthday he got a strawberry cake by his mum in game : he was so happy (quite sad it was a furniture though) 
He won’t mind having a date on animal crossing but won’t see the point like “we could literally got to see each other physically” 
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tangyss · 6 years
Omg timothy is so cute!!!
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kakkoweeb · 6 years
Heartbeat, Kind and Dearest for the Love Asks!
Heartbeat : What fictional character do you love?
a whole bucketful! but my top 3 are my multi-fandom sons mink, shuu, and kageyama. they’re at 100 and then the next tier is like, 99
Kind : What Pokemon would you be?
jskfd i don’t really know much about pokemon but i met turtwig from the manga before, and then i played ruby recently and my first pokemon was a treecko i named gecko for some reason so, either??
Dearest : What item is most dear to you?
the ~secret~ place where i keep all my writing files + rant files! also internet connection because without it i wouldn’t be able to talk to any of you but that’s not exactly an item so
love me asks
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shoyousungod · 7 years
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Drew This two precious WHOLE OF CUTENESS to appreciate the cuteness of @craziiwolf ’s KAGEHINA
:“”“ ))) they’re so pure so cute I love em SO MUCH
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sapphicvevo · 7 years
tobiou-kageyamas replied to your post “It's not bigoted to have dating preferences and sexuality is your own....”
Just because you say trans women are women doesn't make it true. Lesbians are attracted to female body not female stereotypes. Do everyone a favor and stay away from lesbians.
funny how you blocked me right after replying like a lil bitch. trans women are women and you’re a fucking transphobe, so rot thanks xoxo
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asknarashikari · 4 years
Headcanons for when Tobiou and Hina-chan face off against each other after the time skip? I mean all of their friends feelings when Kageyama sets for someone else, and Hinata spike from someone else's toss? Sorry, my brains not working bc of this quarantine. I can't think for something good T.T
I’ve been keeping up with the manga, and I kinda agree with the current canon of everyone just being excited to see Kageyama and Hinata showing off everything they’ve worked for these past years, both while they were together and while they were apart. 
And in all honesty I think that for some of them, it’s been a long time coming. They’ve always known that Kageyama and Hinata are rivals despite being on Karasuno together, and this is just the long-awaited culmination of that rivalry. 
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adobetrash · 6 years
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Karasuno horror movie night! theyre watching The Conjuring 2 lmao (one of my personal favs) - based on @kageyama--tobiou ‘s horror movie night hc!
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wanderer-stan · 3 years
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『 𝐊𝐚𝐠𝐞𝐲𝐚𝐦𝐚 𝐓𝐨𝐛𝐢𝐨 』
hinata ver.  ▪︎   oikawa ver.  ▪︎   atsumu ver.
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sweethaikyuuhc · 7 years
Kageyama Headcanons
Kageyama can hold his breath for over a minute and it freaks people the fuck out when the go swimming with him
Most animals hate Kageyama expect his giant white Samoyed dog that lies next to him when he's doing his homework
His dog's name is Spike after Spike Spiegel from Cowboy Bebop
Kageyama's favorite anime is Cowboy Bebop
Kageyama doesn't play a lot of video games because he'd much rather play volleyball, but when it rains he entertains himself with Tetris and Puyo Puyo
Kageyama was bullied a lot in middle school because Kindaichi had spread a rumor that Kageyama was the reason that their friend, Emi, had moved schools
She had moved to Tokyo to get better treatment for an illness she had and she was close with Kageyama
Many thought that because of Kageyama's scary appearance, he was a bully and decided to try and "give him his own medicine"
Kageyama likes to do gymnastics and can do a backflip
He also has an older sister named Kageyama Mae who's a freshman in college
She was the captain of her female volleyball team at Shiratorizawa and brought them to Nationals
Kageyama hates orange juice
Kageyama didn't actually grow up in Miyagi, he grew up in southern Japan near the ocean so he swam quite a bit
Kageyama knows a lot about fish
When he heard that Hinata was talking about the fish Tobiou he was really confused because why would Hinata be talking about a fish
Kageyama really likes to scuba dive
If you can't tell, he really likes being in the water
Kageyama chose volleyball because the game ran in the family and also he has natural hand-eye coordination
His top three dream jobs go in the order of Professional Athlete, Athletic Coach, Marine Biologist
Kageyama is also weirdly good at science, mainly Biology and Chemistry
Kageyama's favorite animal is a Sphinx cat and he wants one very badly
If he had a Sphinx cat, he would name her (has to be a girl) Taffy because she looks like wadded taffy
Kageyama actually likes to read, but he hates being told what to read
Kageyama really likes adventure and action anime and manga
His favorite manga series is Black Butler (you can fight me on this)
Kageyama has a weird sense of humor but he loves clever humor
His favorite American comedian is John Mulaney
Kageyama also listens to Alternative because he can't stand Pop or Electronic
Hinata isn't the first one to hit Kageyama's demon quick, the first was Kageyama's cousin
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tagged by @witherwaxian 
Write 10 songs you like and tag 10 people
1) Kill Rock ‘n Roll - System of a Down
2) Where I End and You Begin - Radiohead 
3) Theophobia - ROAR
4) Cigarettes & Saints - The Wonder Years
5) Girl Anachronism - The Dresden Dolls
6) Once In A While - Timeflies
7) My Boy Builds Coffins - Florence + The Machines
8) Everywhere I Go (Kings and Queens) - New Politics
9) The Predatory Wasps of the Palisades Is Out To Get Us! -  Sufjan Stevens
10) Kingdom Come - The Civil Wars
@swaggin--dragon @dabestlance @tobiou-kageyamas @redred1100 @bleachstuck415 @spacemanthatispanandtrans @immature502 @onceinabluepaladin @fandomoctopus @gay-galra-boy
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