#kagami uchiha scenario
the-madara-squad · 1 year
17th July - 23rd of July
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A week to celebrate all members of the Uchiha clan! Share & reblog the event to your favourite artists.
Day 1 - 17th July 2023
Uchiha kunoichi/ Brotherhood Shine a light on the women of the Uchiha clan, art, stories, headcanons // the meaning of brotherhood/sisterhood for an Uchiha
Day 2 - 18th July 2023
The clan of love/ Uchiha Hokage  "When an Uchiha comes to know a strong feeling, it's as if a torrent is unleashed". Any and all things related to love, romance and passion // Any Uchiha as Hokage. 
Day 3 - 19th July 2023
Modern Uchiha/ Timeswap AU What would the Uchihas be like as a modern family in 2023 and how would they interact with the world around them // What would happen if the Uchihas from different generations got swapped around in the Naruto timeline?
Day 4 - 20th July 2023
Uchiha traditions/ Uchihas Online  Headcanons, art, or stories about the Uchiha Clan's traditions and customs, jutsu’s origin (including your original creation) // Imagine how the Uchihas would interact in the online world of social media.
Day 5 - 21st July 2023
Uchiha x shonens / Chat with Madara AI An Uchiha comes across an other shonen or an other shonen character meets an Uchiha *suggestion : demon slayer, one piece, FMA, bleach, Jujutsu Kaisen, dragon ball ect… // Use our exclusive homemade AI bot in this link and chat with the man himself, Madara. Share with us the convo you had with him.
Day 6 - 22nd July 2023
What if...?/ Uchiha x OCs Scenarios canon divergence ( *suggestions : What if the clan aligned with Madara? What if Fugaku had led the coup? What if they stopped the 9 Tails? What if Izuna survived? What if Itachi lived? What if Shisui succeeded? What if Obito never met Madara? What if Sarada was raised among her clan? ect ect…) // Introduce us to your OCs and/or self inserts who are paired with an Uchiha! use a picrew and our blank OC sheet to create your perfect pairing ! - Solo Picrew for OC : LINK 1 || LINK 2 - Couples Picrew : LINK 1 || LINK 2 - Solo OC sheet + UchihaxOC sheet :
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Day 7 - 23rd July 2023
Sasuke's birthday ! All about Sasuke! You have to organise the perfect birthday for Sasuke, what would you do? Who would you invite? 
!! RULES !!
1. Use the hashtag #uchihaweek2023 or #uchihaweek
2. At least one Uchiha-born needs to be the focus of your art : Main Uchihas : Sasuke, Madara, Itachi, Obito, Fugaku, Mikoto, Izuna, Tajima, Izumi, Shisui, Naori, Kagami, Sarada, Indra (yeah… technically not an Uchiha but he fathered them all!) Minor Uchihas : Inabi, Tekka, Uruchi, Teyaki, Yashiro, three unknown Madara’s brothers
3. Loose interpretation, and/or NSFW version of each prompt is allowed except inc*st and paedo***.
NB: incest concerns family relationship : parent/children, grandparent/grandchildren, sibling/sibling, first cousin/first cousin. A clan is different, by definition it's a mix of different family lineages which see themselves as descending from the same distant ancestor (in this case Indra).
4. If you need help to brainstorm your ideas, join our Uchiha Week channel in our Madara Squad discord HERE
5. Send us comments/asks/DMs or contact directly our mods @al-hekima-madara-blog and @margretesonigiri for more informations !
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pachu09 · 1 year
Okay hear me out: There is an ongoing rumor that Senju Tobirama and Uchiha Hikaku are a thing. (There are only friends though).
This was escalated because apparently the only Uchiha he is comfortable approaching in a casual manner besides his student Kagami was his Father Hikaku ( I made Kagami as Hikaku’s son). Tobirama even smiles at him. Much to the jealousy of one certain porcupine of a clan head.
Sorry if I took too long to answer. I don't know if you're craving for more jealous Madara fics but I had to take my time how to think up scenarios for this one...
Many thanks to @amaranthinius and @grimnisdottir because they gave me the plot for this mini fic?
Hopefully you'll enjoy it....
Tobirama doesn’t know what the hell the Uchiha Clan Head’s problem is. He wrongly assumed he's been making a nice rapport with the man for the last few months. But honestly, this past month, the man’s actions prove otherwise that they weren’t acquaintances let alone there’s a friendship to even develop.
Example; like right now. Madara’s latest temper tantrum had resulted with his friend flying away from the sheer force of Madara bumping shoulders with him.
“ Hikaku-san, are you alright?! “ Tobirama hurried to help his dazed friend to sit up. He patted the man’s body. Afraid that something must have been broken with how dazed Hikaku looked.
Hikaku stammers, “ I’m alright, Tobirama. Maybe Madara-sama is experiencing  a bad day, that’s why he didn’t see me and bump into me? “
Tobirama deadpan. “ Madara had this temper tantrum for a month now and it seems you’re always the target of his aggression. I don’t know what his problem is but this needs to stop right now!
Kagami looked up at his Father. “ Um. “ Hikaku looked down at his son and patted his head comfortingly. “ I’m alright, Kagami. There’s no need to worry “ 
Tobirama angrily scowled. “ This is ridiculous. It's obvious that he’s bullying you. Don’t worry, Hikaku-san. I’ll put a stop to that guy’s tantrum. “
Hikaku couldn’t even stammer a protest and he watch with dismayed eyes as Tobirama vanished using Hiraishin. He slap a palm over his face. “ Ugh. I hope Hokage-sama would stop those two from fighting. The Tower would be destroyed if those two came to blows. “
Kagami patted his Father on his back. “ Don’t worry Otou-san. I’m sure Sensei will finally put a stop to Madara-sama’s bullying of you. “
Hikaku looked in surprise at his son. “ What do you mean by that? “
Kagami shrugs. “ I heard Izuna-sama says Madara-sama is mean to you because he’s jealous. “
Hikaku paled in fright. “ I didn’t know he’s courting Tobirama! “
Kagami threw his Father a confused look. “ No he hasn’t, yet. He didn’t have the chance because you’ve been spending so much time with Sensei. “
HIkaku felt faint. No wonder Madara-sama is so hostile towards him! The man probably thought he’s seducing his intended!.
“ Right. Maybe I’ll make myself scarce when Madara-sama is nearby. “
Kagami plops himself down on his Father’s lap. “ Don’t worry about Madara-sama, Chichi. Sensei would make sure Madara-sama would listen to him..”
Father and son shuddered at that imagery. Anyone wouldn’t want to experience a pissed off Tobirama lecturing them. The ones who survived his lecture are still mentally scarred to this day….
Onlookers shook their heads in dismay that Uchiha Hikaku took a month to realize why his Clan Head was so hostile to him. He definitely deserved it for being an oblivious idiot.
Tobirama barged into the Hokage’s office with a furious scowl on his face. Hashirama and the other Clan Heads are surprised to see the younger Senju attending the meeting when he himself reported that he can’t attend today's session.
The Albino beeline straight to the frowning Uchiha Clan Head. “ You! What the fuck is wrong with you, Uchiha?! “ 
Uchiha Madara’s face became as smooth as a marble as he stared blankly up at the fuming Senju Heir. “ There’s nothing wrong with me, Senju. Maybe it is you who’s feeling under the weather for today? What with you rudely barging in this important meeting. “
Tobirama glared, seething. “ You know what the fuck I’m talking about, Uchiha. Why the fuck are you bullying Hikaku-san? Cease your childish tantrum because its hurting your own Clanmen! “ Tobirama was screaming his outrage at the other man.
Uchiha Madara slowly blink, dust his clothes off and stood up to square up the younger man. Tobirama had quickly stepped back in order to avoid bumping into the other man. ( They didn’t even notice Hashirama pulling out some snacks beneath his desk and avidly watches them as he opens a pack of mochi. The other Clan Heads stared baffled, exasperated and amused at their Kage’s behavior. )
“ Childish tantrum you say? I am not a child Senju to perform such juvenile action. “ Madara sneered at the younger Senju.
Tobirama glowered. “ Then, what the fuck are you doing to Hikaku then? “
Madara stilled, the blank terrifying look was back again, making Tobirama shiver in fright. “ I am simply reminding my Clanmate that he needs to mind his place and never touches what is mine. “ 
The Albino digested what the older man had said. “ Stop with the riddles, Uchiha. Why don’t you just tell Hikaku straight up that you find it offensive that he touched your property? “
Madara blinked, he cocked his head to the side and considered what Tobirama was suggesting. A second later he grinned delightedly as he agreed with Tobirama’s suggestion. 
“ And you wouldn’t mind being the witness between us then? “ Tobirama was surprised at the Uchiha’s easy compliance. He’s a bit suspicious, but if it makes Madara stop terrorizing his friend then Tobirama doesn’t need to interfere with the man’s way of apologizing to his friend.
Madara left for the nearest open window and arched an eyebrow at Tobirama. “ Well, what are you waiting for Senju? “ and he jumped to the next nearby building. Tobirama quickly followed after his heels. 
If Madara and Tobirama had only looked back at the meeting room where they came from. They could have witnessed that for the first time Hashirama had won a sizable sum of money from his fellow Clan Heads. The men and women are apparently left shocked that their Kage had somehow luckily guessed when Madara will make his intentions loud and clear. They eyed suspiciously their happy Kage who happily pocketed the gold coins they had tossed to him.
This man wouldn’t know how to be deceitful even if it bit him in the ass. So how did he accurately guess what will happen?
( Mito sneezes loudly, her dainty hand was too late to cover her mouth and nose. Touka snorted as she witnessed for the first time her friend’s loss of composure. She asks her Matriarch if she’s alright? The Senju Matriarch raised her head  to stare at the bright blue sky. “ Hm. You know, in Uzushio there’s a belief that if someone thinks about you, you’ll sneeze loudly. “
Touka giggles. “ That’s kinda dumb. 
“ Mito hummed and smiled dangerously. “ Oh I know for a fact that several someone’s are thinking of me. Maybe I need to visit my dear Husband to confirm what my assumption is. “
Touka stilled and sweat nervously. She didn’t even stop Mito from leaving the tea room. She shakes her head and prayed for those poor Clan Heads safety that would surely receive her wrath. )
Uchiha Hikaku was thoroughly enjoying his day off. Today, he had decided that he’ll take out his only son to eat at the Akimichi’s restaurant ( Kagami had an appetite when it comes to their barbecue . But he’ll be broke if he tries to buy it for his son everyday ). After they eat, he’ll get to train with his son for at least a few hours ( Tobirama-san is a God send for having the stamina to keep up with his little helion of a child ) and then they’ll get to relax at Home eating the exotic dessert that he and Tobirama-san had bought from their latest mission.
He was thoroughly enjoying eating his Gyudon when Madara-sama suddenly appeared in his peripheral vision. He choked in the lunch he’s eating and tried to hack the rice and beef that got stuck in his throat. 
“ Hikaku-san! “ Tobirama-san’s frazzled voice reached his ears. The man had even helpfully hit him on his back to dislodge the blockage in his throat. He’s pretty thankful that Tobirama-san had even handed him a cup of water to drink. 
After desperately chugging down the water. He nearly choked again when he saw that indeed he didn’t hallucinate Madara-sama standing beside their table. 
“ Uchiha, Why didn’t you help Hikaku-san!. He’s choking in front of you and you just watched boredly while he nearly died in front of his son! “ Tobirama snapping at their Clan Head nearly made Hikaku decide to throw himself out of the nearest window. Kagami safely cradled in his arms. He really didn’t want to come between these two powerful Men and besides its quite embarrassing that now they had the whole restaurant's attention because of their obnoxious behavior.
“ Stop nagging, Senju. We are here so that Hikaku will finally stop taking what is mine. “ The deadly glare Madara threw at Hikaku nearly made him whimper. 
Tobirama grumbled and sat down beside his eating student. He thanked and refused Kagami when the child offered him a bite out of his Katsudon. 
Madara stood menacingly in front of his Clanmate. “ Listen up, Hikaku. Senju Tobirama is mine. He’s not yours and never will be. I’m his suitor not you. How shameless of you to seduce him using your only child —”
Tobirama’s sudden spluttering made Madara pause in his tirade. 
“ What the hell are you talking about, Madara?! Since when did I accept you as my suitor?! “
Madara's deep frown clearly shows he’s upset. “ When you accepted my courting gifts, you idiot! “
Tobirama glowered. “ I don’t remember receiving such gifts! “
Madara opens and closes his mouth and then he facepalm. “ I bought you those expensive sealing materials that you needed to set up for Konoha’s sealing barrier. The high quality blue Kimono with the ocean pattern because you complained that you don't have any formal clothings or those delicacies that came from Mizu no Kuni that you are so fond of…”
Tobirama felt faint. “ I thought those were just friendly gifts from you? “ he weakly answered. 
Madara stared flabbergasted at the Albino. “ No. I would never give a friend expensive gifts, Tobirama. It is not in our Tradition. “ he quietly explained to the pale-faced Albino.
Tobirama swallowed with difficulty. “ I’m sorry, Madara-san for assuming that they’re friendship gifts. “ He flushed in embarrassment but he stared with sincerity at the other man’s solemn black eyes.
“ Does this mean Tobirama-Sensei would be an Uchiha for the future? “ Kagami’s innocent question had quickly broken the awkward and tense atmosphere. 
Madara cracked a smile at the child. “ Maybe? It's up to your Sensei though?. “
“ I…Yes, Yes Madara-san! You can still court me as long as you don’t change your mind or regret it? “ Tobirama rushes to answer. He clamps his lips tightly when it seems he’ll just promise anything to placate his Suitor.
Madara cocked his head in confusion. “ Why would I change my mind?. You’re the most beautiful man I have ever seen in my life! “ 
Tobirama blushes furiously and slowly covers his face in embarrassment. “ Not fair, Madara-san. “
Hikaku ate his Gyudon with a blank look on his face. By the Gods these two dramatic fuckers had ruined his entire day off. He internally cried, ‘ Why must they flirt in front of me? ‘
And indeed in his peripheral vision he could Madara’s thick arms possessively encircling Tobiram-san’s trim waist. The Albino was pressed against in front of his Clan Head with his arms looped around the man’s neck. Hikaku made a face; they’re even whispering to each other as if they had been lovers for a long time.
“ I can’t wait for their Wedding, Chichi! “ Hikaku deeply sighs and patted his son’s head. 
“ It would take a year before Madara-sama can legally ask Tobirama-san’s hand for marriage. The courting process is too long for us, Kagami. “
Kagami’s face fell with extreme disappointment. “ But I wanted Sensei to come live with us sooner! “
“ The Elders won’t allow it. “
Kagami cutely scrunched his face. “ Hmph. I’m sure Madara-sama would do something about them. “ Hikaku sighs again, it seems his own son was too enamored at the thought of the impending Wedding. He just hope that Madara-sama would be too lenient in his punishments if the Elders tried to protest about his Chosen Intended…
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kankuroplease · 5 months
but there are quite a few changes that you didn't tell us, Kagami Hokage?! Mada finally had her little boys too Cool? I think the two boys look like😚 Uncle Inari
I’m not a writer, it’s hard to toss out my “what if” scenarios 🤣
I’m a firm believer that Madara’s brothers surviving would change his life A LOT (for better or worse lol) and Kagami would have made an amazing Hokage. Not only would it show how together the Senju and Uchiha are, but it can also lead to a bigger villain arc with Danzo. Endless possibilities ✨
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raveneira · 10 months
hi, do you think when sarada awoken the mangeko (as much as i wish that trashy awakening wasn't real it unfortunately is) because of she cared for brto and was a die hard fan or was she just really upset that no one belived her and thought she was spouting nonsense? for me i low-key feel that it is the latter since sarada seems to have more concern for herself and the fact that she thinking that everyone denying her reality affected her so much to the point of awakening ms? it's still bad tho
Unfortunately if we're being realistic, nobody fkin knows what triggered it, there are two primary theories in the fandom and both are factually false
1 She was overwhelmed, everybody suddenly hunting/attacking Boruto, hearing Naruto was killed, her father not believing her, and finally her desperate plea for him to save Boruto is was caused her MS
2 her immense love for Boruto and fear of him being killed is what triggered it
Both of these are factually wrong, others may wanna live by Ikemoto's bs rules but Im not, Kishimoto didnt spend 15 yrs establishing this power up for us to just be like 'well none of that matters now cuz Ikemoto did different' stfu, the original creator >>> an incompetent assistant that constantly says fk what Kishimoto established in his own verse to make whatever bs plot/scenario he needs to work. In this case, he needed 'change Boruto's fate' and justify Sasuke leaving with Boruto for 3 years so he pulled that omnipotence bs and then made Sarada awaken her MS solely to convince Sasuke to believe her, there was literally no other purpose than that.
So for a memory refresher, why is her MS awakening factually wrong? because neither of the explanations people give are how the MS WORKS.
This is literally in part one where we're first introduced and explained to how the MS is obtained.
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Itachi says you have to kill your closest friend to obtain the MS which isnt a lie, but its not the entire truth either, but the general idea is the same as I will show here where we get more detail.
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Tobirama, like Itachi, are correct in their statements, but once again it is not the entire truth either because as we've seen several times the BASE Sharingan can evolve without feelings of hatred, but a strong desire to protect those dear to you, grief, and losing a dear loved one are all triggers for the Sharingans evolution, this is further proven by the fact that Kagami and Shisui never fell into the 'curse of hatred' and still had fully evolved Sharingan, Shisui even had MS despite wanting to follow a completely pacifistic path.
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Now lets go over the actual difficulty in how it is obtained, lets look at the databook first, I took the liberty of highlighting the relevant parts for those who like to stay in denial whenever this topic comes up.
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A cursed ocular ninjutsu only obtainable through great sacrifice.
Through the entire history of the Uchiha clan, it was rare for a member to be able to weild the Mangekyou Sharingan.
Here's the part I want you to keep in mind going forward because I WILL be coming back to it later.
Through the entire history of the Uchiha clan
Remember that for later, now moving on to the next point, ok so thats databook statements but what about in verse? the same thing.
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It was rare to obtain the MS, the clan would literally slaughter eachother trying to gain it to no avail because its NOT a simple and easy thing to obtain, otherwise everyone in the Uchiha clan would've had MS if it was just as simple as killing your own kin or being overwhelmed etc [refer to the bs reasons ppl give for why Sarada gained hers] but it actually took SPECIFIC requirements to gain, and we were shown what those were several times.
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I think you notice the common theme here, Obito got his MS from seeing his best friend kill Rin, his first love, Kakashi got his at the same time from the act of killing Rin by accident, Itachi got his from watching Shisui commit suicide, Sasuke got his after killing his brother and then learning the truth about Itachi and his clan.
The theme is clear, the requirements to awaken it are even more clear, there is literally no amount of gaslighting anyone can do to overrule whats literally been consistently shown in the canon danm manga by the original creator himself.
'Oh yall just wanted Sarada to be edgy like everyone else Im glad her MS was different' is the stupidest response to this, nobody said they wanted her to be edgy, they just want her danm MS to follow the rules that have been established for 15 years. Also Shisui wasnt edgy and he had MS, so I dont even know how anyone thinks thats a gotcha anyway, she could literally still be the loving Sarada she's always been and still get MS because hatred isnt the only way the Sharingan evolves. I dunno why someone actually thought that was a rebuttal, but it just goes to show how ignorant these ppl are about how the MS works and only care about things being 'different' instead of caring about the actual worldbuilding.
Now lets move onto Sarada, her base Sharingan, although lackluster, still evolved in a way that was consistent with what was set up in OG. She awakened her sharingan for the first time due to her years of pain and longing of missing her dad and then being overjoyed when she was finally about to meet him at last. This wasnt unusual because Sasuke awakened his third tomoe because of how overwhelmed he was that Naruto considered him a brother, his first bond, and his dear friend, despite Sasuke literally trying to kill him right now and cut ties with him, Naruto's sincere love for him made his final tomoe appear. This is why the base Sharingan evolving in this way is not unusual, as long as the emotions are strong enough and struck a cord with them, then the Sharingan will evolve.
This is not the same for MS though, it is a completely different eye with a completely different set of rules, this is why Sarada's awakening is complete ass and not only that but literally breaks the rules of the verse.
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Keep this in mind, she hears Naruto, her idol, the man who she aspires to be like, who at one point she wished was her dad, is dead, but not only that, she hears Mitsuki say hes going to kill Boruto. Remember this for what Im about to say next.
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This is several minutes after she was told Naruto was dead and that Mitsuki was going to kill Boruto, her eyes didnt budge when she heard Naruto was dead, nor did her eyes budge hearing literally EVERYONE is actively hunting Boruto now.
At the very least the news of Naruto's death was more in line with how the MS awakens, so if she heard that and got her MS from it then it wouldnt have been all that difficult to accept, but unfortunately thats not what happened, she just sat there and cried, no reaction to Naruto dying, and no reaction to hearing and seeing Mitsuki trying to kill Boruto.
So what did trigger it? her being overwhelmed? false because thats what she was in the panels I've shown, she had been sitting there for several minutes with all this chaos goin on around her and no MS, not even her dad not believing her is what triggered it, literally NOTHING anyone tries to say it was triggered it, your literally looking at the panels, her eyes didnt BUDGE.
So what did trigger it then? if none of that did it then what did?
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I shit you not, I cannot make this shit up, what triggered her MS was literally because 'Why cant Boruto ever catch a break?'
When I tell you my blood boiled reading that line words cannot describe the rage I felt because the total and I mean TOTAL disregard of everything, EVERYTHING that has happened to her dad, her idol Naruto, and Kawaki was infuriating because she NEVER asked why they cant catch a break, but now all of a sudden because poor Boruto is going through it right now all of a sudden its too cruel.
Her father lost his eye and got fatally beaten up by both Borushiki and Isshiki, Naruto was nearly killed by Isshiki and Borushiki, Kawaki was hunted down by Delta, Code, Isshiki, and Momo, Amado put karma back on him without his permission or anyones knowledge, Kawaki was slowly being consumed by Isshiki through his karma the same as Boruto was with Momoshiki and she didnt give af about NONE of that.
She didnt give af about ANY of it, know who she did tho? Boruto, in chapter 69 who is she telling Mitsuki she feels bad for being unable to protect? Boruto, who is she angry at herself for not being reliable for? Boruto, who does she want to get stronger for so she can help them more? Boruto. This is literally right after Naruto nearly died, Kawaki nearly died, and Boruto nearly died, but the only one she gave a danm about was Boruto.
So you want the real answer to what triggered her MS? Ima be real with you, its honestly anybodys guess because Ikemoto is so bad at properly building up and portraying things clearly compared to Kishimoto, you can see clearly what the MS triggers were for everyone I showed and it isnt up for debate, its clear as day, but Sarada? you literally have to friggin guess because it just pops up so randomly your caught off guard wondering where tf that even came from.
Im not even kidding I've reread this scene so many times and I can NOT pinpoint what the trigger actually was, the only thing I can say is that the turning point was Sumire telling Sarada the cause of everything thats going on, Sarada then falls apart more because 'This is too cruel, why cant Boruto ever catch a break' which again is complete bullshit but I digress...so then she pleads for her dad to believe her and help Boruto because he's innocent but Sasuke doesnt, this is supposedly where the shift happens because her eyes are hidden during these panels.
She basically tells her dad that even if none of this makes sense to him, just to please trust her and grant her this one selfish request, aka saving Boruto.
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Im not even kidding but...this is just so danm bad for her...like if I were to be completely generous and unbiased here then I can only make one conclusion from whats been laid out here and that is that her MS awakened simply because she desperately wanted her dad to save Boruto, she wanted her dad to do her this favor no matter what, she wanted him to do it so badly that her MS awakened.
That is the only explanation that can be taken from this, and that is why this is rightfully seen as the WORST MS awakening we've ever seen and why its a complete and utter disappointment because look at this shit, LOOK AT IT, she's just standing there crying and beggin daddy to help when she's had the chance to do something her danm self.
Remember earlier when she heard Mitsuki say he was gonna go kill Boruto? if she was that concerned why she aint go try to stop him? she heard everyone else out to hunt him too and yet she didnt try to go protect him from them either, I mean she could jump infront of Boruto to protect him from KK, she could jump infront of Boruto to protect him from Kawaki, she can abandon her mission to come save Boruto from Shojoji, but FOR SOME REASON she cant stand up and protect Boruto from all the people hunting him right now? her childhood friend this fandom swears up and down shes madly inlove with? she cant stand up and protect him when he needs her the most!?
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I aint sayin I wanted her to be the one to leave with Boruto hell no, but leaving with him and protecting him are two entirely different things, she could've easily saved him from Inoshikacho, Chocho would've definitely tried hearin Sarada out, Sasuke could've arrived and Sarada tries to appeal to all of them there, most likely Inojin and Shikadai wouldnt believe her, Chocho is her best friend so she'd know atleast something has to be wrong for Sarada to be so insistent, and Sasuke would be the most inclined to believe her because hes already witnessed something similar with the infinite Tsukiyomi, so is it really all that impossible that Ada, who literally has Otsutsuki dna, to mass brainwash ppl? Sasuke could've told Inoshikacho to leave and let him deal with Boruto and then thats when they discuss Sarada staying behind and Sasuke leaving with Boruto for the time being.
There was no NEED for MS to achieve that, all it would've taken is a little time and effort and CARE to make that ending WORK without having to throw in a forced af power up to justify it because you were too lazy to actually write something that made sense.
But if she MUST have gotten her MS before part one was over, I can show the best opportunities they could've made it happen at.
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Kawaki was about to kill Boruto, she tried asking him calmly what is going on but Kawaki just tells her not to interfere if she doesnt wanna die which shocks Sarada because this isnt like Kawaki at all, they were all friends and teammates and not long ago Kawaki was on edge trying his hardest to protect Boruto and now hes suddenly trying to kill him. Boruto told her to run but she refused and chose to protect him anyway despite Kawaki being serious about killing her if she interfered, however when actually faced with that reality she froze which resulted in Boruto saving HER instead and losing his eye.
This was a good place for MS to awaken because someone she thought was a friend is now trying to kill her other friend, her friend shes known since childhood and she cant understand why. She thought she could protect him but failed to be able to follow through and that caused her friend SHE was supposed to be protecting to end up protecting HER and losing his eye because of it. She's feeling immense guilt, betrayal, frustration, helplessness, and now she knows for sure that Kawaki really will kill both of them without hesitation.
However for this to work the scene will have to be changed a bit, Kawaki would knock Sarada out of the way cuz she isnt who he really wants to kill and then proceed to seemingly kill Boruto right infront of her before she can react in time to stop it, I say seemingly because Momo has consistently saved Boruto from otherwise fatal/irreversible injuries. Anyway after Kawaki seemingly deals the fatal blow, Sarada's MS will awaken, right then is when everyone arrives to restrain Kawaki, things play out relatively the same but only even more hostile since he apparently killed Boruto, eventually after their back and forth Boruto wakes up but its Momoshiki in control now same as the manga and he helps Kawaki escape the same way too, only difference is everyones not just shocked Momos helping but that Boruto somehow even survived, this is just another flex of Momos healing capabilities however.
Anyway thats one way she could've gotten MS that is consistent with the established rules of how the MS works.
The other moment that would've worked is the Boro fight, when everyone was getting taken out one by one and seemingly all about to be killed and Sarada was helpless on the ground after being crushed, that was more than enough reason for her MS to awaken as Boruto, Kawaki, and Mitsuki were all out cold and as good as dead.
Unfortunately neither of those happened, and thus were given the weakest, stupidest, most lackluster MS awakening in Uchiha history. Speaking of Uchiha history, remember that like I told you to remember? this is why.
A cursed ocular ninjutsu only obtainable through great sacrifice.
What did Sarada sacrifice for her MS? nothing, she sat there and cried and then begged her dad for help.
Through the entire history of the Uchiha clan, it was rare for a member to be able to weild the Mangekyou Sharingan.
THROUGH THE ENTIRE HISTORY OF THE UCHIHA CLAN, it was RARE for a member to obtain the MS
Keywords, through the entire history of the Uchiha clan, so tell me Saradas MS is bullshit deniers, why was it SO RARE for Uchihas throughout their ENTIRE history to gain the MS if all it took was being a little overwhelmed and scared? this clan faught WARS, children DIED loved ones DIED Uchihas [and Senjus] lived in constant fear EVERY SINGLE DAY and they NEVER awakened it it from that, not even through killing their own kin willingly to gain the power up worked, so please tell me how Sarada can just change something THATS NEVER BEEN A THING in the ENTIRE history of the Uchiha clans existence, please tell me how you think Sarada can just completely change history just by crying and begging.
You cant, because its bullshit and you know it, the MS was rare for a reason, it took SACRIFICE, it took LOSS, you didnt gain it by just sitting on your ass crying and doing nothing, being scared wasnt enough to trigger it, being overwhelmed wasnt enough to trigger it, fearing for your loved ones life wasnt enough to trigger it, but you want me to believe suddenly NOW it is? do you have any idea how disrespectful that is to the entire Uchiha clan to say that none of them ever had to die, they just simply had to be in a chaotic situation [which they were] and cry about it and boom, every single Uchiha could've had their MS easy peasy.
Gtf outta here man and just be real, her MS is bullshit plan and simple and it breaks the established rules of the verse created by Kishimoto himself. IN NO WAY is simply desperately wanting your dad to save your friend enough to awaken your MS, maybe evolve your base Sharingan, but not MS.
So yea to answer your question, the most accurate conclusion to be had from this scene, although factually incorrect for the rules of the verse, In Ikemotos verse however, Sarada's MS awakened because of her desperation for her dad to save Boruto, she wanted that so bad her MS awakened as proof of just how desperate she was for her dad to grant her request, that is the truth of what triggered it.
Im not saying this happened out of some romantic love she has for Boruto, no, but thats still her dear friend shes known her entire life, I dunno why ppl treating her MS awakening in reference to him means she loves him romantically...like I literally saw a tiktok recently where Sarada says 'I awakened my MS for you' and when asked why/how she saids 'Because I like you' and I was just like 😑 yea no wonder people keep defending this garbage, they really do NOT understand how the MS works at all. Out of all the Uchiha's we've seen awaken MS, Obito was the only one who did out of romantic love, the rest was familiar or platonic love, so why her MS awakening is somehow proof of her romantic love for him that till this day is still unconfirmed is beyond me but whatever, these ppl will stay delusional no matter what the facts same so yea, I hope this was able to answer your question.
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kiigan · 3 months
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nsfw headcanons @multi-cannon-rp requested: body — what is their favorite body part of theirs? of their partner(s)'? are there any specific body parts they like to pay special attention to (ex. feet, hands, ass, etc)? where are their erogenous zones? where are they most sensitive?
Already answered [here]!
fantasy — do they have any sexual fantasies they'd like to try out? have they ever gotten to act on a sexual fantasy? [also tagging @kagami--uchiha who requested the same one!]
ㅤHmmm this is a bit of a trick question, because Itachi is one for ideals far more than fantasies - and, even in intimacy, fantasies would be more romantic than sexual. He's a softie okay lmao. Something like having his partner with him in a world where everything is peaceful and all his loved ones are safe and happy and thriving? Peak fantasy here. Peak goals. Peak endgame.
ㅤWith that said, whereas they might not be a fantasy in the typical sense (as in, erotic images or thoughts to daydream about or to turn to during intimacy), there are some spicy scenarios he might easily get interested in. For example - polyamory. This is something he would be okay with, provided there is a strong bond and respect and trust among all parts involved. And, considering he himself is very much on the submissive side during intimacy, if it happened to be with (for example) two dominant partners? That would be a chef's kiss scenario.
ㅤAnd another example, kinda related to the previous one: the good ol' mixing business with pleasure. His partner(s) going to find him at his ANBU office, or even the Hokage office depending on the verse, or even right before an important Akatsuki assignment? To push the mountain of scrolls and mission reports and documents off the desk and get stuff done right there and then, before somebody else walks in on them? Also a chef's kiss scenario.
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soap-lady · 2 years
Yes, I know I’m late again but in my defense, I’m exhausted.
Hey guys!
If you’re still reading WO, I’m incredibly impressed. This is the second month in a row that I’ve been late but I’m tired. Work is kicking my butt, there’s some real life problems with a friend’s dad and I’m planning a vacation. So it’s been hard to focus on fanfiction. Sorry, guys.
Thanks as always to @arylace
@fantasiame, @g-arya, @lavenderjunes, @charlietheepic7, @ahenix, @delectablycoolscientist, @kaseykay17, @vio-march-0327, @mewwitch, @vixen-uchiha, @coolspidermanmusicflower, @lady-bee-fechin, @raeuberprinzessin, @symwinter, @frieddonutsweets, @seraphkitty, @friendsofthefairies, @nickristus-dreamer, @khneltea, @jumpingjoy82, @fan-written, @woe-is-me0,@corporeal-terrestrial, @queenmjean, @theymakeupfairies, @dorkus-minimus, @idk-j-go-with-it, @aespades, @swiftie-miraculer13,@moongoddesskiana, @arty-shadow-morningstar, @ahalloweengirl, @the-navistar-carol, @bigpicklebananatree, @novicevoice, @nerd-nowandforever, @certainmuffinbagelcalzone, @irontimetravelflower, @jjmjjktth, @dopefestsuit, @morning-wolf-designs, @alcoholic-barney, @just-living5, @chocolatecatstheron, @another-cancer, @hammalammadamdam, @ichigorose
Worthy Opponent Chapter Twenty-one
Nathalie was going to make a full recovery.
Adrien had heard it at least five times from various members of hospital staff. He’d heard it from a doctor, two nurses, and the paramedics who had brought her in. Adrien had insisted on going  with her to the hospital and no one bothered to object.
He sat in a white, uncomfortable plastic chair and waited for someone to tell him Nathalie could go home. Or…gone. Or she was going to be fine but needed to stay at the hospital for observation.
That scenario was the most likely but at least it wasn’t the worst case scenario.
He dearly wanted to fidget; move around, sneak something out of the snack machine or find a quiet bathroom and scream into the void. Of course, he couldn’t. He was Adrien Agreste, Face of The Brand. Well, at least Kagami was on set during modeling shoots to glare Lila away. Fortunately, he hadn’t had a shoot with her in over a month and he had plenty of cute shots of him and his girlfriend to post online. Now Lila couldn’t claim to be his girlfriend, especially if Father wanted to keep Mme.Tsurugi happy.
Father hadn’t even called. Adrien thought the woman who ran their lives deserved at least a call asking for a status update.
He had Nathalie’s phone and tablet with him. He knew how important schedules were to his father. Gabriel Agreste needed every minute planned for himself and his son. Heaven forbid something happened to him and the schedule was off by a nanosecond. Why, Father might not know where his son is for nearly thirty seconds! The horror! The scandal!
He almost laughed and then stopped himself. He knew why his father wanted him scheduled every minute of every day. It was because Mom went missing and Father was afraid his son would go missing too. Mom rarely if ever kept to a schedule; she chided Father when he tried and even their occasional disagreements were cute.  Mom was kind and sweet but she had a stubborn streak and a temper that would shut his father down.
A smart man, his father had told him once, knows how to say, “Yes, Dear” and shut his mouth. That is, if he wants to stay married.
He’d laughed at the time, but didn’t feel like laughing now.
Because Nathalie had the same condition, the exact same that Mom did; pale skin, lack of energy, and dizzy spells right before passing out. Was it communicable or had Father hired Nathalie so he could study her condition and find a cure for Mom?
His thoughts looped in on one another and around and around his brain, finding no solution. He wished Kagami could be there with him; either for comfort or to smack some sense into him. Mme. Tsurugi insisted that her daughter be home by dark and so Gorilla had driven her home while The Tsurugi’s self-drive car was unavailable. He was sure the large man would be back to drag him home any minute now.
Adrien sighed. He was sure his father would be angry that he’d failed yet again to reconcile with Felix. He didn’t understand why his relationship with his cousin was so important. Did Father want the two of them to model for the brand? Did he want to invest in Graham Films? He realized he was naive but he doubted Father would suddenly want to repair familial relationships out of the goodness of his heart.
He was so lost in thought he didn’t realize he wasn’t alone until he felt a cold smooth object touch the back of his neck.
“Gah!” he yelped, then looked around guiltily. No one seemed to be paying attention to him so he looked around to see who or what had touched him.
Chloe Bourgeois stood in front of him, wearing a black top with gold trim, black skinny jeans, and a white blazer. A new pair of sunglasses with a hawk motif perched on her head. She didn’t look fawning or hostile. Just…sympathetic. And watchful, as if she were unsure whether or not she would be welcome.
“Hello. Hello, Chloe,” he managed to stammer out.
“Hey, Adrien,” she said finally, tone serious. She held out a white bottle topped with a miniature crown. “I figured they wouldn’t have any designer water here so I brought you some Fillico. Just give me the crown top. I’ve started to collect them.” He didn’t need to know she saved them to give to the kwami. Milvii especially loved wearing them, even if Griff called her a “commoner”.
“Thanks, Chloe,” he took the bottle from her, cracked it open, and handed her the top. She put it in her bag then looked at him. “Make sure you take the crystals off before you recycle the bottle. You can give them to Marinette or whatever.”
“Um…okay.” He felt a little nervous, unsure what to make of this new Chloe. She wasn’t demanding anything from him, nor was she making a scene. Neither was she all over him or yelling at him. He had no idea how to deal with her. There was something different about the way she carried herself, as if she no longer needed her parents’ approval and had somehow found her self-worth on her own. It was refreshing, but confusing. A part of Adrien, a small part felt odd at that observation; as if the idea of change had his heart seized for a moment.
“Let’s have a seat,” Chloe made a show of taking out a handkerchief and dusting off the seat next to Adrien’s but she did sit down.
There were probably many heartfelt, diplomatic things he could have said but all that came out was, “I’m surprised to see you here, considering…”
She huffed a laugh. “Considering we’re hardly on speaking terms and I’ve been busy living my own life while you make puppy eyes at your ice maiden? Yeah, well…” her expression softened and her eyes became more sympathetic. “We’ve been here before, remember? With your mom.”
The words were said uncharacteristically gently by Chloe but they still hit him like a shot. “Yeah.” He sank in on himself and neither of them said anything for a few minutes. The only sounds were the footsteps of the nurses, the beeps of medical equipment, and the occasional sips of water taken by Adrien.
He looked over at Chloe. She fidgeted a bit and adjusted her sunglasses. Every now and then she’d check her phone. Finally with a low growl she shot up and pulled him to his feet. “Come on.” She grabbed his arm and began to tug him along. It reminded him so much of the old Chloe he actually smiled.
He shook his head. No. He wasn’t going to be led around anymore. Not by her, not by anyone. He stopped and resisted being pulled. “Wait. I’m not going anywhere until you tell me where you’re taking me.”
She looked incredibly offended, much like she would have months ago; she had always hated being questioned or thwarted. She must have realized how she acted because she faltered a step. Seeming to mull something or other before she let him go.
“I thought you might need to talk. I know how you feel about making a scene and drawing negative attention to yourself so I thought I’d take us somewhere more private, like the chapel.” She stopped and then whispered, “and there’s a high chance you’ll end up crying. We don’t need any paparazzi or wannabe paparazzi taking pictures at that. You have a brand to protect.”
The general ambience of the Chapelle de l'Hôpital Lariboisière was dark and funereal, but more importantly, empty and quiet. The perfect place for a private conversation. Adrien and Chloe dutifully lit candles for Nathalie’s full recovery and sat on a pew together. Both were careful not to perch too near the other. To anyone the eight centimeters seemed insignificant; but to Chloe and Adrien it felt chasmal.
Adrien opened his mouth to speak before the silence went on too long but as usual Chloe beat him to it. “Oh. Well, this isn’t awkward at all. You’d think after twelve years of friendship we’d have a conversation starter or two.”
He laughed. “Yeah. So..how have you been? How do you like being the official set photographer for Graham Films?”
She blinked, surprised at both the question and his genuine interest. “Love it. Getting lots of cool photo ops. It’s gonna be a great art book once the film is done.” She was quiet and then said. “You know, I’m thinking of going to school for cinematography. I think I’d be a good Director of Photography, probably minor in business to appease my parents.”
“That’s really cool,” Adrien replied, genuinely pleased. “I’m glad to see you’re finding something you love. It’s great that you have an idea about what you want to do with your life.”
“I know, right?” She couldn’t help but smile at his approval. She told herself she didn’t want or need it, but she enjoyed having it. “What about you?”
He shrugged. “Nothing really grabs me. I’ve thought about science, but I’m not passionate about it.” He faked a chuckle. “Maybe I should just marry Kagami. She can take care of me and I can be her househusband.”
She raised her eyebrows. “Sounds like something you’re qualified for. You already know how to do what you’re told.”
Adrien looked like he wanted to protest or deny her words but he just laughed. “True, but if you can grow beyond being a spoiled rich kid, why can’t I?”
Chloe sputtered for an answer then surrendered. “Yeah. I was a hard-ass bitch, wasn’t I?”
He hesitated. “I would have said bratty or egocentric, but-”
“Trust me, Adrikins. The correct word is ‘bitch’.” The old nickname slipped out and she covered it by asking, “So how's the lady who’s totally crushing on your dad?”
He cringed. “Gross, Chlo.” He exhaled slowly and then told her, “The doctors were still examining and running tests last I heard but supposedly she’s going to be okay. I’m just waiting to hear if she needs to stay overnight or if she can go home.”
Chloe looked over at his phone. “Do they know how to get a hold of you if they need to?”
Adrien also looked at his phone. “Yeah. They’ll text me an update when there is one.”
She nodded. “Okay. I’m glad I’m not taking you away if they need to stay in contact.”
Silence filled the chapel after that. Chloe was vigilant and alert, a stark contrast to Adrien’s doom and gloom. So many emotions warred in him. Trust Chloe? Be mistrustful of Chloe? A pendulum question that swung either which way and left him more and more confused each time he pondered it. The quiet was also something new, Chloe and Adrien tended to always fill their time together with noise. To be engaging, whether watching anime or arguing theories. Or Adrien being subjected to Chloe’s fashion critiques, she was actually not bad at those and would preen if he said she sounded like her mom. Quiet….quiet and Chloe plus Adrien was an anomaly. One he wasn’t sure how to broach until the quiet gnawed on him.
“Why are you really here, Chloe?” Adrien asked, catching the blonde heiress off guard. It was the second time he asked the question, but maybe in the silent and empty chapel he could gain true answers.
“You needed someone.” Chloe replied after a pregnant pause to focus on the window outside. No longer brave enough to look Adrien in the face. “You actually need someone who understands. Kagami won’t understand as much as she likes. There’s little experience in watching someone you love wither away like a dried flower that can be gained in the real world. In a strict household like hers? Ours? Non-existent. Your friends would be sympathetic….but you will spend the entire time focusing more on how you are perceived than getting actual support. They won’t understand.”
"They'd be here for me." Adrien tried to defend his friends, it sounded weak even to him.
"Oh please, if that was true you would've called one. I found you alone." Chloe remarked, hitting the nail on the head. Adrien pouted not wanting to admit Chloe was right.
"So who would be?" Adrien asked and Chloe had the gall to turn and look at him with an unamused snort and a raise of a perfect brow before turning away.
“Who’s going to be here for you? Your dad? Where is he, Adrien? Did you remember what happened last time? He isolates himself….has been isolating himself and you.” Chloe began to pick up bolder at every question she directed to Adrien. Still not actually looking at him, but the faint reflection of a mirror watching the dark sky. She saw how the truth hit him. How he hated it and probably her for voicing it. Too bad Chloe is used to scorn. Chloe quickly looked around to ensure that things were under control, they were talking with heavy emotions. Heavier than anything they ever did and she would be damned if an akuma came now.
“To be quite honest, there’s only three people you know who would understand you, and would stand by you. Aunt Amelie, Felix, and me. Aunty is busy trying to fulfill the last wishes of Uncle Geralt. Felix is too, and the bridge between you two is far more broken than ours. So I stay because I get it….and I promised I’d always be there for you. No matter what, best friends promise we pinkie swore and that's sacred.” Chloe huffed, hurt that Adrien continued to question her on her loyalty. The only true thing she’s ever been able to claim. It was that loyalty that had her go to the hospital when a large part of her wanted to disappear from Adrien and his judgmental eyes but she still came.“I know you don’t like this arrangement…but you need someone; and that someone is me. Because we were best friends once, and I won’t let you brave this again without me. So that’s why I’m here.”
Adrien was stunned, it was the first time Chloe had said so much. Not since pre Miracle Queen. That was the crux of it all, the brand of her rejection seared into his soul that at times all he saw was Miracle Queen. All he would associate with Chloe was Miracle Queen, and he hated her for it. Yet this floored him, he would have never known, never thought, never guessed the depths Chloe of all people would go for him. It was humbling and wrong to Adrien. He had been burned by her before, but in an identity she didn’t know; and in this hour he was grateful that Chloe was being like how he knew. Disregarding his initial no and doing it anyway…because it was nice not being alone.
“I’m….I…I heard some stuff—“ Adrien began weakly.
“A lot of people talk about me. A lot is true and a lot of it is bullshit. What was it?” Chloe asked.
“You….betrayed Ladybug and Chat Noir.” Adrien spoke the damming words and watched Chloe’s reflection this time. Saw how her jaw immediately clenched and her face crumpled. It was a surprise to Adrien to see defeat so clearly on her face as she crumbled into herself before tensing up again. It almost felt like regret…but Adrien wasn't sure.
“Did they say how?” Chloe asked softly. Sadness, regret, hatred collecting again in her veins but oppressing it because she wasn't here for herself. She was there for Adrien and if he wanted to peel off the festering scabs of her feelings and what she did. It would distract him enough to not think of the woman on a hospital bed so she'll endure because of her loyalty. Even if Adrien would never get how much it cost to voice stuff like that out.
“No…but they said that was why you couldn’t be a hero anymore.” Adrien lied through his teeth, and seeing Chloe hang her head he was glad they weren’t looking at each other. She could spot him lying easily…which is why he worked hard while Chat Noir around her. Then again a lot of the times it was during an Akuma scenario so she was distracted.
“I never had loyalty to them.” Chloe confessed which surprised Adrien, Chloe was a self-proclaimed Ladybug’s biggest fan.
“You were obsessed with them.” Adrien sputtered.
“I was enamored with the idea of them.” Chloe sighed. “I idolized them because our anime suddenly became true and they were special. Adrien, you’re like them in a lot of ways…Ladybug, Chat Noir, you. None of you will ever understand. You guys are like the sun, happy, warm, too nice for your own good that has you getting walked all over, and to a certain extent righteous. The sun will never understand why an ugly storm cloud would do anything to be seen and valued.”
“You’re not an ugly storm cloud Chloe.” Adrien spoke up, feeling that this was the only chance he might ever get to know why Chloe became Miracle Queen. It sounded like something Chloe would say, deflect or use metaphors instead of voice things herself. Chloe’s snorting dry laugh caught him off guard and had him blushing embarrassed and frustrated. “I’m being honest, you’re not.”
“Of course I am.” Chloe dismissed Adrien, looking at him with a pitying smile. “Little sunshine who was raised in warmth, doesn’t see how the world works.”
“Don’t condescend to me Chloe.” Adrien snarked, frustrated at her tone.
“I’m not, you just prove my point.” Chloe chuckled without humor. “Charismatic, charming people like you. Who were loved and attended to, down to the point it’s almost stalkerish and your dad needs a restraining order on you, honestly Adrien I can make an entire case for you—“
“Stop deflecting, Chloe.” Adrien remarked having heard that train of thought so many times in his earlier youth.
“That’s the thing. You waltz in with this golden retriever smile and instantly you’re cared for by everyone you meet. Always happened, as long as I can remember. Practically from when we were in diapers.” Chloe huffed. “The sun can never understand why the moon got tired of being a reflection. Of only being known and cared for as the sun’s reflection.”
She sighed at the look on his face and crossed her legs. “The sun just assumes the moon will forever be happy to be that odd reflection and shine when the sun wants it to. The sun will never really know the rejection storm clouds get, because rain and thunder destroy their happy mood. A song dedicated to banish the rain so the sun can come back. I wanted to be looked at….to be special. I thought playing the hero would be like when we would act out our favorite cartoon and anime heroes.”
“You wanted fame.” Adrien tried to meet her train of thought, the metaphor having him think about his cousin as the moon and Chloe as the storm cloud. At least that’s how she saw them in her mind. If more fame was what she wanted…  Bitterness wound itself into his throat. Chloe would be selfish enough. Famous Chloe would be even worse.
“No…I wanted to be seen and have my mom look at me and think for once in her stupid life: ‘Wow….Chloe…not Clarissa, or Casserole, or Claudette, Clare, Chlorine,,, or Kylie. Chloe’s special’. To have people who automatically discredit me as a rich brat have to swallow their words—“
“You are rich though.”
“A brat too, but when we say it…it’s not thrown at you like an offense; and then everyone wants to extort things from you,” Chloe huffed. “You didn’t spend ecole primaire with kids who tried to act like your friends only to get stuff from you; or parents who would try to make it seem you were a bad kid so they could complain to your dad and get something.
“Then I noticed that Daddy was never busy when I was in trouble; but he was too busy for dinner or to help me with my schoolwork. So I decided if that’s all I’ll be recognized for, so be it. All of them were beneath me, and by being a bitch I’d get attention. Win-win; they paint me as their bad girl, and I am recognized. Even if it's infamy, it made me unforgettable. You, sunshine boy, are different because you were put into the spotlight but also cared for so you didn’t become a brat. Heroes like Chat Noir and Ladybug are good but they also ride their own high horse and make judgements based off of rumors. Ladybug never liked me from the beginning, I still idolized her. It was how it worked, you give affection and get scorned.
"I was a good Queen Bee, bitch aside, revealing my identity for Paris aside. I was driven and wanted to prove myself so bad…I would have done anything they asked. Sure I'd make it a dramatic deal I have to. But they could have said we'd accept you only if you I don't know killed Hawkmoth or retrieved the miraculous by yourself and I'd do it. I would have walked to hell barefoot on hot coals and broken glass to be recognized. It didn't work out so they said I can’t be a hero anymore. Fine, it’s not like I was rejected again.
“Then my parents got akumatized….and at that point I still gave a damn about them. I wanted to help, because I knew I could do it and it was personal. But I was overlooked again…and then someone looked at me…and Hawkmoth presented the bee miraculous. Something I thought I'd never see again. I was angry and betrayed so I decided to do what the one person who looked at me said I’d be good for.” Chloe confessed, the second time in her life. The first being to Milvii, Griff, and Felix when they asked about Queen Bee.
“I’m sure they didn’t mean to make you feel like that Chloe.” Adrien spoke conflicted…the side of him that was Chat Noir that grew to sprout hatred for the girl he once called friend felt like her reasons were not good enough. Yet the side of him who was purely Adrien, the boy and not the hero, understood a bit. The way someone like Chloe would rationalize it, as he didn’t fully agree with her. She did incredibly wrong and many people suffered for it. Her confession did not absolve her of sin, but uncovered some of the questions that festered in his chest like a wound.
“Adrien…I learned the hard way that intent is shit in the face of how it gets interpreted by the world.” Chloe tsked lightly. “I’m atoning for what I did, and if I get a chance with Hawkmoth I’ll drop kick him to the next century over messing with Paris and me. But this isn’t about me, this is about you.”
The conversation died again with a Chloe patented dismissal. Vulnerability on her part was over and the tension rewound itself into them both. Adrien had a lot to consider over what Chloe said. How she deluded herself into thinking that Hawkmoth saw Chloe and that’s why he offered the miraculous to her. Chloe sat there for a few minutes in silence waiting for Adrien to talk about another topic, or break down crying. When he didn’t she knew it was yet again up to her to keep the chat going. Sure, people might say she had been a pushy bitch to him and Felix but how else was she supposed to keep their friendships going? They never did anything themselves.
Finally she couldn’t stand it. “Still, it’s weird that your dad’s assistant has the same medical condition your mom did.”
“Yeah, it is,” he sighed.
“Maybe it’s something environmental? Like old drywall that never got removed or your mansion was built over an old radiation deposit?” Chloe snorted. “It would totally be like Uncle Gabriel to try to keep you indoors at all times when it was your house itself making people sick. Lead poisoning like the tin man from Wizard of Oz.”
She laughed and he laughed with her. “It would explain a lot. Father’s pretty shortsighted and convinced he knows what’s best all the time, even if evidence to the contrary is staring him in the face.”
"Could they have gotten sick from sleeping with your dad?" Chloe thought to which Adrien made a face of disgust.
"Chloe, he's my dad."
"I know but listen….he sucks the joy out of everything, Adrien. It's sad beige hours with him. I used to think that was classy but it washes me out. What if his sad beige boring powers just….sucked the life force of youthful women?" Chloe conspired.
"My dad isn't a villain." Adrien snorted.
"He hasn't paid you years worth of wages for your model work. I can bring up a case if you'd let me talk to a lawyer, Adrien." Chloe snarked.
"Look, he's not that bad." Adrien sighed. "He's gotten better."
"I'm a box blonde and I love the color pink." Chloe deadpanned with a face that had Adrien start laughing at how incredulous Chloe’s thoughts were.
Their laughter died quickly and to her surprise, he scooted close and lay his head on her shoulder. He sighed and she braced herself for screaming and wailing.
“I can’t go through it again, Chlo,” he whispered. “I went through it with Mom. She got sick and wasted away and then disappeared. Like a cat. Cats know when their time is near so they slink off in private to die.”
“It’s different this time,” she tried to reassure him, “she’s not your mom. You can’t get any cool character development from one semi weird maternal figure, who’s most likely sleeping with your dad so like eww. You’re prepared because you’ve already been through this. You know what to expect. You’re not going into this situation blind.” Good, that was more assuring and less cold-hearted. Empathy was hard. “There are probably treatment options available now that weren’t a few years ago.”
He threw his arms around her, almost nuzzling her neck. “And if…worst case scenario…?”
Chloe leaned her head on his. “Then…you have something you didn’t have a few years ago. A support network. You know, me…your girlfriend…Nino, I guess.” She sighed. “And even though he’s pissed at you for not being there when his world went to shit, Felix would be there for you too.I’ll drag him myself kicking and screaming, I’ve been working out, I can take him. But he’d be here regardless so I’ll never get a chance to do that.”
“You really think so?” he mumbled against her throat.
“Yeah.” She petted his hair for a few minutes and smiled almost lovingly at him because she knew he couldn’t see it. Thankfully Felix wasn’t here either to rub it in.
They’d been through a lot together. He was one of the few people who’d noticed how sad and bereft she’d been when Audrey had abandoned her life and family to pursue her own dreams. She in turn had held him when he cried over his mom’s disappearance and his father changed overnight. She thought they’d always be friends. They’d even pinkie-swore on it. Even as they drifted apart and he learned of her shame, she still came like she promised before. When hands tightened around her and she heard the telltale sniffle of tears, and felt them soak into her outfit Chloe held him closer. Gentle and unlike herself, softening her angles to catch a boy who hurt her with his casual rejections but was still for many years a bright light for her and tried to comfort as he cried. Whispering an odd ‘it’s ok’ or ‘I got you’ here and there, just like she did years ago.
She allowed him to cry now in silence while she continued to pat him. She wished she was good with that sympathy crap like Allen. Or making people laugh like Claude. Allegra would have bopped some sense into him by now. All she could do was listen and hug. And order room service. After what felt like eternity of subdued silent tears, and quiet static like silence filled the room Chloe knew it was time to distract.
Chloe gently pushed him away. “Okay, okay. Jeez, quit slobbering on me.” He sat back up and gave her sad kitten eyes.
“Hey, Chloe?”
“Yeah…?” she answered hesitantly. She hoped he wasn’t about to ask her to bare her soul as well.
Adrien didn’t answer at first, just looked at her for a while. “Tell me about you. Your life right now. Nothing too personal!” He waved his hands as if fending off her objections. “Nothing confidential or about Felix. Or about anything that makes you feel uncomfortable. I just…” he raised a shoulder. “We don’t talk. I think we can work on fixing that. Tell me about your life. Anything you want.”
Chloe sighed and began to speak. She told him about Felix buying her a camera and learning about photography. How light and composition changed the feeling of a picture. There was an art to it beyond selfies or Instagram posts. She even told him a very condensed version of using her camera to diffuse an akuma situation on set. His face managed to look both proud and disappointed at the same time.
She didn’t feel like bringing up Lila or Dupain-Cheng. (She could call her that in her mind.) Instead, she talked about learning to play D&D with the Quantic Kids or how Mylene had come a long way since “Horrificator” in her acting. Adrien listened without interrupting until she finally ran out of things to say.
“Come on,” she stood up and reached for his hand. “Sharing feelings makes me hungry. Let’s see if the cafeteria has anything that won’t poison us. If it looks horrible, I know a place nearby that does delivery.”
Gorilla was waiting for them near the entrance of the hospital cafeteria. He didn’t speak but didn’t seem angry or hurried. Adrien drooped even lower until he saw the rectangular box in the man’s overly large hands
Adrien brightened, hands reaching out to take the object from his driver/bodyguard. “Is that a genuine bento box?”
The man nodded but didn’t give the boy the box.
“From Kagami?” Adrien’s hands went to the box but didn’t take it away from the man who’d guarded him nearly half his life.
The man nodded, then grunted and pointed at a nearby seat. He was drawing attention and preferred to fade into the background but the boy’s delight made it difficult.
“Ugh,” Chloe rolled her eyes and dragged his friend to the table. “Come on…he’s telling you to eat it here because your dad will take it away and force you to eat three leaves and an acorn.”
Gorilla nodded and gently nudged the boy along. “Okay, I’ll eat it now but I should FaceTime Kagami later to say thank you.”
“And you know…talk about your feelings or whatever,” Chloe put out a hand to stop him before he interrupted. “Yeah, I can’t believe these words are coming out of my mouth either but one of the cool things about having a boy or girlfriend is to have someone to confide in, right?”
Adrien just smiled, letting her know without words how much he appreciated her being there for him.
There was no way in hell she’d let him know she was touched. “Shut it, Agreste.”
Wednesday was clear and calm. With no reshoots to do, Marinette found herself with the rarest of gifts; free time. Her designs for the ball gowns were finished and turned into Mme. Jennings for pattern making. She’d learned all her lines and could rehearse with Luka, Felix, and Allan tomorrow. The bakery was closed for a week and her parents were away at a bed and breakfast. They had M. Haprele come by every day to check on her and Captain Anarka promised to let her come over during the day for “supervised” visits. Yes, there was an adult on board but Luka and Marinette would be mostly on their own.
“Ahoy, Liberty!” Marinette called out when she reached the dock. “Permission to come aboard! Lower the gangplank, if you please!”
She heard the patter of running shoes on a wooden floor when Luka appeared above deck, trying to look as if he hadn’t been running at all. Her eyebrows rose in appreciation. He was wearing black skinny jeans and a matching vest with shoes. There was an aqua blue shirt under the vest and his usual assortment of jewelry.
All he needs is a teal bracelet, she thought to herself and then sighed. Luka could never be Viperion again…but perhaps another sort of reptile?
Marinette imagined Luka dressed in the red and black of the Dragon Miraculous. He’d look incredibly handsome wielding a sword…and some cute little horns…
Luka saw her staring at him with unfocused, dilated eyes and grinned. “Do you like what you see?”
“Yessss,” she drooled and then snapped out of her fog. “Yes! You look great!” She looked him over with a critical designer’s eye and approved. “I like the new outfit.”
He struck a pose and winked at her. “Mom and I found a goldmine when we went thrifting last week.” He looked her up and down. “You look pretty great yourself.”
Marinette gave him a mock curtsy, pleased he’d noticed. She’d paired a high-waisted pair of jean shorts with a pink shirt with navy horizontal stripes and some old pink canvas shoes that had been her mother’s. She lifted her foot so he could see them. “Vintage nineties.”
He nodded in approval. “They suit you.” He lowered the gangplank. “Permission to come aboard granted.”
She boarded the ship and unslung her backpack from over her shoulder. “I brought some snacks from the bakery. And a few sketchbooks. You know, in case I get inspired.”
“I do the same thing with this guitar app on my phone. Just in case I’m ever caught somewhere without Euterpe.” Euterpe was the name of Luka’s acoustic guitar, the one he’d built himself.
“Ah, Euterpe,” she sighed. “All other women pale beside her. The love of your life.” She giggled and nudged his side. “Even when you get a girlfriend, the poor girl would still only be your side piece.”
Luka just smiled, unoffended. “Not at all. Anyone I end up in a relationship with would understand Euterpe’s place in my life and not feel jealous.”
Marinette paused for a second as she processed this information. “Anyone? Oh, ok. Well, as long as they’re treated as an equal partner, like Euterpe.”
He laughed. “At the thrift store I found a copy of Crocodile Heart on DVD. Wanna watch it?”
Her eyes lit up. “Does Fang have scales? Of course I do!” She grabbed on to him. “Is it the special edition? With Jagged’s commentary? Eeeee!” She wiggled with excitement at his nod. “I can’t wait!”
Luka shushed her gently. “Hey, my mom’s home. You know how she gets when she hears his name.”
Marinette quieted immediately, hands over her mouth. “Sorry! I mean…sorry,” she whispered. “It’s still awesome that she played in a band with him.”
“I know, right?”
"You are?.." "You are?.."
Marinette shifted as she considered the answer.  “Is it…’you are the popcorn of my life?’ “
Luka chuckled before throwing a piece of croissant at her.  “It’s…’you are the donut of my life.”
She caught it in her mouth and chewed it before swallowing. “Right! From his ‘Candy Apple’ album. Every song was related to food somehow. Next?”
They were lying together in a haphazard clump on Luka’s bed. Jagged Stone’s first movie was playing but both of them were too busy eating and asking each other trivia questions to watch it. It was a rather silly tale of a man and his crocodile traveling through the Australian rainforest in search of adventure and the last known copy of a pioneering rock star’s first record. Ordinarily Marinette would have pointed out that exposure to the kind of moisture rainforests are know for would ruin the album but the movie was fun and dumb and she knew it well enough to quote lines.
Luka sighed, content with Marinette snuggled up to him. He enjoyed filming and thought Felix and the others could all be friends after the movie but he preferred the peace of home. He could also admit to himself he was selfish enough to want Marinette all to himself. He blessed the day she came tripping into his life with her warmth and creativity and intelligence. He only regretted that she, Rose and Juleka had been too afraid or worn down by Chloe Bourgeois to become friends earlier. If she had met him before Adrien Agreste, would she have had a crush on Luka instead?
His better self insisted he was being greedy but he felt less guilty than he would have a year ago. Adrien was firmly in a relationship with Kagami, who was helping him grow a spine. Felix? Felix was smart, cunning, ruthless when he had to be but warm and loving to those who’d earned his loyalty. Felix reminded Luka of a cat while his cousin was more like a friendly golden retriever. Was there a Dog Miraculous? Adrien would be perfect.
“Here’s another one,” Luka said finally, ‘I gave up everything…’ “
“But my dreams!” Marinette answered happily.
“Another point to House Dupain-Cheng,” he smiled down at her. She smiled back.
Marinette was quiet and then said, “My turn. ‘My guitar…’ “
“ ‘...is my only family,” Luka interjected, “From his ‘Alone On the Road’ live concert. I love that song.”
She was clearly impressed. “Whoa, twenty to twelve, in favor of House Couffaine.” She booped him on the nose and handed him the last strawberry macaron. “You sir, are officially the world’s number one Jagged Stone fan.”
He accepted the macaron with all the poise of a gracious winner. “I accept your bribe and allow you one more question: ‘Under the moonlight, by the sea…’ “
She flailed as she thought about her answer. “ ‘Under the moonlight, by the sea’…I almost have it…it was his first song…’kiss me!’ ”
“Well, if you insist…”, he joked and leaned in closer.
She giggled and then her eyes flew wide open as she realized how close he was.
Luka had lovely eyes the color of the summer sea.
Marinette wondered what it would be like to kiss his soft pink lips and feel his heartbeat under her hand. She knew being a delivery boy kept him in shape. What would he look like without his shirt?
“G’day, Ruby! How is the most beautiful vet in all of Northern Australia?”
“Don’t try and act all sweet to me, you British git! What has that garbage disposal of a croc swallowed now?”
The two teens sprang apart, feeling embarrassed and strangely disappointed. “I forgot that the movie was on,” Marinette’s words sounded dumb and lame, even to her own ears but it was better than sitting in silence.
Luka almost wished he’d taken the initiative but didn’t want to rush her or do anything without her consent. “Me too. I wonder what happened to the woman who played Ruby?”
Marinette smiled at him gratefully. “I think she had a brief career as a pop star in Australia before making a few movies and then writing a series of young adult mysteries.”
“Good. For her.” Awkward silence descended again and he cleared his throat. “Uh…it’s getting stuffy down here. Let’s go up to the deck.”
“I’m so glad you finally agreed to try this.”
“I can’t believe I never thought of this before.”
“Well, maybe you just weren’t ready. Let me show you the position I like to use best.”
Luka sat on the deck then crossed his legs, one after the other. He straightened his spine and rested his hands on his knees, palms up and closed his eyes. “Now all you do is breathe.”
Marinette copied his pose and tried to focus on nothing but her breath. “Do I need to…focus on a thought?”
“Or a goal. Or nothing at all.”
She sat quietly and concentrated on inhaling and exhaling. She did her best to keep her mouth closed and breathed through her nose.
Thoughts swirled chaotically around her head; projects she wanted to try, skills she wanted to learn. The accident where she almost died. Mlle. Sancoeur collapsing. She imagined all of them turning into pieces of cloth. Then she folded them up and put them into individually labeled drawers to be dealt with one by one.
Now with her thoughts filed away she began to design her own gown, the only dress she hadn’t designed already because she put her “clients” first. Well, she’d design something amazing for herself this time. It was Felicity’s right as a main character and, if Marinette was honest, she just wanted to do something fancy for herself. At least this once.
She began to imagine a pink dress and first but shook her head. She wore pink so much it was practically her signature color. What would Felicity want?
Medium blue, like her eyes. Something soft, flowy and easy to move in in case of an emergency during the dance. Organza perhaps. Layers and layers with floral applique embellishments; like roses. Some climbing roses would look pretty, perhaps in cream and pink. Or silver and dark blue. Maybe all four. Then an off the shoulder neckline with short winged sleeves. Lacing on the back of the bodice would fit the Victorian aesthetic. She could wear low comfortable heels and…
Rebuild her hero team.
She thought about how they looked on Heroes Day when Chloe was still trying to become a true hero. She thought of Ryuuko standing up to her mother. Viperion and his determination to save his family. Or most of the team working together to defeat Party Crasher.
Just because Hawk Moth is taking the summer off doesn’t mean he’s gone. What are you doing to defeat him? What are you doing here?
Marinette gasped as her eyes popped open and she looked at Luka. For a moment Viperion’s mask was superimposed on his face. It almost made her want to cry. He’d been such a good hero. It wasn’t fair that he had to retire because of her negligence.
He must have felt her gaze on her because his eyes opened and looked at her. His eyebrows raised as looked over her with concern. “Is something wrong, or did you have one of those epiphanies of yours?”
“Something like that,” she demurred. His calm, patient gaze coaxed her into telling him her idea about her ball costume. “I know what I want to design for myself now! I’m thinking something soft and flowy, with rose embroidery and a full skirt. In organza.”
“What style?” he asked.
She couldn’t help but smile at him. One of the things she lov-liked about Luka was he didn’t just sit and nod politely when she talked about design. Even her parents did it. Luka always asked questions, even if he didn’t know much about fashion. He was willing to learn; maybe so he’d have something to talk to her about, or just to expand his own knowledge about the world.
“I bet it’s blue,” he grinned, “to match your eyes.”
Marinette was sure she was blushing. He could go from learning about her hobbies to flirting with her so effortlessly. Or, was he just being nice? She found herself hoping he was flirting. She felt her resolve to ask him out after the movie wrapped to be slipping. Would it hurt to ask him out now? Yes. She should wait a little longer to make sure she was over Adrien. Luka deserved that.
But did he have to have such pretty eyes and kissable lips? It just wasn’t fair.
She blinked and decided to distract herself from wishing she could kiss Luka.
What should she think about? The movie? Costumes?
Felix popped into her head for some reason. She was starting to like him, even if he acted like a creepy toolbag when they first met. Hell, he still acted like a toolbag sometimes but he had his good points too.
He was clever and creative. He had drive and ambition but didn’t feel the need to step on people to achieve his goals. To the contrary, he wanted to take those he considered talented with him. He was a loyal friend and son and had facets to his personality she never would have noticed before working with him.
But unfortunately he was also hot. Distractingly hot, with soft peach lips and sexy green eyes. Like his cousin.
Whoops! Time to think of something else!
“So…if you don’t mind me asking, why did  you take up meditation?” she asked her friend. “Was it because your mom is…kind of chaotic and you needed some calm?”
At first she thought she’d offended him but he chuckled and responded, “Kinda. Yeah. Mom’s great but she can be a little over the top.” He thought for a moment and then added, “kinda like Jagged. Maybe that’s why their relationship was so volatile and they stopped playing together.”
Marinette giggled and he continued. “But there’s more to it than just that.” He sighed and his face became more serious. “You see, I needed it.”
Her eyes widened as she looked at him. “But…you’re so calm and level-headed! I’ve only seen you mad-”
He nodded. “Silencer. Yeah.” He unfolded his legs and lay on the deck with his hands on his stomach. Marinette copied his new pose and lay beside him. She looked him in the eyes and nodded at him to show she was listening.
Luka went on. “See, when I was younger, I had a lot of anger issues and resentment.” She must have looked surprised because he laughed. “Yeah. I know. But it can happen to the best of us.”
She fought the urge to interrupt and ask questions. His eyes went unfocused as he recalled embarrassing memories.
“I never knew who my father was. I can remember occasional raised voices and glass breaking but other than slammed doors, nothing. Not even a name.” Marinette scooted a little closer and put her head on his shoulder to show support. He went on.
“It made me angry that she wouldn’t tell me something so important. Jules and I deserve to know who our dad is and why he left us, even if he doesn’t want to be part of our lives.” He sighed and looked at the sky.
“You can imagine some of the shit we heard in school. Kids can understand death and divorce but not even knowing who your dad is? People just assume your mom’s a slut and as the kids of a slut, you’re no better.”
“The people you went to ecole with were…assholes,” Marinette nearly tripped over the curse word.
Luka couldn’t help but smile, both at her defense and using a word that made her uncomfortable to make him feel better. “Yeah, they were.” He sighed. “So, I was angry. Not just at them, but at the man who abandoned us and the mom who was such an anarchist she moved us onto a boat to avoid property taxes she couldn’t afford and neighbors who gossiped about us.”
“Times were tough and we didn’t have a lot of stability back then. Sometimes,” it made him feel disloyal to admit it, “I was angry at Mom for not being a normal parent and taking care of us. I resented Juleka because it felt like I was raising her along with myself and I had too much responsibility for a kid my age.”
They laid there quietly for a few minutes then Marinette prompted, “so…what happened?”
He laughed but it became a sigh. “There was a big kid in our class. Hugo. What he lacked in smarts he made up for in fists. He picked on us and that was ok, we were used to that. But one day he decided he wanted the lunch I’d made for Juleka and he grabbed it out of her hands, then punched her in the face for threatening to tell the teacher. He made her bleed and almost knocked out one of her baby teeth. I…lost it.”
He seemed to be debating with himself whether or not to tell her the rest. She tried to console him. “You don’t have to say anything else if you don’t want-”
Luka nuzzled the top of her head. “It’s okay. I think I need to. To make a long story short, I punched him hard enough to knock him down. Then I knocked out two of his teeth and punched him in the ribs. It took a couple of teachers and a janitor to pull me off him.”
Marinette said nothing but the idea of a Luka angry enough to punch someone until they bled made her shiver a little.
She stole a glance at his face. He looked tired and ashamed. She could tell he hadn’t enjoyed beating up a bully; the kid could have had a crappy home life too. Still the boy had crossed a line when he hurt Juleka.  “You were just defending your sister,” she told him.
He laughed but it sounded bitter and cynical. “That might have been true at first but the truth is I think I was taking out all my aggression and resentment on him. Yeah, he messed with my sister,” he frowned, “but I crossed a line too.”
She lay her head on his shoulder and let him vent. She could sense he needed to get this all out. This was probably something no one outside his little family or the other people involved had ever heard. She was honored that he’d chosen to confide in her.
“Needless to say, his parents and the principal got involved. They’d wanted to have me expelled but the principal brought in Hugo’s file and showed them how many times their son had bullied other kids and they’d done nothing to correct his behavior. So, they backed off pretty quickly and both of us were sent to psychological counseling.”
His eyes softened a bit, remembering. “My counselor was this great lady named Doctor Smythe. I think it was the first time an adult listened to me and my problems. She didn’t judge or get angry with me but she suggested meditation as a way to cope. She told me I might not be able to control my environment or the world around me but I could control how I reacted.
He looked down at her. Marinette’s eyes glowed with interest and compassion. He was glad his story hadn’t chased her away. “I’m not proud of how I acted back then, but what I learned has helped me gain better control of myself.” He smiled into her eyes. “I think meditation could help you with your anxiety. Learning how to relax and not take on so much would help too,” he chided gently.
She couldn’t help but laugh. She’d give anything to be able to take some of the burdens off her shoulders, bring Master Fu back to be The Guardian, get more hero help. She smiled back at him. “Would you like to teach me?” Would you be my new Dragon? “Maybe that would help.”
Luka stared at her cerulean eyes, her full lush pink lips. He wanted more than anything to kiss her, hold her close to him, maybe feel her bare skin and put her hand on his chest so she could feel his beating heart…
No. Nope, Nuh-uh. He was rushing things and she was just barely over Adrien. Plus, she worked with Felix, who, despite becoming a friend, looked just like Adrien. It wasn’t time yet.
“Sure,” was all he said, “maybe after a nap.”
Anarka found her son and his future girlfriend (suck it, Amelie) cuddled together in sleep. She slipped pillows under their heads and took a picture before sneaking away.
Ah, lad. You could’ve stolen a kiss, at least.
Adrien checked the hallway leading to his father’s atelier. The man had been barricaded in there ever since Nathalie had been admitted to the hospital. He’d ignored his son even more than usual so the boy took advantage of his inattention to blow off his piano practice to FaceTime his girlfriend.
He dialed her number and was pleased to see her face appear after a few seconds. She was dressed casually in a pair of white capris and a red button-up with three-quarter sleeves. She smiled warmly at him; the smile that she saved for those closest to her. It made him pause and stare every time.
“Wow!” He exclaimed as he looked her up and down. He blinked to make sure he didn’t imagine seeing her in something besides her class uniform, fencing garb or that lovely kimono at the Miraculous premiere. “That looks amazing on you!”
She laughed and said, “Thank you, I know. Marinette made a Spinterest board full of outfit ideas for me. I bought this online and had it shipped along with some fencing equipment. Mother was none the wiser.” Her smile turned sly and, to Adrien’s mind, very very sexy. “Mother thinks I am practicing the violin at the moment. What about M. Agreste?”
“Oh. Father thinks I’m practicing the piano.” He winked at her. “Of course, with Nathalie away, he’s a lot more preoccupied than usual.” It hurt him a little to think of her all alone in the hospital but he didn’t know anything about her family so there was no one he could call. She’d called him that morning; she sounded weak but ok. For some reason she wanted him to be sure to tell his father she had all her personal effects with her except her tablet, which Adrien had given his father. She was being monitored around the clock and had little privacy but was well taken care of.  She assured him she’d be back in the morning but in the meantime he should remind his father to eat and not just live on coffee.
“How is Mlle. Sancoeur?” Kagami asked and he beamed at her in appreciation. His girlfriend might not be as outwardly expressive as someone like Rose or Alya but she was as kind and considerate as Marinette.
“She’s doing a lot better,” he assured her. “Her vitals were good, the doctor said, but she needs to work on managing her stress better. She’s also vitamin deficient and needs to stay hydrated.” He sighed and then confided, “Father works her too hard.”
Kagami nodded. She was familiar with stress and hard work but if the woman was not taking in enough nutrients then she clearly was neglecting her health. “Humans can be unreliable. I think that’s why Mother employs AI whenever possible.”
“Does that mean you also have a robot butler who brings you little drinks and snacks?” Adrien wanted to know.
She blinked once. “Of course,” she answered stoically. She then frowned seriously and asked, “Why? Don’t you?”
They stared at each other for a minute and then laughed.
Adrien sighed happily, feeling some of the tension of the past twenty-four hours slip away. “You are so funny!” He said. He smiled a bit wistfully at his girlfriend. “I wish all my friends knew how funny you are.”
“Well, comedy isn’t something I can force,” she replied thoughtfully. She didn’t want to tell him that most of his friends were predisposed to dislike her because they were upset she had torpedoed the “Adrienette ship” so thoroughly. “Although Marinette has said I’m funny as well.”
Marinette had morphed from a girl who was no more than a rival to be vanquished to a cherished friend. Kagami tried not to cringe when she remembered how she had so casually told Ladybug that even though she didn’t want to hurt Marinette, she had no trouble doing so if it meant winning Adrien. Her actions shamed her. She had always detested girls who would backstab their best friend if it meant the boy they liked chose them over said friend. Women had enough obstacles from men without the girls who should be their sisters competing with them too.
To learn that she was little better than some grasping, conniving schoolgirl who wanted senpai to notice them was humbling. She was very lucky Marinette was getting over Adrien on her own and moving on, perhaps to Luka. He seemed to notice and appreciate her friend and his calm steadiness balances Marinette’s manic frenzy.
Really, those two were perfect for each other. Two little blueberries in joyous harmony. Seeing Marinette and Luka interact so happily made her feel a little less guilty about taking Adrien for her own. True, Marinette had hesitated but it was also possible the girl had anxiety. Perhaps once Luka and Marinette were officially a couple she could put her remorse aside and move on.  She looked forward to the day she could whole-heartedly support “Lukanette.”
Kagami didn’t realize she’d been staring into space for fifteen seconds until Adrien spoke up. “What’s wrong, ‘Gami?”
She shook her head. “I don’t know what you mean. Why should anything be wrong?”
He frowned, making himself look like a concerned puppy. “Do you honestly think I don’t know you well enough by now?” He grinned and rubbed his forehead. “You get this little wrinkle in your forehead right above your nose when something’s bothering you. Come on,” he coaxed, “you’ve listened to me rant for hours about Father, Felix, having to model with someone I can’t stand, all that stuff.” Adrien’s smile was warm and comforting. “It’s my turn to be the confidant. Someone you can talk to and lean on when you need to. Now,” he sat back a bit and settled into his “listening pose”. “What’s on your mind?”
I feel as if I took advantage of another girl’s doubts and fears to win you for myself. She wasn’t my friend at first but now she is my best friend besides you. It’s made me feel incredibly guilty, like I behaved dishonorably. What should I do? Kagami hesitated, then said, “there are some things…I would like to share them with you but I’m…ashamed.” She looked down at her lap and couldn’t look at him in case he could see her guilt.
“Hey…it’s okay. Don’t share if you’re not ready,” he soothed. “But…if there’s something that I could help you with, even if it’s just to listen, you can. Or…you know…we could sit and stare at each other while we think about how cute we both are.”
She chuckled. It wasn’t a very funny joke, but he was trying. “Well, allow me to tell you about what I can talk about.”  She sat up a little straighter. “I think I mentioned Mother wanted me to study some traditional arts, like tea ceremony, flower arranging, and calligraphy.”
He nodded. “Yeah, I remember  you mentioning that.”
“Well,” she began and almost stopped. No, she would not allow herself to hesitate. Not even once. “I somewhat enjoy the tea ceremony. It’s rather meditative and the precision and care calligraphy requires is not unlike fencing. However…”
“But..the flower arranging?” Adrien prompted.
“Is…boring!” she burst out.
He started as did she, surprised at her own words. The proverbial dam had broken and she couldn’t stop if she wanted to. “I cannot stand flowers! And you have to be so careful because every color has significance. An uneven number of flowers is lucky while an even number is unlucky. Plus having thorns in the arrangement can have meaning, so can stems and leaves. Plus you have to be aware of symmetry and you basically sit quietly for hours doing nearly nothing while you contemplate the meaning of adding sticks. It’s just…a waste of time to me but Mother loves it and wants me to love it too.”
She slumped a bit, embarrassed at her show of emotion, of her boyfriend seeing her at less than her best. What must he think of her now?
“Hey, Kagami?” Adrien’s earnest face filled her phone’s screen. “Trust me, I understand. You're a woman of passion and action and your mom doesn’t understand you’re not just a perfect copy of her. It’s okay.” He smiled. “You’re amazing, just the way you are. It’s great that you’re trying things you don’t like to make her happy.”
She smiled, feeling reassured and happy and seen. She wasn’t a cold ice queen with no emotions, just a girl who struggled with self-expression after being sheltered all her life. She longed to break free and do what she wanted and be who she wanted without feeling as if she were letting her entire family line down. She looked at Adrien and judging by his sympathetic expression, he understood because he was under the same pressure of expectations.
“Would you…would you like to see what I really want to do?” Kagami asked shyly. She trusted him enough to be a little vulnerable now and then.
He nodded eagerly. “Yes, please!”
Adrien wondered what Kagami could possibly be passionate about. Did she want to be an acrobat like Cirque du Soleil? Did she secretly want to play basketball or be a dancer? He couldn’t wait to see it.
Kagami grinned, looking incredibly young and adorable to his eyes. She pulled out a hardcover sketchbook and held it up to her phone’s camera for him to see.
He gasped as she slowly turned the pages to show him her work as best she could. She’d drawn him! Not just him but Gorilla standing guard, face soft as he looked up kitten videos. There was also Nathalie looking irritated at something Bob Roth was saying. His father looking at their family portrait with such a look of raw longing for his mother Adrien could almost feel it.
As the pages turned he saw that girl Allegra and her boyfriend being sweet when they thought no one was looking. Ivan spun Mylene as they danced in a hallway on set. He saw Felix, several versions of him; furtive, angry. Amused, mischievous and then he saw him squaring up against Marinette. Both looked determined and strong, refusing to back down. They looked like opponents who were evenly matched. To his surprise, they looked good together.
Kagami turned again and on the last page was Marinette and Luka. She leaned against him and looked up, her gaze soft and trusting. Luka looked down at her as if she were the most important, the most precious thing in the world and he’d do anything to keep her safe.
They would make an amazing couple. He had always thought so, ever since that day at the ice rink.
Adrien looked up and saw Kagami staring at him, hopeful yet nervous.
“So…” she fidgeted a bit, which she rarely did. “What do you think?”
“It’s gorgeous!” He looked at her with awe. “You could be a professional.” He had the world’s most talented girlfriend and he wanted to brag to all of France about her. “Is there anything you can’t do?”
It seemed to be the wrong thing to say. Kagami shut her sketchbook and slumped a bit, looking defeated.
“According to Mother, Art,” she sighed. She sat up and looked at her boyfriend. “She says art might be an acceptable hobby depending on the form but not a career.” She shrugged. “I am a Tsurugi and though I am allowed to fence and play music one day I will take over the family business and I must prepare myself for that.” It was an old argument she’d had with her mother several times. “Being a Tsurgi means there is no time for personal dreams.”
“Didn’t your mother want to be an actress once?” Adrien reminded her.
“Yes.” She breathed in, then out slowly. “Yes, so you would think she would be a little more sympathetic towards my need to…”
“Rebel? Sneak away so you can be your true self?” He suggested.
She looked up at him with a smile, glad to see he understood and didn’t judge her for her little acts of disobedience. A kindred spirit.
Adrien grinned. Kagami was one of the few people in his life who understood him. It was both comforting and incredibly freeing. He just wanted to ask her something.
“You look great in red but how do you feel about teal?”
Marinette waited until her parents went to bed, waited another thirty minutes to make sure they were asleep and then turned to Ladybug before slipping out via her trapdoor and making her way to the Eiffel Tower.
To her surprise her partner was already there, sitting down and scrolling through images on his baton. She decided to play a little prank and tried to sneak up on him.
“Hey, Ladybug.”
She stopped trying to sneak and straightened up. It had been weeks since he stopped calling her “Bugaboo” or even “M’Lady”. She didn’t miss the stupid nicknames but she didn’t miss the easy banter they used to have.
Still, his civilian life seemed to be a bit better. He had a girlfriend, an actual girl and not just someone made up to make her jealous. He was happy and she was happy for him, even though every now and then she mourned the death of her crush. Still, it wasn’t healthy and she was nearly incapable of talking to him for the longest time. Besides, there was Luka.
She realized her partner was waiting for a response and stuttered out, “Oh. He-hey, Kitty! How’s your-” she broke off as she noticed his posture.
Chat Noir looked slumped, defeated. She sat beside him and put an arm around his shoulder and drew him into a sideways hug. He rested his head on her shoulder, seeking comfort. Neither spoke for a few minutes until she cajoled. “If you need to talk or take a break, we can try again tomorrow or the next day.”
“But we need new teammates,” he spoke into her collar bone.
Ladybug reached up and petted her partner’s head. “Not at the risk of our original team. Self-care, remember? You’re always telling me I need to take time for myself or have fun. Don’t push yourself if you’re not feeling it.”
He surprised her by pulling away from her hair-stroking and scooting away. “No,” he sighed. I need to get away from home for a few hours. Right now I need something to keep my mind occupied.”
Dozens of questions ran through her head but her reply was, “You got it, Kitty. Now, do you have someone in mind for the Snake? Is it someone you can trust? Don’t tell me who it is!” She held up her hand when he opened his mouth. “I trust you and if you trust them that’s good enough for me.”
He stood up and pulled her to her feet. He tried to smile but it fell flat. “Thanks, Ladybug.” His usually cocky demeanor was gone and she never thought she’d miss it so much. “It means a lot to me to have your trust.”
They shared a grin. He was irritating and went overboard on puns but he finally was growing up and getting over his entitlement. It was a long time coming and she hoped he wouldn’t revert if he and his girlfriend broke up. She already had a plan in place to deal with that.
He cleared his throat. “Okay, um…team bonding moment over.” He held out his hand. “If you don’t mind, may I have the Miraculous now? I want to have time to train my purr-fect candidate before twenty-one hundred.”
She rolled her eyes out of habit but spoiled it by smiling at him. She opened her yo-yo and pulled out the Snake bracelet. It changed from rose gold to silver as she handed it to him. “I’ll meet you and your new trainee back here at Twenty hundred hours. See ya later, Kitty!” She jumped off the deck of the Eiffel Tower.
Chat Noir grinned; a little in awe, a little ruefully. “No matter how many times I see her do that, it never gets old.” He deployed his baton and hopped away into the night.
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sharkfinx · 1 year
< @kagami--uchiha​ | Return after the War >
          The war lasted four months, resources and people were lost (in majority on the other side). It was the first rebellion that happened towards his leadership, however it wasn't a surprise; After choosing an foreign Omega with a Kekkei Gekkai to be wed, it was just a matter of time or lack of brains to other big clans try their hand at that game.             Now it was over, the Hoshigaki’s clan had spared just a few and took in the survivors into their care and vigilance. It was another two months to settle things as land ownership and minor details. Looking at what was once his wedding ceremony being washed away in pieces didn't make him angry—but there was a weird feeling of worry he never felt before. Disappointment and a weight over his shoulders increasing with the result of his egoist choice.             The castle repairs were finished, the only thing missing was to bring back Kagami that had been sent back to their home country as soon as the whole fight started. Some of his advisers were opposed to Kisame going himself, but there was no other way. There were things he had to say to Kagami face to face, Uchiha elders to deal with. Just thinking about that made him want to just stay put and never leave Kiri again.            Their meeting felt like their first, just in another scenario. They were in a big room, Kisame sat in seiza style accompanied with personal soldiers just like the Elders where. Their talking took hours between new demands and lecturing. Kagami was there too, Kisame could only exchange a reassuring gaze. When finally the agreements were settled, he spoke calmly. 
          “I want to speak with Kagami. Only the two of us.” There was no grin or smile on his face, that moment was memorized many and many nights prior.
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          “.... What a horrible wedding gift, nee?” Even with that, he couldn’t help but joke like that. “ Kagami san…... I cannot apologize for what happened.” The leader had a sad gaze as he talked, hands over the table that divided them.           “That's life if you stay with me, nee. Things like that can happen again and.. If I die first, they would never going to spare you; If you die first… I’ll end up having to just choose another wife. You understand? There’s nothing good.. As I noticed now. If it was someone else I wouldn’t care that much, I understand now why the ones before me had many wives… ” Kisame sighs deeply, trying his hardest to keep his personal opinions out of this.
          “If you want, you could choose some people from your family and I’ll sponsor a better place close by the castle. I’ll keep guards around….there’s no need to wed me.”           “—Of course. If you tell me to mark you right here and right now. I would have no choice but to forget all of that.  We...could bet on our luck on whatever happens from now on.”
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“Tell me what you wish for.”
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Welcome to my beautiful Uchiha-centric blog <3
My muses:
Itachi Uchiha
Shisui Uchiha
Kagami Uchiha
Obito Uchiha
Kakashi Hatake
Tobirama Senju
Sakumo Hatake
My ships (no particular order):
ShiIta (Shisui+Itachi)
TobiKaga (Tobirama+Kagami)
KakaObi (Kakashi+Obito)
HashiMada (Hashirama+Madara)
I post headcanons, theories, oneshots, occasionally my own fanart. I reblog these from others as well, all Naruto-world content.
There will be 18+ content so minors please don’t interact!
I love to write the most so please send me requests about my aforementioned muses & ships, I’d be more than happy to write for them, as well as muse x reader scenarios <3
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x-authorship-x · 1 year
Different anon, but if, say, Shisui travels back after his eye was stolen but before he could gouge out his other one and toss himself off a cliff, and he had to fight Tobirama and/or his team after attempting to kill tween/teen Danzo bc trauma+adrenaline+pain = kill him before he can kill me and steal my other eye, how would that fight even go? Like if Shisui catches them unawares then he could definitely take out Danzo before they even realize he's there no problem, but if he's dumped into the middle of them, is caught off guard, and thrown off enough to be a bit sloppy with his attempt then that'd give them the chance to block him. Would he keep trying to fight or would he realize he's out numbered and flee? And in any case it's pretty clear that he's an Uchiha who just lost an eye, would they even treat him like an enemy? Tobirama could definitely find him again if he runs, it's just a matter of what he does when he approaches him and what Shisui does if Danzo happens to come with him. Also, very confusing for everyone of they happen to spot Shisui and Kagami's similarities and yet Kagami has no idea who this dude is
Hi, Anon!
So this is a really good premise for a very satisfying fight scene, even the way you've set the scene here is painting a very vivid mental image of how this would go down.
I don't think Shisui would run, just because this is the boy who (alongside bby Itachi) planted himself between the village and his clan and nearly singlehandedly managed to save them. He fled Danzo because he was (very very very poorly) looking to salvage the situation. In this scenario, I don't think Shisui would risk running again, even if he was faced down with Tobirama and his full team. So long as Danzo died, it wouldn't matter what happened to Shisui afterwards... Because the Elder wouldn't be there to fuck the Uchiha over.
(then again, to make life more complicated for myself, if Shisui is even just a fragment more coherent, then he would flee Danzo for the exact same reasons: better to kill him without obviously incriminating the Uchiha and bringing the village's ire down on them prematurely.
So, basically, going off my last shisui theory post, this only applies to shisui at maximum trauma-adrenaline)
Could shisui get a killing blow in at Danzo before he would be caught? He has a very, very good chance. Both he and Tobirama would be uniquely motivated (Shisui, this death is personal and will change the future; for Tobirama, this is the life of his precious student) so it's really up to the author to decide in the heat of the moment.
As for the aftermath of this altercation... frankly, I think Tobirama's determination for answers would win out over his need to annihilate the would-be/murderer of one of his students, especially since:
Shisui dropped from the sky, and therefore wasn't sensed until he was right on top of them
He was jabbering nonsense, which he probably would be considering he was poisoned by a ROOT Aburame and delirious with pain and now presented with people who were very much dead/old a moment beforehand
He's an unknown Uchiha missing an eye with a Mangekyou in the other
He looks uncannily like Kagami
This attack is completely out of the blue for them
Shisui is ridiculously fast
He's wearing unfamiliar but a distinctly Konohan uniform
Considering the state Shisui would be in, Tobirama would absolutely catch him, either before danzo could die, before shisui could flee afterwards, or before shisui could actually reach him. Therefore, what you're really dealing with, after all the drama and excitement ebbs a bit, is a battered and sobbing Kagami-lookalike spluttering about civil war and Danzo betraying the Uchiha and Tobirama would absolutely want to know every single detail
The team are horrified but fascinated, like when you can't look away from a train going off the rails. If Danzo lives... well, whether quickly or after a lot of thinking/convincing/plotline hijinks, they would believe Shisui. Danzo might even get a redemption over all the bullshit he hasn't been corrupted over and done yet!
There's so many ways to take this, Anon, and if you ever get around to exploring them, please do let me know!
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perelka-l · 2 years
itama for the character ask?
Meme time:
favorite thing about them
He's a baby boy and original Uchiha hater uwu
least favorite thing about them
Rare boy!
favorite line
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Baby thirsts for blood!!!!!
Idk why but I enjoy imagining him with Kagami? Idk why. Is it the cute vibes with hidden murderous beast inside? Maybe?? They would fit nice together... Izuna is also more bro material?
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Do I even have to explain myself. This ship. Especially Itama and the guy in the middle that is practically my semi-OC? Yeah. But then I think about Itama in any modern AU and his five sugar daddies and I have brainrots. Other scenarios also follow but we need some goddamn proper warnings for those.
I also have a certain fondness for ButsuIta (youngest son spoiled by strict dad? Yesssss), MadaIta (I don't even remember why) and Hashirama (can't escape incest demons).
I mean, considering what I do ship already do I even have nOTPs for that guy.
random headcanon
I like to think he was Butsuma's favourite son. Also, I like to think he had more of capabilities of a battle medic, would probs have a skillset similar to Tsunade and Kabuto if he lived any longer :D Also, magpies. We all know why.
Oh also vitiligo propaganda.
unpopular opinion
Does this babie even have any unpopular takes. Look at me, I am the unpopular take. I want terrible, terrible things to happen to him, I'm sorry but that boya awakens my worst instincts.
song i associate with them
Patterns by the Band of Skulls, Silent Spring by Massive Attack, Sugarbread by Soap&Skin (VERY MUCH THIS ONE), A Folded Note by Disparition, BLVCK SATIN (DELETED SIN RMX) by BLVCK CEILING.
favorite picture of them
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he is very smol, you can probs put him in a pocket (but also man when you look at it those trees are bloody massive like damn
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kagami--uchiha · 2 years
Dont ask me why (its cause I'm a whore for angst and I'll fated lovers)
Kagami x Danzo with all the Tragic fallout of the massacre and 3verything leading up to it still happening. Maybe even with some mind of fallout between Kagami and Danzo fueling Danzo and his actions/hate towards the Uchiha.
Hey.. reading my mind here huh? :D
I've kinda got different scenarios on how this can turn out, on which I'll gladly elaborate at home if you like! Just rather want to type it out on the pc if the interest is there soooo..
Shoot me a message :S (or an ask xD)
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konohadaddies · 4 months
Of Secrets and Demons | Closed | Hakai
Continued from x @kagami--uchiha Realizing what had happened every second a little more, he stilol asked himself if he.. not just simply got hit in the head and that was now his mind coming up with scenarios while he was laying in a ditch, slowly fading away.. But Hakai was still very much real, he could feel his touch, smell his scent and hear him talk very clearly. He just had to get it together now to not make a complete fool out of himself. “A.. Demon Lord?” his question was a little hesistant. Not because he was disbelieving, no, not after what he had witnessed.. But rather.. He was confused. Why would someone so powerful help a Shinobi village, what would he gain from that? Besides that… he rather lived pretty secluded somewhere on the outskirts, if he remembered right. It certainly was a lot to take in, and certainly there would be questions arising in him that he would love to ask, but it would feel disrespectful. Instead he gave him a gentle smile. “I guess it’s.. something you rather keep a secret then? It’ll be safe with me, I know everyone could say that. But I promise it won’t ever leave my lips, not even if I’ll ever be tortured.” Which wasn’t even a lie, he was well trained to endure torture methods that were even beyond humane. Not that torturing was a humane act to begin with. But being somewhat distracted with the shining strands flowing with the wind he couldn’t help but… to just catch some of them between his fingers, marvelling at the sight and the feel. “.. Please forgive me I am.. I am just simply overwhelmed right now I-… I thought we were going to die and… I was already feeling bad because I wouldn’t have been able to at least ensure that you would survive..” His gaze slowly dropped to the ground, brows furrowing in deep thought as he went through the events again. Shaking his head a little, he looked back up at the man in front of him. “What are we going to write in our mission report then? About that incident?” the question was a little unsure, because it probably would be a bad idea to casually mention Hakai turning into a Demon lord to anihilate the enemy.
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The breeze swept through long white hair and Hakai naturally lifted his head slightly, nose tipping towards the flow of the wind to check for any threats. Nothing was close enough to actually be a concern at the moment and he was quick to shift his attention back to the Uchiha when the human started speaking again.
He didn't tell many about the truth of his blood, but after he'd been forced to remove his ring and show at least his humanoid demon form, it wasn't like he could avoid it. But at least the young man seemed to grasp the concept that it wasn't something he just told anyone. "It is safer for all if I am viewed as just another human."
When humans knew he was a demon they either tended towards worship or terror and both made his life troublesome. And the fact he'd never bothered to show his power even during the wars around Konoha likely wasn't doing him any favors in how people might react to him. Alas, demonkind had rarely cared much what humans did and as long as his first pup's bloodline wasn't at the risk of dying out, he had little reason to get involved these days. At least in the manner of showing his demonic side.
One brow lifted at the way Kagami had touched his hair; once upon a time that would have been a death sentence. "My job was to bring the scroll and you back to the village. It is a mission I can complete." His response was rather flat, but he didn't pull away from the entranced touch either.
Hakai considered Kagami's question about their report for a moment, trying to decide how much this man could be trusted with knowledge of his truth. But there was no way to hide that they'd been followed unless he did something about the other two bodies. Sighing softly, he nodded to himself as he stepped away from Kagami and back towards the dead bodies.
"That we got away without pursuers." He spoke as he flexed his hand, a dull green glow creeping along his fingers before he plunged his now poisoned claws into the chest of the first body. The poison immediately began to break down the body, eating away flesh and bone alike. "There will be no one to disagree."
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pachu09 · 1 year
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WIP, Uchiha can shapeshift as cats AU
HI. I know its been a while since I posted any art. But RL is kicking me on the butt right now, so ho boy. This took a long time for me to even finished the line art...
Anyways, I know people will gonna be like... What the hell is Tajima doing there?
Tajima is here because now....the plot progressed to him actually wanting to know why the hell is his sons and Kagami were happily staying at the Senju Compound.
And then he found out how Butsuma's sons treats his sons...and then he gets to mentally fucked Butsuma too.
Example scenarios:
Scenario one:
Butsuma frowns as he saw the fish on top of his rice was missing. He glared at the nearest Elder that sat next to him. " Where is my fish, Elder Arata?. " The Senju Clan Head slowly puts down his chopstick. The Elder man raise a judgemental brow at him as he pointedly stares back. " You literally fed it to your cat, Butsuma-sama. " Butsuma scowls. " I don't have a cat, Elder Arata. "
The man sigh loudly and answered. " Then, what's the thing on your lap then?. "
Butsuma looks down and indeed there is a big black tomcat lounging on his lap and happily eating his lunch. It then meowed loudly at everyone and bump its head on his chin. Butsuma redden in embarassment.
Elder Arata snorted at the awkward look on his Clan Head face. " I told you so. "
Scenario two:
Butsuma scowled as he spied the huge cat bed that sat beside his Futon.
" Hashirama!. -- " his Eldest son had walk out of his own room with his second following him. His scowl deepen as he saw the two young cats and the kitten were sat docilely in Tobirama's arms again.
" What is it, Tousan?. " Hashirama had asked respectfully. A first in this week, Butsuma had noted.
He frowns at his eldest. " Why is there a cat bed in my room, Hashirama?. " His eldest throws him a confused look.
" Otou-san You literally commanded me to make one for your cat?. "
Butsuma growls. " I did not! " he noted in his peripheral vision that Tobirama is staring at something over his shoulder.
Hashirama straightens from his slouching pose and explain to him in a patronizing tone. " Yes, you did. Otousan. You even ask that I make your cat some brushes...."
Butsuma stares his children down. His children looked at him with judging eyes. He reddens. " Both of you. You're dismissed! "
Hashirama tutted at him . " At least tell me if Taji doesn't like his bed or brushes so that I can create a new one. "
Butsuma reddens more as the tom cat that was lounging on his shoulders meowed loudly as if telling his Eldest that he very much apperciates his gifts.
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