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Data Bridge Market Research analyses that the global kaempferol market will project a CAGR of 2.50% for the forecast period of 2021-2028.
#Kaempferol Market#Kaempferol Market scope#Kaempferol Market share#Kaempferol Market trend#Kaempferol Market forecast
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eat the rainbow! 🌈 reaching a total of 4-1/2 cups of colorful fruits and vegetable a day is the goal for a powerful plate.
🍓🍒🍎 red: rich in the carotenoid lycopene, a potent scavenger of gene-damaging free radicals that seems to protect against prostate cancer as well as heart and lung disease.
🍊🍌🍍 orange and yellow: provide beta cryptothanxin, which supports intracellular communication and may help prevent heart disease.
🥝🍏🥦 green: rich in cancer-blocking chemicals like sulforaphane, isothiocyanates, and indoles, which inhibit the action of carcinogens
🫐🍆🍇 blue and purple: have powerful antioxidants called anthocyanins believed to delay cellular aging and help the heart by blocking the formation of blood clots.
🥔🧄🧅 white and brown: contains allicin, which has anti-tumor properties. other foods in this group contain antioxidant flavonoids like quercetin and kaempferol.
#health and wellness#wellness#healthy girl#healthy eating#becoming that girl#dream life#self improvement#wellness girl#glow up#that girl
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The biochemical properties of raspberry leaf tea and its effects on the female reproductive system🌸🌿
Raspberry leaf tea, derived from the leaves of Rubus idaeus, has been traditionally used to support female reproductive health. This article delves into the biochemical properties of raspberry leaves, focusing on their potential mechanisms of action within the female reproductive system. We explore the active compounds, their pharmacodynamics, optimal timing for consumption during the menstrual cycle, recommended dosages, and duration of use.
Raspberry leaf tea is widely regarded in herbal medicine for its benefits on the female reproductive system. The leaves are rich in bioactive compounds such as flavonoids, tannins, and alkaloids, which are believed to positively influence uterine function, hormone regulation, and menstrual health.
Biochemical composition of raspberry leaves
The leaves of Rubus idaeus contain a variety of active compounds:
Flavonoids: including quercetin and kaempferol, which have antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and estrogenic properties.
Tannins: primarily ellagitannins, contributing to the astringent and tonifying effects on the uterus.
Alkaloids: fragrine, known for enhancing uterine muscle tone.
Vitamins and minerals: Rich in vitamins A, C, E, and B-complex, along with minerals like calcium and magnesium that are crucial for reproductive health.
Mechanisms of action
Uterine tonification
Fragrine, an alkaloid found in raspberry leaves, enhances uterine muscle tone by modulating calcium channels in the myometrium. This action promotes mild contractions, which may prepare the uterus for labor and potentially reduce postpartum hemorrhage by improving uterine strength.
Hormonal regulation
The flavonoids quercetin and kaempferol exhibit estrogenic activity by interacting with estrogen receptors. These compounds may modulate the menstrual cycle and alleviate symptoms of premenstrual syndrome (PMS) by balancing estrogen levels. Additionally, their antioxidant effects help reduce oxidative stress, a contributor to reproductive disorders.
Menstrual cycle modulation
Tannins in raspberry leaves provide astringent effects that can regulate heavy menstrual bleeding by promoting vascular constriction and reducing capillary permeability. The anti-inflammatory properties of flavonoids also help alleviate dysmenorrhea by reducing prostaglandin synthesis, which is responsible for menstrual pain.
Antioxidant protection
Raspberry leaves are rich in antioxidants, including vitamins C and E, which protect reproductive tissues from oxidative damage, potentially mitigating conditions like endometriosis and polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS).
Optimal timing and dosage
Phase of the menstrual cycle
Raspberry leaf tea is most beneficial when consumed during the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle (from ovulation to the start of menstruation). During this phase, the uterine lining is preparing for potential pregnancy, and the tonifying effects of raspberry leaves can support uterine strength and reduce PMS symptoms.
Additionally, raspberry leaf tea is commonly recommended during the third trimester of pregnancy to help prepare the uterus for labor.
Recommended dosage
The typical dosage is 1-2 cups of raspberry leaf tea per day. Each cup is made by steeping 1-2 teaspoons of dried raspberry leaves in 250 ml (about 8 ounces) of boiling water for 10-15 minutes.
Duration of use
For menstrual health: begin drinking raspberry leaf tea from the day of ovulation and continue until the start of menstruation. This typically lasts for about 10-14 days per cycle.
For pregnancy: start drinking 1 cup daily from the 32nd week of pregnancy, gradually increasing to 2-3 cups daily as the due date approaches. Continue until childbirth.
Potential clinical applications
Pregnancy support
Raspberry leaf tea is recommended during the later stages of pregnancy to strengthen uterine muscles, potentially leading to more efficient contractions and shorter labor.
Menstrual regulation
For women experiencing irregular or heavy menstrual cycles, raspberry leaf tea can help regulate the cycle, reduce menstrual flow, and alleviate PMS symptoms.
Postpartum recovery
The tea can support postpartum recovery by promoting uterine involution and reducing the risk of hemorrhage. Its nutrient content also aids in replenishing vitamins and minerals lost during childbirth.
🌿🌸Article requested by @gracefulchristiangirl🌸🌿
[photos from Pinterest]
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Sentimen Publik : Antara Konsumsi Mie Instan atau Inovasi Mie Organik
Indonesia merupakan salah satu negara dengan tingkat konsumsi tertinggi urutan kedua setelah negara Cina berkisar 13,270 juta bungkus atau setara 92,4% dari total penduduk di Indonesia (Sindi, 2022).
"Konsumsi mie instan lebih baik tidak lebih dari dua bungkus dalam satu minggu dan tidak dijadikan kebiasaan rutin. Bila ingin mengkonsumsi mie instan sebaiknya diberikan tambahan sayur dan protein seperti telur, ayam, daging serta sumber protein lain. Tidak dianjurkan konsumsi mie instan sebagai lauk atau dimakan hanya dengan nasi karena hanya mengandung karbohidrat saja," pungkas Tri Kurniawati selaku Ahli Gizi Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya.
"Cara masaknya yang sangat mudah, punya banyak varian rasa, mudah dikreasikan menjadi aneka macam makanan," tutur Samuel.
" Harganya murah meriah, mudah didapatkan dimana-mana. Entah itu di warung dekat rumah hingga supermarket," tambahnya.
Namun, berdasarkan Data kandungan gizi pada salah satu merek mie instan di Indonesia didapatkan hasil bahwa: dalam satu bungkus mie instan ukuran umum (85 gram) mengandung kalori sebesar 380 kkal, 49 gram karbohidrat, 4 gram gula, 7 gram serat, 8 gram protein, dan 21 gram lemak. Sedangkan untuk ukuran mie instan ukuran jumbo (129 gram) didapatkan hasil berupa kandungan : 560 kalori, 80 gram karbohidrat, 13 gram gula, 3 gram serat, 13 gram protein dan 21 gram lemak. Beberapa komponen vitamin dan mineral yang ada meliputo Vitamin A (50%), Vitamin B1 (50%), Vitamin B6 (25%), Vitamin B12 (20%) dan natrium (970 mg) (Zahra et al., 2023).
Menurut Zahra et al., 2023, konsumsi mie instan melebihi batas konsumsi dapat menimbulkan gangguan kesehatan yang bervariasi sekaligus kelainan fungsi. Hal ini disebabkan oleh kandungan karbohidrat sederhana, lemak dan natrium yang tinggi. Beberapa gangguan kesehatan yang dapat ditimbulkan dari pola konsumsi mie instan secara berlebihan yaitu:
a. gangguan pencernaan, mie instan termasuk jenis makanan yang sulit untuk dicerna oleh tubuh sehingga dapat membuat sistem kerja pada saluran cerna bekerja lebih berat.
b. gangguan ginjal, adanya penumpukan natrium dan cairan dalam tubuh dapat menyebabkan terganggunya fungsi ginjal.
c. obesitas, adanya kandungan kalori yang tinggi mengakibatkan berat badan naik dengan mudah.
d. tekanan darah tinggi, tingginya kandungan natrium dalam garam pada 1 kemasan mie instan dapat menyebabkan tekanan darah meningkat dan risiko kardiovaskular. Selain itu, konsumsi natrium per hari tidak boleh lebih dari 2.000-2.400 atau setara dengan 5-6 gram garam.
e. sindrom metabolik, terjadi ketika tubuh terbiasa menerima makanan instan dan kurang menerima sayuran dapat menyebabkan gejala penumpukan lemak pada perut, hipertensi, gula darah tinggi hingga kadar lipid yang tidak normal.
Sumber : Zahra et al., 2023.
Berbicara mengenai inovasi pangan berkelanjutan, mie instan menjadi salah satu produk pangan yang disoroti banyak kalangan untuk dilakukan inovasi melalui fortifikasi. Penambahan bahan dalam inovasi tersebut dapat berupa sayuran, buah-buahan maupun limbah steril dengan nilai gizi yang cukup tinggi. Salah satu inovasi mie organik yang sudah ada di Indonesia adalah mie organik daun kelor dari Desa Buahan.
Mie Kelor Desa Buahan adalah salah satu produk inovatif yang kaya akan nutrisi dan manfaat kesehatan. Daun kelor dikenal tinggi vitamin A dan berbagai nutrisi lainnya. Mengolah kelor menjadi mie tidak hanya menawarkan cita rasa yang unik dan lezat tetapi juga memberikan pilihan makanan yang sehat bagi masyarakat," ujar Bupati Sanjaya.
Menurut penelitian Adi et al., 2019, produk mie daun kelor terbukti mengandung vitamin A lebih tinggi dibandingkan produk mie biasa sehingga dapat memenuhi kebutuhan vitamin A harian anak, mengandung vitamin C dibandingkan produk mie biasa yang tidak mengandung vitamin C, mengandung senyawa bioaktif flavonoid berupa myrecyetin, quercetin dan kaempferol sebagai antioksidan.
Potensi pengembangan mie organik daun kelor memiliki nilai ekonomis dengan cara pemasaran yang beragam salah satunya melalui usaha warung makan.
"Untuk rasanya ini benar-benar enak, ditambah kelornya cukup berasa dan jika dimakan mienya saja sudah enak menurut saya," kata seorang pelanggan Satrio.
Selain itu, penggantian substitusi tepung dengan tepung non gluten dapat menjadi salah satu keunggulan mie organik daun kelor. Namun, salah satu kelemahan mie organik terutama mie organik daun kelor adalah harganya yang relatif dua kali lipat dari harga mie instan di pasar.
Jadi, kalian lebih suka mie yang mana nih? Mie instan dengan harga ramah di kantong atau mie organik demi kesehatan? Yuk, mulai sayangi kesehatan tubuh dimulai dari diri sendiri. Love your self❤
Sindi, A. E. 2022. Preferensi Remaja Terhadal Keputusan Pembelian Mie Instan Korea Berbagai Merek di Kabupaten Sumenep. Jurnal Cemara 19(2).
Adi, A. C., Qonita, R., dan Agnessia, N. A. 2019. The Acceptance and Nutritional Value of Crispy Noodles Supplemented With Moringa Oleifera as a Functional Snack for Children in a Food Insecure Area. Preventive Nutrition and Food Sience, 24(4).
Zahra, A. H., Najwa, H. R., Rihhadatul., dan Aisy. N. 2023. Faktor dan Pengaruh Konsumsi Mie Instan pada Mahasiswa. Jurnal Ilmiah Multidisiplin 2(3).
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I’m harvesting and drying my 100% organic, grown from seed Yarrow today. Let me know via DMs if you’d like some ☺️
Yarrow // Achillea millefolium
Parts Used: aerial portions, including flower and leaves.
Family: Asteraceae
Other Names: allheal, angel flower, bad man’s plaything, bloodwort, cammock, carpenter’s weed, devil’s mustard, devil’s nettle, devil’s plaything, dog daisy, gordaldo, gordoloba, green arrow, herbe militaris, hierba de las cortadura, knight’s milfoil, milfoil, nosebleed plant, old man’s mustard, old man’s pepper, sanguinary, soldier’s woundwort, squirrel’s taile, stanchgrass, staunchweed, thousand weed, thousand-leaf, thousand-seal, woundwort, yarroway
Native to Europe, Asia, and North America, yarrow is found in temperate regions all over the world.
Actions and Properties:
alterative, anti-fungal, anti-inflammatory, anti-pyretic, antiallergenic, antibacterial, antiseptic, antispasmodic, appetite stimulant, aromatic, astringent, bitter, carminative, circulatory stimulant, diaphoretic, digestant, diuretic, emmenagogue, expectorant, hemostatic, styptic, tonic, vulnerary
Yarrow is rich in essential oil and tannins. Yarrow contains 0.3% to 1.4% volatile oils (azulenes, eugenol, caaryophyllene, humulene, limonene, sabinene, thujone, borneol, and camphor), resin, sesquiterpene lactones, 3-4% tannins, flavonoids (including luteolin, apigenin, kaempferol, rutin, and quercitrin), alkaloids (achilletin, betonicine, stachydrine, trigonelline), alkamides, asparagin, aconitic and isovalerianic acids, selenium, beta-cerotene, proteins, sugars, phenolic acids, and coumarins. Its anti-inflammatory and anti-allergy effects may be associated with the constituent chamazulene. The alkaloid fraction of yarrow has shown evidence of hypotensive effects as well as antipyretic effects. Volatile oils in yarrow may have CNS depressent activity. The constituent Achilleine, an alkaloid, might decrease clotting time.
Yarrow is toxic to horses, dogs and cats
All my info is from this lovely website :)
#yarrow#medicinal#herb#herbal remedies#natural#holistic#witchy#green witch#nature#pagan#green#goddess
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body needs the support of superfoods to aid its natural detoxification process:
Brussels sprouts and other crucifers are rich in sulfur, which helps remove heavy metals like lead, mercury, and cadmium from your body.
Chlorella is a dark green algae that binds to heavy metals and carries them out of your body as it passes through.
Sulfur-rich garlic helps with the detoxification of heavy metals and promotes the production of glutathione, a major detoxification antioxidant.
Asparagus contains glutathione and a variety of other antioxidants that help with cellular detox, including the powerful flavonoids quercetin and kaempferol and vitamin C.
Apple’s soluble fiber content (called pectin) may aid the excretion of toxic heavy metals by increasing the amount of toxins like arsenic, lead, and cadmium in urine and acting like a chelator.
Cilantro leaves can enhance mercury excretion and possibly decrease lead absorption.
#detox#health#wellness#health and wellness#healthy eating#healthy#natural#god's creation#gods creation#art of antiaging#cilantro#vegan#vegetarian#plantbased#plant based
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Herbal pain oil
TsMadaan Pain Oil useful in the prevention of joint pains, back ache, arthritis, cervical pain, neck & shoulder pain, myositis, fibrositis, sciatica, muscular sprain and strain.
Herbal pain oil
TsMadaan Herbal Pain Oil - 100 ML Anti-Inflammatory & Muscle Relaxant Massage Oil The Natural Pain Reliever.
Cures Joints Pain Relieves Low Back Pain Cures Swollen Joints Cures Inflamed Joints Relieves Sprain. Relieves Painful Muscles. Relieves Neck Strain. Cures Old Age Arthritis. Cures Rheumatoid Arthritis. Composition: Hadjod, Datura, Nirgundi, Kaner, Kakjanga Taila, Ashwagandha, Aak, Sounth, Ajwain, Sendha Namak, Vacha, Bachnaag, Kuchla, Ratanjot, Kapur, Boswellia Oil ext., Castor, Turpentine oil, Gandhapura Oil, Sesame Oil, Linseed Oil.
Direction for use: Massage gently on the affected areas. For better results, keep the area covered with a soft, dry cloth for oil to get absorbed. In case of excessive pain, apply twice a day or as directed by physician.
An Ayurvedic Proprietary Medicine. Shake well before use.
For external use only.
Benefits of each ingredient of TsMadaan Herbal Pain Oil:
Hadjod can help mend fractures by reducing swelling, relieving pain, and treating allied disorders connected with fractures. Hadjod's anti-inflammatory activities are due to the presence of Beta-sitosterol and luteolin flavonoids.
The phytosterols -sitosterol and -sitosterol glycoside, terpenoids, and phenolic compounds contained in hadjod, such as resveratrol, quercetin, quercitrin, and kaempferol, are thought to be analgesic.
Datura seeds are analgesic, anthelmintic, and anti-inflammatory, and are used to treat stomach and intestinal pain caused by worm infestation, toothaches, and fever caused by inflammation. Its fruit juice is applied to the scalp to cure dandruff and hair loss.
Nirgundi root and bark preparations contain the alkaloid nishindine, which has anti-inflammatory and analgesic (pain-relieving) properties. This aids arthritis sufferers in reducing joint pain and muscle spasms.
The Kaner plant is one of those plants that has both therapeutic and religious significance. We offer crimson blooms from the Kaner tree to the gods. Kaner's flowers come in a variety of colors, including red, yellow, white, and pink. It's a little tree that's about the same size as the plant. It has very long and thin leaves.
Ashwagandha may function as a pain reliever by inhibiting the transmission of pain signals through the central nervous system. It's also possible that it has anti-inflammatory qualities. As a result, some studies has found it to be useful in treating rheumatoid arthritis and other types of arthritis.
Root, Aak
Aak Root helps wounds heal faster and soothes stomach pains, headaches, and sprains.
Sonth or Shunthi is also known as vishvabhejhaj (universal medicine) because of its numerous applications. As it balances the vata dosha in the body, it is a natural pain reliever used in Ayurveda to reduce all forms of pain, including abdominal colicky pain, joint pain, headaches, and menstrual pain.
Ajwain, sometimes known as carom or Bishop weeds, is a type of ajwain. It contains essential oil, which is made up of a variety of bioactive chemicals and hence has medical value. Ajwain is available all year round. Ajwain is known for its medicinal and therapeutic properties.
Namak Sendha
A more pure form of sodium chloride is rock salt. It also has a significant amount of potassium. These minerals aid in the correction of electrolyte imbalances in the body, providing relief from muscle cramps. You can also relieve discomfort in the affected area by mixing rock salt with warm water.
Vacha is a traditional plant that has a number of health benefits. Because this herb enhances intelligence and expression, it is known as "Vacha" in Sanskrit. Vacha is a revitalizing herb in Ayurveda because of its influence on the neurological system. It has a bitter taste and is available in dried form.
Because of its anti-inflammatory properties, Vacha essential oil may be effective in relieving pain and inflammation when used externally.
Kuchla oil aids in the management of some painful illnesses (such as rheumatism or other joint discomfort) that are caused by a Vata dosha imbalance. Due to its Vata balancing properties, topical application of Kuchla oil on the afflicted area helps to provide pain and inflammation alleviation.
The origins of Ratanjot's roots are packed with anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antiviral, anti-aging, and anti-oxidant qualities. This is mostly due to the presence of "beneficial compounds" such as flavonoids, naphthoquinone, alkannin, and shikonin.
When applied topically to the skin, camphor activates nerve endings, reducing symptoms such as pain and itching. Camphor is also employed in the treatment of acute pain. When applied to the skin, it de-sensitizes nerve endings and produces a warm sensation. It also aids in the relief of muscular and joint pain.
ext. Boswellia Oil
The plant is employed in Ayurveda, one of the world's oldest traditional medical systems. Boswellic acids are abundant in Boswellia. These acids are thought to have anti-inflammatory properties.
Castor oil
Castor oil has natural anti-inflammatory properties, making it an excellent massage oil for sore muscles and joints.
Turpentine oil
Turpentine oil is used to treat joint pain, muscular discomfort, nerve pain, and toothaches by applying it to the skin. People sometimes inhale the fumes of turpentine oil to relieve chest congestion associated with certain lung conditions.
Sesame seed oil
Sesame oil provides a warming effect, which aids in the relief of muscle pain. It's also great for keeping your feet warm in the winter.
Flaxseed oil
Flaxseed oil, according to study, may aid patients who suffer from pain by reducing inflammation. It's thought that because of the omega-3 fatty acid content, it could be just as helpful as olive oil in this area.
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#kaempferol 3-O-rutinoside
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Price: [price_with_discount] (as of [price_update_date] - Details) [ad_1] Lemongrass also known as Cymbopogon Citratus is an herb which belongs to the grass family of Poaceae. It is well known and utilized for its distinct lemon flavor and citrusy aroma. Lemongrass contains antioxidants, flavonoids and phenolic compounds such as luteolin, glycosides, quercetin, kaempferol, elimicin, catecol, chlorogenic acid, and caffeic acid, all of which help in providing an impressive range of medicinal aids. The main component of lemongrass is lemonal or citral, which has anti-fungal and antimicrobial qualities. Lemongrass is known for its anti microbial properties and has been used as a therapeutic agent for centuries! Soon, it’s usage picked up in cooking too, as a flavoring agent, owing to the unique smell and taste it carried. Nature’s Spice brings to you Organic Lemongrass Leaves, from it’s range of organic spices and herbs.The lemon grass cuttings can be brewed (along with honey and cinnamon, if you prefer) to make a nice cup of lemongrass tea. It leaves you feeling energized and rejuvenated. CONTROLS CHOLESTEROL: The anti-cholesterol and anti-atherosclerosis action of lemongrass helps reduce the absorption of cholesterol from the intestine. Plus, it helps in the oxidation of LDL-cholesterol in the blood, which in turn helps prevent atherosclerotic plaque buildup. The high potassium content in lemongrass also helps lower and regulate blood pressure. CLEANSES & DETOXIFYIES: Lemongrass tea helps cleanse and detoxify the body. The diuretic nature of lemongrass helps remove toxins, uric acid and bad cholesterol from the body by increasing the frequency and quantity of urination. Plus, the cleansing properties of this herbal tea help purify the liver, kidneys, bladder and pancreas. It also plays a key role in increasing blood circulation, which is important for overall health. Lemongrass is available in pack of 125 grams [ad_2]
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Apa Itu Tanaman Harendong?
Harendong (Melastoma candidum), atau disebut juga senggani, adalah salah satu jenis tanaman yang memiliki khasiat untuk kesehatan. Meski sering dianggap gulma yang pertumbuhannya mengganggu, bagian daun, akar, buah, dan biji harendong dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai obat dan pewarna alami makanan.
Selain disebut harendong dan senggani, tumbuhan ini juga punya nama-nama sebutan lain: kluruk (Jawa), senduduk dan cengkodok (Melayu), kemanden (Madura), ndusuk (Flores), kedebik (Bangka), dan karamunting (Dayak).
Bagaimana ciri-ciri harendong? Tumbuhan harendong merupakan jenis perdu atau pohon kecil. Memiliki batang berkayu yang tegak dan berwarna cokelat, tingginya 1,5 – 5 m, yang percabangannya simpodial (terbagi dua atau lebih pada setiap modul). Tanaman ini biasanya tumbuh di kawasan yang mendapatkan sinar matahari yang cukup seperti lereng gunung, daerah semak belukar yang tidak terlalu rimbun, dan lainnya.
Harendong memiliki daun tunggal, bertangkai, dan letaknya berhadapan secara bersilangan. Setiap helai daun berwarna hijau, bentuknya seperti bulat telur, panjangnya 2 – 20 cm dan lebarnya 1 – 8 cm. Ujung dan pangkal daunnya runcing, dengan bagian pinggiran daun rata. Memiliki rambut pendek yang jarang-jarang dan kaku di permukaan daunnya, sehingga bila diraba terasa kasar.
Daun harendong memiliki berbagai kandungan kimia antara lain flavonoid, saponin, dan tanin terhidrolisis yang umum disebut nobotanin B. Bunga harendong mengandung kaempferol, antosianin, sterol, tanin, dan asam lemak. Buah senggani berwarna ungu kemerahan dan diduga memiliki kandungan antosianin. Buah senggani dapat dijadikan pewarna alami.
Manfaat Harendong untuk Kesehatan
Sebagai salah satu tanaman obat tradisional, sudah pasti ada manfaat harendong untuk kesehatan. Bagian yang dapat digunakan dari tumbuhan ini ialah daun, akar, buah, dan bijinya. Penelitian juga telah menunjukkan bahwa dalam bagian-bagian tumbuhan harendong terdapat kandungan-kandungan yang bermanfaat untuk kesehatan.
Secara tradisional manfaat harendong untuk kesehatan antara lain untuk: membantu mengatasi disentri basiler, diare, gangguan pencernaan (dispepsi), hepatitis, keputihan (leukorea), sariawan, bisul, keracunan singkong, mimisan, perdarahan menstruasi berlebihan, perdarahan di luar waktu menstruasi, wasir berdarah, buang air besar berdarah (melena), ASI tidak lancar, radang dinding pembuluh darah yang disertai pembekuan darah (tromboangitis), mabuk minuman keras, dan busung air.
Ternyata ada cukup banyak masalah kesehatan yang telah secara tradisional ditangani dengan harendong. Nah, di bawah ini adalah 6 cara mengolah harendong berdasarkan resep tradisional:
1. Cara Mengolah Harendong untuk Disentri Basiler
Guna mendapat manfaat harendong untuk mengobati disentri ikuti cara mengolah berikut ini:
Cukup siapkan aseman dan daun Harendong secukupnya untuk direbus dengan 3 gelas air sampai mendidih dan tersisa sekitar 1 gelas saja. Setelah air rebusan tersebut dingin, minumlah sekaligus. Lakukan hal tersebut sebanyak 2 kali dalam sehari.
2. Cara Mengolah Harendong untuk Sariawan
Berikut cara mempersiapkan dan mengolah untuk mendapatkan manfaat harendong dalam mengobati sariawan:
Siapkan 2 lembar daun Harendong lalu cuci sampai bersih. Kemudian, bilaslah dengan air matang hangat untuk melunakkan teksturnya. Setelah dibilas, kunyahlah daun Harendong dengan campuran sedikit garam dan telanlah.
3. Cara Mengolah Harendong untuk Bisul
Ikuti cara mengolah berikut ini untuk mendapatkan manfaat harendong untuk menghilangkan bisul:
Pengobatan bisul juga bisa dilakukan dengan daun Harendong dengan cara merebusnya sampai air rebusannya tersisa sedikit. Nah, air rebusannya itu diminum, kemudian ampasnya dibubuhkan pada bisul. Lalu, balutlah supaya daunnya tidak tercerai-berai.
Caranya dengan menyiapkan 50 gram daun harendong yang dicuci, lalu direbus. Tunggu hingga air rebusan berubah warna menjadi pekat, kemudian matikan api dan hidangkan. Ampasnya dilumatkan untuk dijadikan masker pada bisul.
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Fakta Kesehatan tentang Buah Mangga yang Wajib Diketahui
Mangga adalah salah satu buah yang memiliki banyak penggemar. Hal ini tidak terlepas dari rasanya yang lezat dan manis, sekaligus kemudahan mangga yang dapat diolah menjadi sejumlah hidangan.
Tidak hanya enak, nyatanya ada beberapa fakta menarik buah mangga untuk kesehatan. Beberapa fakta tersebut berkaitan dengan kandungan nutrisi mangga yang tinggi. Lantas, apa saja fakta menarik tersebut? Simak penjelasan berikut.
Ketahui Dulu Kandungan Nutrisi Mangga
Banyak orang menyukai mangga tak hanya karena rasanya yang lezat, tetapi juga karena kandungan gizinya. Sebagai gambaran, satu cangkir mangga segar seberat 165 gram dapat menyediakan:
Kalori: 99 kkal.
Protein: 1,4 gram.
Karbohidrat: 24,7 gram.
Lemak: 0,6 gram.
Serat: 2,6 gram.
Gula: 22,5 gram.
Vitamin C: 67 persen dari angka kebutuhan harian (DV).
Tembaga: 20 persen dari DV.
Folat: 18 persen dari DV.
Vitamin B6: 12 persen dari DV.
Vitamin K: 6 persen dari DV.
Niasin: 7 persen dari DV.
Kalium: 6 perse dari DV.
Vitamin A: 10 persen DV.
Vitamin E: 10 persen dari DV.
Riboflavin: 5 persen dari DV.
Magnesium: 4 persen dari DV.
Tiamin: 4 persen dari DV.
Berdasarkan gambaran tersebut, 1 cangkir (165 gram) mangga segar menyediakan hampir 67 persen vitamin C untuk kebutuhan harian. Vitamin C berperan penting dalam membantu sistem kekebalan, membantu tubuh menyerap zat besi, dan meningkatkan pertumbuhan sel dan perbaikan.
Selain itu, mangga juga merupakan sumber mineral tembaga dan folat yang baik. Nutrisi ini merupakan asupan penting, terutama selama kehamilan. Sebab, folat mendukung pertumbuhan dan perkembangan janin yang sehat.
Fakta Buah Mangga untuk Kesehatan
Berkat kandungan nutrisinya yang melimpah, mangga menjadi salah satu makanan sehat yang sebaiknya dikonsumsi secara moderat. Lantas, apa saja fakta kesehatan menarik tentang buah mangga yang wajib diketahui? Berikut penjelasannya:
1. Menjaga Kesehatan Pencernaan
Mangga dapat membantu menjaga kesehatan pencernaan karena kandungan senyawa amilase dan serat makanan yang berfungsi mencegah sembelit. Senyawa amilase dapat membantu melarutkan makanan lain di perut, memecah pati yang sulit, sehingga mencegah sembelit.
2. Buah Mangga Mampu Meningkatkan Imun Tubuh
Mangga mengandung nutrisi yang dapat meningkatkan kekebalan tubuh. Ini dikarenakan kandungan vitamin A yang dapat berfungsi menurunkan risiko infeksi.
Vitamin C pada mangga juga dapat membantu tubuh menghasilkan lebih banyak sel darah putih untuk melawan penyakit, membantu sel-sel tubuh bekerja lebih efektif, dan meningkatkan pertahanan kulit.
Selain mangga, ada beberapa makanan lain yang juga dapat meningkatkan imun tubuh. Simak informasinya dalam artikel: Jarang Diketahui, Ini 7 Makanan untuk Meningkatkan Daya Tahan Tubuh.
3. Tinggi Senyawa Tanaman Sehat
Mangga kaya akan polifenol, yaitu senyawa tumbuhan yang bertindak sebagai antioksidan untuk melindungi tubuh. Menariknya lagi, buah ini memiliki lebih dari selusin jenis senyawa tumbuhan berbeda yang terkonsentrasi pada daging, kulit, dan bahkan inti bijinya. Berikut adalah senyawa tumbuhan tersebut:
Asam galat.
Asam benzoat.
Antioksidan penting karena melindungi sel dari radikal bebas. Senyawa yang sangat reaktif ini dapat merusak sel.
4. Menurunkan Risiko Kanker
Buah mangga mengandung polifenol yang memiliki sifat antikanker. Polifenol berperan sebagai pelindung dari stres oksidatif, yang terkait dengan banyak jenis kanker.
Kandungan polifenol pada mangga dapat mengurangi stres oksidatif, menghancurkan atau menghentikan pertumbuhan berbagai sel kanker, termasuk leukemia dan kanker usus besar.
5. Mengurangi Risiko Diabetes
Mengonsumsi buah dan sayuran yang tinggi vitamin C dan karotenoid dapat membantu mencegah timbulnya penyakit gula. Mangga kaya akan kedua nutrisi ini, sehingga dapat memberikan manfaat yang serupa.
Meski begitu, manfaat ini masih memerlukan penelitian lebih jauh. Pasalnya, buah mangga mengandung gula alami tinggi. Alhasil, konsumsi yang terlalu banyak malah berpotensi menyebabkan lonjakan kadar gula darah.
Meski begitu, ada sejumlah cara yang teruji efektif dalam mengurangi risiko diabetes. Simak informasinya dalam artikel: 5 Cara Praktis Mencegah Diabetes.
6. Menjaga Kesehatan Jantung
Mengonsumsi buah mangga dapat menjaga kesehatan jantung. Alasannya, mangga mengandung magnesium dan potasium, yang dapat membantu menjaga aliran darah tetap sehat.
Nutrisi ini sekaligus membantu pembuluh darah tetap rileks dan menstabilkan tekanan darah. Mangiferin sebagai antioksidan dari mangga juga baik untuk kesehatan jantung.
Mangiferin dapat melindungi sel-sel jantung dari peradangan, stres oksidatif, dan kematian sel. Selain itu, mangiferin juga dapat membantu menurunkan kadar kolesterol, trigliserida, dan asam lemak dalam darah.
7. Berpotensi Menjaga Kesehatan Mata
Mangga penuh dengan nutrisi yang membantu mendukung kesehatan mata. Sebab, selain polifenol, mangga juga memiliki kandungan antioksidan lutein dan zeaxanthin.
Di dalam retina, lutein dan zeaxanthin bertindak sebagai tabir surya alami, menyerap cahaya berlebih. Selain itu, produk ini tampaknya melindungi mata dari radiasi blue light atau cahaya biru yang berbahaya.
Mangga juga merupakan sumber vitamin A yang baik, yang mendukung kesehatan mata. Kurangnya asupan vitamin A telah berkaitan dengan mata kering dan kebutaan malam hari.
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8 Health Benefits Of Guava Leaves That Are Scientifically Proven
However, the guava leaf extends beyond appearance and primary function of acting as a shell for the fruit. There are numerous health benefits of guava leaves which promote physical well-being. The main aim of this content is, however, to concentrate on the guava leaves and highlight, in a nut shell, the various health benefits it has.
Guava Leaves: Nature's Remedy for a Healthier You
Before going deep into the leaves, let us talk a little about guava fruit. This oval-shaped fruit is usually green in color with a hint of yellow sometimes. Guava is a nutritive fruit. It consists of numerous benefits of guava leaves due to the presence of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants in this fruit.
Nutritional Value of Guava Leaves:
The guava leaves are equally admirable. They have a number of phytochemicals such as avicularia and hyperin, apigenin, myricetin, gallic acid and epicatechin, chlorogenic acid and caffeic acid as well as kaempferol. Furthermore, they contain a number of microelements such as vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.
Know the Health Benefits Of Guava Leaves
Boosts Immune System: Guava leaves contain antioxidants and vitamin C that boost the immune system, thus preventing one from falling sick. This is very essential especially during the flu and other infection-prone seasons when a person’s body is weak and prone to infections.
Enhances Eyesight: Guava leaves are rich in vitamin A, which improves eye health, thus preventing vision problems. This is useful for screen users and other individuals who like how sitting in dark places gives them rest but whose eyes are at risk of vision problems.
Reduces Menstrual Pain: Guava Leaves are used to relieve menstrual pains. Many of these women will agree that painful periods a lot disrupts or even worsens the quality of life.
Encourages Healthy Digestion: Guava leaf is rich in fiber which facilitates digestion and alleviates constipation. This can help in avoiding digestive problems as well as keeping healthy intestines.
Helps Prevent Cancer: Guava leaf antioxidants destroy cancer cells and protect healthy cells from damage. Especially these days when all the environmental cancer causing toxins and pollutants are on the rise.
Promotes cardiovascular health: Under quarterly principle, guava leaves help decrease bad cholesterol, increases proper blood flow, and lower heart disease. This is important in sustaining the cardiovascular system and averting heart attack and stroke.
Read Also: The Hidden Health Benefits of Guava Leaves
Helps Relax: Guava leaf has calming effect and can help ease anxiety and induce sleep. This is of great help to patients who experience stress or anxiety in their day to day lives.
Alleviates the Symptoms of Cold and Cough: Thanks to their antibacterial as well as their expectorant properties, guava leaves can be utilized to ease a cold and cough. This helps ease the signs and aids in a quicker recovery from lung infections.
Hair: Guava leaves for hair growth and help reduce hair loss by strengthening the hair follicles.
Skin: The antibacterial properties of guava leaves for skin help treat acne, reduce inflammation, and improve overall skin health.
Diabetes: Guava leaves for diabetes help lower blood sugar levels and improve insulin sensitivity, aiding in diabetes management.
Health Benefits Of Guava leaves extend from fighting infections to enhancing immunity and aiding in digestion and prevention of lifestyle diseases. This is because the levels of guava leaves on the diet can be increased with little or no trouble to enhance the health of an individual. Whether in tea, as a supplement, or as an ointment, here are guava leaves worth your while to include in your health care.
In “Harvest Harmony” A book authored by Dr. Partha P Banerjee reveals the numerous health Benefits Of Guava Leaves among other natural methods and examines holistic medicine. Remember that there is often a solution to our medical ailments if we were to step outside. Explore, Learn, Value and Accept the tranquil that this life has!
Read Also: Know the Health Benefits Of Guava Leaves In Daily Routine
1. How healthy are guava leaves?
Parts of the guava plant such as its leaves have health benefits including better digestion, moderation of blood sugar, enhancement of the cardiac function and protection from inflammations and cause weight loss and even provide some anti-oxidation properties.
2. Do guava leaves help in weight loss?
The answer is yes; guava leaves may increase the rate of metabolism and also help control weight gain by inhibiting the absorption of carbohydrates.
3. How do guava leaves help skin health?
Acne treatment, irritation relief, marking reduction, and age-defying effects from antioxidants and anti-inflammatories – guava leaves do it all.
4. Can guava leaves cure diabetes?
Yes, guava leaves are said to lower blood sugar levels and are therefore useful for diabetes patients.
5. How do guava leaves taste?
They have a taste which is somewhat nude that is slightly astringent. They are also used in many herbal tea.
#benefits of guava leaves#health benefits of guava leaves#benefits of guava leaves for diabetes#dr partha banerjee#harvest harmony
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Anti-Inflammatory Properties of Rosemary Polyphenols
Inflammation plays a significant role in the development of diseases such as Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD), IBD-related colon cancer, and diabetes. Polyphenols, particularly those from Rosmarinus officinalis L. (rosemary), are known for their diverse biological activities, including antioxidant, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory effects.
Key Molecules
1. Rosmarinic Acid: The primary phenolic compound in rosemary, noted for its potent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.
2. Caffeic Acid: Another major phenol that contributes to reducing inflammation and protecting the gastrointestinal tract.
3. Carnosic Acid and Carnosol: Phenolic diterpenes that inhibit inflammatory pathways and reduce the production of inflammatory cytokines.
4. Flavonoids (Quercetin, Kaempferol): These compounds have antioxidant effects and modulate the inflammatory response.
Mechanisms of Action
- Inflammation Suppression: Rosemary polyphenols reduce inflammatory cell infiltration and block inflammatory signaling pathways such as NF-κB and NLRP3.
- Gut Microbiota Modulation: They promote the growth of beneficial probiotics and decrease pathogenic bacteria, improving gut microbiota composition and intestinal health.
- Improvement of Gut Barrier Function: They increase mucus secretion and strengthen tight junctions, contributing to a healthier intestinal barrier.
Therapeutic Potential
Due to their anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, rosemary polyphenols hold promise for the prevention and treatment of inflammatory bowel diseases and related disorders. Their ability to modulate the inflammatory response and improve gut health positions rosemary as a promising candidate for new therapeutic approaches.
source of the information:
Achour, M., et al. (2024). "Anti-inflammatory properties of rosemary polyphenols: Mechanisms and potential applications."
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Exploring American Elderberry Compounds for Antioxidant, Antiviral, and Antibacterial Properties Through High-Throughput Screening Assays Combined with Untargeted Metabolomics
American elderberry (Sambucus nigra subsp. canadensis) is a rapidly emerging new perennial crop for Missouri, recognized for its high level of bioactive compounds with significant health benefits, including antimicrobial, antiviral, and antioxidant properties. A high-throughput screening assay combined with untargeted metabolomics analysis was utilized on American elderberry juice from 21 genotypes to explore and characterize these bioactive compounds. Our metabolomics study has identified 32 putative bioactive compounds in the American Elderberry juices. An array of high-throughput screening bioassays evaluated 1) total antioxidant capacity, 2) activation of antioxidant response elements (ARE), 3) antiviral activity, and 4) antibacterial activity of the putatively identified compounds. Our results revealed that 14 of the 32 American elderberry compounds exhibited strong antioxidant activity. Four compounds (isorhamnetin 3-O-glucoside, kaempferol, quercetin, and naringenin) activated ARE activity and were found to be non-cytotoxic to cells. Notably, six of the 32 compounds demonstrated significant antiviral activity in an in vitro TZM-bl assay against two strains of HIV-1 virus, CXCR4-dependent NL4-3 virus and CCR5-dependent BaL virus. Luteolin showed the most potent anti-HIV activity in an in vitro TZM-bl assay against the NL4-3 virus (IC50 = 1.49 microM), followed by isorhamnetin (IC50 = 1.67 microM). The most potent anti-HIV compound against the BaL virus was myricetin (IC50 = 1.14 microM), followed by luteolin (IC50 = 4.38 microM). Additionally, six compounds were found to have antibacterial activity against gram-positive bacteria S. aureus, with cyanidin 3-O-rutinoside having the most potent antibacterial activity in vitro (IC50 = 2.9 microM), followed by cyanidin 3-O-glucoside (IC50 = 3.7 microM). These findings support and validate the potential health benefits of compounds found in American elderberry juices, and highlight their potential for use in dietary supplements as well as innovative applications in health and medicine. http://dlvr.it/TDFrpc
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11 Incredible Benefits of Spring Onions
Spring onions, also known as scallions or green onions, are an essential part of the allium family, which includes onions, garlic, shallots, and chives. These versatile vegetables are celebrated for their health benefits and are widely used in cuisines around the world, particularly in Chinese dishes. Both the white bulb and green tops are edible and can be enjoyed both raw and cooked.
Nutritional Profile of Spring Onions
Spring onions are packed with vital nutrients. They are rich in vitamins A, C, K, B9 (folate), and B6, as well as essential minerals like calcium, iron, zinc, and potassium. The green part of the spring onion contains plant-based phytonutrients, including flavonoids such as kaempferol, quercetin, anthocyanins, and phenolic compounds. These compounds have strong antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and antimicrobial properties. Here’s the nutritional breakdown for 100 grams of spring onions:
Calories 32 kcal
Protein 1.8 g
Carbohydrates 7.3 g
Fiber 2.6 g
Vitamin A 997 IU
Vitamin C 18.8 mg
Vitamin K 207 mcg
Riboflavin 0.08 mg
Folate 64 mcg
Niacin 0.52 mg
Calcium 72 mg
Iron 1.48 mg
Magnesium 20 mg
Phosphorus 37 mg
Potassium 276 mg
Sodium 16 mg
Zinc 0.39 mg
Health Benefits of Spring Onions
1. Boosts Immunity
Spring onions are a great source of vitamin C, which strengthens the immune system, improves iron absorption, and promotes healthy tissue growth and repair.
2. Supports Heart Health
They are high in potassium, which helps regulate blood pressure and supports cardiovascular health by increasing HDL (good) cholesterol and lowering LDL (bad) cholesterol.
3. Relieves Muscle Cramps
Rich in magnesium, spring onions help relax muscles and ease cramps. Consuming them, especially in the form of soup, can provide relief after intense physical activity.
4. Improves Digestion
The fiber content in spring onions aids digestion, prevents constipation, and supports kidney function by promoting regular bowel movements and waste elimination.
5. Strengthens Bones and Joints
Calcium in spring onions contributes to bone health by maintaining bone density and flexibility. The high potassium content also helps with the absorption of essential minerals for stronger bones.
6. Treats Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs)
Vitamin C in spring onions has anti-inflammatory properties that can reduce bladder inflammation and support the elimination of harmful bacteria from the body.
7. Aids in Treating Anemia
Spring onions enhance iron absorption, which is crucial for preventing and treating anemia. They support the production of red blood cells and improve blood circulation.
8. Reduces Skin Inflammation
The antioxidants and essential amino acids in spring onions help reduce skin redness, swelling, and irritation. They can also prevent acne and improve overall skin health.
9. Fights Cancer
The dietary fibers and antioxidants in spring onions may help reduce the risk of certain cancers, including colon and breast cancer, by improving gut health and inhibiting cancer cell growth.
10. Supports Weight Loss
High in fiber, spring onions can help control appetite and reduce cravings. They also support lipid metabolism and help regulate blood sugar levels.
11. Reduces Oxidative Stress
Spring onions contain phenolic compounds with antioxidant properties that combat free radicals and reduce oxidative stress, potentially lowering the risk of various diseases.
Culinary Uses
Spring onions are used worldwide to enhance the flavor of various dishes. In Indian cuisine, they are commonly added to:
Fried, steamed, or boiled vegetables
Final Thoughts
Spring onions are not only a flavorful addition to your meals but also a powerhouse of nutrients. They provide numerous health benefits, including boosting immunity, supporting heart health, aiding digestion, and fighting cancer. Incorporate spring onions into your diet to take advantage of their wide-ranging health benefits and enhance your overall well-being.
1. Can you eat spring onions raw?
Yes, spring onions are safe to eat raw. Both the green tops and white bulbs are edible and can be enjoyed in their raw form or cooked.
2. Are spring onions good for you?
Absolutely. Spring onions are rich in essential nutrients such as calcium, vitamin C, vitamins A and B6, and dietary fiber. They also have antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds that support heart health and overall wellness.
3. Are spring onions considered a superfood?
Yes, due to their high nutritional value and health benefits, spring onions are often regarded as a superfood. They provide a range of essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.
4. Are spring onions beneficial for kidney health?
Yes, spring onions can support kidney health due to their low potassium content, which helps regulate kidney function and maintain overall health.
5. Do spring onions support thyroid health?
Spring onions can contribute to thyroid health by supporting gland function and hormone balance, helping to maintain overall health and wellness.
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ToneOp is dedicated to promoting better health through customized diet plans and recipes. We also offer valuable content to help you achieve your wellness goals.
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