#kaebedo fluff
galaxytastes · 13 days
soft landings in cecilias
in which Kaeya is romanced, whether he likes it or not.
Hey friends, here is my fanfic for the Kaebedo Big Bang 2024! Please let me know if you enjoy. A beautiful artwork by @vanazealice was made for this too, which I will be linking. Enjoy!!
Words: 6104 Tags: Fluff, love confessions, first kiss, more fluff
VanazeAlice art on twt! https://x.com/VanazeAlice/status/1832435834353807802
The energy in Mondstadt city is always somewhat warm. As the beating heart of the nation of freedom, the bustling town presents itself as welcome to most, open to all. Like the statue that peeks over the walls that hug the jovial city, Barbatos and his hands cupped together, facing the sun; you are safe to land here, you are welcome to fly away. The entire premise of such a place strikes deeply with many residents. None more than Kaeya Alberich. Kaeya would not go as far as to call himself patriotic, by any means. Referring to himself as a Mondstadt civilian still feels like a long stretch, but it is days like this where the stretch between him and this place he is meant to call home feels a bit closer. That is mostly thanks to a certain charming alchemist and his pyromaniac of a sister.
Kaeya crosses one long leg over the other, leaning his weight onto his elbows behind him as he pretends not to desperately search for that certain other-former-outlander who will be joining him today. Like the picture of grace, he turns his tanned face up to the late morning sun and forces himself not to fidget with his gloves. 
“I hope you’re aware of how strange you look.”
The captain doesn’t move to look at his friend and instead glares at her from the corner of his eyes. Rosaria looks disgusted, her pale nose scrunched, and her lean arms crossed over her chest. He smirks and shakes his head, dismissive of her judgment.
“Oh, you hurt me, Rosaria. Though, I don’t think it is fair to call me strange when you are standing next to me, doing essentially the same thing.” Kaeya’s voice is a fabricated song; one of confidence and arrogance. One that speaks nothing of the anxious but excited swirling feeling in his stomach, like a waltzing whirlwind. She doesn’t humor his cheeky tone, instead rolling her rose-colored eyes. 
“I’m not the one posing on the bridge like the princess of Windblume. If the goal was to look natural, I’d give you a failing grade, Alberich.” Rosaria carefully hoists herself up onto the ridge, turning away towards the entrance of the bridge. So judgmental, so jealous! Kaeya tells himself that while chuckling at her teasing.
Without the forceful pressure of her piercing stare, Kaeya feels his shoulders relax a bit. Waiting for his friend, no, his date… It has proven to be a lot more nerve-wracking than the man expected. Kaeya has spent multiple Windblumes in the company of the chief alchemist, but never as anything more than co-workers. It took the two men years to settle on the term ‘friends’. Friends who visit each other weekly, who leave one another gifts or flowers. Friends who care for the young crimson knight together, taking her to the lake, to the mountain, to stargaze. Friends who steal glances from across the room, touch hands under the table… the definition of friends has been blurred beyond recognition at this point. 
Kaeya worries his lower lip as he recalls approaching Albedo after a knight’s meeting, hands stuffed into his pockets to hide his restless fidgeting. It was impulsive and took quite a bit of pacing back and forth the night before. He thought of every way it could go wrong, every last negative scenario. What if he laughs at me? What if he already has a date? Or worse, what if he actually says yes? Every bad outcome was better than the building, terrifying feeling of yearning that claws at his chest. When Kaeya finally found the courage and confidence to ask Albedo, the answer was so simple. “Yes.” The alchemist’s wide clear eyes blinked up at Kaeya, who had so kindly sat himself directly on the table in front of him. Such a simple answer to a question Kaeya had been thinking about for hours the night before. He asked once more, enunciating the word ‘date’ as if Albedo perhaps had missed it. Again, the simple yet pleasant answer was bounced right back at him. “Yes, Kaeya.”
A goofy smile plays on his lips as Kaeya leans further into the stone railing, thinking more about those bright, clear eyes and that logical but sweet tone. Oh, to admire himself in the reflection of those eyes… perhaps to even see him smiling back. 
“Hm?” The knight gives a soft hum, lost in his daydream of spring water eyes and rare alchemist smiles. 
“Kaeya.” Rosaria’s voice beside him rings out, both close yet still so far away. “I feel embarrassed for you now, this is ridiculous.” She sounds annoyed now. Well, again. She sounds annoyed again. Still jealous, perhaps? Kaeya finally pulls himself from his daydream and opens his mouth to chastise his friend but his jaw snaps shut when he finds himself gawking at the chief alchemist himself. Albedo gives him a little wave with his free hand, as his other hand is being occupied by the crimson knight herself who has been screaming his name for who knows how long. Kaeya chuckles and waves back, willing his heart to slow down. It's a date; just a date.
“Kaeya! Mr. Kaeya! It’s Klee! I’m here now!” The tiny knight shouts as she sprints away from her sibling, colliding into Kaeya’s legs. Before her little limbs can wrap around him to latch on, the man reaches down to scoop her up into his arms to give her a proper big hug. Klee erupts with giggles as she squeezes him tight, snuggling herself into the crook of his neck like a little cat. 
“My goodness, Klee, I take it you missed me?” Kaeya laughs as he pats the back of her hair. She pulls back, legs still tightly wrapped around him, nodding so hard that her big hat nearly flops off. “So much. Klee always misses Kaeya. You should never be busy! Never. Only busy with me!” Klee sings the last sentence while wiggling herself out of his hold to rush back to her brother’s side. Albedo sighs and shakes his head, his blonde bangs puffing up a bit from his forehead with the exhale. 
“I am saying this all the time, Klee. How dare Sir Kaeya have responsibilities outside of us, hm?” Finally, Albedo steps close enough so that Kaeya can properly greet him too. “Sorry to keep you waiting. It’s good to see you, captain.”
Kaeya swallows hard, quietly hoping the sound isn’t too loud or too obvious. This will be a long day. 
“Well, that's my cue to get the hell out of here.” Rosaria stands up straight and brushes the palms of her hands over her hips. She gives Kaeya a knowing look and bumps him softly with her elbow. “Try to keep it together, loverboy. I’ll see you around.” 
The tips of Kaeya’s ears burn and he rolls his eyes, shooing the woman off of him which earns him a chuckle from her. Rosaria turns and nods politely to Albedo and gives Klee a tiny wave goodbye before slipping into the passing crowd, scurrying off to hide somewhere quiet where she can lurk in peace. 
“Well. How about we head inside and enjoy the festivities together, yes?” Kaeya turns to his date and their mini-plus one, stretching out his arm in front of them to lead the way into the city. Klee jumps with excitement and shouts something about flowers before running ahead. He takes that as a yes. 
“Yes, please.” Albedo steps closer to Kaeya, so close he can feel his breath when he speaks the next words softer. “I’m ready to enjoy our date.”
Kaeya gawks while awkwardly trying to form a coherent response. He rarely finds himself at a loss for words, yet here he is; struck mute. Albedo smirks before he turns to follow his sister through the decorated gates. He takes a moment to stare ahead, eyes locked on the back of Albedo’s smug head. Kaeya is supposed to be the charming one, he’s supposed to be the one making others blush and stutter. Before he gets too lost in his thoughts, the red-cheeked knight trots after them, suppressing another goofy smile. 
Once he steps through the wide-open arch of Mondstadt, Kaeya can truly get a sense of Windblume. The man lets out a low whistle while he comes to a stop next to his date, resting a hand on his hip as he observes the beautiful view. The front entrance is lined with flower boxes, welcoming residents and visitors from afar. Teal and white ribbons hug around each box, matching the bows that adorn the many cecilia wreaths. Garlands of white flowers, accented with teal and soft blues, hang low and high over the entrance and into the main area of town. Kaeya once found all of this intimidating. He has always stuck out like a sore thumb; a weed amongst the cecilia blossoms. Always afraid of being uprooted from the bunch, he has made great effort to blend in with the others; but standing next to Albedo, it feels so much less intimidating. The blonde is gentle as he guides Klee to the flower stand, one hand secure on her back as the other one adjusts the hat on her head. He radiates an elegance and softness that is from somewhere far from Mondstadt, far from everything. Kaeya silently thanks Barbatos for letting weeds grow freely among the cecilias. 
“Albedo! We’re over here!” A familiar voice calls out from the other side of Flora’s stand. Kaeya and his companion turn to find Jean smiling brightly with Lisa at her side. The acting grandmaster waves her hand over her head, the slightest bit of concern in her eyes; as always. Meanwhile, Lisa twinkles her fingers with a curious look in her eyes, as leisurely as ever. Klee takes off like a startled crystal fly and launches herself at Jean, earning her giggles from everyone nearby watching. Kaeya winces and quickly strides to his coworker's side, apologetically reaching for his little knight companion. 
“Ah, hey! She’s in a really good mood today, I apologize for the ambush… Klee, you shouldn’t run off like that, silly.” Kaeya feels Albedo’s hand on his arm and his skin burns where his cool hand touches but he does his best to keep it together. 
Jean shakes her head and picks up Klee, hugging her to her side as Lisa giggles. Not understanding the laughs, Kaeya’s brows knit together, but Albedo quickly clears up any confusion. He squeezes Kaeya’s arm and he looks up at the taller man, eyes wide and bright as always. 
“Lisa and Jean offered to watch her for us. For our date. I thought it would be nice to have some time alone.” He speaks so matter of fact, Kaeya can’t help but grin. Suddenly, Lisa’s teasing stare makes a lot more sense. 
“Sorry, Klee, it looks like your brother wants to hog me all for himself. Such a selfish boy!” Kaeya teases as Albedo narrows his eyes at him. 
“You two have fun, you’ve both earned some time off. We’re gonna have fun today, right Klee!” Jean bounces Klee in her arms, jiggling another squeal of delight out of the girl. Albedo smiles fondly and reaches over to squeeze her little hand. Kaeya doesn’t miss the way his small smile strains as he speaks low to his sibling.
“Behave, Klee. For me, hm? Be a good girl for Master Jean and Miss Lisa.” The shorter man raises his eyebrows at Klee, a silent look of gentle authority, as he gives her hand one final squeeze. “No bombs, little miss.”
“You’re no fun…” Klee pouts and crosses her arms while Albedo tries and fails to hide a chuckle. “Go have fun, love birds. Us girls will have plenty of fun without you, I suggest you two go do the same.” Lisa says with another giggle and a tiny wave goodbye. Jean joins in the waving while she scolds her companion with a hiss as she hands Klee off to her. 
With Klee gone, the reality of the situation slowly starts to hit Kaeya. Not only is he now alone with Albedo, he is intentionally alone with him. This is nothing like their work meetings, where they always end up sitting side by side. It is nothing like the times they’ve passed each other during perimeter survey in Dragonspine. All those times, Kaeya could pretend his interest in the other was simply platonic. Just coworkers, maybe friends, never more. Yet, here he stands just inches away from the blonde, and not even he could lie about his interest. As if Albedo can read his mind or sense his overthinking, he reaches over to take hold of Kaeya’s arm. With all the charm of a practiced flirt, the shorter man links his arm to Kaeya’s and tugs him forward. Kaeya’s eye widens and then crinkles with a smile as he lets the other drag him along. 
“You’re right, you know.” Albedo is looking forward, leading them up the wide stairs of town. It’s hard for Kaeya to look anywhere other than at Albedo, so he finds himself grateful for the other taking the lead. Kaeya’s head tilts and he raises an eyebrow at the alchemist's statement. 
“I mean, I try to be, but may I ask what I am right about this time?” He inquires as he studies Albedo’s perfect profile as they continue walking through the crowd. 
“About my being selfish.” So matter of fact, spoken as if it should have been obvious. “Hm?” 
“I find myself feeling very selfish with you, captain. I’m grateful to finally have your full attention.” Albedo is unphased in his confession. A portrait of composure, he walks closer to the refreshment tables, skillfully weaving them through the heavier crowd. Kaeya can’t withhold the small noise of shock that escapes him, pleasantly surprised by Albedo’s admission. He clears his throat and chuckles, teasingly squeezing his date’s arm. It is almost embarrassing how much Albedo can fluster him without even trying, and he does his best to sweep it away behind his charming facade. 
“My, my, has the festivities emboldened you, Albedo?” A perfectly placed dashing smile paired with a wink, his voice a scripted purr. The alchemist shares no reaction, an unreadable expression painting his face. Something bristles in Kaeya, an ever-persistent need to have the last word of flirtation. “In any case, my attention is yours to possess. Y-” 
Kaeya is abruptly cut off by his distraction, slamming directly into a wall of a man. A cloud of red puffs around his face while strong hands grasp his free arm to keep him from falling. The captain sputters and takes an unsteady step back before meeting a very familiar crimson glare.
“Kaeya, are you alright…?” Albedo’s voice rings with a bit of concern, large blue eyes darting between the siblings. 
“Archons, are you drunk already?” Diluc rolls his eyes and brushes his gloved hands down his vest. His massive ponytail is adjusted, fingers deftly tightening the clasp, as Kaeya chuckles. He flashes a grin at his brother, sheepishly rubbing the back of his neck.
“Diluc, my apologies. I was… distracted!” He smiles and reaches over to pat his brother’s shoulder. His touch is quickly brushed off, Diluc grumbling and already turning back to the table filled with wine glasses and grape juice to get back to work.
“Do us all a favor and get your head out of the clouds when walking through a crowded festival, Kaeya.” The redhead nags, crossing his arms over his chest to shoot his brother another glare. His bright eyes flash to his date, widening as realization dawns on him. 
“Oh… Mister Albedo, pardon my crude greeting. It’s good to see you. I heard you would be coming with Kaeya, I wondered if you’d actually go through with it. I pray he is not giving you too much trouble.” Diluc smiles politely at the blonde as Kaeya makes a sound of annoyance. Something strange stirs in his chest as he watches his brother shake hands and make small talk with his date. It’s all so domestic and strange. It makes the tips of his ears burn as he sidesteps the table to steal a glass, wishing the blush to fade before it is commented on. The wine all but disappears with one swift movement, a pleasant yet warm burning down his throat. Maybe alcohol will kill the crystalflies in his stomach…
“Kaeya seems to have helped himself, but would you like a glass of wine, Albedo? No charge.” Diluc delicately offers the glass to the other man with a soft grin.
“I’ll pass on the drink, but thank you, Diluc.” Albedo shakes his head at the offering, gliding back to Kaeya’s side. Kaeya opens his mouth to make a joke about drinking the second glass for him, but he’s beaten to the punchline by a swirl of wind.
“I’ll take care of that, thank you!” A sing-song voice twinkles as a dainty hand snatches the glass from Diluc. “Would be rude to let another drink go to waste!” As if he had been there the whole time, the bard wiggles himself onto the table next to the redhead as he chugs the drink with a loud gulp. Diluc’s nose scrunches and he tugs Venti off the table, snatching the empty glass back with a grunt. Kaeya laughs and Albedo even chuckles a bit as they watch the two men bicker like an old married couple and nag over the appropriate amount of wine to drink at a festival.
Venti waves his hands in front of his face, shoving away from Diluc’s aggravated grasp. With a twirl, he props himself up onto the chair behind the drink table. His lyre is propped on his hip and he clears his throat before looking back to Kaeya.
“You two go have fun, don’t worry about this sour puss.” Despite his slurred voice, his hands deftly begin to strum the instrument, filling the town square with joyful music. “If I make myself useful, he can’t nag at me!” Diluc huffs in surrender, leaning next to the bard. As Venti begins to sing, Kaeya shakes his head and turns his attention to the people around them. 
Couples already begin to shuffle into the square, standing in front of each other with their hands clasped together. Each pair begins to twirl, with smiles and laughter and singing. The sight used to fill Kaeya with bitterness. How embarrassing to do that in front of everyone. How shameful! Sure, he’d participated in plenty of drunken dances with lovely ladies and gentlemen, but it was never anything special or genuine. No eye contact, just practiced movements to get whatever he wanted, whether that was more drink, information, or a distraction in the form of physical touch. 
Everything was very different now, though. Very different. 
“You’re lost in your head again.” The alchemist speaks very matter-of-factly, as always. He’s right and Kaeya felt no need to lie and correct him. Instead, he looks to Albedo and gasps, realizing the other has been staring at him this whole time. 
“You… confuse me.” Kaeya sighs and laughs, tilting his head as he attempts to decipher that unreadable expression once more. Before he can come up with any answers, Albedo moves in front of him and gently outstretches his hand with a soft smile. 
“Huh? Do you… need a drink?” The cavalry captain cocks a brow, confused by the sudden request. “Or maybe you’re hungry?” 
The blonde at first does not answer with words, silently stepping closer to reach for Kaeya’s hand. He holds it in his, brushing a thumb over the back of his glove as he tugs it a bit closer. The crystal flies have now become hurricanes as Kaeya’s mouth hangs open in a flustered O.
“Dance with me, captain, won’t you?” The statement is framed with a question, as if the offering is held at arms reach… always ensuring the other knows he has a way out. The taller man flusters a moment more, but he harnesses that charmer facade once again. He grips Albedo’s hand and it’s his turn to tug, yanking the smaller man so they are chest to chest. His chest rumbles with a laugh, almost like a purr.
“So selfish with me still? Need an excuse to touch me, chief alchemist?” Kaeya giggles as Albedo rolls his eyes, dragging them both into the crowd of people. “I told you already, Albedo. I am yours today, all yours. Whatever you want-”
“You talk too much.” Albedo sighs as a slender yet strong arm snakes around his waist. His other hand cups Kaeya’s and he hugs the man tight, squeezing a surprised noise out of the taller man. Floundering like a fish out of water, Kaeya is not even given a moment to retort or blab on some other flirty remark. His feet move without him as he is led in a dance to the bard’s beautiful music. 
Now this… this has not happened before. This is strange. Kaeya is the one who flusters others, Kaeya is the one who does the swooning. Kaeya is the one who leads the dance, always three steps ahead. Yet, here he stumbles one step behind. Here he swoons as he allows another to move them; one, two, three steps this way, one twirl that way. The alchemist is careful in his movements, leading Kaeya without breaking his crushing eye contact. It’s suffocating almost, as he feels like he is being compressed into nothing under Albedo’s gaze. It’s thrilling. He is thrilling.
The song continues as the two dance, a romantic and joyful tune that swirls through the air and between the couple. When Kaeya almost trips or stumbles, Albedo’s hold tightens around his trim waist. His cheeks burn and his head swirls with confusion as the song reaches its crescendo. With a wide eye and a sound that can only be compared to a wheeze, Kaeya feels Albedo grip him a little tighter before swirling him deep to the side, leaning down over him with a dip. Despite the height difference the two share, Kaeya feels absolutely swallowed by Albedo’s presence as he cradles him, delicately raising his knuckles to his lips. With the softness of a gentle breeze, the alchemist presses a kiss to his hand. All he can do is stare as he holds that crystalline gaze. 
As quickly as it began, the song was over. Kaeya blinks, completely thrown off his usual fluid and easy-going ways. Albedo is smiling sweetly as he gives the other a polite bow to thank him for the dance. Kaeya shakes his head as he chuckles before reciprocating the gesture.
“You continue to surprise me, sir. I can’t recall ever being so… out of sorts over a date.” Kaeya leans close to speak low to his companion, not quite noticing the twinkle in the other’s eyes as he listens to the admission. Albedo hums and laces their arms together once more as he leads them away from the crowds. 
“I told you, I feel selfish with you.” His monotonous tone softens when he continues, leading them to a nearby bench decorated with more flowers. “It’s rare I’m given time to have you all to myself. I’m determined to make the most of every moment. I am not one to be wasteful.” 
Spoken so effortlessly, without any hesitation to hide his affection or interest. He sounds almost honest. Albedo has always been a confusing mystery to everyone in Mondstadt but to no one more than Kaeya. It’s baffling how someone so seemingly introverted can be so confident in his actions. It’s captivating, but it was not what was planned or expected. Kaeya’s teeth worry at his lips, falling deep into thought once more. Here he was, stupidly confident that he would be the one swooning Albedo off his feet; that he could use this chance to step out of his false arrogance facade. Yet, he has been beaten to the punch every time. His cloud of thought is interrupted again by Albedo, this time with his hand gripping his own. 
“My apologies, I’m just-”
“Lost in your thoughts again?” Albedo teases, giving his hand another soft squeeze. Kaeya rolls his eye but gives a squeeze back.
“How did you guess? Hah, I just… I want to make sure I’m doing all of this right.” His usual smooth tone is a bit unsteady and nervous.
“Hm? What do you mean, ‘right’?”
The taller man’s voice is vulnerable, it's sincere when he speaks. “I keep getting flustered or stuck in my thoughts… you bring out a different side of me.” A more genuine side. A fearful side. A side he has not yet experienced. 
The blonde nods, focusing on where their hands meet as his expression cracks a bit, showing some concern. Albedo opens his mouth, but this time, it is Kaeya who interrupts him.
“I like it. I really like it.” I really like you. The confession aches at the back of his throat, desperate to come out. Instead, he clears his throat and scans the area through the crowds. If he was going to be making any kind of significant confession, it should be somewhere better than a bench in such a public place. 
Both men watch as the sun nears the horizon, setting the sky ablaze with an orange glow. The water around Mondstadt reflects the colors, creating a perfect reflection of the skyline over the lake. Couples on boats snuggle close together, rowing out into the middle, creating speckles over the water like dark stars. It’s beautiful. 
It’s perfect…!
“I’ve got it, ha! I haven’t lost my charm, no sir.” Kaeya stands quickly from the bench, tugging Albedo’s arm with him down towards the docks. The alchemist gawks at Kaeya’s outspoken thoughts, but a small smile tugs at the corners of his lips as they trot down to the shore. A gentleman stands near the boats and greets them with a smile as Kaeya approaches.
“My good sir, would you be so kind as to lend me and my lover one of your fine boats?” The captain can feel Albedo’s deadpan stare on the back of his head and it makes him smile brighter.
“Of course, right this way.” The man gestures to a boat and helps them off the dock, careful to place the oars into Kaeya’s hands before waving them off. The shorter man wiggles into his seat in front of Kaeya, their knees grazing over one another as he paddles farther into the water.
“I didn’t know you were a seafarer, Kaeya. Did my flirtations drive you to send me overboard?” Albedo holds his hands politely in his lap as he watches the water. Kaeya laughs as he rows farther into the water. The sky has darkened, now a deep magenta bleeding into blood orange. He wants to admire the sky as they move farther into the lake, but Kaeya can’t help but stare at the vision in front of him. 
“Nothing so malicious, pretty boy.” Albedo raises a brow when the captain pauses to gather courage. Gently, Kaeya stores the oars beside their feet and scoots a bit closer. Each movement is slow and careful he reaches for Albedo’s hands and he smiles as his touch is eagerly reciprocated. It's all so strange and new… exciting. The crystal flies have begun swarming now.
“Bedo, this whole day, I’ve been telling myself I would take my chance to be selfish with you. Yet, I kept finding myself stuttering and tripping over my thoughts with you.” A big exhale leaves him before he keeps speaking. Kaeya navigates his thoughts, careful to slow them down so that he does not let them all spill out like water from a beaver's dam. 
“I haven’t had something like… this. All my experience with relationships and romance is fast and messy, nothing with actual feeling or genuine intrigue. I’d even go as far as to call it all very boring.” His gloved hand reaches forward and tenderly grasps Albedo’s, his thumb tracing a soft shape over the flawless skin. The blonde lets out a puff of hair from his nose, something akin to a laugh. 
“Boring? Is this the part where you tell me how boring I am too?” Albedo’s tone is lighthearted and playful, both of them leaning closer to each other without realizing it. 
“Quite the opposite.” Kaeya nervously chuckles, unable to look away from the other’s face. “You are impossibly intriguing. It's terrifying… in a good way, I think.” It feels so good, it is dangerous. “I have yet to meet someone so much like me, yet not at all like me. You seem to understand me without me having to even explain. You know I’m different, I know you do. Yet, you look at me like I’m something… worthwhile. Like I am… deserving. Perhaps we are the same kind of different.”
Those striking bright eyes are no longer strangling him, they are drowning him. Liquid blue reflecting pink and orange, so alive yet uncanny and inhumanely perfect. Eyes so open, wide, and enchanting, he finds himself tempted to rip off his eyepatch to get lost in them further, without any obstruction. Unconsciously, he begins to lean even closer, moving a hand to Albedo’s knee to ground himself. This time, it is Albedo’s turn to be speechless. The shorter man blinks up and nods, encouraging Kaeya to continue. When he speaks, it is barely a whisper. The soft words are spoken just between them, in their own little world floating above the lake under the setting sun.  
“You are more than intriguing, my alchemist. You are captivating. I find myself quite taken with you.” Kaeya’s ears burn along with his cheeks, but he makes no move to stop. The confession is so foreign on his tongue, that he is committed to savoring every moment of it. “The time spent with you and Klee is when I feel most at ease. The only time I don’t feel so… out of place. I know I can be a lot to handle, I am quite self-aware. You can also just… I don’t know, shove me out of the boat and row back-”
Before any more anxious and ridiculous words can tumble out of him, Albedo is kissing him. His refreshingly cool palm cups the knight’s cheek, holding his face so gingerly as if he is made of glass. Fireworks erupt from the back of Kaeya’s throat down to his chest and land in his stomach, setting the crystal flies aflame. Every inch of him tingles with exciting and terrifying emotions, his heart slamming in his chest as he kisses the man back. The kiss is impatient and inexperienced at first, with Albedo again leading Kaeya into a dreamy dance between their lips. 
“You talk too much.” Albedo mumbles against his lover’s eager lips before going back in for more, tilting his head to taste even more of him. The knight smiles into the kiss, one hand coming around the back of Albedo’s head to cup the nape of his neck as the other finds his narrow waist, pulling him even closer. He tastes of mint, black tea, and the colors of the sunset. He tastes like life and second chances and home. He tastes of belonging, family, and freedom. Kaeya’s chest aches for every moment they wasted not kissing as he nearly presses himself under the other man. Hungry lips move from the other’s mouth to his throat and he grins when he hears the hitch in Albedo’s breathing as he grazes his lips over the star marking on Albedo’s throat. Kaeya chuckles and places a chaste kiss there before pulling back to catch his breath. 
“I… take it that you feel the same?” His swollen lips form a stupid grin when he questions Albedo, earning him another teasing glare before the two erupt into flustered yet breathless giggles. The blonde nods and adjusts himself back in his seat as Kaeya grabs the oars to get them back to shore. “Yes, idiot captain. To say I feel the same is an understatement.” His bright eyes gleam with an excited shine and Kaeya can feel the blush reach his throat. This man will be the death of him. The knight holds Albedo’s intense gaze and tilts his head a bit to the side in thought. 
“So… What happens now? What do I call you? ‘More than coworkers’?” Kaeya taps his chin, as if deep in thought while Albedo groans with affectionate frustration. 
“Certainly more than coworkers, but… let us forgo any labels, for the time being. This is all new to me too. Very new… I’d prefer we take this one day at a time.” Kaeya grins with a nod, grateful to be on the same page as his ‘more than coworker’.
As they row back to shore, the two share sweet and silly conversation about how long they have both felt this way. The alchemist laughs too loud when Kaeya admits to having dreams about him, but when Albedo confesses he felt something spark the moment they met, Kaeya nearly falls out of the boat. They decide to save any other confessions for dry land to prevent clumsy cryo users from freezing the boat into the lake. 
The rest of the night ends much too fast and the festival comes to an end, all the couples sharing goodnight kisses and sweet dreams as they make their way back home. Kaeya’s arm is draped comfortably around Albedo’s shoulders as they walk back to the knight’s headquarters. The knight wishes the clock would stop spinning so they could sit in this moment, arm around his special one as stars twinkle above. It all feels so unreal and undeserving that he wants to pinch himself, but instead, he presses Albedo closer to his side. 
When they reach the entrance of the knight’s quarters, Albedo is quick to look around to ensure their privacy before standing on his tiptoes to pull Kaeya back in for one more chaste goodnight kiss. A sound of pleased contentment leaves the taller man as he pulls him back in for one more kiss before letting him go, his hand lingering on the other’s cheek.
“I’m afraid you’re going to get tired of how often you’re going to see me from now on, dearest Albedo.” Kaeya smiles when Albedo laughs, shaking his head so his blonde hair falls over his bright eyes. 
“I’m afraid I’ll be expecting you back at my door, first thing in the morning before rounds with Jean.” The blonde wiggles his brows and turns back to the door with a grin. “Goodnight, Kaeya. Sleep well.”
“Sweet dreams, Bedo. Dream of me, won’t you?” Kaeya winks and earns another eye roll from his lover as the door shuts. In the silence of the night, the dark-haired knight permits himself the cheesy reaction of pressing his back to the door, hands over his burning face. Archons above.
“Oh, don’t make me vomit.” A familiar voice groans as heels step closer and a cold hand grips his shoulder. “Get up before I kick you, lover boy.” Rosaria smiles widely down at Kaeya who swats her hand away, hoisting himself back up to his feet. She raises a brow with a hand on her hip, her dark hair spilling over her shoulder. 
“Shut up.” Kaeya gently shoves her with his elbow as she continues teasing her friend. “Why don’t you ever ask me to dream about you, Kaeya? Am I not short enough?” Rosaria sighs theatrically and puts on a fake pout as she begins to lead them back to their usual hangout. “I need a drink so bad, shut up.” He groans and follows her, still unable to shake the goofy smile off his face. Rosaria chuckles and throws a strong arm over her friend’s shoulders, tugging him down the road toward the Angel’s Share. 
“Alright, alright… I’ll be quiet and you’re going to tell me every disgusting detail of your day, even if I throw up. Go.” 
As the evening comes to an end, Kaeya begins his retelling of his Windblume experience. With the backing vocals of a drunken bard and a nagging bartender, the outlander from a nation long forgotten feels as free as ever; the outlander who once found only bitterness in such festivities. The outlander who will let himself be loved by one who can understand.
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muse-of-meme · 2 years
i posted my first fic!
It’s some Kaebedo fluff called “A repeatable demonstration” and uhh idk what to do here so here’s the link https://archiveofourown.org/works/45520882
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valentine-rabbit · 1 year
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chibi KaeBedo & KokoLou mermaids for the end of Mermay! ❄️🌻~🪼🪷
Kokomi/Nilou have grown on me quite a bit! 💕
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lafdar · 2 months
who should I draw next? the only thing is it has to be fluff.... pls help me decide
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pincushionmoss · 2 years
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They’re gay your honour
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bloody-bee-tea · 1 year
BeeTober 2023 Day 11 - Falling apart
They have just put Klee to bed when it bursts out of Kaeya.
“Let’s have more kids.”
Albedo blinks at him as Kaeya’s brain tries to catch up to what his mouth just blurted out and he doesn’t know what it means that he’s faster with it than Albedo.
“Forget I said that,” he rushes out just as quickly and walks away from Albedo who is still quiet behind him, though he does follow.
“I didn’t know you wanted more kids,” Albedo says when he catches up to him in the kitchen and Kaeya busies himself with cleaning up dinner.
It’s Albedo’s turn today, since Kaeya cooked, but he needs to keep his hands busy for now.
“I—” Kaeya starts but then cuts himself off.
He didn’t know he wanted kids in the first place, not before Albedo and Klee stepped into his life, but ever since that happened he finds himself thinking that one more kid in their house couldn’t hurt at the strangest times.
Klee would love it too, he’s sure about it.
“Let’s forget about it, petal,” he finally whispers out and knows Albedo will not grant him that mercy when he pulls a chair out to sit.
“Kaeya, come sit, please,” he says, his voice very calm and Kaeya’s shoulder’s rise up to his ears.
He’s not a fan of this tone of voice but he should have guessed that Albedo whips it out. They have never talked about more kids before this and for him to just blurt it out like that—
“Fine,” Kaeya mutters and puts the plates back down to sit at the table with Albedo.
“I didn’t know you felt that way,” Albedo says, his voice still eerily calm and Kaeya can’t meet his eyes.
“I didn’t know either,” Kaeya gives back. “It’s just—it seems so easy with you and Klee and I can’t help but to think that a bigger family would be nice.”
“I—” Albedo falls silent without finishing his thoughts and that is rare enough that new worry settles into Kaeya’s gut.
“You can just say no, you know,” he tells him with a small smile, finally raising his eyes to meet Albedo’s.
“I never wanted to be a dad,” Albedo says. “It wasn’t planned that Alice shoves her kid on me and then fucks off. I never wanted to be a dad and it barely feels right to be a big brother to Klee. And I—I don’t want to be a dad. Not to a kid of our own,” Albedo admits and his face twists in that way that tells Kaeya he thinks he’s done something wrong. “Sorry.”
“That’s fine,” Kaeya whispers and reaches out for his hand, threading their fingers together. “Albedo, that’s perfectly fine.”
“But you want to be a dad. How is it fine if I don’t.”
“Well, we both feel how we feel, right? I’m happy with what we have right now. Are you?”
“Of course I am,” Albedo immediately says, squeezing Kaeya’s hand. “I was so overwhelmed at first with Klee, and work but with you it feels—easier. It feels doable. But not for more than Klee.”
“Petal, you don’t have to keep saying that, I get it. I just wanted to know if you like how it is right now. Don’t think about more kids, just think about now.”
“I love how it is right now,” Albedo says and then bites his lip in a way that means he’s trying to stop himself from saying more.
“Then we’ll keep it how it is,” Kaeya easily says, because what else is there to say, really.
It was a fleeting thought anyway and Kaeya would happily discard it for all of eternity if it means he gets to keep Albedo and Klee by his side.
“And—you’ll be fine with that?”
“Of course. It was just a thought, really. We never talked about it, and I really shouldn’t have sprung it on you like that anyway, so it’s fine. I am happy right now, too. I love you.”
“I love you,” Albedo gives back and Kaeya has to laugh at the relief that is so very clear on his face. “What?”
“It’s kind of funny how stressed just that comment made you,” Kaeya chuckles out and then laughs for real when Albedo pouts at him.
“It’s not funny, Kaeya, you scared me.”
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to. I didn’t really think.”
“Clearly,” Albedo mutters, rolling his eyes at Kaeya and Kaeya knows they’ll be alright.
“Kaeya!” Albedo’s voice sounds urgent enough that Kaeya gets up from the couch with a grumble.
Albedo went to get the door so Kaeya could stay exactly where he was and now this just feels cruel.
“What? Who is it?” Kaeya asks and freezes when he comes to a stop next to Albedo.
There’s a woman on the other side of the door; a woman holding a child in her arms.
“What is this?”
“She says it’s yours,” Albedo faintly says and Kaeya blinks.
“I’m with child protection services. Have you not been informed?”
“No?” Kaeya asks, feelings as if he is having an out of body experience. “Informed about what?”
“The mother put you down as the father on the birth certificate. She’s unfit to take care of him, so you should have been contacted and informed about this.”
“I haven’t,” Kaeya whispers out, his eyes dropping to the child. “How old is he?”
“One year and three months,” the woman helpfully says and Kaeya sways on the spot.
He had been with Albedo already at that time. Even if they add the nine months to that, Kaeya had already been with Albedo.
“I’m inside if you need me,” Albedo says and promptly turns on his heels and walks away from the door and from Kaeya.
And just like that, his entire life is falling apart around Kaeya.
“Am I right to assume that you have nothing prepared?” the woman asks and Kaeya nods, still shell-shocked.
“We have a child here, but she’s almost six, so I doubt that would help.”
“I see. Well, seeing as you weren’t properly informed and you’re not prepared, I’ll take him back with me for now, but you should expect a call tomorrow to clear things up. You are his father after all.”
“Sure,” Kaeya gives back on autopilot, wondering how in the hell he’s ever going to explain this to Albedo when he doesn’t even understand it himself. “Mind if I ask—who is the mother?”
The woman gives him a look but Kaeya is too numb to be bothered by it.
“Angela,” the woman says, not even giving him a last name. “You know someone with that name?”
“Yeah, I do,” Kaeya mutters. She’s a former classmate of his; he had seen her at their high school reunion two years ago but she hadn’t seemed pregnant back then.
And he certainly didn’t have a hand in that.
“You’re not the father, are you?” the woman asks him much gentler then, clearly picking up on his distress and Kaeya shakes his head.
“I’m not.”
“She did put you down in the certificate though, so an official paternity test will have to clear this up. You up for that?”
“Sure,” Kaeya whispers out and then shoots a look over his shoulder. “Can we—talk on the phone, tomorrow, though. I have to—” he points inside the apartment and the face of the woman softens slightly.
“Sure. I’ll call you tomorrow.”
She’s about to turn away when Kaeya stops her.
“What’s his name?”
“Bennett,” she says without stopping and Kaeya nods to himself.
He doesn’t know why he even wanted to know; it’s not as if he’s his or as if he’s going to be responsible for him.
Kaeya takes a moment to gather himself after he closes the door before he goes to find Albedo.
He’s on the couch, his hands clasped tightly and he looks about as unhappy as Kaeya feels.
“Petal, I—”
“Where did she go?” Albedo interrupts him.
“Back. We—there are still things to be cleared up.”
“There are,” Albedo says, his voice just as hard as his eyes when they meet Kaeya’s.
“I didn’t cheat on you.”
“Why would someone wrongly put you down as the father?” Albedo asks him at the same moment and Kaeya’s mouth drops open.
“You’re not—even asking?”
“What would I be asking, Kaeya? I know you love me and I would never doubt that you’re faithful to me. Why would you think I wouldn’t?”
“I just—she stood there with a kid and said it was mine!”
“And it isn’t, is it?”
“Of course it’s not! He’s not mine. I don’t know why she would do that to Bennett, but he’s not mine!”
“Bennett, huh?” Albedo mutters. “You know the mother?”
“I do,” Kaeya sighs out and drops down on the couch next to Albedo and tries not to cry tears of joy when Albedo immediately moves close and takes his hand. “I went to high school with her. I met her at the reunion two years ago, remember that?”
“I remember that you went and that I was very adamant on staying here,” Albedo says with a smile that quickly turns into a frown. “Maybe I should have joined you.”
“I didn’t shut up about you and Klee all evening. She definitely knows I’m gay and taken. I don’t know why she would do that.”
“The woman said the mother is unfit to take care of him, right? Maybe she already knew that at the time of his birth.”
“But why me?”
“Did you gush a lot about Klee?” Albedo asks and Kaeya instantly nods.
He doesn’t remember all of that evening—it has been two years after all—but he is certain he didn’t shut up about Albedo and Klee because he never does. It all he ever really talks about.
“She probably thinks you could take good care of him, then,” Albedo says as if that is the only possible solution and Kaeya scoffs.
“Yeah, right,” he mutters.
They fall quiet for a moment, both lost in their own thoughts, and Kaeya wonders how long a paternity test takes. How long it will be before this mess can be cleared up.
“I’m getting a paternity test, to refute the claim,” he tells Albedo, because he’s not sure he heard that last part of his conversation with the woman.
Albedo is quiet for long enough that Kaeya turns a worried gaze on him.
“Or you could not,” Albedo mumbles but he meets Kaeya’s gaze head on.
“What? Albedo, what are you talking about?”
“I’m just—thinking.”
“You don’t want any kids! I’m not—” Kaeya falls silent, despair filling his entire being when a devastating thought enters his head. “Are you going to leave me?” he then whispers out and he forces himself to not tighten his grip on Albedo.
“Why would I ever leave you?” Albedo asks and leans in for a kiss. “I love you. I’m not going to leave you.”
“What is this about then?” Kaeya asks feeling almost faint with relief.
“We’re doing okay with Klee, right?”
“We’re doing awesome with Klee,” Kaeya immediately corrects him because they are.
“And she wasn’t planned at all. Neither for you nor for me. Alice just dropped her off with me and then never returned.”
“And you hated that,” Kaeya reminds him because he still doesn’t see where this is going.
“I did. But it all worked out so well and I just can’t help but to think—what if this ends well, too? I mean, the mother put you down as the father for a reason; she must have seen something in you that made her think you could take care of him. And I mean—I see that with Klee every day. You’re so good with her and to her and I just think—Bennett deserves the same.”
“Albedo, you said you don’t want any more kids,” Kaeya reminds him yet again because he still very vividly remembers that talk even though it has been a few months since then.
“Because the thought scares me. And it scares me still. But think about it; all the unplanned things in our lives have worked out so good for us. And this is as unplanned as it gets.”
“It is,” Kaeya agrees and he has a hard time wrapping his head around what Albedo is saying. “So you’re saying—”
“Don’t get a paternity test. Let’s just pretend he’s yours and let’s just see where this will take us.”
“You hate unplanned things like that,” Kaeya can’t help but to argue because he can’t believe that Albedo could suggest this.
“I do,” Albedo agrees easily. “But I love you. And I think together we can do this. Don’t you?”
“Albedo, we can do anything together. We’re basically raising a pyromaniac and we somehow managed to prevent her from burning anything down yet. We can do anything. As long as we’re together.”
“Together,” Albedo agrees and squeezes his hand. “If it’s together, then let’s do it. Let’s give Bennett a good life, okay?”
“I love you,” Kaeya breathes out, tears in his eyes and Albedo immediately leans in to kiss them away.
It’s definitely not going to be easy, and it’s so far from everything Albedo and Kaeya have planned for their future but Kaeya can’t help but to agree with Albedo. If it’s together, then they can do it, plans be damned.
“I love you, too,” Albedo whispers. “You and both our kids.”
It’s ridiculous enough that it makes Kaeya laugh, because they don’t even have Bennett yet, but he pulls Albedo into his arms, pressing his face to his hair.
“Both our kids,” he agrees with a whisper and he just knows that Albedo is smiling just like he is.
Together, they can do it.
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seancoffe · 2 years
Happy early birthday to myself, and so we’re celebrating by writing headcanons about my three favorite ships (Kazuscara, Kaebedo, and Dottolone). ~My birthday is January 5th if you’re wondering~
~Also thank you to @gay-salt-amber for helping me with these~
Kazuscara HC:
- Their pet names for each other are:
Kazuha to Scara is Daffodil
Scara to Kazuha is My Samurai or Tulip
- Once Kazuha got a rip in his pants and thought ‘Shit- Scara’s gonna kill me’ and once Scara saw he was scolding Kazuha while sewing it again and saying “Seriously? A branch?”
- Scaramouche won’t let Kazuha go to the store for much, he grows it in their garden
- Once for their anniversary Kazuha took Scara to a haunted house thinking Scara would end up in his arms. He was wrong, he ended up in Scara’s
• Scaramouche: Tulip you’re fine, it was something tapping on a window. It’s not part of the attraction
• Kazuha- while being held by Scara in a koala hug: I don’t care! I’m scared
- Scaramouche is a shirt, hoodie, and scarf stealer
- Whenever one of them have a bad day, they will make a pillow/blanket fort and watch movies and cuddle
- Once Kazuha had to go out with Aether for an expedition and Kazuha was scared, so after Scara got done scolding Aether he went to make sure Kazuha was ok
- Scara is the househusband
- Kazuha is the little spoon and Scaramouche is the big spoon
- Kazuha wants to be babied whenever he’s sick, which Scara finds adorable
- Scaramouche when he becomes sick (which is rare) he becomes a brat
- Kazuha sings Scaramouche lullabies to sleep
- Once Kazuha overworked himself when he was exploring and ended up passing out and so Scara was worried sick and wouldn’t let him leave the house for the next few weeks
- Kazuha has an overload of problems and so Scaramouche makes him fidget toys and those earplug earring things
- When Kazuha is having a hard time sleeping, Scaramouche does his asmr voice to help him sleep
- They have two swings beside each other on a tree called the “Weeping Tree”
- Scara gifted Kazuha a white cat for his birthday and they named him Tomo
- Kazuha said to Childe once, “You’re the reason why the gene pool needs a lifeguard” and Scara couldn’t stop laughing for 30 mins
- Kazuha does Scara’s makeup
- They have matching maple leaf necklaces for whenever they’re away from each other
Kaebedo HC:
- Kaeya falls asleep to the sound of Albedo painting
- When they were in school, they were academic rivals
- After a long day in Dragonspine, Albedo just wants to be held by his human heater (aka Kaeya even tho he has a Cryo Vision)
- Klee brings Kaeya and Albedo to ‘Bring your Dad to School Day’ even tho neither of them are her dads
- Albedo still does only three strokes for Kaeya’s portrait, even after they got engaged, however for their anniversaries, Albedo will actually make a good portrait of Kaeya as his present
- Diluc (Kaeya’s brother) and Rhinedottir (Albedo’s creator) were the first to know of their relationship
- Their pet names for each other are:
Kaeya to Albedo: My Calla Lily or My Bunny
Albedo to Kaeya: My Ceclila
- Albedo knows how to play the ukulele and puts Kaeya to sleep playing it unreasonably fast
- Kaeya plays the bagpipes to annoy Albedo and to get him to stop working when he needs a break
- Once Albedo overworked himself in Dragonspine so much that Sucrose had to tell Kaeya to come get him because she was so worried
- Kaeya doesn’t understand shit about Albedo’s experiments but will still read his thesis papers and say “They look good Bunny, stop stressing yourself”
- Once Albedo fainted because of the cold in Dragonspine and Sucrose wasn’t there to get Kaeya, so later Kaeya was worried about where Albedo was and found him passed out in the snow and was so worried about him
- Albedo loves squishmallows and so Kaeya will secretly buy him some
- Once Albedo fell asleep in Kaeya’s hoodie and cuddling a squishmallow, Kaeya was jealous of a squishmallow
- Albedo loves piggyback rides and will tease Jean about it cuz Lisa doesn’t like to give her any
- Their house is surrounded by a koi pond and they will have picnics around it
- Albedo only wants comfort from Kaeya
- Albedo paints Kaeya’s eyepatch or else it’s “boring”
- Kaeya is Albedo’s ‘Human Canvas’
- Albedo wants to dye his hair but is too scared of what it’ll look like, and so Kaeya bleached some of his hair to Albedo’s shade and then dyed it to the color Albedo wants so Albedo will have more confidence in dying his hair
Dottolone HC:
- Whenever Dottore needs a test subject for his experiments, Pantalone will either offer himself if it’s not lethal (Dottore refuses to operate on him for experiments if it’s lethal) or offer one of his fatui servants
- Pantalone gives Dottore extra mora for his experiments. The other harbingers doesn’t think it’s fair but don’t say anything cuz then their pay will be lowered
- Once someone said something bad about Pantalone and Dottore had them be his next test subject on an experiment that he knew would be lethal
- Sometimes Dottore gets overstimulated and only wants attention from Pantalone during that
- On their first date, Pantalone spoiled Dottore to as much stuff as he wanted
- Dottore is Pantalone’s protective ‘dog’
- Pantalone gets sick in the winter alot and at first Dottore was super concerned because uh- it gets bad
- Once Childe punched Dottore cuz Dottore wanted to see what would happen. Childe’s pay halved for a year, it would’ve been 2 if Dottore didn’t tell Pantalone to just do 1 year
- On Dottore’s birthday, Pantalone spoiled him rotten
- During Signora’s funeral, they had to stop the ceremony many times cuz Dottore wouldn’t stop flirting with Pantalone
- During the Fatui Christmas, Pantalone and Dottore couldn’t be found. They were then found later making out in their room
- Their pet names for each other are:
Dottore to Pantalone: Sugar Daddy
Pantalone to Dottore: Sweetheart/Darling
- The first time Dottore called Pantalone ‘Sugar Daddy’ he wasn’t seen or heard from in weeks, he was spotted coming out of him and Pantalone’s room weeks later (He also called Pantalone ‘Daddy’ once and the other Harbingers wouldn’t let him live it down)
- Pantalone hated Dottore’s clones before they got yeeted from existence
- Pantalone draws on Dottore’s arms with markers whenever he’s bored
- Pantalone can do gymnastics really good and Dottore finds it hot
- Pantalone loves cats but Dottore hates them, he still lets Pantalone gets cats though
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whalbi · 2 years
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Kaebedo head kisses are my HC. You can’t change my mind
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moodygroundhog · 2 years
Kaebedo hcs
Or some sort of drafts about them
In the evening, when the work of the Knights of Favonius is finished, Kaeya goes to his private room to drink wine. The tired alchemist comes to him closer to night, sits beside him on the couch, puts his head on his shoulder or chest and sighs heavily. Kaeya caresses Albedo's head and shoulders, cuddles, offers him wine.
In the morning, before they go to work, they sneak a quick kiss and Kaeya wishes Bedo a good day (sometimes he can playfully slap Albedo's butt).
If Albedo came to Knights of Favonius and did not find Kaeya in his office or room, then he leaves Cecilia flower on his desk.
Sometimes, if he has nothing to do, Kaeya comes to Albedo's laboratory, sits silently and watches his alchemist (of course, in a playful mood Kaeya can periodically distract Bedo for hugging or complimenting him). Albedo works late and at that moment Kaeya falls asleep at the table. Albedo covers him with some sort of blanket and keeps working.
As an artist, Albedo knows all the details of Kaeya's appearance, knows all the contours of his face, how his hair usually lies.
Kaeya leaves notes to Albedo in his books and sketchbooks. He usually writes about his worries or feelings.
They love walking at night on the Starsnatch Cliff or on the top of the Dragonspine. As Kaeya is taller, he likes to watch the snowflakes on Albedo's hair (walking through the snowy places).
Kaeya is a big spoon, Albedo is a baby spoon.
Kaeya’s love language is a physical touch and quality time. Albedo makes little gestures and uses acts of service.
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wrioelise · 2 years
⋆୨୧ ₊゚ ice palace ⊹ɞ ↴
⤷ kaeya alberich x albedo kreideprinz x gn! reader
wc: 1.3k
a/n: if you couldn't tell this is a polymorous relationship fic with the pairing kaebedo (kaeya x albedo) and a reader insert. this is my first time writing a poly fic so please forgive me if it's not the best and if you aren't comfortable with polymorous relationships please scroll! thank you have a great day!!
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One knock.. Two knocks.. Three knocks..
“My love, may I come in?” you call out to your lover as you stand in front of his office door.
“Yes hun it’s open” with his reply you twist the door knob and the familiar musky scent of his cologne hits your nostrils. You walk up to Kaeya who sits behind his desk doing paperwork that he was assigned to. “How are you doing my love?” you ask as you take a loose strand of his hair and tuck it behind his ear.
“Since I took a day off for the 25th I have more work to compensate for my leave.” he sighs looking around at the untouched pile of papers. “What about you darling?”
“I finished with mine, I’ve planned ahead and just finished my last set of papers earlier and handed it to Jean to sign.” you tell him as you find your way to sit on his lap. “I think Bedo has already finished since he’s already at Dragonspine.”
Kaeya lets out a humm as he buries his head into the crook of your neck inhaling your soft scent. “You should finish though since I plan on surprising Bedo at the camp. He thinks I won't finish till tomorrow. Unless you want me to surprise him alone..” you let out a sarcastic sigh as he explains.
“No no noooo I want to be able to spend time with the both of you as well!” he whines like a little kid whilst hugging your waist tighter than before.
“Well then get to work Alberich.” you tell him but he’s quick to reply “I would be doing work if you weren't such a distraction” he remarked with sas. You get off of his lap to which he whines more not wanting to do anymore work.
“Which is why I’ll be leaving to find Klee while you finish whatever work you need to.” you kiss his forehead and then his lips. You bid your farewells and left his office to spend time with your lover's sister.
・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.
Kaeya stretches his arms as he walks down the stairs of the favonious headquarters knocking on the acting grandmasters office to drop off his finished paperworks, once done he goes back to his office to grab his stuff before he leaves.
Once again descending the stairs he hears the soft laughter of his lover and the loud yet adorable laugh of the cute elven. He opens the door of the room where the laughter can be heard and he sees Klee laying down on the floor while ____ braids the young girl's hair while she tells her a story.
A small smile made its way to Kaeya’s tired face but as much as he doesn’t want to disturb their adorable moment they have to go meet Albedo in Dragonspine so he knocks on the already open door to make them aware of his presence. The two look at him and Klee jumps up from the floor to hug the blue haired captain. “Mr. Kaeya!!”
“Well hello there Klee, you’ve missed me that much?” he lets out a laugh as he pats the little girl on the head. “But Klee, we should head off to go see your brother, would you like to come along?” the little girl nods her head vigorously. Kaeya laughs at her energy at this time of the night but he picks her up and he looks at you and asks, “You ready to go my love?” you smile at him to answer his question and you pick up your bag from the ground and you walk to him to grab his hand and off the three of you go to Dragonspine.
・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.
“Hey Klee sweetie are you cold? Come here I’ll warm you up so Kaeya can rest his arms from carrying you too.” you take Klee in your arms as she snuggles deeper into your coat. Both you and Kaeya continue to walk with the cold air of Dragonspine hitting your flush skins, you both bear with the cold and proceed to climb the snowy path.
It took a while but you now reached your lover's camp and there he was sitting by his desk examining the liquid in a test tube as he took down notes. You stop to admire the beauty the man holds so Klee was the first to move from your group to greet her brother.
“Albedo!!” She ran to hug her brother who had a shocked expression plastered on his face as three of his most favourite people appeared before him.
“Oh why hello to you too Klee” the chalk boy hygge the little girl back as he stands up with Klee still in his arms.
“I’ve missed you Albedo..” Klee mumbles as her voice shrunk but quickly shakes her head and hugged her brother tighter.
Albedo lets out a laugh and he replies “I’ve missed you too Klee.. so much..” They talked for a good while but it didn’t take long for the little fella to doze off since it was pretty late. You move to pick Klee up while Albedo stores his experiments away in a safer place so that Klee doesn’t accidentally knock one out in her sleep.
Once you’ve all tucked her in you finally have the chance to spend time with each other. You walk up to Albedo and hug his back and Kaeya soon joins you guys by hugging Albedo from the front. You three spent a moment in silence just loving the feeling of being within each other's reach. It's been a while since you’ve done this, all the work has been keeping all of you busy.
“I miss you guys, it feels like ages when we’re apart..” you mumble into your lover's back snuggling closer to him.
“God, I miss you both so much it felt weird not being with the two of you for so long. With ___’s travels, Kaeya’s captain duties, my chief alchemist stuff, we’ve all been busty during this past month.”
You notice how Albedo’s grip on Kaeya’s waist seems to tighten just a bit. So you move away from his back to get a clearer view of his face just enough to notice the droplets of tears that fall from his bright teal eyes.
“Awwh hun no need to be so glum now, we’re here and that’s all that matters.” You move some stray front hairs away from his pale face and you give him a small closed eyed smile.
You move forward and give Albedo a small kiss on the lips and you turn to give your other lover one as well and you also notice how he seems to be tearing up as well.
“Awwh darling you big baby come here, we missed you too!” You grab his face and pepper his face with a lot of kisses and finally your lips find his.
“I thought I’d be spending this Christmas alone but I’ve been proven wrong since I have three of the most precious people in my life right here with me. Even in the cold air of Dragonspine it feels warm because of you three.” stated Albedo.
“I just have to say that I must be the luckiest man to be able to call the two of you mine.” Kaeya expressed kissing Albedo’s forehead and then yours.
The three of you share an embrace never wanting to let go, the feeling of warmth that they provide feels safe, as if nothing would ever get in the way of you three. I mean you have known each other ever since you were in Khaenri’ah, you’ve been there for each other since the beginning and will be together until the end.
“If possible I would like to wrap my arms around you both forever and bask in your warmth. I love you both.” you whisper in a soft tone not wanting to disturb the little girl in her sleep. I love you’s were replied and some kisses here and there being with the two males surely made you the happiest. This year's Christmas will surely be well spent.
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hiii lovelies!! it's been a long time since my last post in this blog, i haven't gotten any motivation and time to write here because of my school schedule but during christmas break i've gotten some inspiration lately!! i hope you have a merry christmas a jolly hanukkah or just an amazing day if you don't celebrate any holidays!! i'm sorry for the lack of posts and i feel like my skills have dried out since then but i hope this is alright, let my love for this ship riseee!!
૮₍ ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ₎ა thank you for taking time out of your day to read my works, I really appreciate it and I hope you have a great rest of your day/evening/night! ♡
© 𝐌𝐈𝐒𝐒𝐉𝐔𝐍𝐎 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟐— do not plagiarize, repost or translate any works onto other sites.
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galaxytastes · 2 years
I’m a sucker for found family rn so like… can I request albedo sitting with klee who’s fast asleep, Kaeya joins them to talk with Albedo, before they both slowly fall asleep too sitting next to each other and heads bumping….. it sounds so cute bro
Ah ha ha... Hello there anon who most definitely isn't my dear friend that requested this <3 Also, I haven't posted in literally a year, hi there everyone. I've been meaning to return, as I've been writing a lot more self indulgent pieces I would like to share with the internet. But, I actually wrote something for this ask a long time ago and never posted it so- here I am! I'm not super proud of this, as it is quite old and isn't my best work, but I'm hoping some of you could still enjoy it ^^ I was inspired by one of the Genshin books you can find in game, titled 'Heart of Clear Springs'. It always reminded me of Kaebedo and I really enjoy it. I left in a few segments from the actual story too. I will link some music I recommend to listen with this and a link to where you can read Heart of Clear Springs, if you feel so inclined.
Anyways, please enjoy. This is Kaebedo with Klee and its pre-official relationship but... They both like each other, y'know. It's Gay.
Heart of Clear Springs: https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Heart_of_Clear_Springs Here's the OST I recommend listening to on repeat as you read! I'm extra so I play some fire crackling sounds too... Thank you @sprayio for getting me addicted to ambient sounds with my music. Links to both of those here!
Quick side note- The bolded is Kaeya's POV
I hope you enjoy :)
“Under the cascading moonlight, a tearful boy made his wish at the spring…” A tired voice read aloud to eager ears. “A fairy from afar, who had taken up residence in the unoccupied spring, listened in silence to his wordless wish. Spring fairies are born of water's essence, faceless descendants of the angels.” A gloved hand touched the page and delicately traced the fairy illustration. “Thus, when the curious fairy emerged from the water and heard the cry of that boy's heart, she became interested in this life, younger and more fragile than her own. The silent fairy reached out her formless fingers, cold as the midnight dew and soft as fortune forgone and gently caressed the boy's forehead and cheeks.” Nestled against a large tree framing a pond between Dragonspine and Mondstadt, a brother and his sister sat nestled close near a small fire. The elder held a book close to his face, occasionally taking glances at the young girl to make sure she was still listening. Fireflies and crystal flies fluttered nearby, little hands reaching above her head in a failed attempt to grab one. 
“Startled by this stranger's touch, the young boy lifted his head and met the fairy's gaze. ‘Can you make my wish come true?’ The boy asked. The fairy of the spring was surprised and confused by this presumptuous question. But she could not speak, and so simply nodded her head. Satisfied, the boy left. He did not know that the spring fairy was alone, without friends or family, and that she had lost a great deal of her wisdom.”
“Poor fairy. I would be her friend… Do you know any fairies I could hang out with?” A small, concerned voice interrupted. “Maybe she could teach me how to fly!”
“I’m afraid I don’t. If I ever meet one, you will be the first person I tell. Now, are you sure you aren’t tired, Klee?” The older sibling replied quietly to his tiny companion. “I believe I may have kept you out past your bedtime. The Acting Grandmaster is sure to scold us both.” 
“Mhmm, finish the story! I’ll sleep when I find out what happens to the boy and the fairy.” Klee replied in a tired voice, echoed by a tiny yawn. “Master Jean won’t know I stayed out unless you tell her, big brother.”
Albedo chuckled but cleared his throat to continue.
“Only when the spring water flowed from cracks in the stone into her pool, and when she gazed upon the fractured image of the moon in the rippling water, did she slowly regain the ability to think, and to mimic fragments of speech.” Klee cooed as Albedo read and traced along another illustration. The man breathed deeply through his nose, savoring the scent of fresh water and sweet flowers. Orange light danced across the pages of the book, casting long thin shadows over the fine script. 
“Like a curious child, the fairy observed the world around her in innocence, wonder, and love. She rejoiced with the fox and squirrel who stole berries, and grieved at the dark clouds that covered the horizon.” Albedo kept his voice low, barely louder than a whisper, as he continued reading the story to Klee. “Curious and full of wonder. She’s a bit like you in that way, hm?”
“Hehe, yeah… But if I was a fairy, I wouldn’t be a spring one.” Klee sighed while rubbing the heel of her little hand into her eye. “I would be a fire fairy. I wouldn’t even need my bombs! I could just… PEW PEW PEW.” Klee squeaked, jolting them both with sudden dramatic hand movements. The girl melted into a fit of sleepy giggles, earning a smile from Albedo.
“I think you would make a fine fire fairy. Just no fire fairy practice anywhere near my lab.” The alchemist turned his attention back to the book. He tapped the page once he found where he left off and continued the story. “And for that young boy, a feeling complex yet immature welled forth from within her heart. All alone in this world, she had neither the power nor wisdom with which to grant his wish. But she could share it, and she drew life from sharing his burdens…” Foolish little fairy. Albedo thought to himself as he pondered the tale. Not even human, yet allowed herself to fall for human charms. How predictable.
Crystalline teal eyes danced across the lake as he pondered the story; the water a mirror to the twinkling night sky. Snow fell gracefully across the lake, contrasting strikingly with the lush green grass that surrounded them. A small fishing pole laid in a bush beside them along with a backpack full of “fish fryers”, as Klee liked to call her bombs.
Focusing on the sound of her heavy breathing, Albedo’s eyes fluttered downward to find his audience fast asleep. Klee snored softly as her hat flopped onto her face. Albedo carefully picked it up and rested it on the bag beside them. The alchemist smiled and ran a gloved hand over her hair, sending a silent wish of sweet dreams for the little knight. 
He turned his attention back to the gleaming water, admiring the way the moon’s reflection sat centered in the pond, as if the celestial body floated amongst the fish. What a childish thought.
Rarely did the man have time to do such seemingly trivial things such as stare out into the dusk night. If he wasn’t working, he was theorizing, writing or painting. Even when observing sceneries for his artworks or studies, Albedo always found a way to make it productive; so that no time is wasted. To find the secret of this world is a full time job, Albedo would tell himself. 
The young alchemist shifted a bit where he sat and leaned his head back against the tree. The sounds of the rustling leaves harmonized with the gentle waves in the water. He wanted to appreciate this moment, but his mind couldn’t help but wander, as it usually does. The stars shined through the branches, perfect tiny diamonds millions of miles away. Normally, Albedo might have theorized how many miles away the star is. What kind of components create the brilliance of a star in the sky? At what speed would one have to travel to be up close and personal to these diamonds that frame the heavens? He recalled drawing the night sky above Mondstadt in detail, every night for months, simply to study their patterns. But instead, tonight he thinks of eyes. Deep gray blue eyes, like the color of the sea. A diamond pupil… He squeezed his own eyes closed and shook his head a bit, blonde locks brushing his forehead. 
“So, this is what the Knights of the Favonious are up to lately, hm? Sleeping on the job?” A cheerful voice called from near the water, alerting him to jump, his hand instinctively reaching back for his sword. Caught daydreaming about starry-eyed men with a child napping at his side was not an ideal turn of events.
“Was nearly a jest! It’s me, dear Chief Alchemist.” Kaeya’s recognizable chuckle grew closer as the knight stepped into the campfire light. A dazzling smile accentuated his twinkling eye. Albedo moved his hand to rest back on the book which sat on his stomach, hoping to shush whatever strange feeling swirled inside. 
“Don’t tell me you didn’t recognize my voice.” The dark haired man raised his eyebrows and took another step closer, dusting a bit of melting snow from his shoes.“I’m hurt, dear alchemist! I thought you of all people would know my voice, considering how often I keep running into you.”
“My apologies.” Albedo said with a sigh, settling back into his relaxed position. His face projected complete solitude; boredom even. But his mind raced with the strangest mix of excitement and worry. The alchemist wasn’t expecting visitors, let alone the cavalry captain. It seemed wherever Albedo wandered, Kaeya was never too far behind. After a handful of coincidental meetings, Albedo had come to consider Kaeya an acquaintance. My acquaintance who makes my stomach hurt.
“Well? Answer my question, young knight. What are you two doing out here so late in the evening?” Kaeya raised his hands above his head in a stretch. His muscles rippled under his tightly fit clothing and Albedo pondered how the man kept warm in such revealing clothing. Perhaps he too had an immunity to the cold winds.
“I’m doing my job.” Albedo replied in a matter of fact manner. He met Kaeya’s curious gaze and nodded down to the sleeping girl. “I was assigned Klee duty and she wished to go fishing. Now, she is napping. So, if you don't mind, keep your voice down.” 
Kaeya smiled wider and gave a quick nod, kneeling down on his haunches to give Klee a gentle pat. The smell of pinewood, fresh snow and a hint of jasmine filled the air, a familiar scent that warmed Albedo’s chest. Though his expression exuded disinterest, he’d be lying to himself if he didn’t admit he appreciated the surprise rendezvous from the captain. 
“Care to answer your own question, Sir Kaeya?” The alchemist asked as he carefully folded the corner of the book’s page before placing it on the grass beside him. “What brings you out here?”
Kaeya leaned his weight onto one hip and crossed his arms across his chest. He didn’t even need to speak before Albedo sensed the lies. 
“Well, you see, I was going to meet Rosaria at the Angel’s Share but she was called in for nun duties. You know… singing about Barbados and what not.” He shrugged, turning to fluff a hand through his boa. “Instead, I decided to… secure the perimeter of… Mondstadt!” Albedo’s eyebrows furrowed a bit and opened his mouth to retort, knowing very well that wasn’t true, before the other knight let out a loud sigh, slumping against the tree. 
“Well, now it would be unwise of me to leave two fellow knights out here, stranded in the dark.” Kaeya slid down the tree, easing himself against its trunk next to Albedo. The blonde man tensed a bit at the sudden close contact but didn’t move from where he sat. “I’m sure the two of you wouldn’t mind some company?” 
“I suppose that is fine…” Albedo replied in a soft tone, taking note of the warmth that beamed off Kaeya like a campfire. Interesting. “Though, I’m sure you have plenty more interesting things to do than stare at the night sky with another man and a child.”
“There is nowhere I’d rather be, if I’m being quite honest with you, Mr. Albedo.” Kaeya chuckled sheepishly and shook his head, a contagious sound that tugged at the corners of the alchemist’s lips. Albedo watched as Kaeya leaned his head back, tilting his head up to watch the stars. Thankfully, he was sitting to Kaeya’s left side, so he could admire the way the stars twinkled back in the deep blue color. How curious… Albedo continued to stare, puzzled at how intriguing the site was. 
Kaeya’s eye darted to the side and he smirked, bringing a blush to Albedo’s cheeks, but he swiftly turned his attention back to the sky. The alchemist had to tear his attention away from the other, finding himself sucked into the vision. Stars reflecting in starlight…
The two sat in silence with the sleeping elf snuggled between them for a moment more as they savored the peacefulness of the evening. The faint sound of water lapping along the bank’s shore mixed sweetly with the faint humming of the nearby fireflies. One floated its way closer to them, swirling gracefully. Albedo’s bright eyes followed the bug until his companion nudged his hand. 
The blonde went to tug his hand back in surprise but instead froze, allowing Kaeya’s rough finger pads to trace over the back of his gloved knuckles. His hands were cold, cold enough to feel through the glove’s fabric, but it wasn’t uncomfortable. In fact it felt… nice. Albedo looked from their hands back to Kaeya’s face, which was dusted in a matching pink blush. He swallowed hard and tore his attention away from Kaeya once more, but was sure to keep his hand still. For some strange reason, he quietly hoped the captain would keep his hand still for a few more moments as well. 
“Tell me more about this book you were reading to Klee.” Kaeya was the first to break the comfortable silence, but his voice was soft. Almost sleepy. Albedo swallowed once more, urging the unfamiliar nervousness to fade, before clearing his throat. 
“It is just a love story, about a fairy and a boy.” The smaller man kept his voice quiet as well. “Nothing too special… An immortal from far away learns to speak and understand languages outside her own, with help from this human boy. The end is quite bittersweet.” Kaeya yawned, but smiled with another nod, earring him another Albedo smile. “You and Klee both enjoy bedtime stories?”
Kaeya flashed that dashing smile once more, Archons, that smile… and glanced down at the sleeping girl in Albedo’s lap.
“That, or maybe your voice is just comforting. Maybe both. But, I think if anyone deserves some rest, it would be you, my dear chief alchemist.” Smooth as ever, Kaeya slinked forward and grabbed the book from where it sat before Albedo could even resist. He opened his mouth again to retort, but was once again cut off as a cold finger pressed to his lips in a silencing gesture.
“I’m curious to know how the story ends. Just… lean your head back and relax. I promise I am a fantastic storyteller.” Kaeya nudged his hand once more as he opened the book, flipping through the pages. 
“I- Fine. If you insist. Just, please do not let me fall asleep. That would be humiliating.” Albedo grumbled and sighed as he leaned his head back. 
Kaeya carefully flipped open to the book where Albedo had carefully marked it. The illustrations were beautifully done; hand drawn and intricate. The knight took a moment to admire the work, showing it off to the alchemist who sleepily acknowledged them. As he settled himself a bit closer to Albedo, his heart hammered in his chest. He thanked the Archons for the sleepiness in the evening air, aiding in Kaeya’s closeness to the usually stone cold man. He stole another glance at the other and bit into the inside of his cheek to not stare too long. Gold locks framed his perfect face, billowing around the curve of his jaw. His bright blue eyes were drooping as he stared up at the stars. Beautiful.
For the next half an hour or so, Kaeya read from the book in a hushed tone. He did voices for the fairy and the boy, making it a bit more theatrical than Albedo ever would. The blonde rolled his eyes as Kaeya faked a whimper, wiping away an invisible tear as he got towards the bittersweet ending. As he continued, the both of them allowed themselves to be sucked into the story. Kaeya would be lying if he did not admit how his heart ached for the characters; and he did not miss the sadness in Albedo’s air.
“From that moment, the fairy vowed that she would someday bear to leave him. And the boy vowed that he would remain by her spring forever.” Kaeya’s mouth tilted downward in a pout. “You weren’t kidding about this being kinda sad, Bedo.”
Albedo’s eyes widened at the endearing nickname and he nodded with a sad smile. 
“I find it a bit silly of her. An immortal, falling for a human. Probably the most selfish choice a person can make, don’t you agree?” Albedo seemed deeply affected by his own words. He was close enough now that Kaeya’s arm grazed against his and Kaeya resisted the urge to move even closer. 
“I can’t say I agree, sir.” Kaeya released a breathy laugh as he turned the page to the last chapter. “I think it’s brave. And hello there, sleepy girl.”
Albedo’s brows furrowed, brushing through Klee’s hair with his free hand as she roused from sleep. She smiled up at her brother and lazily waved at Kaeya, scooching herself so she was laying on both of their laps. 
“Please finish the story now, Kaeya. I promise we can go home after.” Klee looked up at them both with pleading eyes.
“Well, who am I to deny Mondstadt’s princess of pyro? The crimson knight herself?” The navy haired night snickered and winked at the alchemist, who retorted with a deadpan expression. 
“Just make it quick, Kaeya.” Albedo huffed but a smile still played on his lips. Archons.
Kaeya cleared his throat before he began; merely keeping his eyes on the page as he created his own ending. 
“As time went on, the boy grew up. He grew and he grew, as all boys and girls do. Each day, he kept his promise. He would return to the spring and wait for the fairy. But, he did not cry as he once did. Instead, he continued to live. He drank from the water, cooked by the water’s edge. He painted the scenery, wrote poems and songs of their memories.” Kaeya stole a glance to the confused Albedo, who sat so close, Kaeya could feel his soft breath. He chuckled and continued, pointing to the page as if his words were printed. 
“Eventually, the fairy returned. She waited many years to come see if the boy had moved on. To her surprise, he waited for her there. A grown man, with life experience and lots of love to give. She rejoiced and the two shared their second kiss.” Klee happily hummed and leaned back, obviously about to doze back off to sleep.
“Suddenly, he realized that though he had met and parted with countless new friends, and though he had adventured and returned more times than he could remember, he was not alone in the end. So, as they had done many years ago, the boy's tears fell into the pure pond, soaking into the fractured moon.” Kaeya yawned as he kept talking. “But this time, it was with laughter and happiness. With his lover’s hand in his, he spent the rest of his days basking in the sun by the stream. An immortal and mortal… who spent a human's length of life… together.”
The book flopped onto the ground as sleep claimed Kaeya’s consciousness, despite his fight against it. His head conked over to the side, cheek softly resting atop Albedo’s soft hair. 
An immortal and a mortal. Albedo thought to himself as he nuzzled into Kaeya, not fighting the smile that broke his face into the fondest of grins as the other slept against him. He shut his eyes and breathed in deeper, savoring once more the brisk smell of fresh snow and the sweet intoxicating smell of Kaeya Alberich. 
Perhaps fairies are not so foolish. Perhaps it's okay to be predictable and fall for human charms. 
I wonder how many times the fairy and the boy fell asleep just like this.
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sinnersly · 2 years
Heart to heart ☕💛
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follow me on Twitter! :
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valentine-rabbit · 1 year
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Kaenya Chibis!! ❄️🌻🐟
One of my mutuals wanted a comeback of my catboy Kaeya, and this is how it went~
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ninthfeather · 1 year
In which Albedo tricks Kaeya into living with him
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moonona · 2 years
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some doomer vibe with kaebedo
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bloody-bee-tea · 11 months
BeeTober 2023 Day 12 - Dust bunnies
Kaeya is browsing through apartment listings listlessly. He’s not really thinking about moving, not when his apartment is so damn affordable, but there’s the issue of the room.
The room that Kaeya doesn’t like to think about. The room that he passes by every day. The room that he hasn’t peeked into for at least two months now.
The room that no longer houses Diluc.
“Fuck,” Kaeya mutters, throwing his phone down on the bed.
He promised himself to not think about Diluc for at least a week, but he can’t do it! He blames the room, mostly, because it’s right there and Diluc lived in there for almost two years after all, but still.
Diluc still isn’t talking to him and Kaeya is fairly certain that he left half his shit in the room—not that Kaeya is in any kind of hurry to go in there to check—and all of that simply makes it hard to put the entire thing behind him.
They fought and now they don’t speak to each other. That should be all it is, but this stupid apartment reminds Kaeya of all the good times he had with Diluc as well and his absence hurts all the more.
Especially since the stupid room is a constant reminder of it.
“I should get fucking rid of it,” Kaeya mutters under his breath though when he gets up he can’t even open the door.
He doesn’t want to know just how much stuff Diluc left behind, in how much of a hurry he was to get the fuck away from Kaeya and just how much he must truly hate him if he didn’t even come back for these things.
“Fuck you,” Kaeya says, kicking the door and then sharply turning away.
Time for a nap, he thinks.
“What you need is a flatmate,” Rosaria tells him over drinks and Kaeya almost chokes.
“I had one, look how that worked out,” he coughs out and Rosaria gives him a look.
“You had your brother live with you, that’s hardly a typical flatmate situation. You need a stranger, someone you don’t have history with in that room. Trust me, it will help.”
“Shut up about the stupid room,” Kaeya groans out because he cannot believe that he can’t even forget about it when he’s out and about. “I don’t want a flatmate.”
“You also don’t want to avoid a stupid room for the rest of your life, do you?” she shoots back and Kaeya hates how right she is.
Of course he doesn’t want to keep avoiding the stupid room. He wants to be able to pass it without falling into doom and gloom and he would also like to repurpose it to something. A flatmate though?
“Do I really want a total stranger in my apartment?”
“Do you want me to move in?” Rosaria asks, one eyebrow raised.
“Hell no!” He downs the rest of his glass in one go and pretends he doesn’t see her smirk. “A flatmate it is,” he agrees once he swallowed and Rosaria gives him her biggest smile.
“A flatmate it is.”
A cold shudder runs down Kaeya’s back. This is going to end so badly.
“So this is the room,” Kaeya says and points at the door. “Your room, if you chose to move in.”
“If you chose to have me,” the guy—Albedo, if Kaeya remembers correctly—gives back. “Can I take a look.”
“Yeah, sure, of course,” Kaeya stammers out and then gives him his most winning smile. “Feel free.”
“Are you okay?” Albedo asks him and Kaeya immediately nods.
“Sure, why wouldn’t I be?”
“Is there—did someone die in this room?”
“Now why would you think that?” Kaeya laughs out but Albedo simply looks at him and Kaeya finally falls silent, his shoulders dropping.
“No, but—my brother used to live in there. We had a fight.”
“Ah, I’m sorry,” Albedo awkwardly says. “I can take a look myself?”
“No, it’s fine, I should—” Kaeya cuts himself off with a shrug.
He can’t be a baby about this forever and right now seems like a good time to get over this.
“Here,” he says with conviction and opens the door for Albedo before he switches on the light.
The room is still filled with stuff, though it’s mostly furniture, Kaeya notes with relief. It seems as if either Diluc took everything with him or he came back to get his stuff later, but it somehow makes it easier to breathe to know that Diluc didn’t flee head over heels.
He also notes the dust bunnies with a rising amount of despair.
“I—would clean first, of course,” he mutters out as a dust bunny moves past them, disturbed by the opening of the door.
“That’s fine,” Albedo kindly gives back. “Do you intend to throw the furniture out?” he wants to know, inspecting everything.
He doesn’t seem averse to giving this a chance and Kaeya hates to admit that maybe Rosaria was right. It already feels easier to breathe in his own apartment now that he knows Diluc got most of his stuff out of here.
“Not if you’re interested in keeping any,” he tells Albedo who nods. “I am going to clean though, so no worries there.”
“That seems like a waste. Things will get dirty during me moving in, so it’s better to do it all at once afterwards.”
It’s a very logical argument but Kaeya still can’t help but to think it’s also very kind of Albedo.
“So—you’re going to move in?” Kaeya asks, because that sure sounded like Albedo had already made his mind up.
“I would like to,” he answers. “The price is more than reasonable, and it seems as if you and me could get along. The rest of the apartment is suitable as well.” Albedo turns towards Kaeya. “Only if you’ll have me, though, of course.”
“Sure, yeah, this seems—like if it could work out,” Kaeya agrees and he even means it.
Albedo seems like a reasonable guy, and he’s a student just like Kaeya so he doubts there will be any problems with keeping quiet during study times. And even though Albedo is the first candidate Kaeya doesn’t have a bad feeling about this.
They’ll live their student lives together and then move on once those years have passed. It’ll work out fine.
“What are you doing, Bedo?” Kaeya asks, barely able to see over the mountain of clothes in his arms.
“Are you sure we don’t need the sideboard?” Albedo asks and then snorts when he spots Kaeya. “Here, gimme.” He takes half of the clothes out of Kaeya’s hands and Kaeya thinks that’s only fair because these are his clothes after all.
“What are we going to do with it? I already have a sideboard next to the bed.”
“Mh, yeah, I guess that’s true,” Albedo muses but he still sighs wistfully. “I guess I’ll just miss it, is all.”
“Gods, petal, you’re adorable,” Kaeya says and leans over to drop a kiss to Albedo’s head. “It’ll still be here. You wanted this room as a library or something right? Use the sideboard for that. We’re not going to throw it out, after all.”
“But I’ll barely spend time in here,” Albedo complains and Kaeya can’t help but to waggle his eyebrows at him.
“Oh, and why is that? Will you be too busy in my room?”
“Kaeya,” Albedo laughs out and nudges Kaeya along on their way to finally transfer the last of Albedo’s things into Kaeya’s room.
“What? A guy can’t dream?” Kaeya sighs out but he can’t deny the happiness that’s bubbling in his belly whenever Albedo is around.
And Kaeya hopes that he’ll be around for a very long time.
“Klee, what did we say about cleaning up these dust bunnies under your bed?” Kaeya asks, his voice as stern as he can make it when he faces Klee, which means he’s not very stern at all.
“To make sure to always do it,” Klee gives back, an adorable little pout on her face and Kaeya throws a look at Albedo.
Albedo who is pressing his lips together and clearly trying not to laugh, so Kaeya can’t expect any help from him, the traitor.
When did being a stern parent fall to Kaeya? They’ll have to talk about that.
“And why do I see at least two dust bunnies peaking out at me then?”
“Because they are not dust bunnies!” Klee is back to her big grin and that’s almost more dangerous than the pout before.
“What are they then, Klee?” Albedo asks and now he decides to chime in.
It’s Kaeya’s turn to pout and at least that moves Albedo to thread their fingers together.
“They are dust Dodoco’s!” She says it as if it should have been obvious and maybe it really should have been, with all the Dodoco plushies covering her bed, but it still catches Kaeya off guard. “And dust Dodoco’s were not part of the cleaning up order.”
“Klee,” Albedo sighs out, but Kaeya spots the tell-tale twitching of the corner of his mouth and in all honesty, he’s not fairing much better.
Klee is too adorable and too smart for her own good sometimes.
“Big brother Albedo,” she says, her mouth suddenly wobbly as if she’s about to burst into tears and Kaeya knows that Albedo cannot withstand that look.
It seems it’s on him to step in again.
“No, Klee. Even dust Dodoco’s need to be cleaned up.”
“But why?” she cries out, big fat crocodile tears streaming down her face and now Albedo is looking at Kaeya as if he’s to blame.
“Because if a Dodoco falls into a dust Dodoco, when it can no longer sleep with you in the bed. We’d have to put it in the washing machine first. Do you want that?” he gently asks and that gets Klee to look at him in horror.
“No!” she gasps out and Albedo hands her the broom.
“Then make sure to clean them all up.”
Kaeya narrows his eyes at him because this is not at all fair.
“Klee will make sure to get them all!” Klee promises them and promptly gets to it.
Kaeya takes the chance to pull Albedo out of the room, glaring at him the entire time.
“It wasn’t the deal that I’m going to be the strict parent, simply because you’re too easily swayed by her too sweet face,” he hisses at Albedo who only laughs at him.
“But you do it so well,” Albedo tells him, pulling him down for a kiss.
“I see, so that’s how it is,” Kaeya whispers right against his lips and even though he’s still a little bit mad he can’t help but to steal another kiss.
“And how is it exactly?” Albedo wants to know, an excited glint in his eyes but instead of playing along and pulling him into their bedroom for a make-out session, Kaeya noses at his cheek.
“You love me,” he mumbles, brushing his lips against Albedo’s skin and he can’t help the little satisfied grin when Albedo shudders.
“I do love you,” he easily agrees as if it’s the most normal thing in the world and for that alone Kaeya would adore him to pieces.
“Good, ‘cause I love you too,” he immediately replies, because he never wants Albedo to doubt that.
“As if I don’t see that every day,” Albedo mutters and turns his head for another kiss. “You’re being so good to us.”
“If I remember correctly, it’s you who’s good to me,” Kaeya corrects him, because it was Albedo who waltzed into his life and tore the sadness right out of Kaeya.
“Mutual, then?” Albedo cheekily asks and Kaeya drops a kiss to the tip of his nose.
“Mutual,” he agrees and hugs Albedo close.
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