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muiraquita-da-caatinga · 9 months ago
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Tatuagem e outras mensagens do corpo, Leusa Araújo
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ortodelmondo · 5 months ago
Kadiweu body paint, Brazil. 1935
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paulomachado1-blog · 5 years ago
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“No Brasil, todo mundo tem sangue de índio. Uns nas mãos, outros nas veias e outros na alma. Onde está o seu?” Dinnho Beduzupo. . . #diadoindio #prazeresdamesa #cozinhaancestral #milho #mandioca #caçaepesca #floresta #higiene #xamanismo #pajé #cacique #tupi #guarani #terena #kadiweu (em Brazil) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_L32FIDgaY/?igshid=1cpicoh5rrlqs
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xurume · 6 years ago
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Livremente inspirado na arte do povo #Kadiwéu. Salve os povos #indígenas! feito no @espacochakra #kadiweu #cadiveu #caduveo #cadivéu #grafismos #grafismoindígena #grafismoindigena #grafismo #protecao #protectiontattoo https://www.instagram.com/p/BxyDAOKBiNV/?igshid=1svyhxkxm6i4r
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fatehbaz · 6 years ago
“The Bolsonaro effect”: Invasion of indigenous lands in Bolsonaro’s Brazil
On 12 January 2019, at least 40 armed land-grabbers illegally invaded the rainforest territory of the Uru-eu-wau-wau indigenous people of Rondonia state in Brazil. The invaders immediately began cutting trees, installed 15.5 miles of trails, and started giving away lots of cleared land to other outsiders.
The indigenous community asked Bolsonaro’s new presidential administration for help, but no meaningful law enforcement action has been taken.
This is just one example of what’s being called “the Bolsonaro effect.”
An excerpt from Amazon Watch:
According to a report by the Brazilian NGO Repórter Brasil, there are currently fourteen titled indigenous territories under attack. Indigenous leaders and their allies speak of a general abandonment of state protections over indigenous lands, as Bolsonaro's dangerous rhetoric emboldens a range of criminal forces – from illegal loggers and miners to land grabbers and speculators – to act with apparent impunity.
Karipuna indigenous territory in the Amazonian state of Rondônia has seen a spike in illegal logging of ancient hardwoods. "These invasions will get worse," said Adriano Karipuna, a local indigenous leader who has suffered threats from the loggers. "Bolsonaro preaches that [indigenous people] do not need land, that they do not work, and that we are like animals in a zoo. Those who were already wicked enough to [invade our lands] are now receiving [the president's] support. These people now have no fear of coming onto our lands."
Aside from Karipuna lands, those of the Uru-Eu-Wau-Wau and Karitiana in Rondônia also face invasions, as do the territories of the Guajajara and Ka'apor in Maranhão and the Arara and Xicrín of Pará, to cite a few flashpoints in the Amazon. The Pankararu of Pernambuco also find their territory under siege, while farmers brazenly occupy the lands of the Kadiweu people of Mato Grosso do Sul.
Rondonia is famously the site of extreme deforestation since the 1980s. This alteration of the forest landscape has already threatened indigenous communities
This is the state of Rondonia:
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The dismantling of the National Indigenous Foundation
Another excerpt:
State-condoned barbarity: Known in Brazil as the "Bolsonaro effect," today's assault on indigenous lands has also translated into acts of barbaric violence upon native peoples. Following a dispute in late January, an indigenous Parecis man from Mato Grosso state was attacked by three men who took him hostage and tortured him, brutally beating him before slamming his arm repeatedly in a car door and leaving him for dead. The man escaped to a local village and eventually received medical treatment, but was forced to have his arm amputated.
In his statement to authorities, the man claims that his assailants repeated that since Bolsonaro's election, "it is now permitted to kill indians." The attack is being investigated as a hate crime.
Shortly after this event, one of Brazil's principle indigenous leaders, Rosivaldo Ferreira da Silva, known as Chief Babau, exposed a plot to murder him and his family near the Tupinambá Indigenous Reserve in southern Bahia state. Chief Babau's long standing conflict with powerful local landowners – many who are involved in land invasions of the reserve – imperiled his and his family's lives, in circumstances similar to those playing out across Bolsonaro's Brazil. (...)
In what appears to be a concerted strategy to deny indigenous peoples protection and legal recourse from these attacks, Bolsonaro abruptly removed Brazil's National Indigenous Foundation (FUNAI) from the Ministry of Justice. This has blocked the agency's ability to conduct direct dialogue with Federal Police, which supports FUNAI's mission of protecting indigenous rights and defending indigenous lands. The move complicates the ability of FUNAI employees to bring environmental and human rights crimes to the attention of appropriate authorities, creating bureaucratic obstacles in a time of crisis.
In addition to losing its home in the Ministry of Justice, the Bolsonaro government divided FUNAI's mission into two ministries, further undermining its ability to serve indigenous peoples. The agency is now managed by the Ministry of Women, Family, and Human Rights, which is headed by the evangelical extremist Damares Alves who has been roundly denounced by Brazil's indigenous leadership for her animosity toward native peoples as well as accused of kidnapping a six-year-old indigenous girl from her village to raise as her own daughter.
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liskantope · 6 years ago
Journey Through Languages project: languages of South America
Well, I think I’ve outdone myself in terms of how many language families plus independent languages I’ve put on one list, but I really wanted this list to be my last in this project, which I never expected to stretch into my transition to a new country and a new job (much as I’m not tired of it and will miss it). I was surprised at finding around 50 families listed for South America when my (admittedly very dated) Kenneth Katzner book lumps the relatively few languages it recognizes into only three families. Apparently some groupings of allegedly related languages have been broken up in recent decades due to lack of evidence of relatedness, and the result is a whole bunch of families which are mostly very small. I only included the ones that seem to have significant numbers of speakers here. I made a pretension to myself of ordering them according to geography, but this is somewhat haphazard (I’m so bad at geography that I had to keep a map of South America up on my phone to constantly reference) and was calculated to end up with a particular very-famous-to-linguists language as the grand finale.
Misumalpan languages
      Miskito    Sumo languages
Chibchan languages
   Waimí languages       Guaymí    Votic languages       Rama
   Cuna-Colombia languages       Kuna       Chibcha †       Uwa (Tunebo)
Choco languages
      Embera (Northern Embera)
Barbacoan languages
Nadahup languages
      Daw       Hup
Tucanoan languages
   Western Tucanoan       Secoya    Central Tucanoan       Cubeo    Eastern Tucanoan       Desano       Tuyuca       Guanano
Witotoan languages
   Witoto languages
Chicham languages
Yanomaman languages
Arawakan languages
   Ta-Arawakan languages       Wayuu       Arawak       Garifuna    Upper Amazon Arawakan languages       Tariana       Karu    Central Arawakan (Paresi-Waura) languages       Paresi       Yanesha’    Piro languages       Apurina    Campa languages       Nomatsiguenga       Ashaninka
Panoan languages
      Matsés (Mayoruna)       Matis       Shipibo
Tacanan languages
  Cariban languages
   Parukotoan languages       Hixkaryana    Pekodian languages       Kuikuro       Pará-Arára       Ikpeng    Pemong-Panare languages       Kapóng       Macushi       Panare    Guianan Carib languages       Carib       Ye’kuana       Tiriyo       Wayana       Waimiri-Atroarí
Guaicuruan languages
Quechuan languages*
   Southern Quechua       Ayacucho Quechua       Cusco Quechua       Southern Bolivian Quechua       Santiagueño Quechua    Northern Quechua       Kichwa    Cajamarca-Cañaris Quechua    Quechua I       Ancash Quechua       Huallaga Quechua
Aymaran languages
      Aymara*       Jaqaru
Matacoan languages
   Wichí languages       Iyo’wujwa Chorote       Nivacle       Maká
Arauncanian languages
Zamucoan languages
      Ayoreo       Chamacoco
Tupian languages (Proto-Tupian)    Eastern Tupian languages
      Tupi-Guarani languages          Guarani*          Tupi             Nheengatu          Tenetehára          Kamayurá
     Western Tupian languages         Karitiana         Tupari         Ramarama
Jê languages
   Northern Jê languages       Apinayé       Kayapo    Central Jê languages       Xavante    Southern Jê languages       Kaingang
Nambikwaran languages
     Mamainde      Nambikwara      Sabanê
Peba-Yaguan languages
Arawan languages
      Madí       Paumarí
   Mura language(s)       Pirahã
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sainsaint · 6 years ago
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Guido Boggiani - Femmes Kadiweu
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ouvirradiosonline · 3 years ago
Radio Kadiweus FM 87.9 Guia Lopes da Laguna / MS - Brasil
Radio Kadiweus FM 87.9 Guia Lopes da Laguna / MS – Brasil
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escolaleaovelloso · 4 years ago
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Desenho kadiweu publicado em VIDAL, Lux (org.). Grafismo Indígena. Studio Nobel, Fapesp, Edusp, SP, 1992. https://www.instagram.com/p/CN17QtaHh2-/?igshid=1juwaqdfil8pf
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lilecorrea · 4 years ago
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@rubemduarte chegou na noite desta quinta-feira, dia 25/02 completando a Cicloviagem Rota Kadiweus pedalando 1648 km em 17 dias. (em Centro, Ponta Porã) https://www.instagram.com/p/CLvGi0Vjbcq/?igshid=5zut6n2yleie
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rafaelsdesouza · 7 years ago
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Nome da Imagem: Darcy Ribeiro Entre os Seus - Índios Kadiweu, Mato Grosso do Sul, 1947.
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gazetadocerrado · 5 years ago
Mitos indígenas tocantinenses ganham vida em animação
Mitos indígenas tocantinenses ganham vida em animação
Histórias seculares das tradições indígenas dos povos Javaé, Kuikuro e Kadiweu, ganham vida nas telas com um filme média-metragem que mistura animação com live action. O filme Mitos Indígenas em Travessia estreia nas comunidades indígenas que participaram da co-criação do filme. A partir do dia 16 de dezembro, o filme ficará disponível online, com conteúdos educativos e documentários sobre cada…
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ruttelane-blog · 6 years ago
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• Entrevista na Rádio Kadiweus 87,9 em #GuiaLopes - Ms 📻 #PéNaEstradaMh https://www.instagram.com/p/BpnoKX1Acur/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=c1v3cdsfy8jx
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xurume · 6 years ago
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#Árvore da vida livremente inspirada na arte do povo #kadiweu Feito no @espacochakra Boa semana!! https://www.instagram.com/p/BtLytKdhoMb/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1mb3eyjwxbp41
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xurume · 7 years ago
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Todas as #tradições são bem vindas por aqui! Livremente inspirado em #mehndis indianos e na arte do povo #Kadiwéu. Boa semana à todos! feito no @espacochakra #mehndi #mehandi #mehindi #mehnditattoo #caduveo #kadiweu #mehandiart https://www.instagram.com/p/BnQ9GTohW5T/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1cs5ewifcg21v
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