corromon · 14 days
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Lil doodle for @kadoozhtheguy - I just love their lil sona she's adorbs c:
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el-salame-dibujante23 · 8 months
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toonrandy · 8 months
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Here’s a drawing of Kaddy, the titular character of the series from Argentina of the same name, that has recently debuted on Cartoon Network Latin America! The pilot is on YouTube if you want to check it out!
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sailorsmouth · 1 month
Alastor's shadow is an ATM
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When watching American Psycho I couldn't help but notice some similarities
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singledigitsalary · 11 months
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spicyspino · 3 months
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After ‘the incident’ Eddie finds that wearing glasses helps him blend in better. He always made fun of Clark Kent’s disguise but no one recognised him at the Fair so maybe the dude was on to something.
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ladyzirkonia · 1 year
Which clone(s) would be the best male stripper(s) at your clone whore house?
Oh girl (YES I know who you are ;)) I'm so sorry it took me so long. I'm embarrassed by myself because of all the unanswered asked and I wanna tell ya, I saw them all and I love them all and I'm sorry that I can't get my shit together.
So short answer? Like the whole 501st. (without Captain Rex and Dogma of course, like we all know this wouldn't be their cup of tea)
Long answer? We can narrow it down to Fives and Jesse. (Pre-Citadel) Echo and Hardcase would be a option too.
But I'll stay with Fives and Jesse our beloved and my final answer for the stripper of the month would definitely be our boy juicy Jesse. Don't get me wrong flirty Fives could pull this off too and DAMN he would be hot and have so much fun (I think this man is a incredible dancer). But I think at one point he wouldn't take this so seriously and start clonwning around because this man is hilarious and wouldn't take himself seriously.
But Jesse... damn I mean it's not like juicy Jesse wouldn't be already the perfect stripper name. We all know this man is build DIFFERENT. Who wouldn't want to get danced on by this tighs, seriously? And he's funny, such a flirt and tease the PERFECT stripper for my clone whore house. Definitely employer of the month potential.
Admit you would give him all your credits just to get a smile like that and touch his thigh one time.
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silvr-skreen · 3 months
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This took a whole weekend, and is the USC version of every single secretary and facility manager (+ the Task Manager as the Boardbot facility manager)
They're at a party of something idfk man I'm tired.
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cr1ms0nesp3ra-ac3 · 29 days
Before I must sleep, I would like to show you something that I wish to recommend..
As you can see, I first watched this video before I had to go somewhere tomorrow.. and I can't help but feel embraced to this guy's analysis. I REALLY ENJOYED IT!!
But im not forcing you to go see this, but yeah.
Go watch this vid, it had a very good analysis when it comes to trauma :D
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vigilskeep · 1 year
still thinking abt the mark of the assassin outfit it cracks me up so much. like it would be fine in the context of my other hawkes but KEIR??
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mlentertainment · 20 days
strange darling is gonna kill me i think.
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spikypauldron · 1 year
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Well if it isn't the blowjob brothers
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sailorsmouth · 3 months
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I painted pottery the other day and made myself a Valentino mug!
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theluckywizard · 10 months
hi lucky! from the artefacts of thedas prompts, maybe "a small pot of kaddis, partially used" for hawke & any family member? 😊
Heyyyy! Happy Friday! I wrote some Hawke sibling fluff because that's all i have in me apparently! Just a whole pile of dialogue. For @dadrunkwriting Characters: Garrett Hawke, Bethany Hawke, Carver Hawke WC: 575 Rating: Gen
“What are you doing, Gar?” Bethany asks, her tone appropriately snappish as Hawke works at her small herbalism bench, grinding with the mortar and pestle.
“Mixing up my kaddis,” says Hawke.
“So you’re a dog, now?” she asks, raising her brow, a little edge of flippance in her voice as she leans against the wall.
“Didn’t you see the front door? We’re all dogs. I just thought I’d better look the part when I go deal with those Lowtown derelicts.”
“What are you going to do, fight them all?”
“Only a little,” says Hawke, flashing his sister a grin. “Enough so they think twice about smearing dog shit on our door again.”
“You think you know who did it?”
“Oh I know who did it. And I know which tavern they haunt.”
Bethany approaches, tucking her chin around his upper arm and he looks down to cast an affectionate eye on her. There’s always been an uncommon warmth between them, their thoughtful natures and mutual protective instincts wrapped up inside a playful veneer of teasing and ribbing. She returns it with a smirk. 
“Try the walnut oil,” she suggests, gesturing at the small bottle on the top shelf. When he fumbles the small bottle in his hands which are truly a hair too big to be of use for such delicate tasks, she speaks again. “Here. Let me.” She nudges him aside with her hip and sets to work whipping up the pigment with the oil.
“Where did you get this anyway?” she asks, concentrating carefully on working out all the little lumps. 
“Lirene’s. It’s a fine Fereldan import, is it not?”
“Bitty isn’t even a trained war dog,” Bethany notes, glancing over her shoulder at the potato on the floor in the other room.
“Porkbit is of the finest Mabari stock. If I ever felt compelled to train him, he’d be a king amongst fools.”
“You’re deluded, Gar. As usual,” she grins, offering him the little pot of kaddis. “Are you going to cover your body too?”
“Oh, I think a streak across the nose will suffice. What do you think?” Hawke ducks low to look in the clouded mirror and smears a finger full from cheek to cheek across his nose.
“You look like an idiot,” she says, but there’s a laugh fluttering behind her voice and she reaches up to ruffle her hands in his hair. “Are you roping Carver into this terrible plan of yours?”
“Rope him? I’m not sure I could stop him,” says Hawke, admiring himself in the mirror. “You’re right it’s a little ridiculous. But I’m nothing if not a little ridiculous.”
“Well, at least you own it,” she says. “It will pair nicely with that hideous pointy armor you picked up.”
“Says you. I look like a proper legend in it.”
“You look like an oversized mace.”
“A legendary oversized mace,” he corrects her. “You sure you don’t want to come?”
“Oh I’m not sure drawing the attention of roving templars over a little dog shit is worth it, Gar,” she says. She turns her head to holler into the other room.“Carver!” Gamlen’s grumble is immediate.
Carver pokes his head into her room.
“Maker, Gar, really?” he says, grinning.
“A proper Fereldan dog,” Hawke grins. Bethany lays her hand on Carver’s shoulder as he dabs his finger for his own streak of red.
“Do us a favor and keep Garrett from doing something irreparably stupid. And vice versa. Unless you both decide to go full moron simultaneously.”
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spicyspino · 3 months
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A throwback to my old style but with updated models.
Love them 🤍
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ladyzirkonia · 1 year
Hello my friends,
after a week of vacation and visiting I have now become really sick, I will now log off here for an indefinite period. I realized that despite the fact that I am so bad, I feel bad not to look in here and post something and realize that this is an incredibly unhealthy behavior. So for now I'm going to deal with myself, my health and other things until I'm properly fit again.
I love you guys and will miss you. Your Lady Zirconia/ Kaddi
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