xialumee · 9 hours
domestic scaralumi day 7 - in another life
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last day!! and here on tumblr too, the domestic scaralumi series is finally done!! 🫡💓
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noriee404 · 1 year
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smooches hc
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sammyotome · 5 months
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noriee404 · 1 year
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sometimes wanderer has unsettling dreams. not nightmares. it’s an overwhelming bitter feeling of loneliness. not the usual kind, it’s something buried deep underneath, eerie yet painfully familiar from the past.
feeling of a nameless tossed doll.
these dreams… these are not the same kind as seeing over and over one particular door opening and showing a small lifeless curled body on the floor. *those* dreams are rough, those end up with muffled noises and shaking shoulders.
but *these* dreams are silent, making you freeze in vain. lumine doesn’t always notice, but when she does, she sees him uncannily still, knuckles white, tightening on whatever he has in his reach. sometimes sheets. sometimes her.
she doesnt wake him up.
carefully taking his hand in hers, brushing, caressing, and silently slipping into the back of his mind, lumine passes through kaleidoscope of feelings she herself doesn’t quite understand, it’s too much of a mess to untangle.
but at the end of the thread she finds him, she always does.
she holds him in her arms, mumbling some sweet nonsense, promising the rise of tomorrow, pacifying his struggling mind. he doesnt acknowledge *her* presence, but nuzzles her anyway.
she knows he won’t remember most of this tomorrow. if he did, he sure as hell wouldn’t let her anywhere near at night.
knowing him, he probably would stop sleeping at all.
too embarrassing, too humiliating for his such big yet fragile ego. at least thats what she thinks.
maybe some truths really better stay hidden.
Ah screw writing, basically just a bunch of HCs:
- scara has reoccurring nightmares, all kind of sorts
- he has the fear of doors opening (iiin certain situations, considering the whole thing w sick child)
- he still feels himself as his kabukimono self sometimes and it scares the shit out of him
- he and lumi still share irminsul connection through touch
- she sometimes gets in his dreams to soothe him
- he doesnt recognize her but it helps nonetheless
- she doesnt go look anywhere he wouldnt let her to look, mostly aiming for just soothing him (she really wants to break this rule sometimes cause WHAT IN THE WORLD IS GOING ON IN-)
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