lord-plusle · 7 years
Shout out to the homies that I made while in the fatesona dicord
So for those of you who may or may not know, I was a part of the discord for fatesonas(explaing this at pretty much 4:30am on my phone would be a pain). Anyhow, I made a lot of friends there, granted I'm bad at keeping in touch, BUT FRIENDS NONE THE LESS! At some point I had to focus on college and kind of forgot to check in more often than not but it happens, but when I went back in there I felt... I dunno left out I guess???? It was probably because I had been out of it for a while and It was just me feeling like that. I know that no one in that discord wanted to leave people out, hell they always tried to keep someone included the best they could. But I stayed in there for a bit longer thinking "Hey, maybe I won't feel shitty at somepoint." Boy was I wrong, I never did feel better but I did notice something, what was once a thriving chat filled with people I would love to keep in touch with turned into silence most of the time, where there use to be a lot of chatter amongst friends about only 3-5 people were the only ones talking. Before I left I did reach out to someone (will not say who) and they attempted to give me advice because well, I really wanted to stay there. And while the advice was good I just couldn't follow it and left. And now here I am left to wonder what exactly is happening there. But every now and again I keep thinking mostly about the people I met there. I wonder if they're okay and if their lives are going well, if they need someone to genuinly talk to ecen if its just to rant, but its mostly if they even noticed I was gone before I said anything. There were a lot of people i met there but there are a few that I will be more than happy to get back in touch with some day. But for now I'll just shout out a few people you guys should go and check out. Excluding the nerds i still talk to because that'll be left for a 4 am rant some other day. @chibichangas @pastatoast @luna-reverie @shellysaurus-rex @lightning-summonersequel @arikentsia @oreowarrior @compulsivelyal @antonero2016 @partridgeduelist @dryde @finni-blogs @chaosrose-art @jememe Your friend Satan....but maybe just call me Ant now ♥️
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