#k d Edwards
book--brackets · 2 months
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ars-matron · 8 months
The Tarot Sequence Reread
Nothing has given me brain rot in a long while like the Tarot Sequence by K D Edwards has. And since I just finished reading all the supplemental stuff right when my hold for The Last Sun came back up I thought I would do something I have only done once before-and in a much less flattering way for a book I hated-and live blog my reread.
There's just so much in this series I need to pay closer attention to. And usually I would go on here and read some metas, but there is literally nothing!! The only things in the tags for this series is people wishing there were more people reading it, a handful of very wonderful fanarts, and an account of the decline of a discord that evidently used to exist for it. So, maybe this will encourage some people to read the books too.
Because there are some heavy topics in this series anytime I talk about such topics I will tag for them, but if they don't come up in the chapters I'm reviewing, I won't. So if you have certain things back listed you might not see all my posts on it. Anyone who is reading along and is curious about it can DM me.
NOW! Predictions and things I want to pay attention to under the cut for spoiler reasons.
The Tower. At the end of the prologue of the first book my thoughts were, " So we trust NO ONE!!" Except Queenie, because why would Rune and Brand live with her if she was evil? Then the children showed up and I had to trust them, they were too young to be part of the, whole thing, plus they are so cute. You have to trust them. And then Addam came along, and of course we trust him, he's an Addam, he's a giant dancing teddy bear and I love him! So I read the whole series (that's out so far) expecting we would find out the Tower was an evil guy, that he had had something to do with the fall of the Sun Throne. Honestly by the end of the third book I didn't think that any longer, and I was starting to before that after finding out he was also Qunn's godfather because!!! There is no way Qunn wouldn't have seen if the Tower revealed he had been a part of all that. (I'm still asking myself HOW exactly he or Mayan wouldn't have noticed an astral projection listening device being installed in Rune's room at their freaking tower that is super locked down! But then it happened for two other locations that were supposed to be super warded and protected my other companions too. So maybe it isn't his fault. I do think he might blame himself, I do think that some of his stand-offishness might also be guilt for not being able to stop the attack on the Sun Throne to start with. We will see...) I'm going to go into this read through with the assumption he is just lonely and sad and not a bad guy.
QUEENIE!!!! Because, WHO THE FUCK IS QUEENIE!? I was already suspicious because every time someone asks Rune and Brand where she came from, or how long she's been with them, they say "She's been with us forever." Every time! It reeks of mind fuckery. Then Eidolon and the epilogue that wasn't came along. Current theory is that she is the Empress, and also that she's probably Rune's mother. I would be willing to bet she was the woman at the end of the third book who spoke up to the river after everyone else. Edwards did a good job of making her disappear in the background, but I'm gonna be hunting for every mention of her and how she acts around everyone.
Ciaran, just because I love him and at first also suspected him of evil deeds. But he's just your gay vodka uncle and he loves all his adopted family so much and I just want to keep a closer on him at the start of the series.
Kellum. We only see him once in the second book, but he's mentioned in Eidolon by the Fool (Or Queenie pretending to be the Fool, again I'm not sure, there's Queenie interference for sure) And he was in one of the supplemental novellas. I think he will be making a bigger appearance in the next book.
Quinn's prophecies. I'll probably make a list of those for a separate master post.
Tallas. The Atlantean soul mates. This is a MAJOR spoiler. Rune says that Brand and he formed a talla bond the night of the attack. That it was what brought Brand out of the geas and got them to safety. The bond was gone when he woke up in the hospital and he's spent this whole time thinking he's somehow broken their talla bond. Something definitely happened between him and Addam in the Westlands, and I don't think Addam was wrong in assuming it was the budding of a talla bond. Because something sort of bond-like is also there now after the Hourglass Throne, after he used his bond with Brand to get him and Addam back to their time. My theory here is that they might be each other tallas, all three of them. Together. We know that it doesn't have to be a sexual relationship, though I don't think Addam would mind that one bit. Everything is pointing to the three of them being tied together somehow, and my theory is mostly that, before they were together together, no one talla bond could form and take precedence over the other. Now that they are together all the time, going on missions, living together, they have more opportunities for a bond to fully form and take hold. Assuming it involves all three of them.
And with that, I'm going to go read!
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booksaesthesic · 4 months
-the tarot sequence aesthetic-
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someonelookingpraediti · 11 months
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Currently Reading...
The Tarot Sequence - K.D. Edwards
The Last Sun
These have been cropping up on my radar for a while, and they looked like a quick, easy read, which is what I wanted. Well, they're weren't that quick, but they were easy.
When I first started this book, it seemed like exactly the kind of "teen dross" my friend always accuses me of reading. The main character is the most specialist boy who ever did live, he lives in the magical city of Atlantis, and he has glowing orange eyes, and super duper magic powers, and his bodyguard is his bestest friend ever. Almost immediately, I was like... this is not for me.
But then! Then the plot kicked in! It got good, and fast.
I'm pretty sure I guessed who the big bad of the trilogy is like, a couple of chapters in, but I'm super hoping I'm totally wrong, because I'd like to be completely surprised by the ending! I'm also guessing (hoping, praying,) that Max and Quinn get together, because they'd be the cutest couple ever!
The Hanged Man
I think this is going to be one of those series I need to buy physical copies of! I've already ordered a special edition of the first in the spin-off series, but the only editions I can find of the original trilogy are paperback. The covers look cool, though, so I might just get the paperbacks.
This one was absolutely as good as the first - it's incredible how the big climactic finale starts like, halfway through the book, and somehow doesn't lose pace, it just continues to build and build, despite being so long! This is an author who can keep you gripped!
I'm absolutely smitten with Max; and I am now just waiting for the revelation that Brand was involved (unwittingly, unknowingly) in the attack on the Sun Court/Rune, which is definitely coming.
The Hourglass Throne
I start the third book in my trash fantasy trilogy... and they're dealing with Covid. Seriously? I read fantasy specifically to escape the real world! It's supposed to be totally believable that the humans discovered Atlantis sixty years ago and fought a massive world-changing war against them, and now Atlantis is in Nantucket. But it would just be too unrealistic if they just didn't mention the pandemic in this unspecified timeline? His boyfriend has burgundy eyes and a metal prosthetic hand with magic powers, but sure, two metres apart. I just want his problems to be like, fantasy problems, not my problems.
So, it did not end the way I thought it would. In fact... it didn't really end at all. It felt like the book had finished, but not the series. He's still got to get the Tower back. He's still got to fulfil his HUGE new prophecy we've just found out about. He still has six of his nine attackers to discover, hunt down, and brutally murder. Is this... not a trilogy? Maybe there are going to be more books?
I was totally wrong about the person who organised the attack on him/his court. From the very first time he was mentioned, I was convinced that Lord Tower had actually orchestrated it all, and was playing the biggest double cross of all time. And then it turns out to be... well... no, I'm not sure? Was it meant to be Lady Time? Or do we still not know? There has got to be more books, because this really didn't explain anything.
My other guess from the first book was that Max and Quinn would get together. It hasn't happened, but the spin-off series is based around them, I believe, so there's time. I'm also so heartbroken that Quinn lost his powers, and I'm hoping he gets them back in the spin-off. Quinn is, easily, hands down, no question, the best character of the series, I absolutely adore him. I cannot, cannot wait to read his book!
Holy shit, I just looked it up and this isn't even nearly a trilogy! There are NINE books planned for the series, what the actual fuck. I thought I was going into a completed series! I can't believe I'm going to have to wait, what? six? ten? years for the series to be finished?! This will not do, I'm obsessed!
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jezebelgoldstone · 2 years
So since you have such acute good book refs, you know of any gothic horror with focus on gay men romance (trans or not) that feature adult themes, violence (possibly gore), and sexual themes (including dark/ taboo)? I find these hard to find out of original online fiction/videogames, or find it but it's not quite what I was looking for (or badly written) and it's a shame because it's my favourite kinds of stories.
The Magpie Lord by KJ Charles.
First in a series of several short books and short stories. Set in Victorian England, first book features a violent curse and a huge scary old Gothic manor. Main character is a very rich handsome classically demanding romance hero type, who is a gay guy who has been living in queer-friendly China for the last couple of decades and has to come back to homophobic England when his father and older brother die. It is violent, there is some gore, there is some creepy stuff, there is a murder mystery, there is magic, there is some light BDSM and some pretty explicit gay sex. The whole series is great fun.
I haven't yet read anything else by this author, but @lilyhargrave says that their other stuff is good too, and I certainly trust her word.
Honorable Mentions:
Not quite as perfect a match is Prince of the Sorrows by Kellen Graves.
It's gothic, it's gay, but I wouldn't call it horror. There is some relatively explicit gay sex in this and the next book, but though it is a Forbidden Love Story nothing about the sex is particularly taboo. I will also admit that though the first book is a murder mystery, the mystery itself is pretty obvious. That said, there is some violence, some pretty gross murders, some torture, some mental agonizing Etc, and I think the romance is really really great.
Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation by Moxiang Tongxiu more widely known on tumblr as MDZS by MXTX
Okay so this one is a Chinese story in a Chinese setting by a Chinese author written for a Chinese audience. It is not Gothic in the Anne Radcliffe sort of way. Further, the writing is very very different from what most native English speakers are used to. All that said, it is a very very very good horror story, it is gross, it is gory, there is so much torture and murder, it is one of the most breathtaking tragedies ever written, it is ridiculous, it is funny, it is a war story, it is a ghost story... it's basically everything. The gay romance is epic and beyond my skill to describe. It is also an extremely LONG story (the official English translation runs at I believe eight volumes?) and I will warn you that the on-page gay sex is confined to the end; HOWEVER, that gay sex is nice and explicit, and features BDSM and CNC and all kinds of nice stuff. Also if you're into fanfic there are like 40k-ish English-language stories on AO3 alone, and quite a few of them are, ahem, veeeeeery nice. There is a fan translation online for free, and the official English language translation is available via Seven Seas publishing.
Another near-match is Captive Prince by CS Pacat.
It is once again not horror, and it is gothic in the romance if not necessarily in the setting. Recommending this one though because there is quite a bit of sex and it is pretty taboo. Bdsm, sexual slavery, Etc is baked into the worldbuilding. The gay romance is also really really good. This one is also violent, also includes torture and a bit of gore, and features a main character who was once a prince and is trafficked as a bedslave and given as a gift to the prince of the neighboring country.
Now. Now. Now we come to what I'm tempted to call both a total miss and a dead ringer: The Last Sun by K D Edwards.
I feel like this one would technically be a horror story if the narrating character actually admitted how horrifying everything is, and wasn't so damn funny. It's got a gothic vibe in a modern-day setting. The main character is an assault survivor, a magic practitioner, and takes jobs for everything from protection details to hired muscle to private investigator. There is quite a bit of violence, some of the magic is rank, the gay romance is great, and there is a mildly spicy though extremely vanilla gay sex scene. All three books feature at least one gorgeous haunted manor. There is once again quite a bit of taboo sexual stuff baked into the worldbuilding, but in this case other than the assault (which happened 20 years ago) none of the taboo sexual stuff happens on-page or involves the main character. I feel like I'm not doing a very good job explaining this book, but this whole series genuinely is one of my absolute favorites and though it's not as good a match as The Magpie Lord, I still strongly recommend it.
Hope these are good for you, have fun and happy reading, and come talk to me if you read any of them!
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Characters, book, and author names under the cut
Damianos (“Damen”) of Akielos/Laurent of Vere - Captive Prince by C.S. Pacat
Rhy Maresh/Alucard Emery - Shades of Magic by V. E. Schwab
Addam Saint Nicholas/Rune Saint John - The Tarot Sequence by K. D. Edwards
Neil Josten/Andrew Minyard - All For The Game by Nora Sakavic
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Do you ever start a new series and, from the very very beginning, you just know that this is gonna be a hyperfixation and you might as well strap in for the ride?
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Today is also the day James Francis Edward Keith, a famous Jacobite of the 1719 rising and later fieldmarshal of Frederick the Great, died in the Battle of Hochkirch.
When I read that, I recalled how yesterday was the first time I actually heard the call of a heron as it rose from the riverbank and ascended into the dusky skies over the centre of a famously still quite 18th century city.
I hope any fellow The Flight of the Heron enjoyers will appreciate the conincidence... :)
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yourgirlsarchived · 2 years
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      “Whoever took this photo knew exactly what they were doing, Harrington.” Eddie chuckles, setting the photo down and putting his hands on his hips. All to hide the fact his palms are sweating. The photo definitely looks innocent at first glance. But, only the first one. 
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anouri · 2 months
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K. D. Edwards from The Last Sun (2018)
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2023: The Year in Reviews
If you’re reading this, welcome, and Happy New Year 🎉🎇🎊 If the best you can say is you’re glad 2023 is in the rearview mirror, well, give yourself a pat on the back for persevering. You made it through another year, and that’s something worth acknowledging as an accomplishment in itself. Throughout the year, I’ve read some amazing books, and I love to celebrate those that left a lasting…
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ars-matron · 9 months
"Perhaps she didn’t come into her abilities until late in life. There are stories, old stories, about trauma triggering latent abilities."
Ciaran - The Hourglass Throne
Just started the third book but I have been thinking about THIS exact possibility since book ONE
Because that was one hell of a trauma. And Rune is constantly saying how younger scions just aren't born with aspects like they were in the past. Yet he's a full on Arcana!
And I'm just!!!!!!!
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disabled-dragoon · 1 year
The Disability Library
I love books, I love literature, and I love this blog, but it's only been recently that I've really been given the option to explore disabled literature, and I hate that. When I was a kid, all I wanted was to be able to read about characters like me, and now as an adult, all I want is to be able to read a book that takes us seriously.
And so, friends, Romans, countrymen, I present, a special disability and chronic illness booklist, compiled by myself and through the contributions of wonderful members from this site!
As always, if there are any at all that you want me to add, please just say. I'm always looking for more!
Edit 20/10/2023: You can now suggest books using the google form at the bottom!
Updated: 31/08/2023
Articles and Chapters
The Drifting Language of Architectural Accessibility in Victor Hugo's Notre-Dame de Paris, Essaka Joshua, 2012
Early Modern Literature and Disability Studies, Allison P. Hobgood, David Houston Wood, 2017
How Do You Develop Whole Object Relations as an Adult?, Elinor Greenburg, 2019
Making Do with What You Don't Have: Disabled Black Motherhood in Octavia E. Butler's Parable of the Sower and Parable of the Talents, Anna Hinton, 2018
Necropolitics, Achille Mbeme, 2003 OR Necropolitics, Achille Mbeme, 2019
Wasted Lives: Modernity and Its Outcasts, Zygmunt Bauman, 2004
Witchcraft and deformity in early modern English Literature, Scott Eaton, 2020
10 Things I Can See From Here, Carrie Mac
A Curse So Dark and Lonely, (Series), Brigid Kemmerer
Akata Witch, (Series), Nnedi Okorafor
A Mango-Shaped Space, Wendy Mass
Ancillary Justice, (Series), Ann Leckie
An Unkindness of Ghosts, Rivers Solomon
An Unseen Attraction, (Series), K. J. Charles
A Shot in the Dark, Victoria Lee
A Snicker of Magic, Natalie Lloyd
A Song of Ice and Fire, (series), George R. R. Martin
A Spindle Splintered, (Series), Alix E. Harrow
A Time to Dance, Padma Venkatraman
Bath Haus, P. J. Vernon
Beasts of Prey, (Series), Ayana Gray
The Bedlam Stacks, (Series), Natasha Pulley
Black Bird, Blue Road, Sofiya Pasternack
Black Sun, (Series), Rebecca Roanhorse
Blood Price, (Series), Tanya Huff
Borderline, (Series), Mishell Baker
Breath, Donna Jo Napoli
The Broken Kingdoms, (Series), N.K. Jemisin
Brute, Kim Fielding
Cafe con Lychee, Emery Lee
Carry the Ocean, (Series), Heidi Cullinan
Challenger Deep, Neal Shusterman
Cinder, (Series), Marissa Meyer
Clean, Amy Reed
Connection Error, (Series), Annabeth Albert
Cosima Unfortunate Steals A Star, Laura Noakes
Crazy, Benjamin Lebert
Crooked Kingdom, (Series), Leigh Bardugo
Daniel Cabot Puts Down Roots, (Series), Cat Sebastian
Daniel, Deconstructed, James Ramos
Dead in the Garden, (Series), Dahlia Donovan
Dear Fang, With Love, Rufi Thorpe
Deathless Divide, (Series), Justina Ireland
The Degenerates, J. Albert Mann
The Doctor's Discretion, E.E. Ottoman
Earth Girl, (Series), Janet Edwards
Everyone in This Room Will Someday Be Dead, Emily R. Austin
The Extraordinaries, (Series), T. J. Klune
The Extraordinary Education of Nicholas Benedict, (Series), Trenton Lee Stewart
Fight + Flight, Jules Machias
The Final Girl Support Group, Grady Hendrix
Finding My Voice, (Series), Aoife Dooley
The First Thing About You, Chaz Hayden
Follow My Leader, James B. Garfield
Forever Is Now, Mariama J. Lockington
Fortune Favours the Dead, (Series), Stephen Spotswood
Fresh, Margot Wood
Harmony, London Price
Harrow the Ninth, (series), Tamsyn Muir
Hench, (Series), Natalia Zina Walschots
Highly Illogical Behaviour, John Corey Whaley
Honey Girl, Morgan Rogers
How to Become a Planet, Nicole Melleby
How to Bite Your Neighbor and Win a Wager, (Series), D. N. Bryn
How to Sell Your Blood & Fall in Love, (Series), D. N. Bryn
Hunger Pangs: True Love Bites, Joy Demorra
I Am Not Alone, Francisco X. Stork
The Immeasurable Depth of You, Maria Ingrande Mora
In the Ring, Sierra Isley
Into The Drowning Deep, (Series), Mira Grant
Iron Widow, (Series), Xiran Jay Zhao
Izzy at the End of the World, K. A. Reynolds
Jodie's Journey, Colin Thiele
Just by Looking at Him, Ryan O'Connell
Kissing Doorknobs, Terry Spencer Hesser
Lakelore, Anna-Marie McLemore
Learning Curves, (Series), Ceillie Simkiss
Let's Call It a Doomsday, Katie Henry
The Library of the Dead, (Series), TL Huchu
The Lion Hunter, (Series), Elizabeth Wein
Lirael, (Series), Garth Nix
Long Macchiatos and Monsters, Alison Evans
Love from A to Z, (Series), S.K. Ali
Lycanthropy and Other Chronic Illnesses, Kristen O'Neal
Never Let Me Go, Kazuo Ishiguro
The Never Tilting World, (Series), Rin Chupeco
The No-Girlfriend Rule, Christen Randall
Nona the Ninth, (series), Tamsyn Muir
Noor, Nnedi Okorafor
Odder Still, (Series), D. N. Bryn
Once Stolen, (Series), D. N. Bryn
One For All, Lillie Lainoff
On the Edge of Gone, Corinne Duyvis
Origami Striptease, Peggy Munson
Our Bloody Pearl, (Series), D. N. Bryn
Out of My Mind, Sharon M. Draper
Parable of the Sower, (Series), Octavia E. Butler
Parable of the Talents, (Series), Octavia E. Butler
Percy Jackson & the Olympians, (series), Rick Riordan
Pomegranate, Helen Elaine Lee
The Prey of Gods, Nicky Drayden
The Pursuit Of..., (Series), Courtney Milan
The Queen's Thief, (Series), Megan Whalen Turner
The Quiet and the Loud, Helena Fox
The Raging Quiet, Sheryl Jordan
The Reanimator's Heart, (Series), Kara Jorgensen
The Remaking of Corbin Wale, Joan Parrish
Roll with It, (Series), Jamie Sumner
Russian Doll, (Series), Cristelle Comby
The Second Mango, (Series), Shira Glassman
Scar of the Bamboo Leaf, Sieni A.M
Shaman, (Series), Noah Gordon
Sick Kids in Love, Hannah Moskowitz
The Silent Boy, Lois Lowry
Six of Crows, (Series) Leigh Bardugo
Sizzle Reel, Carlyn Greenwald
The Spare Man, Mary Robinette Kowal
The Stagsblood Prince, (Series), Gideon E. Wood
Stake Sauce, Arc 1: The Secret Ingredient is Love. No, Really, (Series), RoAnna Sylver
Stars in Your Eyes, Kacen Callender [Expected release: Oct 2023]
The Storm Runner, (Series), J. C. Cervantes
Stronger Still, (Series), D. N. Bryn
Sweetblood, Pete Hautman
Tarnished Are the Stars, Rosiee Thor
The Theft of Sunlight, (Series), Intisar Khanani
Throwaway Girls, Andrea Contos
Top Ten, Katie Cotugno
Torch, Lyn Miller-Lachmann
Treasure, Rebekah Weatherspoon
Turtles All the Way Down, John Green
Unlicensed Delivery, Will Soulsby-McCreath Expected release October 2023
Verona Comics, Jennifer Dugan
Vorkosigan Saga, (Series), Lois McMaster Bujold
We Are the Ants, (Series), Shaun David Hutchinson
The Weight of Our Sky, Hanna Alkaf
Whip, Stir and Serve, Caitlyn Frost and Henry Drake
The Whispering Dark, Kelly Andrew
Wicked Sweet, Chelsea M. Cameron
Wonder, (Series), R. J. Palacio
Wrong to Need You, (Series), Alisha Rai
Ziggy, Stardust and Me, James Brandon
Graphic Novels:
A Quick & Easy Guide to Sex & Disability, (Non-Fiction), A. Andrews
Constellations, Kate Glasheen
Dancing After TEN: a graphic memoir, (memoir) (Non-Fiction), Vivian Chong, Georgia Webber
Everything Is an Emergency: An OCD Story in Words Pictures, (memoir) (Non-Fiction), Jason Adam Katzenstein
Frankie's World: A Graphic Novel, (Series), Aoife Dooley
The Golden Hour, Niki Smith
Nimona, N. D. Stevenson
The Third Person, (memoir) (Non-Fiction), Emma Grove
Magazines and Anthologies:
Artificial Divide, (Anthology), Robert Kingett, Randy Lacey
Beneath Ceaseless Skies #175: Grandmother-nai-Leylit's Cloth of Winds, (Article), R. B. Lemburg
Defying Doomsday, (Anthology), edited by Tsana Dolichva and Holly Kench
Josee, the Tiger and the Fish, (short story) (anthology), Seiko Tanabe
Nothing Without Us, edited by Cait Gordon and Talia C. Johnson
Nothing Without Us Too, edited by Cait Gordon and Talia C. Johnson
Unbroken: 13 Stories Starring Disabled Teens, (Anthology), edited by Marieke Nijkamp
Uncanny #24: Disabled People Destroy Science Fiction, (Anthology), edited by: Elsa Sjunneson-Henry, Dominik Parisien et al.
Uncanny #30: Disabled People Destroy Fantasy, (Anthology), edited by: Nicolette Barischoff, Lisa M. Bradley, Katharine Duckett
We Shall Be Monsters, edited by Derek Newman-Stille
Perfect World, (Series), Rie Aruga
The Sky is Blue with a Single Cloud, (Short Stories), Kuniko Tsurita
Academic Ableism: Disability and Higher Education, Jay Timothy Dolmage
A Disability History of the United States, Kim E, Nielsen
The Architecture of Disability: Buildings, Cities, and Landscapes beyond Access, David Gissen
Being Seen: One Deafblind Woman's Fight to End Ableism, Elsa Sjunneson
Black Disability Politics, Sami Schalk
Borderline, Narcissistic, and Schizoid Adaptations: The Pursuit of Love, Admiration, and Safety, Dr. Elinor Greenburg
Brilliant Imperfection: Grappling with Cure, Eli Clare
The Cambridge Companion to Literature and Disability, Barker, Clare and Stuart Murray, editors.
The Capacity Contract: Intellectual Disability and the Question of Citizenship, Stacy Clifford Simplican
Capitalism and Disability, Martha Russel
Care work: Dreaming Disability Justice, Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarasinha
Catatonia, Shutdown and Breakdown in Autism: A Psycho-Ecological Approach, Dr Amitta Shah
The Collected Schizophrenias: Essays, Esme Weijun Wang
Crip Kinship, Shayda Kafai
Crip Up the Kitchen: Tools, Tips and Recipes for the Disabled Cook, Jules Sherred
Culture – Theory – Disability: Encounters between Disability Studies and Cultural Studies, Anne Waldschmidt, Hanjo Berressem, Moritz Ingwersen
Decarcerating Disability: Deinstitutionalization and Prison Abolition, Liat Ben-Moshe
Demystifying Disability: What to Know, What to Say, and How to Be an Ally, Emily Ladau
Dirty River: A Queer Femme of Color Dreaming Her Way Home, Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarasinha
Disability Pride: Dispatches from a Post-ADA World, Ben Mattlin
Disability Visibility: First-Person Stories From the Twenty-First Century, Alice Wong
Disfigured: On Fairy Tales, Disability and Making Space, Amanda Leduc
Every Cripple a Superhero, Christoph Keller
Exile and Pride: Disability, Queerness and Liberation, Eli Clare
Feminist Queer Crip, Alison Kafer
The Future Is Disabled: Prophecies, Love Notes, and Mourning Songs, Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarasinha
Growing Up Disabled in Australia, Carly Findlay
It's Just Nerves: Notes on a Disability, Kelly Davio
The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks, Rebecca Skloot
Language Deprivation & Deaf Mental Health, Neil S. Glickman, Wyatte C. Hall
The Minority Body: A Theory of Disability, Elizabeth Barnes
My Body and Other Crumbling Empires: Lessons for Healing in a World That Is Sick, Lyndsey Medford
No Right to Be Idle: The Invention of Disability, 1840s-1930s, Sarah F. Rose
Nothing About Us Without Us: Disability Oppression and Empowerment, James I. Charlton
The Pedagogy of Pathologization Dis/abled Girls of Color in the School-prison Nexus, Subini Ancy Annamma
Physical Disability in British Romantic Literature, Essaka Joshua
QDA: A Queer Disability Anthology, Raymond Luczak, Editor.
The Right to Maim: Debility, Capacity, Disability, Jasbir K. Puar
Sitting Pretty, (memoir), Rebecca Taussig
Sounds Like Home: Growing Up Black & Deaf in the South, Mary Herring Wright
Surviving and Thriving with an Invisible Chronic Illness: How to Stay Sane and Live One Step Ahead of Your Symptoms, Ilana Jacqueline
The Things We Don't Say: An Anthology of Chronic Illness Truths, Julie Morgenlender
Uncanny Bodies: Superhero Comics and Disability, Scott T. Smith, José Alaniz 
Uncomfortable Labels: My Life as a Gay Autistic Trans Woman, (memoir), Laura Kate Dale
Unmasking Autism, Devon Price
The War on Disabled People: Capitalism, Welfare and the Making of a Human Catastrophe, Ellen Clifford
We've Got This: Essays by Disabled Parents, Eliza Hull
Year of the Tiger: An Activist's Life, (memoir) (essays) Alice Wong
Picture Books:
A Day With No Words, Tiffany Hammond, Kate Cosgrove-
A Friend for Henry, Jenn Bailey, Mika Song
Ali and the Sea Stars, Ali Stroker, Gillian Reid
All Are Welcome, Alexandra Penfold, Suzanne Kaufman
All the Way to the Top, Annette Bay Pimentel, Jennifer Keelan-Chaffins, Nabi Ali
Can Bears Ski?, Raymond Antrobus, Polly Dunbar
Different -- A Great Thing to Be!, Heather Alvis, Sarah Mensinga
Everyone Belongs, Heather Alvis, Sarah Mensinga
I Talk Like a River, Jordan Scott, Sydney Smith
Jubilee: The First Therapy Horse and an Olympic Dream, K. T. Johnson, Anabella Ortiz
Just Ask!, Sonia Sotomayor, Rafael López
Kami and the Yaks, Andrea Stenn Stryer, Bert Dodson
My Three Best Friends and Me, Zulay, Cari Best, Vanessa Brantley-Newton
Rescue & Jessica: A Life-Changing Friendship, Jessica Kensky, Patrick Downes, Scott Magoon
Sam's Super Seats, Keah Brown, Sharee Miller
Small Knight and the Anxiety Monster, Manka Kasha
We Move Together, Kelly Fritsch, Anne McGuire, Eduardo Trejos
We're Different, We're the Same, and We're All Wonderful!, Bobbi Jane Kates, Joe Mathieu
What Happened to You?, James Catchpole, Karen George
The World Needs More Purple People, Kristen Bell, Benjamin Hart, Daniel Wiseman
You Are Enough: A Book About Inclusion, Margaret O'Hair, Sofia Sanchez, Sofia Cardoso
You Are Loved: A Book About Families, Margaret O'Hair, Sofia Sanchez, Sofia Cardoso
The You Kind of Kind, Nina West, Hayden Evans
Zoom!, Robert Munsch, Michael Martchenko
Peeling, Kate O'Reilly
With an extra special thank you to @parafoxicalk @craftybookworms @lunod @galaxyaroace @shub-s @trans-axolotl @suspicious-whumping-egg @ya-world-challenge @fictionalgirlsworld @rubyjewelqueen @some-weird-queer-writer @jacensolodjo @cherry-sys @dralthon @thebibliosphere @brynwrites @aj-grimoire @shade-and-sun @ceanothusspinosus @edhelwen1 @waltzofthewifi @spiderleggedhorse @sleepneverheardofher @highladyluck @oftheides @thecouragetobekind @nopoodles @lupadracolis @elusivemellifluence @creativiteaa @moonflowero1 @the-bi-library @chronically-chaotic-cryptid for your absolutely fantastic contributions!
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someonelookingpraediti · 11 months
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Currently Reading...
The Eidolon - K.D. Edwards
Ok, so I loved this book. Max and Quinn were my favourite characters in The Tarot Sequence, so I was really excited to read a book from their point of view.
I'm not super into Anna yet, but that's probably a combination of her being younger than the others, and having not been so fleshed out in TTS. She's an interesting character, so I'm sure I'll connect more to her as we learn more about her.
The beginning of the book was a little boring, because it was repeating things that had already happened, but once it got into new plot, it was so interesting. It's weird that re-reading a book isn't boring at all, but reading the same plot from a new point of view always is. I'm hoping that the rest of this series focuses on new storylines - and I can't wait to read them!
But my Max/Quinn prediction isn't panning out so well, since it looks like Quinn might be asexual! I should be absolutely thrilled with ace rep, since there's just nowhere near enough of it, but weirdly, I like to read about all those funky little allos going forth and doing all that stuff I don't! I'm still hoping for a romantic relationship between them, though, since no comments have been made on his romantic persuasion. They need some true love in their life. And I'm convinced they're Tallas.
I bought a special edition from Rainbow Crate. As far as I can tell, this is the only physical copy available of this book - I'm hoping the rest of the series is also going to be available in the same format.
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The hardcover is really gorgeous - the dustjacket is the standard cover, that is also featured on the eBook. But it also has a reversible cover, which is equally nice! Personally, I like the original better, so that's the one I'll be displaying. There's also foiling on the hardcase, front and back, and there's stencilled edges as well.
The endpapers feature four different pieces of artwork, presumably by fans. And there's a page that looks like it been designed for a signature, although this isn't a signed copy. But maybe one day I'll meet the author and get it signed, you never know.
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The Etheirycrumb OCs Revisited.
A is for Amon, with charisma in spades, B is for Banri, and his collection of blades, C is for Clara, who’s often confused, D is for Damien, with shadow infused, E is for Estelle, who’s hard to outplay, F is for Feldspar, with his legs on display, G is for Gigi, the safety inspector, H is for Hwyl, the glamour collector, I is for Iris, genteel and refined, J is for Jess, who knows her own mind, K is for Kai, in a tender romance, L is for Lejo, who really can dance, M is for Mizuki, with her tricky upbringing, N is for Nate, and his magical singing, O is for Osric, both wolfish and brooding, P is for Podolly, and the warmth she’s exuding, Q is for Q'ruhka, setting sail through the sky, R is for Rowan, who at first seems quite shy, S is for Saeed, who vowed to resist, T is for Tsukia, a brave altruist, U is for U’lohi, the spreader of joy, V is for Valentin, that flirtatious boy, W is for Wolfram, and his undisclosed bond, X is for Xynal, drawing power from beyond, Y is for Yume, with an un-charming prince, Z is for Zuzunzo, and the skill he'll evince.
By Blake Primping-Muddles.
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(With further apologies to Edward Gorey)
A couple of years ago I wrote a very silly poem, in the style of Edward Gorey's The Gashlycrumb Tinies, in order to celebrate some of the wonderful FFXIV blogs and OCs on Tumblr. You can find the original here. Recently I thought it might be fun to revisit the idea and celebrate some more of my favourite OCs...
Hopefully nobody minds me borrowing their characters for further silly purposes! And apologies to the many wonderful OCs I had to leave out - there are an awful lot of characters starting with M and S etc.
How many characters did you recognise? Why not follow their respective blogs and find out more about their stories!
Amon @spotofmummery
Banri @aoife-asturmaux
Clara @confusedau-ra
Damien @damienward-ffxiv
Estelle @viiioca
Feldspar @loldragoon-ffxiv
Gigi @gigifujijifu
Hywl @hywl
Iris @irisopranta
Jess @sasslett
Kai @kaitontenchu
Lejo @naejlas-axe
Mizuki @pumpkinmagekupo
Nate @calico-heart
Osric @osric-giroux-ffxiv
Podolly @roxinova
Q'ruhka @placesyoucallhome
Rowan @tallbluelady
Saeed @stalwart-spirit
Tsukia @tsukiakurotori
U’lohi @humblemooncat
Valentin @cadrenebula
Wolfram @xiv-wolfram
Xynal @qxynalvaleroyantb
Yume @firelightmuse
Zuzunzo @zuzunzo
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trashytoastboi · 6 months
🔥Portgas D. Ace Masterlist🔥
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🔥 Headcanons: Ace, Law, Kid x S/O – Reacting to them crying in front of them for the first time
🔥 Headcanons: Law, Kid, Ace x S/O who is afraid of thunder and being comforted during a heavy storm
🔥 Headcanons: Ace x F! S/O – Telling Whitebeard he is going to be a granddad
🔥 Headcanons: Shanks, Ace, Katakuri x Royal! Reader – Working as their bodyguard
🔥 Fluff Alphabet: Kid, Ace, Perona – I, L, O
🔥 Fluff Alphabet: Ace, Shanks – C, F, N
🔥 Fluff Alphabet: Ace, Nami – P, N, L
🔥 Fluff Alphabet: Ace – K, A, M
🔥 Headcanons: Ace x Writer! S/O
🔥 Headcanons: Zoro, Ace, Law, Shanks - Reacting to their S/O baking a cake for them
🔥 Headcanons: Whitebeard (Edward Newgate), Marco, Ace, Thatch, Diamond Jozu, Vista x Platonically affectionate Reader
🔥 Headcanons: Ace x Crush! Who doesn’t realize his feelings
🔥 Headcanons: Ace, Nami x F! S/O with a talkative and social partner who was ignored in the past
🔥 Scenarios: Law, Ace, Zoro x Drunk! Reader - “Teach me how to kiss?”
🔥 Headcanons: Law, Zoro, Ace x F! Keyblade Wielder
🔥 Scenarios: Zoro, Law, Ace x Small! S/O discovering their S/O has a massive bounty
🔥 Headcanons: Ace, Luffy, Zoro x Tall! F! S/O
🔥 Scenario: Sanji discovering his F! S/O scars and comforting her
🔥 Headcanons – ABO AU! - Alpha! Ace; Soul Mate AU! - Marco; ABO AU! – Alpha! Whitebeard (Edward Newgate)
🔥 Headcanons: Bodyguard AU! Ace, Sabo, Law
🔥 Headcanons: Bodyguard AU! Ace, Law, Shanks
🔥 Headcanons – Ace, Sabo, Luffy, Sanji – Reacting to their accident prone S/O
🔥 Headcanons: Ace, Nami – Handling having a crush on someone with seemingly flirtatious nature but completely platonic meaning
🔥 Headcanons: Law, Kid, Zoro, Ace – Reaction to their S/O cosplaying as them.
🔥 Short Headcanons: Law, Kid, Ace - Reaction to their S/O burping
🔥 Headcanons: Ace, Law, Kid - Reacting to their F! S/O suddenly crying because of how much she loves him
🔥 Headcanons: Ace, Luffy, Law, X-Drake – With extremely kind, caring and protective S/O
🔥 Headcanons: Marco, Ace – Reacting to discovering their S/O is actually a famous revolutionary
🔥 Headcanons: Law, Ace, Katakuri, Robin, Zoro – Reacting to their crush that is super wary about sleeping around other people but is fine with them
🔥 Headcanons: Marco, Ace, Law – Reaction to finding their calm and quiet S/O bashing someone’s face through a wall
🔥 Headcanons: Ace with Sister!; Marco with F! S/O; Whitebeard with Daughter! – In the case of the Winter Soldier
🔥 Headcanons: Ace, Law, X-Drake – with F! Reader who sings to express her feelings and they accidentally discover her crush via song
🔥 Headcanons: Zoro, Ace, Law, Kid – with a S/O who sleeps with their eyes open
🔥 Headcanons: Marco, Ace – with a Mute! S/O
🔥 Headcanons: Marco, Ace, Law – with a S/O who possess a demon devil fruit
🔥 NSFW Scenario: Ace, Sabo, Luffy x F! Reader - #28 Threesome + #38 Bartender AU
🔥 Headcanons: Ace, Law, Sanji x F! Crush that says easily misunderstood things.
🔥 Headcanons: Luffy, Ace, Zoro, Law – Meeting Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck, Goofy
🔥 NSFW Headcanons: Ace, Zoro, Mihawk, Sabo, Law – Reacting to S/O being brought to tears of pleasure
🔥 NSFW Headcanons - Ace, Sabo, Zoro, Law with S/O who uses their safeword
🔥 Headcanons: Zoro, Ace, X-Drake with S/O who can be very emotional
🔥 Headcanons Law, Luffy, Zoro, Ace x S/O that loves horror
🔥 Headcanons: Ace x F! Soulmate Reader - Joining the Whitebeard pirates and misunderstood first impressions.
🔥 Headcanons: Zoro, Sanji, Nami, Ace reacting to discovering their S/O is a Sea Dragon (Non-Devil Fruit user)
🔥 Headcanons: Ace, Law, Zoro, Sanji x S/O – Hinting at some intimate time together with a S/O that misunderstands their meaning
🔥 Scenarios: Kid, Killer, Ace – Runaway Bride
🔥 Headcanons: Ace, Law, Zoro, Sanji x S/O – Who is very honest with their thoughts and feelings
🔥 Headcanons: Yandere! Zoro, Yandere! Ace, Yandere! Law, Yandere! Sanji x S/O
🔥 Headcanons: Zoro, Ace, Law, Sabo x S/O who is unusual and mysterious
🔥 NSFW Headcanons: Benn, Law, Ace, Mihawk x Virgin! S/O
🔥 Headcanons: Modern AU! Ace, Luffy, Garp, Dragon as celebrities
🔥 NSFW Scenario: Ace x F! S/O – Desiderate
🔥 Headcanons: Law, Ace teasing an easily flustered S/O until they turn the tables
🔥 Headcanons: Ace, Zoro x F! S/O who has large breasts
🔥 Headcanons: Ace, Luffy, Garp x Sister!/Grandaughter! Reader - Saving her family at Marineford
🔥 Headcanons: Ace x Male! Reader - Becoming friends with {Name} who has the ability to manipulate his aura into natural elements
🔥 Headcanons: Ace x F! S/O - Pregnancy and Parental
🔥 Headcanons: Dad AU! Zoro, Luffy, Ace - Sleeping with their infant on their chest
🔥 Headcanons: Law, X-Drake, Sanji, Ace x Shy! S/O that loves affection
🔥 Headcanons: Modern AU! Male! Reader being the son of Mobster Ace!
🔥 NSFW Headcanons: Law, Sabo, Ace x Shy! F! S/O who has a size difference kink
🔥 NSFWish Headcanons: Law, Zoro, Ace x F! S/O – Having an argument and ‘making it up’ to her
🔥 Headcanons: Ace, Sabo, Luffy, Usopp, Law, Kid x Male! S/O is usually bright and loud but he had a bad day and needs some comfort
🔥 Short scenarios : Alpha! Marco x Omega! Reader – #1. Your scent is intoxicating (NSFW); Alpha! Thatch x Omega! - #2. You’ll make a wonderful parent/mate ;Ace x Omega! NSFW #10. Impregnation/Breeding
🔥 Headcanons: Law and Ace’s reaction to finding out their S/O secretly has a thing for tattoos.
🔥 Headcanons: Beta! Ace, Law, X-Drake x Beta! S/O - #2. “You’ll make a wonderful parent”
🔥 NSFW Scenarios: Ace, Sabo, Sanji getting a blowjob from their S/O who is hiding under the desk during a meeting (Or something to that effect)
🔥 Headcanons: Law, Kid, Ace wanting Reader to join their crew
🔥 Headcanons: S/O smacks Shanks, Ace and Kid’s butt.
🔥 Headcanons: Ace, Sabo x S/O Who is afraid of physical intimacy due to a past trauma
🔥 Headcanons: Zoro, Ace, Law confessing their love to Straw-Hat! Reader
🔥 Headcanons: Luffy, Zoro, Sanji, Ace with Sleepy head S/O – They just love sleeping and taking naps
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