#jyushimatsu matsuno cosplay
viktorstufftrash · 1 year
<?>...Ichimatsu cosplay!!
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<?>...Now I'm him fr!
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beyhr · 4 years
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more jjba cosplays, this time with suuji (since it means ‘numbers’ i was reminded of trish)
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jyushimatsurepliez · 5 years
I cosplayed Ichi but it was a small test! Will send updates of Witchimatsu when completed! 💜 tw for fake bloody nose! Also I got fake blood up my nose for this
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karamatsuangel · 6 years
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Shake! NEET! Tonight will be awesome! Dance dance! Do the hustle! ✨
Another closet cosplay of all the boys! This feels more polished than my first try, so I feel more proud! 😊
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tmntlittletomboy · 5 years
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I cosplayed as Jyushimatsu today at AnimeFest
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karamatsujihen · 6 years
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ALL OF THE HANDOSME BOIS!!! Please feel free to tag yourselves or send me a message and I'll send you a link to the quality photos on my cosplay page 'BURNING HEARTS COSPLAY' for better viewing!!!
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grand-romantic · 6 years
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"We're sextuplets! Having six of the same face is cool, right?★☆"
Sheeeeeh! I closet cosplayed all six of these NEETS pretty randomly lol.... I have issues clearly. These are pretty bad! Not that trash deserves more than that. 🌹💙💚💜💛❤
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thecampawesome · 6 years
Its finally online! After a long journey our Osomatsu Religion cmv is finally ready to be shared with you guys 💚
I hope you guys will like it!
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carcinogeneticisst · 6 years
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Proper Rangers // Colossalcon 2018 
Ichi → Me 
Jyushi → @parlourtrixx
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perv-matsu · 7 years
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i got her number~!!! .... it doesn't work!!!
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doridaishi · 6 years
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Osomatsu-san 05 by Doriri-chan
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articfoxniomi · 7 years
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figured i would give you all a little something of me
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jyushimatsurepliez · 6 years
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{Boi I sure am ready to cosplay as a character from a movie I may never know the plot to}
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voltagematsu · 7 years
Osomatsu san: AX 2k18
Alright everyone, I was thinking if I should host the Osomatsu san Gathering at Anime expo this year again and I really wouldn't mind. I had such a great time doing it last year and I would like to do more this year if possible! I still have to think this out but I would make it longer and have more fun activities to do!
If you have any suggestions, comments, questions or want to help out, let me know by messaging me! Thank you.
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tottymatsuno · 3 years
Here's how I think the Matsunos would capture your heart and make you their SO!
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Osomatsu - He would have been a childhood acquitaince you reconnected with after the high school reunion. He made a big impact on you from his honesty and naivety. You wanted to know more about him after that but couldn't bring yourself to ask for his contact info. You spot him a couple months later day drinking and reintroduce yourself. The two of you vibe and go out on a pretty decent date despite it just being convenience store beer, oden Osomatsu tried to steal from his friend and pachinko.
Karamatsu - You see him standing on a bridge just peacocking and like any other bird you watch his mating dance for a while before deciding to take a chance. The whole performance is funny as hell and you honestly can't take him seriously but at the same time he is kinda hot. Not even in a loser way, during the five minutes you've studied this man's behavior you have come to the conclusion he is cute, silly, poetic, flamboyant and super hot. The second you speak to him to inform this old school punk menance that you have arrived for your date Karamatsu calls you his girl and you are smitten.
Choromatsu - This guy really ain't standing here with a free hugs sign near the bus stop is he? Well comiket is going on right now and you suppose between the two of you Choromatsu is less weird than you decked out in a complex gundam cosplay. "Hugs?" You ask muffled from the head piece. You notice Choromatsu gasp and nod nervously, "B-but if you don't want to that's okay! I wouldn't want to ruin something so amazing like that cosplay. You must have worker extremely hard on it and it shows." Yeah it's like he reached past your defenses and snatched your heart in just three sentences.
Ichimatsu - Your new coworkers told you about this regular who seems to visit and disrupt the entire ecosystem of the cafe and then leave without taking responsibility. Your senpai begs you hat in hand to try to convince Ichimatsu to volunteer at the shelter your store is partnered with because there are some cats deemed too antisocial and might be put down... But Ichimatsu seems to have an aversion of heavy topics and if his mood changes then so do all the cats. You watched him come into the cafe and get treated like a little prince by your coworkers, manager and the cats. The special treatment only makes him visibly uncomfortable but there he is with a muffin and all five cats currently out. Well here goes nothing, you walk over to the table with a casual smile. "Hey, welcome back." and you find it cute when Ichimatsu tenses up. "I'm new here and I think I need some help. I heard you're a regular so I was hoping if you could show me the ropes?" You notice even the skittish kitten is vying for Ichimatsu's attention. "Shouldn't you ask a coworker instead of trash like me...?" You shake your head and tell him a lie. "I'll get fired if they found out how unqualified I am for this job. I just learnt that cats can actually get sick from tuna." and you got em. The look on Ichimatsu's face lets you know he's the helpful type so you shadow him through a shift and when the days over Ichimatsu is paid a regular wage for his volunteer work. The cats were all angels today with very little fighting, or randomly attacking ankles or jumping on tables to steal people's food. Ichimatsu must stay. "Tomorrow I'm supposed to go to the shelter too because some of the cats are lonely but I have no clue how to change their litterboxes. I don't have anyone else to ask, so would you come with me?" You fall for Ichimatsu the second he slow blinks and nods.
Jyushimatsu - That guy's swimming in the river again huh. You've been a little bit of a sneak and watching this guy's antics for a few days. He's cute and silly and has a way with bending reality in order to pull off jokes. Truth be told you're more intrigued than romantically interested. You wanna study him like a lil bug and take notes on his behavior out in the wild. You realize pretty quickly after getting lost in your thoughts that you've also lost track of Jyushimatsu. Until he pops up right next to you and says, "Here I am! You've been looking for me, right?" and y'know what? "Yeah I was!"
Todomatsu - You're kinda casual friends with Todomatsu at gym. Your brother is the one who introduced the gym both to you and Todomatsu and you know he's a decent guy based off of his behavior at the go club. Or at least is according to your brother. So the two of you are often working out in the same areas mostly because you figure your brother asked for Todomatsu to keep an eye out for you. "Good work today." is usually the most you end up saying until Todomatsu strikes up an conversation. "Um... I know it's been a while since I started here and I've been too nervous to ask but." You think he's going to ask you on a date and you're already mentally going over your schedule for this week. "I don't know how to use half of the equipment or how to sign up for classes? Is there an extra fee involved if I wanted to take yoga?" You instantly deflate but answer Todomatsu anyways. "I've noticed but didn't know if you wanted help. I can teach you for a while if you promise to spot me every now and then." Todomatsu nods before you speak again, "And no this location has three free classes a week for members. The yoga for beginners is the best one so I think you'll enjoy it." There's a pause in the conversation because Todomatsu is clearly choosing his next words with great care. "Are you in that class too?" You shake your head no, and tell Todomatsu you're in intermediate yoga. "Ah...well that's alright. I'll work my way up and join you soon. After all I want to see how flexible you really are." You giggle to yourself, "If you're free after this I'll let you experience firsthand how flexible I can be."
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karamatsujihen · 6 years
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