articfoxniomi · 4 years
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articfoxniomi · 6 years
How come you don't send any love to the vast team of volunteers who makes this game possible? Don't they deserve some thanks too for literally making all the visuals you based your OC off of? Are they not good enough that they literally built the very components of your little world?
I never said that they were not important for one. I just simply stated that YandereDev puts a lot of effort and time into the game and he deserves love and not hatred from the so called “Ignorance” and “loathing” that has shrouded him at this time. I am grateful for all the volunteers and the time they are willing to put into the process of my so called “little world”. That still does not excuse the belittling of a man who has dedicated his life to a soul project of providing Yandere Simulator to us fans. Other than that, I dont really have anything else to say to someone who takes there time messaging me without concrete understanding on where i stand. 
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articfoxniomi · 6 years
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Love for YandereDev. I love you and everything you accomplish, you are an amazing person and it makes me so sad that people would do such a thing to you.  You work so hard to bring us content, you work so hard to keep lively and yandere simulator going! THANK YOU. THANK YOU TIMES 10000000+ Here is my yandere simulator OC Sachiko. Your video made me cry because i sincerely believe you dont deserve such hatred. I LOVE YOU YANDEV!!! @yanderedev
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articfoxniomi · 6 years
Calling all artists!
If your commissions are open and you do draw OC’s, please reblog this post! 
If you are not an artist but know of one, please reblog this and tag them or just mention their url in the tags! 
And hey, even just reblogging helps! I will be keeping a comprehensive list of artists who can be commissioned to draw characters/OC’s on the blog!
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articfoxniomi · 6 years
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i drew this genderbent connie and steven. i didnt like it so i never finished it
stephenie universe and connnor 
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articfoxniomi · 7 years
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OKAY ITS HERE IT IS DONE AND I AM SORE BUT YES ADMIRE I just love @markiplier and his egos! EEP. I felt like none had done this before? im sure people have and im just trash but still. I TRIED VERY HARD.
I like how all i ever post is markiplier stuff in the hopes that he will notice me xD ;-;
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articfoxniomi · 7 years
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@markiplier darkiplier is such SMOL helper
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articfoxniomi · 7 years
AW SHUCKS <3 i couldnt help but follow u because your art is so beautiful!!!!
I hit 100+ followers!
I want to take the time and thank all of my followers I love you all and appreciate all of the support I receive and I would love to mention some of the wonderful people I’ve met on this site and in this community
@momomochaccino 💖💖 @queenieships @magicalfox-shipper @botts-ships @magicalfox-shipper @noraselfinsert @musical-selfshipper @thebeshimifangirl @opheliassinbin @shiroe-is-my-baby @spearcast @articfoxniomi @mageheart
I love you all thank you so much! This post is super messy bc I’m so happy I’m crying I’m a very emotional person lmao
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articfoxniomi · 7 years
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I feel like i draw her alot @yanderedev
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articfoxniomi · 7 years
Yes this did happen :3 expect alot of fanart soon of osomatsu cause of this
Jyushimatsu Form Accepted!
Name/Alias: Niomi Preferred Pronouns: She/Her Age: 18 Time Zone: Eastern Time Zone Skype Name: (Private :3) Triggers: Bullying, Mice Personal/About Yourself: I am a very open minded and shy person. Although i will care greatly about you and be outgoing if we are close. Among other things, i am a artist who is currently a senior and wants to be an animator. I live in the United States and have a very small friends group residing online. I am always open in meeting new people and new friends!! Character Name: Jyushimatsu Matsuno Headcanon Age: Early 20’s Three Positive Traits: Caring- Being the 5th and second youngest child of the brothers, Jyushimatsu makes no mistake showing his care and compassion for his other brothers. Having a slight air headed personality, he seems to be the most forgiving and warmhearted of the six brothers. Childish- Among the many times we have seen Jyushimatsu, he has a slight childish personality and can be considered to be goofy and all over the place. Why is this a good thing? Well it tends for him to get along with people easily and it makes life like a breeze for him. His mind seems to be else were and he can be slightly funny do to this. This gives him a slight comedian trait. Interesting-He is generally happy, energetic and over-excited almost all the time, and is rarely seen in a serious state. Jyushimatsu also has trouble blending in with other people due to his extreme child-like personality. Despite this, he is one of the kindest as seen when he helped Ichimatsu find his lost cat. His relationship is very close to Ichi compared to his other brothers. Three Negative Traits: Hypersensitive- Although Jyushimatsu is a very loving and precious bean, he becomes attached quite easy and in a sense can be hurt more than the other brothers. Not showing this howver, it is a more deeper meaning in witch we see when Jyushi saves the girl from commiting suicide. Oblivious- Being very sensitive and compassionate can take a toll on someone. With this being said, Jyushimatsu is sometimes oblivious to his suroundings and family. Impressionable- Jyushimatsu is quite impressionable with the things that happen around him and this can take quite a toll on him.  Headcanons About Character: Jyushimatsu is the sweet cinnamon roll of the family, although he holds a bit of sadness in him witch is only brought out when key events happen. Here are some common details: Sometimes Jyushimatsu has a 4th wall breaking ability that only he knows about. has a deep passion for baseball and practices day and night on his swings and throwing.  Has slight depressing moments under his happiness. Does not speak much except for on occasions. Always gets his hoodie a size to big so the sleeves dangle. Is Pansexual and loves everyone and everything!! He loves all of his brothers but has a close relationship with Ichimatsu. He is fluent in many languages but chooses Japanese to speak when he does. Secretly steals Karamatsu’s Jacket when he is asleep. He loves to eat alot. Drinking feels like a game to him and he can out drink all of his brothers. Loves his mother to pieces. He is very michevous when he hangs out with Choromatsu, Osomatsu, and Karamatsu. Secretly likes to impersonate his brothers. Jyushimatsu has a secret tumblr account. He likes to write fanfics secretly. Whenever he eats candy he gets a MAJOR sugar rush. None of the brothers will let Jyushimatsu have coffee anymore.
Example Writing Piece:
Jyushimatsu could feel the beads of sweat condense on his skin. Almost like the sweet summer dew in the morning. However, all he could do was let it run down his face collecting at the thicket of his vivid yellow hoodie. The summer sun beat heavy on his face as he swung the bat for the hundredth time. With a CLING and a CLACK the metal casing of his baseball bat wacked the limp ground. A wave of air pressed out Jyushimatsu’s lips, a sort of gasp or release of exhaustion as he fell to the ground. His eyes scanned the ever setting sun. The pool of colors reached across the sky. A luminescent pink an orange fabricated the coming of night. It was getting late.  "Aaah..“ The soft exhale of a sweetened sigh escaped his mouth. His face plastered into that ridiculous smile as a slight buzzing erupted from the pocket of his shorts. He reached in pulling out his cellphone a small touchscreen phone and slid the alarm to silence. “It is time for dinner.” With this, Jyushimatsu picked up his bat, waverd to his feet and head home. His voice echoed through the desolate air. Hustle Hustle, Muscle Muscle.
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articfoxniomi · 7 years
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LOOK AT MY SMOL BEAN OKAY so this is baseed off of an rp im in
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articfoxniomi · 7 years
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@skele-grim i drew this for you a longgggg time ago.
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articfoxniomi · 7 years
i love him <3 be kind
Spread the positivity
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articfoxniomi · 7 years
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Also I hate this but it was for you so you can have it anyway you toe I love you
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articfoxniomi · 7 years
Your art is adorable!!
OMG THANK YOU AHHH!~ i dont really think so but the complement makes me happy!
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articfoxniomi · 7 years
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this was a picture of me and my friend its okay i gues
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articfoxniomi · 7 years
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have vio my nongendered space oc
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