misanthropicmegara · 4 years
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Megara Kadmea steeled herself for the new day, hands gripping the oven door until she felt waves of fury roll through her. She couldn’t change the world, couldn’t push away the clawing leeching people in her life. Why did she even have a phone anymore if every call was another rage inducing demand or threat?
She didn’t have long before the customers came in. She would have to put on her most approachable face, because Ismene wasn’t coming in. Why didn’t she get to call out sick? She was sick of everything, and just wanted to disappear.
She pulled out a new batch of muffins from her second oven and stared at them as if she might throw them against the wall.
By the time she emerged with a tight rage grin she was surprised to see the one person waiting for her to open the shop was a tall athletic red haired man. Her usual clientele was unassuming middle aged ladies and a few college students. She opened the door. “Good morning. I don’t sell supplements.”
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jokesallaround · 5 years
The Princess and the Fisherman (closed)
Melima had grown tired of being kept in the cave of Mirkwood. She was all snug in there constantly, kept safe from the dangers that surrounded them. Taking a dagger with her, she made her way to the small village nearby, just to look at something different. The of Laketown was bustling and busy. No one seemed to take much notice of the hooded elf in their midst. And that was a good thing.
As she walked, she looked around curiously. Approaching a stall, she looked over the fish curiously. They sold fish here? She supposed that maybe the humans weren't vegetarians like her and her people. She couldn't fault them for that, though. Not everyone was like the elves. If they were, the world would be a boring place.
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@jxmiefrxser || continued from x
“Tink, what is it tha’ ye think I’ve done?”
Tinkerbell blinked as she looked up at him, slightly confused. “Jamie, they found a camp of British soldiers dead. They’re going to come after you since it’s so close to Lallybroch.” 
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abbyissharp-archive · 5 years
//I enjoy roleplaying with you because 1, your muses are goddesses and 2, you are also a goddess
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I lurve you lots. 
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eveycomesundone · 6 years
Wanderer || Closed RP
There was an ache that had settled behind her eyes, a dull throbbing that didn’t seem as though it wanted to fade any time soon. For a moment she just sat there, the chill of the standing stone seeping through her tweed jacket. It hadn’t been this cold earlier, the sky hadn’t been that gray. Maybe she’d fallen asleep, she thought as she scrubbed her face with her hands. Then again, maybe she was fooling herself because she swore that the air smelled different, cleaner somehow.
Her legs shook beneath her as she slowly stood and she let herself lean back against the stone as she fought the swell of nausea that came over her. It would pass, she was fine. Everything was fine. Bloody spectacular.
Squaring her shoulders, she opened her eyes and stared down the hillside, gray heather clinging to the earth as the wind blew. Just walk, she told herself, walk back the way you came and don’t stop until you get to your inn. 
“Easy does it,” she muttered to herself as she tugged her jacket tighter around her slender frame. Evelyn White wasn’t one to be easily deterred, no matter how bad the headache or unwelcome the fainting spell.  
So, she began to pick her way down the hillside, trying not to think about the fact that her stockings were being ripped into shreds by the shrubbery. There hadn’t been this much vegetation earlier. “I need a whiskey.”
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breannasewell · 7 years
Spicing Things Up||CLOSED
Bree walked out to the stables where her husband was working with some of their horses. She smiled over to him. "How would you feel if we were to try something new?" She stopped and leaned dags instead the wall of the stable, watching him.
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Seeking Shelter (closed starter)
Days. That's how long Amelia had been running for. She knew she had to keep moving since making her way from England. She just couldn't take it there anymore the war, along with other things, made life there unbearable and she needed to escape. All she had with her were a few personal belongings that meant a lot to her and the clothes on her back. She had used the last of her money to buy a loaf of bread and she had finished that the day before; so her stomach growled as she quickly walked through the area. Her feet ached and she was exhausted, but she couldn't stop moving until she was safely out of the country. It seemed her body had a different idea thought because soon she collapsed to the ground; dehydrated and needing sleep. Maybe she could just rest her eyes for a few minutes. She hadn't seen another sould for a few miles, so it had to be safe. That's what her mind was telling her as she drifted off.
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One Last Hurrah||Closed RP
Orrin took in a deep breath of the Highland air. He was enjoying his last trip overseas. He had just been asked to take over as the coordinator for project assignments. It worked out well, since he was looking to try finding someone to settle down with. He sighed as he headed for the barn, his bag with his camera and equipment slung over his shoulder. He smiled kindly at the sight of a red-haired young woman tossing hay into one of the stalls. "Pardon me, miss? I'm looking for Jamie? He's meant to be helping me with a horse for the day so I can get some good shots of the Highlands for National Geographic."
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sabinemorans · 5 years
Red and Redder
In all honestly maybe she shouldn’t be surprised that something ridiculous like this had happened to her. Everything crazy seemed to happen to her. Normally she would rationalize that thought by telling herself everyone felt that way but as she was here, trudging her way down a dirt road in a cloak, chunky shoes and a dress that she felt would cut her oxygen off st some point Sabine felt she had earned that the right to say that thank you very much.
Really though, who gets sent back through time for work??
She sighed and tucked her long red hair back into her hood and down her spine, covering most of her face as she waited for someone to stop their carriage for her. Anyone would do at this point, her feet were killing her in these stupid shoes. Sab wasn’t sure how the thumb signal for hitchhikers had come around and was afraid it would be the wrong time for it, the 18th century might not be too far from the 21st but it was far enough some customs could land her in more trouble than she’d bargained for. So she just walked and waited for someone kind to offer help. Hopefully that someone wouldn’t end up dead.
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ahybridcreature · 5 years
jxmiefrxser replied to your post: its my birthday and i’m bummed.
Hey, Happy Birthday though!
thank you!
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misanthropicmegara · 5 years
Regrowth and Refinement (Vineyard Verse, Megara and Jamie)
A massive cohort of gardeners and laborers had been hired by the executor of the Kadmos vineyard. It was sprawling and terraced, with an overlook that faced the coast, and a villa which crowned its hilltop. Everywhere, there were signs of faded glory, signs which indicated where the grapes for different vintages were grown.
Dragon’s Teeth, their white with bite, was labeled with fine calligraphy on the end of its row. The reds which marched along the terraces untamed, ranged from their Whispering Sphinx to Maenad’s Ecstasy. It was clear that when madness and death had not overcome the family, they’d offered grand delights to their customers.
At the end of the first night’s work, the workers were brought to the dining and wedding area which was now overgrown but had enough tables and chairs for everyone. A purple car pulled up as caterers were serving grilled pork chops and steamed vegetables sprinkled with herbs. A short, refined woman wearing a sun hat and large sun glasses stepped out, and approached the workers. 
“Good evening, everyone. I apologize that I’ve been kept away from you, but I assure you that I appreciate your contribution. Please accept the bounty left behind for us, and know that with your help, we can resurrect something that would otherwise be lost to time. I hope that you stick through it all with me, and consider this place your home as long as you work for me.” She spoke in a clear, practiced tone as if she had given thousands of speeches. She strode up to the table and took the first empty seat she reached, eating alongside the workers but never meeting their eyes from behind both defenses she wore.
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jokesallaround · 5 years
Plenty of Fish in the Sea (closed)
Eva had spotted the redheaded man at his last dock. He'd been so handsome that she just stared at him, almost transfixed. She'd even started following the ship without thinking about it. What she was going to do when she saw him again, she had no clue, but she was following him. She felt drawn to him.
After a week of swimming behind his ship, they cast out a fishing net, right as she had paused to eat a quick something. Not seeing them throw it, she was immediately caught in it. The more she struggled, the more wrapped up she became. And then she felt the pulling. With nothing to grab onto, she had no way to fight it, wrapped up as she was, and was pulled on board.
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@jxmiefrxser || continued from x
“Of course. Come here my wee Kenzie.” Jamie gently took her in his arms and kissed her forehead. “Did ye want to rest? I can look after her and Meri.”
“I can rest here,” she told him. She knew she probably should go up to their room and nap, but she was scared. After Meri was born, she hardly ever left the baby alone. Part of her couldn’t bear it. Jamie wasn’t there. If she left for anything, she thought she might lose Meri too. 
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abbyissharp-archive · 4 years
self-love meme
once you get this, you have to say 5 things you like about yourself, publicly. then send this to 10 of your favourite followers (non-negotiable, positivity is cool~)
I am really proud of myself for graduating college. My sister likes to throw in my face that I went to college for nothing, and for the longest time, that really seemed to be the case. However, I actually now work a job where being an English major has come in handy. 
My hair is nice considering everything it’s gone through. Back in 2006-2007, I was steadily losing my hair with no explanation why (ay, diabetes and thyroid issues!). It got very thin, and I cut it short so that it was more manageable. With medication, I have gotten back some volume, and I refuse to cut my hair short ever again.
Speaking of my hair, I love that my skintone allows me to have red hair and it look natural on me. I naturally have mousy brown hair that sometimes looked like it had a reddish tint to it. 
I like being a perfect blend of my mom and dad, personality wise. My dad had a very dry sense of humor, which I picked up on when I was more closed off to people. As I’ve opened up more, my silly sense of humor also comes out, which is something I got from my mom. Of course, there is also the whole willing to argue with somebody about something (from my dad) but only willing to argue if I know for certain that I am right (from my mom). Like I said, perfect blend. 
While I am overweight and others have tried to bring me down over it, I actually have never been down on myself about it. Even in high school when people thought that was a good reason to bully me, I’ve just never been too bothered by it. Yes I would like to be skinnier, and I’m working on that. However, I have never called myself ugly or really let what people have said about my weight get me down. 
tagged by: @huntingbounties tagging: @imsensingatriptoikea @thepiratehero @wearenotthesameasyesterday @t-chambler @backedagainstthewall @jxmiefrxser @punishmentismyjob @prettytragcdies @redneckxdixon @survivors-of-the-outbreak
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everybodyelsedying · 7 years
@jxmiefrxser liked for a starter
“We’re running out of places to hide, Jamie,” Ashildr was tired of having to run all the time. She wanted them to be able to have a home. “We can’t keep doing this. The questions aren’t going to stop.” 
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rp-hope · 6 years
Ordinary Miracles
Hope smiled and rubbed her growing belly as she looked around the gathered people at the inn they had rented out. Her parents had finally made it to Scotland, Jamie's sister and her whole family were there, his uncles had even taken the time to come and spend Christmas with them. Her husband was blessed with such a large and growing family. Speaking of growing... their daughter kicked as she moved inside of Hope, causing the expectant mother to hold her belly as she moved to sit. "Alright, alright. No need to be so pushy. You had better not expect me to be easy on you once you're here, young lady." She took as deep of a breath as she could and sighed. She was more than ready for the baby to be born.
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