rp-hope · 4 years
Hope chuckled as she pressed her hands on his stomach, shaking her head. "God, no. It was much more comfortable to just share the bed with you. You snore, by the way."
Satisfied he wasn't filling with fluids, she moved her hand to feel his forehead. "No fluid in your belly, and no fever. It seems as if you may heal without any complications. You're lucky. We should dispose of your shirt, before Mrs. McKreedy finds it and wrings your neck."
When he had first woken and realized he was alone in the bed, he looked around to try and find her then relaxed again when he saw her curled in the chair with his book. He started to say something but then she was standing and on her way to him. He caught the sight of her as the sunlight passed through her seemingly paper thin shift, causing his entire body to heat in a way no other had caused him to do. 
Through an act of sheer will, he averted his eyes to her face and lay still while she checked his wound but grunted when he shifted to his back because he was incredibly sore. 
“Let’s hope you don’t because I don’t really want to revisit that pain.” He grumbled then looked to the chair she had recently vacated. 
“You didn’t spend the night there did you?” It had been a while since he had actually shared his bed with anyone and wasn’t sure if his sleeping habits had caused her to leave or if she had only been there for a short while.
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rp-hope · 4 years
"I love you too, baby." She moved to return his kiss, but stopped short. The look of panic said it all. She quickly got up from the bed and nearly ran to the bathroom before leaning over the toilet and retching. This was new, the sudden urge to vomit. Nausea had been no stranger to her for some weeks, but this... it was so different. The intensity of her heaves had her on her knees in a matter of moments, tears welling anew in her eyes.
You Might...But Not Me
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rp-hope · 4 years
Hope had been up with the first rays of dawn. She had found a book laying in the room and, rather than wake her sleeping master, had settled down with it in the chair he had occupied the night before. She looked up from the book when he stirred and smiled. "Well, you at least lived through the night. Let's take a look at that wound of yours."
She stood and moved to his side of the bed, not realizing that the sunlight streaming in through the window left her bare form silhouetted through her nightgown for a moment. She lifted the edge of the bandage, nodding when she had seen enough.
"Yes, it looks as though the wound has sealed. That's good. Now, lie on your back. I want to be sure you haven't filled with blood. Otherwise, we may need to open the wound again so I can fix it properly in good light." She stood staring down at him, waiting for him to comply.
He was so shocked by her authoritative spirit that he remained silent and again did as he was told…as if he had been given a choice! When she blew out the lamps and crawled into the bed, he grinned but remained silent except to tell her good night, then closed his own eyes and allowed sleep to take him away as well.
He slept the entire time with no dreams or interruptions; something he rarely did and come morning, he would wake rested and refreshed except for a little soreness around the wound which was to be expected. 
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rp-hope · 4 years
Her lip trembled as he spoke, trying her hardest to be strong and not cry. When Aiden finished, Hope wrapped her arms around his neck and buried her face in his shoulder. She had had her doubts about this marriage when her father first announced it, but now she couldn't imagine her life without her husband.
"I'm sorry. My mind is all over and taking my emotions along with it. Thank you for listening and helping me see what the truth. I would be lost without you."
You Might...But Not Me
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rp-hope · 4 years
Hope listened quietly as he explained what had happened. He owed her no explanation, so she readily listened to his tale. It was interesting to see this side of him. No, he was no hero, she knew this all too well, but what he had done was no less impressive to her.
When Rennyn moved to sit up, she pushed him back down on the bed. "Firstly, you owe me no explanation. I'm not your keeper. Second, I was happy to help. It feels good to use my skills again. And third, you'll be going nowhere tonight except to sleep. I won't tell Mrs. McKreedy, but the game will be up if she finds you sleeping anywhere else. Besides, I want to stay close in case your wound seeps through the bandages. It's not as if my honor can be ruined any further."
Hope took a spare quilt from the box at the foot of the bed, laying it out over Rennyn before blowing out the lamps and then getting in the bed on the other side. She whispered good night before closing her eyes and drifting off to sleep.
He waited with Hope until Clara brought the items back then did as he was told…for once. She proved to be very adept in knowing what to do and how to fix it, causing him a very minimal amount of pain; after all, he was at her mercy and she could have chosen to have been rough and could have hurt him pretty badly.
When she was finished and began dressing the wound, he closed his eyes and began to relax. He knew she was most likely itching to know what had happened so he offered the information without being asked.
“I was riding fences on the back forty. I heard something that sounded like women screaming and children screaming and crying so I rushed over and caught a group of…men taking advantage of the lot.” He shook his head as the vision replayed and was just as disgusting then as it had been the first time he saw it.
“They were raping the women and most of the children and torturing the rest. I had to stop them. When I first saw them there were only about ten or fifteen, nothing I couldn’t handle but what I didn’t know was that there were at least that many more just over the ridge that came when the fight started. I was quickly outnumbered but luckily the sheriff had been tracking them and he and his deputies came to my rescue. They arrested them all and took the women and children to the boarding house in town where they can get medical attention and a place to stay until something can be figured out for them. They were some of the same ones that raided your village that night.”
He opened one eye to look at her; “Don’t think I’m some sort of hero because I’m not. I just don’t agree in making anyone do something like that by force. but never a child no matter what the circumstances. An act like that against anyone is unforgivable and against a child…” he shook his head in disgust and started to sit up. He grimaced and held his side when he felt the slight tug on the stitches. He was exhausted and wanted to rest but she was occupying his bed so he would find another room to settle in for the night.
“Thank you for tending to this and if it’s just the same, we’ll not tell Mrs. McKreedy. I really don’t want to hear anything from her about it.”
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rp-hope · 4 years
"I need clean water and linens I can use for bandages. Silk thread and a curved needle. And quickly!" Hope moved from the bed, much steadier with the rest and nourishment she had received all day. She prayed the maid could locate everything quickly. She lit all of the lamps in the room, trying to make it as bright as possible. "Sir. I need you to lay on the bed on your uninjured side. I will apply pressure until she comes back."
She sighed with relief as the maid returned, immediately taking some of the linens and using them to put pressure on the wound. It was some time before she came back with the water, needle and thread. Hope went to work on trying to locate the bleeding vessel, a few fingers buried in his wound.
She triumphantly took the threaded needle from Clara and began stitching the vessel. She left the ends long and stitched them in as she patched together his ruined skin. Hope cleaned him when she was done, wrapping him up with some of the clean linen.
He placed his hand over the wound then stood and opened the door. He called for Clara, one of the younger maids and had her to step inside the room. He motioned to Hope with a nod of his head; “Hope, tell her what you need and she’ll get it.” He thin looked straight at the girl and frowned; “And DO NOT breathe a word of this to Mrs. McKreedy. Do you understand?”
The girl’s eyes widened and she nodded with a quick curtsy; “Yes master! I–I promise! Not a word to Mrs. McKreedy! She’ll learn nothing from me sir!”
Clara then looked expectantly to Hope, trying not to glance at her master who was now bleeding rather profusely from his side, the blood seeping through his fingers and running down to stain the tops of his pants.
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rp-hope · 4 years
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Hope's home design. Chic and sophisticated with a modern touch. Touches of pink for her feminine side, but mostly neutral colors otherwise. Her kitchen is her sanctuary, where she escapes from grading papers and the other stresses of life. Her couch is cozy and full of pillows, perfect for entertaining or simply relaxing with a mug of cocoa and her papers to grade.
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rp-hope · 4 years
Hello anyone on?
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rp-hope · 4 years
Hope pulled the ruined shirt away a sucked air in through her teeth. It was deep, and she would likely need to do some stitches inside as well as stitching the skin together. "It's missed your organs, but I think it has nicked a major blood vessel. I'm going to need a curved needle and some silk thread to patch this properly, plenty of clean linen to keep my view clear and fresh water to clean it. And you're going to want to drink something strong, because this will likely feel a lot worse before it's better."
She looked up at him, unsure how he wanted to proceed. She would need at least one of the maids to fetch fresh water and clean linens, and hopefully not need to wake the wrathful housekeeper. She doubted the older woman would have been pleased with their master's injuries.
He knew that if he got Mrs. McKreedy to tend to his wounds, he would have to listen to her constant chattering about him ‘running off’ and getting himself hurt, like he had done it on purpose and that was the last thing he wanted so he gave in and went closer to Hope.
He watched her intently as she began examining the area and even though he couldn’t see it well, he knew it was a rather large wound and had been lucky that it went low enough to have missed his lung.
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rp-hope · 4 years
Role play blogs aren’t just about clique’s and it shouldn’t be about who you’ve known the longest either. Well it should be but also- there are a lot of shy cinnamon rolls out there waiting for you. But they don’t know that you can vibe with them right off the bat if they’d only send in a meme or a starter or something!
So reblog if you’re the type of blog that is open to NEW friendships even if you are already connected to old ones. New friendships mean new experiences and more people to talk about your muse’s together. This is a clique free blog despite the people who love sending me in asks and there’s much love for them but I’ve also got love waiting for you if only you’d send that one message.
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rp-hope · 4 years
She leaned into his hand on her cheek, a tear escaping and rolling down her skin. "I'm not ill. I'm just sad. I was thinking about our first little one. The one I lost. I'm so happy to be pregnant with this little joy, but I wish I had been able to welcome our first into the world."
She closed her eyes, letting another tear fall. "I'm so sorry. It's all my fault. If I had just stayed away from her..." Hope broke down in sobs. Her guilt hit like a tidal wave.
You Might...But Not Me
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rp-hope · 4 years
Hope smiled as he kissed her belly, her hand moving to play with his hair as Aiden lay his head down. She felt the soft flutter of the baby move and smiled. "She's happy to hear you. She always moves when she hears your voice, as if she's trying to get closer to you. I can't wait for you to feel it."
She smiled as she thought about the baby clothes they had bought on their honeymoon. Those thoughts then turned to the baby they had lost and it brought tears to her eyes. She hadn't even known she was pregnant, but it was still so painful to know that she had lost their first.
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rp-hope · 4 years
Of Potions and Dragons|| Closed RP
Hope sighed as she sat in the potions room, waiting for Professor Snape to arrive with whomever it was she was meant to tutor. She silently hoped it wasnt Ron Weasley. She was certain that there was little hope for him. She turned to the door and smiled at the professor as he finally walked in.
"Miss Randall. I would like to introduce you to your pupil, Mr. Malfoy. I will leave the two of you alone to work. When you are done, one of you come and tell me so I can lock up."
Hope blushed as she held out her hand to Draco, unsure why the professor would arrange for her to work with him. She knew the Slytherin boy was dedicated to his schoolwork. "Hello. Shall we start on our homework assignment? Then we can go from there."
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rp-hope · 4 years
Hope sighed. "I wouldn't have to move if you came closer. I know Mrs. McKreedy has taken care of your wounds in the past, but I also know that I'm a skilled healer. And my needlework is impressive. Please, sir. I have spent most of today sleeping when I wasn't awakened by one of the maids with sustenance. I have regained some of my strength already."
She prayed that he would give in to her plea. What she could see of his wound, he would likely need stitches in order to stop the bleeding. She couldn't help but wonder how he could have gotten hurt like this.
He jumped when she spoke, not really expecting her there but then again he had basically ordered her to stay there until he told her otherwise.
“Stay where you are.” He mumbled, then looked again at the stab wound in his side and knew it was going to require stitching. “That’s what I have Mrs. McKreedy for. You need to be regaining your strength.”
He took his shirt and wadded it into a ball then pressed it against the wound and grimaced when it stung. He used his free hand to get the cork out of the whisky bottle and took a long drink straight from it, sighing afterwards.
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rp-hope · 4 years
Hope awoke at the smell of Aiden's coffee. She stretched on the bed, then scratched her itchy belly. She smiled at her husband when she spotted him sitting in the chair. "Hey. What are you doing over there? Mm... come and cuddle with us."
You Might...But Not Me
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rp-hope · 4 years
Hope had drifted off to sleep easily, waking briefly each time a maid brought up a bowl of broth for her. She slept restfully, her nightmares at bay for the time being.
She stirred slowly when Rennyn entered, her mind deep in sleep. She blearily watched him remove his shirt, her mind jolting awake once she registered that he was bleeding. "My God! What happened to you? I can tend to that, but I need a better look and some materials."
The older woman sighed and nodded. “I’ll try but I cannot make any guarantees. When the master makes up his mind about something, it’s very rarely changed until he’s ready to change it himself.”
She tucked Hope into the bed then made sure the drapes were closed so she could rest without being disturbed by the bright sunlight. She checked on her once more to make sure she was not feverish, then left, closing the door behind her very softly.
Rennyn returned several hours later and handed his horse over to the stable boy which was not like him at all. Usually he cared for his own, putting the tack and saddle away then brushing and feeding the animal before going in for the evening but this evening, he seemed distracted and…something else that the hands could not quite identify but no one dared ask him anything. They just nodded and went about caring for the horse as they watched him from the corners of their eyes.
Had they been able to see him all the way, they would have noticed him stumbling just before opening the front door, needing to lean against the frame before opening it and entering the house. For anyone seeing him, it would have appeared he was drunk but in reality, he was wounded.
He had been riding the fences at the far corners of the property where he ran into more of the lowlifes that had raided and ransacked other villages like Hopes and had taken women and children and were doing despicable things to them, and on his property to boot! He had immediately pulled his gun on them but couldn’t shoot because the cowards had used the victims as shields. 
When the fight ensued, he became quickly outnumbered and almost overpowered but lucky for him, the sheriff and several of his deputies that had been tracking the criminals came upon them and intervened before they had managed to kill Rennyn. He stayed until the criminals were all apprehended and the victims were gathered and taken back into town. Then Rennyn got back on his horse and came home to see just how badly he had been injured and to lick his wounds.
He managed to get up the stairs and into his bedroom without being seen. He closed and locked the door then began taking off his dirty and bloodied shirt. He sighed heavily when he saw the condition of his chest and side. He was badly bruised and had been stabbed but he was pretty sure he would live but it truly hurt like the devil. All through this he had yet to notice Hope resting in his bed.
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rp-hope · 4 years
Elowen worked through the night, setting up her strategy and arranging for testing of her own for the child that was supposedly Aiden's. The next morning, she had a couple of her female guards posted outside the house and sent a text to Aiden and Hope before going to see to security upgrades at the bar.
You Might...But Not Me
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