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thepixelelf · 2 years ago
hi!! can you pls add me to the oh baby, you taglist if there’s still room? thanks a bunch 🥰
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realisticfanfictions · 1 year ago
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Being Sanji's Girlfriend & Baratie's Head Waitress - Part 4.
Sanji x Waitress!Reader: Part One, Part Two, Part Three.
Working at Baratie wasn't without its challenges, and the fights that sprung up because of them weren't rare either. You and your boyfriend never sweated the small stuff, after all working in a high stress environment made you, well, stressed. But maybe some things can't be resolved that easily.
Tags: Sanji x Reader, Waitress!Reader, constant bickering, mostly fluff with some angst, (heavy) swearing.
A/N: Initially going into this, I was planning to have the fishmen come in and have the Mihawk fight, but it was a bit more important to set up some more character dynamics before I moved onto 5k words of action scenes. So here's a nice bit of LORE(tm) and a bit more about how Y/N thinks. Next part I promise is 100% action, and I can't wait to show ya'll what I've come up with for Y/N's weapon! It's so cool.
Word Count is 3,421. Hope you enjoy!
Tag list (comment to join!): @siriuslyblackonback @jvhoons
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"So, you're really going to fight him?"
Zoro, not looking up from cleaning his swords, nodded. "It's my dream." He explained, observing the blades for any damage. After he challenged the swordsman, the next few things happened rather quickly. The scramble to get Luffy as if that'll somehow convince him to stand down, the captain instead supporting his first mate's goal, and Nami storming off upset. It all passed by in a blur, and now you were alone with Zoro in their ship.
You nodded and turned to look out of the porthole, observing the calm seas that rocked the boat. "I guess dreams are worth dying for." You sighed and leaned back in your chair. "Sucks you met Mihawk too early."
His jaw tightened, and set down his sword. "If I run now, I'll never become the world's greatest swordsman."
You hummed and watched him through the reflection on the glass. "Honour, huh?" You mused and nibbled on the tip of your thumb. "How ridiculous. You're just like Sanji, uncompromising."
"Don't compare me to that shitbag." He snapped and sheathed his sword, clicking it shut in its scabbard. "Speaking of, why are you with him?"
Confused by his words, you looked over at him. "What do you mean?"
"He cheats on you, doesn't he?" He questioned and turned to face you, leaning against the cabinet. "He seemed pretty friendly with Nami a couple hours ago."
You chuckled. "That's just Sanji. He's obsessed with women. It's more," You thought of the words. "It's like having a dog that you love and care for, and though you go up and pet other dogs, you don't abandon your own dog for some random one on the street."
Zoro's eyebrows raised. "You do realise you just called yourself a bitch, right?"
You rolled your eyes and flipped him off. "Shut up. He's just chivalrous, that's all."
"Well, I'd be watching him if I were you." He walked over, his long strides making it seem effortless to reach you. "Guys like that don't tend to keep only one dog."
You opened your mouth to retort, but shut it and stood chest to chest with him. "Just focus on not dying, alright?" His eyes squinted ever so slightly, and he leaned down close to you, gazing directly into your eyes. "What are you doing?"
He stares for a moment, and then straightens himself back up. "Nothing."
You quirked an eyebrow. "Alright, I'm going home to my boyfriend."
"Wasn't trying to make a move." He retorted and stepped aside, letting you walk past him. "(Y/N)?" You placed a hand on the door frame and turned. "Be careful."
You looked him up and down. "Try not to die."
Mihawk's eyes haunted you like a ghostly presence that you couldn't shake off. It was like you could feel those piercing eyes all over your body, every inch of skin was tainted and you hated it. You always have.
The door to you and Sanji's shared room creaked open, and you popped your head inside. You didn't know what to expect, but Sanji jolting himself upright on the chair that sat in the corner of your room wasn't exactly one of them. The door softly clicked closed behind you, and you slowly walked up to him, his eyes on you the entire time as you sat on his lap. You positioned yourself sideways and leaned your head against his chest, reveling in his warmth when he wrapped his arms around you and placed a kiss against your scalp. Sanji's thumb rubbed circles in your thigh, more of an anxious gesture than anything, as he pressed many more kisses against your skin. You sighed and relaxed into him. "I may have overreacted." You started, ripping the band-aid off. "And I apologise."
He nodded. "Thank you for that. Sorry for not finding you sooner."
You shook your head against his chest. "I was drinking, you would've killed my buzz." You paused. "But I guess it was ruined anyway."
"Oh, I'm sorry-"
He stopped when you held up a hand. "I didn't mean you, Sanji." You opened your mouth, but couldn't find the words. Or rather, you found them, you just didn't want to share them. "A man came asking after our new chore boy."
You felt Sanji tense under you. "Are you okay?"
Mihawk's eyes restraining came to mind. "I'll be fine," You picked at a loose thread. "But Zoro won't."
Your boyfriend's hand stopped and pulled back to look you in the eye. "Zoro?"
"Luffy's friend, the guy with the swords. The idiot challenged him to a duel."
Sanji's head tilted. "Why?"
You let out a small sigh and untangled yourself from him, walking a couple feet to your dresser and pulling out a change of clothes. "Because they're idiots with a death wish." You said as you peeled off your top with a groan. "Fuck. Thank God I don't have work tomorrow."
He watched you for a moment as you shimmied out of your clothes and slipped into some pajamas. "Sweetheart, I'm not really comfortable with you drinking with pirates. I mean, it's a bit dangerous-"
You scoffed, pulling an oversized shirt over your head. "They're not pirates," You said as you tugged the shirt down, barely bothering to notice it was a gag shirt with an octopus on a bowl of rice. "Hell, they barely qualify as sailors." But when Sanji didn't respond, you paused. "Oh, you mean was I drinking with Zoro." You turned around to face him. He was leaning forwards in his chair, leg bouncing. You sighed and walked over to him. "He was just my drinking partner, and he's most likely going to die tomorrow." You run your hand through his blond locks. "It'll be fine. You don't have to worry."
"I'll have to trust you then." He said with a smile, then laughed when your gentle pat turned into a frantic scratch. "Hey! Not the hair!"
A smirk split across your face. "I don't know, Sanji. You might just have to trust me!"
He chuckled and grabbed your hands, pulling you forward onto him and wrapping you in his arms. "You know what I mean."
"I guess I'll just trust you-"
"And trust that you're doing a good job! And- Sanji!" You squeaked when your boyfriend ambushed you with a barrage of soft kisses pressed across any bit of skin he could reach. "You tasteless toad! You're two tablespoons of terrible!"
"Two tablespoons of terrible." He repeated in a strange voice and you giggled when he tried to tickle you. "Oh no! The tickling toad has come to torment you!"
You push his hands away and trap his face in your hands. "You twat." You smiled and gave him a lingering kiss.
When you parted, he gave a soft smile. "And you even ended it with a 't', brilliant."
You quirked an eyebrow. "You weirdo."
He mirrored you. "And I somehow love you."
"But weirdly, you love me very weirdly."
He nodded. "Birds of a feather."
"If we're birds, you're a flamingo."
"Because if I wasn't dating you, I'd think you were a bit of a flamingo."
He gasped. "Then you'd be a penguin, because you bring me rocks."
You leaned back and gave him a look. "Because I bring you rocks?"
He nodded. "Yeah, you even put them on me. And you help me get my rocks off."
He laughed as you hit him. "Sanji! That's so bad!"
Your hands were caught and you were pulled into his chest, both of you giggling and stealing kisses from each other while occasionally snuggling impossibly closer. Sure, you might be a bad person - but you liked who you were with Sanji. And that's all you really cared about.
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You lied. That night you couldn't sleep with hundreds of thousands of millions of thoughts racing through your mind. You felt like you were a greyhound chasing down a slightly too-fast rabbit, every time you got close, sleep just slipped through your fingers. Your gaze drifted from the ceiling where you were counting the nails in the boards, and over to your boyfriend. His sleeping face made a million butterflies emerge from their cocoons in your stomach, your heart beating against your rib cage like an angry gorilla. But something about this wasn't right, and you couldn't go to sleep without doing something about it.
Careful to not wake your peaceful boyfriend, you slowly lifted his arm from around your waist and placed it on his pillow, heart aching at the sight of him trying to seek your warmth. Even in sleep he wanted to be close to you. Grabbing your pillow, you gently tucked it under his searching hand and he brought it to his chest with a soft groan, the smell of you satiating him.
You rolled out of bed and tip-toed over the squeaky floorboards, wincing every time the floor made a sound. After looking back each time and taking moments between each footstep, you made it through the door and quickly shut it behind you. The early morning's chilly air struck you, but you ignored the goosebumps rising under your skin and continued on. It felt strange walking without your heels clicking against the floorboards, but you weren't looking to make noise, or look fashionable in this instance.
The Overnights were rooms for guests who've either had too much to drink, or who pay extra to stay overnight to hookup, or just to stay, again, overnight. You passed by the many in-use rooms filled with snoring and other unseemly sounds, rolling your eyes at the disgusting slobs behind the doors. A room stood out amongst the others, however, and you knew it held what you were seeking. The aura that emanated from it was unmistakable.
You reached into your hair and pulled out a bobby pin, sticking it in between your teeth to open it and then jammed it into the lock. All the locks were the same on the Baratie, and you only had to jimmy the locks, moving the pins frantically within, to open it without much effort. The door clicked open and you gently pushed it open.
When you stepped inside, you felt it. The blade at your neck. Without a second thought, you pushed it from your jugular and grabbed the silver candlestick on the hallway table, holding it firmly as the blade was struck against it. It sliced through with ease and a sharp burning went through your cheek, knowing that if you hadn't moved your head, it would've went through your eye. "You're slow." Came the hauntingly beautiful, yet unsettling voice from your nightmares.
You hissed and shoved his sword away from your face. "You haven't seen me in seven years, and the first thing that comes from your mouth is criticism? How shocking."
"Six." He corrected, and the room was suddenly bathed in a low yellow hue. Dracule Mihawk was a terrifying man. His golden, ringed eyes glowed in the dim light and when they looked you over, it felt like he was observing your soul and picking it apart with the grace one would picking the petals off of a flower. Those eyes locked onto yours. "It's been six years."
You rolled your eyes and pushed past him. The room was a similar layout to your own, with the only difference being the minimalist design and abhorrent amount of red wine. You knew the latter didn't come from the room. Rather, they came from his personal stash that would deem any other man an alcoholic. But Mihawk was simply old-fashioned, born in the wrong non-vampiric century if you will.
He sheathed his famed black blade Yoru in one smooth motion and danced past you, sitting gracefully in his armchair and crossing one leg over the other. Your eyes drifted over to his hat hung on a hook and reached out to run your fingers against the silky feather. "Don't touch it." The old swordsman warned behind you, picking up his book and flipping over the next page. "I despise disorganisation. It needs to be acceptable for my duel tomorrow. Or rather, in the upcoming moments since you have woken me up at such an ungodly hour."
Despite your reluctance, your arm retracted almost on its own. "You were already awake, asshat." You turned around and crossed your arms. "And it'll be creased anyway, so it doesn't matter if-"
"Not necessarily." His words were as sharp as his gaze. "If we go by that barbaric logic, it doesn't matter if a man is murdered since we all die in one way or another."
You scoffed and returned his look with your own glare. "I'm not too sure, you're more experienced when it comes to murdering men."
Mihawk picked up his expensive crystal wine glass, and took a long, silent sip of his Tarapaca. It was placed back down onto the table with a clink. He leaned back in his chair which squeaked as he did so, and interlocked his fingers. "Why are you here, (Y/N)?"
"I was going to ask you the same question."
His head tilted for a moment, before righting itself. "I'm here for Monkey D. Luffy."
You hadn't realised your shoulders were tensed until they drooped down. "That's it?"
He nodded. "I am only here as an obligation to Garp to collect his grandson."
To your annoyance, your throat tightened. "I thought that was an excuse."
"It wasn't." The man you hated sat in his chair completely unbothered. His eyes lingered on you for a moment, before drifting back to his book. He flipped the page. "'But tell me, at the time of those sweet sighs, by what and in what manner Love conceded that you should know your dubious desires?'"
Pathetically, you felt stinging at the corners of your eyes. "'And she said to me: “There is no greater sorrow then to recall our times of joy in wretchedness.”'" You breathed in through your nose. "Inferno, by Dante Alighieri."
You cleared your throat. "Divine Comedy."
"What year?"
You took in a breath and shook your head. "1321?"
He said nothing and turned the page. You stood silently, wanting to run but having no strength to do so. His gaze finally lifted to meet yours. "Is that all?"
A chill ran over your skin, and you were once again reminded of the kind of man he was. There was a lot you wanted to say to Dracule Mihawk. So much hatred and anguish that you had to endure, all the suffering handed to you by the well-manicured hands of the greatest swordsman in the world. You hated him. "Unless you want to say anything?"
His eyes held yours for a moment. "Goodnight."
"Go fuck yourself." You practically grew fangs and spat venom at him. Spinning on your heel, you kicked the wall where his hat hung and stormed out of the room.
A scream bubbled in your throat. Your nails dug into your palms, and your lips were bloodied from ripping them open. He had no- you couldn't- he was such a-
As you turned a corner, you felt something pinch the base of your skull and you whipped around. Pulling your gun and aiming it, you locked eyes with the other swordsman in your life. Zoro, bathed in moonlight, turned his attention from his swords to you. The rag he was cleaning his blade with stopped and he was focused solely on you. "I think I know who you are."
You scoffed and shoved your gun back in its holster. "Well, apparently most people don't, so I'll take anything at this point." He was quiet, and your lips tightened into a smile. "Want a drink?"
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The door opened with a click and Zoro whistled. "Nice trick."
You put the bobby pin back in your hair with a smile. "Thanks." The Baratie after-hours was a sight to behold, but the bar was even better. You smiled at Zoro and guided him around the front of the bar where the shutters were closed.
"Thought you said it's open all night."
You looked behind you as you bent down to the latch holding the fish's mouth closed. "I said you couldn't get anything on tap around three in the morning," You unhooked the chain and pulled it free from the floor. "Didn't say that the bar was open. Come help me." You shuffled to the side to make room for him, and grabbed onto the shudders. He appeared by your side and hooked his fingers under the shudders next to yours, you both nodded to each other and grunted as you lifted the shudders. You expected it to be heavier, but with Zoro it lifted with surprising ease. The moonlight poured in and illuminated the bar, shining through the empty bottles of booze and creating a kaleidoscope of colours.
The green-haired swordsman chuckled and looked around. "I've never been in a bar after hours." He sat down on a nearby couch normally reserved for V.I.Ps. "It feels naughty."
You shrugged, walking over to the bar and reaching over. "Yeah well, if we're caught I'll probably get fired, so don't fuck around." Your fingers wrapped around the neck of a bottle and you hoisted it to eye-level. "You a rum guy?"
He smiled and gave a half-shrug. "I'm a booze guy."
"Good answer." You said and carried over two shot glasses for the both of you. Sitting down, you tugged off the cork with your teeth and poured yourselves shots. You raised your glasses. "To you dying tomorrow."
His eyebrows raised. "To me surviving tomorrow." He corrected and clinked his glass against yours, keeping his eyes on you as you took a shot together. He sighed, flicking his head and nodding. "That's good."
You nodded and sniffed. "It's very good." You filled your glasses again. "Only the best shit for the only guy that knows me." You gulped it down, and didn't wait for him to finish before filling yours back up.
He chuckled. "I'm the one dying tomorrow, and here you are drinking like it's the end of the world."
"Yeah, well," You sniffed and swirled around the liquid in your glass. "My life kind of fucking sucks at the moment. So, I think I deserve to get shit-faced."
Zoro tilted his head and licked his teeth. "I bet you had a miserable childhood."
You laughed and leaned back, tears pricking at yours eyes as you nodded. "Understatement of the century." You said under your breath and looked up at him, forcing a smile. "I grew up on some private land owned by nobles."
He nodded. "You said that."
"Yeah, but what I didn't tell you was I wasn't born there. My Dad, being father of the fucking year, didn't want to care for a baby so he dumped me with some workers. Then, when I truly got attached to my family and finally was accepted as a member of the community, he just came back and picked me up. Like I was some type of broken watch he left to be repaired." You shook your head and reveled in the burn of the rum as it slid down your throat and warmed your stomach. "And ever since then, he's just tormented me. Even when I got away from him, it's like he's always there just watching me - waiting for me to mess up. And you know, all the shit that I did to make him proud of me? Every late night reading libraries' worth of books just in case he quizzed me on it in the morning. Every lesson in combat styles, or how to sense others, whatever the hell that means. Most of the scars I have are from trying myself to him. But never once was I told 'Good job (Y/N)', or that he was proud of me. He never even smiled at me." You finished the shot and placed it down onto the table. "And you know what fucking sucks? After all this time, all the anguish he's put me through? All I want him to look at me and tell me that he loves me."
Zoro looked at his glass and his mouth tightened into a fine line. "I know the feeling." His eyes drifted back to yours. "To shitty parents?" He offered, raising his glass.
You chuckled and shook your head, but poured yourself a glass and raised it. "The shittiest."
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A/N: Um, okay this was pretty heavy and it took me a while to write because I wanted to make it actually matter. I think there'll be a few more parts and then we'll be finished with the Baratie saga! Then, I might take a break and do maybe another series/one-shot while I properly plan the next part. We'll also be naming this series! The poll has concluded and within the next couple of days, we'll be figuring out the name! Comment down if you have any suggestions, or want to join the tag list! <3
P.S: When the Baratie saga is done, I'll release it all as one part so that it'll be easier to re-read. It'll be a bit of its own thing, so stay tuned haha.
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simplybakugou · 5 years ago
Your Biggest Fan gives me a serious case of the warm fuzzies, especially the last two parts!!! May I pls be added to the tag list for it 🥺
omg the warm fuzzies?? 🥺😭 of course i’ll tag you! ☺️💞
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sluttyten · 5 years ago
okay no I had the SAME exact problem with my roommate before!! She and her ex were on/off for almost 10!!! Years!!!! But he was a big jerk and didn’t treat her the way she deserved and she always said that she’d love him no matter what bc that’s just the kind of person she is. Which is true, kinda??? She’s too nice for her own good tbh, at least with him. She would always come to me for advice, but no matter what I said she would never really listen to it?? There was always a “but...” LOL
I hate when people make excuses for their current partner who’s being shitty or for their ex-partners who have been shitty. Like I can kinda see how in a 10 year on and off again relationship your friend would try and hold onto feelings and stuff (not saying that it’s right at all because it’s definitely not), but like with my friend he was her first boyfriend they dated for a few months and even in that time I met him only once and I’m the only one of her friends (outside of people she knew at work because her and him worked together) who met him. Didn’t like him much then. She would complain to me and our other close friend about him enough that neither of us liked him. They had communication issues as in she would text him and he would take forever to text back or just ignore what she was trying to talk about. He definitely made her cry quite a bit. I just remember always thinking that he was kinda using her as a rebound because he did go straight from one relationship to being with her and I just never felt like he really appreciated her, only had her around because he didn’t have his ex, and he played with her emotions a bit, and then she moved away for a while and they were like together but not together and he totally took advantage of that and started hanging out with his ex again, and then my friend was home and her and him hung out and she thought it was like a date and then a week later he was like back with his ex and didn’t say a word about it to my friend and I just feel like all of that was shitty of him?? And sure maybe he has changed since then because he’s been done with that ex for a while but I think my friend is still a bit hung up on that kind of first love thing and she probably, like me, looks around at our friends and old classmates in happy relationships, getting married, having kids, and she wants something like that so when this familiar person comes along she is like ready to take that. And I feel like she’s making excuses for him but I don’t really know and I can’t tell her how to live her life but it just frustrates me that she might potentially go back to this man
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goingneo · 5 years ago
Hello!!! May I pls be added to the tag list for pillow talk? 🙏 I’m sorry to hear that you’ve had a rough week, but I really hope that things brighten up for you soon!! Sending you lots of love and good vibes ☺️💕💕💕
yes of course 💕💕 I added you 😊 thank you,, I’ve been feeling better, and everything will be okay eventually🥺 thank u so much for your sweet message it means a lot to me 💗💗💗💗
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suhnshinehaos · 3 years ago
I just wanted to say that I was literally about to go out of my way to search for hurt/comfort fics to read bc I had such a crappy evening and needed a good cry; but then I saw the update for a5c in my notifs and I kid you not, my mood has been lifted so significantly LMAO I feel like I can actually go to sleep in a good mood now 😂 but yeah, thank you so much for all your hard work!!! I hope you’re doing well 💕
awe am so sorry that your evening wasn’t good. im glad that a5c was able to make you feel better! i hope you sleep well and get a good night’s rest and that tomorrow is a much better day <3
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giyuwu-san · 5 years ago
omg I meant to send this with the other ask, but I pressed send without thinking LMAO but if it’s still open, may I pls be added to the taglist for social distancing 🙏🏻
It’s all good babes LMAO and yes my taglists are always always open!! I’ll add you to it now 👀❤️
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hannie-dul-set · 5 years ago
hi hi!! may I pls be added to the tag list for the nightingale's requiem? 🙏 everything you’ve made for it so far is so pretty and I’m sure it took a while to make, so thank you for all your hard work!!! I’m honestly excited for the revenge plot 😈
hello!! and sure thing! i'll be adding you in the next part hehe ✨ and thank you so much :(( it rlly means a lot 😔💞💖
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naoteinteressansbdn-blog · 6 years ago
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gojins · 6 years ago
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tw: alcohol.
wherever he goes, jinwoo's always pretty much the life and soul of every party, yet that’s hardly surprising, considering how sociable and exuberant he is. in other words, he knows everybody, and everybody knows him — that’s just how much of a social butterfly he is. now, there would be absolutely nothing wrong with that, if only he weren’t such a reckless drinker, but alas, nobody’s perfect. we all have our flaws, and he simply happens to love getting completely shit-faced a bit more than he should. thankfully, he can always count on jihoon to keep him in check — well, or at least try to. so while he’s busy going around, greeting people left and right, sipping his cheap beer like he’s drinking fancy wine or some shit, his friend’s just tagging along behind him, bored out of his mind, looking like he doesn’t even want to be there in the first place. ❝ c’mon, man, loosen up! ❞ it’s a typical house party with cheap alcohol and shitty music, yet it seems like jinwoo’s genuinely having a great time. ❝ go get yourself a drink and try to have fun! ❞  /  @jvhoon
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thepixelelf · 2 months ago
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Oh Baby, You Pt. 55 - Barely an Answer
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The birth of your son three years ago was what caused your breakup with Wonwoo, your longtime (and at that point, long distance) partner. Now, you're getting concerned that Orion is starting to look a lot like his dad, but that's not your only problem. Wonwoo is back… and he's living across the hall.
oby tagging 1, 50/50: @shiningstar-byulxx @shuabby-woowoo @90s-belladonna @xavi-in-kpopland @xmessaroundx @chwevernonlover @kwanisms @dalamjisung @crazywittysassy @butterfliesinthenightsky @ddaengpotate @vanishingboots @potatofrieswithketchup @minhwa @oncecaratorbit @royal9 @doodlelibrary @yksthings @amosmortese @jaeskz @woozarts @my-chaos-in-stars @yoonychoik @ksywoo @kellesvt @candidupped @sharkipoonis @wooahaeproductions @hellodefthings @winterwallacehenderson @jvhoons @woo8hao @sxftiell @thewooziverse @caramyisabitchforsvtandbts @nonononranghaee
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tiffweni · 3 years ago
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park jihoon ?! pack
themes + users + bios >o<
no fonts/psds
i just loveᵎ '00 liner [ zodiac ]
prn&prns # _ him too much ❞
☕ . . . magic ! % __ prns
my starboy '00 〴 @\jihoonie
hoon: ꒰⚘݄꒱ treasure, treasure
📷   let's FLY, hoon !꒱◞ ̑̑
(。>﹏< ? . prns 爱 '00
ty for reading !!
plz like / reblog if u use
crdt not required but is appreciated
none of the users r taken on tumblr
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simplybakugou · 5 years ago
I said it in my tags, but I just wanted to tell u again that ybf makes me so fucking WEAK 😭 I literally stopped breathing when he said “with you I’m just Katsuki” and then proceeded to C R Y LOL part 18 was an absolutely beauty, thank you SO MUCH for all your hard work!!! 🥺💙
omg i saw your tags and they made me so happy 🥺
honestly when i wrote that line i was like “wow, mira you are fucking stupid most of the time but sometimes you come through with writing that actually makes sense 😌✨”
i’m so glad you enjoyed it and it was so fun to write! 💞
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sluttyten · 5 years ago
dude, did we have the same friend 😭😂 she would always complain that he would randomly hit her up just as she was “getting over it,” and I was always sitting there like “BLOCK HIM, WTF ARE U DOING!!!!” And don’t be sorry about ranting!!! I 100% had the same feelings; it’s definitely hard bc you’re their friend and you don’t wanna come off as insensitive or uncaring, but sometimes you really just gotta let things happen as they are bc you’ve done everything you could do to help 😞
I ended up just telling her I think they should just be friends, like at least as friends she probably won’t depend on him as emotionally as she did when they were having their “it’s complicated” relationship, plus she moves away again soon so it would basically probably just end up being a repeat of last time
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goingneo · 5 years ago
omg I’m a little late, but congrats on finishing pillowtalk 🎉 I’m sad that it’s over, but I’m also very excited for your next story!!! may I pls be added to the tag list for want as well? 😭🙏🏻
thank you so much love!! 💕💗 I’m also kinda sad it’s over :( but I’m really hyped to start with the next one 🤩 hope you all will like it 🥺 and of course you can be added !! 🥰
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mochiiyaya · 4 years ago
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Sweeter Than Apple Pie | 20
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↳ ❝ Yn owner of a rising bakery cafe. One day a pudding head boy enter with his close friend looking for an apple pie. What will their future bring them when they keep meeting?❞
❥ a/n: this is the last oikawa chapter he may not be my favorite but i love him so i wanted to make one last one. anyways i think the next chapter will be the last!
✧ tag list : @tepjameme @rosecarft-lollipop @mochahyuck @hnpriscilla @pasta-warlord @mikantsumiikii @usamizuki @notamazinglizzy @nekoma-hoe @satomiis @simp4tsukkii @achly @lilidrawz @juns-random-world @gabbaeae @cleopatera @mental-instability-xviii-ii @yammmers @alyssasteaparty @fleurnymphet @newfriendjen @glyxiebear @handsoffmyfriends @lollawindsay @bbecc-a @officiallykuute @moonlightaangel @just-snog-already @goodnight-haley @sol-demure @johnnysactualgf @animewithmemes @michelepiekenma @icaruskenma @urmyshinsuke @mirikusashes @daninaninani @babyshoyo @lostmarimoismyhubby @jvhoons @kozumesupremacy @2sj2 @amillionfandoms-onlyoneme @shhhspect @destruhction @iloveyouasmuchaspoohloveshoney @rachelexe @madusas-girlfriend @sukiuqu @a-applepi @elianetsantana @mint-mai @yn-tingz @elixabeth-exe
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