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karnakt · 5 years ago
❋ - “rainy weather”
For most of his life, he’d been raised in the arid climates of the deserts. Rainfall was sparse throughout the year, and the sun beat down harshly on his bronzed skin month after month. Oftentimes, the humidity would be too much to bear, so he tended to take shelter underneath a tarp to prevent the heat from overwhelming him.
When it did rain, it felt like a gift from the heavens itself. As soon as the drops hit his skin, he’d close his eyes and bask in the feeling, almost like being cleansed.
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Nowadays, however, the rain had become another common occurrence, even predictable now with modern forecasting. Nothing especially remarkable about it. In fact, as soon as it’d start raining on his way from work, he rushed indoors, as he hated to get his fur wet. It was quite different from the feeling of relief that’d wash over him in the old days. In excess, anything could lose its value…
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rxzberries · 5 years ago
Ice Breaker || Georgia & Jack
🐎 - When she wasn’t working, Georgia was often spending time at home, or in quiet places around the island where she could relax and be left to her thoughts. Sometimes, she would head down to the bar after work. Managing a ranch and pet shop could be pretty exhausting work, and there were times where she simply didn’t have the energy to cook dinner when she got home.
So what better way to fill herself up and unwind than to grab a meal at the Cool Breeze Cafe? The owner slash delivery boy could be pretty annoying at times, but he definitely knew his way around a kitchen.
And of course, good food was always better with good company, so she decided to invite Jack, one of her co-workers, along. She mostly knew him as Jill’s brother, but that was about all she knew, aside from his work habits. The boundary between employer and employee made it difficult for Georgia to connect with him on a more personal level, though that didn’t stop her from wanting to foster a friendly relationship between them.
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“Cheers to finishin’ another day of hard work!” Georgia holds up her glass to clink against Jack’s, grinning. “And here’s to a long, relaxin’ weekend.”
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dragon-twin · 5 years ago
Medium Kitchen [-10,000G] @treetopdynamite
Rusty Fishing Rod [-4,000G] @meanderingblacksmith
Monster Glove [-5,000G] @jvckofhearts
Total: 19,000G New Balance: 4,291G
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pinkpoppyflower · 5 years ago
Bug! || Popuri & Jack
Shade apartments were terrible. But Popuri was saving up to buy a nice house so she had to live in the cheapest place possible. And this was the cheapest place possible.
Popuri was cooking dinner aka making some easy mac when she turned and saw the biggest weirdest creepiest bug ever. She froze. She had to think fast before it ran under something and she never found it ever again until it creeped up on her while she was asleep and ate her.
She quickly grabbed a cup and trapped the bug under it.
Now what.
She had a bug in a cup. A cup bug.
Popuri sprinted out of her apartment and ran to Jack’s door and knocked loudly.
“Jack!” She shouted, “I need help quick!”
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thepelagoislands · 5 years ago
New Island: The Library of Magic
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This island was written by Frey-mun!
@somehowstillwaiting​ | @jvckofhearts​
The island is rather inconspicuous. It’s a small mountain of an island that has two arms like it is holding the body of water it encompasses. A small gap in the arms is the only way to the beachy shore. Most of the island is covered in thick forest, but a large stone building is noticeable in the center of the mountainside. It is covered in vines and shrubbery, nature having grown over it for centuries now. A gorgeous view of the stars in the sky are visible when on this island, and it is always near midnight. Time stands still. The island itself cannot be seen from the outside, as it is protected by a large magical spell that conceals it from the common eye.
Despite it being the middle of the day and the open waters you’ve encountered not yielding any sight of an island nearby, there is still hope to find something interesting. Your course is set straight and you have absolutely no knowledge of the island you seem to be approaching. After all, nothing can be seen. A magical veil has protected the island you’re approaching, but you somehow manage to slip underneath it.
As soon as you pass through the magical forcefield, the once-bright sky is gone and a blanket of night with a gorgeous view of the stars is seen above you. A small mountain of an island is before you, the two ends of it tapering off and forming two arms that extend in a curve around the island. Sail around the edge and you’ll find a gap in the rocks to enter through and dock at the beachy shore.
>I don’t like nighttime :( >I thirst for knowledge
If you were to look at a cell phone or any watch/clock, you’ll notice that the time has suddenly been changed to fifteen minutes until midnight. The hands have stopped moving and time has stopped. So long as you’re within the magical vein surrounding the island, this will remain to be so.
Stop your ship at the beach and come ashore, and you’ll find that you can see what seems to be the outline of an old cement building. It has greenery overgrown around it, nearly concealing it on the mountainside. The vast array of stars and the almost-full moon give you plenty of light, despite it being nighttime. There is no path from the beach to follow, so you must find your way there on your own.
Once you make it to the entrance of the building, you will find that there is no door. Instead, there is a riddle: What English word has three consecutive double letters?
Should you guess the correct answer (Bookkeeper), you must say the word out loud and a door will magically appear, a thin cloud of dust signalling its appearance. The dark wooden door is carved ornately and the gold handle, too, has immense detail etched into it. As soon as you open it, your handprint from where you held the handle glows orange or a moment, then disappears. You will never know why.
As soon as you enter the building, you are surprised to find that it is completely pitch-black inside. As quickly as you realize that, candles encased in glass along the walls throughout the vast library floor light up an provide ample lighting for you. Hundreds and hundreds of shelves of books are visible, just on the first floor. Several of the book are in languages you do not know. Many of them are in languages no longer spoken out loud, and have not been uttered aloud in centuries. Some only contain pictures. Some only contain diagrams. Some contain maps. There is, quite literally, a book on every subject imaginable.
More importantly, there are four books, tomes really, that are placed on tables in the center of the massive library floor. One book seems to be opened up to a map that covered both sides of the pages, and appears to be updating by magic. Things are shifting here and there, populations moving and weather markings updating in what seems to be real-time. The second book is opened to a page that is magically being written. The pages continue to turn as each one is filled up with writing that appears despite no one writing it. From what you can tell, the language is completely foreign to you. The third book is closed and burns your skin if you touch it. You cannot open it and you will never know what lies inside. The fourth book is open and you can see yourself looking at the book. How eerie. No matter how quickly you turn around, there will be no one watching you. At least, not that you can see.
A large spiral staircase is at the back end of the library floor. Climb it up and you will go to the second floor of the building, which is just another library floor. This time, however, the books on the shelves are all dedicated to the various forms of magic. Everything you could think of that has to do with magic is located among these shelves. It’s just as large as the first floor, and just as vast in information. At the opposite end of the floor is another spiral staircase that leads up.
Climb up the staircase and you’ll be taken to a very homey room. There is a bed, a desk, and a small kitchen. It’s a simple, simple room. The desk seems to be neatly organized, though there really isn’t much on it. A telescope pointed to the sky sits next to the one window in the small room. From the shadowy corner of the room approaches a man. He seems rather young, but it is a facade.
He introduces himself simply as The Bookkeeper, and asks what you are doing here. After listening and deeming you to be harmless, he asks you if you’d like some tea. It had been a long time since he’d had company, and he hasn’t met with someone from outside the island in centuries, he says. Despite looking to be in his early thirties, he is actually older than he can remember. He explains that he has been tasked with maintaining the knowledge of the world and protecting it. It’s an easy job to do when the island is undercover. However, seeing as you got in, he had some holes in the veil spell to fix up. He seems amused, but also slightly annoyed by this. He’s got a lot of work to do, after all.
Over tea, he also explains that you are more than welcomed to the knowledge within the library, so long as you do not take the books or damage them in any way. You can take notes in your own journal of what you read, but you cannot take any pages or books from the library. Should you try, and the book is burned to ash upon leaving, making the information lost to the world forever. He stresses the importance of his job to protect the knowledge, so please keep that in mind.
Other than that, though, The Bookkeeper has no other qualms. He pulls out a sand time turner and flips it over, then says that you have ten hours to explore the library how you wish with his rules in mind. The Bookkeeper will find you once your time is up and escort you out of the library, and he will wait until you safely depart before sealing the island back up under the veil.
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sunshineand-violets · 5 years ago
Gift Without a Bow | Jack & Jill
So, the holidays were rolling around. 
They used to be so much fun. Jill would look back on past years with a heart filled with warmth and nostalgia, but now there was the added pang of grief. Her dad was gone, and her relationship with her mom was strained at best. At least Jack and Agate and Bob were all here... but the holidays as an adult were never really the same. They were so loaded, now.
[SMS] to “Jack 💖”: Are you up for gingerbread houses from scratch? I miss you :c
Maybe baking cookies would help bring some holiday cheer into her system.
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treasuresunknown · 6 years ago
sleepover » jack & lily
As Lily rolled off the bed, she glanced at the window. She hadn’t been keeping track of the time, but from the complete lack of light outside even in the middle of summer, she guessed that it was quite late.
“I’m going to have a shower,” she said over her shoulder to the man still lying in bed. 
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She and Jack had met a few months prior at a bar and started talking. They’d discovered that they were both on the islands temporarily, Lily wishing to continue her travels and Jack planning to return to the mainland, so they’d struck up a friendship based on this in common. And their love of drinking, of course.
One night, after a few too many drinks and a drunken one night stand, their friendship changed slightly. After that night, it had become a recurring part of her week to receive a text from Jack late at night, asking if he could come over. Lily didn’t mind the new dynamic. After all, it was obvious from the beginning that there were no strings attached. 
With that, she closed the bathroom door and hopped in the shower. Jack was usually gone by the time she got out, so she took her time, enjoying the warmth. Despite the season, it had been stormy the past couple of days. With any luck, it wouldn’t be raining on Jack’s way home.
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thepelagoislands · 5 years ago
After the tragic circumstances revolving around the sudden dragon attack on the island of Arcadia, the citizens are left to wonder how repairs will be made. Well, wonder no longer! 
Thanks to a generous offer from the Funland Foundation, Alice has offered to put up the funds and materials necessary to pay for repairs to the local businesses put out of commission. Funland will be putting forth the funds in the form of a loan, which must be paid back by the owners of each business. Once the loan has been paid back, control of the property will be transferred back to the owners. 
Of course, your character does not have to become indebted to Funland. If they have the funds to repair their damaged property (matching the cost that Funland would pay) PLUS provide the materials to do so (which will be listed below), then they can do the repairs themselves. However, that may take more time... 
Here is a list of needed materials to gather in order to make the repairs on your own:
[50,000g + 5 Black Lumber + 5 Lumber + 5 Small Lumber + 10 Stone] to repair a farm + the farmhouse.
[20,000g + 5 Lumber + 5 Small Lumber + 10 Stone] to repair just the farmhouse. 
[20,000g + 5 Black Stone + 5 Stone + 5 Small Stone] to repair Celestia Church or Meandering Blacksmith.
Here is a list of the loan payments being made for repairs:
[60,000g] Forget-Me-Not Ranch: repairs to the farm and the farmhouse @jvckofhearts
[60,000g] Greenhill Farm: repairs to the farm and the farmhouse @dancing-lxghts
[30,000g] Brownie Ranch: repairs to the farmhouse @fencedinheart
[30,000g] Celestia Church: repairs the church @silukaura
[30,000g] Meandering Blacksmith: repairs the business @meanderingblacksmith
Since no one is currently the owner of Arcadia Town Hall, it is up to the community of Arcadia to come together to pay for and gather the materials needed to make the repairs. 
[50,000g + 10 Black Lumber + 5 Lumber + 5 Small Lumber + 5 Black Stone + 5 Stone + 5 Small Stone] Rebuilds the town hall
If your character would like to accept Funland’s offer to pay for the repairs, please send an ask to the main to let us know! Make all payments to Alice @funlandalice . If you would like to make the repairs yourself, please send us an ask and we will add you to our Repairs Checklist post (which will be posted after this one). 
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thepelagoislands · 5 years ago
Hi! In light of Jack's 'soft reset,' I'd like for him to assume ownership of Sunset Ranch /and/ become a boss there; further, he'll build a farm house there and rename it to Forget Me-Not Ranch: totaling 50,000G (if I did the math correctly!). Thank you. :)
Yep, you did a math correctly! Congratulations!
...now pay up uwu
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thepelagoislands · 5 years ago
Since I passed on Sofia and Rock with the most recent activity check, I would like to bring back Jack! He will be living in Room E105 of Shade Apartments and working at Firefly Ranch, Barley's Animal Shop, and Arcadia's Explorers Guild. :) If possible, I would also like to maintain his funds from before. Thank you!
Of course! Welcome back~
Everyone, please follow Jack!
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thepelagoislands · 6 years ago
Yooo! Fighter Jack has arrived! He will be living on Arcadia with Bob on Brownie Ranch (mun approved!), working part-time at Brownie Ranch and at Barley's Animal Shop! ♥
Everyone, please follow Jack!
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treasuresunknown · 6 years ago
@angoraexpert @jvckofhearts
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thepelagoislands · 5 years ago
Voyage Check || September 14th, 2019
Here are the voyages currently running:
Kaoh Akas [Island of Air] ( @lest-i-forget | @jvckofhearts | @verdurebeauty | @herbal--remedy ) - October 30th
Adrift Ait ( @anephemeralwish | @piccola-cara ) - November 1st
If any voyages are in need of an extension, contact either moderator. However, extensions are only granted if significant progress has been made on the voyage and extra time is needed to finish it off strong. If little to no progress has been made over the month, the islands are thrown back into the roll as if the characters had never gone to the island at all.
If you’re interested in doing a voyage, check out the Voyage Minigame and the list of potential islands that can be found on the OOC Blog!
Contact the mods if you have any questions.
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thepelagoislands · 5 years ago
New Island: Kaoh Akas (Island of Air)
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This island was written by Rachel-mun!
@lest-i-forget @jvckofhearts @verdurebeauty @herbal--remedy
One must sail for hours upon hours with nothing in sight before coming across this island. A strong wind will sweep past your boat before you see the island, which will steer you in the direction towards it. As you draw closer, you’ll discover that it is more like a giant rock in the sea rather than an island. The whole land mass is seemingly made of the same white-ish stone, some green moss growing long the side. Thankfully, there is a stone dock you can leave your boat at.
Upon landing on the island, you will notice there is a strong breeze that blows through without and signs of letting up. It’s not enough to make you topple over, but enough to make you rather cold. There is no foliage in sight and as you venture further up, you will find a very small village, if it can even be called such. There are three small houses that surround what looks to be a courtyard, but there is only stone.
House One: It appears that this belonged to a young woman, a hair brush sat atop a vanity and the wardrobe full of brightly colored monks robes. They look very comfortable and one would not be blamed for trying one on. They make you feel rather lightweight and keep you warm from the strong wind that howls outside. In the house you will also find a diary, but the writing is in an undecipherable ancient language. There is also a vase with flowers in it, but you wonder just where the plant came from. There is nothing else to be found in House One.
House Two: It appears to have belonged to an elderly couple, a traditional ink painting of them hung up on the wall. Their wardrobe contains similar robes as in House One, but in much more neutral colors. In the bedside table you will find 5,000g. There is nothing else to be found in House Two.
House Three: This house is definitely different. The door is already open when you enter. The furniture appears to have been thrown about, the bed sheets on the floor and the bedside table knocked over. The wardrobe laid on its side, one of the doors hanging on its hinge. There’s a broken vase on the floor and you can see specks of what appear to be blood on the floor. There is nothing to be found in House Three.
Venture further past the tiny village and you’ll find the looming temple that sits in the center of the island. It stands tall and seems to have a lot of openings where the wind blows through, creating an eerie howl. In front of the temple is a few rows of small balance steps. They’re a bit fun to play on, but are probably meant for more serious training.
Ascend the steps to the temple and you’ll hear some eerie music carry through the wind. It’s impossible to determine where its origin is, though. Once you’re at the top of the temple and enter through the doors, you’ll enter into a massive room that is covered in openings on all sides, the wind rushing through it. There is an altar at the far end of the room where there are no offerings available.  There are, however, two staircases that ascend on either side of the altar.
Left Staircase: These stairs seem to go on forever, bringing you higher and higher into the air. The wind continues to blow and there are quite a few openings where falling through is a possibility, so be careful. Once you reach the top, you’ll find a small room with no openings except the one you came in through. However, once you’re in the room, the wind seems to be cut off and it’s nice and calm inside. There are some candles burning, but who lit them? There is a spell book containing some information about Air Mages, described as a small race of magic users. The rest of the book has pictures of movements used for air magic, but the writing is in an undecipherable ancient language. There are also some records books about the people who have lived on the island. The most recently born appear to be a young woman, age twenty, the elderly couple, ages seventy and seventy-two, and a male age eighteen. There also appears to be a recording of a woman, age fifty, who acts as the temple’s sole caretaker. Perhaps she’s the one in charge? There is nothing else to be found in the room.
Right Staircase (Courtyard): This one, instead of up, descends into a courtyard. There is a small garden there, soil most likely having been brought from somewhere else. There’s a small vegetable garden, but nothing is ready to harvest yet. You hear the music again and if you choose to follow it, you will turn a corner around the back end of the courtyard and stumble upon something you probably shouldn’t have.
Holy Ritual: It seems that you’ve walked in on some kind of weird ceremony going on. Everyone the book had described is there, plus what appear to be some spirits that should easily blow away in the wind, but remain seated as they watch on. If you do not interrupt, you will see the ceremony continue on. The woman who is likely in charge is at the front, reading aloud in a language no one in the party knows. She holds in her hand a dagger that looks ancient as can be. Behind her stands the young woman dressed in a long, white dress and stands barefoot on the stone stage. On the other side of the stage is a badly beaten young man who lays on the floor, presumably passed out. The old couple sits in the audience of spirits, hand in hand. The ceremony continues when the young man awakens and sits up, two spirits promptly grabbing him and dragging him to the center of the stage. The young woman approaches him and he attempts to escape, but to no avail. The woman with the knife hands it to the younger girl and she brings it to the man’s neck, whispering something to him. Whether the voyagers choose to interrupt or not, the woman kills the man with the knife. If the islanders and alerted of the voyager’s presence, the wind on the island will pick up in an intense fury and will cause the voyagers to be swept off their feet. There is nothing they can do to stop it and they will be captured by the spirits, promptly being knocked out.
Below the Temple: When the voyagers awaken, they will find themselves chained at the ankle to one another and to the wall. The room is dimly lit by a single torch and the wind cannot be heard blowing, an indication of how deep underground you are. Breaking free of the chains is, quite honestly, very easy if there is a magic user that can break them. Strength alone is enough with repeated efforts at breaking them. Once freed, the voyagers can attempt to find a way out.There are two doors to choose from once out of the holding cell.
White Door: Behind the White Door is a room with shelves of letters. Many are in the ancient script and are unreadable, but some are able to be read and detail the dwindling population of air mages. In an attempt to appease whatever god looked over them, they began the practice of sacrifices. However, it only worsened their numbers and many people left the island in fear of being chosen next. The few who remained are the only survivors left, but are only waiting in line to be next in line for the ritual. There is one particular letter that is on the floor. It’s written in the ancient script, but one word in particular stands out: Elf. The meaning of it is lost, and perhaps is just a coincidence, but it can’t be ignored. There is nothing else in the White Door Room.
Blue Door: Enter the Blue Door Room and you’ll find a single altar with a rune sphere seated nicely on an official-looking pedestal. Take the rune sphere and nothing happens in the room. In fact, it appears that nothing has happened. However, up the staircase in the room and outside, the wind has picked up immensely and is hard to brave through, but possible to face. If you leave the rune sphere, nothing changes.
Outside: The rest of the village people or the temple’s leader cannot be found inside of the temple. If the voyagers go back to the ceremony’s location, they will find that the elderly couple and the young woman have all been killed with a knife stab to the heart. The temple’s guardian is no where to be found. Upon going back to the shore, it will reveal that your boat has been stolen, but the engine died a few meters out from the port. The boat is abandoned, but some supplies are missing. Luckily, the oars to row yourselves back are still there, if you can swim to your boat!
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thepelagoislands · 5 years ago
Voyage Check || July 11th, 2020
Here are the voyages currently running:
The Library of Magic ( @somehowstillwaiting | @jvckofhearts ) - July 12th
Chorus ad Mortem ( @lettuce-swim | @trashcanpamblr | @meanderingblacksmith | @nirvanasvintner ) - August 17th
These are the islands that have been put back into rotation:
Apis Mellifera
If any voyages are in need of an extension, contact either moderator. However, extensions are only granted if significant progress has been made on the voyage and extra time is needed to finish it off strong. If little to no progress has been made over the two months, the islands are thrown back into the roll as if the characters had never gone to the island at all.
If you’re interested in doing a voyage, check out the Voyage Minigame and the list of potential islands that can be found on the OOC Blog!
Contact the mods if you have any questions.
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thepelagoislands · 5 years ago
Voyage Check || June 27, 2020
Here are the voyages currently running:
The Library of Magic ( @somehowstillwaiting | @jvckofhearts ) - July 12th
Apis Mellifera ( @lest-i-forget | @mintteaprincess ) - August 3rd
Spring Island ( @gridballgod | @carosellocafe ) - August 11th
Chorus ad Mortem ( @lettuce-swim | @trashcanpamblr | @meanderingblacksmith | @nirvanasvintner ) - August 17th
If any voyages are in need of an extension, contact either moderator. However, extensions are only granted if significant progress has been made on the voyage and extra time is needed to finish it off strong. If little to no progress has been made over the two months, the islands are thrown back into the roll as if the characters had never gone to the island at all.
If you’re interested in doing a voyage, check out the Voyage Minigame and the list of potential islands that can be found on the OOC Blog!
Contact the mods if you have any questions.
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