#juvia my goddess my queen my beloved
moonlitmmarie · 4 months
Happy Juvia Day!
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Happy Juvia Day to the best girl, my muse, my beloved, my first ever girl crush and first anime crush.
Fun fact: after about 9 years of celebrating, this is my first ever work to contribute to today.
(And yeah I still love her just as much as the first day I knew of her).
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mminimoon · 7 years
The Day the Sun Met The Moon
Summary- A Fairy Tail fanfic...The Kingdoms of the Sun and Moon meet once a few hundred years to bring forth an Eclipse and the rulers of both kingdoms haven’t seen each other in a long while. With threats still in the air and wars hurling about, what’ll the young King and Queen do to protect their beloved kingdoms?
Rating- T
A/N- I’m so nervous and excited, so many plans for this au and AUGH. Sorry that there is only some slight nalu but I wanted this chapter to start the arc. Next chapter would probably be taking place in the Sun Palace and taking a look at Natsu’s Court. I just hope you guys like it. 
||Chapter II||
Lucy loved her home more than a lot believed. She grew up in the silver and white halls of the Moon Palace, had looked through every nook and cranny and became one with it as she aged. She loved it when there were a lot of people there, the place was meant to hold a lot of chaos but still maintain elegance and grace through it all, much like herself. Today was one of those days when it was chaos and servants and officials alike were running about.
The Lords of the Seasons were coming to her palace to have a meeting.
The Moon and Sun kingdoms both had equal power and thus instead of fighting for it all managed to come to the agreement to split the work and do what they did best.
The Sun’s was to control the lives of mortals. Weave stories of their little lives, intertwine them and shift them. They decided on battles and wars, they controlled the mortals and events that they created. Made sure they prospered and lived. Create heroes and saviors. Give messages to priests and lead the mortals to better lives. They started rebellions and told truths. A kingdom of warriors fighting for what they believed in.
The Moon’s was to deal with what happened out of mortal control. With immortal and magical beasts, that woke in the night. They were in charge of the seasons and nature. They dealt with secrecy and lies. The things that walked about in the night and in forests. They chose where you shall go after death. They were quiet and knowledgeable.
Lucy walked through the halls, her silver crown shining through the shadows of the pillars she passed by. As she walked her dark dress trailed behind her, stars and galaxies moving slowly through out. The sisters that guarded her, walked by her side as she opened the doors to the meeting room.
She smiled upon seeing her old friend.
“Gray,” she laughed, running up to him and hugging him.
“Hey Lucy,” he greeted.
After they parted she sat at the head of the table, he sitting on her left. Lady Gonzales, and Gray’s brother and advisor, Lyon, walked in nodding respectfully to Lucy before standing at their master’s side.
Gray Fullbuster was the King of the Seven Hells and Lord of Winter, a dear friend to Lucy from childhood she had happily and pridefully appointed as one of the Lords of the Seasons. And now she had to appoint someone new. Things were changing so were the Lords. She sighed.
“You have people for the Lords Spring and Summer? I’m about to end, you need someone to take one spring quickly,” he told her.
“I know. I do, have an idea for both of them, but I want to hear what we all have to say about it,” she told him.
He nodded and on cue the Lady of Autumn walked in. Lucy greeted her with a warm smile.
“Erza, glad you could join us,” Lucy said.
Out of the current Seasonal court, Erza was the one to be there the longest. Starting long before Lucy came into power.
“I wouldn’t miss such an important meeting,” Erza replied sitting at Lucy’s right, her advisor, Kagura, standing by her side.
Erza Scarlet was the Queen of the Fairies and Lady of Autumn, she worked under the Empress of the Fae in her court. A powerful and beautiful goddess, with the signature red hair everyone, fears to come across.
Lucy took Erza’s hand and squeezed it softly before they began to chat.
“I only saw you when you left, Lucy, where were you?” Erza asked, referring to the day of the eclipse.
Lucy’s cheeks tinted pink and Erza and Gray looked at one another and then at Lucy with a brow raised.
“I was- uh- talking with Natsu,” she squeaked.
Erza’s brown eyes widened, “Lucy! This is something you tell me about! What happened?”
“Did he knock you out by accident again?” Gray asked plainly.
The two goddesses glared at him and suddenly found the floor rather interesting.
Lucy looked back to Erza who was waiting patiently, “well we were just a bit tired of so many people and we’d bumped into each other at the gardens, from there we just talked.”
Erza smiled, “glad to see you two are finally getting together.”
Lucy blushed enough for her face to be compared to Erza’s mane, “it isn’t like that!”
Gonzales scoffed and Lucy glared at her cousin, “you’re not helping.”
Gonzales shook her head and smiled with Erza. Then they all turned their attention to the door as it opened revealing a small blue haired girl, wearing a flowing yellow dress and a small smile, next to her was a tall ginger man with golden armor. They bowed to the court.
“Levy, Loke, please come in,” Lucy said.
Loke was the leader of Lucy’s Zodiac Knights, an advisor she looks to with the most important of decisions. And Levy was the librarian of the Sacred Library, also a part of Lucy’s court and a great friend.
Levy sat next to Gray and Loke next to Erza.
“Sorry we are late my Queen, the night hounds are a going a bit hectic,” Loke apologized.
Lucy furrowed her brows. The night hounds were wolves that were used to guard the kingdom and for war. They never really got out of place unless there was danger or a foreign energy being picked up. It could be Gray and Lyon but they've been here so many time you’d think the hounds would have gotten used to it by now. She shook her head, this was a matter for another time.
She took a breath.
“Welcome to the emergency meeting of the Seasonal court. The matter of discussion; appointing the two new lords of Summer and Spring,” Lucy announced.
Erza raised her hand and Lucy nodded at her to begin the discussion.
“For Spring I nominate Lady Evergreen. She used to be a part of my court before she became a part of Lord Laxus’ guard, the Raijinshuu,” Erza said.
“She is very dedicated to her practice,” Loke agreed.
Levy nodded, “yes she works well under pressure and thinks quickly. But I do believe sometimes her emotions get the better of her, regarding the time she tried to take you on in a duel, Lady Erza.”
“She serves more as a follower than a leader, maybe in time will she grow out of it, but at the moment, I don’t think she’s qualified either,” Gray stated.
The matter was a tie and they all looked at Lucy for a decision, she took a moment before she gathered her words.
“I believe Evergreen would make an amazing Lady of Spring, but I would like for you to ponder her loyalty to Lord Laxus and her fellow Raijinshuu, being Lady of Spring would take time off of her duties, I don’t think Evergreen has the schedule to join us,” Lucy said.
They all nodded. After a few minutes, Loke moved them along.
“Let’s take a pause for Spring and look to Summer. Who’ll take Lord Gildarts’ place?” Loke asked.
“I think his daughter should,” Lucy immediately replied.
They all looked at her in confusion.
“With all due respect my Queen, she’s a drunk Oracle who spends her days lounging in her palace and making people fall in love with her,” Levy stated skeptically.
“Yes but Cana is incredibly smart and a genius when it comes to strategy. Her natural charm and her resourcefulness are sharper than that of her father’s. She also has a strong group of followers behind her, she’s also a demon in battle. Plus, her father wasn’t exactly ‘Lord material’ either,” Lucy said.
Levy then smiled, thinking.
“If I remember correctly, she did help defend Moon Palace a while back,” Levy recalled.
“Not to mention she has connections,” Erza added in, smiling.
Lucy looked around but they all seemed to be agreeing.
“Are there any other comments to add in before the vote is set,” Lucy asked.
They all shook their heads.
“Call Aye, if you wish for Lady Cana to join the Seasonal Court as Lady of Summer. Call Nay, if you do not,” Lucy proclaimed.
“Aye!” The table declared in unison.
Lucy looked to Gonzales, “please write a letter of invitation to Lady Cana, Gonzales.”
Lady Gonzales nodded and headed out the doors.
“Now back to Spring, this God needs to be willing to be on the job right away. The Spring Equinox is coming soon,”  Levy said.
“I think you should be the Lady of Spring, Levy. You’re quite the lively one,” Loke said. The rest of the table looked at her agreement.
“You’re already a part of the Seasonal Council,” Erza stated.
“And we already work well together as it is,” Gray put in.
“And you are kind compassionate, you’re the perfect candidate,” Lucy said.
Levy shook her head, her cheeks pink, “no, no. I’m far too shy to lead the Spring Guards. And plus I can barely come to all the meetings, tending to the Sacred Library is my top priority. I was literally born there!”
Gray chuckled, rubbing her back, “don’t worry about it then.”
Levy sighed and the rest of the table laughed as she did so. Her cheeks were still tinted but she looked up, “plus. There someone else that is far more perfect for it than I.”
Erza raised a curious brow, “who?”
“Juvia, the Rain Woman.”
Everyone looked at Levy and as soon as Gray realized it he sunk back in his chair.
“How come we’ve never even thought of it? Spring is the season of rain, this is perfect for her, not to mention how incredible she is in battle and how quick people are to respect her,” Erza began, an amused grin thrown at Gray.
“No,” he put in.
They ignored him, “the daughter of the Seas is also a very important person to be close with. I heard she flooded an entire human kingdom because of how they treated its queen. She’s kind and gentle, compassionate as well as motherly. She has moods that combat with that of Springs. It is literally a perfect match,” Lucy stated.
“Lucy, no,” Gray continued.
“Her beauty is glorious and she’s a rather amusing goddess, I think she’s right one,” Loke agreed.
“Loke I trusted you!” Gray called.
“Call Aye, if you wish for Lady Juvia to join the Seasonal Court as Lady of Spring. Call Nay, if you do not,” Lucy announced once more.
The majority of the table cried, “Aye!”
While Lord Gray desperately stated, “Nay!”
Lucy smiled smugly before asking Lyon to go and send an invitation to Juvia.
“I can’t believe you!” Gray cried, jumping from his chair.
“So you used to be a thing way back, you’re more professional than that Gray,” Erza stated as stood up, stretching her wings.
“You all hate me!” Gray said before he left the room.
“I’ll talk with him, I hope to see you all in the Spring Equinox ball,” Erza stated before going out of the room.
Lucy waited until she felt Erza’s presence far from the meeting room, ordering Yukino and Solano to stand guard outside and not let anyone in, not even Gonzales.
“Thank you for staying,” Lucy said, nodding over to Levy and Loke who moved up to sit by her sides.
She turned to Loke, “now my Knight. Tell us about the night hounds.”
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