minseeberry · 3 years
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This is me hello 👋 last one is a video
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your-blank-husband · 4 years
My mom commenting on my eating habits just triggers me/not helps me
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mysheiru · 3 years
I feel so fucking stupid for having an Ed tumblr honestly.
But then I remember when, meeting a friend of my mother’s I had not seen in a while, the first thing he told me is that I was fat the last time we saw and that I looked better.
I remember that the friend that made fun of me for being ugly now compliments me.
I remember a lot of other small things like these.
And I have a lot more weight to lose, that was just a small step. Am I the asshole for wanting to be loved by people and by myself? idc
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that-1one-bitch · 3 years
Do you ever just take a second to think and you realise “holy shit, I’m really fat”
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sincerelyajh · 3 years
Hey y’all made a new gc because the old one is a lil inactive, feel free to join :)
It’s a safe space, yk the vibes, let’s be respectful and try to support eachother because obviously if you see this post you’re on our side of tumblr lmao.
If you’re in recovery please try to seek help and don’t join because I wouldn’t want to trigger you; you deserve to recover 🤍
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No offense but I miss looking like this
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pathwaytodeath · 4 years
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What's the point in life If I don't look like that?
Sera Choi on pinterest
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222thinrose · 4 years
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intoamoleskine · 3 years
I forgot how good it feels.
Is something changed for real this time?
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whydontujusteat · 4 years
body check//28.10.20
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starslinedup · 3 years
I gave in and ate ice cream… I still stayed beneath 700 calories for the day, but I’m nowhere near having a deficit… why am I so weak?
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your-blank-husband · 3 years
Sometime I feel like I’m a bad anorexic
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smolwaist · 4 years
cinnamon- 0cals
1 tablespoon of cream: 45 cals
1 tablespoon of sugar: 48 cals
two scrambled eggs no oil or butter: 140 cals
two slices of bread: 190
today’s total: 423 but i’ll round up to 500 bc it felt like a lot.
writing out all that i ate definitely made me feel fat 😬😬😬
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Hi! Making this About Me so if/when people inevitably find this blog they can have a frame of reference.
Stats: 250lbs starting, hormonal disorder (pcos) which makes losing weight harder. Between 24-26 in age, 5'9", with a large boy shape. I am restricting to 700kal a day as much as I can. Anything less and I risk bingeing/ a really bad GERD attack, because my body does not appreciate going multiple days without food(I immediately have very bad side effects).
I have been over 150lbs since I was 10. I looked fine as a kid but I have been quite big for a long time.
My Routine:
Get up, go to work(work from home), drink water and tea until at least 2pm, if I get hungry eat a small snack(less than 50kal, blueberries, carrots, rice rolls, etc), finish work and make dinner- maybe one snack if I have the allowance/am really craving. Rinse and repeat.
Tips for me:
I would just like to stress that *I do have an eating disorder* this is the least damaging way I have found to take care of myself and manage my illness. This is not intended to be weight loss advice.
-Make your own food always! You never know how many actual calories are in restaurant food and I get so nervous about it. I have to make food for me and my partner, and he has problems gaining weight, so it can be hard to make things that I can make for both of us. How I've solved this is by drastically changing the ratios. If it's a pasta with veggies he gets almost all of the pasta and some veggies, and I get much more of the veggies. I also make sure he always has snacks so I don't feel as bad about it. I also don't use recipes with a lot of "sauce". Sauce = mega calories.
-Dance as much as possible. It's excellent exercise, promotes emotional well-being, and it's fun! I'm going to start trying to learn disco🕺
Because of my issue with the hormone problems, I need all the help I can get. I've started making tinctures of stuff I can't deal with drinking teas of. Oregano, ashwaganda,ginger, and tumeric. Basically you take a couple of drops/dropper-full of these and they help promote a lot of wellness like metabolism support/stimulation, nutrition, etc. It's just concentrated tea. I'm excited to use these but I have to wait until March for these though, because they have to steep for 6 weeks before use, so wish me luck!
Safe foods:
Konjac jelly
Coconut water
Veggies/sometimes fruit.
Blueberries(as a treat!)
Rice rolls
Broth with napa cabbage
"raw foods"(whole foods, properly portioned).
Ps: I am currently also in pastry school, which makes shit extra hard. I have to make things like pretzels and cakes every week. In events like this I take a very small slice/bite and give away/ freeze the rest to give away. Otherwise I want *all* of it. It's infuriating.
Hopefully this has let people get to know me! If you have any questions or just want to say hi, let me know!
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ssupriyyaaaa · 3 years
I think about you sometimes.
Sometimes I catch myself wondering about you. Your sweet smile and that tense look in your eyes. I think about how easy it felt even when everything was a mess. When you laid your head on my lap,my fingers caressing your hair and when I slept on your shoulder and you'd just sit doing nothing. How different it was back then, in those moments I felt comfort but no. I was always so scared because I think I always knew there was a time limit. With you it always felt like we're running out of time. I wanted to do all with you but I also wanted to be just there, in the moment. There were moments when I really believed we will last. Moments when you'd talk to me in your sleepy voice telling me how much you wish I was there with you, moments when I saw you and without filtering myself I could talk.
I prayed that we last. But I always knew we wont. All the time I was chasing something that was never for me. The love, you already spent on someone, the comfort, you already gave someone. I just wanted you all to myself and maybe I lost myself in this chase. Not for one moment I regret doing all the things I did for you. I dont want you back and if you showed up again, I'll have to die inside to make sure I don't let you back inside the door.
I really believed in us. It's all alright. We were stupid kids who thought they knew how the world works.
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sunflxwer-vol-6 · 4 years
this is how the conversation i just had with myself went:
ed: hey if you did 400 jumping jacks right now you could burn off those 19 raisons you ate
me: fuck off i literally cannot be bothered
ed: ...but then you would be under 700 calories
me: hmm... yeah okay
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