cdtchekov · 11 years
Cold Winds | @justuhura
It was getting late on a Friday night and all Pavel wanted to do was sleep, but it was chased away by the steady thump of techno music radiating from one of the rooms on his floor.  'Do these people do anything but party?' he thought to himself. He decided a walk would be the best thing to do and hoped that when he got back he would be able to ignore the music. When he reached the ground floor he noticed the frozen wind whipping through the trees and was glad he brought his jacket with him. He stuffed his hands in his pocket and sat on one of the benches outside the dorms, and looking around noticed it was completely empty except for a woman standing outside the girl's dorm. 'She must be very cold...' he thought, chivalry filling him, so he stood and quickly made his way over to her. "Excuse me, miss," he tapped her shoulder lightly, taking off his heavy woolen coat, "You look wery cold, please take my coat so you do not catch a cold,"
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starfleetyearone · 11 years
Welcome to Starfleet Academy- Nyota Uhura
Your schedule is as follows:
8:30-9:30: Hand-to-hand Combat. 9:40-10:30: Introduction to Linguistic Analysis Break 11:00-12:00: Elementary Latin Lunch 1:00-2:00: Principles of Exobiology 2:10-4:10: Ancient Literature and the Formation of Culture
You will be housed in the female dorm, level 2, room 210. You have no room mate at this time.
You will receive your PADD, everyday uniform, dress uniform, and dorm room key upon your arrival on campus. All other equipment and clothing will be provided by your classes.
Welcome to the Academy, cadet. We hope you enjoy your stay.
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[+] 5
✔ five people are on to you
He had been laying low for sixth months, dodging the police and star fleet the same. San Francisco had been easy enough to merge with, and to Khan, it became part of him. The scum of the underbelly that lurked in the city's streets became his cover, and like a man with purpose he waited.
But, it was often he saw people that knew his face; Khan's face, not John Harrison's, or another alias'.
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doctornovan-blog · 11 years
recievingadistresssignal started following you 
enterprisetoxicologist started following you
justuhura started following you
xxdarknessiscomingxx started following you
No one would even think of calling Counselling a tough job, compared to many other positions an officer could hold in Starfleet. Why would they? After all if one decided to dedicate their life to listening to someone else's troubles and insecurities, neglecting ones of their own, and constantly being under pressure of making tough decisions concerning what to write or not to write in a report, which may or may not result in dismissal of a crew member, it was most obviously their choice.
Dr. Novan was perfectly aware that the carrier choice she made would include conducting shadow work no one would really care about that came with all sorts of inconveniences; not to mention a great deal of distrust coming from people, because, let's face it, no one really wants to talk about their problems, more to that, no one wants to allow to write them down for possible future reference, in which case the data perhaps could even be used against them.
That is exactly why Dr. Novan was extremely surprised, maybe even shocked, when Ensign Mary Slater caught her in the corridor and asked to have a word in private. Nevertheless, Novan didn't hesitate to schedule an appointment, after all the Ensign did look troubled. Whatever she had to say must have been interesting in one way or another and Novan even felt good for a moment - finally someone required assistance and she could help!
However, when Ensign Slater never showed up for the appointment, doctor felt a strange sucking feeling of concern develop deep down. It resembled a case of a standard detective novel in many ways - an ugrent message, a disappearance...
Dr. Novan never had a thing for risky ventures, however she couldn't wait for too long and wandered off in search of people who could've seen the Ensign. So far no one had. But the worried Doctor didn't lose hope and kept asking if anyone she'd ran into had seen Ensign Slater.
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agutfeeling · 11 years
• justuhura
Well hello, Nyota.
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spockxtmprsqzntwlfb · 12 years
There were times when Spock wondered if he hadn't stepped into an alternate universe but if the rest of the crew had simply been exposed to some kind of age altering substance and he was the only one immune. That theory was of course constantly disproven after each conversation with his 'crewmates'.  Again and again he was reminded that this was a world where Vulcan was gone, an older version of himself created a black hole (it was illogical, but should he ever find red matter in his own timeline, he would stay far, far, away from it), a large portion of Starfleet was killed in action, and Romulus was a greater threat than he ever knew it to be. 
But one thing remained the same, and that was how truly incredible the crew could perform under pressure and how they carried themselves as people. The stories he was told by the person he could not call captain were by no means exaggerated, that much was certain.
The stories of Lieutenant Uhura were no exception and Spock found himself curious to know more-- how was her life different? Was she able to play the ka'athyra? Did she sing? Was she perceptive? Or would those qualities he had come to associate with her develop later in life? There was no way to find out but to simply ask, so he sent a brief message to her padd. 
Stardate: 2460.1 Recipient: Lieutenant Uhura
At your earliest convenience, I would like to speak with you. 
Stardate: 2460.2 Recipient: Lieutenant Uhura 
The previous message may have been unclear: I am the Spock of the other timeline, the one the ambassador came from as I understand it. However, I am not that Spock. 
I do not differentiate myself from other versions of myself often enough to remember to do so regularly. I trust you will forgive my error.
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