doctornovan-blog · 11 years
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doctornovan-blog · 11 years
Ok. Sorry guys!!! Major life stuff was happening. Will get to replies soon. Most are done anyway, just want to post 'em all at once. I apologise for the delay ^^'.
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doctornovan-blog · 11 years
Does anyone around here even know how much I adore Archer? So... I'm wondering, are there roleplayers from ENT around here? I saw one Ezri Dax from DS9... so... maybe? Maybe? I really love every single character from ENT, Tucker, Reed, T'pol... so if anyone's around I'd like to try RPing with those characters :D Could we pwease?
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doctornovan-blog · 11 years
A risky idea. A tough idea... but I really want my charater to meet a Borg... preferably not end up assimilated =.=
Anyway... if someone is willing to think through a plot with me in which the Borg will be present it'd be awesome... hard, very very hard... but awesome!
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doctornovan-blog · 11 years
Yet again yet another plot idea. There is a medical convention on one of the planets. Enterprise crew attends. Suddenly in the middle of the reception - bam! one of the doctors mysteriously dies. What was his research and why was he killed? Stay tuned.
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doctornovan-blog · 11 years
Write a Headcanon about my character
If it’s good, it will become official.
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doctornovan-blog · 11 years
I owe:
Tomorrow, tomorrow, we'll get there tomoooooroooooow.
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doctornovan-blog · 11 years
If you would be so kind as to reblog this if you feel insecure about your writing skills.
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doctornovan-blog · 11 years
gaveanoath replied to your post:
//omfg thats the cutest thing ever. can they like. become best bros and psychologically destroy everyone ever? but gdi bones wouldnt let her do that except to maybe jocelyn
ooc; well, as far as I see it... and from what I understood Ellen actually wants to rebel against the Empire and since Bones is so 'wow' she wants him to join in >.>; But that might be my silly assumption... So bros and destroying... that may be an actual thing. And omg, yes, she's so cute on the inside I cannot ^^
And I really loved that on the open Bones is like 'come at me bro, kick me in the nuts I dare ya' and on the inside 'damn, she's gonna kick me in the nuts, isn't she'? ahahahhahaha
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doctornovan-blog · 11 years
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doctornovan-blog · 11 years
Send me a '★' and I will tell you how my character feels about yours (openly and secretly) with a gif
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doctornovan-blog · 11 years
"Good. Good. Very good," Dr. Novan smiled warmly and nodded her head along the way of his speech. "You are probably one of the few people that came to my office, who did not require a short lecture on how to position yourself in the world," she said and made some quick notes on her PADD. "Most people tend to over think and consider their deep emotional problems to be the guiding light through their lives, when in all actuality our actions, achievements and interests speak a lot louder than emotional traumas. You saved me quite some work here, Doctor," noting that she let out a frown. "However I must ask, as to how you came to have such a high experience in what is important in life and what is not. Usually it's a result of successfully overcoming great trials - wisdom comes at costs, sometimes high ones. Also, you mentioned that you know your birth parents and that you assume that chapter is over... Would you be so kind as to elaborate? When you assume it is over, do you want it to be? I do not mean to pry or disrespect, however, sometimes even hobbies can not make people free from the burden of tough experience. You hobby is perfection - expressing the troubles of the soul in music is most positive. However sometimes one may need... feedback. Human participation. Sometimes it's nice to know that you can voice your concerns to someone who will never judge, can listen, will never tell anyone... Sharing can be quite relieving. That's basically what I'm here for - to understand you, when even you can't. So if you don't mind having a quick talk about your parents and life experiences, would you be so kind...?" She paused, never finishing her phrase and studied her current 'client'.
“I do love my job.” He chuckled, nodding slightly. She was good at her job, that much was completely obvious. So much psychoanalyst babble from just a couple of words. He had to admit that he was impressed. He rolled one of his shoulders in a slight shrug. “I think I’m at a place in my life where I’m content with who I am. Sure, I’d like to eventually have a higher rank at work, be a better musician, but I’m young, and those things will come in time.” He chewed his bottom lip. “I know my birth parents, and I’m pretty sure that chapter of my life is over. My aunt and uncle, the ones who adopted me, they’re my family, and I’m content with that. Having a spouse and kids…That appeals to me, but doesn’t seem very practical or doable, considering.”
He took a deep breath. “The surface things are important to me. I like who I am on the surface, and I don’t really see the point of trying to delve any deeper into that, I guess. Who I am in general is the person most people want to know.”
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doctornovan-blog · 11 years
"Oh, then allow me to ellaborate. Are you not Moore, Aelliana age: **, rank: Lieutenant of the Starfleet, race: Betazoid, affilation: United Federation of Planets?" Ellen asked, lifting her eyebrow questioningly. "That was, as I recall, the introduction to your personnel file to which I have access to. And," she lowered her voice. "Is it not true that your race is said to be telepathic? Not touch-telepathic like the Vulcans, but vastly telepathic? I'm surprised if no one had figured out your race affilation. One does not need access to classified information to notice your eye structure. However, I do believe one should've read: 'What do we know about the Betazoid?' by Dr. Phlox. People really need to read," she said and looked over the security officers, who were completely unaware of the dialogue. "Forgive my temper today. I was really hoping not to be a part of this team, as you can understand due to the long time since I've last seen my sister... and I'll be completely honest, I wasn't planning on seeing her at all."
Pick up surprises.
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doctornovan-blog · 11 years
"Do I sense hostility, Captain?" she frowned at the choice of words yet again. The sarcastic emphasis on the word 'help', the use of a word 'push', set decision on not being among those who might need that 'help'... "I believe it is not unexpected. Most people confuse my profession with that of a psychiatrist. However I'm not assigned to treat whatever mental illnesses people might have. By all means, I let them have and embrace them. My primary intention is guidance and to make sure that stress and pressure does not affect people badly. I did not come to dismiss anyone, I am to make sure everyone performs duties as long as possible and, preferably, accurately." She lifted an eyebrow and looked the Captain over. "I'm more like... a personal box of secrets. A crewman being annoying? By all means, tell me about it instead of yelling at them. Planning something risky? By all means, share. I'll support. Plus my confidentiality binds me... So... I assure you, I am not to interfere, I am here to treat minor needs, that can pile up if untreated and cause big trouble."
+ 5
“No, I’m happy to have you on board,” she replied, putting on her best diplomatic smile. “I just meant that some of the crew might be resistant to your attempts to ‘help’ them. I am very happy that you can help those who want your assistance, but I would advise you not to push those who aren’t ready to talk.”
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doctornovan-blog · 11 years
By then Novan couldn't hold her grin anymore. Ah, finally she was questioned, and there she wondered how long could she continue being inappropriate before she was caught.  "Ah, well. Guilty as charged," she brought her hands up in defensive manner. "I did not lie, I have read your file. But did I put too much attention to it...?' the doctor shrugged, obviously indicating that the answer to the rhetorical question was 'no'. "Have you ever thought to ask yourself such a trivial thing as: what is a personnel file? Have you ever had clearance to see one of those? I have seen quite a few. Most of them contain basic data, dry and not interesting: names, dates of births, ranks... Very very basic. Very very dry. There are exceptions, however, some talented individuals do have a list of achievements on their file, usually very impressive those are. Very. And now, lastly, the main thing about the personnel file is that it was composed by someone who knows absolutely little to nothing about the individual whose name is on the file. Of course, sometimes other people add things that are to be included, like Captains under which one had served who write a recommendation and evaluation which just 'might' be included. But all in all it comes to this - a file is a bunch of information that went through a prism of various minds of people, who have no authority to carry out judgments they sometimes feel free to carry out. And here I am, someone who has to look at you, look through you to see if you are satisfied with your life, if you are strong enough to go through tense situations and come out, not damaged, not just as you were prior to it, but stronger and better... Do you really think me foolish enough to rely on the dry processed information that had probably lost its credibility a long time ago? Nah. I'd rather ask you. Because who can update me on where you are in life better than you yourself, mmm? Probably no one, and to be honest even you don't know everything about yourself. Now how can trust a file? And if you recall what you've said to me just now and imagine what is on your file you can guess that I've managed to find out many new things about you during such a short conversation. For example, I did not know that you father wanted to bring you to Vulcan. That part of the story raises questions and might prove interesting... Do you see where I am going with this? So... tea some time?"
doctornovan is in the lab
Arrakis watched the Doctor speak with a mildly interested expression, one she hoped came across as being polite. She had rarely spoken about the destruction of Vulcan to anyone outside of the Academy; instructors who had felt the need to visit her at home while she cared for her sick mother to tell her the news, ask if she was okay. How could she be ‘okay’, her father’s home had just been destroyed… She was in danger of being lost in her thoughts on the past when the Doctor spoke of their difference in cultures, and thought it most odd. A perplexed frown twitched on her face and she turned her head slightly, still maintaining eye contact with the Doctor.
“That would indeed be an interesting conversation, had I been born and raised on Vulcan,” Arrakis said evenly. “My mother gave birth to me on a star ship very close to Earth, and there were complications that prompted her return to Earth to seek medical attention. My father was intending on bringing us to Vulcan when I was older, but he died before it could be arranged. So, Doctor, any cultural collisions that would occur during such a conversation would be limited to which part of Earth we grew up in. Of course, that would all be in my Star Fleet file, which you have claimed to have read already.”
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doctornovan-blog · 11 years
pavelcandozat replied to your post: Gah. Everyone is reblogging those posts about...
// I play a canon character and even /Im/ self concious. I just hope people can keep in mind that not every character will be 100% perfect. xo
Well it's just that... the dash was just dash and then suddenly BAM. Like WHOA. And now I can't... Because e.g. I chose the rank of Lt. Commander for one single reason - it wasn't very popular in Star Trek... they like wanted more characters to have those ranks but never did, if I'm not mistaken they wanted Reed to be Lt. Cmdr. Love Malcolm! Khe... anyway...
I just wonder... From my experience no matter how many times you tell a person who doesn't do their research to do it... they just won't. =.=; And those who do their research, they do. Maybe they are not 100% perfect at it, everyone makes mistakes. Usually people accept constructive critisim and help. I'm new to RPing in this fandom and it seemed that everyone is so very friendly, now I have this odd paranoia that they tell you you're awesome but behind your back they are like... you suuuuuck XD Ah, the perks of being an artistic person. All the self-loathing :D
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doctornovan-blog · 11 years
Gah. Everyone is reblogging those posts about ranks and reassignments and now I'm extremely self-consious. =.=; I'm trying my best to make my character realistic and now I'm all adjfljjkflakjfeifndjknvcdsjk. Because seriously...
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