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facelesspoetry · 2 years ago
choke me
Hi! I want to preface this poem with a few things. 1) I originally posted this and a few people were kind enough to tell me that I really should include TWs, so I will do that from now on. 2) this is not a love poem. this is not supposed to be romantic, this is supposed to be about the idea of stockholm syndrome or how someone in an abusive relationship is willing to overlook everything and the extremes it may take to convince the relationship isn't healthy. this is based off my own personal relationship experience, and is in no way saying we should overlook or romanticize the idea of abuse.
TW: Choking, death, corpse, abuse
choke me not in a sexy way i want you to wrap your fists around my neck until i cant breathe until my skin is purple and my eyes bug out i want you to be the last thing i see
and then take my body leave it in the sun let it rot and decay let my flesh melt from my bones until the neighbors complain of the stench
choke me until you arms start to cramp and your fingers are sore and my neck is bruised choke me so hard youd think my bones would snap
because maybe then and only then would i be able to hate you
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slowestrevolutionary · 8 years ago
"honestly i been through a lot of shit but i'm still in this bitch, evolving, full of love, and doing what i got to do to b happy 4 me!!!"
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pk8068 · 6 years ago
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The medicine only I have who helped me for surviving
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kyungsoosvoiceisheaven · 7 years ago
Missing Belongings
I almost lost my heart between green fields, warm mountains and flowing lakes.
I consciously lost my heart in Venice, lost it in the depth of its waters and in the stone of her roads.
If someone happens to find it, don’t return it back to me,
leave it there, for it will be too heavy to carry.
I lost my eyes on a bright silent smile,
I laid them on a pair of feline sea green lights
turned on by sadness, turmoil, love and hope all at once.
I lost my head between soft pillows and warm sheets.
I was about to lose myself into the abyss of an embrace,
but I had to fly back home, like a robin to its nest.
So I put my soul in a suitcase,
held tight onto the sharpest piece of paper
and I retreated,
just like the sea waves after meeting the cliff
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24848292443 · 8 years ago
i cant even understand how i grew so much from that terrible, yet life-changing experience and being able to see my mom not worry about me every second makes me feel good. but coming out of it i’ve become a whole different person- and i love that person. i just cant understand at all though. life is different now, and i can say that it’s bearable now 
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justagirlexperiencing · 8 years ago
and though she was okay, she still felt a vacancy in her heart.
justmyfeelings [3amfeelss]
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pk8068 · 8 years ago
I feel like when it comes to writing i find myself writing about the human race, about this universe. Forgetting that i should be writing for myself, about myself and my feelings or people i love and care about or people who hurt me. But i never did.
p.k. (inside the walls)
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4.5.16|4:55 pm
Friendship means so many different things to different people. I just wish that there was only one universal meaning of the word. I just wish that I knew his specific meaning of it. I just wish that I knew The Truth. I'm so willing and ready to be whatever we're supposed to be. Just friends, friends with benefits, cuddle buddies, much more? I just don't know exactly what he wants from me and that's The Problem. A constant mind-boggling, overly confusing set of interactions in which neither one of us are able to be completely upfront and honest with one another as well as ourselves. A breathtaking, heart racing, over-joyous set of interactions in which neither one of us are able to be completely open and direct with one another as well as ourselves. Both one in the same, nervous, and confused. Beating around The Bush. I want to tell him so bad but it's never the right moment. I want to fuck him so bad but it's never the right moment. I want him to be mine so bad but maybe it's not the right Moment. A moment to sit and think and breathe is exactly what I need. A moment to see and hear and touch is exactly what I need. A moment to kiss and taste and love is exactly what I need. Sensual sensations that I often think about while awaiting The Interaction. Very bad thoughts whenever he comes around. Very bad thoughts about the things that would go down. But there's such a huge risk in telling him that I can't. Will we ever really know? Because I want to know The Truth.
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sadand-boujee · 10 years ago
Do you want to know the truth about breaking up with a boy, the truth that nobody will tell you? Truth is when he leaves he won’t get drunk and text you, he will not text you at all. You will stare at your phone for months waiting for it to light up with a message from him, but it won’t. He won’t tell your friends he misses you, he will not miss you at all. He will promise that even though you’re broken up that you can still call him when you need him, but he will not answer at 1 AM when you cannot breathe and you just need to talk to someone about the burning hole in your heart. He will not show up at your house apologizing like the boys do in the movies, he’ll kiss your best friend and tell you to fuck off. He doesn’t miss you, he doesn’t love you. And it’ll hurt, jesus christ it’ll fucking kill you, and you will cry, and you will not sleep, and you will not eat, and you will be alone, and waking up will be painful, And this is the truth about heart break. This is the truth nobody can prepare you for, this is the truth your mom won’t tell you and the truth the movies about love won’t show you. He will deicide you are not enough and he will break your fucking heart. and thats how it will be. And thats the fucking truth.
what i wish someone fucking told me
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idig-yourvibes · 10 years ago
I'm a really nice girl. I'm there for everyone, I try to be everyone's friend. BUT if you cross me and make me not like you or I think your a crap person. I will not like you or respect you as a person and I won't care how you feel.
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pinkpumpkinprincess · 10 years ago
Silly but true
Words of pain will forever be a whisper on my lips. Voice soft with submission as I try not to be forgotten. Feelings poured into bottles that get tossed aside. Bottles are broken when you step on my insides. When those bottles break my feelings pour out. And then I go cry into my pillow and watch porn cause sex = love ; 3 ;
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pk8068 · 8 years ago
How can i forget those days, when we knew each other more than ourselves
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secretsinajewel · 11 years ago
One weird thing about me: I completely respect the sanctity of marriage. I take the marriage over the wedding. I would rather get married in the back yard with 4 people there and have an 80+ year marriage than to have a 300 person wedding and get divorced in 6 months. This generation is slipping. I'm seeing more marriage and divorces in the same year than anything. But then again, that goes on to another topic that I don't feel like touching. 
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fallingfantasy-blog · 11 years ago
I was the sun and you were the moon... I am a firecracker and you couldn't handle me so I burned you. Beautiful but dangerous. Passionate and out of control. I burst too many times. 
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ochayesam · 11 years ago
I just have to say this! I really do Love "InTheFlesh" the show not just the characters it's such an awesome show and I've just preordered series one and two on DVD so I'm excited for that and I completely agree I hope people don't get to hung up on just the shipping I'm not I mean I'm excited they kissed and I nearly died off it was just a gorgeous moment, I do feel crap for Amy. There is more to the show than shipping it's well written and acted and I can't wait to see what happens next! :) Btw no I'm not great with words can you tell? Lmao xxx
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emilydoesscience · 11 years ago
We never thought something like that would happen here. Not on that day. Not at that race. We felt violated. Damaged. Shocked. We all know someone who lives there, or came out to help in the med tents or water stations, or support from the sidelines. Or were running. When the city locked down, we felt trapped. When they were found, we felt relief. We came together, started to heal and mourn. A year ago, our community woke up to run what many feel is our Mecca. A right of passage. In a week, we will do it again. Only this time it will be bigger. Security will be tighter, but only just. The best of our sport are coming out to celebrate with everyone who is running. The city is coming out to celebrate with us again. We remember. We won't forget. We will keep running.
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