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creationofagod · 5 years ago
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Tallahassee Police are investigating the death of a Black Lives Matter protester whose body was found just days after she was reported missing, according to a police news release.⁣ Oluwatoyin Salau, 19, along with a 75-year-old woman were found dead on Saturday night. ⁣⁣⁣
Authorities have not released details as to what the relationship was between the two women or how they were killed. Both deaths are being investigated as homicides, police said. ⁣⁣⁣
⁣⁣A suspect has been taken into custody. He is identified as 49-year-old Aaron Glee Jr. ⁣⁣⁣
Salau had not been heard from since June 6, the same day she shared a series of tweets writing that she had been sexually assaulted earlier that morning.⁣
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pessimistcameleon · 5 years ago
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therealkitchencabinet · 4 years ago
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Black lives do matter abs we can never stop seeking justice for those lives loss #blacklivesmatter #stopkillingblackpeople #stopthehate #stopracism #justiceforbreonnataylor #justiceforgeorgefloyd #justiceforahmadaubrey #justiceforelijahmcclain #justiceforninapop #justiceforrayshardbrooks #justiceforoluwatoyinsalau #justiceforseanreed #justicefortroymcdade https://www.instagram.com/p/CJcN__5JEmT/?igshid=2j2p3nla1itw
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gigartdropshispants · 5 years ago
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#blacklivesmatter #blacklivesstillmatter #justiceforgeorgefloyd #justiceforbreonnataylor #justiceforelijahmcclain #justiceforrayshardbrooks #justiceforahmaudarbery #justicefortamirrice #justiceforoluwatoyinsalau #justiceforericgarner #saytheirnames https://www.instagram.com/p/CCMg0d7hT71/?igshid=w9lkcjrvrg1u
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just-cruisin · 5 years ago
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#justiceforoluwatoyinsalau #justiceforvickisims #blacklivesmatter Both of these women young and old fought for rights and help increase BLM protest. They wanted nothing more but to increase the peace and awareness of police brutality in the black community and to ensure equal justice for every race and sex. They will surely be missed. Gone too soon. https://www.instagram.com/p/CBnliNsASnr/?igshid=1puu09v88st52
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teck-the-rapper · 5 years ago
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#justiceforoluwatoyinsalau 🙏🏾❤💚 • • • • • • • #TrueBlaqueMedia #blackpower #blackamerica #blackexcellence #blackandproud #policereform #lawreform #freedom #power #organization #leadership #blackeconomics #blackpolitics #blackcourt #blackpolice #blackeducation #blackmedia #blacknews #african #africanamericans #woke #blackwoke #BlacksAgainstRacism #bar #platinumblack https://www.instagram.com/p/CBhE-TvjEtH/?igshid=1vtjory1rblcf
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coolbailiffmuffinathlete · 5 years ago
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#2pac #remembering2pac #blackexcellence #BlackLivesMatter #blackout #blackoutday2020 #blackisbeautyr #blackheros #blacksupremacy #blacksuperman #africanfashion #africanamerican #justiceforoluwatoyinsalau #justiceforjennifer #justicegorbreonnataylor #JusticeforGeorgesFloyd #untiljustice #untilfreedom #heros #blackgirlmagic #boston #blackgirls #blackisbeauty #love #lagos #hongkong #philadelphia #cute #beautiful #instagram https://www.instagram.com/p/CBfsGAzHgrt/?igshid=1wz1b30vqjbc5
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fabulizemag · 5 years ago
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Wishing Oluwatoyin "Toyin" Salau a happy, heavenly 20th birthday. ⁣ .⁣ .⁣ .⁣ .⁣ .⁣ #womanism #blackfeminism #protectblackwomen #feminist #blmmovement #intersectionalfeminism #blackwomenmatter #defundthepolice #blackculturematters #blm #nojusticenopeace #melaninthursday #oluwatoyinsalau #radicalselflove #blackwomenwriters #abolishice #justiceforbreonnataylor #justicefortoyin #blacklivesmatter #blackfeministmedia #radicalselfcare #breonnataylor #sayhername #protest #saytheirnames #blackgirlsmatter #amplifymelanatedvoices #justiceforoluwatoyinsalau #blackselfcare (at Brooklyn, New York) https://www.instagram.com/p/CEZhoxGpzwV/?igshid=16wa5va340nsn
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kamiartist9 · 5 years ago
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They failed to mention this in school. Educate yourselves with the truth. When I have kids, they’re gonna be homeschooled with the truth. ✊🏾 Posted @withregram • @martial_gardener Reposted from @citlalicue.diosa There is so little respect for indigenous peoples in this country and it needs to change . . . . . #BlackLivesMatter #saytheirnames #JusticeForGeorgeFloyd #GeorgeFloyd #JusticeforBreonnaTaylor #breonnataylor #JusticeforAhmaudArbery #ahmaudarbery #justiceforderrickscott #derrickscott #justiceforrobertfuller#robertfuller #justiceforelijahmcclain #elijahmcclain #justiciaparagiovanni #justiceforvanessaguillen #chingalamigra #fuckice #protectblackwomen #allblacklivesmatter #justiceforoluwatoyinsalau #oluwatoyinsalau #lasvidasnegrasimportan #latinosforblacklives #niunamas - #regrann https://www.instagram.com/p/CDMbqlxpGvA/?igshid=vm6u5lt0jkff
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coolbailiffmuffinathlete · 5 years ago
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Happy birthday 🎂🎉🎈 @icecube my you live to grow bigger and better. #BlackLivesMatter #blackexcellence #blackouttuesday⚫️ #BLACK_LIVES_MATTERS #blackout #blackoutday2020 #blackisbeauty #blacklivesmatter✊🏾 #blackheros #blacksupremacy #blacksuperman #africanfashion #africanamerican #justiceforoluwatoyinsalau #justiceforahmaud #justiceforjennifer #justicegorbreonnataylor #JusticeforGeorgesFloyd #untiljustice #untilfreedom #heros https://www.instagram.com/p/CBfk-orncxD/?igshid=rnnn3s11lwj5
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coolbailiffmuffinathlete · 5 years ago
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#BlackLivesMatter #blackexcellence #blackouttuesday⚫️ #BLACK_LIVES_MATTERS #blackout #blackoutday2020 #blackisbeauty #blacklivesmatter✊🏾 #blackheros #blacksupremacy #blacksuperman #africanfashion #africanamerican #justiceforoluwatoyinsalau #justiceforahmaud #justiceforjennifer #justicegorbreonnataylor #JusticeforGeorgesFloyd #untiljustice #untilfreedom #heros #blackgirlmagic #blackgirls #blackisbeauty #love https://www.instagram.com/p/CBfizfWH7t5/?igshid=d88nt6he0ryv
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coolbailiffmuffinathlete · 5 years ago
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 Rest in peace our Brave Warrior Queen #OLUWATOYINSALAU Accountability is a MUST!! #justiceforoluwatoyinsalau #justiceforjennifer #JusticeForAll #justicegorbreonnataylor #JusticeforGeorgesFloyd #justiceforahmaud #fightforjustice #fightpolicebrutality #stopracism #justice #BlackLivesMatter #untiljustice #untilfreedom https://www.instagram.com/p/CBfJU8cnkh3/?igshid=1fimckw50wgth
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