#justice for colten
aimnerual · 7 months
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sydsaint · 1 year
My fav goofballs 🖤
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Summary: Jay's cousin joins AEW and catches the attention of Juice, Colten, and Austin.
The airport is oddly quiet for the middle of the day when you step off the plane. There are a few people around but not nearly as many as you're used to seeing as a frequent flyer.
After you've collected your things from the baggage claim you head out and scan the area for your cousin who's supposed to be picking you up. "Where is he?" You pull your phone out to see if you missed a text from Jay.
"Y/N! Over here!" Someone shouts your name while you're looking at your phone.
You look up from your phone just in time to see Juice coming at you full speed. There are two younger guys behind him looking slightly confused. "Juice?" You hold your hands out in front of you as Robinson comes toward you.
"You happy to see me?" Juice reaches your side and engulfs you in a hug.
"Always." You cough with a small smile as Juice crushes you against his chest. "But where is Jay at?" You can't help but notice that your cousin is missing.
Juice releases you from his death grip and returns you to your feet. "He had a last-minute meeting that he couldn't miss." He explains. "So he sent me and the boys. This is Austin and Colten Gunn."
You turn away from Juice and greet your cousin's new friends. "Billy Gunns kids, right?" You ask them. "It's nice to meet you guys."
"Pleasures all mine." Colten steps up first and offers you his hand. "Juice was saying that you were pretty, but I gotta say." He chuckles. "Words aren't doing you any justice."
"Awe." You giggle. "You must be Colten. Jay warned me that you were the flirty one." You shake his hand.
Austin steps in, not about to be overshadowed by his brother. "He's the flirty one, but I'm the handsome one." He insists and goes to shake your hand as well.
"Good to know." You shake his hand with another laugh.
Juice cuts back in and slings an arm over your shoulder. "Alright. You two are going to have to get in line. I've been working at Y/N for years now."
You roll your eyes and drop Juice's arm from your shoulder. "Well, I am single now." You announce. "So who knows? One of you might get a shot this time." You tease the group.
Juice perks up at the news. "Really?" He asks you. "When did you and Riley stop seeing one another?" He asks you.
"A few months ago." You shrug. "We just kind of drifted apart. Then Jay got me this new job in the States." You explain. "I'm pretty sure Riley is already seeing someone new."
Juice picks up your luggage for you and everyone heads out to the car. Austin and Colten post up on either side of you and start a casual conversation while Juice is walking ahead of you and playing luggage handler.
"So, do you two like hanging out with Juice and Jay so far?" You ask the brothers.
"It's been fun," Austin answers first. "Juice took a bit of time to get used to." He adds with a joking laugh.
You match his laugh and agree. "I've known Juice for almost a decade and I'm still not fully used to him."
"So he's really just like that?" Colten replies.
"Mhm." You nod.
As if on cue, Juice reaches the car and hurries to pull the passenger side door open for you. "Your chariot awaits, my lady." He bows with a goofy grin.
"Thank you, Juice." You giggle and slip into the car.
The car ride is filled with more flirty banter. Jay is waiting for you when you finally reach the hotel. He watches you exit Juice's car after Austin opened the door for you. The trio swarms around you like eager bees to a flower as you all cross the parking lot.
"You look like you're having fun." Jay quips when you reach him.
"This is the best group you've ever been a part of." You laugh. "I can't wait to see what kind of shit we can get into."
Jay rolls his eyes playfully and gives you a small hug. "I've got you a match scheduled for tonight if you're up for it." He informs you. "Though I made sure to let the boss know that it wasn't guaranteed so no pressure." He adds.
"Great! You know me, Jay. I'm always up for a good fight" You welcome the challenge.
Everyone heads up to the hotel to hang out for a while before it's time for the show. Juice offers to lug your suitcase up for you and you let him again.
"So Juice is your bellhop now?" Jay questions you on the elevator ride up to the room.
"He doesn't mind." You reply. "Right, Juice?" You turn to Robinson with a smile.
Juice beams with that signature goofy smile of his. "Of course not!" He assures you and Jay. "The lady should never have to heave her bag alone when there's someone else to do it for her." He insists.
"See?" You poke Jay on the arm.
"Whatever," Jay mumbles to himself.
Colten and Austin part ways with the group until the show so you, Jay, and Juice head for the hotel room. Juice sets your luggage down for you next to the bed in your room and you thank him.
"Thanks, Juice." You smile and sit down.
Juice nods and sits down next to you. "So, tell me more about how Riley broke your heart. And more importantly, how your old boy Juice can help heal it." He teases you.
"You and Riley broke up?" Jay cuts in from the other side of the room.
"Yeah, a few months ago." You nod.
You hear Jay mumble something under his breath before he turns back to you. "Great. So that means Juice isn't the only one that I've gotta worry about being all over you now." He complains.
"Hey! That's my job!" Juice perks up. "If anyone wants Y/N, they'll have to go through me."
"Yeah!" You laugh. "That's what I've got Juice for!" You laugh and hug him from the side. "And it looks like Austin and Colten now as well." You add.
Later in the night, everyone is backstage for Dynamite so you can have your first match in the company. You've already changed into your ring gear and are just waiting for your cue to head out. Austin and Colten are on either side of you, and Juice is standing right behind you.
"Okay! Let's go out there and kick some ass!" You adjust your top right as your music hits.
You walk down the ramp with Juice, Austin, and Colten accompanying you to the ring. You kick ass in the ring against Ana Jay and pick up the win. The bell rings and the boys all swarm you in the ring. Austin and Colten both hoist you onto their shoulders between them and Juice takes up the free space under you.
You laugh and relish in the ideas of all the fun you know that you're about to have in these next few months.
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chibi-sunrise · 2 years
Everything I could find on Laplace
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The Red Wolf, one of the Alphas who support the empire alongside August. Ever manipulating, tempting, and deceiving, she is truly a demon in her own right. Although she is nonetheless favored by the emperor, there are many within the empire who distrust her. Even so, her charm and beauty have placed untold numbers of imperial soldiers under her spell, as if drawn to her unique dangerous aroma. She and Alexandra are polar opposites, incessantly bickering and fighting like cats and dogs.
Birthday -  September 25
No birth year or age revealed
Bow wielder
Height - 158cm
Theme Color - #d337e5
Here’s the post on where you can watch the story.
Episodes she appears in
August ep. 1 Checkmate
August ep. 2 Seeds of Despair
Alexandra ep. 1 The Sun
Laplace ep. 1 The Witch’s Whim
Leo ep. 2 The Noble One
Lisette ep. 2 Entangled Pasts
Ana-Maria ep. 1 Leaving the Birdcage
Crossroads ep. 1 The Habakiri Incident
ep. final Blossoming Heroes
Event stories she appears in
Valentines Day
Anime episodes she cameos in
Tales of Luminaria the Fateful Crossroad ep. 2*
Episodes she’s mentioned in
Leo ep. 1 Budding Heroes
Alexandra ep. 2 Pardon for Justice (highly implied)
Hugo ep. 2 Battlefield of Farewells
Event stories she’s mentioned in
April Fools Day
References and Miscellany
Video of her outfits/Mystic Artes (EN audio and text)
Some references for Laplace’s outfits
Video of Laplace’s Mystic Artes (JP audio and text) Scroll down for some screenshots of descriptions of her Mystic Artes
A video showing how Laplace can use NPC Bastien as a shield when bruteforcing your way through the security system
JP Voice Collection
Her archive section
Favorite Dishes (excluding Noble dishes and Elixir)
Cream Anmitsu
Creamy Yogurt Drink
Desert Mint Tea
Glamorous Cordial
Izamille Stroopwafels
Jantbelle’s Silky Smooth Tofu
Lightning Apple Yokan
Milk Ice Cream Bar
Rainbow Rock Candy Rose Chai
Thick Strawberry Milk *secret recipe
Hated Dishes (excluding expired event dishes and Ana-Maria's cooking)
Amelie’s Stamina Bowl
Beginner’s Pot-Au-Feu
Bitter Ratatouille
Canned Meat & Potato Gallete
Chargrilled Meat Fest
Chicken Wing Skewers
Colten Fresh Salad
Colten’s Stuffed Cabbage Roll
Creamy Egg & Vegetable Galette
Crispy Crust Sauté
Egg Cutlet Sandwich
Fermented Bean Spread
Front-Line Camp Knödel
Golden Roast Beast Nest Bowl
Green Veggie Drink
Healthy Archonis Quinoa Cake
Healthy Glass Noodle Salad
High Protein Fried Bugs
Level-10 Spicy Mabo Curry
Lunch Lady’s Rice Ball
Macho-Piled Stew
Meaty Pan-Fried Dumplings
Nutritional Non-Perishable
Nutritional Non-Perishable B
Odrgard-Style Keema Curry
Pickled Mushrooms
Schnitzel & Tartar Sauce
Sea Cucumber Marinade
Silvayer Vegetable Terrine
Special Nutritional Drink
Spicy Seafood Curry
Spicy Yogurt Rice
Tender Braised Mijeero
Ultra Smoothie
Veggie Bagna Càuda
*You can find Laplace sitting next to Emperor Sigismund Marschner in the throne room at the end of episode 2
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This means that all the Alpha generals (both current and future) made an appearance in the anime!
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nando161mando · 1 year
Call to Action Justice for Colten and Tina
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jonathanvik · 1 year
Starlight Dream - Chapter 47
“Call me Kaguya, the Dreamer.” The Devil Princess said, giving a polite bow. “I’m pleased to meet you, Seina, the Troublemaker. You’ve caused Mei no end of grief with your meddling.”
“I swore I’d stop your kind from hurting anyone else.” Seina clutched her hand hard enough to draw blood. “I’m fixing the damage you caused. We’re freeing the old queen, stopping your vile plans.”
“Silly little girl,” Kaguya said, giving a mock exasperated sigh. “Has Charity been feeding your little head these delusions? What if I told you that you’ve been fighting for the wrong side? That you’re only hastening the destruction of everything?”
“I’m afraid the multiverse is doomed. It will soon become a dead husk devoid of life. Think about your world, child. Its destruction is inevitable.”  
“Inevitable?” A stab of ice tore through her heart as she realized how defenseless she’d left the people she loved the most. Soon Aiko, Seiko, and Uncle Kenji would die, and nothing could stop it.
“But we can help you, Seina.” Kaguya continued. “When Mei rejuvenates the cosmos, we will restore all. We will replace this multiverse of suffering with an eternal, blissful paradise. That is our purpose, to renew a broken multiverse.”
“Why are we fighting against you?” Seina looked into the Devil Princess’s eyes, seeing nothing but supreme kindness. Why had she even considered fighting against such a noble soul? Starlight Dream and the Princesses only wanted to restore justice to the cosmos. How had Seina been blind to this irrefutable fact?
“We should be friends! You’re right, Kaguya!” Seina looked down, ashamed. “Could you ever forgive me for the trouble I caused?”
“You’re already forgiven, Seina,” Kaguya said, her kind voice warming Seina’s sad and broken heart. “Let us be sisters!” Much to her delight, Emiyo and Colten nodded in agreement, finally seeing sense. 
“Don’t give me this love and friendship crap!” A violent voice broke through the tender moment, smashing it to pieces. “It’s you monsters that ruined the cosmos in the first place. And we’re meant to trust you with the next? What bull!”
This outburst caught everyone by surprise, mouths agape at the pure audacity. It jabbed into Seina’s brain, leaving her momentarily dazed. What the heck was that? Why had she agreed with a monster like Kaguya? 
“She was trying to corrupt your souls,” Charity said as a way of explanation. “With the cloud of suffering, you were especially vulnerable. But she forgot somebody in the room, assuming he wasn’t worth bothering with.”
“Impossible!” The serene expression on Kaguya’s face vanished, replaced with pure incongruity. “He shouldn’t have been able to break my spell, regardless!”
But Seina understood. Mr. Kiyojiro had a high place in her heart. He was family, rough edges and all. If anyone could reach out to her, it was him. 
“Damn.” Emiyo grabbed at her head, suffering an even worse headache. With the Devil Princess’s concentration lost, her soul-corrupting spell had fizzed. 
“Pest.” Kaguya’s lovely face morphed into something ugly, almost inhuman in its fury. The sudden smile drove daggers into her heart, making Seina retreat a step. “No matter. I’ll rip you to shreds instead. It’d been too long since I’d played with anyone. And it doesn’t matter what you do. I’ve already preordained how you will die. Your petty victory was pointless!” 
“Your evil ends here!” Seina summoned her staff to her waiting hands, already in motion to strike. While ruthless and mean, she couldn’t allow the Devil Princess to transform. 
“Huh?” Seina blinked as she struck open air, their opponent already across the room. She coughed in pain as Kaguya delivered a punishing kick to her sternum, atomizing several ribs. Even in her civilian form, the Dreamer was this powerful? Seina retaliated with a wild punch, but Kaguya had already disappeared. 
“Emiyo,” Seina said, grimacing as the Devil Princess’s face smashed her nose in with another blow too quick to avoid. Dang, it was like Kaguya knew exactly where she’d move.
“Right,” Emiyo said, breaking her trance of fear. Despite her resolve, fighting against a Devil Princess filled her with unspeakable dread. 
“It doesn’t matter,” Kaguya said, her tone airy. “Two or ten thousand, your fates are already preordained!”
Seina watched helplessly as her every attack came to naught, avoided like the Devil Princess had seen them a year away. Remarkable! Even the untransformed Yuuka Tsujikawa hadn’t been this crazy powerful. Kaguya blinked as Emiyo disappeared like she’d never been there. The Devil Princess’s eyes widened as she dodged a blow meant for her skull. An opening clear, Seina’s fist flew toward the Devil Princess’s exposed back. While an open palm had intercepted her punch, Seina had finally touched her. 
“Oh, so that’s how it is,” Kaguya said, somewhat annoyed. 
“Ha! Just as Charity thought! Your ability to manipulate timelines isn’t as useful against someone with time powers!” The fairy said, tone smug. 
“So that’s her ability?” Seina asked, scowling. What an annoying power. 
“Oh!” Colten said, his fairy eyes alighting with understanding and mischief. So far, he’d opted to stay on the sidelines, saving his power for an opportune moment. This unexpected insight into Kaguya gave him some ability to change the outcome. 
“That’s telling!” Kaguya said, her expression darkening. 
The Devil Princess hissed as Emiyo landed a glancing blow with her hoop, the former lieutenant flickering around the battlefield as time went into an erratic flux. Despite their change in fortune, they still couldn’t land a significant blow against their opponent. 
“Impressive. It’s been a while since anyone has pushed me. But you won’t find me such an easy foe.” Seina blinked as four Kaguya appeared from nowhere, each attacking her from a different angle. Flummoxed, her blow with her staff flew through an illusionary Kaguya. Seina’s head spun as the room’s proportions became wonky, making it difficult to tell the distance. 
Blow after blow drove into the helpless Seina, unable to defend herself with her senses so addled. Even closing her eyes didn’t help, the illusion affecting even her imagination. Still, Seina refused to surrender, using her pain as a guidepost to reality. Only the real Devil Princess could hurt her. 
“Gah!” Illusions faltered as Seina’s staff drove into Kaguya’s chest, the girl flinching back. The Dreamer had been unprepared for how hard she could hit back. 
Time dilated as Emiyo moved in to attack with her hoop. Steel clashed as Kaguya summoned a sword to intercept the blow. 
“Emiyo!” Seina watched in horror as the sword lost tangency, slipping through Emiyo’s weapon like it was made of insubstantial mist. The blade stabbed deep into the magical girl’s chest, piercing through the heart. 
“Gah!” Emiyo’s breath became labored as the life seemed to be sucked right from her soul. Her youthful skin wrinkled as age, her vitality stolen. In milliseconds, she became a living corpse. 
What? How many powers does she have? A spike of dread stabbed into Seina’s heart, realizing they still hadn’t scratched the surface of the Devil Princess’s power. And Kaguya still hadn’t transformed. 
“Nice try,” Kaguya said, slipping away from Seina’s wild swing. She tossed the decayed Emiyo aside, using her blade to deflect her opponent’s staff. “But without your time-manipulating friend, I can guide this fight however I wish.”
Seina feared the worst, eying the fallen Emiyo with dread. But she sensed a twinge of life still in the girl, faint but vibrant. While weakened significantly, Emiyo wasn’t dead. Her bodyguard pulled her to safety, dragging her down another corridor. He cleared out with Liam and Charity, leaving only her partner behind. 
Their weapons clashed as they engaged. Neither could gain an upper hand. Seina kept her distance from the other magical girl, using her superior speed to keep several steps away. 
“Don’t worry, Seina. I got this. Give her everything you’ve got!” Colten said, interrupting her despair. 
“Oh?” Kaguya said, amused. 
“Right.” Colten might provide them the edge they’d need to turn the fight around. With Mr. Kaguya and the other fairies gone, Seina could afford to cut loose. 
Within the tip of her bubble blower, Seina heightened its destructive capabilities so that no amount of predicting could save Kaguya. The Devil Princess’s eyes widened as Seina concocted this plan, moving to strike a fatal blow. But she ignored the incoming attack, heightening her magic to a fever pitch. Nobody hurt her friends. 
“Die!” Kaguya’s blade thrust forward, Seina not bothering to dodge. Because she didn’t need to. 
“What?” Steel clashed as a sword appearing from nowhere, interlocking with the Devil Princess’s weapon. It was Paliah, triumphant in his brilliant white armor. “Who the hell are you?” 
“Wait, no!” Panic filled the Devil Princess’s eyes as she realized the future looming over her. But Colten grabbed her with his free arm, trapping her in place. With claw-like fingers, Kaguya tore herself free and tried gutting her partner where he stood. But he’d already vanished, leaving the Devil Princess open to Seina’s next attack. 
She held nothing back, filling the chamber with countless destructive bubbles, leaving Kaguya nowhere to run. Counting on her partner, she detonated them all. The Devil Princess howled as fire consumed her, charring her to the bone. Seina flinched as the flames rushed toward her. But Colten was already grabbing her, time skipping to another location a few seconds ago. 
“I can’t believe that worked.” The entire world shook as the chamber ahead exploded, almost knocking Seina from her feet. “I hope I didn’t overdo it.” She might have brought the entirety of Starlight Dream onto their heads. 
“No, it’s fine,” Charity said, appearing from a far corridor. “The secretary’s multi-dimensions protect this place. It’ll cause some ripples, but it won’t burst.”
“Emiyo!” Seina rushed over to her friend, terrified as she saw the girl’s state. 
“I’ll live.” The former lieutenant rasped, her breath sounding like a corpse. Bu life was slowly returning to her, her withered flesh gaining some color. “We need to get going. Devil Princesses are coming.”
“She’s right,” Charity said. “Kaguya isn’t dead. Wounded, but not dead. She’s left to get Mei. Time is short.”
“She’s still alive?” Seina said, surprised. Did the girl transform without her noticing? How did she survive without her powers? But that mystery could wait, and her bodyguard carried Emiyo as they fled down a hall. With Emiyo’s time powers, only milliseconds passed as they climbed deeper into the bottom chamber of the Hall of Agony. 
They wound around a spiral staircase that seemed almost endless. But a weight lifted as they climbed further down, the cloud of despair lightening. In fact, a lightness entered Seina’s soul, making it soar to great heights. There was a purity to the air, like breathing in a child’s laughter. And its power aided them, lightening their steps. While still thin, Emiyo regained her vitality at an astonishing rate. Was the old queen’s power causing this?
“How deep does this go?” Mr. Kiyojiro asked, their steps echoing as they trotted deeper and deeper into eternity. 
“Not far,” Charity replied. “We’re getting close to the core of Starlight Dream, a nexus of pure power that brings magic and vitality to the entire cosmos.
“Really? Why seal her down here?” Seina asked, curious. It surprised her to learn Starlight Dream was so important. But she supposed it made sense that it imbued magical girls with the pure essence of the cosmos. 
“When Charity’s partner created the Needle of the Cosmos, it severely weakened her. Not helpless, as the Devil Princess’s learned, but still not as strong. That’s how they defeated her. It allowed them to seal Charity’s partner into the nexus, becoming one with everything. But it left her unable to affect the real world, watching but incapable of acting.”
“It must have driven her mad, poor girl.” Her bodyguard said. 
“No, she’s fine,” Charity said, reassuring them all. “Just made her angry. She’ll be ready to fight, no doubt.”
“She must have been quite the warrior queen!” Seina said, impressed. It amazed her how resilient the pair had been to endure such imprisonments. This earned a smile from Charity, and warm light bathed them as they touched the bottom stairs. 
The brilliance almost blinded Seina as she looked upon Starlight Dream’s core, the pure essence of magical girl power. Its sheer scale stunned them, the cave only touching a sliver of its radiant surface. It brought tears to her eyes, its warmth like a comforting hug. 
“Welcome to the core,” Charity said, extending a paw. “It represents the pure life that brought the cosmos into existence, a seed planted long ago to birth the entire multiverse. The stories aren’t wrong that Starlight Dream lies at the center of the cosmos.”
“Amazing.” Even her bodyguard was driven to tears, awed by its majesty.
“We need to hurry. They’re coming,” Emiyo said, standing on shaky legs. 
“And I’m already here.” A pitiless voice said. “Did you really think that distraction would cause me to miss your oh-so-obvious plan?”
“Yeah, losers! We aren’t some gullible saps!” Her partner said, sticking out her tongue. 
“Reiko Yoshida, the Poison Ivy,” Seina said breathlessly. Terror stabbed at her heart, fearful of what had happened to Takako and Chō.
“And you’ve really pissed me off!” Reiko said, eyes blazing with fury. “So pissed, you’re gonna wish death didn’t come so hard for magical girls! Oh, you’re going to suffer! I will drink your tears from your lidless eyes as you plea for death’s sweet release! How should I start? I wish…”
But she didn’t get to finish her wish, instead she grunted in annoyance as Paliah appeared from nowhere and slashed her across the throat. While only leaving a small nick, but provided the needed distraction. “Go, free her!”
“Who the hell are you?” With a backhand, Paliah’s broken body slid across the floor. But Seina was already moving, darting towards the orb of light. 
“Throw it!” Charity screamed. 
“I wish Seina, the fool, would lose all control of her body!” The Devil Princess screamed. 
“No!” Already her muscles tightened like they’d always been stone. But she’d already heeded the fairy’s advice, hurling the staff like a javelin. 
“Bastards! I wish the Wicked Queen’s staff was in my hands!” Reiko said.
“Never!” Emiyo surprised them all, appearing right behind the staff. She snatched it from the air and hurled it faster into the orb. The wish took effect, but it was too late. The staff smashed into the orb’s surface, melting into it. 
What was happening? Could the Poison Ivy not make impossible wishes?
A figure burst through the orb, holding her staff high in triumph. Her hair was platinum blond, but Seina detected hints of black at the roots. She wore ragged jean shorts with a bomber jacket emblazoned with a skull with smothering eyes with a cigarette in its mouth.
“I’m back! And ain’t happy.” The old queen squatted down and withdrew a pack of cigarettes, putting one in her mouth. After lighting it, she took a deep drag, savoring its taste. “And I’m ready for some payback. Especially you, Reiko! I’m going to kick you bastards’ asses for sealing me away. I’m gonna do what I should have done millennia ago. Stick my foot right up your ass! Call me Arisu Ikehara, the Wicked Queen!” 
0 notes
An online fundraiser for a man acquitted of second-degree murder will remain online despite calls for its removal.
The fundraiser is for Gerald Stanley, acquitted Friday in the shooting death of Cree 22-year-old Colten Boushie.
"Given the jury verdict, this campaign does not violate our terms of service," GoFundMe spokeswoman Rachel Hollis told HuffPost Canada in an email.
A Saskatchewan jury found Stanley not guilty after 13 hours of deliberation on Friday.
Maple Creek, Sask. resident Sam Olson created the fundraiser on behalf of Stanley's son, Sheldon. It's raised nearly $41,000 in one day.
Continue Reading.
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Tell me again how race has nothing to do with this....
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delicatasquash · 7 years
Several people in the courtroom yelled "Murderer!" seconds after a Saskatchewan jury found Gerald Stanley not guilty of killing Colten Boushie early Friday evening.
"In this day and age, when someone can get away with killing somebody, when someone can get away with saying, 'I accidentally walked to the storage shed, I accidentally grabbed a gun out of the storage box and I accidentally walked back to the car and then I accidentally raised my arm in level with the late Colten Boushie's head, then my finger accidentally pushed the trigger' – what a bunch of garbage," said Cameron before tightly-packed crowd.
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dialecticalmadness · 7 years
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Convict the settlers!
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canadiantrekkie · 7 years
To all indigenous people here in Canada, I want to say sorry. I’m so sorry that our fucked up country has to treat you with so much disrespect and racism. None of you deserve to be subjected to what you’ve been forced to go through. I’m so sorry that you have to fear for your safety in the world’s most twisted illusion. Colten Boushie deserved justice. It isn’t what he got. 
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chibi-sunrise · 2 years
Everything I could find on Hugo Simon
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Friends with Leo and Celia since childhood. Although earnest and deeply caring for his friends, he has an awkward tendency to keep his worries to himself. During his activities as a member of Blaze with Leo and the others, an incident caused him to become increasingly distrustful of the federation until a meeting with August lured him over to the imperial side. Now he fights for the empire alongside his contemporaries, Amelie and Falk.
Birthday - May 7, 982 Y.C.
Age - 16 (998 Y.C.) 17 (999 Y.C.)
Embleo Location - On the back of his left shoulder
Long Sword wielder
Height - 178cm
Theme Color - #37761d
Here’s the post on where you can watch the story. Here’s the post on where you can watch the anime.
Episodes he appears in
Leo ep. 1 Budding Heroes
Leo ep. 2 The Noble One
Celia ep. 1 The Selection Exam
Celia ep. 2 Mercy and Resolve
Michelle ep. 2 Compromise
Lisette ep. 1 Remedial Training
Lucien ep. 1 The Secret Blade of Wisdom
Alexandra ep. 2 A Pardon for Justice
Hugo ep. 1 The Traitor
Hugo ep. 2 Battlefield of Farewells
Falk ep. 1 The Lone Falcon
Falk ep. 2 The Ghost-Devouring Falcon
Crossroads ep. 1 The Habakiri Incident
ep. Final Blossoming Heroes
Event stories he appears in
White Day
Anime episodes he appears in
Tales of Luminaria the Fateful Crossroad ep. 1
Tales of Luminaria the Fateful Crossroad ep. 2
Event stories he’s mentioned in
April Fools Day
References and Miscellany
Video of his outfits/Mystic Artes (EN audio and text)
Some references for Hugo’s outfits. Here’s a back shot for his academy uniform
Video of Hugo’s outfits, weapons, all while wearing the ears and tail attachment
Some screenshots of Hugo’s ears and tail attachment for reference
Thread of Hugo wearing both glasses and the spiral glasses in various outfits. Here’s some more.
Video of Hugo’s Mystic Artes (JP audio and text) Scroll down for some screenshots of descriptions of his Mystic Artes
Hugo’s various egg forms
If you wanted to know what the back of Hugo’s ep 2 outfit looks like without the jacket on. Bonus, you also get to see what the back of Lisette’s outfit looks like without the bottom half of her jacket on.
If you wanted a better look at the thigh harness belt Hugo wears in his Aedis Academy uniform
If you wanted a better look at how Hugo’s shoulder armor is assembled in his Imperial Combat wear
If you wanted a better look at Huggy Hugo in addition to having his textures
A tweet trying to figure out the pattern on Hugo’s coat. The user cropped it out and mirrored it
A tweet trying to figure out how many reactors Hugo has on him and where
A tweet of various Hugo dialogue (JP text)
A tweet that compares Hugo’s reaction to Leo failing a counter with Hugo’s reaction to Falk failing a counter. The user notes that even Lisette’s reaction is respectful during this situation, so Hugo’s agitated response is unique to Leo
A tweet that recorded all the dialogue of Leo and Hugo’s final battle and kept it under two minutes. What I like about this video is that it also shows Hugo parrying the final hit of Leo’s 2nd Mystic Arte. I heard and knew it was possible because a lot of JP Hugo mains remarked on it, but I hadn’t seen it recorded for myself till this point
JP Voice Collection
His archive section
Favorite Dishes (excluding Noble dishes and Elixir)
Beginner’s Pot-Au-Feu
Bitter Ratatouille
Colten Fresh Salad
Colten’s Stuffed Cabbage Roll
Creamy Egg & Vegetable Galette
Green Veggie Drink
Healthy Archonis Quinoa Cake
Healthy Glass Noodle Salad
Jantbelle’s Silky Smooth Tofu
Meat Stew *secret recipe
Michelle’s Special Pot-Au-Feu
Mild Seafood Bouillabaisse
Simmered White Radishes
Ultra Smoothie
Veggie Bagna Càuda
Hated Dishes (excluding expired event dishes and Ana-Maria’s cooking)
Amelie’s Stamina Bowl
Crispy Rice Croquettes
Egg Cutlet Sandwich
Herb-Roasted Reintz Catfish
High Protein Fried Bugs
Level-10 Spicy Mabo Curry
Nutritional Non-Perishable
Nutritional Non-Perishable B
Schnitzel & Tartar Sauce
Special Nutritional Drink
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wardlowsbabydoll · 2 years
Can I request 26 from the new prompt list with Hook please? 🥺😘
Of course you can! This is my first time writing for Hook so I hope I do him justice!
Two Worlds Collide
The Prompt: 26. “You may act like an innocent little goody goody but I’ve heard the way you talk when my hand is in your pants. You’re not even close to innocent.”
Word Count: 517 (this one is a bit of a drabble more than a full blown imagine I hope that's okay)
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“Come on! We’re going to be late!” You yelled annoyed at your older brothers who were all too content to see you all stressed out. “Relax, sis. We don’t even have to be at the arena until one.” Colten reminded you but you paid no mind, too focused on grabbing the keys to your rental car and your gear bag.
            As you made your way to the door you looked back at your brothers who were still sitting on the bed practically laughing at you being so worked up. “I know that but Regal and Bryan hold a training class at 11 and I always go. Tell dad I already went to the arena.” You practically snarled in anger before slamming the door of the hotel room.
            Arriving at the arena with forty-five minutes to kill before Regal and Bryan’s training session you went and dropped your gear bag off at the locker room and decided to go and watch the ring be set up.  As you sat down in the seats where the crowd would be filing in in just a few hours you took a deep breath, reflecting on how you got here.
You hadn’t wanted to be a wrestler but you knew it would make your dad happy so you allowed him to train you. He had been so thrilled when you said you wanted to join the family business. Unlike your brothers who took a bit to pick up on your dad’s teachings you paid attention and quickly sailed to the top of your dad’s class (much to the annoyance of your older brothers) and even though you had already gone beyond the basics having not even wrestled for a full year you were always eager to learn more. After training for a while you understood why your dad and brothers loved the business and it made you fall in love with it too.
            “I knew I’d find you here.” You rolled your eyes fondly when you heard the voice of your boyfriend Tyler. “Of course. It’s a tradition. I was coming early for Regal and Danielson’s lesson but you already knew that.” You said turning to look at him. You and Tyler’s relationship was very private because you both knew how your dads would react. To everyone, you were best friends, as thick as thieves, where one went the other would usually follow; it was a wonder no one ever caught on.
“Wanna go back to your locker room for a private training session?” Tyler leaned close to your ear making you shiver slightly. “Tyler! We can’t here.” You whispered with wide eyes, your look being slightly teasing but slightly serious. “Come on babe, you may act like an innocent little goody goody but I’ve heard the way you talk with my hand in your pants. You’re not innocent.” He snarled slightly in your ear and that’s what did it. Getting out of your seats, you and Tyler quickly made your way back to your locker room and made sure to lock the door. This was a private training session after all.
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pmvstump · 7 years
ra///ymond cor///mier and ge///rald sta//nley walking away after being deemed not guilty are two examples of how this fucking country doesnt care abt indigenous lives! im so fucking ANGRY......ti//na fonta//ine and co//lten bou//shie deserved better than this and they didnt receive the tiniest bit of justice after being fucking murdered by white men. 
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Saskatchewan farmer Gerald Stanley pleaded guilty to unsafe storage of firearms on his property on the day he fatally shot Colten Boushie, but will not face jail time for the offence.
A North Battleford judge instead ordered Stanley pay a $3,900 fine and obey a 10-year weapons ban after Stanley’s lawyer and the Crown prosecutor made a joint sentencing submission Monday at North Battleford provincial court.
Stanley, 56, was charged with two counts of unsafe storage of firearms after RCMP executed a search warrant at his home in August 2016 after the fatal shooting of Boushie on Stanley’s property. A jury acquitted Stanley of second-degree murder in connection with Boushie’s death in February following a two-week trial.
Continue Reading.
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The way that GoFundMe’s platform works is that it collects a fee for each donation and a percentage for processing the payment, so it is literally profiting off the horrifying death of Colten Boushie.
Stanley’s fundraising page is not just offensive and insensitive, it could also be in violation of GoFundMe’s own Terms of Service that prohibit “items that promote hate, violence, racial intolerance, or the financial exploitation of a crime.”
“The Scalp Bounty Never Ended” -@ápihtawikosisán http://m.huffingtonpost.ca/2018/02/11/gerald-stanley-gofundme-fundraiser-wont-be-removed-company-says_a_23358697/
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skepticalmuppet · 7 years
Innocent until proven guilty.
It doesn’t just mean don’t convict people in the court of public opinion.
It should mean no frontier town style law enforcement. It should mean everyone gets a chance at a fair trial, even if you’re an indigenous kid who may or may not have been intending to steal. It should mean that a landowner doesn’t get to be judge, jury, and executioner because of a perceived threat to his property.
A man is dead, and his killer got his day in court. Found not guilty by an all-white jury in a province known for rampant hatred of indigenous people.
Where was Colten Boushie’s fair trial? He was found guilty without ever seeing the inside of a courtroom. He was executed without being convicted of any crime, in a country that doesn’t execute the most heinous of criminals. And his killer walked away.
We have a racism problem in Canada. It’s big and it’s ugly and we have to stop pretending it isn’t real.
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