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paulinealaferme · 1 year ago
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C’est bientôt l’hiver avec son lot de pluies. Je ne vis actuellement pas dans mon habitat définitif (le rez-de-chaussée de la maison) mais dans le « grenier » où a été aménagé un petit appartement très cosy 🥰 Par contre le point de chauffage, qui est au bois, se situe en bas. Le haut et le bas ne sont pas reliés par l’intérieur, je dois donc passer dehors quelque soit le temps pour alimenter le poêle. Ceci me fait fouler la terre qui, ici, est de l’argile et donc très très glissante !!! Après quelques malheureuses expériences l’année dernière, j’avais fait un aménagement de fortune pour éviter ce problème. Mais cela n’a pas été durable dans le temps. Mon ami Bastien avait aménagé un petit passage (au niveau de la route, cf avant dernière photo) sur ce cheminement. Le système était ingénieux, je m’en suis inspirée pour le niveau le plus bas.
Et aussi, cet été, une nouvelle ressource a été découverte à la ferme, là où une balançoire était anciennement installée : un gros tas de sable, exactement ce dont j’avais besoin ! J’ai donc retiré les espèces de plaques en « je sais pas quoi » que j’avais installées. J’ai créé une marche à l’aide d’une planche pour que je puisse niveler le niveau et retenir le sable. J’ai posé un géotextille qui traînait par ici, disposé des dalles trouvées dans le jardin et rempli de sable ! J’en ai aussi rajouté sur l’installation de Bastien qui en avait manqué à l’époque.
Et hop ! Normalement je ne devrais plus glisser sur ce parcours pluri-quotidien !
Je crois que cette installation est perfectible et va demander des améliorations, justement, il va pas mal pleuvoir c’est prochains jours, je vais observer et adapter tout ça en fonction !
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savage-rhi · 6 years ago
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I haven't posted art projects in a while, I plan on it at some point when I'm not job hunting but I wanted to share this moment. I've been working on my scifi novel for years, doing world building, research, and took classes to improve my writing. I haven't worked on the novel in a long time cause life got in the way, I had random chunks going nowhere, and the middle was difficult to pass. Something just snapped in me and I've been in a writing frenzy for the last week or so. I'm on page 138, full steam ahead, and I'm still in shock that after such a long writers block I found out I was capable of doing so much in little time. Ravage, my novel, deals with a lot of issues I'm passionate about: genetic engineering, the morality of it, global warming, the future and the relationship between animals, nature and people. I've been angry at the state of the world and enraged at injustices along with finding another job, and I'm so thankful I managed to channel that rage into something positive. Some folks have probably seen artwork of Rhi who is the main character and for those of you that haven't, feel free to take a look. I've been having a blast writing her journey. #writing #writingprocess #novel #book #scifiwriter #ravage #postapocolypse #writer #writersblock #justfuckingdoit https://www.instagram.com/p/By41M6CAn0P/?igshid=1i3lbccx9hucm
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fuckit-imdone · 6 years ago
I’m such a complete fuck up and I’ll never stop disappointing people. The problem is they dissapoint me in the end, and they break my heart, and all I want to do is break it myself once and for all
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ruthchloe · 6 years ago
Cloth nappies - say YES.
Ok so I’m on my second (and last) child and I’ve FINALLY made the move to cloth nappies. I kept looking at the nappies piling up in our wheelie bin each week and I just cannot justify it any longer.
There are a lot of barriers that were stopping me and I just want to say to anybody else considering it but putting it into that ‘too hard basket’ that it really isn’t. Too hard, I mean.
So, how to go about using cloth instead of paper nappies? Here is the answer: just f*cking do it. There’s a saying in advertising, when as an agency you’ve argued your creative opinion until you’re blue in the face, but the client is adamant they know best and at the end of the day they’re paying the bills so you have to JFDI (just f*cking do it). 
Just. Put. A. Cloth. Nappy. On. Your. Baby.
Then what? Take it off again and bung it in the wash.
In all seriousness, there are SO many groups and blogs and sites out there to help you ‘get started’ with cloth nappies it’s overwhelming and all the reading and preparation I felt I needed to do in advance was a real barrier for me. I even had some cloth nappies and had attended a talk with an amazing lady called ‘The Nappy Lady’ but still I stared at them each day and thought, “Tomorrow I’ll get set up for this”. In the end I gave those nappies to a friend who has done cloth nappies the entire time for both her children with no complaints. 
But when I had my second child and my first was finally done with nappies, I was changing her disposable nappy one day and suddenly thought, “What am I doing with these things, I HAVE to do better for our planet and our children”. 
Which sounds a bit dramatic but unless you’ve been living under a rock, this is the stage our planet has got to and disposable nappies are a BIG problem, yet it’s so simple to vastly reduce waste by just cutting back or eliminating them altogether.
So, for somebody like me with a baby and a toddler and no sleep, let me give you my top tips for getting going with cloth nappies (and hopefully you won’t need to read anything else you can JFDI after this).
1. Get hold of some cloth nappies, any brand, whatever. Most second hand shops will have some you can pick up for cheap and give them a good wash. I was lucky enough that my wonderful friend returned the nappies I gave her and also a bunch of hers she has finished with. How many to start with? I’ve got about 10 which seems like plenty, I can wash every 2 days. 
2. Get a washing basket with holes in it for chucking in the dirty nappies until you’ve got enough for a wash. This surprisingly does not smell. Ones with lids and no holes do smell. 
3. Grab some eco friendly paper nappy liners and this way you can chuck the poo straight down the loo (if they are flushable) or in the nappy bin. No scraping (if you are cool with scraping then even better but I’m not there yet).
4. Change them a bit more often than disposable nappies as they can’t hold so much wee.
5. Use a disposable nappy overnight (or don’t if you get the hang of cloth and no leaks). This is just to combat the fact that this might be a barrier for you, as it was for me so I just let it go.
In the words of Forrest Gump, “That’s all I’ve got to say about that.” Peace out.
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loubagoob · 6 years ago
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dreamsof-venice · 6 years ago
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1oddblog-blog · 6 years ago
Lack of Motivation
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When you posses the power to make a change, and yet you remain stagnant.
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ham0sexual · 2 years ago
go listen to starset, amazing music, and to top it off some incredible music videos, for music videos watch ricochet
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villygold · 3 years ago
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Одна из впечатляющих книг. Очень простая и понятная в применении. #книги2021 #justfuckingdoit #рекомендуюкнигу https://www.instagram.com/p/CYSbkdwNa7V/?utm_medium=tumblr
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petefhopkins · 7 years ago
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You got an enchanting life lesson to share? Go ahead. We’re listening.... #travel #learn #share #love #justfuckingdoit #now
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thediocide · 4 years ago
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Working on a Spirytus Demo. I found a dope backing track and started working at it. Going to do two Spirytus guitar tracks, FUM bass track and some vocals. Tired of not getting pummeled by loud amps and screaming my face off. #demo #guitar #feelsgood #justfuckingdoit #thetruthhurts #spirytus #ampeg #vh140c https://www.instagram.com/p/CFLazOtM9aa/?igshid=zgf8foa19hds
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spacepiratechevalier · 5 years ago
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This week has sucked. I've felt sick as a dog. Felt like death. Sleeping 2 hrs a night tops, stress, and depression as bad as they have been in a long ass time. Wanted to skip every day this week, here we are training back and legs for the second time this week. Because moping or lying on the couch ain't gonna bring up this lagging back. #gettheworkdone #domore #justfuckingdoit #trainanyways #trainharder #noexcuses #fmotivation #discipline #redcon1tieroperator #Redcon1 #higheststateofreadiness http://www.redcon1.com/?aff=9633 T20JHAWLIK for 20% off! https://www.instagram.com/p/CCuiYRXD-dM/?igshid=87i0pxqc6fhh
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jerilynnphoto · 5 years ago
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Wear a mask, y’all. This one I wore for travel, because it’s more comfy for long use. I have a filter inside still. Just wear a fucking mask. Do your part. Do your best. Think of others. Those of us who learned to use condoms during the AIDS crisis can get used to this too. It’s what it is. You can’t argue with a virus. Just do the goddamn thing🤷🏻‍♀️ #wearamask #wearagoddamnmask #wearafuckingmask #wearagoddamnfuckingmask #😷😷😷 #dothething #covidcommonsense #newnormal #dealwithit #justfuckingdoit #sotiredofthedramatics #empathchick (at Coral Springs, Florida) https://www.instagram.com/p/CCH9zKygJjk/?igshid=h0nu1itza6so
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gymquotesco-blog · 7 years ago
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#Noexcuses - Just fucking do it. 💯💯 Every single time I feel tired and start to hesitate about going to the gym (doesnt happen often, but it happens for sure) - I say these exact words to myself. NO excuses. And then I get my ass to the gym. 👍 Smash that like button, tag someone who this will inspire and follow us! 😀🙏🏻 This is GymQuotes.co and these are all our ORIGINAL quotes and inspiration 👍 👉 check out www.gymquotes.co This quote is © Gymquotes.co #gymquotes #workoutquotes #workoutmotivation #justfuckingdoit
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dreamsof-venice · 6 years ago
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carstenbuescher · 5 years ago
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Jeden Tag stärker werden. Jeden Tag schneller werden. Jeden Tag besser werden. #getafterit #justfuckingdoit (hier: Carlo-Schmid-Brücke) https://www.instagram.com/p/CBhtttwosFA/?igshid=o757uiae4sw2
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