#just worked this out while rereading wintershock
paperbackribs · 2 years
Hear me out, Bucky Barnes is my Steve Harrington and Darcy is my Eddie.
One is a former happy go-lucky lover/party boy dealing with PTSD and issues stemming from guardians who treated him wrong. Sometimes cocky, sometimes a smart alec, usually in need of a hug and generally protective.
The other written through the enthusiasm they have for their personal interests, often a chaotic gremlin and Cool Nerd who is gregarious and known for their wit and wants to give the other all their hugs.
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zephrbabe · 7 years
A smut fic rec list for @anais-ninja-blog to weather the storm. All AO3 links, and Rated E unless otherwise stated.
Captivated by Leftennant - If you like TaserTricks, you’ve probably already read this, but hey, it’s long and it’s smutty, and it’s really, really good.
Shine Without Fear by Yavannie - yes, go read. I should reread this.
Cherry Bomb by AnnieMar - TaserTricks meets Guardians of the Galaxy.
If I Didn’t Know Better (But Damn It I Do) by rufeepeach - long one-shot wherein Darcy can see through Loki’s illusions.
Until the End of Eternity by @meleedamage - (bookmarked this over a year ago, so you know it’s not just fangirl nepotism) Melee’s trademark smutty shenanigans
All Reason Aside, I Just Can’t Deny by Tristesses - A/B/O w/omegaverse-style soulmates. This fic kidnapped me from the Labyrinth fandom, and now look at me.
Utter Darkness by ElegantMess - This one is so beautiful! But there’s also smut, promise.
Of_raven_wings’ Darcy Lewis Smut Week Challenge series - a bit angsty, a lot smutty, still has a happy ending
it’s not an epic romance (it’s a love affair) by @erisdea - WSS - Literally my favorite fic. An excellent turn-around of the WSS triad soulmates trope. Angst (so much angst), budding romance, palpable character development, masterful perspective changes, and all the smut you could want or handle. *cue “I’ll be in my bunk” gif* *nosebleed gif* *pupils dilating gif* Incomplete, but who even gives a fuck it’s so good.
Sleeper by Queenspuppet (aka @ragwitch) - WSS - smut, romance, %*!@$ Hydra, Darcy being badass.
Katiedid’s Archive - SS, WS, WSS (also TaserTorch in there) - I came to this fandom less than a year after she left it, and while I’m sad I missed her, I am really, really glad her work is still posted, because it’s amazing. I’m rereading these right now. They’re not all smutty, though, but some are. 
Sexual Healing by @phoenix-173 and Katiedid - WSS - ever-so-much smut, and what I consider the quintessential example of caveman!Steve & worshipful!Bucky as lovers (to Darcy and each other) that I understand people have complained about being OOC on other fics. Also, this is the fic that contains Helen Cho/Johnny Storm and I need more of that pairing in my life.
Scared Stiff by @meleedamage - WSS - pure Halloween smut
Our Girl by philosophyofhedonism - WSS - *fans self* just look at the author’s handle... you know it’s gonna be good.
Pull Me Down by blue_sweater - SS - fluffy smut in which Darcy is a succubus and Steve cums buckets.
Not Exactly Oscar Material by @sachertortes - WS - hollywood AU, and not smutty until the last two chapters, but soooo worth reading.
Choose Your Own by BionicallyIronic - WS - sex pollen FTW. I’m amazed I don’t have more sex pollen fics in my bookmarks.
Pulling Me Under by @anogete - WS - all smut and then feels and smut, and Darcy feels true to Dennings’ portrayal while still being a complete BAMF. And really, literally all four of her Darcy fics are must-reads.
Five Things Darcy Loves About Working for SHIELD by teand - SS - Rated M - Shield Agent!Darcy is a thing that I love, and this is a good one.
The Intern duology by necowaffer - WS - Rated M - aka Where Darcy fucks the Winter Soldier cuz reasons.
Across the Universe by polexia_aphrodite - mixed - Rated M - you like historical stuff, right? You like good writing, right? This is a series of one-shots (oh god, why are they merely one-shots?) that are fucking stunningly well-written. It’s not all Darcy ships, but even though I’m mostly a Darcy shipper, I don’t even care. 
De’oum Luminai by boombangbing - SS -  Rated M but not real smutty - Fifth Element mashup where Steve is LeeLoo and Darcy is Korben Dallas; need I say more?
Writers too prolific to link one fic: 
PinkPandoraFrog’s (aka @frogsandcoffee) entire catalog of Darcy fics, not all of which are smut, but, like 90% smut? Check tags for dubcon if that’s not your thing, but I frankly recommend the TaserBones stuff if it is.
GhostCrumpet’s (aka @hushinghorizon) entire catalog. I skim the titles, and have repeatedly gone, “omg she wrote that one? I loved that one!” cuz I spent the first half of the year binging on WSS/SS/WS fic without connecting anyone’s body of work to actual people.
Bjorkshirepudding’s E-rated and M-rated Darcy fics. Sad that Val’s retired from Tumblr, but her work speaks for itself. (In this case, with dick.)
Becisvolatile’s smut catalog, which is extensive. (”We’ll Never Get Started” is probably my fav, but they’re all quality smut.)
phew! That’s a long list! Hope you get lots of steamy reading done while waiting out the inclement weather! (Also, I’m definitely missing some fic recs for this list because I’ve neglected to bookmark something.)
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