#just when i thought it was safe to come back to the misha tag
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wigglebox · 3 years ago
First of all, I just wanted to thank you. Your blog has been such a safe space for me these past few days.
I honestly never thought something like this would happen but now that the dust has settled a bit and all the jokes have died down I'm feeling a little bad for Misha, because I know that there's a real possibility that he is bi. I mean people keep saying things like why would he say he's bi if he isn't?' Or why did the people at stands who know him personally accepted the whole coming out so easily? And the only thing that would make sense here is that he decided to take back his statement after he saw how big it got, and I don't blame him for being blindsided by this to be honest, spn barely ever makes the news. Why would those vultures hop on this of all things? I do feel like a lot of other people feel the same, I see them implying it in their tags but not going further, and I get it. People want to respect his words, but someone going back into the closet after not receiving the reaction they'd been expecting isn’t such a wild theory, hell, I bet a bunch of us had to go back to the closet as well when we felt unsafe.
And if by some miracle he is straight, I really don't get some people's reactions who feel like he's betrayed them or something. Did you only like this person because you thought he was queer? That's like supporting someone else only because they're a woman like you for example. It makes no sense. The people calling him homophobic are even more baffling. The worst thing he's done is, make gay jokes about himself? How does that hurt anyone? Again unless you've decided to support this person only because you thought he was queer, which feels very disingenuous. It's definitely not on the same level, as say, J*red making degrading gay jokes about other people. And not to mention the fact that Misha's always been like this? So no, he didn't queerbait you either. You just didn't put a limit to your parasocializing habits.
It's just been a tough couple of days for me, and not even entirely because of Misha to be honest, but because of how my fellow members of the community showed that you have to act a certain way to feel like you belong. I saw someone basically say that Misha is a coward for not coming out completely if he actually is bi, and as a closeted bisexual living in an unsafe and homophobic environment, that was really disheartening to read, and yes Hollywood is an unsafe environment, especially for a bisexual man.
I honestly think I'm going to take a break from this fandom, so many of my favorite people here have been disappointing me so much lately. I wanted to thank you again for your wonderful blog and hope you have a very nice day.💗
i'm so sorry you feel like you have to leave for a little bit but we'll be here when you get back! <3
i won't touch on everything else you said for the most part bc same.
and it's hard, because you feel like in your heart still, despite him saying both queer things and straight comments over the years, you feel like he's still like... he still obviously belongs. also I mean, poly people are also under the queer umbrella, soooooooo....? we just gonna ignore that?
also straight isn't rigid either. straight is one of those identities people can use for a number of things.
privately, we don't know what's going on with him, so it's hard to make the argument 'this is someone who was forced back in the closet' but what I am standing firm on is the fact that he was forced to label himself at all. people will come back at me with the 'oh but he said it during the dinner' but even then, not really. a 'coming out' usually doesn't happen when you randomly answer a fan's interjection about raising a hand or something. he brought bisexuality up in the poll to the audience and the bisexuality and poets thing but really, it's no more damning than other things he's said.
he's said things that very much allude to 'i'm not a 0 on the kinsey scale' and he's said things that make you go oh okay he said he's straight.
but how straight lol. there are men out there who do call themselves straight but will still have had some kind of intimate interactions with a man, and not just platonically or whatever.
this is me speculating on his private situation which I don't really want to do but the point being is — the man was seeing his name, his ex-wife's name, and his children's names in these articles that are googlable, and reputable [somehow] and once it hit people magazine I think he truly may have started to panic.
and he made his labeling public, on the record, because he had no other choice.
so if he is actually privately out and about doing his thing, and isn't completely rigidly straight as a board — it's NOT cowardly to feel like you can't be yourself publically to the world, especially when other people are involved.
that's another thing i can't understand when people say he was a coward for 'not coming out if he actually as bi' because, no? the fandom on fandom discomfort that's growing every day is very distressing for many queer fans who don't know where they fall, and/or don't know how to address it publically to friends and family, or can't because of safety issues.
other people were getting involved with this. once his ex wife and kids are getting named, that's a whole other story. himself is one thing, but tabloid journalists are ruthless.
people think it's easy for Actormen to come out or allude to queerness and indeed maybe for SOME it is, but it's not the same for everyone. his own personal history wasn't on the line with these press articles, all his loved ones' were too.
Btw if you think it's easy for Actormen, please read this article by Colton Haynes. Trigger warnings for assault and homophobia but it's still a sad reality.
so i don't care if he's straight straight or queer but doesn't know how to define himself and goes with straight for protection or necessity, or if whatever. idk. i don't care.
he had to say it. there was no other choice for him. and you can never compare our situations with his 100% because i know i sure don't have to be worried that the new york post is going to write an article about me or people magazine or out magazine, bringing my family who likes to remain private out into the spotlight with me.
and it is what it is.
he's still the same person. he's never invalidated us, and any time he missteps he apologizes sincerely. and he listens, and he tries to learn. he also has foot in mouth disease which, I really don't feel like ANYONE in this fandom has ANY right to criticize him for because lordy. some of y'all are pretty queerphobic, biphobic — said some really awful things — except y'all don't have to worry about dragging your loved ones into a media and fandom melee and all your private details and relationships are about to become public.
*also when i'm saying 'you' i mean the royal You xD not you-you, nonny I promise <3
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regardingjenmish · 3 years ago
First of all, I just wanted to thank you. Your blog has been such a safe space for me these past few days.
I honestly never thought something like this would happen but now that the dust has settled a bit and all the jokes have died down I’m feeling a little bad for Misha, because I know that there’s a real possibility that he is bi. I mean people keep saying things like ‘why would he say he’s bi if he isn’t?�� Or ‘why did the people at stands who know him personally accept the whole coming out so easily?’ And the only thing that would completely make sense here is that he decided to take back his statement after he saw how big it got, and I don’t blame him for being blindsided by this to be honest, spn barely ever makes the news. Why would those vultures hop on this of all things? I do feel like a lot of other people feel the same, I see them implying it in their tags but not going further, and I get it. People want to respect his words, but someone going back into the closet after not receiving the reaction they’d been expecting isn’t such a wild conspiracy theory, hell, I bet a bunch of us had to go back to the closet as well when we felt unsafe.
And if by some miracle he is straight, I really don’t get some people’s reactions who feel like he’s betrayed them or something. Did you only like this person because you thought he was queer? That’s like supporting someone else only because they’re a woman like you for example. It makes no sense. The people calling him homophobic are even more baffling. The worst thing he’s done is, make gay jokes about himself? How does that hurt anyone? Again unless you’ve decided to support this person only because you thought he was queer, which feels very disingenuous. It’s definitely not on the same level, as say, J*red making degrading gay jokes about other people. And not to mention the fact that Misha’s always been like this? So no, he didn’t queerbait you either. You just didn’t put a limit to your parasocializing habits.
It’s just been a tough couple of days for me, and not even entirely because of Misha to be honest, but because of how my fellow members of the community showed that you have to act a certain way to feel like you belong. I saw someone basically say that Misha is a coward for not coming out completely if he actually is bi, and as a closeted bisexual living in an unsafe and homophobic environment, that was really disheartening to read, and yes Hollywood is an unsafe environment, especially for a bisexual man.
I honestly think I’m going to take a break from this fandom, so many of my favorite people here have been disappointing me so much lately. I just wanted to thank you again for your wonderful blog and hope you have a very nice day.💗
Oh sweetheart, I wish I could give you the worlds biggest hug right now. I'm sending you all the love💕 I know it's been a tough few days especially now where some people have decided that in order to interact with a community you need to tick off the boxes on the checklist they decided to write. So I definitely understand you. I really don't have anything else to add because you wrote this as if you read some of my thoughts so all I can do is just nod my head while reading.
You do whatever you think is best for you. And if that is to take a step back from this fandom, I fully understand you. I mean shit, I've done the same thing years ago so I get it💕
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dickspeightjrs · 4 years ago
New Year’s Eve (au / 1.6k words / parent!destiel)
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Ten years ago, Dean would never have dreamed of being at home on New Year’s Eve. But now? He couldn’t think of anywhere else he’d rather be.
Taking in the sight in front of him, he wouldn’t change a thing.
The TV was playing quietly with the sounds of the DVD menu repeating itself. He could feel the warm weight of a small body relaxed against him.
Looking down he could see the blond wisps of hair on his daughter’s head. The three-year-old had been determined to stay awake until midnight like everyone else but it seemed she’d been defeated by the sleep monster (which surprised absolutely no one).
Dean reached out a careful hand, making sure not to jostle Emma in her slumber, to grab her Frozen blanket from her lap and wrap it around her shoulders.
Another hand reached across to help secure the wrapping. Dean allowed the comforting hand to brush against his and looked up to meet his husband’s eye.
“So much for her wanting to stay awake like a big girl.” Blue eyes lit up with a chuckle.
Dean snorted. “Yeah. Guess she must have crashed out after the second load of candy and Tangled.”
“Though, to be fair,” Castiel said, eying the clock on the wall above the fireplace, “it’s only fifteen minutes until midnight, so she was close.”
“Hm,” Dean agreed. “She’ll have to try for a new record next year.”
Castiel chuckled, a small smile gracing his features. Dean let himself get lost in it for a moment.
He wasn’t usually one to be overly sentimental (he left that to his brother Sammy) but looking at his husband in the dim light of their living room, Dean couldn’t help but be grateful to whoever looked down on them that he got another year with the man.
Dean hadn’t been joking when he thought about how he used to spend his New Years Eve. The Dean before he met Cas was one that he now couldn’t believe ever existed.
His childhood wasn’t the happiest, which resulted in Dean searching for that happiness in other places. As a teenager, and into his twenties, Dean found himself stumbling in and out of bars with an endless stream of black eyes and bed partners.
But then he’d met Cas – who had just graduated from college – and everything changed.
“What are you thinking about?” Castiel asked, softly, bringing Dean back to the moment.
“Just how much I love you.” Dean hummed.
Castiel scoffed and rolled his eyes. “Okay, Mr Sentimental, I think it’s time for bed for you too.”
Dean was ready with a retort about how being a little romantic wasn’t because he was tired, but a yawn fought its way up through his throat instead, rendering his point useless.
Castiel levelled Dean with an arched eyebrow, which Dean knew all too well meant I told you so.
“Okay, fine,” Dean relented. “Let’s head to bed. You tidy up the movie snacks in here and I’ll take Em upstairs. Meet you up there in five?”
His husband nodded in agreement and placed a soft kiss on their daughter’s head as Dean scooped her carefully into his arms – keeping the blanket cocoon firmly in place around her.
Walking through the house to the bottom of the stairs, Dean holds Emma firmly but lovingly in his arms.
She was another addition to his life that he’d never seen coming.
After raising his brother, Dean had sworn off having children of his own. Not that it was Sam’s fault, that kid turned out great, but Dean had had parenthood forced upon him once. There was no way he was going to voluntarily choose it again.
Even his developing relationship with Castiel wasn’t going to change it.
That was until Dean had attended a particularly bad call at work.
He had followed his secret dream of becoming a firefighter once Castiel had managed to needle it out of him (perceptive bastard). To start with, most calls had been pretty average with the occasional major job thrown in.
But this call had been the worst Dean had ever attended.
Some guys had hijacked a lorry and taken it for a joyride, only stopping when they eventually collided with an on-coming car in the other lane.
The sole survivor of the entire wreck was a little baby girl, trapped but ultimately unhurt in the backseat of the car.
It had been Dean’s job to monitor her as the others worked to cut open the car to get to her safely.
In those moments, Dean fell in love with the little girl. Despite the environment surrounding her, she didn’t cry. Instead, she spent the whole time with her tiny fist grasped around Dean’s finger and staring up at him with the biggest blue eyes he’d ever seen – ones that reminded him of Castiel.
Eventually, after safely retrieving her from the wreckage, Dean held her close as he allowed the paramedics check her over. Dean had let out a sigh of relief when they said it didn’t seem that she’d sustained any injuries, but they’d decided to take her to the hospital for a full check up anyway.
Staying with her in the ambulance, Dean kept his firm hold on her as she finally cried from sheer exhaustion. He rocked her gently from side-to-side, cautious that she still hadn’t been given the all-clear.
She soon settled and the paramedic, Jody, who Dean had worked with on a few occasions, made a quip about him being the baby whisperer. Dean just chuckled and looked down at the now sleeping baby and felt himself reconsider his stance on having children of his own.
Upon reaching the hospital, Dean was met by a police officer and some lady who worked for children’s services.
It turned out that the little girl’s parents didn’t have any relatives that were capable of taking her into their care. She was going to be fostered with the intention of being adopted.
Dean’s heart broke for her. He knew what it was like to have a disrupted childhood and he wouldn’t wish that on anyone.
He reluctantly handed her over to the children’s services lady, his finger feeling cold without the warm, tiny touch of the baby’s hand wrapped around it.
That night, Dean recounted the events of the day to Castiel as they lay in bed together. Into the curve of Castiel’s neck, he whispered the thoughts that had been plaguing him since he’d left the hospital. The admittedly absurd idea, hope, that Dean could keep her himself. Dean couldn’t even look his new husband in the eye, knowing how stupid the idea was.
But, as always, Castiel had been the voice of logic and reason and he’d replied in an equally soft whisper that it wasn’t stupid or absurd and you never know if you don’t try.
And so, it began. The long, almost painful, process of bringing her home with them. It had taken a little while for anyone to actually them seriously but soon they knew that Dean would give anything to give the little girl, whose name turned out to be Emma – the most beautiful name Dean was sure he’d ever heard, the childhood and life she deserved. The one that he never got to have.
It was almost Emma’s first birthday by the time Dean carried her into their home for the first time as their daughter. Castiel immediately framing the adoption certificate and displaying it proudly on the mantel.
Fireworks brought Dean out of his wistful musings. Emma stirred a little in his arms and he realised what the fireworks meant; it was midnight! The new year had begun.
Realising there was something he forgot to do, Dean cradled Emma tightly to his chest and turned on his heel to dash away from the stairs and instead towards the kitchen.
Castiel looked up from the dishes he was putting away with a face filled with confusion.
“Dean? Is everything ok-“ Castiel was cut off by Dean’s lips on his.
“I almost missed our New Years’ kiss.” Dean explained as he pulled away.
Castiel let out a breath of laughter. “We’ve been together for six years; I think it’s okay not to have a New Years’ kiss every year.” He said, moving into Dean’s space, encasing Emma between them.
“Nope! Not happening. Sorry, Cas. You’re stuck with giving me a New Years’ kiss every year for the rest of our lives.” Dean laughed, leaning in to give his husband an over-exaggerated kiss on the cheek.
The movement jostled their sleeping daughter and she blinked awake, rubbing at her eyes. She made a disgruntled noise at being woken up from her otherwise perfect sleep.
“Oh, hello there, sleepyhead!” Castiel grinned down at her.
Emma frowned in response. “I didn’t fall asleep! I stayed awake the whole time!”
Dean chuckled, bouncing his pouting daughter in his arms, “Sure kiddo, whatever you say,” he grinned. “But awake or not, you’re definitely going to sleep now. Say goodnight to Daddy.”
“Night, night, Daddy,” Emma yawned as she waved at Castiel.
“Goodnight, Sweet Pea,” Castiel replied, leaning over to give her a kiss on the head again.
Before Castiel could get too far away, Dean swooped in to place another kiss on his lips.
“I’ll meet you in bed.” Dean winked over Emma’s head.
Castiel shook his head affectionately in response.
They both knew that in all reality they’d be asleep before their heads hit the pillow. Leaving the new year to creep in while they are curled up together.
And Dean wouldn’t have it any other way.
A/N: My first fic posted in nearly two months! Hope you enjoyed :)
Please REBLOG if you liked it.
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tearsofgrace · 4 years ago
posting to prove to @flowersforcas​ that it’s not a trap
wc: 1.1k, tags: fluff, hurt/comfort (MILD), married, post-canon, soft husbands, stars
He hadn’t been a morning person before. 
He needed at least a full cup of coffee before he could even think about facing the horrors of the day. Before he could think about pushing through all the pain that weighed him down with every step, with every breath, with every simple blink of his eyes. 
It wasn’t that his dreams were free of the pain. But waking up still felt like an insurmountable task most mornings. 
Not anymore though. Now he woke up with the sun, earlier sometimes. 
Part of him wondered if it was still a fear reflex. If he was so terrified he would wake up and find the bed next to him empty that he made sure he was awake before anyone else. That his only driving force was making sure that he wasn’t alone. That Cas was okay. 
He liked to think that wasn’t the reason though. 
Because he didn’t used to be a happy person either. 
He didn’t used to feel like this. Not on a constant basis anyway. This peace, this joy, this glow that was steady in his chest, pulsing along with his heart. 
That’s why he thought he rose early. Because when he was awake, there was joy. When he was with Cas, there was joy. For the first time in his life, being awake wasn’t something to fear. 
So he would wake up, enjoying that charge that was always in morning air. He would press soft kisses into Cas, curling their bodies together. 
Cas hated mornings. But he never told Dean that. He fought through the heavy fog that settled over him and pretended to be fully alert. They would go on long walks long before the world woke. They would talk about life, about the past, about the future. 
They would watch the sun dawn on a new day. A day they had made possible. A day without God, without the Darkness, without some cosmic being watching their every move and manipulating the next. A day that was just theirs. 
When Sam found out about their morning walks, he had laughed. He and Eileen slept in most mornings. Enjoying the laziness they were allowed to have. But he understood them. He’d never seen this Dean happy, and it was a good look on him. 
This morning, Dean’s eyes fluttered open even earlier than normal. His heart was still pounding and he was soaked in sweat. 
And that was the other reason he woke up early now. The nightmares never stopped. Even in the bliss of happiness they came. It only happened about once a month, so he knew they weren’t the thing driving him, driving their traditions, their choices. 
But they still came. Cas had them too. They all did… after what they’d been through it was only inevitable. 
Today, though, it was worse. Because Dean woke gasping only to find his bed empty. 
Cas was always there to comfort him when the nightmares came. 
Dean struggled out of bed, his heart still beating against his chest. He pulled on clothes and stumbled out of their small house into the dark night. The stars still shone brightly, the woods around them almost peaceful in their presence. 
He felt his hands start to shake as he looked around desperately for the former angel. 
Then he saw him. Leaning against the porch, looking up at the stars with tears streaming down his face. Dean cleared his throat and walked to meet him, slipping an arm around his waist without even thinking. 
Cas didn’t say anything, but he immediately leaned into him, his chest still rising and falling rapidly as he gave tiny little murmurs. Tears fell from his cheeks and landed on Dean’s thin t-shirt .
So Dean reached up a hand and dragged his thumb over Cas’ cheek gently, 
Cas started to relax a little and he lifted his head from Dean’s shoulder to look again at the stars. 
“I love you,” Dean said quietly. Cas would tell him what was wrong if he wanted to. There was no reason to push. 
When Cas looked back at him, he was smiling through blurry eyes. “Bad dreams?” he asked, looking up and down Dean’s body. 
Dean laughed and shrugged. Cas knew him better than anyone. “Yeah.” 
“Me too.” 
“What did you see?” Dean asked slowly. Cas almost never told him. But maybe tonight. Maybe tonight with only the stars to listen in, only the dark silent woods to witness. 
“Nothing.” Cas’ voice was deep and serious, and his eyes left Dean’s for a moment as he said it. Dean knew he wasn’t done though. So he just waited silently, staring up at the stars. A few clouds had started moving over them, traveling peacefully on their journey with no idea what depths of pain and joy and suffering and ecstasy existed below them. 
“I saw nothing,” Cas continued with a shaky breath. “I saw my life after the Empty took me. I saw what would have been my eternity if you hadn’t saved me.” 
“If I hadn’t gripped you tight and raised you from perdition,” Dean said jokingly, earning a teary smile from Cas. 
“I would have been alone, Dean. Forever. But I was okay with that. I was okay with you just knowing, I didn’t need you to say-” 
“But I do,” he interrupted immediately. “I love you, Cas. Okay?”
Cas nodded and gulped, turning his face back to the sky. 
“The stars are beautiful,” Dean said simply, trying to take Cas’ mind of the nightmares, the horrors that plagued them even when it was all over. “How do we live in a world so beautiful when it was created by such an evil dick?” 
“Chuck didn’t make it beautiful.” Cas’ tone was final, confident, like he’d thought about it before. “He created the world, yes. But humans defined beauty. They brought it to life. They gave the stars poetry and gave them names and gave them meaning. They taught the stars what it was to feel. Chuck didn’t do that, Dean. He knows nothing of beauty.” 
Dean smiled and looked away from the heavens before pressing a kiss against Cas’ lips, breathing in the safe smell of his husband. 
“Well I know a thing or two about beauty,” he grinned, looking Cas up and down. 
Cas blushed--even after all these years he was hopeless in the face of Dean’s affection. 
“Come back to sleep?” Dean asked, slipping a hand in Cas’. 
Cas just nodded and led the way back to their room. They would still wake early. They would still rise before the sun and walk the Earth. 
Because they were happy. 
Despite everything, they were happy. 
tag list: 
@fandomstuff67 @menjiiii @castielss @starlightcastiel @chaoticdean @larryforeveralways @dreamnovak @flowersforcas @tlakhtwritesdestiel @wanderingcas @prayedtoyou @good-things-do-happen-dean @jayus-fandom-writer @cas-you-assbutt-dean-needs-you @gmotheemo @starrynightdeancas @radiantdean @piemaker-from-gallifrey @on-a-bender @eshaninjer @trasherasswood @dreadful-delight @feraladoration @trenchcas @contemplativepancakes @misha-moose-dean-burger-lover @thefourthheadofcerberus @seffersonjtarship @randomblabbling @craftywitchywoman @destielisfuckingcanon @adsp-destielcockles @tehmanda @castielscrookedtrenchcoat @queen-rowenas @expectingtofly @that-one-fandom-chick @quicksilver-ships @destielle
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writethelifeyouwant · 4 years ago
Nothing On But The Radio
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Pairing: Jared x Jensen  Rating: 18+ Tags: SAXX, clothing kink, dirty talk, degradation, blowjob, anal fingering, object insertion (DO NOT try this at home - not safe), anal sex Word Count: 2.7k  Created for: @spnkinkbingo - SAXX | @anyfandomgoesbingo - Dirty Talk Prompt: @downanddirtydean 's 500 follower celebration challenge: “The internet is more than just naked people. You do know that?” - Congrats on the milestone babe! 
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“The internet is more than just naked people. You do know that – right?”
Jared jumps in his chair as Jensen comes up behind him on set. He had been scrolling through the SAXX website to stock up on a few necessities, which isn’t necessarily embarrassing, but still not something you want people looking over your shoulder while you’re doing. “They’re not naked, Jensen,” Jared scoffs, going back to adding more pieces to his cart. “And stop stealing my lines,” he adds as an afterthought when he realises that Jensen was quoting Sam to him.
“Okay, mostly naked,” Jensen laughs and leans over the back of Jared’s chair, their heads almost touching, but not quite.
“Dude, do you mind?” Jared chuckles and tries to put some space between him and his co-star.
“Yeah, I mind. Lemme see,” Jensen grabs for the phone and starts scrolling through Jared’s cart. “I want to pick something out.”
“Why? So you can steal them for yourself?” Jared grins.
“No, so I can tear them in half before I fuck you in them,” Jensen whisper-growls into Jared’s ear so no one else can hear him. Jared goes bright red, checking no one is near enough to overhear them. “What, you embarrassed baby boy? Don’t want everyone around here knowing a big, strong guy like you lets himself get fucked in the ass every night?” Jared is pretty sure he’s stopped breathing. “Don’t want them to know what a little whore you turn into the second I get you alone and on your knees?”
“Jesus, Jen, fuck,” Jared gulps and steadies himself, trying to get a handle on the erection that is starting to push a little too insistently against his zip. “Shove the dirty talk, will ya? We’ve got a whole other scene to film before they let us outta here.”
“So is that a yes to buying whatever I pick out?” Jensen smirks.
“Yes, fine,” Jared concedes and sinks back in his folding chair. “Just nothing pink, yeah?”
“Oh, I am one hundred percent buying you the pink ones now,” Jensen grins and Jared drops his head into his hands. Why is his boyfriend such a doofus?
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Their little exchange is all but forgotten until Jared drops by his trailer and sees Jensen waiting on the steps for him, brown cardboard box in hand.
“Terri dropped off a package for you,” Jensen waves the box around in case it hadn’t been obvious to Jared what he meant. “I told her I’d be sure to give it to you,” he grins. Jared’s heart skips, knowing exactly what is in that box. Well – not exactly what is in the box. He knows everything he added to his cart before Jensen got hold of his phone, but Jen hit ‘purchase’ before he passed it back, and deleted the receipt, so there was no way for Jared to figure out what Jensen had ordered.
“Why do I feel like there’s a decent chance you’ve hidden a bomb in here,” Jared asks as he gingerly takes the package from Jensen and pushes into his trailer.
“Because you’re weird,” Jen laughs, staying on the pavement. “They need me for blocking checks but we’re done in time for dinner if you’re free?”
“Yeah, sounds good,” Jared nods.
“And, Jar–” Jared turns back around at Jensen’s call. “I count on seeing you in those tonight.”
“Which ones?” Jared calls back, a feeble attempt at a joke.
“Oh, you’ll know which ones,” Jensen laughs, and Jared can feel the hunger in it. He gives Jared a perfunctory salute and makes his way back to the soundstage, leaving Jared with his new package.
As soon as the trailer door is shut, Jared tears into the box. The relief he feels upon not seeing any pink is immediate, but it’s closely followed by suspicion about what Jensen actually did buy him. He quickly skims through the items and finds the culprit – a pair of black briefs that are really testing the limit of the definition of ‘briefs’. Jared is positive that these will barely cover any part of his body, and when he tries them on a few minutes later, his suspicions are confirmed. He looks like a hooker in a g-string. Almost certain that he is going to regret this later, Jared pulls his jeans back on over the new underwear and gets redressed.
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When Jared and Jensen stumble back into their shared apartment later that night, very much worse for wear courtesy of the new whiskey bar downtown that Misha recommended to them, Jared had mostly forgotten that he’s wearing ridiculously skimpy underwear. Jensen, on the other hand, hasn’t been able to get the image of Jared in the tight black briefs he’d bought him out of his head – and now he wants to see if the real thing measures up to his imagination.
“Right, J-rod,” Jensen claps once to get Jared’s attention and points to their bedroom, “bedroom, strip, now.”
“Romantic Jay,” Jared grins dopily but does as he’s told.
“Trust me, ain’t nothing romantic about what I’m planning on doing to that ass of yours,” Jensen laughs and follows Jared, catching the recently-shed flannel Jared flings down the hallway at him.
“Bettin’ on it,” Jared smiles, stripping out of his t-shirt in the doorway to their room and dropping it to his feet. Jensen can see the waistband of Jared’s underwear peeking above his jeans, the little ‘SAXX’ right in the centre of the deliciously cut vee of Jared’s hips. Jensen wants nothing more than to run his tongue along the line straight to Jared’s cock – and then he realises there’s nothing stopping him, so he drops to his knees in front of his boyfriend and does just that. He drags his tongue across Jared’s skin, smiling when he hears his intake of breath, and moves lower and lower until he reaches the ‘SAXX’ label and sucks it into his mouth. Jared jumps when Jensen lets it go and the elastic snaps back against his stomach. “Jerk,” he whines.
“Shuddup ‘Sam’,” the intonation is heavy in Jensen’s words and he drops into his ‘Dean’ voice, grinning as he undoes the button and zip on Jared’s jeans, tugging them down harshly and leaving him bare except for the skimpy underwear. “Unless you want me to make you my bitch tonight?” Jensen uses his Dean voice again as he leans into mouth against the erection straining in Jared’s briefs, the black cotton bulging so much Jensen’s surprised Jared actually fit himself inside them in the first place – now he was hard they barely cover anything.
Jared moans at the feeling of Jensen’s mouth against his cock. Something about getting sucked off through fabric always hits a bit differently than just having someone’s mouth on your dick, and right now, with Jensen suckling intently on the tip of his dick through his briefs, this is hitting exactly the right spot for Jared. “Fuck,” he whimpers, threading his fingers through Jensen’s hair, “Jen, you know if you want me to be your bitch, all ya gotta do is ask,” Jared pants, looking down to meet Jensen’s eyes, which are smirking up at him from where he still has his lips wrapped around Jared’s dick.
Jensen pulls off of Jared with a grin and gets to his feet. “Yeah I know, baby boy,” he coos and pulls Jared in for a heated kiss, tongue pushing its way between Jared’s lips, hot and wet. “Now, be a good little bitch and go get yourself ready for me, yeah?” Jensen smirks as he watches Jared nod and trip over his own feet in an effort to get to the bed quickly. He gets the lube out from the nightstand and goes to take off his underwear but Jensen hurries over to stop him. “Nuh uh, sweetheart. Keep those on for me,” Jensen orders with his hand clenched around Jared’s wrist.
“Sure,” Jared gulps, wide eyed, and moves his now slick fingers behind him and sneaks his hand beneath the waistband of his briefs to find his entrance. Jensen watches Jared hungrily as he fingers himself open, undressing all the while; plaid, then t-shirt, then jeans, then boxers – all one by one dropping to the floor. Jared moans when Jensen starts to stroke his own cock, admiring the drop of precum that’s already spilling over the dark pink tip. “C-can I?” Jared stutters, eyes locked on Jensen’s fingers moving slowly up and down himself.
“Yeah, c’mere baby,” Jensen kneels on the bed and shuffles closer so Jared can reach him with his mouth. The second he’s near enough, Jared sucks Jensen between his lips, running his tongue along the underside all the way to the hilt, until his nose is pressed snuggly against Jensen’s hip. “Fuck, forgot how much of a cockslut you are when you’re drunk,” Jensen chuckles deeply, combing Jared’s hair back off his forehead so he can watch him start to move up and down on his dick. “That’s it baby. Shit, your mouth feels so good,” he groans, closing his eyes and bucking his hips into Jared’s eager throat. “Such a good little slut letting me fuck your mouth while you finger that ass open for me. Got you wrapped around my little finger don’t I, bitch?” Jared moans around the cock in his mouth but Jensen doesn’t let up enough for him to get a proper answer out. “Yeah, thought so,” he scoffs.
Jared hums and moans around Jensen’s cock as he continues to finger himself. He’s definitely stretched and slick enough now, but he loves the feeling of Jensen using him like this, so he’s not gonna stop until Jensen tells him that’s what he wants him to do. After a few more minutes of Jensen fucking his throat, Jared feels him start to tense and jerk, and he knows Jen is close.
“Stop, stop, fuck baby,” Jensen groans, pulling Jared off his cock by his hair, and drawing a whine from the younger man. “Don’t want me to cum before I get the chance to fuck that ass, do you?” Jared shakes his head weakly, still pushing his fingers lazily in and out of his hole. He whimpers when he pulls his fingers out, and Jensen smirks down at him as he tries to once again take off the pair of SAXX. Jensen catches Jared’s wrists and holds them behind his back, pushing him onto his stomach. “I didn’t say you could take those off,” he growls against Jared’s ear, nipping at the skin and pulling another whimper out of him. Jensen sits up, keeping Jared’s wrists pinned in one of his hands while he reaches for the lube with the other to slick up his cock. “Your ass looks so good in these baby, look like such a little tease.” He lands a harsh slap against Jared’s backside, making Jared jump and cry out. “Imagine if all those fans saw more than just the label peeking out over your jeans, saw what a big man whore you look like with nothing but these on.”
“Jen, please,” Jared groans, humping against the bed to try to get some kind of friction or relief. “You want me to beg, I’ll beg, please for the love of God, put your cock inside me.” Jensen just laughs and spanks Jared again, even harder this time. “C’mon Jen, please, need you,” Jared pants, looking over his shoulder to catch Jensen’s eye. The desperation on his face is clear as he moans – “Need something inside me, please Jay.”
“You need something inside you baby boy?” Jensen sympathises, relinquishing his grip on Jared’s wrists, but the look of mischief in Jensen’s eyes makes Jared nervous.
“Yes, fuck, please,” Jared begs again.
“We can fix that,” Jensen smirks, reaching forward to grip just under the waistband of Jared’s briefs and wrenching the seam apart, the underwear ripping easily under Jensen’s violent influence. Pieces of the briefs come away in Jensen’s hand and he grins, getting an idea. Eyeing the shine of Jared’s hole, Jensen gathers some of the lube leaking out and smears it over the cotton, which is already damp with lube and Jared’s precum where his cock had been leaking. Bunching up the sopping cloth, Jensen pushes a finger into Jared to check he was still adequately open, then he shoves the torn material inside.
Jared chokes on his moans in surprise at what he’s feeling. The ball of cotton is pressing just against his prostate and it’s a very weird sensation but he can’t deny it feels good. “Fuck Jen,” he groans, pushing off his stomach and onto his hands and knees. Jensen lets out his own groan when he sees Jared’s hole winking up at him, showing him glimpses of the black cotton he’d just shoved inside him. He ruts his cock along the seam of Jared’s ass, catching the tip on the edge of his hole and dragging groans from both men. Jensen can’t hold himself back anymore, and he finally pushes himself into Jared, moving agonisingly slowly to tease the younger man as much as possible.
“You dick,” Jared pants, dropping his head to rest against his arms and pushing his hips back into Jensen’s cock, forcing him the rest of the way inside.
“Someone’s eager,” Jensen tries to keep his tone light, but now that he’s inside Jared, who keeps clenching his ass around his cock in an effort to get him to do something, he’s lost the majority of his composure.
“Just fucking fuck me already,” Jared hisses, bucking his hips back again. Jensen is tempted to make Jared wait, and beg for it – tease him until he’s crying in desperation – but he knows even he won’t last that long. As he draws out and snaps his hips back in, the tip of his cock brushes against the cotton he’s shoved into Jared and the sensation is electrifying. The little bit of slick friction just on the tip of his cock every time he fucks into Jared is so fucking good, he can’t get enough, and his pace turns frantic quickly. “Fucking hell, fuck yes,” Jared moans beneath him, spurring him on even more. “You fuck me so fucking good baby, shit, don’t stop, don’t stop, don’–” Jared’s words trail off into unintelligible whimpers as Jensen pounds into him mercilessly.
“Yeah, fucking love how good you take it baby. Gonna cum on my cock like a good little whore? My good little bitch, huh?” Jensen grits out breathlessly, draping himself over Jared’s back and angling his hips so he knows he’s dragging his cock over Jared’s sweet spot with every push in.
“Fuck, please, please,” Jared whimpers, turning his face to Jensen’s and clumsily trying to press their lips together. “I– I’m.. fuck,” Jared keens and Jensen growls his approval against his ear.
“C’mon, cum for me baby boy, wanna feel you cum,” Jensen snarls and he feels Jared let go, his hole spasming around Jensen’s cock as he empties himself in long white ropes onto the bed beneath them. Feeling Jared lose control is all that Jensen needs to go over the edge himself. He finally lets himself cum, grunting as he slams his hips into Jared one last time and stills, the tip of his cock pressed against the ball of black cotton still nestled inside Jared, now covered in Jensen’s cum. That thought brings a satisfied smirk to Jensen’s lips.
When their breathing has settled, Jensen carefully pulls out of Jared and rolls off of him, collapsing on the bed. Jared drops on top of him, nestling into Jensen’s chest and giving him a small kiss.
“That was really hot Jen,” Jared smiles drunkenly – though whether he’s drunk on whiskey or his orgasm, Jensen can’t tell.
“Just like you, baby boy,” Jensen says softly, kissing the top of Jared’s head.
“But,” Jared says shiftily, glancing up at Jensen.
“But?” Jen prompts, defensively.
“How am I supposed to get this fucking underwear out of my ass?”
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Tag List: @vulgar-library @tintentrinkerin @negans-lucille-tblr @fandomfic-galore @petitgateau911 @whoreforackles @schaefchenherde @kickingitwithkirk @little-diable @laxe-chester67 @kassyscarlett @delightfullykrispypeach @05supernatural20 @akshi8278 @deandreamernp @lyarr24 @lovealways-j @stoneyggirl @walkersbabygirl @austin-winchester67​ 
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msgrumpygills · 4 years ago
Social Media Anon Here!
Firstly, never change Grumpy ;) you are probably the only person on Tumblr to LISTEN to another view and let it change a prejudice.
Secondly, the Padagram/Social Media change bus continues. Don't be fooled people will be looking at positive and negative reactions to that change on social media.
So here goes!
1. They are starting to market season 2 of Walker in Hiatus. That really doesn't happen. That means they know they need to target new viewers. They are acknowledging they have a problem. The main problem is Jared either didn't learn enough about production quality on SPN (Jensen/Misha were both more interested in behind the camera's) or that he thought he could stick a Stetson on and we all had such sh1t for brains we'd watch anything. So they need a viewer boost DESPARATELY and are going all out to (a) persuade Walkers remaining viewer(s) that it's worth sticking around and (b) get back old viewers or convert 1m+ viewers to season 2. So now we see all the cast (and Keegan has more followers than Jared and Lindsay has a VERY engaged following) trying to persuade their followers how fabulous Walker is. Expect this scrabbling to continue if they want their COVID paychecks.
2. Connected to 1, Jared has started trying to break out of the fandom bubble. I don't think he's trying for power couple (the clue in a power couple is that two FAMOUS people get together and create a super brand, here we have one niche C famous guy and a hanger on wife), I think we are in Jared profile raising and trying to raise his recognition score, which is probably a little low having half assed it in the last year and a half. He's doing it by scatter-gunning so I'm not sure it's going to stick.
3. Connected to 2,
(i) if I run my algorithm clean laptop with a "Jared Padalecki" news search, I get (a) a daily mail article on Jared "clarifying the rift" (b) a "hello" magazine saying he's been "inundated with support after death of "family member"" (c) the new york times article on Walker and Supernatural. It then goes into a variety of articles about Jared raising money for Holly's family (fucking atrocious in my view to use her death for publicity) and a series of derivative articles on his mantrum and later explanation. ONLY THE NEW YORK TIMES ARTICLE MENTIONS WALKER other than as a throw away, all of the others link to Supernatural only. Walker isn't on the main radar of anyone as a show. It's not mainstream enough to mention. it has ZERO buzz.
(ii) if I run the same search on my compromised tablet, I get a SEA of fluff articles "jared padalecki goes to venice", "jared padalecki's wife wishes him a happy birthday" "jared padalecki goes to watch soccer" "jared padalecki goes to the wrestling". I'm expecting "Jared Padalecki defecates regularly" tomorrow.
At the end of that I get the same articles as in (i) but the majority of his publicity is still going through the fandom and the, not very viewed, endless zine type websites that update on every episode of every geek show every day.
So we are seeing, and I expect it to continue, a break out Padalecki, (who knows he and his forehead may wish to have a final crack at films), and a fluff Padalecki, trying to stay relevant a year after SPN relevance ended, because he hasn't got the same push for season 2 of Walker as he had for season 1 and Walker has zero presence. No one, not even the fans are talking about Walker.
Will it work? I don't think so. Keegan has 7m followers on Insta and that's because he's a photographer and writer and it's interesting. I would follow his account (I don't), but certainly it isn't a Walker instagram.
Jared is a clever guy, but he's boring on social media. He has a limited appeal. He does family snaps, hunk snaps, flogs orange pee and flogs his show. He says "family" and "mantra" a lot but that's really it. The clue is, if you didn't know who he was and came across his instagram you wouldn't follow him. Why would you? For a video of a guy running up steps? A smug picture of two middle aged men trying to flog you something?... (oh and lots of "brother" comments on Keegan's social media, which is irritating. It's like he thinks that is his repeatable formula and it isn't).
His media approach won't work because advertising and exposure pushes a product. In TV's case, it's not a one off product and there is a lot of competition. Product Jared needs to be more interesting (his mantrum's are the only exciting thing about him - and that is tragic) and his TV show just needs to be BETTER, well, a LOT BETTER.
Soooo, expect the Padapush to continue, but it's not about a couple, it's about individual marketing and for Jared breaking out of SPN bubble. For Gen, it's her tag along profile that she'll never break out of. She'll have to be satisfied with her superpower of being able to persuade people to buy toothbrush's and dog food (if she can).
Expect though the couple's bit to die off a little. Jared is getting over exposed. His engagement rating is plummeting (nearly 3% is a plummet) because of the repetitive photo content. He'll have to back off or people will switch off (I have already). What makes me laugh is.... from the dawn of time when cavemen took their wives 2 miles away for a new cave weekend.... NO ONE HAS EVER BEEN INTERESTED IN SOMEONE ELSE'S HOLIDAY SNAPS.... Gen and Jared apparently need to learn that lesson...
I might stop these posts now because, well, it's gotta be a bit boring for you and I write LONG. :)
Stay safe and wear your masks ;) xxx
I don’t want you to ever ever change, lovely! Also, I’m NEVER bored by your messages! You put so much effort into the research you do and the messages you send and it’s appreciated! <3 
I started following Lindsey on IG because she seems pretty genuine, and her cat is way too cute! Plus, I like her attitude. I haven’t followed her for the whole Walker season, but even she doesn’t post a lot about it. She posts interviews and then posts about that night’s episode, but other than that, nothing.  Can’t speak for Keegan, but how are fans and non-fans supposed to be excited about a show when the people STARRING in the show can’t be bothered? Maybe they’re all aware of how shitty it is or maybe they’re lazy, but it doesn’t make sense. 
I’m always interested to see the difference in an “algorithm-free” setting and one that has an algorithm. I always figured Google was the same for everyone, but seeing the difference in articles you’ve outlined is insane. It really just goes to show that Jared isn’t the star that his stans think he is. He’s not as important as they think he is, he’s just an actor.  It’s even more jarring to see just how little Walker is talked about at all. All of my devices probably have been “contaminated” when it comes to algorithm so I can’t really speak personally about the public and fans talking about Walker or not talking about it. I can say that on the posts about Walker from the Supernatural Facebook page, a good chunk of the comments are people saying they stopped watching, never got into it, or thought it was trash. There are only a handful of comments talking about how they enjoy the show. 
I think it was disgusting for him to use a fan’s passing for publicity. And no, I don’t think it was anything other than a PR stunt. Her family had a GFM going that was promoted by plenty of the case INCLUDING GEN, so you know he knew about it. But for him to make his own special one and then have articles posted everywhere about how charitable he is? That’s gross PR bullshit and I hope it backfires. 
I still follow a few Supernatural fans, Jared fans, Jensen fans, etc. on Tumblr and even they aren’t mentioning it. I think maybe the hardcore Jared stans post gifsets or whatever, but I don’t see much praise for the show itself, just Jared’s looks. Even the fans aren’t biting and that would make me reevaluate everything if I was Jared. 
I'm expecting "Jared Padalecki defecates regularly" tomorrow. This made me laugh way too hard!
who knows he and his forehead may wish to have a final crack at films You are on a ROLL!  Maybe I’ve become biased, but I can’t see Jared doing films. I mean, I could see him doing like a side character role or something small, but I can’t see him having a big part of a movie. Like I said, maybe that’s me being biased but I see him staying in TV. I could be proven wrong, but I don’t know. 
I agree about Jared being boring on SM. I used to get some giggles from his Twitter posts and even some of his early IG posts because they were goofy, clever, and candid. It showed his humor and was more personable. Now it’s just all fake and comes off as someone whose only motivation to engage with fans is money and that’s a big turn off. 
For me personally, I think that if instead of the “couple goals” bullshit that they try to push for their lavish trips, if they just posted cool pictures they took of different locations, activities, food or whatever, that would be more palatable than all the “Look at my hubster and I! We’re in Italy! Look at how in love we are!” But maybe that’s because I’ve become a bit of a photography nerd? 
I guess time will tell whether or not Jared will make positive changes and if Walker can be saved, but I’m not really optimistic about it. 
I AM optimistic about your takes on things so keep them coming! Long posts or not, I love them! <3
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babyboywilson · 4 years ago
Tinsel and Tourists Chapter Nineteen
Word Count: 1,607 (chapter continued under the Read More)
Dean’s POV
Link to ao3 / Link to masterpost
Bonus: Link to Destiel December Family Ficlet Day 9 (posted earlier today if anyone wants some gingerbread decorating fluff)
“Fuck. Fuck. Fuck!” Dean yelled, slamming his fist down against the Impala’s hood with enough force that his hand ached. No. This wasn’t happening. Not Cas. Fuck that. He was not letting Cas slip out of his life that easily. “We have to get him back. Right fucking now. I can’t- I cannot lose him, Sam. I think I love-” Dean said, violently cutting the sentence off when he realized what he was saying.
Sam gave him a sympathetic look. “We’ll find him. We’ll find both of them. But why Cas? Why Libby?” Sam asked.
Dean felt like his blood was boiling. “Not Libby. It wasn’t targeting her. She was in Cas’ house. It was looking for him”
“But why target Cas? He’s like the epitome of a good man,” Sam said, picking up the journal and looking at it again, searching for anything useful.
Desperately, Dean tried to find something- anything- bad about Cas. But he couldn’t. Maybe it was the rose-tinted glasses and the fact he was well and truly in love with Cas… and then it hit him. “He’s not bad, Sam. He’s just a sinner.”
Sam turned, looking at Dean as if he’d grown three heads. “What are you on about?”
“Maybe the reason we couldn’t find anything incriminating about Callie and Oliver is because there wasn’t anything. Not to us. But druid’s are religious, powerful priests that protect their society. They’re pretty hell bent on purging out anything they perceive as a threat in order to appease their God. They were, and still are, judge, jury, and executioner.
“Cas is gay. Homosexuality is a form of one of the deadly sins. Lust, right? What if they’re all sinners in different ways, even if those things aren’t necessarily seen as sins anymore? What if Callie was an alcoholic? Gluttony in the form of over-indulgence. You said Oliver was one of the most popular, well-liked teachers? What if some other teacher threatened that by rising in popularity with the kids and Oliver was jealous and acted on that jealousy? Envy.”
"Sinners in the biblical sense. Even if they aren't actually doing anything wrong," Sam said, nodding in agreement. "Alright, well then we just go back to the clearing and rescue them. Easy."
"No. Not easy at all. Unless you just so happen to know the lore for killing druids? And Callie and Oliver were missing for a week before they were killed. Which means they were being held captive somewhere. Cas could be anywhere right now,” Dean said, tears burning his eyes. He’d just found Cas, and the thought of losing him was agonizing. He should’ve protected him. Or maybe he should’ve never got involved with Cas in the first place. Would Cas be any safer if Dean wasn’t around? Or would Cas always have been targeted?
“Alright. We need a plan. And we need one fast. Think rationally, Dean. Dad wrote that oak forests are sacred to them, right? Hence why the rituals were happening in the clearing with the biggest oak tree. So maybe Cas and Libby aren’t far? If it sticks to the woods, maybe it’s keeping them in some cave or bunker nearby? Why keep them far from the sacrificial altar?” Sam said.
Distantly, Dean was grateful Sam was keeping a level head, because right now, he couldn’t seem to get a single cohesive thought that wasn’t Cas and sheer panic.
“Right. Okay. I’ll go and search the forest for them-”
“And I’ll call Bobby and find a way to kill it. He mentioned earlier that fire has ties to Celtic rituals. There might be a way to harness that and use it to gank the thing.”
With a sharp nod, Dean opened the trunk and pulled out two aerosol cans and flashlights, tossing one of each to Sam. “It’s not enough, but it just might hold it at bay long enough for you to find a more permanent solution.”
Pushing the can into his pocket, Dean made sure he had his lighter and gun before he took two steps towards the forest. Sam’s voice cut through the air, making him pause. “We’ll find him, Dean. There’s still time.”
Dean clenched his teeth together until his jaw ached. Keeping his back to his brother, Dean said, “So help me God, if I lose him, I’ll make any deal with any demon to bring him back.”
Before Sam could answer, Dean pulled his gun from his waistband and made his way back into the forest with the flashlight guiding the way.
Finding his way back to the clearing wasn't difficult. It was almost as if the mistletoe were like bread crumbs, growing thicker and more bountiful the closer he got to the clearing. Moving back towards the makeshift altar, Dean reached down, pressing his fingertips to the stained blood. "Where are you, you sick son of a bitch?" Dean said, flashlight beam moving about the clearing, looking for some kind of opening or sign of disturbance.
Then he saw it. Flecks of blood on a tree across the clearing. "Gotcha."
Pushing himself up from a crouch, he crunched across the snow, dodging between a couple of closely intertwined trees to see a couple more splotches of blood. "For the fact you drain the blood for omens, you're sloppy," Dean scoffed. But then he imagined it was Cas' blood and he felt his stomach roil.
Moving between the trees with a faster pace, Dean made sure to drop each footfall with heavy pressure, leaving a noticeable trail for Sam to follow. He darted the beam of light around his surroundings on every other step, desperately searching for some kind of shelter.
"Please, please. God, please. I'll do anything. Just let me find him alive," Dean said, words slipping out into the empty silence of the forest.
Every minute that passed as Dean ducked under branches and stepped over roots felt like he was being flayed alive again just like his stint in Hell. But this felt worse. Not knowing if Cas was still alive. It was agonizing. Dean had never felt pain like this; suffocating and paralytic, heart in his throat in absolute terror.
The trees started getting thicker, branches reaching out and snapping Dean across his cheeks in his haste. Not that he even noticed the stinging pain; too busy focusing on the task at hand.
'Find Cas, find Cas, find Cas,' looped through Dean's head, each time it repeated the panic creeped up higher and higher in Dean’s throat. Just when Dean was beginning to lose hope, he spotted it. Fresh blood splattered in stark contrast to the white snow.
Stumbling forwards, Dean veered off, half looping back to follow the red staining drops. Five seconds, ten, fifteen, and then he saw it. Hidden beneath the tree cover, an almost fully concealed opening between two large rocks. A cave.
Breaking out into a run, Dean clicked the safety off on his gun and turned his flashlight off just as he got to the entrance of the cave. His heart froze for a second, knowing this was the moment he'd either find Cas alive or… No. He couldn’t think that.
Taking a deep breath, Dean swung his body into the cave, gun up and ready to attack. Almost immediately he spotted a body tied up, head slumped over as blood tricked to the floor. Libby.
Dropping to his knees, Dean slid his fingers onto her neck, feeling for a pulse. A sigh of relief slipped past his lips as he felt a steady thrum beneath his fingertips.
"Libby? Hey, Libby, come on," Dean said, shaking her shoulders gently. Libby’s eyes flew open, and her mouth dropped on a scream, but Dean scrambled to slide his hand up over her mouth. "Shh. It's okay. It's Dean. I'm here to help," he said, pushing her hair from her face to check for major injuries.
Just as he shifted to check the back of her head, his eyes caught sight of another body tied a few feet away.
"Cas," Dean choked out the second he recognized that beautiful messy mop of hair, lurching forwards towards him. He tipped Cas' head back, one hand cupping Cas' cheek as the other searched for a pulse.
Please. Please. Please God.
Thump. Thump. Thump.
Dean choked on a sob, tears springing to his eyes and heart leaping in his chest as he felt Cas' pulse steadily against his finger. Sliding his other hand up to Cas' jaw, he stroked his thumbs over Cas' cheek bones. "Hey, sweetheart. Open your eyes. Wake up, Cas. Come on, beautiful. Show me those baby blues," Dean coaxed quietly. Moving his hands up, Dean stroked his fingers into Cas’ hair softly.
Cas’ eyelids fluttered a couple of times before he slowly opened his eyes, gaze hazy before squinting and focusing on Dean in the dark. Dean heaved a deep breath, tipping his forehead against Cas’ gently. “Thank God. Hey beautiful. It’s alright, I’ve got you,” Dean murmured.
“Dean?” Cas garbled out, leaning into Dean’s touch instinctively.
“Yeah, it’s me. Thought I told you to watch yourself and stay safe?” Dean said, reaching down to untie Cas.
“Maybe I just wanted you to come and save me?” Cas said, rubbing at the back of his head gingerly.
“Well, mission accomplished. I’m here to rescue your cute ass. Now let’s get out of here before-” Dean started to say, but he was cut off.
“Dean?” Libby cried out from the other side of the cave.
Spinning around, Dean pushed Cas behind him to protect him, just as he came face to face with the druid.
Tag List Part 1 Below- (please let me know if you’d like to be added or removed from the list!)
Tag List: @cas-deserved-so-much-more @hello-x-sunshine​ @bibelphegor​ @likepurplemuses​ @expectingtofly​ @neo-neo-neo​ @shadowywerewolfqueen​ @a-sweet-indisposition​ @feraladoration​ @xojo​
@oganizediguana​ @paintdriesfaster​ @adsp-destielcockles​ @destielangst​ @im-your-huckle-berry @justa-crayon​ @dea-stiel​ @superduckbatrebel​ @destielfactory​ @miluiel-erynion​
@y-yo-a-ti-cas67 @cockleslovesdestiel​ @toxic-nebula​ @misha-moose-dean-burger-lover @enchantinghairdoherringwombat​ @proudace​ @galaxymysteryelephant​ @aelysianmuse​ @ramennoodles-dean-cas @you-changedmedean
@gmos-winter-wonderland @deansotherotherblog​ @trekkie24 @geo-val​ @dizzypinwheel​ @hermionevaldez9​ @gimmeprozac @iamsherlockedondoctorwho​ @dickspeightjrs​ @imbiowaresbitch​
@destielle​ @hopefuldreamers-world​ @organicpurplepants​ @dean-you-assbutt-cas-loves-you​ @shut-up-dean​ @sapphirecobalt-1​ @eshaninjer​ @spnobsessed50​ @mishka​ @holygoddessofvictory​​
@jayus-fandom-writer​​ @2musiclover2​​ @rainbowscas @bennedict​ @cassiecasyl​ @jensenacklesruinedmylife​ @can-i-just-stay-in-the-corner​ @chaoticdean​ @destiel-trash-asf​ @tlakhtwritesdestiel​
@bri-winchester​ @50shadesofcockles @trasherasswood​ @spittingpagan @castielstolemyheart @becky-srs @phoenix13 @jiminthestreets-bonesinthesheets @deancasology @top13zepptraxx
@love-neve-dies @good-things-do-happen-dean @tearsofgrace @thedirtytrenchcoat @a-porno-with-the-russian-mafia @on-a-bender @moi-the-bard @one-more-offbeat-anthem @naturallyathief @queen-rowenas
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verobatto · 4 years ago
Destiel Chronicles
It was a love story from the very beginning
Another Destiel Separation
Hello my friends and welcome to the last meta from season 13!
I would love to see the script from this episode because I always said they robbed us the goodbye scene between Cas and Dean, but well...
Let's start...
Mary and Bobby, Destiel mirror and the calm before th storm
First, we had a random werewolves hunt. In which we had a little of comedy and a sneak peek to what Jack's training is. Dean says it's a werewolves hunt and let the kid to answer they will need silver bullets. Just like a resident to his doctor in charge.
Team Free Will 2.0 working together with great results, is showing us the calm before the storm.
Jumping now to the scene between Mary and Bobby, we have here another Destiel mirror. With Mary (Dean) and Bobby (Castiel).
They come from different worlds, and once Boby starts to walk in this new universe, with Mary, he begins to embrace it. Just like Castiel did with humanity, asking in season 8 to be a hunter and to stay in Earth with Dean.
BOBBY: (...) Anyways...without an archangel, it's not like we can go back home. And I'm not sure I'd want to. I...I like it here.
We've been robbed: 1
Remember that scene in which Dean shows Sam so much faith on Jack (the faith that he took from Castiel) and thought about retirement? A happy ending? Yeah, let's cry here and struggle with the idea that we've been robbed...
DEAN: Hey, you remember...remember when you asked if we could stop it? All the evil in the world?
SAM: Yeah.
DEAN: If we could...really change things? Well, maybe with Jack, we can.
SAM: Maybe you're right. But then what will we do?
DEAN: Mm. Yeah. This. (Dean holds a beer he has been carrying and Sam looks down at his) A whole lot of this.
But on a beach somewhere, you know?
Can you imagine?
You, me, Cass, toes in the sand, couple of them little umbrella drinks. Matching Hawaiian shirts, obviously. Some hula girls.
SAM (scoffing) You talking about retiring? You?
DEAN: If I knew the world was safe? Hell, yeah. And you know why? 'Cause we freaking earned it, man.
Gif set credit @inacatastrophicmind
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Dean thinks in a happy retirement with his brother and Castiel. Because this was in his heart. This was Dean's wish. And this should be his ending. He is the one saying it. They deserved that ending because they freaking earned it. Dean didn't mention Jack, because this is played as a foreshadow in which Jack will have a very important role to keep the world safe as Dean wants: Jack will be the new God.
The scene in which Jack has a nightmare and Dean goes to calm him down, we hear him talk about his own nightmares about people he couldn't save, this shows THE GUILT HERITAGE inside of him, and how this will lead him to say yes to AUMichael.
Jack follows Dean's toxic behavior
Jack goes to avenge Maggie's dead by his own, just like Dean did to face Loki. (Following Dean's toxic bwhat and not his advices).
Then we have Dean shooting at Jack by the back, as a foreshadow of how he will deceive Jack to out him inside the Ma'lak box in season 14.
The manipulative speech Lucifer gives to Jack is a parallel to the one that will give fem!AUMichael to Jack in episode 14x09. The words are similar: talks about power, their difference with humans, their supremacy over humans, and how they should be together to conquer the world because they're family.
The comparison with Star War Anakin, is to place doubts about Jack's future, because everyone knows Anakin turns into the dark side.
But then Sam praying to Jack (just like Dean to Cas) is showing us the faith Sam has on him too.
Jack revails Lucifer's true intentions and true self in a very spectacular show of his powers.
A Sacrifice for family love
Lucifer kidnaps Jack and Sam because he knows about their bond: Sam occupied in this season Lucifer's place as a father. Lucifer knows it and that's why he decided to took them with him and play a sadic game.
How Sam and Jack were willing to give their lives for each other is the same scenario of Dean giving his life and body to AUMichael to save them. Both sacrifies are for Love, FAMILY LOVE. As Michael will tell Sister Jo in 14x02.
The scenes are mixed between the church in which Jack and Sam are deliberating who will do the sacrifice and Dean about to offer his own life like the sword to Michael.
And Jack saying...
JACK: I love you. I love all of you.
Third time we see it int he show (Castiel and Mary in season 12), is telling us that had always been a family love confession. Just like Dean saying yes to Michael.
Gif credit @bennylafitte
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Gif credit @hallowedbecastiel
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We've been robbed: 2
The scene in which Dean starts saying he is Michael's sword, is short but very meaningful. Castiel flicks his eyes to him surprised about the offer Dean is making to that monster. He tries to stop him but Dean feels he is trapped and he has to make that sacrifice for Jack and Sam.
The fandom were heartbroken by then about Castiel's feelings, and maybe writers should make it even more noticeable in the script: I'm talking about the fact that Castiel's fall was because he fought against Heaven's Orders, that implied DEAN SAYING YES TO MICHAEL. It means, he went against destiny and embraced free will, following Dean and looking at him as a role model.
He was really angry when Dean almost say yes in season 5, if you remember that scene, Castiel literally kicked Dean's ass.
But this Castiel is different from that one in season 5. He is against that decision but even so, he remains quiet, to a side, watching the man he loves and the one for who he left everything he was for millennials, being snatched by Michael from his side.
When Michael takes control of Dean's body, Castiel can sense it, because they're bonded.
But you know, I still feel there was a scene missing: the one in which Dean says goodbye to Cas. (And I really thought there would be a kiss scene erased there... I explained this here.)
This was another lovers separation, my friends... Sighs...
To Conclude
The last episode from this season was messy and sometimes confusing. It was written by Dabb, and he tends to do that.
In the middle of the messy plot, we can talk about Destiel parallel (Mary and Bobby)
Jack mirroring Dean's toxic behavior and another lovers separation.
Hope you liked this meta, see you in the next one!
Tagging @magnificent-winged-beast @emblue-sparks @weird-dorky-little-d @michyribeiro @whyjm @legendary-destiel @a-bit-of-influence @thatwitchydestielfan @misha-moose-dean-burger-lover @lykanyouko @evvvissticante @savannadarkbaby @dea-stiel @poorreputation @bre95611 @thewolfathedoor @charlottemanchmal @neii3n @deathswaywardson @followyourenergy @dean-is-bi-till-i-die @hekatelilith-blog @avidbkwrm @anarchiana @dickpuncher365 @vampyrosa @authorsararayne @mybonsai1976 @love-neve-dies @dustythewind @wayward-winchester67 @angelwithashotgunandtrenchcoat @trashblackrainbow @deeutdutdutdoh @destiel-shipper-11 @larrem88 @charmedbycastiel @ran-savant @little-crazy-misha-minion @samoosetheshipper
@shadows-and-padlocked-hearts @mishtho @dancingtuesdaymorning @nerditoutwithbooks @mikennacac73 @justmeand-myinsight @idontwantpeopletoknowmyname @teddybeardoctor @pepevons @helevetica @isthisdestiel @dizzypinwheel @jawnlockwinchester @horsez2 @qanelyytha
@destielle @spnsmile @shippsblog @robot-feels @superlock-in-the-tardis @superduckbatrebel @2musiclover2 @madronasky @anon-non2 @cea1996 @lisafu02 @asphodelesauvage @deancasgirl777
If you want to be added or removed from this list just let me know.
If you wanna read the previous metas from this season here you have the links:
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jawritter · 4 years ago
Life Of The Party
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Summary: A game of truth or dare gets’s really interesting, when alcohol is involved. 
Pairing: Rob Benedict x Reader
Written for: @spnchristmasbingo​
Square Field: Rob Benedict
Word Count: 1410
Warning: Implications of past as well as future smut, oral (male receiving), alcohol consumption, mentions of being drunk, language. This one is pretty much porn, not sorry. 
A/N: This fic is completely unbeta’d, so all mistakes are mine! This is my first ever Rob x Reader fic, so please be nice lol. Feedback is golden, do not copy my work! I hope you all enjoy this one!
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“Okay Y/N, truth or dare,” Richard asked, staggering into your circle of friends in his living room with an open bottle of Crown, and a bag of popcorn, flopping down with an exaggerated grown next to Jared, who chuckled at the thought of what he was gonna do to Richard when he passed out first as usual.
“Dare, pick dare,” Misha drunkenly whispers yells, elbowing you annoyingly. 
“Okay, okay dare,” you growl, swatting at Misha, who promptly falls off of the cushion he was only half balanced on, causing Jensen to snort out a laugh into his own red solo cup. 
“YAS QUEEN!” Richard yells, slapping his hands together, and giving you a mischievous grin that seriously made you a little uneasy. 
Richard had flown Jensen, Misha, Rob, Jared, Briana, Kim, and yourself to his house as soon as the quarantine was lifted in order to have a friend’s get together/Christmas celebration now that people were safely able to be in the same room with each other again. Richard’s parties were always a promise of two things, a good time you all hoped no one would remember in the morning, and a damn horrible hangover the next day. 
“Okay, okay, you have to go in that room back there where Rob is having a pity party for himself, don’t say shit, just drop down on your knees in front of him, and suck him off,” Richard slurs. 
Misha pops up off the floor like a gopher out of his hole, and Jensen nearly chokes to death on his drink, while the others laugh at their reactions. Briana slaps Jensen hard on the back as he sputters, and Richard keeps locked eyes with your completely shocked face. 
“Can’t I just go flash him or something?” you whisper to the circle in front of you.
Richard shakes his head and crosses his arms over his chest. “Nope, you either go in there and blow him, or you have to tell us what happened between you and Sebastian at Comic Con last year.”
Your ears burned and you knew you were blushing. The whole circle seemed to perk up at that little bit of information. You had told Richard about that little hookup in confidentiality, but apparently, alcohol brings forth loose lips from your extremely drunk friend. 
You weren’t about to throw Sebastian under the bus like that. Plus you don’t know if he wanted it out that he’d fucked Jensen’s PA at Comic Con. 
“Fine, fine,” you grumble, getting off of the floor with a huff. 
“Well, next time I’ma go sulk in a back room over my ex, then maybe I can’t…” Jensen started, but before he could finish Briana elbowed him hard in the side, “Ouch!” 
You chose to ignore his comment and tried to calm your nerves, crossing the floor to the bedroom door. An eerie silence had fallen over the room behind you, and you knew everyone was watching.
“Remember Y/N, not a word, just do it,” Richard said. 
Man, you hopped he didn’t freak out on you. Rob had been friends with you ever since you started working for Jensen as his PA when he took on a new role with the boys, as well as his new production company. It was a big workload, and he needed the backup. It was the best decision you had ever made. It opened up a lot of doors for you that you never thought you would have opened, but it also gave you friends you would cherish for a lifetime. 
Opening the door to the room you see Rob sitting on the edge of the bed with his phone in one hand, and an open bottle of beer in another, taking a deep swig as he turns his head to look at you from where he was gazing out of the window.
“Hey, Y/N/N,” he smiled at you as you closed the door behind you, slipping the lock to prevent them from getting too curious and coming in for proof. 
You cross the floor with your heart pounding against your rib cage, coming to a stop in front of him, and placing your finger to your lips, shushing him as you wink and sink down to your knees in front of him. 
You watched confusion flashed across his face as your hands slipped sensually up his thighs, making their way to his belt, undoing it quickly and lowering his zipper before he had a chance to react. 
“What...What are you? Oh, God.”
Reaching inside his pants you quickly remove his flaccid length stroking it in your hand and blowing lightly across the tip, smirking as his hips jerked in response, and his cock started to swell under your administrations. 
“Oh my God,” he murmured, quickly undoing his button and swatting you away only long enough to shove his pants and boxers down in a hurry. You bit your tongue, desperately wanting to respond with, “I thought you went by Rob now,” but remembering you weren’t allowed to speak.
By the time you took him in your hands again you were pretty impressed at the fact he was already fully erect, and already forming a little bead of precum at his swollen tip. Even more impressive was the sudden need you had to taste him.   
You had always thought Rob was cute, but you had never really seen him that way, not until this point. 
Giving him your best doe-eyed look you slowly run your tongue all the way up the thick vein on the underside of his cock, stopping to tongue at his slit, your own pussy clenching around nothing at the little moans that were already falling from his lips as his eyes closed and his head lulled back; the salty taste of precum invading your taste buds as you hollow out your checks and swallow all of him that you could until you were nose to hilt with him. 
“Holy shit,” he groaned, grabbing your hair and moving it out of your face as you bag to bob up and down his shaft, licking, sucking, and jerking what you couldn’t fit in your mouth as you went. 
You never expected this to turn you on the way it did, but damn. The weight of him on your tongue was downright intoxicating. It didn’t take long for his legs to start shaking, and his breath to come in short, uneven bursts as he got closer and closer to his release, his hips moving along with the pace you had set. 
You could tell he was close, right on the edge, all he needed was a little push to get there, and you had a feeling you knew just how to do it. 
Carefully you slip your left hand under his quickly tightening sack, massaging slowly, pulling more strangled groans from his lips as his legs tightened and jerked, almost there, but still not quite falling over the edge. Taking a deep breath through your nose, you hollow out your cheek and swallow him whole in one goal, gagging slightly around the tip, that was all it took for him to spill into your waiting mouth, and you eagerly sucked down all he had to give until he couldn’t take it anymore. 
Rob sat on the bed, wide-eyed and panting as he slowly got to your feet, carefully wiping your mouth because, well, dammit you were a lady after all, and giving him a wink as you head towards the door. 
“Merry Christmas Rob,” you say as you grab a hold of the doorknob, knowing damn good and well there was a crowd waiting outside the door because you heard them shuffle away at the close sound of your voice. 
“Merry Christmas Y/N,” he replied, voice much higher than normal. 
You exit the room grinning only to find a very disgruntled Jensen standing not far from the doorway. 
You remember his previous comment as you cross your arms in front of you, leaning against the doorway, more than a little riled up from the task you just completed, the alcohol making you braver than what you would have been normally, and after all, it was a party. 
“Truth or dare Jay,” you say with your best devilish smirk, one that he quickly returned, taking a deep swing of the whiskey bottle he was holding before pinning you to the door frame. 
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Forever Tags: 
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dickspeightjrs · 4 years ago
Drag Me Away From You (canon / 1.1k)
ao3 link
Sometimes Dean was a little wistful for the days where a couple of demons terrorising a town was a big hunt to them. 
Now it’s like an everyday walk in the park. 
Which is why Dean was flying solo in some town just outside Austin handling a couple of demons who just couldn’t help causing shit. 
He’d told Sam and Cas to stay behind at the bunker with Jack since they had no big bad to fight for the minute, thank god (though maybe that wasn’t the best expression to use…). All three of them had fought strong and hard when taking down Chuck that Dean didn’t want them going on hunts any time soon. They needed rest. 
So when they got wind of these asshole demons kicking up a fuss, Dean quietly slipped out of the bunker in the early hours before the others could argue and come with him. 
He helped take down frickin God, he could take on some black-eyed sons of bitches. 
It didn’t take long to track the demons down. And once they knew there was a Winchester in town, they were determined to be the ones to finally take them down. Idiots. 
The demons thought they’d laid a genius trap for the hunter. At first, Dean played along and acted as if he had no idea what was going on. But soon enough he had the upper hand. 
So that’s how he ended up in some abandoned warehouse with the two demons in their own devil’s traps. 
“Real funny, Winchester. Let us out,” one of them growled. 
“I’m gonna go with ‘no’ on that one.” Dean replied with a sarcastic grin. “Any other last requests?”
Both demons just glared daggers at Dean but otherwise said nothing. 
“Good.” Dean said. “Let’s get started then.” 
Just as he was about to start the exorcism his phone rang in his pocket. 
Rolling his eyes and sighing at being interrupted, Dean stopped and reached into his pocket to answer it. He turned his back on the demons. He didn’t want to deal with their smug faces. 
Castiel’s name flashed up on the screen. This wasn’t going to be pretty. But Dean knew it would be even worse if he let it go to voicemail. And he certainly didn’t want to be on the end of the angel’s wrath. 
“Hey Cas,” Dean tried to sound casual. “What’s up?” 
“You know exactly ‘what’s up’. You left for a demon hunt in the middle of the night, on your own?!” Castiel chastised. 
Dean resisted the urge to hang up so he could just get on with sending the sniggering bastards behind him back to where they came from. “It’s no big deal, Cas. Just a couple of loud-mouth demons.”
“I can help, just wait there.” 
“No, Cas!” Dean protested, running a frustrated hand down his face. “I know you can just zap here but you only just got your mojo back after Chuck. I don’t want you to lose it again over something I can handle myself.” 
He could hear Castiel’s relenting sigh on the other end. “Fine. But I’m not happy about it.” 
Dean moved further away from the demons making sure that they couldn’t hear his next words. “Thanks, babe. I’ll be back in the morning and I’ll make you breakfast. How’s that?” 
Castiel still grumbled a little. “With the bacon pancakes?” he murmured. 
“Of course!” Dean grinned. 
“Okay, I’ll see you tomorrow. Be safe. I love you.” 
“I will,” Dean assured him. He checked over his shoulder before slipping in a quick “I love you too” and hanging up the phone. 
Shoving his phone back in his pocket, Dean couldn’t keep the grin off his face. God, he was so far gone for his angel. Even if Castiel couldn’t let Dean handle things on his own, Dean couldn’t help but go warm any time Castiel told him he loved him. 
Clearing his throat and getting himself back in the zone, he turned again to face the demons who still stood, trapped in the sigils Dean had sprayed onto the ground. 
Only, when he looked at them, all Dean could see was both of them looking even more smug than before. 
“I dunno what you’re smirking at. I’m about to send your asses back to hell.” 
Dean’s threat just bounced off the demons. 
“I don’t think so, Winchester. Not with the information we just got.” The other demon spoke for the first time. 
Dean frowned at the demons. What the hell were they talking about?
“Ah, Avila, it seems Winchester thought he’d covered his conversation with the angel.” The first demon smirked. 
“That’s unfortunate, isn’t it, Walter?” Avila (apparently) replied. 
Dean’s heart started beating rapidly. How much had they heard?
“So it’s true?” Walter continued. “You and the angel are shacked up?” 
As much as Dean didn’t want to have this conversation with a demon of all things, he wasn’t going to deny his relationship with Castiel. It took them long enough to get to where they were now. He wasn’t going to hide anymore. 
“Maybe. What’s it to you?” Dean asked, lifting his chin in defiance. 
“Woah, I didn’t think he’d actually admit it. You owe me fifty bucks, Walt.” Avila laughed. 
Dean was just about done with these assholes. 
“Okay, we’re done here. Say hi to the other hell rats for me.” 
“I wouldn’t be too sure, Winchester.” Walter interrupted. “You see, now we have this little nugget of information, you send us back to hell? It’ll spread like, well, hellfire. Don’t think other monsters won’t find out too.” 
“And with what you’ve done for your brother over the years, we know the way to Dean Winchester is through his heart.” Avila smiled devilishly. “Your angel will have a target on his back more than ever before. You happy to be the reason Castiel is hunted?” 
Dean is saved from firing a biting retort at the demons. 
A hand appeared on each of the demon’s heads and their eyes lit up with blinding light. The two empty bodies thudded to the floor to reveal Castiel behind them, lowering his arms gently back to his sides. 
Dean sighed at his boyfriend. “I knew you wouldn’t stay away.” 
Castiel stepped over the bodies towards Dean. “I was going to but I listened in, just in case. And I didn’t like the way they were talking about us.” He moved to run his hands under Dean’s jacket, around the hunter’s firm waist. 
Dean relaxed into Castiel’s embrace. “I know, but they’re idiots for even thinking that they’d stand a chance if they went after you.”
He brushed a tender hand through Castiel’s dark hair before leaning in to close the gap between them. Their breaths mingled together. 
“I’d rip the Earth apart to protect you,” Dean whispered against his angel’s lips. 
“And I, you.” Castiel whispered back before meeting Dean’s lips in a claiming kiss. 
Enveloped by his love for Castiel, Dean couldn’t help but wish luck to anyone who ever tried to come between them.
A/N: Just a little thing I liked the idea for. 
Hope you guys enjoyed!
If you enjoy my works and would like to be added to my tags list, let me know!
TAGS: @eccentriccas @starrynightdeancas @credentiast @imbiowaresbitch @starclaire @cockleslovesdestiel @bend-me-shape-me @destielfactory @dea-stiel @wendeano @wingsandimpalas @aggressivedean @flowersforcas @chill-legilimens @pancakesofthelord @caslikescoffeeandfreckles @assbuttboyfriends @breathingdestiel @simplymisha
@thekingslover @aelysianmuse @2musiclover2 @cas-you-assbutt-dean-needs-you @50shadesofsubtext @destielle @carryoncastiel @winchester-novak @angelwithashotguun @misha-moose-dean-burger-lover @chaoticdean @jensenacklesruinedmylife @huckleberryhusbands @good-things-do-happen-dean @irlydontknoanymore @little-greek5 @joana-the-banana @findingfantazja1627 @fevercas
@mishha @casbelieves @duckyboos-blog @rambleoncas @destiel4life @bastard-man-barba @fiercedean @jackk-o-lanterns @aurastiel @castyel @joharvele
(I’ve added a few new mutuals, please let me know if you’d like to be removed)
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tearsofgrace · 4 years ago
written for suptober day 23: favorite
wc: 1k, tags: fluff, NO ANGST, happy ending, sam ships it, love confessions (sort of), drunk dean, chuck is gone, tfw is all alive, AND JACK DOESNT FUCKING DIE BECAUSE THATS STUPID
Dean got to his feet, swaying slightly, and crossed the room to sit on the couch next to Cas. 
He hadn’t had that much to drink, not really, but it had been a while since he’d drunk and his mind was already pleasantly buzzing. They hadn’t done a ton of drinking since Jack had defeated Chuck. There wasn’t as much pain to drown out. 
And Dean wouldn’t say he was happy exactly. There was still too much weighing him down. Still too many dead friends on his conscience, too many mistakes he’d made, too many people he’d let down. But he was okay. And Sam seemed happy, even when they were still hunting. Jack did too. And Cas… he didn’t know if Cas had let himself be happy yet. But at least there was nothing stopping him anymore. No deal hanging over his head.
They were all free. And that was enough for now. 
Dean landed on the couch with a heavy sigh, accidentally sitting on Cas’ feet. 
“Shit, sorry,” he slurred as Cas pulled them out from under him. When Cas started to pull his legs back to his chest, Dean’s hands darted out of their own volition. He grabbed Cas’ ankles and settled his legs comfortably on his lap. Something rang in the back of his head, something telling him this wasn’t normal, but he ignored it. 
Maybe he was a little too drunk. 
“Seriously, dude?” Sam said from across the room. Dean finally raised his hooded eyes, looking at his brother and his best friend. Sam’s eyebrows were in his hair, and he was smirking slightly. Which didn’t make sense. Best friends do this sort of thing all the time. 
Cas was looking down, and a small blush was creeping across his cheeks, but that was probably just the alcohol. 
“How’s it feel to get drunk as a human?” Dean asked. He noticed Sam’s head jerk up and mentally cursed himself. Cas still wasn’t comfortable with this whole losing his grace thing. But it had to beat being dragged to the Empty for time and all eternity. 
“It’s okay,” Cas said softly. 
Dean swiveled his head slowly, letting it flop against the side of the couch so he could stare at Cas. The angel had been looking at him, but as soon as his eyes found him he dropped his gaze. Go figure. Cas was the one who always gave him those unnerving stares that made him feel like he was slowly peeling away each layer of his clothes while his hands-
Shit. Yeah he was definitely too drunk. But that had never stopped him before. He took the glass Cas was holding loosely that still had two or three fingers of whiskey in it and knocked it down in one swallow. He exhaled sharply as the liquid stung his throat then he let his head fall again. 
Sam cleared his throat and stood up. “Well, I think I’m going to bed. You two,” he paused, and Dean sat up so he could see the smirk slowly spread across his face, “You two have fun.”
“Top me off before you go, Sammy,” Dean said before he could stop himself. But really, it’d been months since he’d been drunk, so sue him if he wanted to enjoy it. 
Sam rolled his eyes but grabbed the discarded bottle of whiskey from the table and poured him about two fingers. 
“Come on, don’t cheap out on me.” 
“Dean, you’ve had enough.” 
Dean fixed him with a bitch face he was pretty proud of and Sam rolled his eyes before pouring a little more. 
“You’re welcome, Cas,” Sam muttered under his breath. Which Dean decided to ignore because he was too tired to care what the hell Sam was spouting off about. 
Something changed in the room when Sam left. A new energy he couldn’t quite identify charged the air. He liked it, fed off it even. 
Dean pulled Cas’ legs closer into his body and looked at him again. This time, he didn’t look away. He took a sip of his drink, his eyes never leaving Cas. 
“I’m sorry you’re human.” 
“It’s okay.” 
Dean took another large sip of whiskey, already fed up with how quickly it was dwindling. On the bright side as soon as he was done he would have another free hand. 
They sat in silence for a minute, Cas’ breathing loud in the room. Or maybe it was Dean’s breathing. He couldn’t tell. 
He felt Cas’ legs shift on top of him and his free hand held them tighter. Cas was so warm, even now that he was human. It was like a part of his grace was still burning inside him. “Can I tell ya somethin’?” 
“Of course.” 
Dean chuckled soflty, one thought filling his mind, one thought that for some reason he wasn’t supposed to tell Cas. He couldn’t imagine why. “You’re my favorite,” he whispered shyly, looking at Cas through his eyelashes as he finished his drink and set the glass on the table in front of them. 
Cas gulped and Dean’s eyes were glued to his neck. But when he spoke, it was gentle, teasing almost. “You’re drunk.” 
“No, you don’t get it,” Dean breathed, letting himself twist on the couch so he was resting against Cas’ chest, their legs now a tangled mess. “You’re my favorite,” he tried to stretch the last word, to tell Cas what he meant. He couldn’t think of other words to say it, his mind was too far gone.
And now he just wanted to sleep. To rest here where it was warm, where it was safe. 
Cas sighed, and Dean felt his warm breath rush over him as his eyes drifted closed. “You’re my favorite too, Dean.” Dean felt hot lips against his hair and he smiled even as his mind drifted off. He wasn’t just okay anymore. Right now, if only for a moment, he was happy. 
When Sam walked in the next morning, both former-angel and hunter were asleep, completely intertwined with each other. He looked at them for a minute, a broad grin covering his face, just watching as their chests rose and fell together. It was the most telling, really, that Dean didn’t jump up when he walked in. That he didn’t go for a gun, instincts taking over. 
He finally felt safe.
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@fandomstuff67 @menjiiii @witchyanaels @starlightcastiel @chaoticdean @larryforeveralways @samhainsam @flowersforcas @tlakhtwritesdestiel @wanderingcas @hallowena @spooky-things-do-happen-dean @jayus-fandom-writer @cas-you-assbutt-dean-needs-you @gmotheemo @starrynightdeancas @radiantdean @piemaker-from-gallifrey @on-a-bender @eshaninjer @trasherasswood @dreadful-delight @feraladoration @trenchcas @contemplativepancakes @misha-moose-dean-burger-lover @thefourthheadofcerberus @seffersonjtarship
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destieltropecollection · 5 years ago
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Destiel Trope Collection 2020 Day 20: Mutual Pining
An Old Feeling | @deservetobesaved
Rating: Teen & Up Word Count: 1741 Main Tags/Warnings: post season 12, jealous!dean, love confession Summary: Castiel thinks Dean will never love him back so he decides to try and move on. Cue jealous!Dean and confessions galore.
To Catch a Spark | zaphodsgirl (AO3)
Rating: Teen & Up Word Count: 2364 Main Tags/Warnings: Misunderstandings, Fluff Summary: Cas has been acting pretty clumsy lately and Dean is a little worried.
Falling Awake | @specsofwings
Rating: General Word Count: 2530 Main Tags/Warnings: Love confessions, Cas and Dean being idiots, The Cosmic Entity Summary: After Michael is killed by Team Free Will 2.0, Dean ends up in the Empty, Michael's grace pulling a sliver of his consciousness there. The Cosmic Entity calls him out on not realising Castiel is in love with him. Dean needs to decide what to do with that information as he wakes up home.
Personal Space | @notfunnydean
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 2859 Main Tags/Warnings: NSFW, Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot. Masturbation, Masturbation Interruptus, Voyeur Castiel Summary: It’s been four weeks since the last time Dean actually had time for himself and he just wants to crawl into his bed and finally jack off. Sadly he says a certain name and Castiel shows up and not to interrupt.
That Game We Played | @misha-moose-dean-burger-lover
Rating: Teen & Up Word Count: 3139 Main Tags/Warnings: Valentine's Day, Castiel/Dean Winchester in the Men of Letters Bunker, Broken Thermostat, Castiel is Not Oblivious, Naked Cuddling Summary: “You know what?” Dean mutters, mostly to himself. He really is trying to be less of a jerk - but he can’t seem to help it. It’s Valentine’s day, and it’s hot. So he decides to stop talking, and takes off his jacket, a deep blue leather utility, and shucks it away on a counter. Cas seems to find this interesting, his eyes following Dean around the room; so then Dean does the first thing that comes to mind. He walks over to Cas, and holds his hand out. Cas stares at it, like he’s trying to figure out the purpose of its existence. Dean helps him, because he’s awesome like that. “Your coat.” Because why the fuck not?
Get out of my head | @notfunnydean
Rating: General Word Count: 3216 Main Tags/Warnings: Cursed, Mind Reading, dean and cas get cursed, mind reading Summary: When a witch puts some sort of spell on Dean and Castiel, they start to hear each other’s thoughts. Dean tries very hard to keep a secret, but Castiel has to insist.
May I ask for this dance | @notfunnydean
Rating: General Word Count: 3225 Main Tags/Warnings: Dean needs Cas' help on a case, Masquerade Ball, dancing on his feet Summary: When Dean asks Castiel to accompany him at an undercover investigation at a masquerade ball, to find the witch who killed a lot of people, Castiel wants it to be a date. Only problem, he can’t dance, so he asks Sam for help.
You aren't a monster | @notfunnydean
Rating: General Word Count: 3782 Main Tags/Warnings: misunderstandings Summary: When Bobby and Sam start to believe Castiel is actually on the bad side, Dean tries to defend his angel. He wouldn’t let them kill his best friend but unfortunately Castiel hears the wrong snippet of the conversation and ends up hurting Dean badly.
And I swear | @notfunnydean
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 4413 Main Tags/Warnings: two idiots in love, Jealous!Cas, Arthur is not in the fic but mentioned a lot, Abusive Relationships, hurt!Dean, Break Up Summary: Dean knows that Arthur is treating him badly, but he had worse in his life and besides, it’s not like the person he really loves wants him back.
your eyes will lead me straight back home | @elizaeverafter
Rating: Teen & Up Word Count: 4602 Main Tags/Warnings: no archive warnings apply, fake/pretend relationship, mutual pining, fluff, light angst, romantic comedy, friends to lovers, au modern setting, jealousy, castiel POV Summary: When Dean hatches a plan to go to Charlie's wedding with Castiel to avoid being bothered about remaining single, Castiel knows this isn't going to go well. But he hasn't been able to refuse Dean so far, so why would this act of being in a relationship be any different? And if Castiel feels like exploding and blurting out his feelings the whole time, well, that's his problem.
The War Within You | @verobatto-angelxhunter
Rating: Mature Word Count: 9770 Main Tags/Warnings: Destiel, season 6 canon divergent, first kiss, mutual pining, slow burn, love confession, eventual Human!Cas, angst with a happy ending. Summary: Sam Is back from the cage but something is wrong with him, and Dean knows it. He must call Castiel for help... But not just for that... There's something forbidden burning inside him that makes his mind go crazy. He needs to be near the angel.
The Meaning of Everything | @verobatto-angelxhunter
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 17000 Main Tags/Warnings: Destiel, canonverse, post s14 canon divergent, mutual pining, first kiss, love confession, explicit sexual content, canon typical violence, angst with a happy ending, vessel sharing, winged Cas Summary: Chuck is the bad guy, and he broke with his snap Heaven, Hell and Purgatory. The chaos is all over the Earth. But Billie has a plan, they need to work together to raise Jack as the New God. Dean and Cas will try to solve their issues, but something unexpected will happen that will separate them again.
The Alpha Next Door (WIP) | @Destielshipper4Cas
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 16767 Main Tags/Warnings: Strangers to Lovers, First Time, Omega Castiel, Alpha Dean, Past Abuse Summary: When Cas is placed in WitSec, he gets a fake secondary gender designation to go along with his new name, ‘Jimmy.’ All he has to do until the boss of the omega trafficking ring he escaped is behind bars is keep a low profile, always apply his alpha scent, and not fall in love with an alpha. Well—two out of three ain’t too bad… Dean has never had a crush on an alpha before. Along comes his new neighbor, Jimmy, an alpha who is alphasexual. There’s just something about him, and to his utter confusion, he finds himself falling for an alpha for the first time in his life.
Guardian Angel | @notfunnydean
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 19486 Main Tags/Warnings: Homeless Dean Winchester, Fake/Pretend Relationship, Virgin!Dean, Abusive John Winchester, Canon-Typical Violence Summary: Everybody in the world has his own guardian angel, to keep them safe and protect them. Only "bad people" are without a guardian angel. Maybe that's why Dean is alone.
Little Blue Dragon | @saltnhalo
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 23820 Main Tags/Warnings: Alternate Universe - Historical, Alternate Universe - Fantasy, Magic, Blacksmith Dean Winchester, Mage Sam Winchester, Creature Castiel, Dragon Castiel, Pining, Soulmates, Minor Violence, Frottage Summary: Dean Winchester may have a reputation for being a skilled craftsman and blacksmith, but his life is just like anyone else’s. He’s over-worked and under-slept, and it’s all because of the niggling feeling in the back of his mind that tells him he’s… forgetting something. Still, he can’t let his weird dreams or errant thoughts get in the way of his work and his love for his craft. The strange feeling goes ignored. That is, until he meets a man with jewel-blue eyes and an aura of intrigue. Castiel slots into his life in a way that Dean had never thought possible, and Dean grows accustomed to the mysterious man’s visits and brilliant smiles and tales of far-away places. He’d never known he was missing a piece of himself until he met Castiel, and he thinks that Cas might feel the same way. Until Castiel disappears from Dean’s life completely.
Dislocation | @pray4jensen
Rating: Mature Word Count: 24514 Main Tags/Warnings: Mutual Pining, Angst with a Happy Ending Summary: After the sun is restored and the Woman of Letters banishes Castiel, he falls and becomes human, lost and alone in a place far from home. Four hundred and fifty-one days later, Sam finds him. He tells Castiel that Dean is alive. So they go. They go and they arrive at the bunker and Sam’s acting strange and there’s something that he’s not telling Castiel, something about Dean. And then Castiel finally reunites with Dean. And there is something about Dean. Something about Dean that has Dean pulling Castiel into tight embraces, something about Dean that has Dean running his thumb across Castiel’s cheek with a tender look in his eyes, and something about Dean that has Dean shaking when Castiel says certain things to him, things that are normal, things that should not affect him this way. There is something about Dean that no one is telling him.
Sending A Raven | @saltnhalo
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 38677 Main Tags/Warnings: Vikings, Magic, Temporary Character Death, Established Relationship, Leader Dean Winchester, Explicit Sexual Content, Violence, Dean/Cas Pinefest 2019, Viking Dean Winchester, Viking Castiel, BAMF Castiel (Supernatural), BAMF Dean Winchester, Mutual Pining, Angst Summary: When Dean, the Viking jarl of Týrvik, leaves on a raid to combat the enemy warriors attacking their ships, his husband Castiel is left to protect and lead the village. The ships return barely a week later, with damaged timbers and a devastated, leader-less crew, and suddenly Castiel finds himself not only in a position of leadership for which he is ill-equipped, but terrified for the safety of his captured husband. With the possibility of a spy somewhere in the village’s midst, Castiel leaves his people under Sam’s care and departs on the journey north to where they think Dean is being held, in a desperate attempt to rescue him before it’s too late.
Twenty Years | @ioasccel
Rating: Mature Word Count: 39501 Main Tags/Warnings: Angst, pining, religious themes, Summary: A profound bond between a Priest and the one he loves the most that spans decades. Father Novak’s love of God is tested by one Dean Winchester. A story of a priest driven by love and tortured by desire. All about forbidden love, heart break, and an eventually a happily ever after.
It's A Long Life to Always Be Longing | @pomegranatedaffodil
Rating: Teen & Up Word Count: 40685 Main Tags/Warnings: Canon Divergence, Spells and Enchantments, Road Trips, Angst with a Happy Ending Summary: Dean’s life has always been dictated by duty rather than by need. So when Amara offers to give him the thing he needs most, he doesn’t know what to expect, but it certainly isn’t this: a chance to rest, some time away from his life and his burdens. Now he’s trapped in an enchanted sleep, unable to bring himself back to the waking world. It’s up to Sam and Castiel to gather the components of a spell that will bring Dean back to them. Through road trips, honest conversations, and a lot of patience, they’ll make sure Dean comes home. And when he does, maybe he and Castiel will finally have a chance to act on long-buried feelings brought to the surface by their enforced separation. Canon-divergent from the end of 11.23.
The Handyman's Special | @carrieosity
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 51456 Main Tags/Warnings: Fake/Pretend Relationship, Mutual Pining, Humor and Fluff, Human AU, Low-angst, Top!Castiel/Bottom!Dean Summary: Dr. Dean Winchester, professor of Mechanical Engineering, was full of confidence in his own abilities when he decided to purchase a fixer-upper house to rehab and remodel on his own. Now, standing in the middle of his new house and praying the floors won’t cave in, he’s realizing that determination and academic brilliance might only take him so far this time. The bigger problem: his overconfidence in the face of other people’s doubts (ahem, Sam) means that asking for help now will mean swallowing a whole lot of pride…and he’d rather not. Hiring a secret contractor to do the work without telling anyone seems like the perfect solution. Accidentally hiring an amazingly hot secret contractor wasn’t part of the plan. And when Sam overhears a conversation and starts connecting dots, a snap decision and another lie on top the first leads to a ridiculous balancing act of fake stories, pretend relationships, and one hell of a renovation tale.
Escaping Neverland | @emblue-sparks
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 84004 Main Tags/Warnings: Major Warning: Underage(only first 30k, no underage sex), Mental health issues, Identity issues, failed family placements, Mention of past traumas Tags: Adventure Romance AU with canon elements Storybook I-1995 Storybook II- 2015 Heavily inspired by Peter Pan,Completely Destiel despite first pairing, read to learn how, NO MCD(Sam Dean Cas)Canon character deaths, TAGS FOR 1995: Practices & rituals of Sumerian/Greek/Judeo Christian faiths, Dean/Jimmy slow burn, heart failure, kidney/pancreatic failure, dialysis, Found Family, John's the dad his kids deserve, LGBTQ positive parents, First kiss disaster, First DateHoliday, our island/our rules, sad boys, memorial rituals, Heart Transplant, Mourning Rituals TAGS FOR 2015: Everyone supports therapy, Incorrect demon summoning, Latin, Scottish Gaelic, Enochian, Professor/Rookie Hunter!Sam, Nurse!Dean, Orchard Owner/Beekeeper!Cas,Tattooed Dean, burger date, Frottage, Shower Deansturbation,Blow Jobs, Anal Sex, Cum kink, Biting kink, Switch boys, Heavy surgical scarring, Dean knows ASL, Strange Dreams, Collective nightmares, Canon adjacent realms: Hoya Baciu Forest Romania, Caria Turkey, Chaos, Mythical Greek creatures, Temporarily fanged Benny, Some villainous ferrymen, Some badass ferrymen, Overly confident dick in a boat, Destiel Ever After, Happy Ending GUARANTEED, Dean/Cas Big Bang Challenge 2019 Summary: Lawrence 1995- Sixteen year old Dean Winchester finds himself in St. Luke's Children's Hospital after an electrocution severely damages his heart. On unit Neverland he meets Jimmy, a smartass with multiple organ failure and an expiration date. They discover an immediate spark which becomes an enduring flame. But Dean struggles accepting Jimmy's fate as well as his own, if a heart cannot be found in time. As his efforts to evade the ultimate marauder are weakening, he begins drawing strength from the misfit teens of Neverland East, learning the power of found family. Lebanon 2015- Dean finally joins Sam, Jo, and Charlie in the bunker. But unexpectedly meeting Castiel, who shares an unsettling likeness to Jimmy and an equally traumatic childhood, threatens to destroy two decades of hard work moving beyond the devastating events which occurred at St. Luke's. They'd be perfect for each other, if both weren’t so damn broken. As their involvement deepens, rookie hunter Sam works a case of rising juvenile deaths, revealing a shocking connection to the surviving Neverlanders. One that's been calling them all along to perilous adventure.
After All These Years | @peanutbutterjelly-pie
Rating: Teen & Up Word Count: 99909 Main Tags/Warnings: Alternate Universe, Pretend Relationship, Fluff, Mutual Pining, Single Parent Dean, Reunion, Slow Burn Summary: In which Dean finds himself at a wedding as Jo's fake boyfriend against his will, groaning and complaining the whole time, but still trying to appear all handsome and perfect and utterly in love since he's an awesome friend like that (and since Jo would make his life a living hell otherwise). And just when he begins to think that it won't be so bad to eat tons of free food and let his daughter Emma enjoy the festivity his gaze suddenly meets the two bluest eyes in existence and the world stops to move for a moment. Because of course the groom's brother turns out to be his old high school crush Castiel – the only person Dean was never able to forget – and things start to become really complicated all of a sudden.
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impala1967dwinchester · 5 years ago
Jensen Ackles: A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words
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*Not My GIF* Holy Fuck That Smile At The End 
Pairing: Jensen x Reader *I have nothing against Jensen and Danneel Ackles. This is only for the sake of a Fanfiction* 
Pov: Reader’s 
Warnings: Sadness, Being a little lonely, Cute Jensen, Texting, and Calling each other Angst a little. 
Rating: Adult Mature 
Summary: After Covid19 Jensen still has to go back to set and record the rest of the “Supernatural” episodes. While he’s away Y/n and him message everyday, and call every night. Jensen will sometimes send pictures of just him, or of Jared, Misha, and him. 
Word Count: 1,243
God, I really missed him. We'd had spent almost 6 months together. Just me and my hubby. Me and MY cuddle muffin, Me and my little spoon. A cold, big bed sucked horribly to be sleeping alone in it.
Jensen had left over a week ago. The first week I spent cleaning up the house making sure everything was put back into its place. I also spent a lot of time just gettin' the sun and swimming in our pool outback. Every morning I went for a run, making me be able to get through the day with a nice crash at the end of the night, on-again my cold, empty, big bed.
Jensen had gone back to the supernatural set to record the last 2 episodes of the shows final season. Durin' the time we spent together alone at home, we had many conversations about finally starting a family, but only we knew the show was coming to end to that Jensen would be there for the kids and be able to create memories with them and for them. Instead of being stuck in a different place and time zone and not being able to spend that time with his family.
Hubby<3- Good Mornin’ Baby girl. How’d you sleep?            
Y/n- I slept pretty good, I wish you were next to me instead of being alone in this darn bed. Oh and good morning to you too!                       
Y/n- How’s your day going? Probably lot’s of filming right?
Hubby<3- Baby I wish I was there too, My day it’s going well I have had a few shoots. Misha, jared, and I are going out to have dinner later on tonight. 
Y/n- Aww, really tell them that I miss them, and you better be safe honey. I miss you too like really badly.
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Hubby<3- I miss you most. What’s my baby girls plan for the rest of the day? 
Y/n- I’m gonna take a bath, then maybe go shopping. 
Hubby<3- Wish I could join you in that bath baby! 
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Y/n- This tub seems so much bigger now!
Hubby<3- Oh come on you know that this isn’t fair. 
I was and still am the very best tease I think Jensen has ever encountered. So with Jensen being gone for such long times. I thought I would kinda just do whatever I needed to do to you know keep my sanity. I haven’t told Jensen but I.... We are getting a dog. 
Later on that night
Hubby<3- I’m so happy! One day less until I can come home to my sweet sweet wife. 
Y/n- Just One day less Honey. I really can’t wait to be in your arms again
Hubby<3- Call me!
Having to stop what I was doing I pressed the call button. The phone didn't even ring for more than a few seconds before Jensen was on the other side of the phone greeting me with hellos and what did you do today questions. 
I will say the minute I heard his voice, my own voice became very timid, and sounded as if I was going to cry. I guess Jensen heard it. 
“Baby are you okay?” 
“Yeah, I'm fine.I just haven’t talked to you in a few days and I really miss you.” A stray tear rolling down my face thinking about not having him around me on a daily basis.
“How about I tell you a few stupid things that happened here on set today? Would that maybe cheer my baby girl up?” 
“Sure I’d love to hear about your day!” I said wiping the tear that had made its way down to my chin away. The wetness of the tear now annoying my skin. 
“So of course Jared had to be a complete and utter dumbass. fucking around with Misha. Misha and I were trying to do a emotional scene and Misha couldn’t keep in character because of Jared stupid attentics. Jared was than asked very nicely to leave set and go to his trailer. You would think at this point of working with Jared for so many years that Misha would just learn to ignore it.”
“Oh christ, How old is Jared again?” I said my voice a little bit more happier than pryer. Jensen talking always makes me happy no matter where we are. He could talk and it would make me fall asleep. But tonight I have something to tell him too. 
“Jared, oh he’s totally like 5.” Jensen said with a chuckle at the end.
“I.. um have something to tell you.” 
“Okay shoot.” Jensen said probably pacing around the small apartment he had in Vancouver. He gets worried a lot, so maybe the idea of telling him now isn’t the best. 
“Are you pregnant?” Jensen said while I was in my train of thought. Just has quickly has are you pregnant came out of his mouth No came out of mine. 
“No, It’s something else but it’s just as good! and you can’t get mad when I tell you what it is.” 
“Well, Okay I promise not to get mad, but what did you do Y/n?” Jensen said 
“I may have gotten a pet.” I said with sarcasm lacing my tongue.
“Be. More. Specific. Y/n.” Jensen said his tone turning not into anger but getting agitated with the fact that I hadn’t yet told him what I had done.   
“Fine Jensen I will be more specific. I got a dog, well actually it’s a puppy.” 
It was quiet for a minute. And then everything that I wasn’t expecting happened. He just fucking ended the call! I went back to text and sent a few messages. 
Y/n- Did you just end out call???
Y/n- Jensen, it’s a dog thats all. I need company when you aren’t here. I need something to keep from being upset when my Husband leave to go to work. 
Y/n- You know what just be mad than Jensen. Good night Jensen. 
Setting my phone down on the coffee table face down. Trying to grasp the reason for why he had ended the call, why he had gotten so mad. You know what it’s not important why he got mad. I’m going to sit here with Ross watch some shows on Netflix, and be happy.
My phone buzzed on the table. I really tried to ignore it, but I knew it was Jensen so I couldn’t just ignore him, he’s my husband for god sake. 
Hubby<3- Why didn’t we talk about this before you just went ahead and did something?
Y/n- Why? Why because I thought you’d understand my reasoning and that you’d end up loving the dog in the long run. How mad are you at me? 
Y/n- This is Ross btw.
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Hubby>3- Wait. What’s his name? 
Y/n- Ross, I gave him your middle name so even if you weren’t here with me. I still had apart of you with me. 
Hubby<3- I wasn’t mad. I just guess I wasn’t ready for you to say you got a dog. I guess I just really wanted to do it with you, and thank you baby I do really think he’s cute. 
Y/n- He is, and from now on we always check with each other on things. Make sure neither one of us wanted to do, or already has planned something. I love you Jensen.
Hubby<3- I love you too y/n. Now call me back, actually Facetime me. I wanna see my son. ♥♥♥
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verobatto · 4 years ago
Destiel Chronicles
Vol. XC
It was a love story from the very beginning.
Breaking Walls (Part I)
Hello my friends! I'm here with another meta from season 12! This time I'll try to resume these two episodes pointing important subtext and foreshadows I found in them.
We/Us vs Only Dean
Resonating with the previous episode, the mixtape one. We will meet Tasha Banes and her son's Alicia and Max. And with them will come the difference between WE/US and I/ME.
First of all, we were fed with Dean Winchester's worries for Castiel.
Gif set credit @starlightcastiel
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The scene opens with a close up to Dean's hands. This focus on the hands will continue through the episode, related with my Quantum theory about Dabb's era, it talks about a foreshadow. And because is centered on the knuckles, is a foreshadow of Dean hitting on the door from the Burger Shop after praying to Chuck in 13x01. Linked to his worries for Castiel, opens the door for the incoming mourning for him.
Dean: That freaking baby isn't even born yet and it sock puppeted him. Think about it.
Is very meaningful Dean uses this word PUPPET here, to explain Castiel's odd behavior. But is also related to this episode: a witch killing people and constructing puppets she can command as she wishes. If this sounds particularly known by all of us, is because is a very smart Foreshadow for Chuck appearing in the ending of season 14 and the whole season 15. The puppet master.
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This is what makes Dean feel so worried: CAS having faith in Lucifer jr. As Dean calls it. Is not good sign for him. And because he knows what CAS is willing to do when he is in soldier mode, when he has faith in something. He can give everything in exchange. He knows it. And he is worried because CAS is in danger now. And he can't understand how CAS is having faith in that nephilim he was trying to kill hours before. He needs to understand what's going on, Because Castiel's safety is in danger. And Cas' means everything to Dean.
SAM: I don't know. I mean, look, this doesn't make any sense to me either, Dean. But if we wanna have some shot at finding Cas, the we have to...I don’t know. Uh, try and think like him.
DEAN: How? Seriously...
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He sounds desperate here. He knows exactly this is the first time he saw CAS like this. Again brainwashed? He is scared. Dean is afraid of losing CAS. He didn't recognize Castiel looking back at him. Because CAS had a new mission now. Cas had determination in his eyes. And the mission comes first.
Then, one phone rings, and is Max and Alicia. And the dialogue here will separate the therms WE from INDIVIDUAL again.
ALICIA: Yeah, sorry to um...Uh, Mary gave me a couple different numbers to reach her, and we thought –
Max loudly interrupts Alicia to make a point that this is not his idea.
MAX: No. No. Mnh-mnh.
Alicia looks exasperated.
ALICIA: I thought Mary would be down to help. Uh, be our backup on this, um...
The parallel with the Barnes brothers here is loud, not just the missing parent in a hunt, but the blatant difference between WE/US vs INDIVIDUAL (Alice and Dean).
Max doesn't want his sister use him as a shield for showing his worries. Just like Dean used Sam in the mixtape scene or when CAS arrived at the bunker.
After Sam accepts to help, Dean turns into worried boyfriend mode...
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He is like: 'Come on Sam, didn't you heard all my worries? We have to find CAS! CAS CAS CAS!'
Then we have Dean calling Mary...
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His face here is loud. He was thinking about Castiel being in danger since CAS left. I bet you he couldn't sleep neither. And he needs to talk with someone about this. But how he feels about this. Becay Sam ia confused but he keeps doing his job. Dean just can't go on if he can't rescue CAS from the 'evil child'.
The Foreshadows
Before jumping into the symbology of this episode, let's show another example of we/u vs me/I:
ALICIA: Well, then why didn't you call us? I mean we–
MAX: Ahem.
Sam and Dean look slightly uncomfortable.
ALICIA: I called and texted a lot.
TASHA: I'm sorry, baby. My phone hasn't been charging all day.
Is the difference between the amount of worrisome and the effort from the writers to point out that to us. To make it noticeable.
Now, let's go with Mary Winchester: there's this scene in which Mary discovers Mick's corpse and she uncovered his face. Is a sad foreshadow of Dean in episode 13x01 uncovering Castiel's face when he laid dead on the table.
Also the finding of the corpses ina dark place by Dean and Sam, was a foreshadow of dead and the Empty.
Then, Tasha attack Alicia and Max, as a foreshadow of Mary coming against her own boys.
But it caught my attention what Ketch says to Mary:
KETCH: But I can keep you safe. If you just play your part, if you play nice...
In an episode where we are talking about puppets Ketch asks Mary to play her part. And I just recalled the whole season 9 with Metatron and the repetitive quote: Everyone needs to play their role. As an attempt coming from the writer to control the story and the characters. This is very important because is anticipating Chuck's plot in season 15. Mary answers: 'I don't play nice' as a reflection of TFW.
When Alicia dies, the dialogue between Sam, Dean and Max is another example of loosing a brother/family and loosing the love of your life.
SAM: Hey, Max, um, this is, uh... Look, you – you're probably in shock right now, but it's gonna pass.
DEAN: And then it's gonna hurt.
They're talking from their places, they had lost many people in their lives, family. Wich is pointing too what we will be seeing at the beginning of season 13, the big difference with loosing the love of your life, incarnated I'm Dean mourning Castiel.
Eileen's death and Brainwashing
Just a few words about episode 12x21.
Is the episode in which Eileen dies, in a dark Forest. Saileen always had been a Destiel mirror and showed the path for our ship. So when Eileen dies, is talking about the lovers separation through death. Sam uncovering her face in the morgue, again, as a prelude of Dean doing the same with Castiel.
BMoL brainwashing Mary, and using her as a puppet against the boy, is slightly showing how Dean sees what's going on with CAS.
But is also a foreshadow of AUMichael!Dean.
Later in the episode, we have Crowley who was controlling Lucifer's vessel as a puppet too, but something goes wrong this time.
DREXEL: The ability to control is transferring from Crowley to you.
LUCIFER: So you're saying that Crowley's gonna be my puppet.
This could be showing two interesting Foreshadows: first, when AUMichael will take control over Dean's body and kidnap him in episode 13x23, and second, what will happen once Dean will lock Michael down in his head, taking full control of his own body.
Then, another parallel between CAS and Mick. Remember Samadriek saying he has too much heart and that was his problem? Okay...
TONI: Oh, Mick's dead.
SAM: He's dead?
TONI: Quite. It was determined he was too sentimental for the job.
So Mick also had too much heart...
To Conclude:
Dean is a mess of worries for CAS and it shows. He is afraid of loosing him this time for real.
There are foreshadows of Cas' death all over the episodes, preluding the finale.
There's also a lot of references to puppets, for the incoming plot of Chuck and Dean's possesion.
Hope you like this volume. See you in the next one!
Tagging @magnificent-winged-beast @emblue-sparks @weird-dorky-little-d @michyribeiro @meleansu @legendary-destiel @a-bit-of-influence @thatwitchydestielfan @misha-moose-dean-burger-lover @lykanyouko @evvvissticante @savannadarkbaby @dea-stiel @poorreputation @bre95611 @thewolfathedoor @charlottemanchmal @neii3n @deathswaywardson @followyourenergy @dean-is-bi-till-i-die @hekatelilith-blog @avidbkwrm @anarchiana @dickpuncher365 @vampyrosa @authorsararayne @mybonsai1976 @love-neve-dies @dustythewind @wayward-winchester67 @angelwithashotgunandtrenchcoat @trashblackrainbow @deeutdutdutdoh @destiel-shipper-11 @larrem88 @charmedbycastiel @ran-savant @little-crazy-misha-minion @samoosetheshipper
@shadows-and-padlocked-hearts @mishtho @dancingtuesdaymorning @nerditoutwithbooks @mikennacac73 @justmeand-myinsight @idontwantpeopletoknowmyname @teddybeardoctor @pepevons @helevetica @isthisdestiel @dizzypinwheel @jawnlockwinchester @horsez2 @qanelyytha
@destielle @spnsmile @shippsblog @robot-feels @superlock-in-the-tardis @superduckbatrebel @2musiclover2 @madronasky @anon-non2 @cea1996 @lisafu02 @asphodelesauvage @destiels-canonahhhhhhhhhh
If you want to be added or removed from this list, just let me know.
If you wanna read the previous metas from season 12, here you have the links:
Buenos Aires, November 30th 2020 7:03 PM
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boredoutofmymindwriting · 5 years ago
You´re not a burden
Based of a request by @aberrant-annie​ : Where the reader is feeling down or something is going wrong at home with family so he takes her under his wing so to speak?
Pairings: Platonic Misha x Young cast!Reader
Warnings: Mentions of mental abuse from parents as well as nudges towards eating disorders.
Wordcount: 1023
Masterlist: Click here
Authorsnote: I hope I'll do the request justice as well as my long absence, hopefully I'll get to writing more soon. As always feel free to send in requests and know that I'm here if you need to talk about anything.  (tags at the bottom, wanna get tagged? click here). Please let me know what you think of it even though it's short.
 Love y´all- Jo 
~ Y/N´s POV ~
Everyone´s heading over to eat either by the food trucks or the cafeteria on set after finishing the second scene of the day. Of course it´s taken ages for us to finish it due to the boys normal shenanigans going on. I can´t help to get nauseous by the thought of food and having to eat in front of people no matter how nice and caring the cast and crew is.
“Hey Y/N, you coming with us to eat some or you eating in your trailer today? Not to sound menacing but we´re starting to miss you out here.” Jensen called out jokingly making me snap out of my thoughts.
“I´ll head to my trailer today, I´ve got some leftovers in my fridge and I could use some quiet time. I´ve got a headache creeping up on me and really don´t wanna delay filming because of it.” I lie with a sigh hoping they won´t see through it, I mean sure I´m an actress but you can usually tell if another actor is lying due to experience. Lucky for me they all seem to buy it as Misha gives me one of his sympathetic smiles and Jensen shrugs his shoulders.
“Sure, just make sure you drink water and get some electrolytes in your system as well as some rest.”
“You know I will J. Can you bring me some vanilla pudding if there´s any left in the cafeteria?” I try to act my happy and carefree self but it´s getting harder and harder by each day that´s passing by.
“Sure thing Y/N/N!” Jensen shouts with a grin over his shoulder as him and Jared head to the cafeteria. Misha pulls me in for a gentle hug before placing a kiss on my head.
“Take some more rest if you need it Y/N, your well being is more important than filming getting done. We can´t finish the episodes without you, definitely not if you burn yourself out.” He gently explains before letting me go.
“See you in a bit Y/N/N.” I smile slightly at him, he´s always been there for me ever since I became a part of the show. Almost like my own guardian angel, cheezy I know.
I briskly walk towards my trailer trying to stay focused on getting there quickly but the echoing from my parents degrading voices sounds like they´re right beside me. I thought work would get me away from them, keep me busy but no such luck. I keep my eyes fixed on the trailer door while walking and I can feel tears welling up in my eyes. I wrap my arms around myself trying to make myself feel safe while their words echoes in my head.
“You really shouldn´t have asked Jensen to bring back pudding, it´ll make you fat, well more than you already are. You really are stupid huh?” My parents voices nags at me, well not really but you get it. I hurriedly close the door to my trailer once I´m inside. I walk past the mirror not looking in it like usual before I lay down on my bed pulling my duvet over my body, hiding from the world. A small sob manages to escape me and soon tears starts to stream down my face as the sobs wreck my body. Suddenly a gentle hand is placed on my back before Misha's soft voice asks.
“Y/N can you come out from under there?” I shake my head before replying, feeling the tears coming back.
“N.no..” Misha lets out a sigh as he moves his hand to my shoulder causing me to flinch knowing he can feel my bones from underneath my duvet and the hoodie.
“Y/N please.... I just want to see you when I talk to you. I can tell you´ve lost a lot of weight lately, it´s not healthy.” He sighs before continuing “I just didn´t know it was this bad..”
I take a deep breath while slowly removing the duvet from over my head. I gradually meet his worried eyes.
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“I, I didn´t mean for it to get this bad Misha but, but they…” I start to explain but the sobs stop me. Misha pulls me into his arm before placing a kiss on my head.
“It´s okay Y/N/N… take your time sweetie.” He reassures me.
“My parents… They keep telling me how much weight I have or will gain and how stupid I am.” When I say this I can see Misha's face falls.
“You gotta be kidding me Y/N. You´re basically starving yourself. Please, let´s go eat something. It doesn´t have to be a lot, just a sandwich or anything similar.” I shake my head.
“I can´t Misha, everytime I try to eat I hear my parents degrading me… It makes it so hard to take care of myself and actually eat what I need.”  Misha nods.
“Y/N do you trust me?” I nod. “Would it help to get away from the even while we´re not filming? You can stay with me, Vicky, West and Maison. We already love you and you spend a lot of time with us anyway. This way your parents won´t be able to re fuel the negative voices about you and we can help you build yourself up again. Sure it´ll be hard but we´ll be there with you through it all and support you.” He reasons and I nod.“It´d mean a lot to stay with you guys. I just don´t wanna be a burden to you.” He shakes his head and pulls me in for a hug. “Y/N you´re not a burden, never have been. I´d be happy to have you as a part of the family. You always have a family with us, not just me but Jared, Jensen and the rest of the cast and crew too.” I nod with a weak smile before hugging him back.
“Thank you Misha. Maybe we can have that sandwich or at least try it.” I smile lightly. Misha smiles lightly before answering.
“Sure thing kiddo.” 
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7 Days to Die - Part 1
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Part 1: Surviving
Pairing: none to start with
Warnings: zombie hordes, language, injuries, scary situation, mentions of death and destruction.
Word count: 1,205
Summary: Town after town, horde after horde, the reader is trying to find a safe haven. Finding two scavengers who kindly take her in their company, maybe humanity isn’t doomed.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7
7 Days to Die Masterlist
Mobile Masterlist
a/n: This is all un’beta’d, all mistakes are my own. But I hope you enjoy none-the-less.
Almost every car she got into to hijack was out of gas, she’s not the only survivor trying to get across the country.
All of this happened so suddenly, she even remembered how it started where she’s from. She was at work and someone really wanted in the café after closing. After bashing their head into the glass door, with no effects visibly noticed he came in and killed the first two employees that tried to subdue him and get him out. She ran for her life after that. Even narrowly escaping her hometown, the city of Lincoln Nebraska, not as big as Omaha but big enough to be a living hell to escape from.
Now she got so far north, she thinks she could be in Canada by the looks of the landscape. Beautiful mountainous landscape. Her phone, still working revealed it to be a rural area west of Vancouver.
As she walked the streets of a small rural town, she heard the sounds of a possible horde. Rounding a corner she saw the small horde of them. She remained quiet, noticing they didn’t see her. How could they? They’re dead. Though undead, the sense of sight has died but their sense of smell and hearing has heightened.
But a gust of wind hit them, giving them a big whiff of her scent.
“Shit.” She mutters under her breath.
The first walker in the group starts running after the scent, as did the entire herd.
“Time to put that cardio to work girl.” She coached herself as she took off.
The horde seemed to just grow and grow as she ran down the empty, lifeless road. A walker got close by nearly side swiping her, trying to flank her.
She focus’s on her escape, pushes herself harder the closer they got.
“Jared! Time to go!” she heard.
Seeing two men running out of an alleyway just as frantic as she was getting away from the horde.
“Jensen, there’s someone!” Jared shouted.
Jensen takes his hunters rifle and begins shooting some walkers to give her a cushion.
“Come on!” Jared waved her to join.
She didn’t question it.
She managed to reach the two men.
“Jensen, let’s go!” Jared shouts.
Jensen reloads his rifle as he turns to run away. Only reloading what he could before sprinting with Jared and Y/N.
They come to a fence, no gate in sight to allow them to go around the fence. But they see a whole big enough for two giants and Y/N.
Jensen crawls under first, lifting the fence a bit, Y/N goes through next.
The horde closes in, Jared hurries as fast as he could to get his pack on the other side before crawling.
Jensen didn’t need to be asked, he started shooting walkers.
“Come on Jared!” Y/N shouts, grabbing for his hand to help him out.
He started to yell as he kicked the few walkers that got a hold of his legs. But he got through the fence, nonetheless.
“You okay brother, they didn’t bite you did they?” Jensen drilled.
“No, I don’t think so. I didn’t feel it. I just freaked out mostly.” He said.
“Yeah, I would too.” Jensen says.
“And who do we owe the pleasure of joining our company?” Jensen asks kindly looking over at Y/N.
“Y/N.” She says. Clearly freaked out she just came close to being zombie chow.
“Y/N, this is—”
“I know who you are, I seen your show. Can we just get going?” she asked.
“Sure thing, lets get going.” Jensen says, picking up Jared’s pack for him. Jared seemed to be out of it, in his head.
“Maybe you could help us carry our loot.” Jensen asks, as he picked up a medic kit.
“Yeah.” She says, picking up what she could carry.
And they headed out on the paved road before turning on a dirt road into the woods.
Where are these guys taking me? She wondered.
 “According to the map, there’s a hold out not far from here.” Jensen says looking at the map.
“Are you guys from, like, a local settlement or something?” she asked.
“Oddly enough yeah, well it’s not close. It’s a few days walk, on a good day.” Jensen answers.
“Okay, how far is not far from the hold out?” Jared asked. “I’m exhausted man.” He adds.
“Right there, you can see it from here.” Jensen points.
From the dirt road, between some trees even with the sun going down she could see the cabin Jensen was talking about. Seeing the dark solid building behind the dark green trees that somehow are as alive as anything in the forest. Not even the undead can kill the forest.
They continued until they finally reached the cabin.
“Wait here.” Jensen says, drawing a pistol from his waistband.
Jared and Y/N waited on the porch of the small hunter cabin. Jensen headed inside; gun drawn as he searched the cabin for any signs of unwanted life.
“Clear!” he shouted as he entered the main room.
Jared and Y/N eagerly entered to get out of the brisk October night.
“I’m gonna clean up, I feel gross.” Jared says.
“You don’t look so hot, how about hit the hay, I’ll take watch.” Jensen says, giving Jared’s back a pat as he walk past Jensen.
“So, how’d you guys end up here in Canada?” Y/N asked.
“Wrapped up our show when the outbreak happened. It happened in Texas long ago, my wife and kids got here before it broke out here, same for Jared’s family, they’re up here to at our camp.” Jensen explained.
“What about you, how’d you end up here?” he asked.
“Just trying to find a safe haven from this mess. My home in Nebraska totally destroyed, it was a war zone of soldiers, citizens and walkers. My family didn’t make it.” she says. “Raiders.” She adds.
“Shit, I’m sorry.” He sympathizes. “Raiders are just as bad up here than anywhere else.” He says.
“I just want to be around living humans, not undead ones.” She says.
“I feel ya there, well, you are more than welcome to join our camp.” Jensen offers. “Don’t laugh, but everyone goes by nicknames there. Misha, we call him Cas.” He says.
She giggles. “That’s awesome.” She goes.
Jensen smiles, agreeing.
“Get some sleep Y/N, we got a long walk tomorrow, and I need you well rested.” Jensen says.
She nods. “I definitely need more than a couple of hours a night.” She says.
“I’ll keep you safe,” he says, as she settles for the couch.
He grabs a blanket from his large pack, unrolling it he lays it over her. “Get some rest sweetheart.” He says.
She hums with a smile. Feeling safe for once.
 Jared gets ready to lay down, he notices his leg with a nasty scratch. Turning a bright red, showing signs of a quick infection. Even signs of dead flesh already developing around the cuts in the flesh.
Looking up from his leg, with an anxious feeling he is infected. But shaking the thought with, the fence probably scratched him as he got up to soon or something.
He puts antiseptic and a bandage wrap around the scratch and tries to sleep for the night.
Feedback is much appreciated! Tags are closed
Jensen Tags:
@luci-in-trenchcoats, @supernatural-jackles, @becs-bunker, @backseat-of-deans-67chevy, @salt-n-burn-em-all​, @moonlight-on-her-skin​, @mlovesstories​, @winchesters-favorite-girl​
Copying and reposting someone else’s content is plagiarism and illegal. This work is property of supernaturallyobsessedchic. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. These works contain material protected under International and Federal Copyright Laws and Treaties. Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is prohibited. No part of these works may be reproduced in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without express written permission from the author / publisher. An electronic reference link to the original posted work may be provided for purposes of promotion or assistance of publication by the readers discretion, if proper credits are given to the author in the re-post. 10/3/2020
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