#just two bros with one casually lying in the others lap after being rescued
koushirouizumi ยท 2 years
Meanwhile with DigiAdvs 02's Daisuke+Co. [and some O.C.s]
O.C. 'Mon, in clear Hebrew: "BE NOT AFRAID", I AM--- International O.C. Chosen Shane, Floating, ALSO in clear Hebrew: Cut out the theatrics, I KNOW I'M "Like That" right now--- O.C. 'Mon, Who Might Also Just Be Messing With Partner Because: (I don't "always" say it.) Shane: (I Know) (even if others don't) Shane: (but Come On) My head feels like it's splitting already... O.C. 'Mon, Following: You're in "The Void" again. (I'm surprised you can even "feel" anything right now.) Shane: I KNOW. I'm trying to GET OUT Again. ("Look, Its probably A Sensory Thing. Maybe its Digital Stimuli, who knows, but I Sure Don--") O.C. 'Mon: While I could help you, it would require- Shane: The possible destruction of the Worlds if Hashem actually gets involved. I Know. LOOK I'll Just (*FLOATS*) (*Floats More*)-- (*Floaaats*) Shane: This is ridiculous... O.C. 'Mon: May I ask "what happened" This Time? Shane, Exhausted Floating backwards: I pushed "someone" out of the way of a moving truck. O.C. 'Mon: "Someone". ("Not {O.C.} Hikaru"?) Shane: (I still can't reach Hikaru, So) O.C. 'Mon: You'd need that "Someone", if not someone Else, to establish a connection that could "bring you back" to your connection to your specific "Earth" from the Digital realm. Perhaps, by--- DAISUKE, SHOUTING: DIGITAL GATE OPEN!! DAISUKE: DIGITAL GATE OPEN DAISUKE: *DIGITAL GATE OPEN!!!!* Daisuke: Why won't it worK--- SHANE: Shane: (I guess I should have expected this but---) O.C. 'Mon: There is the "connection" you need. If I am not of need, I will see you "later". Shane: right. Later-- (*Digital form getting pulled through the Void*) (*EXPLETIVES---*) DAISUKE: (WHOA) Shane, "Digitally" laid out across Daisuke's lap as if Shane would be normally, in Japanese: Do you always "panic" like that when these things Happen??? Shane, in Mind: (It saved my "life" just now that Daisuke Tried, though.) Shane, Tiredly: What if you hadn't been able to establish the connection and "something ELSE" happe- DAISUKE, Who Totally Didn't Try The Exact Same Thing When Hikari Went Missing Back Then: LOOK you're here *NOW* SO--- (Wait, you knew Japanese??!?--) (I spoke English the WHOLE time except at the start--) Shane: (Wait until Daisuke realizes I AND my Partner 'Mon also know Hebrew.) Shane: (Ugh) (I Am) ... (How do I 'sit up'.) DAISUKE: Uh, so (*shifts... away*) Maybe I can?-- (*holds out hand???*) Shane: (I'm supposed to be Digital---) (*reaches*) DAISUKE+SHANE: SHANE, SEMI-PHYSICAL: (WHAT...) DAISUKE: WAIT, I should-- (*TAKES OUT DIGIVICE*) SHANE, AUTOMATICALLY: It won't WOrK--- DAISUKE: (*SNAPS on Cell-Digivice*) But I gotta get this to Koushiro and Ken!!-- {AND "Hikaru-chan"} SHANE, GLITCHING WorSE: (*SIGH*) Daisuke: ... Its blurry. Daisuke: But you're half-here in frONT OF Me--- Shane: That's the best you'll get at this-- (*wobbles in and out Digitally while half-falling*) SHANE: (*EXPLETIVES---*) Shane: Is that really the first thing you do?!?? Daisuke: (But they'll NEED IT---) VMON: DAISUKE SHANE: (*Fades*) VMON, Distressed for being Late to help: DAISUKE, WHAT HAPPEN--- DAISUKE: (I HAVEN'T TOLD VMON) Um, well-- Vmon: Who were you talking to?!??! Daisuke: UM (*shows... pic*) Pic: (*is low quality 90s-esque .jpg AF*) VMON: ... (*Suspicious Looks @ Daisuke*) Why is it so blurry?!?? DAISUKE: Listen, Vmon, I'm OK, Its a Long Story, we HAVE to get this to Koushiro--- (*SENDS*) SHANE, Trying Very Hard To Not Phase In Physically or make self Obvious to nearby Humans: (Why.) {To Be Continued, Maybe}
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