#just to save me from troble
sapnapsimparc · 2 years
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imagine knowing dt better than they know themselves
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maor-koren · 1 year
So after Penny comes back and having a talk with Ruby this is how it should be:
Ruby and Penny are sitting on a cliff
Penny: I'm so happy to see that you alive Ruby, when I saw you fall back at the bridge, I thought I lost you forever.
Ruby: I thought the same when I heared what happened to you, I thought you gone forever this time.
Penny: Well don't worry my friend, i'll make sure it won't happened again anymore, I will be here to keep you safe.
Ruby: Thank you Penny, its great to hear it from you.
Penny: Of course you meant the world to me Ruby.
Ruby then start to remember the events of Tea Admise Terrible Troble (v9e8), her smile start to fade and she lower her head down, Penny notice it and start to get worried.
Penny: Ruby are you ok?! Did i say somthing that hurt you?! I didn't mean to-
Ruby: No Penny you ok, it's just that..., back then in the ever after I met Neo, she wanted to break me so she use illusions of our freinds that got killed, including you, she use those to hurt me and show how bad of a leader I was, when your illusion came out, it talk about how she was dissapointed she felt because I faild to save you twice, by using thise words.
Penny: Ruby I would never say this to you-
Ruby: But isn't it how you feel?! I fail to save you, twice!
Penny: I would never feel like that about you Ruby, you always care for me, ever since beacon, just because you weren't able to save me in those moment doesn't mean that you fail me Ruby.
Ruby wipes out her tears
Ruby: Thank you Penny, it's great to hear it from you.
Penny hug Ruby
Penny: I'm always happy to make you feel better.
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ssadumba55 · 4 years
Family Isn’t Blood (Fatherly! Jack Sparrow X Reader)
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Request: Hello i have an requests for pirates of Caribbean. Can you do one when reader is lik 16 and have no parents and a crew in Jack sparrow ship and he is like a father fiquer to her and she isl like a daughter to him but she is always mean toward him and once jack got in troble and she tried very hard to save him and succes and he is like teasing her about it. Sorry if its to long and its ok if you dont like it
 A/N: Probably super out of character, but I kind of like how it turned out so.
Growing up had been rough. You’d never had a place to call your own, as far as you could remember. Your parents had died when you were young, leaving you to fend for yourself and you had been on your own ever since. There was no sympathy in the world for a poor orphan child like you. Every day was spent trying to earn your keep, never staying too long in one place.
Then you bumped into Jack Sparrow.
It had been a complete accident. You were working on some of the ships in the dock, struggling to carry something probably, when his ship pulled into the dock. Ships were always pulling into the dock, you didn’t even look up from your work until, of course, he was right beside you trying to get you to tell him where things were in your little village.
“Please, can’t you see I’m trying to work?” You asked, slightly annoyed as you tied what felt like your hundredth knot that day. He looked around, then back at you.
“You’re a little young to be working in any capacity,” he pointed out. He wasn’t wrong but you were tired and stressed after a lot of work that day.
You picked up a box from beside one of the ships. “I’m thirteen, work is all I have, sir. Now can you please leave and get drunk somewhere else? I’m working here.”
Something about you intrigued the pirate that day, though you had never figured out what exactly it was. Some of the crew speculated it was probably the fact you reminded him a lot of himself, out fending for yourself. The world was a dangerous place on your own, nobody knew that better than Captain Jack Sparrow. He offered you a place on his ship, work that you could do with ease and a place you could basically call your home.
Maybe it wasn’t a traditional home that stayed in one place, but you didn’t mind. You could see the world and never even have to leave the deck.
Of course, you would never admit that to him. Sure, he had shown you a great kindness by letting you stay on his ship, but you didn’t need his help. If he hadn’t come along, you would’ve been just fine on your own. Plus, he was a drunk and he was always getting into trouble. You’d never spoken so much as a kind word to him since you’d stepped foot on the deck of the Black Pearl. There was no need. He knew you were thankful, and you knew you didn’t need to say it.
But now you were at a crossroads. It had been three years since Jack had taken you under his wing, even though you wouldn’t exactly call it that. You were pacing the deck of the ship, every now and then looking up to shore and scowling slightly. He had promised he wouldn’t be long, but he hadn’t been back for hours.
There were few redeeming qualities about Jack Sparrow, but he was usually a man of his word, no matter how bizarre that word was. He wasn’t off somewhere getting drunk and losing track of time, there was definitely something wrong. But the crew didn’t seem to think so, which left you in an odd predicament.
You could go to shore and drag him back yourself or wait and potentially risk getting caught yourselves by whatever had your captain.
“Captains orders, he told us all to stay put.” Gibbs watched you as you walked around the ship, grabbing things you might need and got ready to head to shore.
“Yeah, well he’s not here, is he? You stay here, just in case he does come back, but I’m going up there to grab him myself.”
You didn’t say what was unspoken. Jack Sparrow was the closest thing to a father figure you’d ever had, even though he was far from being the best one. He’d taught you mostly everything you knew about being on the seas. This wasn’t just a rescue mission so you could get back to moving, this was a rescue mission to save what little family you had left. You couldn’t be on your own anymore, no matter how much you hated to admit that.
There was definitely something off as you slowly slunk your way through the little town you’d stopped by. Everything was quiet, which was typical for this hour, but it still felt eerie. You spent a lot of time wandering, not knowing where you were going. Where had that stupid pirate gotten himself stuck now? You pushed a door open to escape some guards walking your way and turned, realizing you’d entered some sort of jail. There were cells and they were all full. They didn’t even look up as you walked by, eying them uneasily and gripping onto your rucksacks strap tighter.
“… There has to be another way out of here.” You mumbled, but there was nothing as far as you could see besides cells. There were so many cells, though the number of people inside each was quickly diminishing. You wondered briefly if this was where you’d end up if found here.
“(Y/n)!” A familiar voice called, and you whipped around, studying the cells closely. There was nobody there. You turned around to keep going when you heard it again. “Oh, come on, (Y/n).”
“Who said that?” You pulled out a dagger from your sheath, it was the only weapon you’d been able to find on such notice on the decks of the Pearl. You held it out in front of you, walking slowly back the way you came. As you walked, slowly and cautiously, a hand darted out to grab your wrist.
“Not sure what yer hoping to do with that,” the voice chuckled, amused and you let out a yelp, dropping the dagger. You looked up, glaring at Jack Sparrow as he leaned casually against the bars of his cell, flashing you a winning smile.
You let out an annoyed noise, bending down to pick your dagger up. “That’s not funny, Sparrow,” you snapped, tucking the dagger away.
“Not even a little?” He asked, grinning. You tried not to let your anger get the better of you. You were here to rescue him not kill him, though that was getting harder by the second.
Immediately, you bent down to get a good look at the lock that was holding him in his cell, ignoring any comments he made about enjoying his time in the cell. There had been a time where you had needed to know locks and how to pick them, it was the only you could get food. Though you were out of practice, you could still remember what you needed to do.
Reaching into your pocket for something to pick the lock, you found what you needed and set to work. He was quiet now; you could feel his eyes watching you as you worked on the lock. Even with his stare, you didn’t falter. You couldn’t falter. This was depending on you and you were going to give it your all.
The lock let out a click and you grabbed it, throwing it to the side. Pulling on the bars, they came open with ease and you tucked away your lockpick for future use, grateful that you’d still remembered how to use it. You gestured with your arms grandiosely, letting him know he could walk forward and join you.
He did, swaying slightly and you knew he was drunk. You didn’t say anything, but you grabbed him by the arm and pulled him the way you’d come, three years on the sea had made you slightly stronger than you’d been before. There was no place for weak, scrawny people on the Black Pearl.
“Ye came back for me,” he smirked, looking at you slyly from the corner of his eye. You scoffed and shook your head.
“The crew was worried. I was tired of hearing them whine so I’m doing something about it.”
“That’s not the only reason ye’re here, admit it.”
You could smell the alcohol on his breath and wrinkled your nose, but he was right. You paused. He stood there swaying and you stared ahead, at the door that would lead you back out into the little town. You felt tears threatening to fall, since when had you been about to cry?
You were only a kid, you reminded yourself, a kid forced to grow up way too soon.
“Fine, alright. I care, is that what you want to hear?” You asked, wiping your eyes before the tears fall, not wanting them to leave tear tracks. “You and the crew are the closest things I have to a family and I can’t lose another family. So just. Get your shit together.”
You grabbed his arm again and kept dragging him. No more words were exchanged the rest of the way back to the ship. He set sail immediately and you sat on the edge, looking down into the water. Somedays, when you weren’t feeling great, you’d contemplate jumping in and joining your parents. You don’t know why you never did.
“They’d be proud of you.” It was as if he could read your thoughts, he leaned against the ship’s edge beside you. You laughed bitterly.
“How would you know?”
There was a moment of silence, which made you inwardly snort. Of course, he was just saying that to make you feel better. He didn’t actually believe it.
“Because I know you and if they’re anything like ye, then they would be proud of who ye’d become. Also, because I’m proud of ye. Ye didn’t have to come back and save me, ya know?” He took a swig from the bottle of what you could only assume was rum. You felt your face heat up.
He wasn’t your parents and he could never replace them, what you’d lost was the chance of a normal life. The chance to grow up with love and support, to actually experience the joy of being a child. But, as he stepped away from the side of the ship, heading back to the steering wheel that Gibbs was managing in his stead, you had to admit to yourself; there were far worse ways to spend the rest of your days than by Jack Sparrow’s side.
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It's the ✨annoying little shit✨ again
The Gremlin anon😺
So, yesterday night me and my roommate talked a bit about my past, and disclaimer, It's about fisical and emotional abuse, if anyone is not confortable with this topics don't read the text marked in Red
I was in an abusive relationship when I was 13 and guess what, it was also my first ever relationship and was also how I discuverd that I was lesbian and Demi. The person I was with abused me mostly fisicaly and I don't remember much about it either, and at the time I was having a lot of troble at home cause my mom had to go to another city to work while my dad was gettinhg more and more drunk and stoped caring about me (my mom didn't know about this) and my grandparents took the upotunity to take me to their home and started manipulating me to hate my mom and stay with them (they always did that since I was little but at this expecific time it was worse). All this while I tried to take care of my drunk father that was almost dying of liver problems that the alcool caused, being in an abusive relationship and discovering that my best friend, that I knew and was best friends with since primary school, was homophobic and started bullying me a lot and saying a lot of shit about me and because of that I lost all the fdiends I had at the and got trully alone. After my mother found out she immddiatly took me out of it and got me into the city she was working in, and since she was there alone she was in a small house and needed to stay in the same room and since I moved there in the middle of the year I got to the only school that had place for me, and guess what, it a terrible school, full of drug dealers, crazy gangs, and all that stuff, so the silent and unspoken rule there was "Do not show weakness at any costs", that meant I couldn't show any human emotion and that I couldn't get any atention to myself. During those years I tried helping my mom with her depression and because of school I got stronger fisically cause I was always envolved in fights and got used to knocking out guys twice my sise to gain respect there, it worked but I also ended up developing a bit of anger issues, but thanks to my mom and the best friend I found in that school, that is still friends with me till this day, convinced me and helped me get to a psycologist, and it helped. Afer all that and getting my life together again I got into another relationship that, guess what, was also abusive and was mostly emotional abuse. It was bad at the point that I was scared to look at myself in the mirror cause I thought I would be the one killing myself and the only person that could protect me from me was my former partner. I was able to save some money because my best friend, and only friend, helped me and that's how I got to live with my roommate as I am now, and if it wasn't for my best friend and my roommate I wouldn't be here now, healed and finally ok, telling you this.
ok... I feel so free right now... You have no idea how much I needed to take this out of my chest... I wanna cry of happiness that it's all over and I'm finally out of that and healed enought to finally be able to talk about this freelly, Im so happy you have no idea, Im gonna cry of happiness ;w;
Ok, so, my roommate knows about all this cause when I moved in with them I had an emotional breakdown and ended uo telling them everything so... Yeah... Oops
I'm gonna put my actual update about what happened yesterday night (and also this morning) in another ask cause this one just got too heavy to put my gay panics in😅
Sooo... I'll update for real soon :D
Have a nice day/afternoon/evening/night :$
- Free Gremlin anon
Aw. Gremlin anon... I don’t know whether it means much but I am so sorry that you went through all of that and I’m so glad to hear that you’re free.
I hope you know that you deserve to have a partner that respects you and cares for you, without any mind games. You deserve to feel safe and loved, mate.
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trustymikh · 4 years
In contrast to the last question, let's go with something more positive. What are your favorite pairings in the Batverse / DC universe? And why do you like them?
Dinah/Ollie. Just yes, I love them separately because they are fun characters, and together they are so cute. I love some superheroes who sass each other and bicker like an old married couple while saving the day. Also Ollie 100% was showing JL pictures of Dinah when they just got married "Have you seen my amazing wife?" "We work with her!"
Harvey/Bruce. I think they have great potential and great dynamic. They already were so supportive and close to each other in canon before the accident. Bruce is still not giving up on Harvey, Harvey's sub-arc being that he knows who batman is, but struggling to hide it from Two Face. Two trobled men trying to make it work. As much as I love BatCat, I think Selina won't settle down, while Harv wanted a hubby since prehistoric ages, plus I think he'd be the one to explain to Bruce why bottling up emotions is not healthy. This ship his all check marks for me, it got trauma, bffs to enemies to lovers, some fluff, some angst.
Eddie/Bane. Biased about that one. Crack ship #1. I love both of them on their own, I am a sucker for height difference. I like that thy are sort of nerd/jock, except there is a bonus aka Bane is well educated, so he and Ed would be able to have some enthusiastic long conversations. Plus, being so different makes them interesting on their own and lets them support the other in the areas he's lacking in. Mutual empowering baby
Clark/Lois. Clark is a big puppy around her, I have a soft spot for the bigger and stronger in the couple melting around their partner. Lois is a strong unbiased person who lets Clark see if he's making mistakes/thinking too much, plus she provides him comford regarding his insecurities. They have a very organic healthy relationship
Nora/Victor. Literally the reasons from the prevous post.
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incorrectmarvelkids · 6 years
🅱️lease tell me the John mulaney moment
Fiiiiinnne, but seriously, there’s not much to it. And John Mulaney was not there (as best as I can tell). It just sounds like something he’d say on stage.
Like I said, my grandfather had given me a pocket knife almost a year ago to “keep me safe on campus, or walking back to the village.” My grandfather doesn’t have a lot of money and has a small collection of pocket knifes, so the fact that he took the time to give me a nice, sturdy one just meant a lot to me.
So, it’s Christimas break (a whole freaking month) and I have a car trip back home up North, but I have to fly back down South. So I make a mental to NOT BRING THE POCKET KNIFE. I won’t get through TSA with it.
I leave it in my desk. I grab the computer and all the wires and chargers from the desk, stuff them in my backpack, and leave.
I get home.
Have Christmas.
The government shuts down. I think this happened over break and not before.
Meaning TSA agents aren’t being payed.
So I was very happy that I did not bring that pocket knife that would surely make work and troble for the unpayed government employees.
It’s time to fly home. I had had a cold the week before, and was a little stuffy that day. Not important but it helps paint a better picture. This was also my first time traveling alone, even if it was just plane hopping.
I check in my duffle back with the Naked Nicholas Cage/Naked Ryan Reynolds security tag. My only carry ons are my little black backpack and a big Harry Potter backpack. The little black backpack has nothing but some gum, my wallet, plane tickets, pads, the usual amount of purse trash and loose coins. The Harry Potter backpack has all my electronics and Youtube items. PS4, controller, wires, laptop, webcam, Snowball microphone, and a video game. I think it was Deadpool.
So, I get to TSA and I go through the process of putting everything in those stupid. Seperate. Bins. Take off my shoes. Stumble around. Sniffle through my stuffy nose. A little nervous because I’m not quite sure where I’m heading.
After much stumbling about I FINALLY get out of the x-ray and start gathering up my things. One shoe. Little purse. It’s all looking good, but there’s a lot of people so I haven’t gotten everything back yet.
Like my Harry Potter backpack.
I’m nervous because I’ve worked hard for each of those electronics, saving pennies at a time, and I don’t want someone to snitch it when I’m not looking.
I have only one shoe on. The other is still in the long bag scanner.
Suddenly, the machine stops and starts beeping.
I think to myself, “Aw man, some idiot is going to get yelled at by those agents. They’re probably super on-edge cuz of the stupid shut down, too. Thanks Trump.”
I kinda get a peek of the x-ray machine and see a backpack. I hope it’s not mine.
A Harry Potter bakcpack is pulled out of the machine by a waddling woman in agent clothing, and she looks PISSED and she’s ranting about “a stabby, what’s with people and their stupid stabbies???”
Oh shit. Oh shit, it’s me. I’m the idiot. But for what? I checked my stuff 3 times before leaving. Why am I the idiot?
She points at me, brandishing the backpack like an underpayed knight. “IS THIS YOURS?” she asks calmly, as calmly as Dumbledore in the Goblet of Fire movie.
I nod, too stuffy and scared to speak.
“Meet me over there when you get your shoes on. Now.”
I don’t even tie them. Finding my other sneaker, I stuff both feet in and shuffle over like I’m running out to grab the groceries in my dad’s shoes.
“What’s in this bag?” she demands.
“Um, um, um, um,” I start. “Um, um, it should have, um, a laptop, um, and, um, a webcam, and, um, um-”
“YA SURE ABOUT THAT?!” she shouts and she brandishes the pocketknife I COULD HAVE SWORN WAS ON MY DESK 8 STATES AWAY.
But, the way she said it, it sounded just like when John Mulaney shouted STREET SMARTS!
“THINK AGAIN!” she exclaimed, maybe. I was shaking too badly to remember which one it was. And my mind was stuck on STREET SMARTS!
“You got someone who can take this?” she demands.
“No,” I shake my head. My family of 7 had dropped me off and left. I didn’t want any trouble, but it was my grandfather’s knife. But the agents weren’t being payed, fuck Trump. I just shook my head. “Just take it.”
“Ya don’t want it?” she snorts.
What-what am I supposed to do with the stabby? I’m not allowed to take the stabby on the plane. You’re yelling at me with you’re THINK AGAIN STREET SMARTS because somehow that stupid stabby got stuck on the bottom of the bag.
“Just take it.”
She storms away, jabbering about stabbies and why do people try to bring stabbies on planes?
I had to tell my grandfather I didn’t have his knife anymore. But I didn’t. I told my mom once I got back to the dorm apartment. She told her father - my grandfather. He called me.
“You dumbass,” was how he answered the phone. “You’re a dumbass.”
And that’s how I got my new knife, and this stabby will NOT BE GOING NEAR ANY ZOOM-ZOOM SKY BOATS. 
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thatrussianpunk · 7 years
So, this little thing is inspired by that superhero au I reblogged. I just thought it was so funny and cute and so Otayuri that I immidiately had to write down a lil somethin’. If there are any mistakes, please let me know, I’m working on improving my english as much as possible. Also, please tell me if you like this concept because I would love to write something longer based on this.
- the story starts with Yuri in an office with Viktor. Viktor is the boss and tells him to that his career is near end and if he wants to get himself out of the gutter he will need to write a bomb ass article - and since everything these days revolves around attractive men, the best subject would probably be The Hero of Kazakhstan - now, the hero of Kazakhstan is tall, dark and a hansome young man with the grace of a ballerina and a heart of gold and Yuri despises him. His attractive face with a sharp jawline and his gentle eyes and his muscly strong arms and that he is probably as flexible as a piece of rubber. Yuri fucking hates him, okay? He definitely hadn't dreamt about being saved by him. - (don't let the name fool you, the hero of Kazakhstan saves everyone everywhere, the name is just because he is proud of where hes from) - so Yuris like, fuck it, my job's on the line, I must find this fucker and get the artcle of the century - one day he hears sirens and hes like 'sirens means trouble and troble means someone needs to be saved and who is the savior? BINGPOT! the hero of kazakhstan' - so he immediately rushes to see whats going on with his camera an his notepad ready to write this article and get this over with and shiiit somethings flying over the sky that must be him but Yuri can't get good shots of him  that way especially now that the crowd is coming up what will he do - what's the most logical thing you ask? climb up the fucking lampost. he might risk his life, or even worse, the expensive camera, but these pictures will be marvelous - (now idk about the rest of the world but in serbia these are like 5 meters tall which is quite tall and dangerous) - so hes there, his legs wrapped around the pole, notepad between chin and neck, sound recorder in his teeth and taking 100 pictures per second - and the hero does his thing, saves people, sends bad guys to jail whatever (i havent really thought this through) and hes about to wave to the crowd and fly back to Almaty but his eyes drop to the long haired blond, clinging to the lampost with his legs, looking like hes so stressed and Otabek cant help but start to laugh histerically - Yuri doesnt realise its bc of him until he sees that everyone is looking at him - Otabek comes near, wiping tears from laughter from his face as he looks at Yuri up close - "What the fuck are you laughing at? Why doesn't the hero of kazakhstan save me now, huh? I am a damsel in distress and my only savior is floating here laughing at me instead of helping!" Yuri can't help but crack a smile - "A damsel in distress? To me it seems like you have everything under control." Otabek says through laughter - And he grabs Yuri like a bride and slowly lowers him to the ground, but doesn't really let him down completely - "Of course I have everything under control. I'm a strong independent individual who doesn't need no hero... except right now, would you like to do and interview?" - "Sure. But only if its over some coffee and ice cream." Otabek winks. - "Oh yeah and If you don't mind I would like to change before the interview." Yuri is as red as Otabeks suit. - "Sure. But I will not wait for long! I have other important businesses to do. I am not spending all my time waiting for a hero to do something I could drool over. - (spoiler alert: Yuri drooled after he saw Otabek in his regular clothing)
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