#just throw hands with that rodent she doesn't care
queen-of-bel · 2 years
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wip but the dichotomy between these two ocs of mine is so funny
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everythingpeaches · 3 months
In which it's Peter's birthday, and the Marauder's throw a party.
James and Sirius finish their piercing rendition of happy birthday with a dramatic flourish, striking a pose from where they are stood on top of the drinks table.
There is a raucous round of applause from their usual crowd of sycophants, and even Peter looks rather pleased despite the insult.
'What did you think,' asks Sirius, coming to sling an arm around Remus’ shoulder, 'We wrote it ourselves.'
James approaches alongside him, his party hat hanging off the side of his head.
'Don't give up your day job, Black,' says Mary, holding a venomous looking glass of liquor in a well manicured hand.
'Ah well, you see MacDonald, I am unfathomably rich and have no need for a day job.'
'Well you were,' says James, 'But then you got disinherited.'
'Oh yes, of course. Silly me. Thank goodness for good old Uncle Alphy, eh?'
'Where's Pete gone, we need to give him his present?' Asks Remus, buckling slightly under the heavy weight of a drunken Sirius.
'Gone,' the boy draped across his shoulders says, wiggling his fingers and waving out into the distance, 'gone and left us for cake and womanly kisses.'
'You sound jealous, Black,' says Mary.
'Of the cake maybe, but I have no need of womanly kisses.'
'Been getting enough elsewhere, have we?' Marlene teases, shooting a pointed look at Remus who has suddenly become very interested in the bottom of his bottle.
'Oh look, my drinks empty,' he says, attempting and failing to unlace himself from Sirius.
'No, you can't abandon us too!' complains the other boy, grabbing hold of Remus’ arm.
'I'm not abandoning you, I'm getting a refill.'
'That's what they all say, then they're off in some corner with a long-haired temptress. Look!' Sirius points at where Lily and James have snuck away, standing awfully close to each other by the fireplace and laughing.
'There, there,' Remus says, patting Sirius' hand where it's wrapped around his forearm, 'You're the only long-haired temptress I'm interested in.'
'Well in that case,' Sirius says, eyes darkening mischievously, 'Shall we sneak away and find our own dark corner?'
'Tempting, but maybe we shouldn't leave the party we're hosting one hour in.'
'You ruin my fun you know, Moony?'
'I thought I was your fun?'
'You can be both, you're a very complex person like that.'
'I'm going to assume that's a complement. Oh look, here comes Pete.'
The birthday boy was indeed making his way over to the group, a satisfied and slightly smug smile plastered across his face. He, too, is wearing a party hat and also a lot of red lipstick across his lips and cheeks.
'Bloody hell, Wormy, who's attacked you?' Sirius asks with a laugh.
'Dianna Jones, that's who I saw you huddled away with under the stairs isn't it?' Mary says.
'Oh she's in our Care of Magical Creatures lesson, she's really nice!' Marlene answers encouragingly.
Remus thinks nice is probably an overstatement, but not wanting to burst Peter's bubble he smiles and agrees.
'Nice one, Pete.'
'Thanks. We're going to Hogsmede together next weekend,' he says and then, apparently unable to stop himself, he adds, 'She asked me!'
They all make noises of approval and Pete puffs up his chest proudly. He is rosy cheeked from drink and grinning madly.
'Oh Pete, we've got your present!' Lily says, finally rejoining the group with a very satisfied looking James.
'What have you two be-' Remus stops Sirius with a hand over his mouth.
'I'll just grab it,' Marlene says, hurrying away.
Sirius licks Remus' hand with an extremely wet tongue.
'Eugh!' The werewolf wipes his hand down the length of Sirius' arm to dry it off. 'You're disgusting.'
'You love it.'
There's a second where Remus thinks Sirius is going to say 'you love me' and his heart jumps nervously because, yes he does, but he hasn't got round to telling Sirius that yet and he doesn't want it saying in front of his friends in the middle of a very busy Gryffindor common room. Sirius, too, seems to sense danger in his choice of words and his face flushes. They both look away from each other, the rest of the group seemingly unaware of their sudden awkwardness.
Marlene thankfully chooses that moment to reappear with Pete's elaborately wrapped birthday present. He tears off the paper like a child on Christmas morning and cries out in pleasure when he sees the brand new wizard chess set inside.
'Oh wow, thanks guys! Mine was so battered.'
'We know,' said Mary, 'This one has a self mending charm.'
'Ah it's great, thanks so much!'
The rest of the party goes on, and the crowd starts the thin as students stagger back to their dormitories. Eventually it is just their small group that's left, spilled out over cushions and around the fireplace.
James has got his arm around Lily, who's laughing at a story Mary and Marlene are telling. Pete is half asleep, mouth drooping open where he leans back against the armchair. Sirius is sat against Remus' side, fingers tracing patterns on the back of his hand as they talk.
It's in moments like this, Remus thinks, he is most happy. When the moon is a distant memory, a barely visible cresent hidden behind cloud cover. He struggles to remember the loneliness of his early childhood. How good life can be, he thinks, and hopes for many more nights like this one.
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lapsthings · 9 days
BLLK MATCHUP EXCHANGE WITH @xxchthonicreaturexx
Your best match is...
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I wanted to pair you with one of the Wanimas as a false pairing prank, but I haven’t come up with a solid idea to better conceal it—so you’re safe this time. Lucky you!
Back to the main point: I kinda struggled to choose from a few characters, but ultimately, I think Chigiri is your most compatible match
First things first, you’re literally his type—someone who’s calm and understanding (which is great because he can be pretty intense)
You both have attitude: he’s got sass, and you have smartass remarks, so playful banter between you two would definitely be a regular thing
Once you’re close enough, he can be very playful. He, too, finds yelling matches entertaining and funny, so expect those to be a common part of your relationship—mostly when it’s just the two of you in private
These yelling matches could start over something as small as who left the lights on, whose turn it is to pick the next show to binge, who’s hogging all the blankets, whether pineapple belongs on pizza…(spoiler alert: they do)
He’ll try to persuade you away from trespassing or climbing onto trains since he's worried about you and doesn't want you to get into too much trouble...but whether or not he succeeds, he’ll always remind you to be careful (He's secretly impressed tho lol)
But he’s more than happy to tag along on your less…extreme adventures
Road trips with him? Expect a lot of impromptu karaoke sessions, girl gossip and spontaneous snack stops at quirky little cafes
Now onto his hair, he completely trusts you with his. Do whatever you want, just don’t tug too hard, he might actually kill you
Spiders don’t scare him, but they do gross him out, so he’s eternally thankful when you handle them for him
You're his knight in shining armor
He absolutely loves your style, especially the way your color palette blends cute and cool elements. You two would have matching outfits, it is inevitable.
or at least matching accessories
Onto the topic, since he’s a cat person and you like rodents, you'd probably have some Tom & Jerry-themed accessories stashed somewhere
He’ll try to guess what color you’ll dye your hair next, sometimes throwing out suggestions on colours he thinks will look good on you
When you first show him your doll collection, he’s a bit startled—not in a bad way, just impressed by the level of detail. He thinks they’re cute and might even consider getting some for himself…
Chigiri fully encourages your idea of getting a cherry blossom tattoo, but he understands your fear of needles so he’ll try help you overcome it, one step at a time :)
He doesn’t mind your routine; he’s got one of his own, so he totally gets it
As for your eating habits, he doesn’t mind those either. He’ll even gladly peel bananas for you—and, funny enough, he’ll discover he has a weird talent for peeling them perfectly in one swift motion
You get along with his sister btw, she teases him, so maybe you'd both gang up on him
Quality time together is a must. It could be as simple as scrolling through social media (he’ll show you cute cat videos), painting each other’s nails, doing each other’s hair, or going on cute little dates
Night routines with him are so fun I cannot emphasize this enough
Doing skincare, applying face masks, maybe even a little contest to see who can finish their night routine first
Unfortunately, he always wins. After all he never loses in a contest of speed
He's not really the type to let you win just because he feels bad, so you'll have to cheat lol
Hide his products somewhere, make sure he doesn't get his hands on yours and your hard earned victory will be secured
Chigiri is familiar with DC; he’s well-read and not THAT uncultured. But feel free to fill him in on whatever he’s missing
Your conversations will shift from his stories from Blue Lock to something DC related
Whenever you’re dissociating, Chigiri will pull you back to reality and reassure you. Don’t worry, he’s always there for you
Staying up late isn’t great for the skin, but he hasn’t been following his bedtime schedule as strictly since he started hanging out with you more
He sleeps for at least 8 hours a day, but there’s no rule stating which part of the day he’s having his beauty sleep right?
Once you’re with him, your skin will always be smooth, and your hair will be healthy. He’s sharing all of his hair tips and tricks with you, even his products
He must really love you, huh?
All that said, just remember you’re someone who’s extremely important to him, he loves you lots and will pamper you. You’re in good hands
Power couple btw
(In case if you’re wondering, your runner-up was Kunigami/Otoya)
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bookofbolden · 4 months
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TIMING: Current LOCATION: Eleanor's Apartment PARTIES: Metzli ( @muertarte ) & Eleanor SUMMARY: Metzli and Eleanor's reunion doesn't go as planned when Metzli's hunting trip is cut short due to an unwelcome pest living in Eleanor's closet. WARNINGS: None.
Eleanor’s apartment needed to be cleaned and it could no longer be put off. Because of the rushed manner of her exit she hadn’t had time to straighten things up before she was on a plane to Canada with her sister and brother-in-law and upon returning she realized that she’d been stuck with the unfortunate task of getting everything back into order which was made harder by the cobwebs and dust that had accumulated during her absence.
She wouldn’t complain too much however - her present state of mind was a lot better and clearer than what it had been before her “vacation”. She’d had plenty of time to focus solely on her work and as a result had found joy in doing so again because nothing felt forced. Words flowed through her as they had back when she’d written her first two books and it felt good to feel as though she were truly back to her old self again. She picked up a broom and headed for her bedroom; she still didn’t sleep in the bed but there were dirty clothes and spiders that needed to be dealt with.
“I’m sorry but you’re being evicted.” Eleanor muttered under her breath as she swept a particularly large bug into the dustpan. She wanted to focus her attention on the laundry that desperately needed to be washed but the dull sound of thudding caught her attention. At first she thought that perhaps one of her neighbors had made the noise but when it came again she realized that the sound was too close to come from another apartment. She hadn’t forgotten the last time she’d had unwelcome guests show up unexpectedly so she immediately dropped the broom and dustpan and pulled out her phone just in case she needed to dial for help.
The thudding came again from her closet, its door left ajar after she’d hastily packed her bags a few months prior. Eleanor slowly approached the closet and attempted to open the door fully but when she was met with more unidentifiable noise she jumped back and ran out of the room, slamming the door behind her. Sure that it may just be a startled rodent she decided to text the first person who came to mind while she tried to catch her breath and think of a plan to trap whatever had made its home amongst her belongings.
Something’s in my closet, it’s making noise!
Run! Run!
Trees and people and the like became a blur, rushing past as the air pressed against Metzli as they ran. “S-sorry!” Their shoulder bumped harshly against a stranger, but there was no time to check in or say much more. After receiving what could only be described as a call for help from Eleanor, Metzli dropped what they were doing to help. Which was arguably just as important, and it may have been foolish to not at least get a small creature for a quick meal as they ran off from their hunt. 
It is fine. An uncomfortable rumble shook in their stomach, as if to respond with irritation, and they groaned. It’d been a few more days than usual since Metzli had last eaten, their mind in a million other places while they continued to be pushed away from Cass. Taking care of themself had subsequently been pushed further down their list of priorities, much to both Leila’s and Anita’s chagrin. So that’s why when Metzli rushed up the stairs to Eleanor’s apartment (because elevators were just as evil as the metal cars in the air), they looked a little worse for wear despite throwing their body against her door, and thrusting it off its hinges.
“Eleanor!” They gasped, looking around frantically. “Where are you? Are you okay?!”
Eleanor screamed and ducked when the door went flying, her hands above her head and her phone dropping to the floor with a gut churning crack. She looked up to see a familiar figure standing over her and she couldn’t decide between confusion, irritation, or happiness so she went with all three.
“I’m fine, everything’s fine! There’s just a rat in my closet - look at my door! I’m never getting my deposit back now, Metzli! And the noise complaints!” Eleanor let out a sharp breath then looked over her friend before it hit her that they hadn’t been in the same room for months. “Metzli! I haven’t seen you since… I’ve missed you so much… I’m so sorry, please don’t hate me.” Without thinking she wrapped her arms around them in a tight hug. “Even if you hate me for leaving without saying anything I don’t care, I’m still gonna be here because I’m back and I’m not leaving, not if I can help it.” Irritation took over again and she pulled back from the hug. “It’s just a rat and you destroyed my door.”
But even with the frustration Eleanor couldn’t keep the smile off of her face. She had possibly missed Metzli the most so having them right there in the flesh, however unceremoniously they’d entered the apartment, she was delighted to see them. “I wasn’t told that vampires destroy your things when you give them permission to enter.”
The emotions Eleanor bounced from caused a bit of whiplash, causing Metzli to have quite a few of their own. Their mouth opened and closed several times as they were met with the challenge to make a coherent sentence while they struggled to make sense of what they felt. “I…I-uh…I-I…” The ants bit down on their nerves, and they forced themself to blink and take a breath. “I…” It did almost nothing to quell the frenzy, and they were about to piece back the door to keep their hand from being idle when they felt Eleanor’s arms wrap around them. The march ended almost instantly, and Metzli sighed a breath of relief to see that Eleanor was safe. 
“Um…hmph.” A nervous chuckle escaped them and shook their head a little incredulously. It seemed absurd that Eleanor could think there is a reality where Metzli would ever hate her. They were sure there wasn’t a capacity for that anywhere in them, especially when they immediately pulled Eleanor back in when she attempted to back away.
“Can fix your door. Your building master will not know.” With a final peck to the top of Eleanor’s head, Metzli backed away and chuckled at her attempt at humor. It worked effortlessly, though one might believe otherwise as discomfort washed over Metzli’s face. Their stomach growled audibly, but they quickly shook it away and put their focus back on the rat problem. “You did not specify anything in your text message. Was thinking there was danger.” Again, Metzli’s stomach growled, but they continued. “Last time there was visit, it was bad vampires.” They rubbed their thumb against their index finger and swallowed. “Of course I come to protect. That is what I do.” They sighed, picking up the door and propping it as best they could against the frame of the entrance.
“So…I help you with this rat and then I help with the door?”
Eleanor felt a little embarrassed by how Metzli seemed to struggle to keep up with her erratic train of thought but the overwhelming happiness washed it away almost immediately. Being in Metzli’s arms was one of the most familiar feelings in the world for her which was exactly what she needed at that moment. “Did you just laugh? Did I make you laugh? Oh, my gosh I missed you so much you have no idea. I wanted to text or call but I… couldn’t. I mean, I could I just… didn’t think I should. Which makes the whole situation even worse, I know, but I can’t lie to you. But please know that every day I was gone I missed you and I wanted to talk to you and make fun of you for not smiling enough or whatever else we sometimes bicker about. I missed it.
“My landlord is a creepy asshole so if you’re able to spare me from having to have a prolonged conversation with him then you’ll be my hero. I’m sorry that I made you think that something worse was going on, you were just the first person I thought to text in the moment. Do me a favor and ask for clarification next time before you come busting in, okay?” A chill ran down Eleanor’s spine as she again remembered the visit from the less than friendly vampires. “I don’t want to talk about that -” She heard Metzlil’s stomach growl and frowned. “Are you hungry? Do you need to go?” It was a hard question to ask because she didn’t want them to leave but if it was necessary then she didn’t want to keep them there. “You’re always wanting to take care of everyone else, you have to remember to take care of yourself too sometimes, okay?”
She nodded. “Yeah, rat then door. Then you go find something to eat and we can properly catch up, please. I want to hear what you’ve been up to. C’mon, it’s in my bedroom closet - I was cleaning and heard it just a few minutes ago. You got here fast.” She cautiously opened the door to her bedroom but took a step back for Metzli to enter first.
She hadn’t changed a bit, saying so many words in one breath. It was difficult to keep their smile from creeping onto their lips as Eleanor rambled the way she always did. While small, that smile was one of the very few that actually reached Metzli’s eyes, emphasizing the genuine humor and happiness they felt. They were analyzing as always, but far softer and relaxed. Eleanor was a rare type of person, taking on problems and friendships she didn’t quite understand because she needed to attempt some sort of sympathy on the unknown, without the influence of another’s emotions, or sometimes, in spite of. 
One could say her inability to detect Metzli’s emotions was what made their friendship so easy, but if they were to break down what made it work, truly, it was Eleanor’s kind nature. Having experienced tragedy and fury and joy that was not hers, she knew all too well what lay behind quiet faces. And having been the monster that was too often the source of many tragedies, they knew it all too intimately. Like Metzli, Eleanor wanted to be kind, especially when things didn’t make sense. In a place like Wicked’s Rest, where sense was lost most days, it was the most nuanced strategy one could take. Especially now that empathy created a burning pit of guilt. If they could help it, Metzli would keep pain at bay for others, even at their own expense. Even if it meant losing a meal. 
Which just turned out to be a miscalculation on their part, but the sentiment still stands.
“Was hunting when you text me. My new diet is…annoying, but other things are making it hard to hunt.” Shrugging, they followed Eleanor and felt their shoulders fall as she lightly scolded them. She was a good friend, and even if Metzli hated getting in trouble, it didn’t feel so bad when the motivation was care. “Much distraction right now.” They stepped into the bedroom and sniffed the air to find any animal-like scent as they continued. 
“Forget to eat and this new diet is only animals. They do not fill me up like humans.” Peering into the closet, Metzli shuffled a few things around, still finding nothing, but hearing the scratching Eleanor described. “Guilt makes me not want to take from humans. Do not want to cause pain. Does this have sense?” Unable to see what they were reaching in, Metzli felt around a shelf blindly until a strong set of teeth sank into their hand. They hissed and retracted their hand quickly, presenting their wound to Eleanor. The bite looked too human to be an animal, but the area was far too small for a human. It was confusing to say the least. 
Eleanor closed her mouth long enough to actually look over Metzli properly, another surge of happiness making her hands shake. Something was off but still they smiled and it was genuine, she could tell in their eyes. They were a lot stronger than they’d ever given themself credit for, physically, mentally, and emotionally. She had met lots of people like Metzli, people who preferred to keep what bothered them buried within but with those others she’d always been able to pinpoint exactly what it was; even without her abilities, however, she could tell that whatever it was played a much bigger part than what was being led on.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to interrupt your hunting - next time I’ll give a little more context, I swear. What’s wrong? How can I help?” Eleanor softly touched Metzli’s arm as they passed. “Is it all the diet or something else? Don’t downplay it either, you know that I know you better than that. I can’t read you but I can see and hear you.” Seeing someone she cared deeply for seem disoriented didn’t sit well with her - she had always wished that her abilities came with the option of taking another person’s pain on herself because she would have done it in a heartbeat for Metzli.
“You’re eating animals? I could so make a pop culture reference right now but I’m not going to. And you’re lucky I’m not a vegan or else you’d be getting a firm talking to. But all jokes aside, yes, you’re making a lot of sense. I get it, it sounds like a very hard thing to do but… you have to do it, right? If the animals aren’t filling you up then you might be creating a totally different issue that’s going to have to be fixed sometime in the future, you know? I just want you to be alright, that’s all that I ever want, honestly.” She looked down at the ground as Metzli began to search the closet. “But what else is distracting you? Are you able to tell me?”
Eleanor immediately took their hand when it was presented and frowned at the wound. “That’s definitely not a rat, but what else could it possibly be?” She asked herself more than Metzli. “Do you need alcohol for me to clean it? I don’t know how this kind of stuff works for vampires. You’re not gonna get sick are you?” Panic set in but she focused on her breathing to calm herself again in record timing. Her sister was right, she was getting better at that. “What the hell is in there? I leave for a couple of months and a miniature monster moves into my closet? I have some of the worst luck in this town.” She pulled Metzli a few feet away from the closet to regroup. “We need to trap it, right? Have it run out of there and into the open because you’re not gonna be able to see anything in there, it’s pretty crowded with… with Lily’s stuff!” Her eyes grew three times their normal size as she remembered what she kept under lock and key in the closet. “We have to get it out! It can’t mess up her stuff!”
They paused for a moment to look at Eleanor’s hand at their arm, leaning into it for the pressure they preferred. It was soothing and it had been something Metzli had longed for since their conversation with Cass, but they quickly pulled away with a hitched breath. They didn’t deserve comfort, and they didn’t deserve to wear pain, but Eleanor did deserve the truth. She was asking for it, even. How could they deny her? What use would there be in lying or withholding the truth?
Metzli obliged, “Diet is fine. Eating happen more often, but distraction make me forget.” They shrugged, “Last hunting was more than week ago. I am supposed to eat three days a week to stay full. But-but I will be okay.” A pause, “I think.” For a few moments, they shifted their focus to their wound and marched to the bathroom.
“Mi hij— friend…she is not talking to me. She was family, but not anymore. My fault. Mistake. I am…not, how do you say…material for family. For parent.” They washed the wound in the sink and pondered on what to do. Any animal would be angry to have their home disturbed in any way, but if the teeth were any indication that this animal was more of the supernatural variety, Metzli knew they needed to be careful. Lily’s things were important, but they could cause bigger problems if they didn’t approach the animal in a gentle manner.
“When I look, stuff was not broken. Boxes are fine. It is in small corner, but mira. Not animal. Let me take picture and send to friend that will know what it is. It will be bad if we move it with no knowing.”
Eleanor never liked when Metzli didn’t sound sure about something they spoke about, especially something important like their eating habits. She began to feel even more guilty for having pulled them away from their hunt for something that paled in comparison. “I’m sorry Metzli, I didn’t know that you would be hunting. You should be out there getting yourself to one hundred percent… didn’t you just come back from overseas? You should be resting, not here dealing with… whatever’s in my closet. Hunting and mending your friendship, those are the things you should be focused on right now.”
It took Eleanor a moment before she was able to piece together the broken phrase. “Parent material? This is the friend that you once told me you treat as your child? You know, sometimes kids get mad at their parents and won’t talk to them for a little while. I’m not sure if your friend is still a teenager or not, or if they’re still very young, but I’m sure this will pass - sometimes I still get upset with my parents and need some time to myself. How long have they been avoiding you?” She was the wrong person to be giving parenting advice, especially since she had no desire to be a parent herself, but she could tell that whatever had happened to cause the rift affected Metzli immensely. “Are you able to track them down if they don’t reach out to you soon?”
A sigh of relief escaped her at the news that Lily’s things had not been disturbed. “I can’t let that stuff get damaged, it’s just a fraction of what she owned, the only things her parents would allow me to keep.” Eleanor’s eyes misted over but she blinked away the tears before they could fall. “They don’t like me much, but that’s a story for another time. Who would know what that thing is? I don’t want you to risk getting bitten again, who knows what kind of side effects that one bite could have.”
Maybe they should have been eating, maybe they should have been home with Leila, and maybe they should have been tackling the emotions they couldn’t understand so they could cope properly. But doing all of that, for Metzli, meant allowing the tons and tons of earth-shattering weight to lay on their chest. It threatened to end them completely and leave them useless when people needed them. Like Eleanor needed them, in that moment. Like so many people did. 
“I am where I want to be, cariña.” Their eyes softened as they hovered over Eleanor’s features, finally locking with hers. Just as with Leila, Metzli felt inclined to meet them, never feeling her gaze burn into their skin, never threatening to turn it into ash. They felt warm and welcomed, a pull that led their forehead to hers, even if they didn’t deserve to do so. “She is in town. Will be here when she need me. Or I will wait forever.” Never again would Metzli leave, even if it meant never being needed. They’d wait forever with no reward, if only to ensure Cass would remain safe and continue to have everything she needed and deserved. 
Until then, they were going to take care of who they could. Which meant walking past Eleanor silently and taking a quick picture before she could stop them. Along with reassuring her and comforting her. Because after everything Metzli had experienced, they knew that’s what you did for those you loved. “It is okay to cry.” They said, tapping the send button and moving back over to Eleanor while she blinked away her tears. “I am here. Hunt can wait.” Carefully, they cupped her cheek, hoping the cool temperature would help. 
They decided to ignore the way they could feel her heart thudding just beneath her skin.
While she knew her friend withholding themself from food could end terribly for herself, Eleanor was once again being selfish and was happy to know that they didn’t mind being with her at that moment. The nickname was comforting and familiar, as they’d once called her that before and she’d looked it up immediately to find its meaning. She had spent the better part of twenty minutes smiling from ear to ear. She decided to drop the conversation as a whole knowing that Metzli was just as stubborn as she could be and that going back and forth wouldn’t change their mind. For about the millionth time since she met them she wished that she could experience their emotions firsthand, but her ability to read their face and mannerisms was more than enough and she would have to be happy with that.  She closed her eyes when their forehead met hers. “I hope she knows what an amazing friend you are and that you’re willing to wait for her to be ready to speak again. You’re an amazing friend to all of us, you need to know that. Never forget that you’re the first friend I made in this town and you’re one of the biggest reasons why I stay, or at least why I keep coming back. You’re one of my best friends and I love you for it.”
Under normal circumstances she might have been upset with Metzli for having walked right past her and snapping the picture after she’d raised concern over it, but seeing as nothing dire had happened she decided to let it roll right off of her back. They were too alike, Eleanor and Metzli, and sometimes she felt silly for bickering with someone over something she knew she would have done if in their shoes.
Eleanor shook her head and looked away, ashamed of her reaction. How long had it been and she still couldn’t talk about it? “I’ve cried enough, I don’t care to do it much anymore. Just deep breaths and thinking about positives, that’s what my sister instilled in me while I was away. She helped me alot - I don’t know if the two of you would necessarily get along, she’s a lot more forward and distrusting than I am, but she has my best intentions at heart just like I know you do.” She leaned her head against Metzli’s cool hand and smiled at them. “I’m glad you’re here, you look well in spite of everything going on. I’ve said it before but I’m going to say it again: I missed you.” Another thud from the closet and she jumped. “But that thing has to go, it’s already starting to annoy me.” Not that she slept in the bedroom, but it still would have been awkward to know that another living being had taken up residence in her closet, especially one that had shown that it didn’t mind becoming violent if needed.
“I…” Eleanor’s words were supposed to help, weren’t they? That’s what she intended, what most people intended when they provided affirmations. It felt wrong to receive them, though. Made Metzli’s skin stretch too tightly against their frame, leaving them itchy and restless against themself. They didn’t know how to make their body feel like their own, never having felt home within it.
It’d never been theirs in either of their lifetimes to begin with. Now it was just an ill-fitting suit they couldn’t extricate themself from, and they just had to accept that. They had to experience the void blurring Eleanor away, watch the unbearable existence become vaster than the distance between breaths. Which weren’t Metzli’s either. Their lungs were that of a dead human turned monster, expanding with air inside of the cage beneath their skin. 
“I love…you too.”
They took a breath.
Then another.
Eleanor came into view, and without regard for what they didn’t deserve anymore, they became greedy with the presence of her and her heart. The sensation of which thudded against Metzli’s pinky, turning their eyes red and extending their fangs with hunger. Not saying a word, they took a step back and blinked, focusing on the picture of the bird thing with human teeth. They listened to Eleanor as they waited for their control to force their features to something more human. They watched as the bubbles from typing became a message, and it gave them a task that they were desperate for. 
“Maybe you stay at my house for one night. This thing is a Ch…chick…chickchar…ney. Chickcharney?” Metzli arched a brow, sounding unsure of their pronunciation and giving Eleanor their phone to read the information. “Give curse if you make angry. We will have to find person to move it maybe tomorrow?”
Eleanor wasn’t blind to the fact that Metzli was not acting like themself and she wondered if she’s said the wrong thing. The last thing she wanted was to make them feel uncomfortable so when they pulled away she turned around and busied herself with stripping the bed of its dusty sheets (no blankets or pillows, all of those were on the couch) so that she could throw it in the wash and put it back on where it would remain vacant. Fresh, clean, and vacant. As her hands were busy she wondered what exactly had gone on between Metzli and their friend for it to distract them so much and then she wondered if it had anything to do with Ireland. She really, really wanted to know what had gone down in Ireland.
She looked over her shoulder and politely shook her head. “ I don’t want to impose. You have so much going on already and you need to relax. I’d probably just get on your nerves with all of my typing all night long.”
Eleanor frowned and took the phone. “Yeah, Chickcharney… what the hell? You don’t think there’s already a curse in place, do you? You did kind of already piss it off.” She handed back their phone and rubbed at her eyes in irritation. Great, she couldn’t even hide away in her apartment for a night because of some curse spewing thing in her closet. “Y’know, this kind of stuff wasn’t supposed to happen until I’d been back like a month or so, not as soon as I stepped into my place. How did it even get in here?” She asked herself and looked over to the window but it was locked tight, just as she suspected it was. Perhaps it had come in through the living room window, the one she’d complained to the landlord about since she moved in. “Tomorrow… What, there’s exterminators for magical creatures? I should have known that.”
Eleanor looked at Metzli again, really looked at them, and frowned. “I don’t like the way you look. I mean you're flawless as always but you don’t look… like yourself.” She was worried, very worried, and she couldn’t contain it any longer. “Promise you’ll tell me if something really, really bad is bothering you? Don’t keep it bottled up please, I’m here to listen to you and help in any way you need.”
It seemed silly that Eleanor would think she could impose with the most soothing sound. The idea of hearing typing all night seemed satisfying and soothing, and if Metzli let Eleanor use their keyboard with the pink switches that produced a perfectly calibrated thumpy sound, they were sure they’d be the most relaxed they had been in weeks. “You can borrow my good keyboard if you come.” They smiled to themself and imagined the sound echoing through the house soothingly. 
Perhaps it made themself selfish to seek out comfort, but Metzli pushed away those thoughts completely for the moment, almost forgetting that the person who actually took precedence was in front of them. Clearing their throat, they reshifted their focus, and shrugged in response to the question about supernatural exterminators. “Friend say there is.” In Wicked’s Rest, Metzli wasn’t surprised there was a business for such a thing. Hopefully if there’s a curse, they could fix that too. Time would only tell. 
“Flawless?” They quirked a brow, chuckling and shaking their head with amusement. “No, cariña. I am okay. Just…” How were they supposed to tell Eleanor a part of them craved her blood and they were fighting against it? Sure, she’d likely understand, but Metzli knew it was never a good feeling to know you’re seen as a meal. She wanted honesty though, didn’t she? They sighed, “Just hungry. So-um, you…feel pulse on you. This, um…gave hunger, but I am controlling myself.” Barely, but they wouldn’t allow themself to hurt their friend. 
WIth the promise of having access to a good keyboard Eleanor quickly gave in with a smile and nod. She liked to collect keyboards, she had different ones for different moods, and always bought herself a new one whenever she started a new project - it had become ceremonial for her. “A good keyboard and you don’t mind if I keep you up all night with my typing? The only thing that could possibly make that offer any better is if you tell me you make a mean cup of coffee, which I will definitely need after a long night of editing. I’ll come, but just until this thing is out of my apartment, I don’t want to impose.”
She was relieved to hear the chuckle that Metzli gave and felt proud of herself for being able to add some humor to the strange atmosphere that surrounded them. Eleanor thought it weird that with everything the two of them had gone through together, this instance seemed to be the most awkward. Was it her? Should she have stopped asking such personal questions? She just wanted to know that her friend was alright, that they knew she was there should they need her for absolutely anything.
Oh. Eleanor blinked quickly as she put the pieces together, Metzli’s broken phrases taking a moment to resonate with her. They were hungry and she probably smelled like a grand meal to them at that time, especially if they were as hungry as they had claimed to be earlier. The new diet surely wasn’t helping either, they probably missed the taste of human blood, as much as they may not like to admit such a thing, which made her heart thump against her chest a little harder. It took a bit of time for her to wrap her head around the thought that her best friend might have been craving her blood.
“Metzli, I'm worried about you. We’ll worry about everything else once you’ve had something to… eat?” She let the last word slip out as a question because she wasn’t sure the best word for it. Although she was somehow able to keep her face completely void of any fear or panic her heart rate had increased considerably. “Is there anything I can do to help? Anywhere I need to take you?” She wasn’t sure how this kind of thing worked but she would support them through it without question.
“I do not sleep. Leila also not.” They shrugged, wringing their fingers against their pants, “And I can make you a charro of coffee. I make it old way. From when I was human.” Which Anita enjoyed greatly. It was a combination of spices with the best quality of coffee beans they could find. Modern technology has helped speed up the process, but for the most part, Metzli kept what they knew when they had no access to electricity. They were sure Eleanor would enjoy it, maybe even crave it. 
Like how they were craving—they swallowed past the grip their hunger had around their throat, finding it increasingly difficult to ignore. “I…” Metzli could feel their fangs extend again, unable to keep them dull and human. Eleanor had never seen the monster they were, and they trembled out a sigh as they took a step back. They held onto who she knew, their eyes burning into her throat while their fangs ached to sink into it. Here was a monster that could end her life in an instant, and she called them friend. She worried for them when she should have been worried about herself. 
Metzli shook their head, choosing to ignore the way they imagined hearing her heart. There was no possibility that they could, anyway. “Worry…self.” They pleaded, backing into the bed and stumbling onto it. “Need moment and will-will hunt. Come back when…” Metzli’s throat constricted, making it difficult to speak. A small growl lay trapped by sheer will and they looked to Eleanor again, knowing she may see more darkness in them than she had before. “Cr…crucifix,” They said, hoping the instruction was clear enough. “Cannot hurt you. Will not.”
The coffee sounded amazing and she was sure that it would have put A Latte to Love to shame but at that moment it was the very last thing on her mind. It was difficult for Eleanor not to notice the subtle changes in Metzli as they fought against their instincts but she remained rooted to the spot and tried to calm her racing thoughts. Her arms automatically shot out when they stumbled over her bed but again she did not move, it was as though her body knew that she did not need to move any closer but her mind and heart told her that she needed to get closer; she tried to pick up her feet but they remained frozen. The hair on the back of her neck stood on end and her arms shook as though she were cold. Unbridled fear had finally started to flood her system.
“I can worry about both of us at the same time. Does it make it better or worse when I talk?” Normally she wouldn’t have been able to keep her mouth shut but she figured that if her life truly depended on it then it shouldn’t have been too hard. Eleanor almost tripped herself as she took a few steps backwards but was able to catch herself before she landed on the ground. A pang of guilt shot through her stomach: how could she have been retreating from them? As much as they depicted themself as a monster she had never seen them that way and she still didn’t, even now as they were hungry and on the brink of losing control.
The crucifix was in the nightstand opposite her, all it took were a few quick steps and she grabbed it from its drawer without thinking. Although she gripped it firmly in both hands she held it in a low position as her stomach churned at the thought of what she was doing. It probably would have been of no real use to her with the way she tried to avoid holding it up in a defensive position. “Please don’t make me do this.” Eleanor’s voice was barely above a whisper as tears began to run freely down her cheeks and under her chin. “You just have to walk out, go hunt, and then come back and everything will be alright. Everything always turns out alright for us, you know that.” Attempting to sway a hungry vampire from turning her into a meal was an area she had no experience in. “You have… you have to go.” Her voice broke with each word and she had to remind herself that it wasn’t permanent, she wasn’t kicking them out of her life forever, just long enough for them to find something else to fulfill their hunger.
There was a sense of relief that washed through Metzli, as bittersweet as it felt. For once, Eleanor complied, allowing her human instinct to fear properly instead of stubbornly seeing Metzli as just any regular friend. Because for as deeply as they loved, they were a dangerous thing, made up of violence and darkness that could swallow up anyone if they weren’t careful. 
If they didn’t listen. 
“Okay.” Metzli nodded shakily, rising back to standing on wobbly legs. Red eyes trailed from the crucifix to Eleanor’s throat, and then back to the crucifix. They had to rub their eyes harshly to refocus on what the meal—their friend was saying. 
The instructions were simple and concise, and Metzli marched to the bedroom entrance with purpose before halting and lingering for a beat. As inhuman as their eyes were, red like the blood they longed to consume, there was an inherent sincerity and kindness in them when they looked at Eleanor’s tears. She did something difficult, and the gratitude they felt was nearly enough to outweigh the pangs in their stomach.
“Thank you,” They muttered, through gritted teeth. “Eat, then…come back. Coffee…k-keyboard.” It sounded like a promise, and Metzli swallowed one last time before making a break for the balcony door and leaping toward the hunt. 
Eleanor had witnessed Metzli’s red eyes once before during their fight against the unwelcome vampires but that didn’t make it any less terrifying. She hated to see her friend in such a state and hated even more that there was absolutely nothing she could do to help them. She realized that she’d started to clutch at the crucifix a little too tightly and immediately relaxed her grip just enough so that it wouldn’t dig into her skin - the very last thing either of them needed in that moment was for her to start bleeding.
She managed a shaky smile at their promise and nodded in confirmation. “Coffee and keyboard, yes. I’m looking forward to it, don’t forget.” Eleanor was surprised that they were able to stop and let out a few coherent words in their state. Once again she was witness to just how strong they truly were, all she could do was hope that one day they would be able to see it themself as well. Once they were safely out of sight she dropped the crucifix out of disgust and managed to walk over to the bed where she crashed down and allowed the frustrated tears to fall freely. Another bad memory, another reason why she would probably never again sleep in her bedroom.
The Chickcharney bumped around in her closet one last time and she took off one of her shoes and threw it at the door, not caring about the threat of a curse. The way she saw it, the curse was that the day had started out perfectly fine until the damn thing made its presence known.
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sicksucculentz · 3 years
Nya head canons!
Yes it’s her turn. Idk if I’ve already done her yet.
- She’s stronger than Jay and a little bigger then him to. Not that much bigger but she is a little taller and a little more bulky compared to him
- She can and will toss Jay around both for fun and in the means of fighting. She will give him a little boost, maybe huck him up on top of something, swing him so he slides a distance.
- She knows Zane’s internal workings like the back of her hand, she’s been in there more than enough times for repairs.
- Her periods hit her hard. She becomes ill, ill enough to throw up most times. It only lasts her a day but it can get in her way. She doesn't really become bitchy but more grumpy and sleepy. Rightfully so she spends the day sleeping or forcing her brother to help her by using his elemental powers as a heating pad. Doesn't take much to get Kai to help really.
- Kind of scared of birds. Of course the chicken is a cause of this but her and the chicken do get along from time to time. She’s not scared of Zane’s falcon, she loves that bird and makes sure it’s polished and taken care of.
- Not scared of rodents. She loves mice, rats, hamsters, etc. She’s a huge fan of beetles and stick insects.
- Very thick flexible hair. She get’s it from her dad.
- She can drop her voice to sound like a male, it sounds like Kai a little, just a touch.
- Scared of being alone in complete dark. She feels alone and exposed to some unknown predator, like she's going to be attacked at any moment. Male or female it doesn't matter she would prefer the company.
- She’s an icon for young women. An inspiration for them to take up self defense.
- She can’t keep her hands off jello. She’s mesmerized by it: slapping it, poking it, squishing it. The whole time she doesn't say a word and has this weird look on her face.
- Destructive when bored. Ripping paper up, chewing on pens and pencils, breaking glass bottles, pulling dead bark off trees, pulling strands of grass up, snapping twigs, sometimes even pushing the ends of pencils or pens into her skin to make little dents.
- She can eat a SHIT TON of food. She can eat an entire pizza and down a whole two liter soda in one sitting. It's going to hurt a little once she's done but she can do it.
- Often shares a single meal with Jay. They spilt the meal witch always works. They eat off the same plate while sitting next to each other or opposite from each other, it's very cute. There are times in which they do not share a meal, and this is when the meal is a beef dish or has anything else that upsets his stomach. She tells him exactly everything in the dish when he asks to have some, she doesn't remember everything he can't eat.
- Rarely wears make up. Special occasions, parties, and dates are the only times he wears make up.
- Shockingly Kai taught Nya how to apply make up and stressed to her to not cake her face in it sense that can cause break outs. He instilled in her that she doesn't need make up to be beautiful. It's no secrete that Kai uses a little make up himself which is how this situation occurred.
- Nya draws on Jay's face with an eyeliner pencil, connecting his many freckles to create little shapes and pictures.
- Nya and Jay play with each other's hair. Jay loves brushing her hair it's so fun to style. Jay's hair is featherily and kind of thin but Nya likes to style his hair in different ways with a little gel. His head reminds her of hamsters.
- She looks at other men but she never stares or leers. Her heart is for Jay and Jay's heart is for her. She loves Jay very much and would never leave him. He makes her smile, they have amazing chemistry together.
- Nya and Jay fight, of course they do most couples do. They blow up at each other and take a breather to calm down. After cooling off they talk about things, talk about what went wrong and what made them so angry.
- Given the way Nya and Kai grew up they really don't have a basic education like Jay. Jay spent some years learning some high-level mathematics. Jay willingly teaches Nya these math's, it's a quiet time for them. Nya is picking it up at a good speed, it's a little frustrating but hey math is frustrating.
- Now that Nya is apart of the sea she's not completely gone like lots of people think she is. She still helps out in little ways. Weathering gales so fishermen are less likely to die, using small riptides to push swimmers back to land when they begin to struggle.
- She can hear her team trying to include her when they come down to the beach. She interacts with them from time to time but it only proves to be painful for them.
- Morro possessed a cat once and scratched her because she called him "master of toota"
- Pixal and Nya are tight friends. She admires how smart Pixal is and how calm she can be in high stress situations. They like going out to eat together then go fishing! Pixal enjoys fishing very much Nya likes to join in to see if she can catch anything without powers.
- Nya gifts comics to Lloyd on his birthdays. She knows exactly what comics he's into and even gifted him some figurines.
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mcheang · 4 years
Hello. It's been a while. :) Post-Miracle Queen: There’s an Akuma who turns people into cute baby animals. During this state, people don't have memories as humans. They act like an animal would. Marinette gets hit and becomes the class pet until Ladybug fixes everything. Lila doesn't like this and having to pretend to coo over her rival. Her fake enthusiasm and plots to get Marinette banned temporarily from school gets her caught eventually by angry classmates.
Baby Mari
This is a draft
It’s annoying when your older siblings pull the whole “I’m older” card on you. Sometimes it can lead to deep, negative emotions. Something Hawkmoth takes advantage of when he akumatizes Perrine, fed up with her bossy older brother telling their mother she isn’t responsible enough for a pet yet.
So she is transformed to the Pacifier, and is heading for Dupont, where her brother is.
With a shake of her rattle, Pacifier sprinkles glitter on her victims, who turns into adorable baby animals.
The students were used to akumatizations and ran for it. Except Marinette couldn’t just leave Alya behind to film. And she got caught in the glitter as well.
Alya picked up a baby....bunny? (What? The ears could resemble pigtails when flattened)
Somehow Tikki avoided discovery. This is terrible. With the Guardian gone, Chat Noir will be on his own! Well, Mr Bug will be on his own, because the akuma has to be purified.
After Pacifier departed with her new pets, she went to find her mother.
School resumed. Alya had permission to bring Marinette to class since her parents didn’t allow pets in the bakery and it would probably take an hour for the akuma to be defeated. Otherwise, the bakery would be shut down for a while as Tom and Sabine looked through pet care guides.
As the class cooed over Marinette, Lila scowled over the loss of attention. With Chloé gone into hiding, there was one less contender for the spot of class queen.
Rose noticed Lila hanging back. “Come give her a pet Lila. She won’t bite. Marinette is such a cute bunny, and her fur is so soft!”
Lila plastered on a relieved smile, like she was glad people think she could get close to Marinette now.
Except as soon as the bunny smelled the liar, she instinctively bit the finger.
Lila: OW!
Lila recoiled, clutching her bleeding finger.
But instead of trying to comfort her, the girls actually chided Marinette in soft tones. “No, Mari, we don’t bite people.”
Alix: Wow, even in bunny form Marinette doesn’t like Lila.
Kim: you should go to the nurse Lila.
Lila: is no one going with me?
Everyone stared at her like she was being ridiculous.
Alya: Lila, it’s not a major wound. You don’t need us to follow you around everywhere. You’ll be fine.
Mylene: maybe Marinette’s hungry?
Adrien: does anybody have snacks? I have some Camembert but I read that rabbits shouldn’t eat those.
And just like that, Lila was dismissed from their minds.
As she stared in furious disbelief, Max glanced back to remind her to go.
That’s it. Time for the rodent to go.
Lila waited until lunch before grabbing Marinette with the lunch lady’s gloves. She just caused a food fight before grabbing Marinette as everyone turned to look at the spectacle.
As Lila headed to the second floor, she intended to drop Marinette from that height on the concrete, but the class quickly noticed her absence and spread out, calling for her.
Of course someone had to notice Lila was wearing gloves.
Lila quickly claimed she was trying to get Marinette to the safety of the class. That got her some gratitude, until wrinkled noses pointed out that Marinette must have confused rubber gloves for a litter box. Said gloves were currently dripping on Lila’s favorite shoes.
Alya managed to get Marinette out of Lila’s grip before she strangled the bunny.
Maybe she should try shooting the bunny instead. People hunt bunnies right?
Nah. Too much work.
Fine, how about insisting that pets are not allowed in school? But Damocles has been turned into a baby owl and Ms Bustier was all for letting the class bond over a class pet. ...is it too late to pretend she has a late-acting allergy?
Ooh. Lila’s got it. She goes to talk to a school assistant instructing some students on how to care for their new class Chinchilla.
Lila goes up, praising him for his hard work and knowledge but also offers her sympathies for cleaning up after the animal messes. And don’t they shed too?
Unfortunately the assistant turns out to be Mylene’s father. Wasn’t he supposed to be an actor? And he calls over Mylene to tell Lila where she put the gloves and poop bags.
And as for the shed hair, even humans have hair loss.
Mylene thinks it’s wonderful of Lila to volunteer for poop duty, but she shouldn’t be surprised. The excited Mylene hands Lila her new equipment before she can protest.
Lila is furious. But she eventually makes use of an opportunity to sweep Marinette into the pan and throw her into the dumpster. Everyone else backed off when Lila suggested they take her shift, hence they didn’t see Marinette getting swept up.
Except there was no way for them not to notice Marinette was missing once Lila had gone. Suspicious, Adrien stopped Lila.
Inside the pan, they found a stinky bunny.
Lila: oops, I must have accidentally caught her.
Adrien: how do you accidentally catch a bunny when her....um...business is smaller than she is?!
Lila: I don’t watch while sweeping.
Kim: that is just plain stupid.
Mylene: aren’t you supposed to be an expert at this sort of thing?
Lila nearly squawked in outrage at the idea that being a frequent volunteer means being experienced at clean up.
Alya: maybe you better take a day off? You don’t seem to have a way with animals. You can get away because the akuma is still out.
Lila couldn’t believe it. They were actually kicking her out. She was going to protest before Rose started insisting they give Marinette a proper wash.
Lila tries to volunteer for that but Max interrupted, “Sorry Lila. But with what has already happened, you’re more likely to choke Marinette with soap than otherwise.”
He wasn’t that far off. Lila would have likely drowned the baby animal.
Lila stormed out of school. As luck would have it, she crossed the Pacifier’s path.
A sprinkle of glitter.
Where once stood a teenage girl now stood a crow fledgling. Shame how nobody was around to witness this. Lila the crow lay helpless on the ground, until the Pacifier plucked her up and dumped her into a pram stuffed with other baby animals. It was a tight squeeze, and suffocating since the baby crow was smaller than the other animals.
It took some time for Mr Bug to defeat the Pacifier, though it helped that Pacifier was distracted by the sight of a baby bunny rolling around in flour.
When the Miraculous Mr Bug was cast, Marinette found herself safe at home. Lila found herself on the street sucking on a worm.
Lila spat it out. “Ew!”
Tumblr media
When Marinette returned to class, her friends still coddled her and pampered her, much to her bemusement. Lila just glowered from the back. She never wanted to see another baby animal ever again.
Caline: alright class, settle down! Welcome back Marinette. Since we had such fun taking care of Marinette, I thought of a fun project for home economics.
Ms Bustier moved aside to reveal hamsters in their own cages.
You have got to be kidding me! Lila thought furiously. Her assigned hamster likes to bite too.
To rub salt in the wound, Marinette and Adrien were the proud new parents of Fu the hamster.
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kibybun · 4 years
I think about barbaric tribe chief Bakugou alot, he and his mem take over darling 's small village, they kill everyone and take all the food, but darling catches his eyes so he keeps her to himself, she fights him and doesn't accept him so he often gets rough with her, she even stabs him at a certain time and he punishes the hell out of her.... Something like that, idk lol
This... I like this idea lots. It just plays out so well, I hope you like it!
Barbaric Tribe Chief Bakugo x Reader
Tw: Yandere, murder, non-con/rape, nsfw
🧡Chief Bakugo, The most feared and merciless man known across all the land. Only those in his tride know what he looks like due to him killing whoever comes into his path.
🧡You were the exception.
🧡Your small village was just starting to make a name for itself due to the abundance of crops the small area was able to produce. It started bringing in merchants that brought money that bought supplies to expand and advance the architecture.
🧡You were one of the people that proposed the idea of monopolizing the abundance of crops and building up the town more. You were quite proud of all your small town had accomplished, until it caught the attention of a certain tribe.
🧡Bakugo only wanted to attack your village for the food. If he managed to take most of it that would feed his tribe for about a month. He would be foolish not to go and take it.
🧡His tribe moved in the darkness, loving the element of surprise. They took joy from watching the chaos, death, and pain take place.
🧡When they reach your village everyone was softly sleeping. Bakugo had the honor of starting the chaos while part of his tribe collects their goal. Bakugo starts the small flame on the dry house that spred.
🧡Screams came from the houses with people trapped inside while others begin to panic and run like panicked rodents.
🧡The rest of his tride takes the opportunity to grab the people darting around an have their way with them. Plain killing, slow torture, brutal raping, all in the harsh glow of the fire raging on.
🧡You tried to think rationally while trying to avoid capture. You had few ties to people in the village and they weren't the strongest so you had nothing tying here. You could easily run away and live but you need something to help sustain you.
🧡Creeping through the shadows, you made it to the crops. You were disappointed to see the remaining crops trampled but glad some were left.
🧡You tried your best to collect as much as you could but you were harshly interrupted by the harsh pulling of your hair.
🧡You were found.
🧡Spikey blonde hair, strong arms, deep red eyes, bare chest decorated with battle scars and blood of your fellow villagers. Handsome, yes but you couldn't be caught in this siren song of a man.
🧡You thrash and curse him, desperate to escape while he let's out a deep chuckle at your pitiful attempt. It was cute how you tried so hard... you were quite good looking too...
🧡He throws you over his shoulder with ease, not caring for your threats. He liked how fierce you are and your looks were definitely a deciding factor. He looked forward to seeing how you would fight him.
🧡Bakugo carries you to his tribe, gaining very confused looks along the way. He responds with a very aggressive "What the hell are you looking at!?" before tieing your hands and feet too and setting off.
🧡Along the way your talking grew tiresome so he tied your mouth shut with a piece of cloth. It helped silence your anger as Bakugo fondled and smacks your rear.
🧡Everyone was jealous that Bakugo took a plaything with him. They all had sadistic fantasies they had the simply couldn't be acted out within the short time they were allowed to, so why did he get to take you?
🧡His firsthand man walks beside him, hands reaching out with lust. He thought being second in command gave him the right to touch Bakugo's captive.
🧡In a swift movement his head was exploded by the hand of Bakugo.
🧡Everyone froze, terrified and confused. Bakugo looked at his followers and told them if they dare lay a finger on you they'd suffer.
🧡You were terrified and pleased. Not only did you have protection against all these barbarians, you could potentially have the opportunity to bend things to your will with the fear this man already invoked. Downside he could have his way with you and no one would stop him.
🧡By the time you arrive at their base you had severe rope burn on your legs, arms, and mouth. When Bakugo threw you onto his bed and took off your restraints all you could do was slowly move. The pain of the air hitting your raw skin paralyzed you.
🧡You barely noticed how Bakugo watched to, scanned your every move before simply walking off.
🧡You growl in annoyance and yell at him for thinking he could just leave you. Not only did he kill everyone you knew and kidnapped you he was about to leave you while you were in pain. If you were a hostage atleast it a nice experience!
🧡He smirks and creeps towards you like a predator to prey. He asks who exactly do you think you are. You stayed silent as you sent him death glares.
🧡You are his. Simple as that.
🧡He inspects your injuries with great interest before walking over to the far side of the room. Within a few minutes he's back at your side with a rag and a medicinal smelling goop.
🧡He puts the rag in your mouth and starts to care for the burns. It was smart to that rag in your mouth because if not the whole tribe would've heard you howl in pain. He wasn't the most gentle and the goop stung.
🧡By the end of it you had tears running down your face whether you wanted them or not.
🧡Bakugo takes the rag from your mouth and wipes his hands off before sitting next to you. He pets your hair in a way that bordered mocking and sweet as he wiped you tears. He said no pet of his should show weakness.
🧡You scoff and try to scoot away from him but before you could get far your he pushes your head down into the bed. Oh, how the soft whimpers you made excited him.
🧡He growls into your ear about how you are his and he will do whatever he wants with you.
🧡You lay there once he leaves, trying your hardest to make a successful plan of escape.
🧡You managed to fall asleep somehow but what shocked you more was how Bakugo woke you up. It was shocking gentle with the offering of food.
🧡Due to your arms being injured and not wanting to eat Bakugo takes it upon himself to force feed you. While he's doing this he explains how annoying you are for making him feed you. You retort with asking for someone else to feed you.
🧡He didn't like that.
🧡He quickly shoves the rest of the food into your mouth, nearly choking you, before threatening the lives of his tribe and then yours. He was very against anyone interacting with you.
🧡Later that night he traps you with his bear arms. Comforting, yes but you didn't want to be held by him. You squirm, careful not to hurt yourself, but he only pulls you closer and tighter.
🧡As a last resort you bite down hard on his shoulder, only to get a low and rumbling laugh from him. You couldn't understand why he was laughing, you could taste his blood!
🧡You suddenly feel his hot breath on your neck, asking if that was supposed to hurt, before you feel his teeth sink into the crook of you neck.
🧡You bite your lip to hide the pain. If he could take it so could you.
🧡Unhappy with that reaction Bakugo continues to bite your neck and shoulders, harder with every bite.
🧡You somehow manage to keep all noises to yourself. You were proud and delirious considering the pain was now starting to turn into pleasure. It was short lived though since you passed out from the exhaustion and possibly blood loss.
🧡When you wake up you were all bandaged with food waiting for you beside the the bed. Cute but you weren't falling for a sadistic kidnapper.
🧡Thus, a cycle was born.
🧡For the most part you spend most of the day within his room, occasionally walking around the base with Bakugo at your side. He's gone most mornings and afternoons but is sure to bring you the respective meals. He always eats with you for dinner. The most interesting parts of you day happen when he's cuddling you, besides the killing of someone who accidentally brushed against you.
🧡At night Bakugo always starts something or returns whatever you do to him, like the biting. Most everything he does involves physical pain that fades into pleasure but by then you pass out.
🧡You were over this.
🧡That night you had managed to sneak a dagger into the room without him knowing.
🧡Once he got close enough you tried to stab him but he caught you hand. He chuckles with a dangerous glint in his eyes as he tells you this is the reason he likes you.
🧡He shoves you down and shreds your clothes, leaving you exposed and angry. You were quickly gagged with the remains of your clothes as he began gently trailing the dagger across your skin.
🧡He calls you a slut and a dirty little brat that didn't deserve his dick in you. He also begins to cut a tiny bit deeper, gently breaking the skin and leaving droplets of blood in its wake.
🧡Oh how you hated how much you enjoyed this.
🧡Skin pressed against skin, names carved into you, hot breath trailing up your thighs, pleasure and pain mixed in perfect harmony.
🧡Climax after climax and you were on the verge of passing out when you hear him threaten not being as nice next time.
🧡You suddenly lost interest in escaping.
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