everythingpeaches · 8 hours
In which it's Peter's birthday, and the Marauder's throw a party.
James and Sirius finish their piercing rendition of happy birthday with a dramatic flourish, striking a pose from where they are stood on top of the drinks table.
There is a raucous round of applause from their usual crowd of sycophants, and even Peter looks rather pleased despite the insult.
'What did you think,' asks Sirius, coming to sling an arm around Remus’ shoulder, 'We wrote it ourselves.'
James approaches alongside him, his party hat hanging off the side of his head.
'Don't give up your day job, Black,' says Mary, holding a venomous looking glass of liquor in a well manicured hand.
'Ah well, you see MacDonald, I am unfathomably rich and have no need for a day job.'
'Well you were,' says James, 'But then you got disinherited.'
'Oh yes, of course. Silly me. Thank goodness for good old Uncle Alphy, eh?'
'Where's Pete gone, we need to give him his present?' Asks Remus, buckling slightly under the heavy weight of a drunken Sirius.
'Gone,' the boy draped across his shoulders says, wiggling his fingers and waving out into the distance, 'gone and left us for cake and womanly kisses.'
'You sound jealous, Black,' says Mary.
'Of the cake maybe, but I have no need of womanly kisses.'
'Been getting enough elsewhere, have we?' Marlene teases, shooting a pointed look at Remus who has suddenly become very interested in the bottom of his bottle.
'Oh look, my drinks empty,' he says, attempting and failing to unlace himself from Sirius.
'No, you can't abandon us too!' complains the other boy, grabbing hold of Remus’ arm.
'I'm not abandoning you, I'm getting a refill.'
'That's what they all say, then they're off in some corner with a long-haired temptress. Look!' Sirius points at where Lily and James have snuck away, standing awfully close to each other by the fireplace and laughing.
'There, there,' Remus says, patting Sirius' hand where it's wrapped around his forearm, 'You're the only long-haired temptress I'm interested in.'
'Well in that case,' Sirius says, eyes darkening mischievously, 'Shall we sneak away and find our own dark corner?'
'Tempting, but maybe we shouldn't leave the party we're hosting one hour in.'
'You ruin my fun you know, Moony?'
'I thought I was your fun?'
'You can be both, you're a very complex person like that.'
'I'm going to assume that's a complement. Oh look, here comes Pete.'
The birthday boy was indeed making his way over to the group, a satisfied and slightly smug smile plastered across his face. He, too, is wearing a party hat and also a lot of red lipstick across his lips and cheeks.
'Bloody hell, Wormy, who's attacked you?' Sirius asks with a laugh.
'Dianna Jones, that's who I saw you huddled away with under the stairs isn't it?' Mary says.
'Oh she's in our Care of Magical Creatures lesson, she's really nice!' Marlene answers encouragingly.
Remus thinks nice is probably an overstatement, but not wanting to burst Peter's bubble he smiles and agrees.
'Nice one, Pete.'
'Thanks. We're going to Hogsmede together next weekend,' he says and then, apparently unable to stop himself, he adds, 'She asked me!'
They all make noises of approval and Pete puffs up his chest proudly. He is rosy cheeked from drink and grinning madly.
'Oh Pete, we've got your present!' Lily says, finally rejoining the group with a very satisfied looking James.
'What have you two be-' Remus stops Sirius with a hand over his mouth.
'I'll just grab it,' Marlene says, hurrying away.
Sirius licks Remus' hand with an extremely wet tongue.
'Eugh!' The werewolf wipes his hand down the length of Sirius' arm to dry it off. 'You're disgusting.'
'You love it.'
There's a second where Remus thinks Sirius is going to say 'you love me' and his heart jumps nervously because, yes he does, but he hasn't got round to telling Sirius that yet and he doesn't want it saying in front of his friends in the middle of a very busy Gryffindor common room. Sirius, too, seems to sense danger in his choice of words and his face flushes. They both look away from each other, the rest of the group seemingly unaware of their sudden awkwardness.
Marlene thankfully chooses that moment to reappear with Pete's elaborately wrapped birthday present. He tears off the paper like a child on Christmas morning and cries out in pleasure when he sees the brand new wizard chess set inside.
'Oh wow, thanks guys! Mine was so battered.'
'We know,' said Mary, 'This one has a self mending charm.'
'Ah it's great, thanks so much!'
The rest of the party goes on, and the crowd starts the thin as students stagger back to their dormitories. Eventually it is just their small group that's left, spilled out over cushions and around the fireplace.
James has got his arm around Lily, who's laughing at a story Mary and Marlene are telling. Pete is half asleep, mouth drooping open where he leans back against the armchair. Sirius is sat against Remus' side, fingers tracing patterns on the back of his hand as they talk.
It's in moments like this, Remus thinks, he is most happy. When the moon is a distant memory, a barely visible cresent hidden behind cloud cover. He struggles to remember the loneliness of his early childhood. How good life can be, he thinks, and hopes for many more nights like this one.
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everythingpeaches · 3 days
In which Sirius is distracted by green apples.
Lily, despite the past five years of intense dislike, has grown rather fond of James in the past year. But Lily is also a human being with a finite amount of patience and James on his own is very different to James and Sirius together.
'What have you done?'
It's a pointless question, she can see what they've done. What they've done is spilling like rapids down the fourth floor corridor and staining the hardwood green.
'It was an experiment,' Sirius says with a reckless amount of nonchalance.
'It was an accident,' James corrects with a more appropriate degree of chagrin.
'What exactly were you trying to do?' Asks Remus, looking far more amused than Lily who has turned a rather lovely shade of plum.
Lily took her role as a prefect a lot more seriously than Remus, who had thought it a joke when his shiny gold badge had first arrived in the mail. The other marauders had certainly found it hilarious. It had turned out not to be a joke, though, but rather some harebrained plan by Dumbledore to instill a level of control over the unruly marauders. So far, the plan had been unsuccessful, mostly because Remus ignored his prefect duties on every occasion presented to him. Still, the private bathroom had its perks and he didn't mind patrolling when it was with Lily. That was until they stumbled upon James and Sirius in the middle of a slime filled corridor.
'Well James bet me five sickles that I couldn't transfigure the water in the taps to firewhisky-'
'A bet I won, by the way,' James interrupts.
'Well anyway, I got a bit distracted while I was casting and I think I got my ahs and oohs mixed up, and well...' he trails off, gesturing to the mess around them.
It's a wonder no professors have emerged to investigate the sound of rushing water or the cries of alarm coming from some of the lower hanging paintings.
'It actually smells rather lovely,' Remus says.
'Green apple,' Sirius confirms with a nod and a slight blush.
It was the smell of Remus’ shampoo.
'Oh,' Remus says, his own cheeks flushing.
Oblivious, Lily throws her arms in the air and lets out a huff of annoyance.
'Well, as lovely as it smells it can't stay here. It's going to start running down the stairs. Can't you stop it?'
'Ah well, in theory yes!' Sirius says, pulling his gaze from the other prefect to smile brightly at the angry red head.
'But in the very practical sense,' James says, attempting seriousness, 'no.'
'I've never been as good at the counter charms, my attention span doesn't usually last that long. I like making messes, not cleaning them up.' Sirius explains, leaning casually against the wall and twirling a piece of hair around his finger. 'That's normally Moony's job, but you've stolen him from us.'
'Well I am sorry, Black, but I should think you ought to learn to clean up after yourself, don't you? Remus isn't your maid.'
Remus thinks that role describes him rather perfectly, but the look in Sirius eyes tells him he's one comment away from making a joke about Remus in a frilly white apron so he shuts up and leaves Lily to the admonishing.
He instead turns his focus to the ever flowing stream of green. It looks very much like the same spell they had used to flood the dungeons in third year, with a few tweaks Remus is sure he can work out.
He loves undoing magic. It is like untangling threads, picking pieces apart until the knot comes loose and order is restored. He especially enjoys undoing Sirius' spells, who casts magic with such careless ease it leaves Remus both incredibly envious and full of awe.
Remus begins muttering incantations under his breath, twiddling his wand around and feeling the flow of liquid begin to slow and then, eventually, receed back up the corridor and into the taps of the fourth floor bathroom.
Lily, James and Sirius stop their bickering to watch with equal expressions of shock.
'Moony, you're a genius!' James shouts appreciatively.
'Shush!' Lily hisses, flapping her hands at James before turning to Remus, 'Wow, nice work, Remus.'
'Told you,' Sirius says with a smirk.
Remus makes his usual show of modesty, although he is secretly quite pleased with all the praise.
'It was nothing, really, pretty simple. Although I'm not sure what to do about the smell.'
The hallway, now clear of liquid, still smells overwhelmingly of green apples.
'Well it could be worse, at least it's not dungbombs. It is rather lovely,' Lily says, causing Remus to blush again.
'We should probably get away from here before Filch turns up and makes us scrub the teachers' toilets again,' James says and then, hopefully, 'Coming Lily?'
'We should really finish patrolling,' Lily begins but Remus can tell her hearts not in it.
'Oh come on, Lil, it's pretty late already and it's Hogsmede tomorrow, I thought you wanted to get up early to beat the breakfast rush,' he says, glancing at where Sirius is still leaning against the wall. He would very much like to cut his patrol short and head back to Gryffindor tower.
'I suppose...' she starts, and James takes that as all the encouragement he needs.
'Come on, then, I'll walk you back!'
Together, the pair start off down the corridor leaving Remus and Sirius to follow several paces behind.
'So,' Remus asks, watching his two friends in front of them, rather than the boy beside him, 'What was it you were thinking about that distracted you so badly you flooded the corridor?'
'Well,' Sirius replies slowly, fingers brushing against the back of Remus' hand as they walk, 'let's get back to the dormitory and I'll show you.'
'Oi Black,' James calls over his shoulder, making both boys jump suddenly.
'What do you want, Potter?' Sirius hisses back.
'You owe me five sickles.'
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everythingpeaches · 4 days
In Which Sirius is obsessed with Remus' mouth.
Sirius, it has become apparent, has a bit of an oral fixation.
Remus, in turn, has an unfortunate habit of putting things in his mouth.
It is becoming a problem for Sirius.
One day in transfiguration, he accidentally misfires the spell he was aiming at his white rabbit and turns James' textbook into a very fine hat.
'Oi!' The quidditch captain yells, making Sirius jump and turn away from where he was watching Remus chewing absently on the end of his pencil.
That same evening, he is caught again by Lily who is lecturing him on his attempt to bribe the fat lady to change the password to the Gryffindor tower to 'James Potter has crabs'. It's a fair retaliation to James' own retaliation from his earlier mishap with the hat, in which James had charmed Sirius' hair purple.
'Sirius, are you listening to me?' Lily asks, who is not unused to Sirius' ignorance but is particularly intrigued by the vacant look on the Black heir's usually haughty features. She follows his gaze to see Remus, sitting with Mary and Marlene, scribbling away at his Care of Magical Creatures essay and sucking enthusiastically on a sherbet lemon.
Ah. That explained that then.
The next morning at breakfast, when Remus is licking jam from his knife, Sirius misses his mouth entirely and dribbles tea down his chin in a rare display of clumsiness.
He misses a bludger and nearly falls of his broom in quidditch practice when Remus, who is watching from the stands, lights a cigarette and plucks a stray piece of tobacco from the corner of his mouth.
His friends have started to notice, even James and Peter, who are usually painfully unobservant when it comes to their fellow marauders' love lives.
Mary buys Remus a whole packet of sugar quills on their next trip to Honeydukes.
Marlene keeps asking the werewolf to roll her cigarettes for her, stating that her tongue is 'just too dry' to do it herself.
Sirius smells a conspiracy.
'You know,' James says to him one evening around Easter while Remus is sucking on a piece of Peter's chocolate egg, 'there's a way to get over this obsession you've got.'
'What? I don't know what you're talking about,' Sirius says in a very unconvincing attempt at nonchalance.
Remus licks melted chocolate from his fingers and Sirius, in turn, knocks his ink well over, covering his muggle studies homework in sticky black liquid.
James laughs, clearing up the spill with a flick of his wand.
'Just snog him already, will you?'
Sirius pretends not to hear him, his pale face turning a very Gryffindor shade of red.
The next day he and Moony are sitting in a quiet corner of the library. Remus actually has work to do, and so does Sirius but he is only pretending to study, and keeps shooting Remus looks out the corner of his eye.
'Pads,' Remus starts, making Sirius jump, 'your book is upside down.'
Shit. Remus is smirking at him, his eyes glinting with that ever-present slyness that makes Sirius’ palms go sweaty.
'Yes, well, I'm a very talented reader,' Sirius replies quickly.
'Hm,' Remus hums, flicking the page over in his own book. He glances at the text in front of Sirius, and a smirk tugs again at the corner of his mouth. 'I never knew you were so interested in flower arrangement charms.'
Sirius looks down at the book, flipping it right way round and reading the chapter title. Well bollocks. He looks back up at Remus, who is leaning forward with his chin on his palm, his expression almost daring. It gives Sirius a sudden burst of confidence, something he only ever seems to lack in the presence of the boy before him.
'There's a lot you don't know about me, Lupin.'
He's flirting.
'Is that so, Black?'
Remus is flirting back.
'Yes, lots of things. I have many interests.'
They are both leaning closer to each other, so close now that Sirius can count the freckles on the other boy's nose. His heart is beating in his ears, and he involuntary wets his bottom lip with his tongue.
'Such as?' Remus asks, his eyes darting down to Sirius' mouth and then back up to meet his gaze with an almost indiscernible arch of his brow.
'Well... you,' and with that, and a rush of giddy adrenaline, he closes the gap and kisses Remus. It's electric. He thinks he might fall off his chair.
Moony is just starting to lace his fingers through Sirius silky black hair, which feels better than Sirius could have been prepared for, when there is an almighty crash from the shelf behind them.
'Yes!' Someone who sounds suspiciously like James Potter hisses, then 'ah fuck!' And a very Lily Evan's sounding 'Shhhh!'
The two boys spring apart and turn to see James, Lily, Mary and Marlene spilling out from behind the toppled bookshelf.
'Fucking hell, Prongs!' Sirius shouts, forgetting they are in a library.
'It was Mary's idea!' James protests, receiving a smack up the back of his head from the girl herself.
'Was not,' She hisses, 'it was a collective effort!'
Remus rolls his eyes, 'You're a bunch of voyeurs.'
'Out!' Comes Miss Prince's angered shriek, hurrying towards them in a fury. '-making such a racket, get out this instant!'
The group scrambles to their feet, hurrying through the shelves to the exit. Remus and Sirius lingering only to gather their books, but before they could hurry after the others, Remus quickly grabs the shorter boys arm and pulls him close, dropping one quick kiss onto his lips.
'Took you long enough,' he mutters, and then follows the rest of the group out of the library leaving Sirius to follow behind, looking very much like he's just been struck around the head with a beaters' bat.
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